‘Morning Girls, here’s your MUSICA for today. ♥ This is a very good song for memorizing ~ it’s delightful for singing at the top of your lungs in a Smallville shower, nice while cleaning out cupboards, fun while driving in the car, even good if you have to be in bed to wait for your new knee to heal (or something like that).♥ Sing it into the ear of a child, or your better half, and life gets really good.
Speaking of Smallville; here is a little thing that will make your frozen mornings a little less so. I have two pairs of these darling sexy shoes you see above,the most comfortable shoes in the world . . . this pair is in the kitchen in front of the heat vent getting warm, while the other is on my feet, slowly (but surely) chilling up. Soon I will exchange places with them and my cold feet, as they slip into the deep warmth of freshly heated shoes, will purr the immortal words: Ooo La Wee.
Some variation of these two old cashmere sweaters and that brown shawl are my daily outfit for working at my art table. Not pretty, but cozy ~ works perfectly in Smallville. I took the picture pointed at my lap (sucking in my tummy to protect the innocent).
As you know, I’ve been doing lots of painting for my 2016 calendars, but I took a little time out and did something just for fun I thought you might like to see.
This is Paul Lucas, he is the darling husband of my good friend Rachel. It’s his birthday at the end of the month. And it’s a big one.
That’s Paul on the left, Ray in the middle,(we’re in Maine) and who’s that other guy in the picture with the beret? Oh, yeah, that’s Joe!
Some of you know Ray from Twitter, some know her from Sugar Moon Brownies, and others from her own Blog (she’s more famous every day, another hardworking girl in Smallville) . . . and,
Here’s where they live. You might recognize it because I wrote about Ray and Paul in A FINE ROMANCE; they are English and live in England and part of the reason we went over was to see them. You might remember that wonderful recipe for Ray’s amazing Lemon Butter Cookies on P. 139 of A FINE ROMANCE? (One of our Girlfriends made the cookie HERE in her Blog, in case you don’t have the book but need the recipe!)
This is Paul with Ray’s darling nephew Will. Paul is doing a one-of-a-kind birthday cello recital for Ray’s mum on her sun porch. See? he’s wonderful.
Just ask the love of their lives . . . this is Ray’s and Paul’s “dog” Alice. I use the word “dog” only because I know Alice doesn’t look at blogs.
Her collar says it all.
You may have noticed that Paul is the picture of sartorial splendor, he always looks darling. As you know if you read A Fine Romance, he sometimes wears an ascot. He’s one of a kind. I love his new beard and mustache.
It’s men like this that give me hope for the world. (He’s in my pantry ironing his pants a couple of Christmases ago.) So I decided I wanted, even though I’m much too far away to do him total birthday justice, to help him and Rachel
So I decided to paint him in all his dapper charmingness, or at least as much as I could muster onto a flat piece of paper. Including the dog pin on his lapel and the brilliant scarlet handkerchief in his pocket.
The colors in that photo of him made it easy to make the decision ~ I had fun painting every single stripe, plaid and eye sparkle.
I’m almost done!
I added a few descriptive words, put on a little border, watercolored his name and then signed it. Paul is funny with words: instead of Vineyard Haven, he calls where we live “the Haven” (no one calls it that); and instead of Martha’s Vineyard which many people shorten to “The Vineyard,” not Paul, he calls it “Martha’s.” He calls Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc, “Kimmie.” And now, so do we and all our friends do too. It’s catching . . . if you like Kimmie, you’ll probably call it that from now on too. It will go viral!
Witty, Talented and Cute. Oh yes, and he raises bees in their garden.
So, while Joe reglued an old frame we had lying around Smallville, taking out all the teeny nails and framing it for me . . . I wrote a card, and went looking through my sticker collection for something Birthday-like to put on the envelope. My eye landed on a three-dimensional pink polka-dot birthday hat, with a real, red-yarn pompom on top (no longer being made if you can imagine that sad state of affairs) I tried it on Paul. It fit perfectly. So him.
So I left it there, stuck to the outside of the glass, thinking it was kind of the cat’s meow. Joe wrapped it up in 3 lbs of bubble wrap and it’s on the way to England even as we speak.
So that’s what makes Smallville special, we’re in charge around here. We make our own fun.
And speaking of fun . . . it’s your turn! You know I can never just come out and announce the winner of a Giveaway. Oh no, must drag out the suspense like my dad used to do at Christmas, thereby almost doing his children in with the hysteria of the thought of what Santa might bring them!!! Unbearable! Hope I can do the same for you. (No, I know ~ it’s not quite the same thing!)
OK, anyway, Vanna, unlike her usual self (usually she sleeps in late, resting up because of the many Euro Trash parties she loves to attend), is actually already UP, and dressed and ready for her big moment. She wafts by me in the palest whisp of Chanel #5, wearing a gown that looks suspiciously JUST LIKE the one that Kate Hudson wore at the Golden Globes, (Vanna has no idea how she freaks out the people who live in Smallville. But her joie de vivre is so compelling I can’t bring myself to put a damper on her. I just let her do what she needs to do and get her out of here before Joe gets up!)
Our Vanna is named for Vanna White, the most well-known Game Girl of our times. Our virtual Vanna is a professional when it comes to drawing the winning name from a huge vat of names. Nobody does it better. She’s the double-oh-seven of the Game Girl world and we are proud to call her our own. This is one of her bedroom slippers.
And so. While I was writing about her, she was busy digging deep into the well with all your names ~ she actually dives in, a graceful high dive (especially in that dress), and swims through them to mix them up, she’s like the Little Mermaid that way, a little silver fish. And she just popped up with teeny piece of paper. Let me get my glasses . . .
Ohhhh, how wonderful! Here goes: The winner is . . . drum roll please . . .
J A N H A M M O N D !!!
Congratulations Jan!
You are our LUCKY Winner! Please look for an email in your box, write me back and send me your home address so I can pop your books in the mail to you. I hope the new books help organize you and Gale (in her comment, Jan mentioned that if she won, she’d give the other book to her girlfriend Gale).
But that’s not all, there’s more . . . first of all, here comes Valentine’s Day, and Janie made us some adorable new banners! I wanted to let you know before they’re all gone . . . Kellee snuck them into the store last week and they’re already flying out.
Janie always makes the cutest envelopes to go with the banners ~ these little banners make the perfect Valentine’s gifts.
Janie made these Swedish hearts for us too, they come in both white and red and in darling envelopes of their own.
Sooooo, I hope everyone is feeling festive and organized and no one is too disappointed ~ the hardest thing I do is announce a winner! But I really wanted to thank you for the lovely, wonderful comments you left on the last post. You are an amazing bunch of Girlfriends!
I feel like we’re on some sort of roll, I hate to see it come to an end, so, because it’s almost Valentine’s Day, I thought . . . maybe . . . we should . . .
have another. . .
another what? ~ another what? . . . another cup of tea?
La-dee-da . . . la-dee-da
GIVEAWAY!! After all, winter is long, and the secret of a happy life is continuous small treats, right? . . . and a tea pot really isn’t very big . . .just the perfect size for Smallville.
Remember, you saw that teapot in A Fine Romance?
I’ve had mine for a long time ~ remember how well it mixes with my mismatched dishes?
And how cute it looked at our Valentine’s Breakfast party with the Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz dishes? I think you would love having one as much as I do.
And there’s even more, it’s a really BIG Giveaway! Because I thought it would be nice to include this ~ a tin of our own private label Earl Grey tea with Lavender and Rose Petals. Yum!
Oh yes! And one more thing, since it’s Valentine’s Day we’re talking about . . .
I thought, even though most of you already have it, A FINE ROMANCE would make a good Valentine’s present because you could give it away to someone you love. And if you don’t already have the book, if your name is drawn, you would now have access to the recipe for Rachel’s Lemon Butter Cookies. It’s a win-win! And I hope you do! Win, I mean. My way of saying Thank You!
Kitties love it too.♥ And vice versa.
So, we’re going to have another drawing ~ after all we don’t want that silver manicure of Vanna’s to go to waste, and she adores Valentines Day more than any other . . . so, to sum up: if you left a comment on the post below for the Internet Address Books, you are already entered for the teapot, book and tea! But if not, leave a comment at the bottom of this post and tell your mom, your sister, your grammie, your BFF, your great-aunt Mary, your Twitter friends, Pinterest Peeps, and Facebook pals to come on over and enter too.
The prizes: one of our dear Girlfriends is going to get a 4-cup, Emma Bridgewater Heart Teapot, my “Come Sit Stay” tea tin with delicious Lavender and Rose Petal Earl Grey Tea, AND a signed copy of A FINE ROMANCE.♥
(And you think YOU’RE having fun! HA! When people talk about “the power of the Internet” I think this is what they mean! At least here in Smallville.)
Rubbing hands together in attack of pathological enthusiasm.
And P.S. if just thinking about this inspires you to envision having a Valentine’s Tea Party, the first thing you will need are invitations . . . so here you go! Click there and you can print out as many as you need on card stock or heavy paper (one of our girlfriends said she used a cut-down manila envelope and it worked perfectly! Probably an interesting color too, quite creative!) ~ invite your best girlfriends, your sisters, your mom, your best guy, or someone who simply needs an airing (as Joe would say, usually about me when I’ve been in the house too long), and celebrate as we do so well here in Smallville. Make Rachel’s cookies and some cucumber sandwiches, light the fire and a candle or two, talk, talk, talk, solve all the world’s problems, hash over Downton Abbey, and watch the cold and snow fade away to nothing.
Ah yes, here’s Nature’s Valentine, out on our feeders . . . making the world more adorable one little birdie at a time.
Love you Girlfriends, have a wonderful day!♥
I love your blog…always makes me smile! And that teapot, I love! Being only a tea drinker, it would be so much fun to have and share with friends! Thank you for always making my day a little brighter!
How I would love to have a special tea for my granddaughter Abby’s 9th birthday. Her sisters and Mom would be invited and we could pour tea from the cute teapot. They would love it! I would enjoy the book I am sure as I truly enjoy reading your posts.
Dear Susan, I love your kitties! I have 4 kitties of my own – I didn’t mean to get that many but I picked up a stray kitty that was hanging outside my daughter’s house and she turned out to be pregnant! I ended up keeping them all because I was afraid they would be killed and I didn’t want that to happen. Now I can’t imagine getting rid of them! What a household, they are all different personalities but fun. They will be 5 years old next August, except for mama, of course. She is about 11 months older. I enjoy your blog very much, especially about your attitude and love for your kitties. It has helped me with my kitties and I appreciate it very much. Thank you! Love, Deborah Gonser-Adams
House of cats, you are so lucky! Must be very cozy around there!
So enjoyed your pictures and tale of Paul, I have been painting cards like that too… for special friends over the years, It makes me sooo happy. You did a great job capturing his essence it seems and I’m sure he will love it forever! Friends really do make life worth living..as well as tuxedo cats, snugly fires and extra sweet hubbies! My birthday is the 21 st and I think instead of just receiving cards I may paint little notes back to all my friends and let them know how much they have added to my life !( i still have and love those tiny little hand painted square notes ( like tiny sticky notes w/o the sticky part) you made that came in a tiny box, and they inspired me to paint and I still treasure them. ( Thanks for giving me a boost to my day and an extra spring in my step…now I need some tea and toast, and to plan a Valentine’s brunch, ( and even though my kitchen is ripped out right now , I WILL FIND A Way!
My Grammies had rose chintz and after you inspired me to look for some ( as my Mummsie can’t part with her Mummsie’s quite yet) ,was blessed beyond measure when I found someone local selling their entire set! I am going to start giving things away like you do to brighten up the lives of others. You are a gem!
Ps what kind of watercolors and brushes do you like? I am about to buy some French pans of the brand Sennelier, they are made with honey and that sounded really special, it’s supposed to make preserve the pigment and enhance luminosity!
Have a great day!
I use all kinds of paint, I love having as many colors as possible ~ I haven’t tried Sennelier, but I love the sound of it, went right to Utrecht and ordered nine tubes! So excited to get them, thank you for the suggestion! Love those all-caps about finding a way! Brilliant!
I feel so contented, and yet challenged also, when I read your posts. I try to look at my home in the same ways that you point out, Susan. For example, I just used your method of cleaning silver just before guests arrived for a New Year’s Day brunch. My husband was amazed. It was a grand time and all us oldies had the night to celebrate the New Year at home, safe and sound.
I am challenged to do better about drawing/coloring/making entries into my “art” journal. Right now I just use colored pencils, but it is fun to read about real artists who use paints. Thanks for your blog and sweet inspirations.
I bought the child’s tea set from your on-line shop. It is so pretty. Right now I have it on my sideboard and, when my granddaughter comes to visit, we have a tea party. I will give it to her when she is older. I have looked at the heart tea pot so many times, while on your website, wishing it could be mine. I do have the cup. Wouldn’t it look great next to the tea pot. Thank you for your blog, Susan. It always makes me smile.
Love that children’s teaset — your granddaughter will be so HAPPY when it becomes hers!
I bought my granddaughter a SNOWMAN tea set for Christmas. (We put up Snowmen after the Christmas decorations come down to help us through the post-holiday depression.) It is a real miniature set, came from the GW, but it has been sooo fun playing tea with it.
Thanks for your inspiration.
The teapot is wonderful.
? Don’t understand.
You understand more than you thought you did!
Filled in all the starred items….feel sad that what I wrote is gone.
Don’t feel sad, you’re here!
susan, you always make me smile, thanks for sharing your life with us
It would be so wonderful to get this giveaway as a gift for my dear mother who just adores your cheerful style!
What a special gift for February coming. I look forward in anticipation of this next drawing. I am always delighted with your wonderful art and words. Thank you for this opportunity, Monika
What a lovely prize.
I love, love, love your book…and would love to have another to give away…A Fine Romance is one of those books that you read that you never want to end….so I’m also anxiously waiting your next book!!
Your blogs are always so uplifting. Thank you for sharing your many talents with everyone.
Dear Susan,
I was thinking of you this morning when the cats woke me up because they were jumping up in the air to catch a SPARROW who was flying around in my bedroom! Have you ever had a bird mysteriously come in from the freezing weather? The cats (at least five of them) proceeded to jump up on the furniture to chase the bird and knock down all sorts of books, a lamp etc. I think the bird is still inside unless he became a morning snack for the felines.
I would love to have the valentine treasures. By the way, I am entering the Home and Garden channel’s home give away of the house on The Vineyard because then we could be neighbors and I could meet Jack and Girl Kitty!
Be happy in Smallville!
OMG, a cat riot . . . I can just imagine. Lots of our Girlfriends here on the blog are entering that contest — I’m hoping it turns out to be our first group home!
OMG … a SB Girlfriends Group Home… Brilliant! Just imagine … quilting weekends, scrap booking weekends, recipe testing, shopping, book signings and of course twines and tea parties I’m in …and I hope I win so I can host ♥ xoxo
I know, we’d never leave!
Love your books. Haven’t purchased A Fine Romance yet but what I have seen so far looks wonderful.
It would really make my day being the winner of your beautiful and generous give away. Your blog makes me laugh and smile and I so enjoy what you write about and the pictures and photos you show. You are certainly a giving person who so enjoys the small things in life. I am blessed to have found your books and blog with all the comfort and happiness they bring. Thank you so very much and have a wonderful day! Deb
You too Deb!
Wow! My first time here and already a giveaway! How exciting! I love your books and designs, and this has been a pleasant visit! Thank you for sharing your joy! Patsy
We waste no time around here!
LOVE the Tea Party Invites : )
LOVE cozying up with a mug of hot tea with honey and lemon : )
LOVE this cute tea pot
pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– janet
I’ve just discovered your blog and it’s brilliant.
Nothing better than a good old cup of tea leaf tea, from a tea pot.
Happy to meet you Irene!
Oh how you brighten my day…my heart…my life!
Thank you, dear Susan!
Hi Susan, me again in Blighty!
I know we can’t possibly hope to win all the way over here in Britain, as the postage costs would be horrendous for you!! Lol!
However, I have a cunning plan for you and Vanna….instead of one HUGE prize, you could pick a few names…then more girlfriends could share in the joy!
Just a thought!
Would love to meet the darling birthday boy and Ray…he is splendiferous in his outfits and you have captured him completely…and I lurve the Liddle birthday hat you’ve given him!
Loving Greetos!
Yes you can win! How would it be for me to have a party and not invite YOU of all people!
Oh my gosh. I was going along, listening to Perry,thoroughly enjoying the words and the pictures as always, and the lovely tribute to your dapper friend and then I had to swoon at the Valentine Tea Table. I said to myself, “Be still my heart”. And then to my wondering eyes did appear…a giveaway so fine that I could hardly believe it. I LOVE that teapot, I Adore the book, every single bit of it and have wanted to treat myself to that darling tea tin and my fav, Earl. If I won, I would do the happiest happy dance anyone ever saw. Thank you for all the joy you bring and for sharing your many talents. xo
I hope you get to do that happy dance Ruthie!
I’m so inspired to have a Valentine’s day tea party now!
I’ve just realized that your art and Tasha Tudor’s give me the same sense of pleasure and calm….just what is needed in our hectic world. Your blog just makes it that much better! Thanks!
I always wonder, and imagine, that probably Tasha Tudor would not have thought too much of blog world! I wonder. Very hard to picture her in her old-fashioned long dresses and aprons sitting in front of a computer! I like her better when I think of her in the garden!
…hah… Tasha Tudor “sitting in front of a computer”… ‘love Tasha just the way she was (is)… I believe she would have laughed at the thought as well….. btw, I can’t tell you how much I love these “give-a -ways”..you not only are so generous, but we all LOVE hearing all of these “comments”….thank you, Susan, again, for all that you do for all of us…and, while I am here, Paul and Rachel are so fortunate to be connected w/ you and Joe…such a wonderful friendship !!!…and, happy Sunday in Smallsville…. with love, as always….
I had the pleasure of seeing her in Williamsburg years ago for a weekend of lectures, sharing recipes and drawing in front of her audience. I will never forget that weekend. I agree with you about her blogging…..can’t imagine it either!
So glad you are once again posting from ‘the Haven’ on ‘Martha’s’! My lifelong best friend and I finally, after 55 years, live close enough to each other to celebrate the big events in our lives together, but also, gratefully, the small! How fun it would be to share a lovely pot of tea steeped in the ‘Emma’ pot while watching DA! Love your blog, Susan!
Happy for you, best friend close by is the BEST!
Hi Susan! I have read your book three times since I bought it last spring! You have inspired me to save for a similar dream trip to England someday, to take a watercolor class through Continuing Ed where I have met some kind and creative people and to find the good and positive everywhere and every day that I can. You are a kindred spirit that connects all of our kindred spirits together
So nice to hear Michelle, all such good things. xoxo
Oh Susan,
I just finished the last page of A FINE ROMANCE and wish it just kept going…what an absolute delight every page and story is! I returned from London last week and was not going to read your book right now since ours was a strictly (and wonderfully) city trip and we weren’t able to go to any of the magical places you visited, but I opened it and could NOT put it down. You are so inspiring and you help me to be so much more positive and adventurous.
I’m sitting here back in California drinking a cup of Fortnum & Mason’s Jubilee Blend tea (created for the Queen’s celebration in 2012) and looking at the lovely inspirations on the January page of your wall calendar. This is the first year I no longer need the “air traffic control” calendar and am so happy to have your artwork to see every day. I’m afraid I didn’t make the crust, but I did make an apple pie for dinner with some dear friends last night:)
Thanks to the generosity of the University of Pennsylvania, my son is starting his semester abroad at Kings College and my sister and I (thanks to the generosity of my mom) were able to go and get him set up and settled. What a thrill of a lifetime! We saw every palace, museum, park and beautiful London neighborhood that time and our “laking eggs” allowed. Seeing the manuscripts for PERSUASION and JANE EYRE in Jane Austen’s and Charlotte Bronte’s own hands was such an emotional experience. They also had on display a letter, started by Anne Boleyn and finished by King Henry, asking Cardinal Wolsey about the status of the king’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon…it gave me shivers to see their own words preserved. I kept thinking of the end of the movie EVER AFTER where the narrator says “the point, gentlemen, is that they lived.”
Reading your book makes me want to go back to see the countryside and all the history that thrives there. Thank you for sharing it all. Can’t wait to make Rachel’s Lemon Butter Cookies. Do you think Siobhan has any pictures of her tea party in the river that she would share with your Blog girls? You all make so much magic in the world, both in your own lives and in all of ours. I sent my son the Mark Twain quote on p. 40 to encourage him to spread his wings despite his mother’s nervousness:) Thank you for everything you create and share. All the best to you and Joe for a wonderful 2015. Thanks for helping start mine off so beautifully!
Isn’t it amazing when all that dull bland history you learned in school comes alive in a blaze of realization, factual, actual, real people, who wrote, danced and sang, were happy and sad, and were all children once and had names like Anne Boleyn and Jane Austen? It’s almost shocking . . .What a wonderful trip you had! I asked Siobhan about photos . . . but that was in the days before we had cameras attached to us at all times and she didn’t take one along. I’m sorry too!
Oh as I was scrolling down I saw “Catherine of Aragon” and just had to scroll back to see what that comment had to say! I had to smile as we just sent our son off to his semester abroad not in England but in Denmark just this Friday. Just skypted with him for the first time since he got there an hour ago. I packed him a letter in his suitcase to open once he was there….along the same lines as the Mark Twain quote. So nice to share a bit of this adventure with someone experiencing the same thing.
What an intimate morning it would to drink tea and write my blog ..warmed by Earl Grey and a cute teapot. You inspire me.
I have loved your cookbook’s, articles in magazine’s and your blog for years. The teapot is also something I have dreamed of having. It would be perfect to use on quilting night at my house. Thank you for sharing.
“…the secret of a happy life is continuous small treats…” That might be the best philosophy on happiness that I’ve ever heard. Thank you for all the positivity you bring to our lives!
What a wonderful and generous giveaway. Love your blog, a new post always makes my day!
I thought I had commented earlier, but since I can’t find it, let me comment again. Your blog brings so much light, color, inspiration and happiness to your readers, Susan! May all the blessings you share so generously with others come back to bless you.
Good morning Sue, Joe, Jack and Girl from Wisconsin
Count me in. Wishing for a lot more snow here but did get out skiing on the ice covered Lake Wingra on Wed, -glorious!
I have a very cute, very old spotted dog in my Eastlake hutch, Yes he is adorable! Have a great week. Cheers from Peggy and girl dog Sparky
Oooh! I am making this beautiful wee dresden plate valentines table topper that would welcome the teapot! Love love love your art,products,books,blog……. Cheers!
Happy Sunday! Thank you for all the wonderful thoughts. It always brightens my day.
For the past year or so I have come in quietly and read your blogs in the early morning before anyone knew I was there but today decided to ‘participate’ and let you know how much I enjoy your posts. My husband bought me “Heart of the Home” cookbook back in the late 80s and over the years I have slowly accumulated your other books but by far my favorite is “A Fine Romance” ( as I love diaries & journals). Thank you so much for sharing your art and letting us see things through your eyes <3
Nice to meet you Paula, thank you so much!
New to your blog and loving it! I received A Fine Romance as a Christmas gift and read it cover to cover in 24 hours! Reliving many happy trips to England, including 2012. Didn’t you love the Union Jack bunting all over the country? So festive for the Jubilee and Olympics! Gearing up for Downton tonight. Patriots game should end just in time. Go Pats! Have you discovered The Great British Bake Off, airing just before Downton and several other times during the week? Such a fun contest with lovely English folks, and they really make you want to whip out your springform and bundt pans! Fingers crossed for the teapot!
Each and every post is such a joy! Thanks so much for keeping us “in your loop”.
Would love,love that teapot! How cute!
I just finished reading A Fine Romance and went right out and bought myself a copy. Then I borrowed Miss Potter from my local library system and checked out a few old favorite Jane Austin novels. I hadn’t realized just how much I had been missing my old “friends”.
It would be ridiculously amazing to be drawn for your lovely tea pot but just being included in your gal pals feels like magic to me.
Thanks for blessing our lives with yours.
I apologize if this appears twice, but when I submitted my comment it disappeared so I’ll try to reassemble it…
When I read A Fine Romance I had to have a copy of my own. Then I borrowed Miss Potter from my library and checked out a couple of my favorite Jane Austen novels.
I would love to be chosen for you tea pot but just being included as one of your gal pals is pleasure enough. Thank you for brightening our lives by sharing yours so beautifully.
Love to have you here Sharon!
Tea party for one-“wouldn’t it be luvelly”?
Thank you for all your wonderful blogs; I look forward to all of them, and oftentimes read them over and over again, not wanting to miss anything visually or “verbally.” As everyone has told you time and time again, you are immensely talented, and you deliver such “small pleasures” to all of us, from the comfort and heart of your home straight to ours. Blog Daddy has got to be popping his buttons with pride!
It’s my little world, me, the computer and YOU ~ thank you so much Martine! It keeps my Dad closer too. xoxo
I really enjoy your blog, and reading about your life.
I would love to surprise my mom with such a delightful Valentine surprise!!
Hi Susan,
I have never been able to leave a comment and i’m not quite sure why!? Maybe I just don’t know how!! Whenever i feel down and i read either your blog or your book(s), i just feel “loved!” I love the little teapot and i love everything around you…i have been reading about you and your books since forever! thank you for making my world a little sunnier…
Hi Susan,
Not sure why i never get through but if you ever read my comments, just thank you so much for you…you make the world a better place because you make people happy and you help people to believe that the world is a good place even with all the problems. take care…hope you get this. i sent another and it says it is waiting to be moderated or something? Yikes, am i dumb for not knowing…
love, db
Your comment went into a sort of queue where it waits for “moderation” which means me . . . and I do it in spurts, so I can work on other things . . . you aren’t the only one, which is why I’m explaining, just in case everyone is wondering!
I was wondering, too! Thank you for the explanation!
Love the teapot and your inspiration!
What a wonderful way to celebrate a cold winter’s day! Thank you for sharing your creativity and for the generousity of your blog!
I visit this page weekly, it is my off-season connection to the vineyard. My family has the little cabin on the dirt road you walk to lake Tashmoo, we are marked by the sign Tigh. Love to decorate for valentines day, so posting for the first time.
Hi Neighbor!
Late to the races, but glad to be in the running for the teapot, tin, tea, and book – what a perfect set of gifts to chase someone’s winter blahs away – and I’ve always loved the Bridgewater heart items. Well, and the rose ones, what can I say? Good luck to all! ♥
I have followed you for years beginning with the Willard letter before moving to the blog world. I have many of your books but especially love the cookbooks! Your art work is over the top
Oh dear Susan……thank you from Oma and I for allowing us the time to add our names to the (tea)POT!!!!!! My fingers are crossed. Worth the discomfort for the chance to win. XXX
You are amazing, Susan. Love your blog – and everything else. The heart covered teapot is adorable and such a treasure. Thank you for these opportunities to “win.” Blessings to you!
I always enjoy your post. Have a wonderful Sunday
As always your posts are magical! I have become a huge Emma fan and have started my own collection. What a great giveaway!
Your blog is a joy and a little ray of sunshine every day! I love it! And I’m so excited to enter the drawing!!
So pretty!
Thank you so much for offering such sweet and generous giveaways for your readers.
Your beautiful photos and your way of writing transports me back to times gone by when life was less hectic. We seemed to enjoy the pleasures of ” come, stay, and visit ” with family and friends at every opportunity we had. Now, seems like we are watching the clock and the leasurely visits are barely a few minutes. Love the teapot, what a grand way to honor those that stop by “just for a few minutes”. Come, my friend, let us enjoy our friendship over a cup of tea……
Your blog has made my day! I absolutely LOVE hearing from you and your art is glorious! What a beautiful gift form Our Lord! Keep happy and well during this winter weather. We’ve had an ice storm this morning! But, warming up now.
Your friend, Marie
Hi Susan, please enter me in the teapot contest! I would love to win that special teapot!!!!
I’ve just stumbled upon your blog and I’m so glad I did! It’s so cheery and cozy. Thank you for the chance to win such a fantastic gift! I’ve had such a crush on England for so long I’d love to read your book!
Susan, Love your birthday gift for Paul(and he is adorable). I have a copy of your book” A Fine Romance” loved it and would love another copy to share with a friend. I fix a cup of tea for myself on Sunday night when I watch Downton Abbey and it would be such a treat to have your tea to try and serve it in your lovely teapot. As always your blog always makes my day! Peg
I have one little granddaughter and so look forward to having tea with her someday. I learned to love tea while staying with my Scottish grandmother. Would love to win this giveaway!
Your heart is overflowing with kindness and generosity. Loverly gifts!
Draw my name out of the mix and I will float through February on air. . .
Thank you! Bless your hearts.
Love your blog. It always brings a smile to my face. I have always loved the simple pleasures of domestic life. Enjoying a good cup of tea and being surrounded by favorite things that when I look at them, they just make me happy. Something as simple as a jar of sea glass and remembering the walks on the beach where it was found. Grateful heart!
You are so generous, Susan! I would love love love to have that teapot! I’ve had my eye on an Emma Bridgewater Tea Pot since I started reading your blog. I hope to start a tradition of a Valentine’s Day tea with my nieces & this would be the perfect piece!
I.m a first time poster. I love reading your blog. Your blog and your kitties make me smile. I have looked at that teapot and have thought about buying it. I love anything with hearts. The tea with lavender and rose sounds yummy. I have had tea with lavender and tea with rose but never with both together. I would also love to read your book. Thank you for sharing with us on your wonderful blog !!
Thank Goodness you decided to wait until after this weekend to have your drawing!! Last September my two daughters and I were in London for 24 hours and on our drive back to Folkestone to catch the “Chunnel Train” we stopped in Dorking, Surrey so I could visit “The Quilt Room”. We walked across the street to a cooking shop and found some Emma Bridgewater items! My oldest daughter bought the “Hearts” cup for her youngest daughter, Sophia and I bought the “Union Jack” cup. We couldn’t buy anything larger since we were running out of room in our suitcases………and we don’t know for sure when we’ll be back to England but we know we definitely want to go back! Our trip was only for six days to take care of my Dad’s estate in the Netherlands and the one thing my girls wanted to do – visit London – so we made it happen and it was the Best Day Ever!!! Thank you so much for your books, drawings, calendars, and especially your blogposts!!
Hi Susan! As always … so inspired by your blog and your artistic skills! Long been a fan of yours! My favorite holiday is coming up … VALENTINE’S DAY! Love everything hearts – your banners are so so cute! I start every day with a cuppa and a cookie … would love to pour some tea from your teapot! HAPPY HEARTS DAY! Thanks for the give away!
Love the teapot. Would love to win
What a joy t’would be to win your lovely heart teapot, tea tin and a copy of A Fine Romance! I too collect mismatched red and white china, displaying pieces on a two tier plate rack that dd and I fashioned out of an antique port-a-crib and the heart tea pot, filled with your signature tea would be a wondrous addition to teatimes shared with three generation currently residing in our home! Dh was born on Valentine’s Day, as were dear daughter’s twins, so winning this delightful giveaway would truly celebrate “Our Family Valentines”!
Susan, your wonderful art and down to earth blog are a wonderful combination. You have fabulous taste
I drink from Emma every a.m.! I have pansies, zinnias & the ‘book’. Not enough to share with my Monday evening quilt group here. We have a butterfly teapot & quilt cups but do LOVE LOVE LOVE the heart teapot! Valentine’s Day is my fav and have been collecting Valentines & Valentine postcards for decades now ….too many to mention. Plus sending it to me would cut postal fees since I’m in Hingham :). xxoo Susan
Very good thinking Susan! ha ha ha!
Love the post! It’s always so cozy! So I fixed a cup cocoa had some homemade shortbread and watched one of my favorite movies. Would love to win all the goodies in your giveaway! I have a good friend would love your book and I could have tea with her!
Love the teapot and of course, would love to have a Fine Romance. I have also spent some time in England and I agree, it is a favorite. Your blogs are a bright spot in the day, rain, snow or shine, here in Smallville too.
Susan, I love reading your posts! My sixteen year old granddaughter and I are in love with your work, your water colors and we both get your blog, it certainly gives me a lift!
Love all things hearts and tea. So very cute. Someone will be so very lucky.
Such fun. A giveaway and extra time to sign up!
Love your blog and your art and hanging my Susan Branch calendar every New Years Day.
Health issues have kept me from entertaining much the last year or so — a dinner party or luncheon just takes too much energy. But tea . . . tea is another story. A pot of something warm in pretty cups and a little something to nibble on . . . THAT I could do, and have done with great pleasure. It has warmed my heart and spirit to have a friend or two come visit.
I thoroughly enjoy your page. Your page always guarantees to make me feel happy and I love to check out your graphics. The free wallpaper, stationary, and bookmarks are great to have access to and most generous of you. Nothing is better on a cold day than to sit back with a nice pot of tea and read the items you share.
You are so talented! Your painting of Paul is amazing. And what a wonderful gift for him to receive! Love the teapot too…
<3 that teapot
I am making your marvelous Butternut Bisque as I write this comment – the aroma is wonderful!
I used my homegrown butternut squash that I have been storing in my basement ‘root cellar’ just for this particular recipe. Two of about 15 were rotten, but the rest were still perfect. I have many more bisques to make – yippee!
For those who have never made Susan’s recipe…do not wait – the bisque is one of those ‘to die for’ recipes as the flavor is perfect. Quite frankly, I do not even like squash, but in this bisque I do.
Now, to start on the honey oat bread to serve alongside.
Maybe next time I will be treating myself to a calming cup of tea – mmmmm!
Have a great day, every day…Cyndy
Thank you, Susan, for your creative and inspirational posts. I have been a fan of yours for a very long time. <3 I would love to win that darling teapot. It would be the centerpiece for a Valentine tea party and I have just the antique tablecloth and tea cups to go with it. Thanks again for bringing sunshine to our days. Spring is only 60 days away!
Oh, what a wonderful birthday memory your gift to Paul. Everything about your blog is just so cozy. I look forward to reading them and sometimes read them over and over just to look at your art. I’m so excited to see when you new books come out. I would love to be entered in your drawing. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
Precious little pot, if you come to my place we will have tea and scones with all 15 grandchildren and Orange marmalade in honor of Paddington! Do come soon.
Susan and Joe, Jack and Girl kitty, our family enjoys your visits so much. Xoxo
Ooh, tea!
The sunshine smileys we send your way to add to you a delightful day! Sharing back to you all the things you do. The wind is whispering over here in Medford Oregon. Our back yard bird fest is ongoing with a few blue jays and doves of peace strutting their stuff. Thanks for the lemon butter cookies recipe. It’ll be fun to share and butter up some blueberry days with lemon days.
I sing to our kitty Sunny, ” You are my sunshine, you make me happy when skys are gray, he is gray.
Delightfully, Patricia
Oh I have loved that teapot for a very long time! It would be a win-win-win for me as I was never able to purchase “A Fine Romance”. I adore you and your blog and I enjoy getting a glimpse of your ever so charming life!
You have always inspired me…2005. Love your England Book.
Hello Susan, It sounds so cozy in your home today I wish I could fly there like a little bird and enjoy! Cloudy and chilly at 49 degrees here in California. I am curled up with my homemade quilt from my Mommy, it is adorned with my favorite tulips and getting well worn as the years pass. Sadly it is a no burn day here! I would love to share with my Granddaughter your lovely gifts she is 10 now, and is discovering all of the many fun things to do in life with open eyes, so cute! I enjoy with excitement anytime you write us a beautiful note from your home. Have a blessed day! Sherrie
Reading your blog is always so uplifting and inspiring. A pot of tea and reading “A Fine Romance” is the perfect way to spend a winter afternoon!
I would love to have the beautiful teapot at my next girlfriends’ tea get-together!
Have loved your work for years and collected many of your books…and now enjoy your blog too. What inspiration your provide! I’m thinking a Valentine tea party might just be the thing to brighten up these dull grey days, especially since I am housebound with my foot in a cast!! The teapot is perfect for just such an occasion!
“you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey . .” it’s about time i wrote a comment – Susan, your blogs are just THE BEST! thank you for inviting us into your home and sharing your joy!! would love to win the teapot but really you send us gifts in every blog. i truly hope to visit Martha’s again one day and maybe run into you – that would be so sweet! if it happens that i don’t win ‘A Fine Romance’, i will order it for my birthday on the 24th. in the meantime, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU & may the joy you give be quadrupled back to you!
Thank you Tammy!
Love your blog and your kitties too! We have our first black & white kitty – she is so sweet. LOVE Valentine’s day! It was my dad’s birthday and it was always a big celebration in our family. Love anything ‘hearts’ and I already have the mug to go with it. Bless you for sharing all that you love with us!
Hope I am not too late! Love your cheery blog posts, so I save ’em up for gloomy days and read them at that point. Thank you so much for sharing the drawing and card for your dear & darling friend. So cute! Love tea pots and used to collect them… maybe it is time to start again. We have tea time tradition around here too and love our teapot. xoxo to you, Susan.
I just had to tell you how much I’ve enjoyd your blog. I live I England and reading your blog has made me realise what a fantastic place I live. I love reading about the vineyard, I missed visiting it by a few minutes. The ferry pulled out of Woods Hole as we approached and we really had a tight schedule so had to move on. I hope you enjoy your next visit here as much as your others