Part 2, Historic Storm, Martha’s Vineyard, Smallville, USA. MUSICA



The morning after, just before dawn . . .
isn't it romantic

storm door

Yesterday, the morning after/during the historic blizzard of 2015, the first thing I did when I got out of bed was pull back a curtain to look out the window.  The wind was still blowing wild outside and I was excited to see what had happened overnight. I should say I tried to look out the window, but I could see nothing, they were plastered with snow. When I got downstairs I tried again; I started laughing when I saw the storm door in the kitchen.  I tried to push it open, and was stopped by a wall of snow.

watercolor flowers


I couldn’t see what was happening at the bird feeders either . . .



As it started to get light, the view was a little better on the other side of the house.


from the window

But the storm was still going strong . . . terrible winds, blowing snow, cold, burrr…. just like it’s supposed to be this time of year, but hasn’t been.  We wanted it and we got it.



Pefectly wonderful, heat from the furnace streaming across the kitchen floor . . .

cozy at home

We were lucky, we kept our electricity . . .homeJack loves the fire

Inside Smallville, warm and quiet, home is paradise.

oatmeal with apples

Breakfast, Irish steel-cut oatmeal, blueberries, chopped apples & walnuts with cinnamon in my favorite breakfast bowl because it holds lots of milk.

The Duchess

While the storm continued to beat across the island, I painted all morning, glancing up at the TV from time to time to see The Duchess with Keira Knightley (it’s available on Netflix).  What a great movie, all about the amazing, sad, but interesting life The Duchessof Georgiana Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806, who lived at Chatsworth (Go here for lots of photos of our visit to Chatsworth); it’s where Queen Victoria went to her first grown-up dinner party when she was a sixteen-year-old Princess and that’s where The Duchess was filmed ~ I recognized rooms. (P.S. SO much history here; Jane Austen visited Chatsworth and it’s believed that she used it as the model for Darcy’s estate Pemberly in Pride and Prejudice.) Amazing costumes in this movie too. 

neighborhood excitement

And while all that was going on, this is what went on outside my studio windows. The first intrepid souls were venturing out . . . getting stuck, digging themselves out. People drive around with snow shovels in the car.  They are smart, as one of our Girlfriends said, this is not their first rodeo. 🙂


The birds had kicked off the wall of snow that was stuck to their feeders, and were going at it.


Don’t you just love red in the snow?

Daddy cardinal

So decorative!

wonderful bird cup

Time for more tea in my bird cup ♥

love birds!

I’m truly a bird person from way back. (Made fabric with letters at one time, I was designing a pillow with it.)


This is the female cardinal . . . she is pretty, but mostly reddish brown, not like her bright red husband ~ Cardinals mate for life,

cardinals kissing

Snow garden

country bootsSoon it was our turn to venture forth . . . I wore the tall cozy comfy “Toggi” boots I bought in England that are impervious to weather. Snow lands on them, they don’t stand for it, they repel it right off; I came in with no snow on my feet! It was 22° outside. Brrrr. I would say, “Girlfriends, you owe me one for this,” but in reality, I probably owe you.  Maybe I wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t asked, and it was wonderful. So, thank you!  

feeding the birdsw

Look how pretty, I’m standing in front of the barn looking back at my kitchen door and windows.  See Joe’s little path on the porch?  See the red cardinal?

Joes handiwork

Joe did this, up to the barn and out to the street.

front of house

And here we are, in front of the house

fire hydrant

That’s a fire hydrant.

walk to town

The slippery walk to town  . . . It’s not an insurmountable amount of snow, but we do think it’s the most we’ve seen here.


Icicles make nice pictures, we took photos of every icicle in town.


So pretty, sparkly, drippy . . . magical forest type stuff.

downtown vineyard haven

And this is Main Street in The Haven. If you’re familiar with the island you know where we are, up at the end of the street, near the stone bank

Bunch of Grapes

And here is our bookstore, Bunch of Grapes, Smallville, USA, an island tradition since the early 1970’s.

shoveling snow

The guys are out shoveling in full force, like Joe, I think some guys love it.  Joe can’t wait to get out there after a storm — this one wasn’t wearing gloves!  While ME, my fingers are inside leather and on fire from how cold they are.

snow shoveling

I like to take pictures of snow in mid-air.


More snow, more mid-air.

snow plowing

We had to dodge these the whole way.  No one yelled at us, “Get home, get the #@!*% off the street, let us do our jobs,” but I’m sure some of them were thinking it. We ran when we saw them coming.

Main street The Haven

This is in front of Midnight Farm, the store Carly Simon started.

main street vineyard haven

Not too many people going to work!

Main street

Cheryl (Stark) owner of the jewelry store on the left, will have a bit of a struggle before she gets through her door.

drug store

They’ve dug a narrow path to the drug store entrance on the other side of this wall of snow.main street

Which is being moved away by one of our island heroes . . . 

women heroes

Or heroines.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate these intrepid souls.  Late at night, while the wind is howling and the snow is coming down in weather not fit for man nor beast, we hear the muffled sound of snowplows going by, see the beam of their headlights bouncing off the wall, and get exactly the same feeling we had as children after we went to bed and were lulled to sleep by the comforting voices of our parents talking in the living room. Safe and protected under warm blankets because we know someone is up and taking care of things.  Someone brave and strong and selfless, like a hero.

Boston Marathon finish line

Speaking of which, did you see this?  It’s the finish line for the Boston Marathon.  Some unknown person has kept it clear of snow. When I see something like this, it makes me so happy . . .

what a wonderful world

new england in the snow

Walking home through the quintessential New England streets — these houses were all built in the 1800’s. Nothing very much changes around here.

the neighborhood

I had to move here; I was afraid I might never get a house like these and I could not live my life without one.

holly oak in the snow

My first house on the island . . . Little and perfect and all mine.

home sweet home

out and about

She’s going to dig out the Day Care Center at the church.  Look how happy she is!

picket fence

This, my darling girls, is a picket fence.  Upon which gladiolus grow wildly in the summer.

I'm glad for gladiolus

a shoveled walk

Some path-diggers cut through the snow like precision jewelers. They say we got 2½ ft. of snow . . . drifts make it deeper in some places, but looking at this, it seems about right.

path to town

Yes, slippery, we huffed and puffed.  It was hard work keeping on our feet!

our house

We walked around to the backside of the house to see what it looked like from the back driveway.

deep snow

For about two seconds we contemplated trying to get to the back door from here . . . but the snow was way too deep to walk through; some drifts would come over our knees . . . we had to trudge back around to the front to get in.

SB Border

me, the threat

This block of snow was lying in the street, I tested it by first kicking it . . . when it didn’t come apart, I thought:  Ooo, perfect snowball.  But of course I didn’t throw it at him, only threatened.

SB Border

having tea

No they are not. Some are just having fun.

Dancing teapots, who can resist!Time for tea

And home, for another cup of tea, more watercolors of clocks, lammies, flowers and written words of love.  All’s well in Smallville.

Home sweet Home

Nothing like coming in from the cold. Worth going out!  It’s cozy wintergorgeous this morning, the snow is so bright in the sun, people need sunglasses out there; still freezing, street still covered in snow, which seems like it may stay for awhile.  We have two more storms on the way.  It’s good.  I have work to do, and now I don’t have to suffer wishing to get into the garden.

flower-border  Oh yeah, almost forgot why I’m here:

Mr. adorable

. . . as cat-picture delivery system.  Everyone needs a purpose, their true calling. 🙂 This is my Raison d’être  (A very useful French phrase meaning “reason for existence.”)

Neatness counts

Other raison d’être. We are keeping busy. XOXO Bye for now, Girlfriends, hope you enjoyed the Blizzard of 2015! 

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435 Responses to

  1. Julia says:

    AW! Thank you, you did let me borrow some snow.
    That’s about enough now! Now I’ll go back and read
    every word. That is a darling picture of you with
    rosy cheeks and a very chic hat. Up to the sewing
    room I go with my coffee in tow.

  2. Tana says:

    You made it look magical! So very beautiful. I wish this post and part 1 were a coffee table book. You are always able to look for the good. I am trying my best to follow your example. Tana

  3. Elske Olijnsma says:

    Dear Susan, great pictures!! They bring back many happy memories of our few days on the island in October. But we didn’t have the snow then 😉 Did you see my recipe on Jan 26, 2.20 p.m.? It’s Dutch peasoup and that’s perfect for snowy weather!Keep up the good work and give us lots of stories and snow pictures 🙂 A good day to you! Love, Elske

  4. Ann says:

    Thank ya’ll SO much for trudging all that way, in those conditions, to grab these absolutely gorgeous pictures to share!! Glad you kept electricity!

  5. Helen R. says:

    Glad to see all is well in Smallsville! Looks very snowy and cold. Hot chocolate time and thinking about baking something wonderful to smell up the kitchen!
    We were supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow on Saturday but now looks like be only an inch. I was looking forward to watching it from my living room window but not so! Take care and give the kitties a hug, love those kitties!!!!

  6. Marianne says:

    Susan and Joe glad you are both well and weathered the blizzard. Thank you for the wonderful pictures of town. You are the best!

  7. Anne Miller says:

    Thank you, Susan…So happy that you are safe and warm! I grew up in Syracuse, New York and loved Blizzard season. The flurries we get here in central Ohio cannot compare. My daughter, Lizzy, an actor, is on the National Tour of Camelot. She told me yesterday that she has your calendar hanging in hotel rooms as she crosses the country. Yesterday Liz told me that the calendar makes her feel happy and at home. It makes sense.There was a Susan Branch calendar hanging on the kitchen door throughout her childhood!

  8. Marianne says:

    Susan you had a picture of the bookstore Bunch of Grapes. Grape is my maiden name! Is that the name of the folks who have the store? Just wondering.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s because this is the Vineyard, there were wild grapes growing here when it was discovered, so that’s why they name.

  9. Lynn Marie says:

    LOVE the pictures! Thanks for the tour of Smallville in the Snow. We have just a smattering on the ground but are expecting more everyday next week according to the “weatherman”. Except for trips to the grocery, I could stay cooped up in my “sanctuary” until Spring. 🙂

  10. helen zupsic says:

    What a wonderful blog! My sister and I visit MV and Nantucket every summer. I can’t get enough of MV. We have seen and toured all there is. We can give not only tours, but can tell you all about the island because we live it. I keep telling my husband that I want to live there, I love colonial and prim , love to read–you won’t believe how any books I buy there because they are from MV!! Like I can’t buy any at home???hmmm…..I read the newspapers online! I am so obsessed. I have entered the HGTV giveaway everyday. Wish I knew someone on the in to rig it for me.

  11. Wendy Crittenden says:

    AHHH ! Yes….there is nothing in the world to compare to that feeling of “COZY” when the snow is blanketing the outside world and you are warm and comfy inside with a fire glowing and popping away, a good movie/book and maybe a cinnamon bun for company. Thank you for sharing Susan (and Joe too !)

  12. ReNae Stewart says:

    Lovely Lovely post! Was thinking of you!! is a wonderful world!!My favorite song! Sure hope to visit your island somday! Love your blog!!stay warm!

  13. Amy says:

    Simply Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing

  14. Glad to see you weathered the storm and for the snow tour of the town. Not me. I am not leaving my home until I see the first daffodil in Spring. In my dreams. We got about 2 feet here on the north shore of L. I. Once I saw the birds come back to the feeders I knew we were going to be okay. For now I’ll drink lots of tea taken from my SB tea tin and work in my creative space while I count my blessings.

  15. Maggie Bresz says:

    I loved looking at your snow pictures and am glad I am in my warm and dry home with very little s now here in Kalamazoo Michigan.

  16. Clare's Gabby says:

    Absolutely beautiful. Love, love, love the picture of your kitchen door…complete with a cardinal! I feel like I have had my morning walk. Incredible. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Mary says:

    Thank you, Susan, for the wonderful pictures and visit!!! So beautiful. 🙂 What pattern is your breakfast bowl? I love red too!

    • sbranch says:

      It has no name on the bottom, it’s got a tiny stamp that says wood — letters stamped into the pottery.

  18. Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

    What an absolute treat to experience the storm through your eyes! You can render even freezing temps warm and cozy. Here in Oregon it is practically tropical, nearing 60. I’m jealous.

  19. Mary Lou Cummings says:

    Hi Susan! So glad to hear you all survived! I was worried after seeing the damage on Nantucket and wondered how far the ocean came in on the pathway you walk every day. We New Englanders are a strong bunch ( or just plain crazy!) Bet those old-timers knew just how far back and how to face their homes when they were first building them. Beautiful photos of your village streets. And just loved that picket fence- almost buried with snow! ❄️

  20. Deanna says:

    You make a snowy winter storm look like fun! I love a snowy walk thru our village, but oh my, it feels like heaven to come into a warm house and back up to the fire with a hot cup of tea or chocolate.
    I’m so relieved to know you didn’t lose power and are safe and cozy with your loves and work to do. Enjoy your time inside. Sending a hug to you from Arkansas. No snow here but I’m still hopeful!

  21. Patty in SLO says:

    Thanks so much for the update and pictures! Been thinking about you since I heard the blizzard was headed your way and wondering how you made out. Such a treat to see what real winter is like (I’ve lived in CA my whole life!). The Central Coast is sunny and warm – I’d say I’ll send you some but it sounds like it’s neither needed nor wanted! Take care, keep warm!

    Patty in SLO

  22. patricia ayala says:

    Dear Susan, you and Joe are so brave to venture into the cold!!!
    What a beautiful tour of town,I’ve never experience that kind of weather,thank you for that, your playful spirit is contagious!!!
    ( a little question do you know where may I find a tea pot with hearts like yours?)
    warm hugs, Patricia 🙂

  23. Samantha S. says:

    How beautiful the snow is! I was thinking about you and all of New England as I watched the news these past couple of days from my couch here in Southern Illinois. Being a New Jersey native, I did get a little jealous! I miss being snowed in- cuddled on the couch-snuggling with kitties-the woodstove crackling and popping… I love how you enjoy and share with us all the little “beauties” such a storm brings.

  24. Christy Esse says:

    I just LOVE the pictures. And, I must admit I’m quite jealous thinking of you guys all hunkered down and cozy in your lovely home. I miss snow so much sometimes. It’s currently 75 degrees and sunny here in South Texas, although I can’t complain about that! Thanks for the update! Glad y’all fared okay. Give the kitties and extra chin scratch from me!
    Christy in SoTex

  25. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Thanks for going out to take pictures–I’m turning green here. We’ve hardly had any snow this year and what we did have has melted with the unseasonably warm temperatures we’ve been having. Love that cozy feeling of being in while the blizzard blows… 🙂

  26. Suzanne C. says:

    Oh Susan, I so miss the excited feeling in the pit of my stomach when a bad storm is coming. Its a cross between happy and scarey. The time must be enjoyed and savored as it comes infrequently. Glad that you are warm and safe and wrapped in love. Looks like a soup day….enjoy! Love to all…….

  27. Barbara Weaver in Hampton says:

    So. Much. Snow! Your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for venturing out.

  28. Pat Stansel says:

    Wow, quite an adventure just outside your door ! Poor Nantucket really got hit hard, I hope nothing like that hits the Vineyard. Oh by the way when you mentioned you were taking a pic near the barn I was hoping we were going to get a glimpse of it on the inside ! I realize it’s Joes realm , but maybe ??? Keep safe & warm!

  29. Elisabeth Weakley says:

    I live vicariously through your writing, photographs, and art work.
    Keep it up!!! PLEASE!

  30. Laurie Walt says:

    All of you are so cute!

  31. Gail M. says:

    Thanks so much for sharing!!! Your blizzard was all everyone was talking about even here in So. Cal!! So glad you and Joe and the kitties are doing well after it all. We are hearing you are in for another storm in the next few days. Stay cozy and warm! Loved all the pics!

  32. Loooove this, Susan! Thank you for taking us on a delightful, wintry walk through your sweet town. Neighborhood shots make me so happy. They’re some of my favorite pictures to take! Have you ever heard of Oswego, NY? We are right in the southeast corner of Lake Ontario, and we have some absolutely beautiful historic neighborhoods.. First port off the St. Lawrence Seaway. Lots of history. I want to plan a visit to Martha’s Vineyard this Fall with my husband and our sweet baby girl! I’d like to get to Salem, too. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      You’ll love Salem too, so much history!

    • Deborah T. in NY says:

      Hi Jennifer, I live in Oswego, are we neighbors? Small world. We are suppose to get some snow tonight.

    • Debbie P. ~ Weedsport, NY says:

      Hi, Jennifer ~
      I live about 45 minutes south of you! A few years ago…maybe 2002?…my son was attending SUNY Oswego and the city got hit with 51″ of snow in a 24 hr. period! Good old lake-effect! You have to be of hardy stock to handle the winters in Oswego!

  33. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.! Especially when one can view your photos and not have to shovel their own driveway. But we have snow on the way, just not that much snow! I adore the kitty photos.

    My daughter has been in England all week and they realized after the blizzard that they had parked in the open section of the airport in Boston. It may take awhile for them to dig out to get back home. Serves them right. Going to Oxford without taking their mother/mother-in-law. 😉

  34. Wendy Louise says:

    Dear Susan,
    All I can say is wonderful, marvelous, such great fun in the snow, can’t wait for more snow ! You my special friend are amazing along with your wonderful Joe ! Keep doing what you are doing ’cause it works ! Such delight for all of us girlfriends, you are from heaven ! OXOX
    Love you, Wendy-Louise

  35. Rita Baker says:

    Wow! Beautiful photos – glad you made it through all right. We had our share of storms like that here in northern Illinois in past years – so far, we’ve lucked out this year. Enjoy the winter beauty while it’s there. There is beauty in all the seasons.

  36. Carla says:

    The pictures are wonder-full ! 🙂 And, You look so pretty, those colours are very complimentary for you. I love your beret and scarf. Who makes your beret, Susan ?

    Thank you for sharing your journey thru town in all of the snow. I feel like I was right there in your “perfect town.”

  37. Hugely relieved to see you are fine and having such fun! Truly, I think the photographs of the snow on your window panes are just the best! They sort of remind me of when I was a child and we didn’t have double glazing or central heating, and our very breath almost froze as it puffed out in white billowy cloudlets as I got up on a Winter’s morn to see if Jack Frost had danced across my bedroom window during the night ~~~

    I love those, and I love the vine {?} one too ~ how snow makes everything look so much more magical ~~~

    Hehehehe! That teapot looks like it is pouring one icicle into your cup too! Great shot!

    I enjoyed the journey into town with you and Joe, wasn’t it fun to see all the snow and the people clearing it up?

    Why, we’ve had a short sharp wintery shower here in west Wales today when there was, for all of three minutes, sleety, snowy, rainy stuff ~~~ and I went out and danced in it! 😀 Of course, everywhere else seems to have proper, stick to the ground stuff!

    So pleased to see you are okay ~~~
    ~~~Waving~~~From Across the Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

  38. Penny tuttle says:

    Postcard perfect pictures! I felt a chill going down my spine and wind blowing across my cheeks as I read this post……then that cozy feeling coming in from the cold, feet by the fire, a cup of cocoa warming my hands, and soft, sweet kitties cuddling close! Thank you for the smile on my face!

  39. Anne in Maine says:

    I so enjoyed seeing your pictures! You received about as much snow as we did here in Maine. I spent the day in front of the fire, tea in hand, reading, with my raison d’etre snuggled at my feet. Many times I thought to myself, it just doesn’t get any better than this. It REALLY is the little things. Today the sun is shining and the snow is gleaming. It’s really beautiful. As you are, we’re bracing for another round tomorrow. But we’re ready, aren’t we? Have a wonderful day. Snuggle with those kitties.

  40. Linda H says:

    We’re getting a snowfall in Northern Michigan but nothing like you had. I absolutely LOVE the snow (part of the reason we moved here). Have never been blessed to be on the island but really love the pictures you shared. On my way to the kitchen now to make tea, head to my quilting room and see if I can get “The Duchess” on Netflix while I stitch. A wonderful way to while away the afternoon …. be safe and stay warm!

  41. Esther says:

    Thank you for sharing your perfect winter weather! I am feeling a tad cheated, no real snow so far here in the Missouri Ozarks, not one snow day! It was 76 degrees yesterday, just not right for January. I should be cozied away in my studio, not digging in the garden. I will enjoy yours until we get our own!

  42. Paula says:

    Looks like my idea of heaven. I really need to figure out how to live there. So glad you enjoy it so much, and share it with us.

  43. Barbara B says:

    I loved reading this post-in fact I said to my husband–“sit down and scroll through this”. He did and also enjoyed it.

  44. Linda g says:

    Brrrrrr but what wonderful memories it brings back as a child growing up in the snow. Washington DC Connecticut New York State and more! Remember as a kid not being able to walk up our driveway and thinking I will never get home again!Now I am in drab ole sunny California for 40+years …. Wait did I really say that? Stay warm and thanks for sharing your snow journey!!

  45. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    This blog made me cry (happy tears) because you just bring out the beauty in everything! xoxo

  46. Kathy Wagner says:

    So glad you and Joe survived the Blizzard of 2015. We got 25″ in our little town of Lyme CT. We too were so surprised we didn’t loose power or cable tv (which made my husband very happy) Thanks for sharing.

  47. Kathie says:

    Well, you’re okay! So, all’s well in the world. Everything’s still standing and it’s warm inside. Stay cozy. We haven’t had frost, even, for about 4 days…’s in the upper 30’s at night and close to 60, sometimes, in the day. Lots of fog, sometimes, too, which moderates the temps. We call this a “black winter”. I’d rather have snow, believe me. Carry on…..into every life a little snow MUST FALL (hopefully). Kathie in Odessa, WA.

  48. Steph Yemc says:

    Crikey! What a lot of snow!! Absolutely love your photos! I’m sitting hear in Cambridgeshire, England and we have just had our first snow flakes this afternoon. Just a dusting really, nothing like you have experienced.
    I’ve been a fan of your books Susan since a friend sent me the” Summer” book in the early nineties and have just read “A Fine Romance”, I couldn’t put it down! On your next visit to England please try and visit Cambridge and North Norfolk. Google: Burnham Market, Norfolk and of course Sandringham House the Queen’s Christmas residence. Only just found your blog this week so will keep in touch with it. I heard Colin Firth being interviewed on BBC radio 2 yesterday wishing someone a “Happy Newish New Year”! I wish you the same! XX

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Steph . . . Hopefully next time I go, you’ll be around to give me good advice! I adore England, in case you can’t tell! 😉

  49. Penny from Oceanside, CA. says:

    Wonderful pictures – thank you for toughing it out , and slip sliding through town to share the magic of a snow storm! I LOVE birds too!

  50. Susan, your snowy window panes and snow covered picket fence garden are just lovely! The Haven on Martha’s looks like a storybook village in the snow. Many thanks for inviting us along on your walk. I truly love to take snowy walks with my camera, too! It’s fun to capture all of the sparkly, glittery snow, and the ‘shadow garden’ that my dried flower heads cast on the white blanket below. Best of all, it was wonderful to see you enjoying your snowy walk! Enjoy the peaceful days ~ at home, in paradise!
    Warm hugs!

  51. Lillian says:

    Thank you SO much for these Beautiful photo’s. Your site has been such a Wonderful part of my life – as well as your books and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been in the house for many days with a cold. I have been enjoying reading over many of your blogs and books these days – and enjoying them SO very much. We don’t have much snow now and I wish we did – so your photo’s have been just what the Dr. ordered. Bless you again and again!!!

  52. MaryBeth Hibbert says:

    It was pure joy walking along with you thru Smallville. Reminded me of the walks our family use to take when the kids were young and we just wanted to see the town covered in snow. Thanks…it was beautiful and your birds, kitty and townspeople were an added delight. Stay warm and yes…another two storms are on their way. Safe hug

  53. Barbara from MA says:

    Wonderful seeing all your photos. Our area(Worcester, MA) got about 30″ of snow. It took us 2 days to dig out but when we were cold or tired, a trip into the house for hot chocolate was a welcome retreat. Today its sunny and beautiful but the snow is starting to melt which makes for wet roads.. Its not over with more snow expected tonight. Take care all.

  54. Julie says:

    Great post, glad you are all safe. I loved visiting your snowbound world.

  55. Drema Hearn says:

    Thanks again for a beautiful “telling”..through your words and pictures..(so good to be given such a great picture of you)..I was taken back to my own childhood days of “big snowfalls” in the hills of West Virginia..I miss being able to “partake” of times like the ones you are experiencing now..but your sharing causes my joyful memories to bring a big smile to my face!
    Many blessings for your continued peace and safety..

  56. nellie says:

    Happy Thursday, Sue! I so enjoyed this walk down Main Street! How fortunate you were to keep electricity. Nantucket has had a rough time of it!

    Jack and Girl look like they are oblivious to the whole historic event!

    Just finishing my second pot of tea for the day. Chores abound here, so best get at them!

    Keep warm, and stay safe!

    xo Nelllie

  57. Connie Kaupe says:

    Running around barefoot, in So Cal today . . . praying for rain, since my lawn is turning yellow. REALLY appreciate your lovely trek through the frozenness just to take pictures! What a wonderful way to get ready for a cuppa tea. Love those kitty pictures, too!

  58. Sue R. from Maine says:

    So glad you have power. News said your island was without. Saw pics of the flooding your neighbors were dealing with. We are still cleaning up after the blizzard – we got 31.5″ of snow. Now another storm tomorrow! Stay warm!

  59. Sharon Penney-Morrison says:

    Great job taking photo’s. That is how January should look!

  60. Karen P. (Wisconsin) says:

    Just beautiful, Susan!!! There is almost nothing as magical as pics of a new snowfall and you certainly got some gorgeous shots! Thanks for sharing your winter wonderland. xo

  61. Mary-Agnes from Long Island says:

    We got about a foot of snow where I live; I felt bad for everyone to the north and east of us. All NYC and Long Island mass transit and expressways were shut down on Monday night, and now the powers-that-be are being criticized for “overreacting,” which I don’t agree with at all. Has everyone forgotten Sandy? Storm tracking isn’t a perfect science, and better safe than sorry as far as I’m concerned. Loved all your pictures, but my favorite is you about to throw the snowball (or perhaps more aptly, the snowchunk!). You looked just like a mischievous little girl!

    • sbranch says:

      I totally agree with you . . . everyone did the right thing. It’s not something to fool with. And, ps. thank you. xoxo

  62. Melanie M says:

    Thank you for sharing your Winter Wonderland with those of us that don’t have any! Not that I really want it – we’ve had our fair share on occasion, but your little town makes it look so ‘Winter Wonderfully’! You are right – the best part of going out on a cold, snowy day is coming back in and getting warm and cozy. Glad you are OK!

  63. Elaine Depo says:

    Wow! Thank you Susan for sharing the great photos of your Smallville! I was thinking about all the folks who plow us out, oftentimes working around the clock to keep roads open, hydrants free ~ hardy souls all ~ hats off and a huge “thanx” to all of them, everywhere! Keep warm, keep cozy! keep loving those two little fur kids!

  64. Linda Pintarell says:

    Mucho thanks for the walk through town; no other souls out EXCEPT the snow shovelers! Absolutely gorgeous! Loved the pix of you; so stylish for a jaunt through town!

  65. Gena says:

    What a magical wonderland you live in! A little cold, but I am sure it is “easy” to overlook with all of the beautiful sights that appear. AND YOU look so adorable in your hat! I love this picture of you. You look like a little girl having fun outdoors. By the way, being outdoors is my favorite place, too. Love from California!

  66. Sharon O'Hare-Meagher says:

    Hi Sue,
    Your area looks like mine (So Cal mtns) when we get a good snowfall. We love it and cannot imagine not experiencing all of the seasons each year. Stay warm and on your feet (when walking outside!), and enjoy the beautiful snow.


  67. diana in ancaster says:

    LOVE a good blizzard……….especially viewing it from a cozy corner like yours!
    thank you for sharing!

  68. Christine says:

    Glad to see and hear you all weathered the storm okay. Thank you for the tour of the town. Had not seen the main street before. Beautiful pictures. Don’t you just love the snow and the icicles? Love the pictures of your house and the snow-covered windows. The kitties were kind of cute too! 🙂

  69. Leslie Gammelgaard says:

    I LOVE that you and Joe brave all kinds of weather together and enjoy the delights of nature that God bestows upon us! Your pictures are wonderful, transporting an appreciative, invisible troop to your beautiful neck of the woods. We don’t even leave footprints in the snow or slush on your kitchen floor. I love the picture of the hairy woodpecker at your feeder. I have one who loves her suet block. The NW hairy woodpecker is a dusky gray where yours is white. I also love your cardinals. I’ve yet to see one in person…it’s on my bucket list.

    Stay warm, paint happy, sip something hot, and take us for another brisk walk again soon!

  70. judi says:

    Love your pictures! The snow is like a big down comforter:) covering the land and all. The birdies need all the seed they can get after a storm and you are so lucky to have such a variety…very similar to the ones we had in MN. Happy you kept your electric:) xo judi

  71. Sandra says:

    What amazing pictures of your deep snowfalls! I’m glad you’re keeping the birds fed outside and your house looks glorious in the snow, like the cover of a romantic storybook! I especially like the one with the red cardinal. Your picket fence almost disappeared!
    Our snow is being very modest, but the forecast over the next week is snow and more snow – so we’ll see!
    Jack is so photogenic, just look at that face with those round, green eyes! Girl-kitty is looking snug in the warmth of the home!

  72. Marty from NYC says:

    Dear Susan:
    You are always such a welcome moment in the day-and I loved every picture. In NYC the “Historical” was more the “Hysterical” snow of 2015-thankfully in some ways, not nearly as bad as anticipated-but we missed a lot of your fun!
    I grew up in New England and my Dad was one of your heroes who worked, getting tired, wet and cold 24 hours around the clock to make sure that our town streets were safe and plowed out. Many people were thankful, but it is he and others like him who made the sacrifice for all our good. I am so happy to see these good people given a share of praise.THANK YOU and all the heroes/heroines who continue the necessary work to keep us safe .

    ps: you wouldn”t really throw a snowball at Joe-would you? You will have us all chattering in his defense or your good aim. Have fun. Marty.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s all of us in combined effort that make everything hum along as it does, contributing . . . but those who get out into the cold in the middle of the night have a special place in my heart.

  73. Robin - Henderson, NV says:

    Happiness is – your blog! Thank you!

  74. Mary says:

    When life gives you snow…make snow ice cream ! 🙂

  75. JoAnne Daniels says:

    Susan and Joe — thanks for taking us along on your walk. I think I could hear the snow crunching under my feet and see my breath in the air!! We, here in NW New Jersey, did not get the 18 inches predicted. I woke up the next morning to find that my deck looked exactly the same as the night before — maybe about 2 1/2 inches. I was disappointed until I realized that I would not have to shovel all that snow!! We had a snow day because the Governor had put out a ban on road traffic. A snow day gift! What to do with it? I lazed around with hot chocolate and finished reading Good Night June. Later, I opened my oven and found cookies inside! Hot coffee and Peanut Butter Blossoms…YUM! I’m glad you and Joe (and kitties) weathered the storm OK. Even ‘tho you told the girlfriends not to worry — we did…just a little bit!

  76. Marsha Kilpela says:

    Thanks for your blizzard post, Susan! It makes me like winter just a little bit more than I would otherwise! I’m a teacher in Michigan enjoying a snow day due to ice. Your post was the perfect break from working on report cards. Now for a warm mug of tea!

  77. susie says:

    Susan, So good to see you and Joe out and about. Your cheeks were rosy from the cold. 🙂 So nice that a community will stick together and help one another. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  78. Ruth Thomas says:

    Susan, what a wonderful tour! I believe snowstorms and blizzards are God’s way of telling us to sit back, relax, enjoy your home – jammies, fireplaces and hot chocolate and old movies. Glad you didn’t lose your power. I remember walking to school down the middle of the street in Newport, RI because there were feet of snow plowed to the side. Hope any storms coming aren’t too bad. Wonderful blog today.

  79. Sharon Avinger says:

    Love these posts, especially the parts describing how cozy you and Joe are inside your home! I bet a big pot of soup was for lunch! Beautiful.

  80. Carol from PA says:

    What a darling picture of you! Attitude really does mean everything ! Thanks for yours and the wonderful tour through the streets of the Haven. You promised safety to you and yours and you kept your promise. Prayers have been answered. I am still keeping those in thought and prayer who were not so lucky.

  81. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    What another fabulous blog post. You always share the best pictures with us. You did get alot of snow, it looks magical. Enjoy the next two coming Susan!
    have a great day Susan

  82. Cathy B says:

    Thank you for letting us vicariously share paradise with you. It sounds like perfection – an exciting snow storm where you keep your heat and electricity, stay cozy and warm, and then you get to go out after its all done. So fun.

  83. Patty Lucas says:

    We are in Fairfield CT and we didn’t get hit too hard. We also feed the birds, I have a Cardinal, Mourning Doves and sweet little Wrens. Our cats are strictly indoor cats but they love to sit in the window and watch the birds. We have a separate feeder for the squirrels – our dogs are not happy with that one but I love to watch them. Stay warm AND dry!

  84. jamie hopkins says:

    so glad your safe and warm and with electricity. Keep those kitty’s warm!

  85. Jenny Johnston says:

    Thank you Susan for celebrating a snow day! The world would be much improved if we all took a day to stay home, celebrate our loved ones, including four-legged loved ones, and just enjoy the simple things. The pictures of the snow made me and the kids green with envy.

  86. Judy Owen says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! For a 70-something grandmother living in Texas but longing (as in my whole life!) to live in a beautiful place where there are 4 seasons (but especially Winter and SNOW) I absolutely loved a trip with you to town in the SNOW! We broke a record here yesterday – 81 degrees – really? Awful! This is January for goodness sakes! I have loved your books since I found you years ago – and the blog is the cherry on top! Blessings to you and Joe who bring so much happiness to so many.

    • sbranch says:

      I have to agree, 81* — yuk! 🙂 It’s OK, come here virtually, and you get the best of the snow. Thank you Judy!

  87. Jennifer says:

    So, so beautiful! My children are gathered around my computer looking at your photos wishing they knew what having that much snow feels like. Fairyland, I imagine. What a fun time! Especially since you did not lose power! I really like the cardinal pictures, and the picture of the almost-hidden picket fence. Thanks for sharing your winter storm with us down here in the snow-free zone of Texas. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I think the snow was put here really for children. Wish I’d grown up with it, but don’t know if I would love it as much as I do if I had!

  88. Monique says:

    I have only ever visited in late Spring early summer.
    I would love it after a snowstorm too..we are expecting only 10 cms today..later on..Such a cute pic of you!
    I think home is paradise too:)

  89. Christine says:

    Beautiful snow pictures! It is such fun to cozy up in front of a fire or bundle up and get outside,, It is always so pleasant to have life slow down even for weather. Thanks for sharing the pictures! 🙂

  90. Sharon in Fresno, CA says:

    What a winter wonderland. I would love to be there on the island walking around and enjoying the sites. How magical it looks. You always make everything wonderful! Than you so much for posting the pictures and making my day joyful.

  91. Jane Franks says:

    Oh, Susan! All of that brings back such memories! I haven’t been in a good old snowstorm for years!

    You have to grow up in it, I think, to love getting out into it! I love it too!! Getting out with the shovel! I can’t wait for it to snow here each year!! a couple of years ago, we actually had a foot, and I was in heaven!! I’m the only one who shovels off my walk and driveway — even while it’s still snowing! The neighbors think I’m crazy! That’s the best! To have all those flakes falling down around you! I know you have to do it again, but it’s the process that is such fun and so invigorating! I never got cold out there. If my fingers did, I just change gloves and kept going! Of course, shoveling warms you up! It’s challenging work!

    Joe certainly has the New England precision block cuts of snow down! Your walks are so neat! My dad was like that — and we had to be, too! No shoddy walk shoveling at our house!! 🙂

    I recognize exactly where you are from having been there in November! I’m sooooo glad I made that trip. I would just LOVE to be there in a storm like that!! We’d all get out and wander around town, too! So nice and quiet with no traffic moving! At least not much. There was even a neighbor who had a pony and sleigh with bells, who would get out before the plowed snow wore down to the bare street! That was absolutely enchanting. Isn’t it wonderful the way snow muffles all the road noise? And voices seem to carry better, too. Maybe it is because the road noise is muffled.

    Yes, I have to admit, WINTER is my favorite of all!! So much to do: skating, sledding, skiing, snowball fights — eating it! Maybe I’m part Eskimo! Anyway, I will halt my rhapsodizing!

    So glad you are sharing these photos! It is almost like being there!! Stay warm and enjoy painting!!

    Love from dry, bare, Arkansas!! xo 🙂 P.S. We are supposed to get some on Sunday, though! Yeay!!!

  92. Carla says:

    I truly enjoyed all the pictures, just beautiful! I get so excited about a big snowstorm! I spent the day watching The Weather Channel and thinking about my New England friends. So glad everyone is fine. I too would have been out walking around and checking everything out…..thank you again for sharing.

  93. Patricia says:

    Wow ! Great pictures – so good of you to brave the frigid tundra for us ! I have been wondering what was happening up there – thanks for keeping us updated. We are ‘down south’ in Cleveland, Ohio ! We got a little of your storm, but not nearly as much as you all up there !! Glad to hear you making the best of it, and enjoying the ‘cosiness’ indoors……

  94. Brenda Caldwell says:

    I squeeled with delight when I turned on my computer and saw your newsletter 🙂 I just couldn’t wait to see the pictures and you surely didn’t dissapoint…This is a magical snowy show for a North Carolinian!

  95. Debbie R. From Valencia CA says:

    Wow now that’s some snow. Woo wee. Thanks for venturing out and taking those beautiful pics and sharing. We will be sending good safe thoughts your way for the next two storms. Stay cozy and warm. Oh and Jack really should be in commercials. He is just too adoreable

  96. Sarah says:

    No one yelled at us, “Get home, get the #@!*% off the street, let us do our jobs,”

    I can’t imagine anyone in Smallville would ever talk like that to you! 🙂

    So glad you all are safe. Having the power stay on in stuff like that makes it so much easier to enjoy it!

  97. Elizabeth says:

    Your pictures are amazing, your town looks so beautiful covered in snow, I’m thinking it would make just the cutest little notebook for winter…. Thank you!

  98. Heartsdesire says:

    Wow, so much snow. But it is beautiful, and the light from it is magical, so bright. Your photos made me feel as if I was there in person, I could actually feel the cold. It’s lovely when you live in a small town, no matter where, people are always willing to pitch in and help when needed. Enjoy your tea, painting, loving your cats, hopefully, your next storm won’t add too much more snow.

  99. Elly says:

    Seems to me, the most magical place to be in a snowstorm must be on Martha’s Vineyard! You and Joe are two very lucky people to be living there! The blizzard totally missed us, and we are grateful for that. However, overnight we had freezing rain instead, which closed down all the schools today! Go figure! THAT is Winter in Michigan! Because of the Great Lakes around us, we never know what we’re going to get! Thanks so much for sharing your snow experience with all of us! It’s always such a treat! Have a wonderful weekend!

  100. Deborah T. in NY says:

    Wow, you did get a good one, didn’t you!! Nice, cozy, fun, and full of adventurous opportunities! Love your pictures. We get snow here on the shores of Lake Ontario like that too, we measure it by feet, not inches. So far we have not gotten a good it like yours, Im jealous.

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