We had such fun birthday party yesterday!  Here’s a little song to set the stage!

It was Joe’s 60th and we invited all our oldest and dearest island friends and family — the kind where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came . . .

And while Joe was out back getting the garden ready, I was inside baking cakes!  If you look close in this picture, you will see that I had help.  I can’t take all the credit.  (Hint: my help is fuzzy and there isn’t much of it showing here. He kept skirting away from the camera!)

I started by making Joe’s favorite Cheesecake, a recipe from my first book, Heart of the Home.  He loves it because it’s plain and simple and melts creamily in his mouth. (I know because I watched him eat the last bit of it this morning for breakfast!)

I pressed a mixture of graham cracker crumbs and melted butter into this 9″ pie plate.

. . . Then I beat a package of softened cream cheese until it was light and fluffy.

To that I added a half cup of sugar . . . this recipe is SO easy . . . it’s the perfect cooking project, it makes you feel like you can really COOK!

. . . then a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice . . .

. . . and a half-teaspoonful of vanilla . . .

. . . then I added two large eggs, one at a time, beating after each  . . .

And that’s IT!  Voila!  Poured it into the unbaked crust . . .

And into the oven it went for about a half hour.  While that was baking, I went outside to see what Joe was up to . . .

. . . and how things are progressing; he’s planned a big surprise for his friends.  Since the 1970’s, Joe has been taking photos at every party, event, or hang out; in the car, on boats, at weddings, at halloween parties, graduations, clam bakes, tag sales, dinner parties, christenings, you name it, he took a photo of it.  He promised (some see it more as a threat) to do a slide show for YEARS, but it’s just never come together.  He and his BFF Bob, who also has box loads of slides in his possession (some that one suspects could be quite incriminating) decided that the occasion of Joe’s 60th Birthday seemed like the perfect time to finally do it . . . so they worked on their slides; Joe MADE this “screen”  out of boards and canvas which he then hoisted into the big maple tree out back.  (That’s what’s going on in the picture above.)

These three, Joe, Bob, and John have been cooking Christmas Dinner at our house for the last twenty years!  While Bob was gathering together his slideshow, John came early to help Joe get set up  . . . these three are the true representation of what BFF looks like inside the man cave. 

They made a little theater, with an aisle and everything.

They hung the lights on the arbor that Joe had JUST finished rebuilding on Friday; paint dry?  Yup!  Up go the lights . . .

I could see they didn’t need me . . .  I went back in to make the topping for the cheesecake.

When it came out of the oven I spread this mixture of sour cream, sugar, and vanilla over the top.

Then, I put it back in the oven for another ten minutes . . . and here it is, out of the oven to cool a bit, then into the refrigerator to chill.

While that was happening, I made a three layer Carrot Cake (also from Heart of the Home in case you’re looking for it!).

Here it is cooling . . . three layers of cinnamon and nutmeg spiced crushed pineapple, coconut, walnuts, shredded carrots, and golden raisins.  AND, btw, this recipe makes fabulous carrot cupcakes!

And here’s the cake, all frosted and decorated . . .

New Music . . . for this part . . .  (today’s generation has the electronics, but we had the music!)  This was last night.  I forgot to take photos of the food!  I’m so sorry, because it was potluck and everyone brought just gorgeous things, fresh garden vegetables and salads, lobster sliders, potato salad, and Lowely made a huge moussaka; Joe and John barbecued swordfish and steak . . . then, after dinner, the theater filled up and the show began . . . a trip back to the 1970’s and 80’s!  There were cat calls and teasing, oohing and aaahing, saying, “OMG, Remember that???”  Or, “there’s so and so, whatever happened to him . . . ”  And, “Who’s THAT?”  Laughing, joking, crying, sighing, reliving; this group of people have known each other through thick and thin, they’ve traveled together, in more ways than one . . . they know each other’s moms and dads, sisters, brothers, and children . . .

So it wasn’t just friends, it was families too, which are also friends! All gathered for the memories, and the good times we’ve had, coming together on this little island, most of us from somewhere else, pulled here by the same sort of heart magnet that brought me . . . a long road that lead right here, to our house, last night.

What we lack in wisdom, we make up for in good will. 

Even when we get busy and see less of each other, that just makes times like these more wonderful, to sit in the candlelight and cricket noises and catch up on each others lives.

And here is the happy much-loved Birthday Boy . . . can you see the little string of  hearts hanging in mid air just in front of Joe?  I swear, they follow him wherever he goes!  ♥♥♥♥♥ (Most of the time you can’t see them, but every once in a while, the camera catches them in just the right light . . . which is why I love this camera . . . night time shots may not be clear, but they are real.)

Blow honey!

May all his dreams come true!

And here we are, Martha, me, and Kappy cutting the cakes . . . I’m thinking, as I’m writing, this is what it’s all about . . . friends, family, food and fun —  and all the good things we’ve shared.

I have to show you a card from last night —  for Joe from Iris, the dog we love, that lives across the street with Martha and Gerry and comes over to visit almost every time she gets loose (might be because of the dog bones we keep in the pantry)!  Here’s the front of the card:

Hope you had fun at the party!  We won’t mention that picture of you skinny dipping in Tashmoo Pond!

OK, and here’s another promise I made a while back — remember when we went to the Emma Bridgewater Factory in England?

Where they had that design room where they gave you everything so you can paint your own Emma cups?  Here are the ones we did, the way we turned them in, before they were fired . . . those pencil marks, we were told, would burn off.

 And they did . . .  here they are, after firing; they sent them home to us; they were here when we got back; we drink our tea in them every single morning now, he drinks out of his, I drink out of mine!  I put the word “England” on mine so I would just look at it and remember.

With the date . . .

And here’s the cup Joe did; he wanted the ship.  We love them even more now, and as time passes I’m sure they will become more and more valuable to us.

Maybe someday you will go to Emma Bridgewater and paint your own cup, but until then . . .

Maybe you would like to have an Emma Bridgewater Royal Jubilee cup just like this one, directly from England, for your very own? If you already have one, wouldn’t it make a nice gift for someone you love?  If you agree, just leave me a comment and we’ll have Vanna (our random number generator) stay home from the tanning salon one day next week so she can draw a name and tell us who this cup belongs to!  OK girls, believe it or not, the parties aren’t over yet.  More cooking this week!  Happy Monday everyone! XOXO  P.S.  Just in case, here’s the recipe for the Cheesecake!


  • 2 1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs
  • 3/4 c. melted butter

Combine and press into a buttered 9 in. pie plate, building up the sides. Set aside and make filling.


  • 1 – 8oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs

Beat softened cream cheese until fluffy.  Gradually blend in sugar, lemon juice, and vanilla.  Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each.  Pour filling into crust.  Bake at 325° for 25-30 min; til set.  Make the topping.


  • 1 1/2 c. sour cream
  • 3 Tbsp. sugar
  • 3/4 tsp. vanilla

Combine all ingredients; when cheesecake comes out of the oven, spoon topping over  top of  hot cheesecake, spreading evenly; return to oven and bake 10 min. longer.  Cool; then chill several hours. Serves 8.

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1,033 Responses to FUN BIRTHDAY PARTY

  1. PauliJ says:

    A very happy birthday and year to you, Joe! What a fun celebration! Thank you for sharing. I can imagine you had enough to do, Susan, without photographing the food! 🙂

  2. Judy in Oregon says:

    Happy Belated Birthday to Joe! My Steve celebrated his 70th on Sunday and with family around to help me with the cooking for dinner, we made all his faves and had a rousing good time! Love birthday parties! We didn’t have a slide show though. We did have 3 of the grandpuppies running around having almost as much fun as the rest of us! I just love your blog and your writing and all your pictures. Thank you so much for sharing such happy times with us! Even less happy ones would be okay, but you always seem to lift spirits and bring smiles!

    While I’m here, since I don’t know where else to ask, is it possible you will be doing a 2013 Desk Calendar book this year? I sure did miss it last year and would love to have one.

    And yes, I agree with whomever said that the EB mug would certainly raise the drinking of morning coffee to a whole new level! That would be a real treat! Hey, Vanna, don’t forget my name!

    Have a wonderful week filled with smiles! Judy in Oregon

    • sbranch says:

      Just to quickly answer your question, sadly, no . . . the company I used to do those for isn’t interested to do it again, so until we find someone else who wants to do it, we won’t be having one. So sorry to disappoint! Thank you for your comment and Happy Birthday to Steve!

  3. Lisa R (northern Az) says:

    What a wonderful party!! It is all about friends, family, food, and fun! Iris’s card is adorable!! And did I tell you how much I love All of your mugs. What wonderful keepsakes. What yummy looking cakes! Don’t you just love parties!!

  4. nwnonna says:

    Happy Birthday to a fellow Anglophile. I just celebrated my Medicare birthday last week and that loverly mug would cheer me up handsomely!

  5. NANCY BYERS says:

    Very best wishes to Joe ( everybody knows his name).. Happiness in many birthdays to celebrate.

  6. Terri O'Donnell says:

    Right now I am dreaming that I am eating a slice of delicious cheesecake and sipping a nice hot cup of tea in the Emma Bridgewater Jubilee Mug. I hope my dream comes true.
    Thank you for this wonderful dream! And cheesecake recipe!
    God Bless ♥

  7. Jan J. says:

    Looks like a wonderful time – your hubby is very handsome! I would love to have that mug!

  8. Melissa says:

    Happy Birthday to Joe … thanks for sharing his party.
    Here’s hoping! (mug)

  9. Charlsey says:

    I loved the way your home looked, bathed in the warm glow of light at night. Thank you for sharing the wonderful birthday celebration ~ Happy Birthday, Joe. I thought I saw Jack peeking out of the port hole on Joe’s mug!

  10. Shann says:

    Good morning Sue!
    Your party looks fabulous! The birthday boy is surely loved by many it seems. Even sweet Iris loves him. 🙂
    I would love a chance to win that sweet mug. Thanks for all you do and for sharing it with us.

  11. Lucy says:

    Hi Susan,
    Once again you invited us into your family and it is a very welcoming place. Happy birthday, Joe and many many more.
    Susan I see that you enjoy the big band music and I found a great site on the computer particularly the radio station from Ohio WKHR FM91.5. Just search on and you will be back in the 30’s and 40’s in no time.

  12. betsy says:

    Happy Birthday Joe! It looks like you had the perfect party filled with good friends, delicious food, and lively conversations :). Wishing you many, many more!

  13. Cindy A. says:

    Happy Birthday Joe! Your party looked wonderful, full of freinds, family and love. I would love to have the mug, please draw my name Vanna!

  14. kelly says:

    thanks for sharing joe’s party with us! happy birthday to him!
    lovely little mug, by the way…

  15. Jen says:

    We have backyard gatherings complete with twinkle lights, dear friends and outdoor movies too! I can’t think of a better way to spend an evening! The mug is absolutely divine! My fingers, toes, arms, and legs are crossed in hopes Vanna draws my name! (it will be quite hard to get any work done in this position so I do hope she hurries!) 🙂

  16. G. Jourdet says:

    Oh, that picture of Joe with his cake….shows his beautiful spirit. He is “lit from within”…his spirit shining through….so beautiful!

  17. Kristie says:

    Happy Birthday to Joe (insert music notes here)! Thanks for another fun post that made me smile… Would love,love, LOVE to own that mug! Thanks for the chance.

    BTW, if your kitty needs more exercise send him for a playmate at my house.m My son recently got 2 baby guinea pigs and I haven’t seen this much activity out of my geriatric cat in forever. The dog finds them entertaining too 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Kitty won’t hurt guinea pigs? I love this idea!

      • Kristie says:

        We don’t leave them alone to find out! We built a little playpen and put the gp’s in when we can be in the room and supervised. Grace, the cat, was stalking, listening, her ears perking up. She’s 16!

        • sbranch says:

          Ohhh, yes, I don’t think I’d want to leave Jack alone with one. If a fly gets into this house, it doesn’t stand a chance! The look in his eye as he gazes out at the birds, chattering and whipping his tail, is frightening!

  18. Rita says:

    It has been a little while since I’ve visited the site, but was pleasantly surprised by the content. The Emma Bridgewater mugs are lovely – perfect size for a hot mug of coffee or tea. I especially enjoyed the garden photo’s and can’t wait to try the delicious recipes. Thank you for sharing the beauty and adventures! I will be sure to visit more often.

  19. Nancy says:

    Looks like the perfect party, but not too perfect. Which makes it even better. I so love Emma Bridgewater and would love to make my own like you did. What fun!

  20. Deb Huch says:

    What a wonderful party. Last night I had a party of my own. We finished the evening with a dessert cruise on our pontoon boat with cupcakes using Your Girl Power cupcake toppers. They were a great hit. I made sea salt caramel cupcakes. They were a hit!

  21. Joanne says:

    Happy Birthday, Joe!! Wishing you health and happiness always.

  22. Dawn Marie says:

    Looks like a great celebration. Just got back from my BFF’s birthday party. We’re never too old for a party, right?

  23. Wendy Louise says:

    Couldn’t you just see, feel, the warmth, fun, and Love at that party ! What a wonderful, wonderful celebration. Thank-you for sharing such a lovely evening and giving us a peak into the party. This is what it is all about ! Oh my friend we are such kindred spirits. You bring such warmth to the world, I know Martha’s Vinyard just glows with you on it ! 😉

  24. Lisa says:

    Oh I wish someone would throw me a birthday party even half as fun as this one. What a great evening you all had! You’ll remember and talk about this night forever! It’s the stuff memories are made of dontcha know.

    • sbranch says:

      You could make your own and give it to your friends for your birthday present! We will definitely talk about it forever . . .

  25. Milanya says:

    Seeing the pictures made me almost wish I enjoyed my birthdays — I’ve had a lot of them. Do you think that the mug from England would help me enjoy them? I’m glad Joe enjoyed his and that you had so many wonderful friends to help both of you celebrate.

    • sbranch says:

      Sometimes I don’t think our birthdays are for us to enjoy, but for the others, the ones who are glad we were born!

      • Milanya says:

        What a lovely thought. For my next birthday, I won’t worry about whether it will be enjoyable; I’ll think about how it will make my family glad to know that I have achieved another milestone.

  26. Sandy says:

    I wish to be your neighbor. What a joy
    That would be.
    As Mr. Rogers sang…..
    ” it’s a neighborly day in the neighborhood….”
    God bless, girlfriend.
    ~ sandy

  27. Dolores says:

    What a blessing it is to share your lovely world with you! Such fun to be included in all the festivities!

    You mugs turned out beautiful! They should sell yours they are so pretty!

    Happy Birthday Joe!

  28. Doreen Strain (from Florida) says:

    Happy Belated Birthday Joe! Susan, thank you for the recipe. Your birthday party for Joe looked wonderful. Lots of family, friends and fun. Joe better be careful with that homemade screen of his or your backyard will become the new outdoor movie theater for the island! Hahahaha! FOSB 4~Ever! ~ Doreen ~

  29. Cathy McC. says:

    Friends, family, food, and fun! What a wonderful way to sum up your party! The pic of your Joe and his buddies was soul-stirring! So often we just center on the “girlfriends” thing, and it did my heart good to read about these longtime buddies!
    I have a good friend named Cappy, too. She’s a Catherine whose sibling could not say Cathy, and she’s carried the Cappy crown most of her life. Fun to see another.
    Planning a little Susan Branch Pond Sit this Friday afternoon in the backyard. My bestest high school buddy from MN is visiting — in the 44 years I’ve been married, she’s never visited my home, so this is pretty exciting! A few of my buddies will stop by after their work (how I retired from teaching before these gals is still a mystery to me, but I am the #1 cheerleader for bowing out before breaking down! Oh, I know how I retired before them — I’m older!!! Tee hee!)
    I do believe Skip and Go Nakeds will be on the menu! These friends are like family to me, and we’ll for sure have food and fun! That cheesecake looks mighty tempting! Thanks for all your treasures! Ethel

  30. Caroline C. says:

    Joe’s party is inspiring me for a party that we are probably going to have at the end of the summer! Definitely making the cheesecake (my mom made almost the same one when I was growing up. Our backyard makeover is almost complete…so let the planning begin! By the way going to the Emma Bridgewater factory is definitely on my list! I received my first mug for my birthday and hope to continue collecting.

  31. Shannon says:

    Happy Birthday Mr. Joe! What a lovely way to celebrate a special guy! I am sure you enjoyed every moment! When I was a kid, we used to have slide shows and movies and they are all precious memories to me. There was a large fire and we lost all those pics, but my sibs and I still bring them to life by sharing them with our own kiddos over the years! Thanks for bringing all those flooding back!
    I’ve been admiring the mug since you first showed us the pic when you were on your trip! What a magical journey, so enjoyed traveling WITH you! Thanks for the chance to win something so delightful… I’m a huge fan and I would love to own a piece of Emma!

  32. Mrs.Pettigrew says:

    Celebrating is so fun, Happy Birthday Joe! Thank you for our virtual trip to England and what better way to remember than having a Emma Bridgewater to drink from each day. Fingers and toes crossed!

  33. Dorothy says:

    Happy birthday to Joe! We share the same birthday, and since I wasn’t able to have a celebration, I really enjoyed reading about your party. Thanks for sharing the day on your blog–it looks like it was a fabulous party. I also love the mug, and appreciate you giving your readers a chance to win it!

  34. Sheryl Martin says:

    Thanks for sharing the photos of Joe’s lovely birthday party! Sweet little kitty ear making an appearance. What would we do without our kitties? It would make my day to win the mug from your beautiful trip. I gave one of your hooked rugs to a dear friend for xmas as she loved it. Thanks for sharing your memories!

  35. Jana says:

    What a wonderful group of friends you have. England was fun but there is no place like home.

  36. Kathy says:

    Here’s to BIRTHDAYS!!!!! The more the merrier! Love your cups. Kathy

  37. Susan LP says:

    Happy Birthday Joe! Remember the whole month is your birthday month so perhaps you should eat cake every day!
    Thank you Susan for including us in the celebration. What great fun. And your mugs are beautiful. I wondered last blog if you had received them yet. Would love a chance to have one for my very own. Thanks so much and happy day.

  38. KJ says:

    Thank you for sharing Joe’s Birthday Bash with us…..Happy Belated Birthday Joe !! Can almost taste that delicious carrot cake and cheesecake ! Would love to be sipping my PG tips tea out of one of Emma’s mugs….Susan we must see if Emma could make some cat mugs and I think Girl Kitty and Jack would me the perfect models !!

  39. Nicole from El Dorado Hills, CA says:

    Hello Susan! Happy Birthday to Joe! Thank you for sharing his celebration with us- looks like it was an amazing time with family and friends! I love your blog and will keep my fingers crossed for the Emma Bridgewater Mug- would be so lovely for a “spot” of tea! Have a wonderful day! – Nicole

  40. Becky deVries-Wong says:

    Oh what fun it looks like you had. Such a great celebration.

    I would love to be the lucky winner of this special mug!

  41. Tanya W says:

    A very happy birthday to Joe! Looks like a wonderful birthday and how fun that he gave a surprise gift to his friends 🙂 Thank you so much for the chance to win one of those gorgeous mugs!! A blessed year ahead to both Joe and yourself 🙂

  42. Beth Backus says:

    Thank you for continuing to share bits and pieces of England now that you are home and for sharing pictures, stories, and inspirational quotes from your daily “doings” and life on MV. I’d love to win the Emma Bridgewater Royal Jubilee cup.

  43. Diana - Highland, IL says:

    A happy belated birthday to Joe. He looks so very happy… a very handsome and young 60, if I may say so… my hubs and I will be hitting the big 60 in a couple of years and I can hardly believe it really!… it will be 60 years of age and 40 years of marriage… and the best way I can think of to celebrate is with friends, family, food and fun!!… looks like you hit all of those categories!.. I think that the mug should come live with me…. I feel it calling me!! LOL… Susan I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pie plate…it is gorgeous… I am a color blue girl and LOVE pottery as well.. is that a flea market pick or a certain pattern?…LOVE IT..back in the 70’s it was kinda hard to find blue anything for the kitchen… a little easier today. but still not much…. .enjoy the rest of your week and the more partying the better, I say!…Oh, we finally had some rain here in the midwest.. not nearly enough, but it smelled and felt awesome! Happy week girlfriends!

  44. Elizabeth from Pasadena, CA says:

    How BLESSed you are with loved ones and shared times to celebrate! Happy Birthday Joe.
    I almost bought this cup from your website last week but decided to wait. And now this treat of your generous “give-aways”! We’ll see. . . . Thank you!

  45. kathy g says:

    Such a fun 60th birthday to Joe.
    And I hope it’s not too late to try to win the mug from England.

  46. Barbara B says:

    I love the birthday picture of Joe with his “hearts”. Now thats pretty magical! I wonder if there is “magic” in pictures of you too. You will need to look carefully, I’m sure it must be there. I think that if Joe has hearts around him you must have rainbows.

  47. Heather says:

    What a delightful party! I feel like I was a guest at it, reading this post. Many happy returns of the day to your Joe, and many thanks to YOU for sharing so much of your heart here on your wonderful blog. I’ve been a big fan for years, but only just discovered that you were online. Where have I BEEN?! 🙂

  48. Shellie Laird says:

    Happy belated birthday Joe! My Mom’s birthday was yesterday!!

  49. Anne Branco says:

    Susan, I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed following you on your trip to England and the blog since you’ve been home. It’s been a bit stressful here at work. I read the blog during lunch and it gives me a MUCH needed stress relief. I’ve even set some of your drawings and pictures from England as my desktop background. Gives me a much needed aaahhh. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. Happy Birthday to Joe and many, many more. Anne

  50. Cindy in South Carolina says:

    Love the picture of Joe with his cake! I made your zucchini with Paul Newman’s Italian dressing last night and will be eating it tonight. So pretty! Please add my name to the Emma Bridgewater drawing.

  51. Crystal Burns says:

    Dear Sue,
    Looks like you all had a great time at Joe’s Birthday party. We also pull out our old slides and have a good laugh. We just drape an old white sheet over the TV. I like Joe’s wonderful screen though. I would love to enter my name in your drawing for the lovely Emma Bridgewater cup. I have always wanted one. I will keep this short as I know you get lots of emails to read. Take care.

  52. Vickie sheridan says:

    A belated Happy Birthday to Joe! I turn 60 in November and don’t know where the years have gone. We actually had a class party in July with the Class of 70 turns 60….such a fun time! I love the Emma Bridgewater mug and would love to visit that part of England some day….it’s on my bucket list. thank you so much for sharing your trip to England and so much of your life with us!!

  53. Kristi says:

    Thank you for the cheesecake recipe! I love cheesecake and this looks easy to make. I’m glad Joe had a wonderful 60th BD! 60 is the new 40, isn’t it? P.S. Love your blog.

  54. Ann Y. says:

    Oooh…what a great party ! The cakes looked yummy – and everyone was smiling and happy – good for you. I would LOVE to win the Emma mug…even though I do not need another mug, I NEED that one! I had to laugh when you say give it to a friend – I just helped my best friend ( since 1972 !) move into her new house and my job was to wash the kitchen cupboards and unpack the dishes. After several boxes of mugs ( all of them different and beautiful and sentimental…) and no more room in what quickly became known as “the mug cupboard” I told her we needed to have “an intervention” over her obsession with mugs !!! So, I can’t give it to her….but if I win I will serve her tea in it when she comes to visit ! Thanks for always giving us a little treat with your posts !

  55. Sue says:

    Isn’t it great being married to a “younger” man? I am also, by 11 days and he never lets me forget I’m older. 🙂 I love this Emma Bridgewater Royal Jubilee cup. I see Joe is quite the artist also. Guess it runs in the family. Love them all.
    Sue in Fl.

  56. Rhonda P. in Woodson, TX says:

    I am still “living the dream” with you in England! Just love it! Happy birthday, Joe, what a great celebration. Have to get my name in there for the mug. It is so special and a “forever” keepsake! Thanks for brightening my days!

  57. Dawn Margowski says:

    Belated happy birthday, Joe!! Love the hanging hearts in the picture!! Pretty cool!! & I love that you have cheesecake for breakfast! 🙂 ~ I absolutely LOVE Emma Bridgewater!!! Would love one of her mugs. Now I really want to go visit the factory to paint my own!! How awesome you have custom Emma Bridgewater cups. Thanks for making us all a part of your charmed life! cheers!!!

  58. emily b says:

    looks like a fabulous party and time well spent with friends!

  59. Kim from Canada says:

    Wishing Joe belated birthday wishes! What a wonderful way to spend a birthday. Sure looks like it was a lovely time. I can’t wait to try the cheesecake recipe. It looks so yummy! Take care of each other and wishing you both blessings always!

  60. Deb '51 says:

    Good Morning, Susan,
    Oh, don’t friends make the world a wonderful place!?
    Thank you for – again – including we Girlfriends at the party. We’re such a lucky bunch! Please tell Joe we all wish him a Belated Happy 60th Birthday! It looks like such a fun gathering! More memories in the making.

    I LOVE the arbor, Joe!!

    Hoping Vanna catches my vibe…
    I’m headed back to view and water the garden.

    Love to you all 🙂
    ♥Deb♥ of Buckley Palace

    (And thanks for the memories brought to me by Marvin Gaye’s Heard It Through The Grapevine! Fun times back then…!)

  61. Susan McEnerney-Brasier says:

    i have made both the carrot cake and the cheese cake. i make a ginger snap crust cake. it gets rave reviews!! YUMMY!!

  62. christine says:

    What a great party! Happy birthday to Joe! Thank you both for sharing your joy! I just purchased the jubilee mug from your website for my daughter, Emily, for her birthday and I would dearly love to have a matching one for myself:).

  63. Susan McEnerney-Brasier says:

    i meant a ginger snap crust for the pie. lovely with chopped pecans.

  64. PauliJ says:

    What a delightful celebration of friendship and Joe’s big 6-0! Happy birthday and a blessed year ahead, Joe.

    When I saw the first photo of your personalized mugs, I thought that the lines had not gone away! They turned out so beautifully and are the perfect souvenir!

    I am sure you had enough to worry about without thinking to take photos of the food, Susan. Thank you for all you did share. The desserts looked scrumptious. I look forward to trying the cheesecake recipe!

    Thank you for offering another gift to the girlfriends, Susan!

  65. Erin Perry says:

    What a party! Nothing better than good friends, good food and a reason to celebrate. I use a mug from Emma every morning for my tea – but another one would not come amiss.
    Erin in Morro Bay

  66. Grace says:

    Happy birthday to Joe!

    Susan, the cheesecake looks fab, but oh, I’m a sucker for carrot cake!

  67. Denise from wpg says:

    What a lovely bday blog ,i love the carrot cake and kudos to Joe for making such a charming arbor, handsome and handy,many happy returns 60 years
    young! You both are a fun and loving couple ,heres to many more.


  68. Valerie says:

    Susan, I followed you daily on your trip to England and I even told my husband, Joe, about it … a trip to London is on my bucket list!

    I’m quite the tea drinker (and cheese cake eater!) and would love to drink my morning cuppa out of one of Emma Bridgewater’s mugs! How delightful!

    Thanks for the give-away! You are always so generous!

  69. cj says:

    Because of you, Susan, I now have a Bridgewater mug and love it. Both my husband and I have August b-days so would love another mug so we could both have one. Your blog can always make a tear come, so thank you for that!

  70. Nancy Mosman says:

    Enjoyed Joe’s party! ;] My sis and I have fun together on ‘our’ adventures with you across the miles. Am going to make the cheesecake in a pie plate like you…haven’t thought of doing it that way! Thanks for brightening our days! <3

  71. All so lovely. Happy, happy birthday to your Joe. It seems so obvious that you love him dearly and have a wonderful, happy life together. May you both have many, many more years of birthday celebrations. I do so love all of Emma Bridgewater’s things and having one come to me, through you, would make it even more special. Thanks for the chance!

  72. Shawn says:

    Happy Belated Birthday Joe! Looks like a fun filled time. Thanks for the chance to win. I enjoyed the trip through England…I felt like I was actually there with you.

  73. Linda Larson says:

    You always do such nice things for us….thank you.

  74. Jenny says:

    Happy belated birthday to Joe!! It looks like you had quite a wonderful memory filled celebration! I love reading your blog, you lead the life I have always dreamed of! My mom is the hugest fan of Emma Bridgewater – and she would love to receive this mug as gift! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  75. Betsy says:

    It’s my birthday today. I am having the best time with random acts of kindness! I even talked my family into not giving me gifts, but to do nice things for people all day. It’s just been wonderful and I have certainly received much more than I have given.
    I have a dear friend who loves your blog and introduced me to it and your lovely books. She loves all the quiet and simple things in life. I would love to give the Emma mug to her as she loves England with a passion as we all do.
    Thanks, Susan, for the kindness you bring through your art and ideas.

  76. Sharyn says:

    What a dreamy trip! I have admired Emma Bridgewater’s ceramics for years. It would be like a wee little trip to England to have a mug to sip from and pretend. Anyone would be delighted to be your winner! (Pick me! Pick me, random generator!)

  77. Dede says:

    Happy birthday Joe! Looks like you got a lot of sweets from your sweetie!
    I would love to have a mug to give to my sister for her birthday in November.
    Thanks for the offer!

  78. Karen Carpenter says:

    Wow over 800 comments, what are my chances? Slim to none but I don’t care, I love your blog and would love, love that mug so every time I drink from it I would think of you. Thank you Susan! oh and Happy Birthday to Joe!

  79. Barbara in Ohio says:

    Absolutely loved your trip. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated Birthday Wishes
    to Joe.

  80. Libby says:

    Such a fun, fabulous, Birthday Joe! I would LOVE to win that mug so I can pretend I actually went with you both to England!!

  81. Cindy Richards says:

    Happy Belated Birthday to Joe………
    Thank you for more fabulous ideas on how to celebrate life!!!!
    It all looks like so much fun and JOY!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win that gorgeous mug!!!!!
    Cindy R

  82. Happy Birthday to to Joe, and birthday blessings to both of you! I love the wonderful string of little green hearts that follow your dear Joe around everywhere. You have a string of hearts from all of us girlfriends that follow you everywhere you go that probably circle the Earth several times around!! ♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you for the joy you bring us!! ♥

  83. Kimberly K. says:

    Yes–yes–yes! A Jubilee mug would totally be the cats meow for me! 🙂

  84. Linda S. says:

    What a wonderful birthday party! Happy (belated) Birthday to you Joe and many more!! The love that surrounds the two of you just radiates from the pictures–I could feel it here in Idaho!

  85. Suzanne says:

    Joe shares his birthday date with my sweet granddaughter, who is now very proudly, the BIG “9.” It will always be a most special day. Thanks for sharing the celebration with all of us.

  86. Sharon from Alberta Canada says:

    Happy Birthday Joe. What a wonderful way to celebrate – surrounded by friends, family and great food!!!

  87. Linda Sanderson says:

    A late Happy Birthday to Joe! I’m so glad everyone had a good time. Enjoy your blog so much, Susan, Thank You! I am loving all the photos of England! Reading your blog always lifts my spirits, even when they are lifted up to begin with! I have a wonderful friend who told me first about your blog. We have teas, and think of you all the while with love and laughter!

  88. Lynn B says:

    Happy Birthday to Joe, I love his mug… that is my favorite cheesecake, we call it Aunt Doris’ foolproof cheesecake but she just might have gotten it from your book!

  89. Kim says:


    It has been a while since I last read your blog, this since I have been on vacation as well. It is always a pleasure reading them though. Your Blog radiates love, friendships and good foods of course.

    Happy belayed Birthday to Joe, it looks like he had a great party!



  90. kate G. says:

    Happy, happy birthday to Mr. Susan (Joe)…. tee hee! What a lovely memory you’ve enjoyed! Thanks for sharing this, Susan.

    Kate G.

  91. Martha N. says:

    Happy Birthday to Joe!

  92. MoeWest says:

    Happy Birthday Joe! It sounds like a wonderful party. Thanks for a chance to win a Jubilee mug.

  93. Barbara says:

    What a wonderful birthday party for Joe…you make me fell like I was there too! Is there anything better than celebrating with your dearest friends. I would loved to be entered into this mug drawing…..they are truly a treasure!

  94. Nancy Narma says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday Joe!! You beat me to the big number..but not by a lot..I turn 6-0 on 9/26/12. Wishing you the best in the year to come. I so hope my number is chosen..I would love that mug. I see Prince Phillip has been released and is home after another nasty bout of infection. I hope he has a beautiful mug like this one filled to the rim with cranberry juice so he doesn’t have to suffer through another round. We all know how nasty a kidney/bladder infection can be!

  95. Michelle Fitchett says:

    Happy belated birthday to Joe. It looks like you all had a wonderful celebration. I can’t wait to try those recipes, I’ve never done a baked cheesecake before. I absolutely loved the EB mugs that you made and I agree with the lady that said they should sell your designs :o)
    You continue to inspire me so much, in so many ways Susan, thank you xxx

  96. Debbie Selam says:

    Happy belated 60th birthday to Joe. It looked like great fun with friends, family, and neighbors (including the four-footed friends). I too celebrated my 60th birthday earlier this summer. My son and daughter surprised me with a beach gathering on the Oregon coast at Happy Camp. We had a great time. I’ve enjoyed the blog this summer, particularly the trip to England, and I thank you for the chance to win the Emma Bridgewater mug. Hope you enjoy the remainder of the summer days. Take care, Debbie from Washington

  97. Elaine Ohgi says:

    Thanks for sharing Joe’s wonderful celebration with all of us!

  98. Mary McCatherine says:

    Happy Birthday to you, Joe! I hope it was delightful…it looks like an awesome party! My birthday was the 18th of August and it was wonderful!
    Susan, I love your giveaways…and I LOVE the Emma Bridgewater cup! I would love to sip my tea each morning from a cup commemerating the Queen’s 50th year…what a lovely thought! Have a fabulous day! Love, Mary

  99. Ardena says:

    Thank you for sharing a wonderful, heart warming birthday. That is the same cheese cake I made for my husband’s birthdays. Bless his heart.

  100. Sue (from Michigan) says:

    What a magical evening! Loved the finished arbor strung with lights and the baking photos (I could practically taste the yummy desserts. I must try these recipes ASAP)! I am also going to totally steal the whole backyard movie/slide screening idea – with credit given! There is nothing like the company of good friends that have a wonderful (sometimes silly, sometimes embarassing . . .) shared history with you. Sending the happiest of belated birthday wishes to Joe!!

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