It’s May, it’s May, that Lusty Month of May!  Hi Girls.  I promised, if you asked, I would give you the recipe for Blueberry Angel Cake sooner rather than later, and you asked!  So, here it is!  Happy May Day!  You deserve it, you’ve been sooooo good. I have much love for you! Your comments are amazing! xoxo

Easy, wonderful cake . . . ENJOY!

In honor of May Day, I’m going to let our Giveaway (scroll down to the post just following this one if you missed it) continue a few more days, to make sure everyone has a chance to sign up.  If you already did, you don’t have to leave another comment because you are already entered, but you can if you want because Vanna is not only beautiful but smart . . . she knows to choose from only one of each comment, which means you can talk all you want.  And I thought I’d sweeten the pot just a wee bit to celebrate May!  Someone is going to win BOTH my SUMMER and GIRLFRIEND’S Books, and in addition, we’ll draw one more name, for this:

It’s my brand new (I forgot to tell you!) COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS, BOOK OF DAYS.  Kellee called me yesterday to remind me that “the Blessings Book” came in during my months in the FINE ROMANCE tunnel and I just forgot to mention it.  (Now that’s a tunnel!)

I designed this book and sent it in last year, just before we sailed away to England — another lifetime ago!

I based it on my old DAYS BOOK (which is out of print now) — so it can be used as a Journal, a Birthday Book, or a Dream Book, but since we are such Blessing Counters around here , I thought it would be a wonderful place to jot down the best things of each day, what we learned, and words of wisdom, so those memories last forever, and can even be passed down to people we love.  If you’re not already entered for the other two books, just leave a comment at the bottom of this post, and we’ll draw for both prizes at the same time.

It’s the little things that make up a lifetime — we’ll take care of the minutes and the years will take care of themselves. 

Here’s a minute: Our tulips are in bloom!  Blessing. Check!

Not all of us are experiencing bowers of flowers right now — and washing in snow, fair maid or not, is not quite the same as “washing in dew!”  There are still snowstorms out there!  So, this is for you, all of you really, if you run to your door, you might (If I had my way) find one of these hanging on your door knob, from me to you with love, a bouquet in a wallpaper cone (from our dining room wallpaper). Such a sweet tradition, leaving garden flowers on friend’s doors.  The red flower is from our quince bush, which is obviously celebrating FLORA, the Goddess of Flowers, which has nothing whatever to do with Frosty, the god of snow! Go away Frosty!

 This is what we want now!

May, Flowers, CAKE, and books, who could ask for anything more?  The tiny frosting on the cake would be if you haven’t seen the movie featuring this Musica (playing right now if you clicked on it at the top of this post), you might want to put it on your list.  FRIENDLY PERSUASION  is a wonderful sweet old movie; it will make you cry, and you know how we love that.  XOXOX

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1,066 Responses to BLUEBERRY ANGEL CAKE

  1. Natalie says:

    Lovely flowers. Thank you for bringing spring to the computer! Our flowers are starting to bloom here in Northern Indiana but I am afraid we are going to go from Winter to Summer this year and I do love my Spring. Happy May Day to you!!

  2. sandra says:

    Lovely post and recipe, lovely lighthearted books!

    Please enter me for the drawing and I am signing up to follow your blog.

    Happy May Day, and thank you.

  3. JW says:

    My Mom introduced me to this site and I’ve been addicted ever since! It’s a great escape for me during my lunch hour at work. The beautiful photos, drawings, sayings, etc., remind me of what is truly important. Thank you for such a lovely site and “wonderful” get-away.

  4. Carol from Connecticut says:

    Dear Susan,
    I am running to my kitchen to make your blueberry angel cake. Looks divine. I can smell the picture!
    This Saturday I am going to see the “Peter Rabbit” Ballet! Peter in toe shoes. HA! “Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.” If any Connecticut girlfriends are interested, the ballet will take place on the campus of St. Joseph College in Hartford. Happy Kentucky Derby … tra la … Carol

  5. Karen Saunders says:

    HI! just sitting here reading the ‘girlfriends’ comments with my old little wire-haired terrior beside me snoring!! Ha!! Angel food cake is my fav cake. My grandmother lived with us and was known for her cooking. Every year she would make me Angel food cake and my favorite dinner which was cauliflower with a cream-cheese sauce. I would eat the whole thing…..very strange. Would LOVE anything you’re sending….so, here’s hopin’ 🙂 karen from Oregon

  6. Holly says:

    Hello! Your cake looks amazing, and will be baking it soon. I wonder if it would work with raspberries?

    I love my “Days” book. I’ve used it for years. I always try to make. a small note when a special thing happens and add the year. There are birthdays, the day a grand baby walked, when we got a new pet, etc….. I need the new book for a quilt journal!

    We here in Indiana went from winter to summer again, 78 degrees today.

  7. Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

    Happy May Day Susan!! Thank you thank you for the pictures of all the flowers! Makes me want to go out and buy some daffadills at the store. I have to do that, as mine haven’t come up yet in the container. I’m thinking that it either has been too cold or they just too old after all these years being in the container.

    I miss the tradition of hanging flower baskets at the neighbor’s door, ring the bell or knock and run fast as lightening so that you aren’t discovered. What innocent fun we had as younsters!

    This is the month that the twins will more than likely be born. Looking forward to being a grandma once again! They are really due June 6. My step granddaughter says that they CAN’T be born on her birthday though…. the 23rd of this month. She doesn’t want to share that special day with them, lol.

    Can’t wait for the drawings! Another special drawing along with the other one will let some lucky gal a great book to use as a journal. How wonderful!

    Perhaps you will get a May Day basket today.

    xoxoxoCarol M

  8. Carol from Connecticut says:

    To Connecticut girlfriends: Here is the website for the ‘Peter Rabbit’ ballet to be presented on the campus of St Joseph’s College this Saturday. Other short ballets will be presented too.

  9. Jamie says:

    Thank you, love the recipe and your positivity! Happy Happy May Hooray!

  10. Lorraine says:

    Thank you for the recipe! I plan to bake one this weekend and my husband will be sooooo grateful…. I have been working on my – ahem – winter weight and watching carefully what and how much I consume. But this is definitely splurge worthy. Hip hip hooray!

    LOVE the new book and did not know about this! Must order – even if I win another one, I can always give one as a gift.

    Happy, happy May Day to you! Back to the garden to get some more dirt under my fingernails. Life is good!!!

  11. Gill says:

    Dear Susan,
    The wanties for your Counting our Blessings Days from the Heart of the Home book are soo strong! It looks perfect! I rushed over to Amazon UK to search for it…to no avail 🙁 Is it not yet on general release? I did notice, however, one of your old calendars is currently selling for—-over £1250.00 !!! Gee, I’ve got to stop cutting them up to put on my wall !!!

    I served a blueberry dessert here too, today; Blueberry Eton Mess. The flags are all flying for the 1st May, but they are having a job to stay on the flagpoles. My husband dumped out a wheelbarrowful of hay for me to use in the chicken shed and I ended up chasing it all over the garden! You can just imagine it: me in my red wellies, apron flapping, chasing the hay blowing along the lawn and excited chickens everywhere with their feathers blowing backwards! Happy days…

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve seen things like that too, crazy prices for fourteen dollar items! I’m not sure this book is on Amazon, it’s not really in general release, only to certain stores if I understand correctly. You can get it from us — we do ship overseas — just scroll to the bottom of any shopping page and you will see contact for studio where either Kellee or Sherie can help you. Love the picture of you in the wind Gill!

  12. Janet [in Rochester] says:

    Hey thank you, Miss Sue. By the way, that’s only one of the 5 names you are affectionately known by here in K Two… the others being “Kitty Mommy,” “Jack’s Mom,” “Girl’s Mom,” and “Brownie Lady.” I deliberately did NOT comment on the previous post because A – I already have all your books B – I don’t really know anyone I could give the giveaway books to who doesn’t already have them as well and C – I didn’t want to unnecessarily contribute to your workload. BUT now that I know that my current “Days” book is the last of its species, I would LOVE to receive a copy of the new one!! So please toss me into Vanna’s socking great pile! Also thanks for sending along the Blueberry Angel Food Cake recipe early [was hopin’ ya would]. We are having a textbook-definition Spring day here in the Finger Lakes region of New York State – the softest light blue sky, wispy white clouds here and there, buds puffing up and leaves popping open everywhere in that exact Spring Green color from the Crayola box. Not too warm, not too cool – just the kind of weather that entices children and teachers alike to want to play hooky… PS – May 1 is also “Mother Goose Day!” Happy Spring everyone! :>)

    • Dorothy Ann says:

      * Hi Janet from Rochester, New York *

      Hi from me (Dorothy Ann) to you in beautiful Rochester. Lovely post you wrote to Susan. Ah yes, Rochester, I know upsate New York very well. I have a sister who lives in Jamestown, a nephew in Syracuse, and another in Rochester.

      And you brought up a wonderful childhood memory for me…that spring-green Crayola crayon color. A box of Crayolas had all the perfect colors of the rainbow and then some. Delightful. I can only imagine your Crayola green leaves popping up there where you are.

      Happy Spring!
      * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

  13. Mary Madden says:

    Thank you for always thinking of us – as we do of you! Your blog is a gift to us, so when you offer these additional treats it is icing on the cake.

  14. Lisa R (northern Az) says:

    Hi Susan,
    I LOVE your Blessings Day book! Have you ever thought about doing a “One Line a Day” 5 year memory book? You’ve probably seen them, where there’s 5 sections on each page to record something brief about each day for 5 years. Just a thought. I would love to have one with your beautiful illustrations and thoughts. Happy May Day lovely lady!

    • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

      Dare I ask, “Done with what?” 🙂 Or is it personal…?

      • sbranch says:

        Sometimes I find comments out in the bushes like this one and don’t know what they were hooked to!

    • Deanna Boatright says:

      I get your “wonderful Blog” but there is never a comment area at the bottom, so I have been unable to write anything. I am going to your blog website, so I can be included in the drawing. I have both of the books “Girlfriends Forever” and “Summer.” They are great and I love them. I can always give one to a special friend if I should win one of them. I also have one of you “Days” books which I used when I retired to journal my first year of freedom from work.

      I was blessed to meet you at the garden store you had in California. My husband and I took a month vacation in August 2007 to begin and celebrate my retirement. Your store in town and the garden store were one of our first stops. I was so lucky you happened to be there. You were so gracious with your time. You took time to sit on the front porch and carry on a meaningful conversation with me. I have pictures and memories that I will always cherish.

      Thank you for all the happiness you spread. I look forward to your book on England. I have been there, but only for a short time. I’m so glad to be able to see all the special places I missed through your eyes. I have ordered two books, one for me and one for a friend. Can hardly wait.

      I’m also ready for a “Count Your Blessings Book of Days”.

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for being you!


      • sbranch says:

        I know Deanna, unfortunately when the blog is sent via email (as opposed to when you come to it yourself) for some unknown and unfathomable reason, the comment section isn’t with it. I’m so glad you found your way here! Loved my store, it was so fun, like redecorating all the time with just the cutest stuff! 🙂 Thank you for the memory!

  15. Tara Baker says:

    I just love your blog… it’s just the bit of sweetness I need in my day of cleaning, cooking, kids, carpool and such. I look at your pictures and remember to look at my tulips. Thanks, tara

    PS ~ love that book!

  16. sondra fox says:

    WELLLLLLL, HAPPY DAY, HAPPY MAY DAY! I wasn’t going to go to your blog this morning Susan, because I thought, “Susan won’t post a blog today, as we just got one a few days ago.” Then I thought, “oh well, I’ll give it a try,” & there you were! HAPPY DAY!
    I found out you certainly keep your promises Susan. There in all it’s glory was your beautiful painting of the Blueberry Cake!! I LOVE the way you decorated the cake with those fun candles. Must try to get some. May is a busy month for celebrations in our family. The two grandpas have B’Days, our two grandsons have B’Days, & our anniversary (54 years) is this month. I must make the cake recipe you gave us. That’s a promise to myself. I have a saying that I think is appropriate here, “the discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.” That’s not to say that stars aren’t tremendous. We all know what stars do in the line of romance & being such a fantastic display up there in the sky. All of you girlfriends give me so much pleasure in knowing that you enjoy your homes & families. I get such good feelings just knowing that I’m doing a good job in keeping my family happy by making our home a place where family & friends want to be. Susan, you have a huge part in helping me keep our home “comfy & homey.” You are Sooooooo appreciated.
    I wasn’t looking forward to today, until I saw your blog. Let me explain. My husband has cancer. We spent all day yesterday at the hospital where he had treatments. The magicians (the doctors) are performing their art today as well. We’ll be in the hospital again today. I read, while I’m waiting for my dear heart to come out of the treatment room. Yesterday, a parade of very ill people came into the waiting room. When I see suffering like they have, I pray that they’ll never have physical pain, when in reality, I know that their lives are full of pain. Yesterday, I couldn’t take anymore of seeing the parade of suffering, so I found a quiet place in another part of the hospital, read & took a nap. Thanks for blogging us today, as reading your blog started my day, making it into a day with many wonderful things to think about, instead of me thinking of ruining my entire day by thinking negative thoughts. All of your uplifting words bring me such joy. Thank you girlfriends. Thank you Susan.
    Wanted to share something about our resident Mocking Birds. Two of the Mocking Birds who live in our yard, sang all night long. This morning, they’re still singing. I asked our dog Jack, “do those birds ever sleep?” He didn’t know either! I do enjoy them though. Every spring, I hope that they will return to our backyard, & they do. They like the seed I feed them, I think, plus they have fresh water to drink & bathe in each day. They know they’re loved. I once read that we take care of the things we love. Well, hopefully. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

    • sbranch says:

      I just read your comment Sandy and stopped. To say a prayer, a very big one, that I dropped like a net over that hospital. All my best to you and your husband, and to everyone who is frightened and in pain. xoxo

      • Nancy says:

        Praying for you and your husband today!

      • Nancy says:

        Praying for comfort and peace for you and your husband….

      • mary spring says:

        Sandy..I hope you and your dear husband will pull through this very trying is heart wrenching to see folks suffer so…I went to see my youngest daughter who is an R. N. (as is my other daughter ) working in I.C.U. and no words could explain how I felt…please don’t forget our nurses as well..keeping you, Sandy and your dear husband, in my thoughts and prayers !!…next week is National Nurses Week !!…gotta love them !!…with love and take care…

        • mary spring says:

          P.S. Susan…did I say thank you for such a heart warming May Day post ?!?..funny, tho, we have been enjoying 80 degree weather and now we are forcasted for sleet and snow early Friday morning !?!…we need to remind dear Mother Nature that it is indeed MAY !!!…love it all anyway…also, I’ve already purchased your newest day book and absolutely love it !!..I still have my older day book and it is all filled with specialness…thanks, Susan..

      • sondra fox says:

        Oh my Susan, your parents must have been truly wonderful to raise such a sweet, kind, caring, sincere daughter (YOU!). Thanks for your prayers. My husband is terminal. Doctors are just maintaining him. We’ll take each & every day we can, holding on to him as long as we can. Our oldest grandson (20 yrs. old) & I had lunch together today. We both agreed that we’d get through all of this, but we don’t know how we’ll ever get through without my husband. He’s been the planner, the doer, the ROCK in our family. He’s always been very strong. A terrific snow skier, who taught our grandsons how to snow ski when they were three years old. Also taught them how to water ski.
        And Mary, yes, we’ve had wonderful nurses as well. Many of them were men. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

        • sondra fox says:

          Must tell all of you avid readers about two good books I recently read:
          “Straight on Till Morning” The life of Beryl Markham, a woman aviator. by Mary S. Lovell
          “West with the Night” by Beryl Markham
          I enjoyed both of these books very much.
          (Sandy of Chihuahua Flats)

        • sbranch says:

          You will get through it Sondra, but it breaks my heart that you have to. When I pray for someone, I picture forms in my mind, your form, your husband’s, and I throw a white light around them and through them, as pure and prayerful as I, only a human, can make it, which is what I just did for you. xoxo

        • Carilyn Wolski says:

          Hello Sondra Fox! Praying for your husband this morning. In 1986 when my mother was terminal, I cut these little words out from the newspaper & taped them inside my recipe box for comfort. Hope they help! WHAT CANCER CANNOT DO: Cancer is so limited….It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot destroy peace. It cannot kill friendship. It cannot suppress memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot invade the soul. It cannot steal eternal life. It cannot conquer the spirit.

          • sbranch says:

            That is just plain fabulous Carilyn! It cannot cripple love. Just perfect. I wrote that down, thank you!

          • Carilyn Wolski says:

            You are welcome Susan! I wish I knew the author’s name, but I think it was “Anonymous”. (Sorry!)

          • sbranch says:

            That’s OK. I really wanted it because cancer, being what it is, touches everyone sooner or later. I would like to have that, just in case, because it’s so hopeful. The perfect words. A rallying cry to beat it.

    • carmel says:

      Oh my. I will pray for you and your husband. Really will. My mom says:
      “Everything will be all right.” Somehow. And she was always right.

    • Debbie P ~ Weedsport, NY says:

      Thinking of you, Sandy, and saying a prayer for your strength through this tough time. God will send the right people into your life to love and support you and to bring you hope…blessings to you and your husband. xo

    • Linda says:

      Oh you poor thing……..I am saying a prayer for you and your husband as soon as I finish typing this. Keep prayer in your thoughts and know that there are still miracles in this world. Linda from Idaho

      • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

        Sandy, I echo the thoughts and prayers of all these wonderful girlfriends going out to you and your sweetheart. You are so brave and courageous, and we are here for you.

        • sondra fox says:

          You dear, dear girlfriends. I can feel your prayers. You are all sent to me from God. He knows I need to hear YOU, as He takes me through what is a part of life. YOU are all put onto my path. Susan, you are truly a blessing in my life. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

          • sbranch says:

            You are not alone Sandy xoxo

          • Chris Wells in Knickerbocker, W TX says:

            Dear Sandy, You and your husband have been on my prayer list. And we all have been wrapping you in a blanket of prayer. I believe that your husband has been the rock….but since following your responses and stories on this blog, I see a very strong and loving wife. Enjoy the time you have left together, count your blessings every day, and stay as upbeat as you can. You are loved and admired, and Susan and ALL THE GIRLFRIENDS are there for you. Carilyn’s quote is one we should all remember. Cancer cannot cripple love!

        • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

          Sondra, you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers, too. God will give you strength and you will feel His presence through this time…

          • Dawn from Minnesota says:

            Sondra, I pray for you and your family! I wish we were little kids and that a really cool bandaid would just make everything better. It makes my heart really sad because…well….I just wish everyone could always be happy and healthy…and gosh darn….it just hurts doesn’t it? Please pack a bag full of dreams the next time you must wait at the treatments….those days are long and if you pack even a little bit of Susan Branch … will always have something to dream about….it helped me, as I held my Dad’s hand.

  17. Barbara Kuzdzal says:

    Thanks ever so much for sending a dose of Spring and color. We are only just now beginning to see some buds in Michigan . We are color and flower starved for now, and are thrilled you have shared the beauty of the Island. I arrived in Fl. yesterday with a plan to escape the dreariness of rain and cold and for a cherished vist with my daughter. Today it is raining, with no sight of the sun till the weekend. The only thing a girl can do, to make it all good, is to put the kettle on and bake your cake which sounds fantastic ! Sunny days ahead!

  18. Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

    Thanks for the recipe–I just got home from the store where I went to buy the egg whites. Didn’t make Norm a b.d. cake yesterday as we met my cousin and his wife for dinner so will bake it today and surprise him with a b.d. cake when he comes home from work!!! (will send part to the neighbor…and part with my friend who is coming tonight for dinner and knitting!) Okay, now–I KNOW it is not April 1st and this is NOT an April Fool’s Joke. Guess what it is doing right now here in Minnesota? You got it–SNOWING!!! We’re under a “Winter Storm Warning” and the weatherman is predicting 6-9″ of falling snow. That means some will melt while falling as our temperatures are above freezing. But the weatherman said we will wake tomorrow morning to 3-5″ of heavy wet snow! This is setting a record for us!!! So, after 4 days of warm (high 70’s and low-80’s), we are looking out at falling snow right now. I will say, it is beautiful and I don’t mind as it won’t be slippery on the roads and will melt tomorrow when we have temperatures in 40’s and rain…So it was ESPECIALLY nice to see your pictures of your flowers as our’s haven’t barely shown their heads above the soil. Our daylilies in the wooden barrels are up about 1″…

    • sbranch says:

      I’m glad the snow’s not going to hurt any blooming thing! I keep thinking with every storm, this HAS to be the last!

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        I know, so do we! This is setting a record for us–snow in May–almost unheard of! More of the “weird weather” we are having. Norm said I was responsible because I was complaining about how too-warm and humid the house was the other night…I guess that is why I don’t get real upset and try to “savor” the feeling of being inside watching the snowflakes coming down. Incidentally, have you ever gone to make this cake and found your cake flour had disappeared and your pantry shelf only had all-purpose flour? Girlfriends–have any of you ever tried making an angel food cake using the “replacement idea” of all-purpose flour instead of cake flour–1 C. all-purpose flour minus 2T.??? I think I’ll run to the store but would be curious for future reference. I know cake flour is supposed to be more fluffy or powdery…

        • sbranch says:

          I haven’t tried it, but I would think that if you sift it really well, it should be OK!

          • Julia says:

            I have been through this with my husband of
            38 years. It is heartbreaking but you will
            get through it. Sounds like you have a great
            family and that is such a blessing at a time
            like this. I didn’t know how wonderful my
            children are until push came to shove. But
            remember what Linda said “there are still
            miracles.” Also, sounds like your husband is
            a wonderful man.

  19. Rebecca says:

    Happy May Day! Haven’t celebrated May Day since elementary school; certain kids (not me) got to dance around the May Pole and each grade performed a different type of dance, 1st grade did the Hokey Pokey as I recall.

    Have a lovely day everyone.

    Rebecca (Riverside, Ca)

  20. darcy k Los Alamitos, Ca says:

    Happy May Day to all of you girlfriends! Here is S Calif we are suppose to have a mini heatwave the next few days so it will be a taste of the summer to come. We have lots of flowers in bloom, so no complaints, but I do so enjoy the pictures of your tulips, Susan, since I just can’t grow those here.

  21. Hi Susan,
    Thank you for the recipe. Yummy.
    Have a wonderful Happy May Day!
    We are in for cold and snow…but we make the best of it. We will sit by the fire and watch a good movie. Thanks for sharing good old movies with us. Sometimes we do not know about the classics, so thank you.

  22. Sharon Lee in So. Calif. says:

    Happy May Day to you…did you get the posies I want to put on your door? I love May Day, I actually love what it represents, spring, a time of renewal, new life and fresh beginnings. Thank you for the recipe and for not making us wait at all to get it, so kind, but that is just what you are, along with about a gazillion other wonderful things! I was lol at some of the “Girlfriends” comments about their not to wonderful outcomes in some of their recipes and it reminded me of the one time I tried to make a special little fruit bread to give as Christmas gifts. I was young (late teens) and still living at home. I was making them in the evening and having a terrible time trying to get the dough to rise. My Dad stayed up with me. Well, I went ahead and baked them (although the dough never did rise), when I pulled them out of the oven I noticed that they were very heavy. Well, I was tired and went to bed. In the morning I noticed my Dad staring out of our back window, I said what are you doing Dad? I also noticed my BREAD was sitting on the patio table, he said, oh nothing, I just wanted to see if the squirrel could pick up your bread!!!! True story.
    P.S. Thank you for the info on where to get the Honey-crisp tree.

  23. Gail Buss says:

    Hi Susan, I know how much you love flowers. I forgot in my last post to mention these flowers called “Purple Showers”. We have them outside our family room and when we open our shades in the morning they are like a beautiful gift. (You can probably google them if you don’t know them. We have the deep purple ones.) The purple flowers fall off every evening and the next morning there are all new ones and they are absolutely beautiful. I don’t know if they have them by you or not. Thought you’d be interested though. Hugs, Gail Buss XX

    • sbranch says:

      I love those — heard them called Mexican Bluebells too. Purple flowers are so wonderful! They go with everything!

  24. Jen Y says:

    Thanks for the recipe! Can you give advice on how to save it digitally? I keep pretty much all of my recipes on Pinterest now (my husband keeps telling me I have to go with the future & save online to protect what I have on my computer?!). I know if I just book mark the page I’ll never remember it’s there to go back & try it.

    I’d love to win the book of days! What a sweet, informal diary it would make.

  25. Barbara in NC says:

    Hi Susan,
    Don’t you just love the smell of daffodils…I sure do..they’re so springtime. Thanks so much for the recipe …today is my husband’s birthday..he may get that cake this weekend! We’ve had a beautiful spring down here in Charlotte and I hope it finally comes to our girlfriends up north.

  26. Renee Preston says:

    Playing hooky from work today. Took my Momma to lunch on the porch of our favorite coffee shop, now laying on her screened porch listening to the birds and the soothing sounds of Dad’s koi pond waterfall.
    I just finished reading to her about babydoll sheep. We think we’d like to have some!
    A perfect mental health day!

  27. Harmony Colleen says:

    Happy May everyone and thank you Susan for the luscious-sounding recipe and the beautiful photos. (Love that one lone little pink tulip standing sweetly amidst all the yellow ones.) Wishing for a looooong glorious springtime of flowers before the summer heat. Hugs to your precious kitties & count me in on the giveaways.

  28. jeannine leonard says:

    Happy May Day!
    Thank you so much for the cake recipe, it was a really nice surprise. I cannot wait to make this for mother’s day; if I can wait that long.. I really don’t think I can. This cake looks so yummy.
    I have your days calendar book from 1997; still have the date marked that I met my husband. It is so much fun looking back and remembering memories of the not so forgotten past. I like the layout of this new one, if I am not a winner I will surely be buying one.
    Lastly, I saw Honey Crisp apples today, they were $2.99 a lb. which is a little more that I am used to spending, but they looked so yummy, and your earlier posts made me want to try them. I bought 3, one for each of the girls and one for myself. I am going to cut them up for a snack when the girls come home from school. I only have to wait 1 more hr. Think I can hold on?
    Have a great rest of this perfect May Day of 2013.

    • sbranch says:

      Tell me how you liked them!? Our market here on the island is more expensive than off-island stores — the other day I saw Honey Crisps for over $6 a pound. I didn’t buy them because to do so would have proved me crazy. We’re trying to get a honey crisp tree now! They are so different and wonderful.

      • jeannine leonard says:

        We loved them, my daughter Ashley said it tasted like a pear. I think because of the sweetness, like a honey essence. It was crisp and juicy.
        It would be wonderful with any of the hard cheeses that you can find at the market.
        I wish you luck with your tree, and please share with us the planting and that wonderful fruit it will be producing.

        • jeannine leonard says:

          I meant pictures not the actual fruit, but that might not be a bad idea. Hope you find a tree soon.

        • sbranch says:

          I think it takes a few years for the fruit to appear, but have to start somewhere! Hopefully our nursery will come up with the tree for us! Glad you liked it!

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Will you get apples with one tree or do you need two trees?

        • sbranch says:

          Yes, it needs a pollinator — if they find the honey crisp, they’re also getting us either a granny smith or a gala. I hope granny smith because I love them for apple crisp.

          • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            Oh, both are really good apples. We buy the Galas to eat when the honeycrisps are not available…also, have you ever tasted Pink Lady apples? They are really good, too–I’d bet you would like them…

          • sbranch says:

            And pretty too … also a good one.

  29. Carin from Central California says:

    Yum! Thanks for the recipe. I don’t belive I have made an angel food cake since high school, but can’t wait to make this one. I’m in the middle of moving, but will definitely take the time to make this cake. Baking is therapy. Your tulips are beautiful. I was in Washington state last year when the tulips bloomed and there were acres and acres and acres of beautiful tulips as far as you could see. And, what a nice surprise that you are giving away a copy of Count Your Blessings. Happy May Day to you!

    • sbranch says:

      If more people took time out to bake during a move, bake and make the new bed up clean, it would certainly make the process a lot more bearable! Happy Move Carin!

  30. Anita says:

    Happy May Day to you, too! Your art, stories, recipes and the love you share with all of us, your fans — OOPS! — your GIRLFRIENDS, means so much, Susan. Thank you for brightening our days. Or in my case, years! God bless you and all that you love. xo

  31. Kate says:

    Well I sure like seeing your flowers because instead of any here, we have a fresh 3 inches of snow. Down in Denver, quite a rarity this late in the year. Its really April 1st and somebody forgot to tell the earth…
    Love the new days book will have to get one. Have a great day!

  32. Cheryl says:

    Hi Sue,
    I can;t hep but mention how amazing you are. I read all the comments. I don;t know how you could possibly be humanly aware of exactly how you touch people. Thank God for Susan Branch!

  33. CindyK says:

    Happy May Day dear Susan! I LOVED the cone of May flowers! How gorgeous with the lilies of the valley! Thank you soooo much for the cake recipe! I’m making note of it, and trying it for Mother’s day! Thank you for all the flowers too! I am one of those who is STILL experiencing winter! Even though we had 3 gorgeous days of summer, temps in the 80’s, winter has returned. Today it is in the 30’s and it just got through snowing like crazy. None of it accumulated, but they are predicting 6-9 inches of snow tonight. I’ve had enough already! What kind of place gives you 3 days of 80 plus degrees, and then a snow storm the next day? Crazy!
    I love your new Days book. I’ll be getting one soon!
    Thanks again for the wonderful recipe. The photo you put up is so mouth watering!

  34. Kitty, Pueblo West, Co says:

    I am hurrying off to the store for supplies. Your cake sounds wonderful.

  35. Hi Susan! It just so happens I ordered the Blessings book last week along with the yellow address book and UPS says its coming TODAY!! I can’t wait especially after getting a peak at what’s inside. Can’t wait to try out the cake recipe – thanks!

  36. Jamie from Doty Island, WI says:

    Oh, how fantastic of you for sharing the Blueberry Angel Dream Cake recipe!
    I have a very dear friend who needs for me to make this for her birthday this coming week. Both she and her husband have had open heart surgery in the past two years so this cake should be just the ticket for lower calories and being delicious too. I know everyone is going to love it and I will tell them that I got the recipe from the very generous and multi-talented Susan Branch!
    Many, many appreciative thank you’s…..
    Jamie 🙂

  37. Sheryl Martin says:

    I am going to attempt your yummy blueberry cake recipe, maybe for Mother’s Day! Thanks for sharing it with us. I also love “Friendly Persuasion”. Such a wonderful cast. Happy May Day!

  38. Nicki Anderson says:

    I just wanted to take a moment to wish YOU a Happy May Day ! I love your blog. It always cheers me up and I look very forward to your every post.

    Again, Happy May Day, Susan !

  39. Joy says:

    Love your site! Especially the little chirping welcome bird!!

  40. Shawn says:

    Happy May Day. The sun is finally shining here in Michigan and it is 75 degrees. I love the Days book. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  41. Gayle says:

    I remember sneaking May baskets on friends’ doors, ringing the bell, and running away quick! Ours were filled with candy, not flowers. Was Minnesota the last place that kept the tradition alive? This was in the early 1960s.

    • sbranch says:

      I think for some people it’s still alive, and maybe getting a new breath for a new generation!

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Gayle, do you think we used candy because there weren’t flowers that early? 🙂

  42. Ritchie Saunders (Pacific Palisades, CA) says:

    This cake looks DELICIOUS!! Will pass it on to all my girl friends. Happy Travels to California! Cheers, Ritchie

  43. Lauren says:

    Dearest Susan……..
    You are a gift of wonderfulness…….you bring joy to my heart. We have lost our home, our money and my husband sits in depression at the loss of his health. He takes his misery out on me……..I sink down until I get your mail and go to your blog……………thank you god for Susan. My pension check came to day so I will go to the market and get what foods I need to make your lovely cake. I also decided that I am going to order the two books you have referred to. Thank you for being so genuine and lovely. Thank you for your beauty.

    • sbranch says:

      What a hideous ten years we have just experienced. I am so sorry Lauren. Go outside a lot dear girlfriend. Join a book club too. xoxo ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Sending love.

  44. Ppatti says:

    New to your blog but I am enjoying reading thoughtful and pleasant words with beautiful pictures! Thanks!

  45. Alice says:

    It’s a blessing when your blog appears! I’m looking forward to making your cake for my blueberry loving husband. Thanks for the reminder to count our blessings- I like the idea of actually writing down the best thing each day. In fact, I think I will put a chalkboard in my kitchen so my family can each write down only good things to share. I will write in your lovely book of days so I can page back and be reminded of all the good in my life. Love, love,love your pictures. xoxo

  46. Julie Cavrich says:

    Happy May Day Girlfriends! Beautilful post Susan. I would love the Blessings book. (or any SB book!) Love all the beautiful flowers. May is my birthday month also, so I just love this month! The Blueberry cake looks good, but I think I am going to make the Hot Milk cake today. Save the Blueberry for another day. Happy May! Kisses to the Kitties!

  47. Patricia says:

    Hi Susan and Friends,

    It’s cool, wet and dreary in my neck of the woods. What a wonderful surprise when I checked my email, a May Day message from the Heart of the Home! The yellow tulips and daffodils are like rays of sunshine, Thank You!!! And thanks for the cake recipe. It looks like it is sitting in a puddle of blueberry glaze. I plan on making it for Mother’s Day. My dog thanks you for the recipe too; whenever a recipe calls for egg whites, I always scramble the yolks for her treat.
    Please enter my name in the drawing. I already own the Girlfriend and Summer books but would love, love , love the Blessings book. Speaking of the Summer book, the Kitchen Sink BBQ Sauce is the best ever!

    Happy May Day to All

  48. Susan says:

    Happy May Day!

  49. Jonnie Nottingham says:

    gonna have to try this wonderful cake recipe! it looks really yummy. And, as always, I love your books – they are so beautifully made.

  50. Chris S. says:

    Happy Post Susan! Thank you for sharing your recipes and flowers (my favorite). I hope hope hope I get chosen for your drawing! I love all things Susan Branch!!!
    Have a great day and week!

  51. Marge says:

    Oh, the blueberry cake looks so yummy. I am going invite my girlfriend over for tea and surprise her with this spring cake. Thanks for sharing!

  52. Marge says:

    Oh, the blueberry cake looks so yummy. I am going invite my girlfriend over for tea and surprise her with this spring cake. Thanks for sharing!

  53. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    Days… the only book of yours, I don’t have. It is however, on my list!!! I can not wait to make this cake!! What a lovely May Day gift!!! I need to go make little flower arrangements and leave them at the neighbors doors!

  54. Cheryl says:

    Double doses of sunshine today. The big yellow one up in the sky (which has been rare in mid-Michigan), and then YOU! Thanks for the bright light you shine on all us girlfriends!

  55. Kelly from Pennsylvania says:

    It’s a beautiful day in the Poconos!! I’m so happy to see the sun shining and everything blooming… It’s the simple things that give me the greatest pleasure! Thank you Susan for reminding us of that on a regular basis! Sometimes we get too caught up in the day to day, we forget to stop and just breathhhh in that fresh spring air. 🙂

  56. Joann says:

    I’m one of those in DEEP SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! What a great surprise since we’ve already had a couple of fires in March; this moisture is one of those blessings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And………’re another!!


    Joann in Colorado

  57. Kathy Riley says:

    I am going to surprise my 85 year old Dad by baking this cake for him. He helps me pick blueberries and strawberries every summer. I’m sure he will love the cake. Last summer we picked 20 quarts of blueberries in the hot July sun. We have enjoy them so much. He is already talking about picking them this year!
    Everyday for lunch I have vanilla yogurt with a few frozen blueberries added. It makes lunch a happy and healthy time.
    Thank you so much for the recipe and your website. You always cheer me up!

  58. Nancy says:

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the recipe. It is going to be a wonderful summer dessert!

  59. Lisa Hay says:

    Happy May Day, Susan and all the girlfriends above and below! I love your blog filled with inspiration and smiles! Did you ever decide to come to Houston or Austin for A Fine Romance signing? Looking forward to seeing you then!
    Hugs to you,
    Lisa Hay from Sunny Texas!

    • sbranch says:

      We haven’t started making dates yet, but soon now Lisa! I’ll be sure to put our schedule here on the blog.

  60. Margo :-) says:

    Happy May Day!!!!!!!

    That blueberry angel cake looks soooooooooooo delicious!!!!!! 🙂

  61. kimberly says:

    Had to share this post with my DIL. I loved everything about it! May Day makes me happy. 🙂

  62. Kathy Dow says:

    Happy May Day to you Susan.

    Are you and I the only people old enough to remember? I hardly know anyone who is familiar with, much less practices the tradition anymore; not even school children. We used to make May baskets in school. I still love to give friends bouquets of flowers from my garden on this day. (friends: blessing, check) (abundant flowers in my garden: blessing, check). Already 2 blessings today and it’s only lunch time. No, wait! make that three: (Susan Branch posted today)

    Loking forward to the new “book of days”. What an excellent gift for a friend (or me). No matter how awful things get, there is always a blessing to be found if we look. You have provided a wonderful way to record them and remember them always. Thanks!

  63. Kathy Dow says:

    Does your computer gizmo correct spelling and typos? That should have been “looking” of course.

    • sbranch says:

      Probably not, but we don’t give demerits for spelling on this blog, because we all do it! 🙂 Or, I guess I should just speak for myself!

  64. claresgabby says:

    Happy May Day. Cake looks yummy! Have loved “Friendly Persuasion” since I saw it years and years and years and years ago…you get the picture! Always thought May Day was a charming tradition (We added cookies with the flowers when my boys were little!) So there you go…another wonderful blog from you. Thanks!

  65. Jane Grayson says:

    Hi Susan.

    Thank you so much for the reminder to count our blessings. It’s so easy these days to focus on all the negative stuff that is happening around us. Apparently a recent study has shown that if we can find just 3 things to be thankful for each day it will increase our happiness by 25%! You are such an inspiration to find joy in all things.

    Love Jane (Manchester, England)

  66. Dawna Chapman says:

    OMG…that Blueberry “Angel Dream Cake” looks absolutely “heavenly!” I think I will make it for my Mother’s Day celebration. I am hosting it this year…my first ever with my family in Edmond, Oklahoma (formerly of Buena Park, CA)! It will be like having you there with us! Well, sort of (tee, hee!)…though this cake may be heavenly, it certainly cannot replace your cheery, warm presence! Thank you, Susan, for brightening my day.
    Warm hugs,

  67. Debbi H says:

    What a beautiful book to jot down blessings in!! Would love that!!!
    <3 thank you for sharing your heart with us <3

  68. ginger says:

    You always make me smile. Your collections and ways of expression are just what I wish mine were. I’ll strive toward Susanhood. Thanks for another boost.

  69. Donna says:

    I love your blog! I’m retiring in 2 months (yeah) and your Days book would be perfect for me to track this next portion of my life!!!! Enjoy the Spring weather.

  70. ’tis the Merry, Merry Month of May! Such a treat . . a Susan blog, a recipe, and learning of a new book! Yay! Now all I need is a cup of tea and perfection is attained 😉

    The air is different today, the sun shone in a blue sky and laundry was dried on the line, and gardening was done too, spirits are lifted, and another month on my Susan Branch calendar was turned over . . but, oh! my! where is the year running to? Slow down, won’tcha please?

    Here is a link to the Padstow Obby Oss, or how they celebrate May Day in Padstow in Cornwall. Quite a day. I’d love to go one day myself
    I love the gaily fluttering banners and bunting a lot.

    The sun is setting here in Wales, and May Day will soon be over, but there is a Bank Holiday to look forward to next Monday. Hurrah! Hope this weather lasts for a while, it is pleasantly warm and reasonably wind free, and, like a bowl of porridge I declare it “neither too hot nor too cold, but Just Right!”

  71. Kathy G. says:

    I enjoy my cup of green tea and catch up reading your blogs. It’s a dreary cooler day here in Iowa, I enjoyed my blooming daffodils by sending them to an aunt in a retirement home…. In a May basket left outside her door! She hasn’t phoned yet, so she must still wonder who left it!
    Count me in to win your books, I’d love to have them.

  72. Cyndi in NC says:

    I love the Thomas Moore quote. *S* So it is going into my file of Days as I don’t have a book. What a great idea it is. BTW I am starting my “file” today with the quote as I don’t have a book. I’ll add how I enjoy the sounds my little grand dog Jenna makes as she sleeps. How much I enjoyed my day with my daughter yesterday. I had a dermatologist appointment in a town an hour plus from my home. After that we bought popcorn at Vic’s, went to Belk’s and bought matching Yellow Box Zebra print flip flops, browsed the mall and went to dinner. Today hasn’t been as exciting, doing washing and thinking about what to fix for dinner, but my little grand dog is still sleeping and I have to smile. I am in my home and that is more than enough excitement for me. *S*

  73. Barbara says:

    Susan, your cake looks scrumptious!! Can’t wait to try it on one of these beautiful spring weekends coming up.
    Happy May Day!

    PS….loved your little reference to ‘Camelot’:)

  74. Cathleen Lindell says:

    Thank you for brightening May Day:)

  75. Psalm K. says:

    Today is my twin sister’s birthday! (Get it?) we always miss each other most on our special day. Sometimes we are able to celebrate together but not this year. Your post cheered me up! I LOVE the flowers. If I could I would have a flower garden that bloomed all year. Thank you , Susan Branch, for your lovely words of hope & encouragement.

  76. Cathy says:

    I thought you might enjoy this on May Day-
    This is from a letter that my grandmother wrote to my aunt: “I had you on the 29th (April) and the next day Mrs. Bowen came to see the new baby. She was dismayed to find me in bed with wallpaper books, scissors, and paste everywhere. After all, she didn’t realize, it was time for making May Baskets and the older girls were all delighted in their making of them.”

    • sbranch says:

      It sounds like something from “Little Women!” What a delightful quote! What’s your grandmother’s name? Maybe I could use her words in something someday, would that be OK?

  77. Nellie says:

    And a Happy May Day to you as well, Susan!

    I have already commented on the previous blog, so I suppose I’ve covered all the bases.:-) How wonderful that a Day Book Journal is going to be available again!

    The cake sounds like the absolute perfect thing for spring and summer! In fact, I am to be hostess for bridge on Friday morning, and this sounds like the solution to my problem about what to take! Good to have at least one problem solved.:-)

    It is hard to believe that snow is the order of the day in some locations! We have a sunny spring day, with temperatures just slightly above the usual temperature for this time of the year.

    I send along wishes for a wonderful Wednesday!

    xo Nellie

  78. Maureen says:

    First to Sandy…sending lots of prayers for all good things for your husband of 54 years! I know he has a great cheerleader in you and lots of pep club girls out here!

    Susan thanks for telling us about the Count our Blessings book…all of us count them, but wonderful to put down for posterity in a pretty book.

    • sondra fox says:

      Maureen, Just wanted you to know I read your good wishes. Thank you friend. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

  79. Ann Michael, from Ohio says:

    Susna, I was glad to see the line from Camelot at the top of your post! Every May 1st I put my CD of Camelot on the stereo and belt it out along with Julie Andrews. (Always of course when I am home alone – no sense in assaulting anyone’s ears!!)
    Please enter me in the drawing for your new Book of Blessings. I loved the Book of Days and was sorry to be unable to find it anymore.
    Please also keep posting – you help to keep me focusing on the important things in life. Thank you!!

  80. Suzanne Alexander says:

    Thank you so much for sharing the recipe for your yummy-looking Blueberry Angel Cake. I love the photos of your tulips and daffodils. I have planted both but the deer eat them before they can bloom. Instead, I will just have to enjoy tulips and daffodils through your photos.

  81. Patti Z says:

    Happy, happy May Day, Susan! I don’t often leave a post but I am a regular reader and I gotta tell ya how much I enjoy your photos, your blog, your spirit! The photos today make me want to be where you are — we’re on the downhill side of spring here in Texas. Today’s post also reminds me, I want a quince bush! Those branches are gorgeous! Thanks for all you do to make this blog a joy to read!

  82. Ann from Pasadena says:

    That blueberry cake looks divine! Thank you for all the breaths of spring you send our way. Your photography is luscious!

  83. Sheila Weakley says:

    A beautiful, sunny May Day here in WV-that’s a blessing! Our apple trees are blooming-and buzzing with bees & hummingbirds! My bleeding heart bush is full of adorable pink hearts-have you ever drawn them? I have some pretty pictures of them! And a week-old filly in the pen with her mama-talk about adorable! Too cute for words! Let’s hope our May days continue to be filled with so many blessings!

  84. db says:

    Thank you for the encouragement through your drawings, photos and writings on such a bleak day as ours with so many negatives projected to us constantly…you and your blog are a breath of fresh air…deby

  85. BeNotForgot says:

    Happy May Day from Texas! 🙂

  86. Michelle A. Eastvale, CA says:

    Hi Susan,
    Happy May Day! That cake looks so good, I love blueberries and I cant wait to try it. Your flowers are so pretty, we cant grow tulips here. Thank you for the chance to win one of your books.

  87. Gloria says:

    Happy, Happy May Day! Ahhh, the lusty month of May! Love that song and movie! My husband took me to see a live performance of “Camelot” for Valentines Day! I remembered every word to every song! Such fun! Are May Pole dances performed anymore? The last one I saw was in 1st grade! What beautiful weather for it!

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t seen one in a long time, but I would love to! This island needs to do that, in the park overlooking the harbor would be perfect! There’s a huge flag pole there too, hmmmmmm.

  88. Linda D. says:

    Thanks for all of the photos of your Springtime blossoms. I love seeing them. Today is my Gracie’s birthday! I call her my “Saving Gracie” since she helped me get through the last year after my sweetheart husband passed away. I’m pretty sure he sent her to me so I wouldn’t be so lonely. Anyway, she is one year old today and tonight her doggie friends from the neighborhood will be coming to celebrate with us. Happy May Day to you, also. You are a ray of sunshine with your Blog.

  89. Gina says:

    Oh, Susan…your blog always brings a smile to my face. I recently got divorced and it is nice to move into the beautiful world on your island and leave Kansas behind for a while. But as Dorothy says there’s no place like home and I love my new little corner of the world.

    Thank you for your insight into the world. You are helping me look for the good things that are all around me!

  90. Jo in Western Springs says:

    Susan, you know how to make a person’s day complete. I just returned home from visiting our newest grandchild and our daughter-in-law in the hospital. Mom is doing well and Courtney has a perfect little face as well as everything else – thank you, Lord! Then I log onto my email and there’s your wonderful blog. It’s like you’re a mind-reader! Thank you so much for your love for all of us. We love oodles and gobs you right back!

  91. suzy says:

    Thank you so much for including your “booberry” (that is how a friend of mine pronounces it for fun) cake..I just bought some Florida blues at a farmer’s market on the grounds of the Phillipi Creek mansion (adjacent to Phillipi Creek that runs into Sarasota Bay) in south Sarasota. Also looked longingly at some cats and dogs being shown for adoption by the Sarasota Humane Society which were also at the market. I put my last cat to sleep last summer and want another, but I have to wait for awhile. But, I am ready NOW..I enjoy your colorful missives and oh, the music too. Thank you. Hi to Jack and Girl Kitty, and you and your husband too.

  92. Chris k in Wisconsin says:

    This is amazing timing. We were going through some old boxes recently and I found my mother-in-laws old “journals” much in the format of your little book. She kept them faithfully for many years in the 1960’s through the 80’s when she passed. Just the every day things going on. “Washed windows. Sunshine all day. Chicken casserole for supper.” It was a blessing to read through all of them. Those books in that simple format are now hard to find. Hope you consider making them available!!!!

  93. Debbie S., IL says:

    Happy May Day to all! Thanks Susan, for the yummy-looking recipe, I love angel food cake.
    I would love to be picked by Vanna!

  94. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    Happy May Day!!! I was wondering what that book was for, when I saw it in your store.
    Thanks for the recipe!

  95. Janis says:

    Thanks so much for the lovely May Day welcome! ♥ I am on year 4 of using your original “Days” book as a journal for my thoughts of the remains of each day. When I have a lot to say and there isn’t enough room, I write all over other pages (the ones that don’t have dates…) sideways, upside down, right-side up, etc. Gotta get all those thoughts down before they fly away for the night! ♥ If Vanna chooses me to receive your new “Days” Blessing book, I promise it will be put to good use.

  96. Jo says:

    Happy May to you! It is just a picture perfect day! Hope you enjoy it!

  97. J. McCluskey says:

    Hi…love reading your news and fun of the happy may day. I’m reading your news eating a BP&J sandwich at work. It is a wonderful break from the crazy day.
    Thank you,

  98. Judy says:

    This cake looks yummy. And I have a friend who is recovering from something and this will hit the spot!!! Judy

  99. Stephanie says:

    How I miss the fields of daffodils that we had in Rhode Island every spring. They were always such a lift to the winter weary spirit. A hint of what Mother Nature was gearing up for …

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