The first seven pics here were as far as I got in ferry boat to martha's vineyardthe “saying goodbye” department before the ferry boat horn blew and we had to run out the door to make our 8:15 boat yesterday.  But my heart was in the right place. I really tried. Now, I’m in a hotel room, drinking tea and trying to make up for lost time. MUSICA

Backroads of New England

I wanted to show you some of the views we’re aiming for on this trip we’re taking up through Vermont . . . to Lake Champlain.


It’s a little early in the season still . . . most of the leaves here in Massachusetts are only tinged with color . . . nothing like these.  But maybe when we get further north.

New England fence

These pictures were from another trip Joe and I took a couple of years ago . . . Nice fence eh?


West chop lighthouse

Here we were yesterday morning.  I took this picture of the West Chop Lighthouse, not so steadily, through the ferry boat window as we were sailing past, with my iPhone.

Falmouth sky

And this one of the sky over Falmouth, MA through the windshield of the van . . . as you can see, not much color on the trees yet, but oh what a sky! Perfect day to be a travelin’ man and girl.

The Fine Romance Van

The van’s loaded up with Fairy Tale books we’re taking to my book signing at Innisfree Bookshop up in Meredith, New Hampshire on October 3rd.  If you pass this van on the road, honk if you’re happy! Jack and Girl Kitty

Had to leave the kittens behind of course.  My worst thing ever.  Why can’t they stay cats but act just a tiny bit more like dogs, in the coming-with department?  But nooo, they gotta have everything their own way… white blankets and white sofas and all. They have a wonderful kitty sitter living with them, so I know they’re doing just fine! (I already miss them and it’s been one day!!!) 

Kitty Love

Yellow moon

Tonight, the super moon will go incognito with an eclipse that hasn’t happened in this exact way since 1982 — which is the year I moved to Martha’s Vineyard, so I’m HOPING we get to see it.  I don’t know what the sky above us might be up to tonight. We’re meeting up with Lowely and John this evening and spending the night in a B & B that used to be the home of Lowely’s grandparents.  I’ll take pictures!

earth spring from a distance

Hasn’t the Pope been wonderful?  Isn’t it refreshing to hear words of hope and goodness?  Wob him.  

The Fairy Tale Girl

The Fairy Tale Girl books are still going out so if you haven’t gotten yours, it really won’t be long now.  The whole crew worked Saturday and as it looks now, I think every book that’s been ordered should be out by Tuesday afternoon.  Fingers crossed.

Studio Crew

I did allow them time to eat lunch, because I’m just a really great boss that way! 🙂  Aren’t they cute, all around the breakfast bar in the kitchen in the Studio.  Best, nicest, hardest workers in the world! My favorite part is how much they all like each other and get along. They make the Studio a very nice place to be.

I've got my love to keep me warm

The Fairy Tale Girl

All in a day’s work . . .cake love how to be happy

Mailing the Fairy Tale Girl

Bye-bye books.  Spread sunshine please!

fortune cookie

This was my fortune cookie fortune this week.  Good timing!

clockLinda and Kathy in Ohio

You should remember some of these next photos . . . This one is of our Girlfriends in Ohio, Linda and Kathy having an elegant champagne and tea party with A Fine Romance.  When that book first came out, our Girlfriends sent me the most wonderful photos . . .Falling in love

Gilmanton Library

. . . of our traveling book . . . as it went all over the world really . . . to kitchen tables, to libraries (like this one with our Girlfriend Pamela), out camping, to the top of a mountain, in front of Highclere (home of Downton Abbey) . . .

A Fine Romance at Hilltop

Painting BeatrixAnd here she is, with Beatrix Potter’s Hilltop behind her, looking up at Castle Cottage in New Sawrey, in the Lake District in England, soaking up the sun and the magnificent ambience. Our English Girlfriend Eli took her there and sent the photo!

A Fine Romance

And remember her here, lounging in the most adorable bedroom belonging to our Girlfriend, Paula.  (I’d like to see the rest of her house!  The wallpaper sends me to the moon! The blue vase, with the peony?  Killer!)

aint life grandpaul McCartney and A Fine Romance

And who can forget our Girlfriend Cathy Shultz’s contribution, getting Paul to hold up the book!  LoveSo the point is, if you take The Fairy Tale Girl somewhere on vacation, or to a tea party, or to a book club, or to the bus stop, anywhere at all, you can send me pics at [email protected] ~  Kellee and Sheri and I will choose our favorites and I’ll include them in the next WILLARD which will be coming out the middle of October. Won’t that be fun? 


photo 1-6

I thought I’d show you where Smallville met Plainville yesterday afternoon ~ We stopped especially to visit a wonderful new bookstore we heard about in a town called Plainville here in Massachusetts.

photo 2-5

The store had the perfect name, it’s called An Unlikely Story and books flew overhead ~ see them? I really hope this brand new independent bookstore can survive, because it is very wonderful. Here’s the story of how it came to be . . .Just a guy with a dream! 

photo 3-8

See? Flying books . . . 

They don’t know me in that store, and I’m always too shy to say oh me, here I am, so I didn’t say anything and they don’t have my book yet . . . but you should go LIKE them on Facebook if you feel like it, because they do deserve it for making something so special for humanity.

photo 3-9

The store has deep leather chairs for reading, and a wonderful coffee shop and beautiful everything. If you are ever in the area, be sure to stop in!


Also, Joe and I dropped off a box of books at Titcombs Bookshop yesterday in Sandwich, MA (that picture is from a couple of years ago, nothing has changed in this lovely old bookshop except that sign wasn’t there yesterday), in case you live nearby and want a book (I signed them too).  Not too many bookstores have The Fairy Tale Girl yet . . . Only Titcombs Bookshop and Bunch of Grapes, our wonderful independent bookstore on the Island, have them so far. The rest are being shipped probably by the end of this week. We’re going back to Titcombs on October 17 to meet and greet and to sign books . . . If you can join me, go HERE to read more and print out a Girlfriends name tag which looks like this . . . ♥ FTGNameTagSpeaking of printing out, I hope you’ve seen all the wonderful fall FREE STUFF Kellee has put in our webstore?  If not go HERE and check it out! We have some great stationery, bookmarks and gift tags . . . write your girlfriends a letter and send a bookmark and say Happy Fall!

A Fine Romance Book Mobile! Well, that’s all she wrote . . . I have to say, Later Gaters, talk to you soon, time to pack up and keep moving! Have a WONDERFUL day! XOXO

Traveling book

Okay, just one more . . . 🙂 Love the red roof of this historic inn in New Hampshire . . .♥ I’ll be on the road today, probably won’t get to “moderate” comments until later tonight or tomorrow, but never fear, I love reading what you write!  Byeeee, XOXO

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  1. Mindy says:

    To my surprise, my book arrived on Friday. What a great present for the weekend. It was finally in my hot little hands. I devoured the book and loved every moment of it. I will reread it slowly and enjoy it all over again. Thank you Susan for sharing your story. It brought back so many memories of growing up. (I hadn’t thought about bomb shelters in a long time!) However….WE HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL MOTHER’S DAY for the next book? Well, I know what I am getting myself for Mother’s Day! Enjoy your time away with Joe!!

    • sbranch says:

      Our blog Girlfriends will very likely get it in April. That’s the secret plan. Thank you for liking The Fairy Tale Girl! xoxo

      • diana from ancaster says:

        i’m awaiting the arrival of ‘Fairy Tale Girl’….and am sooooo excited about the second book coming!
        thank you!!!!!!!!!

  2. Penny says:

    I think the postie might deliver my book this week then!! Fingers and toes crossed, I am so looking forward to it’s arrival! Safe and happy travels! That book shop looks amazing! X

  3. Sharon Byars says:

    Happy Trails to You !! So excited to see your photos and comments along the way. I LOVE living on East Coast …only regret….it took me so long to get here. I now own the 2016 calendar and my book is on order. Soon to arrive in the mailbox. In the meantime, next week, road trip from N. C. thru Virginia, Penn, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. Always wanted to see the Hudson River area . Our trees are starting to turn some here, so happy to hear your comment about fall foliage not arriving before me ! Safe trip and wonderful memories.

  4. Lisa says:

    I love you…thanks so much for your EVERYTHING!

  5. nanette from alabama says:

    Oh! Thank you so much for the lovely start to a lovely day! I can hardly wait to see the new book! I’ll be looking forward to more pix of your nice little get-a-way and hope you have the best of times!

  6. What a treat to find this unexpectedly while I’m cooking Sunday dinner! It is a gorgeously, sunshiney perfect Autumn day in the Shire ~~~

    Gosh, look at those boxes of books, I bet the postman isn’t smiling so much {I fondly recall each time we moved, how the packers would go weak at the knees when they came to assess our shipments and they’d see nothing but books}

    I’m sure the Kitties don’t mind too much ~ you are probably missing them more than they are missing you {sorry, but that is just how cats are, aren’t they} and cats don’t really care for travelling much, I’ve found.

    Isn’t West Chop a cute name? I love these old names and often wonder how some, such as West Chop, come into being.

    Have a wonderful trip and I hope you see some good colours starting to take shape ~~~

    Waiting for Downton Abbey ep.2 tonight ~~~

    ~~~Waving from Across the Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      We have East Chop too… I think it has something to do with pork chops! But probably not!

      • Mary in Phoenix says:

        I have always wondered about the origin of those names! Not easy to find an explanation, as there are many definitions and slang uses of CHOP, but the most likely is: “an entrance way, as into a body of water”. I also found: “the broken motion of water, typically due to the action of the wind against the tide …”we started our run into a two-foot chop””. I like the idea of the peninsula looking like a pork chop best 🙂 Maybe it’s something to discuss during morning science ♥ Happy Trails to you! xo

  7. Diane Cassano says:

    Good Morning – say a soft hello to my sweet son Brett as you drive through Burlington, Vermont. Even though he won’t hear you – it will mean a lot to me :). I work in a library and am going to make sure they purchase your book for all to enjoy in our little 100 year old Andrew Carnegie Library.
    I am redecorating my guest room in “Susan Branch vintage theme. Its going to have quilts and chenille galore, vintage runners, pictures, jewelry, rugs and all my Susan Branch books. Oh – gonna be delightful.

    Safe travels and have a blast. Enjoy Vermont !! Really nice folks up there.

  8. freda says:

    Good morning Susan So happy to see your post this morning. Hope you have a wonderful trip. Thank God for that beautiful fall sky and thank God for Susan Branch. So looking forward to more pictures of your trip. Stay safe

  9. Rae Lange says:

    Beautiful scenery! Hope you remembered to pack your new slippers!

  10. I got home from my fall beach vacay to find Fairy Tale Girl in my mailbox. As soon as I unpacked, I was devouring the pages of your sweet book. Thanks for all the quotations you use as I have written several of them down in my To Remember Journal. And I was so happy to have a signed copy!! I cannot imagine the labor of love that went into signing all those books for your fans. We thank you!!

  11. deezie says:

    Good Morning Susan
    Have a wonderful book signing trip. What a fabulous time of the year to have it. I bet its gorgeous there. Enjoy the moon tonight Susan, I know I can’t wait to see it

  12. Nellie says:

    Sweet Sue! You definitely deserve a vacation! What a wonderful week-end it was here as I have been busy reading The Fairy Tale Girl! We all have a story, and what great motivation for us to tell it as well! You have done a superb work sharing your story with us. Thank you for that! Enjoy your time away. Perhaps the leaves will show some color just for you!

    xo Nellie

  13. Gail says:

    Have fun on your book tour. I gave A Fine Romance to four of my friends,and enjoyed reading my copy this summer. It made me smile the whole time I was reading it. I’ve been to some of the same places you and Joe went. My Mother who will be 95 in December,is from England. My mother lived in London during the war, and was a war bride. I was able to travel to England 3 times with her, so much fun to see it thru her eyes.

  14. Gail says:

    Have fun on your book tour.,looking forward the reading the new book.

  15. Brenda says:

    Have a super, amazing travel adventure!

  16. Jane Franks says:

    Hi Susan: Just getting ready to “sign off” for a bit, and your post came in through bloglovin!! Love the story about Jeff Kinney’s bookstore. I will “like” it and I will tell them, they need your books in there!! It’s a delightful looking store and what a success story! Inspiring.
    I can’t imagine waiting for the ferry’s horn to blow! I’d be a nervous wreck!! But you probably have it down to a science by now! I’ll never forget the “Mad Hatter — Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” my taxi guy took me on the day I left the Island last November!! It was the day after the nor’easter and I think everyone on the Island was clamoring to get on that ferry!! We tore through town and almost had a collision! But he never batted an eye!! It was fun, in a way!!
    I’m sure you will find some more color up north. Will be watching your trip with great interest!!
    And. . .HOW EXCITING to see all the books flying out the door, and the wonderful photo of your competent staff. I’ll be watching for mine!! Have a wonderful time!! Jane xo

  17. Robyn Brown says:

    I got my book yesterday and am already well into it. I’m trying to go slow and savour it so I don’t read it all before the day is out. I want it to last!! Really it’s just a joy to hold and look at but the story is great too 🙂

  18. I’m so happy for you Fairy Tale Girl! Your trip is going to be great–seeing all those girlfriends that love you so. I received my book yesterday—I’m so excited and will begin to savor its contents today. It’s just beautiful! What a great publisher you have! Take in all the Autumn beauty that is happening to the north! xo ♥

  19. susan says:

    Just found your blog and I’m in love! What a busy lady you are. Thanks so much for being such an inspiration to me.

  20. Sheryl Pierson says:

    Hi Susan,

    My book arrived yesterday!!!! I can’t wait to sit down, and have time to savor every word, and picture. Have a wonderful trip with Joe. I will be thinking of you tonight as we all look at the moon. No matter where we are on this planet, we all share the same lovely moon. Love you!!!

  21. Gail M. says:

    Happy Sunday, Susan!! I received The Fair Tale Girl in the mail yesterday! I am hardly able to put it down, so I guess you know what I’ll be doing today! Have a fabulous vacation, and enjoy every minute! Can’t wait to see pics of your adventure! Happy trails!

  22. Hilda C. White says:

    After a beautiful day at an Art Show in Washington, PA (“Art in the Garden”, what fun!), I came home to see the ‘Priority Mail’ package in my mailbox…Oh Boy!!!
    There are not too many things better in life than a crisp, new book! The feel and smell of it, the excitement and anticipation…
    I opened it up an immediately touched the lock of your baby hair! I knew it was just a photo, but my instinct was to touch it!
    I ordered a copy of “Fairy Tale Girl” to be sent to my dear sister for her 59th birthday and I am waiting to share it with her as we read it together.
    Thank you, Susan! Safe journeying to you and Joe during this beautiful season.

  23. carmel says:

    Keeping you and Joe in my prayers for safe travels. Oh, those clouds! Your pic took my breath away. What a most wonderful week with the Pope! I’ve cried so much out of joy and gratitude. Hoping to see the moon tonight. We’re expecting quite a bit of cloud cover so I may have to depend on the NASA website or another for a delayed view. I hope you’re able to enjoy a great view. That “blue bedroom” has inspired me to get going on my redecorating. Such a peaceful, charming environment. I’m on the hunt for pretty wallpaper now. Peace to all.

  24. Christine from CA says:

    Happy traveling! Have not received my book yet but I know it is coming!! so looking forward to seeing, holding and reading it!! Have a fun and safe trip!

    • Christine from CA says:

      It’s here! It’s here! I am so excited. Flying to Seattle to see our Grandson Friday. I am trying to save it for the trip!!

      • Vicki says:

        I know the feeling. I just came back from the post office, and here was The Fairy Tale Girl in my post office box from the good crew north of me in Arroyo. My breath caught because I had a wad of mail today, and the clerks had bundled the book with all my other envelopes and junk TIGHTER THAN TIGHT with a big, ugly rubber band, cinching the book mailer like a corset, squashing the life out of it. I calmed myself til I got home; muttering under my breath: “If this book is damaged because of that dumb rubber band, heads are gonna knock!” But all is well. The book is so well-made with good boards; it could take the strangulation. I spread out a big, clean towel over the kitchen counter; carefully opened the mailer and, well, at last, there it is…beautiful, girly, weighty book; with a ribbon marker (just the mere thought of it, much less the sight of the ribbon, is SOOTHING and dear; a ribbon in a book representing the very best of my keepsakes since I was a child). I am higher than that harvest moon. Tomorrow is a quieter day and I’m going to ‘save’ it til then, where I can pour over the pages uninterrupted but, oh, I peeked, and it’s a glorious array of photos, illustrations and words. Substantial; there’s a lot here to read and digest. What an accomplishment, Susan! You have indeed been very hard at the task, and it seems like maybe it’s the perfect timing in your life and career for these two books to happen. I can already see, even before I read it in depth, that this is the kind of book to hold onto, for always. Like, if I got sent to a desert island and could only take a few books, this is one not to be left out; top ‘o the heap. A comforting thing. Smile-inducer! I’m just so grateful to have such a lovely book to read and re-read; what a treasure. Thank you, Susan, for sharing and spreading ‘the happy’ and the sunshine!

        • sbranch says:

          LOL, “It could take the strangulation.” Ha ha ha. I’m so glad it was still in one piece! xoxo Hope you like it Vicki, thank you for all the wonderful words!

  25. Patsy in Nixa, MO says:

    WOW! You did it again. Absolute perfection! My book arrived on Friday. I thought it was a used cookbook I was expecting from Amazon, so I didn’t open it until late Friday night. I had a very busy Saturday, so I promised myself I wouldn’t start reading, but I don’t have your will power, so I tore myself away after Chapter Four since I had only thirty minutes to get showered, dressed and on my way.

    I didn’t get home until 10:30 p.m., dead tired, and read only a few pages – however, I have now finished The Fairy Tale Girl and it’s 11:30 a.m. on Sunday. How could I accomplish anything with that book sitting on the coffee table (yes, I think they’re necessary also) calling me back.

    So now I can move on, but please tell me we’re going to hear about what happened to Cliff in the next book. No, I can’t wait that long. Tell us now, please. While reading the book, I was hoping he crashed and burned, but I got over that. We wish him well, because he was just a stepping stone on your path to becoming what you are now. Had you married a less successful guy and had that house full of babies, you wouldn’t have had the time and money to develop the painting, writing, gardening, cooking, decorating, etc. skills which now delight the world through your books and your blog.

    I pre-ordered my book early. Maybe that’s how I got mine first. I’m checking right now to see if I can pre-order volume 2.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, he is all through the next book. You’ll love it. I can’t tell you now or it will ruin the surprise (s) I have planned. I still want to have it further along before I put it up for presale — maybe around Christmas. I wand to get it DONE and OUT!!! Love that you loved book one!!!!

  26. Joanne Wood says:

    Susan – I can barely express my excitement and relief in hearing about “The Unlikely Story” bookstore. To think that there is a rebound in independent stores and for books in general is so encouraging. There is nothing like the look, feel, smell, and sense of anticipation in opening a REAL book that is new to you.
    My mom had a bookshop in her home, and I am a small time bookseller. My local home-away-from-home is Schuler Books and Chapbook Café in Grand Rapids, Michigan. YOU WERE THERE with your Fine Romance. What fun. And I have happy memories of doing used booksales with my mom. You have to be a booklover to do that. A certain craziness. You don’t go with just anyone. I mean, you bag some books, sort them out, payout and leave and have lunch. You go back and do it all again. I was told by a friend that I had too many books in my home. Now, how could that be? So, sparkling new, or comfy and old, I will always be a lover of books. I will be orderin up your Fairytail Girl soon.
    Thankyou for you and your sharing of your interesting life. jo

  27. Carol Maurer~~~~ Kennewick, Wa says:

    I’ve been reading all the girlfriends that have received their book “The Fairy Tale Girl”. I look forward to receiving mine in a few days. Maybe it’s at the post office now just waiting to be delivered tomorrow!

    Have a great time at the B&B.

    Carol M

  28. Paula Cutchey says:

    Your book arrived yesterday and I have just gotten to the part where you bought your wedding dress. I had to stop there just to tell you in 1978 I bought 2 eyelet dresses by Betsy Johnson for my 2 young daughters for Christmas. They had red ribbons running thru the eyelet trim and wide eyelet ruffles at the hem and wrist. So very in the style of your dress. Your book is proving so relate-able to the times it is like a trip down memory lane. Thank you for being you!

  29. Liz says:

    Haven’t received my book yet…..maybe tomorrow. Hoping….. Have a wonderful time at Lake Champlain. I was there last weekend for a family “girl’s weekend.” We had such fun staying at Tree Tops cabins on South Hero. So beautiful! Had tea at the Dobra Tea Shop on Church Street. Enjoy!

    • sbranch says:

      We’re in heaven, and that’s saying something because it’s pouring rain into the lake right outside our door! But there’s a wood stove in here, it’s very cozy and I have a great book to read. Plus we brought tea and tea kettle. We are set!

  30. Mary Whiting says:

    I have a few photos for you from England…..with your book, “A Fine Romance” in various places. How do I post them to you?

  31. Patsy in Nixa, MO says:

    In an earlier post, I asked what happened to Cliff. I just Goggled him and found that he wrote a book you can buy on Amazon, and he has five stars.
    HOWEVER, he only has 7 reviews (they’re probably from his friends and/or relatives). Your A Fine Romance has five stars and 457 reviews so far. So ha! ha! ha! Cliff Branch. Also saw an article which mentioned the D-word (as in “just say no”). Just a hint, not an accusation.

    I bought my book on pre-order directly, but went to Amazon and gave you what I hope is your first 5-star review. Is that legal? They won’t check to see if I bought the book from them, will they?

    • sbranch says:

      Oh my, Patsy, that was YOU on Amazon. Well, thank you SO much ~ I loved it. We now have nine reviews!!! I’m sure they’re all Girlfriends too (since Amazon doesn’t have the book yet), and thank everyone who did that from the bottom of my heart. Those comments can make or break a new book — they mean so much. Cliff is all the way through the second book too ~ we aren’t quite done with him yet. You’ll like it. xoxo

  32. Fran says:

    I’m counting the hours until my book arrives! Oh the suspense! I’m hoping it’s in the mail tomorrow since it looks like lots of folks are getting theirs now.
    And oh, the Washington Grand hotel is beautiful. I visited several years ago in the fall and it was decorated beautifully in fall colors – so heavenly. Unfortunately their rooms were booked but we did have a delicious lunch and a tour. Can’t wait to get back some day.
    Have a lovely trip and an enjoyable book signing.

  33. Margot at the Beach says:

    Great to hear the book is on the way. I am thinking I may not come next weekend, but go to East Sandwich instead. I need to see the Cape. None of my girlfriends in NH seem to be around over the next few weeks. Hopefully my house will be sold and I can leave for a week by then and commence to packing.

    Have a safe trip! Have some cheese and pick up last Spring’s maple syrup in VT!!!

    • sbranch says:

      We did! Maple syrup nicely stored in FINE ROMANCE van! Sandwich is one of the prettiest little towns, I think it’s the oldest on the Cape so I would really encourage that trip for you Margot.

  34. Milanya says:

    My husband I had planned an outing for last night, but when I went to the mailbox, THE BOOK was there. I didn’t make the outing, but I did enjoy my evening. My childhood was somewhat like yours, only with 5 more children in the family. How did you make yours sound so exciting? Of course, I never got to see the Beatles in person. The closest I got to celebrities was when my high school government went to Des Moines to see then-presidential candidate Lyndon Johnson make a speech. Not quite the same!

    • sbranch says:

      No, you are right! Lyndon Johnson is not John Lennon! 🙂 How could a family with 13 children NOT be exciting? Oh My Goodness! I am always amazed at big families.

  35. Gert~Iowa says:

    Sounds like you’re in for a wonderful road trip! I’ve heard the fall colors out east are phenomenal! I look forward to seeing your photos!!

    I pray I’ll see that fabulous moon tonight! “1982”, wow! That was the year I met my soulmate, lover, husband and best friend! That was one of the best moments of my life!

    Looking forward to getting my book!! And will try to find a unique place to photobomb my book!lol Blessings to your SONday!

  36. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    Hi Susan………….I know you’re enjoying your adventure through Western New England. I am so looking forward to getting my book……and to our trip to Meredith on Thursday. See you Saturday!! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      You haven’t got it yet? I think I read on FACEBOOK that they were ¾’s done shipping them, so it can’t be much longer. Hope it’s today! See you on Saturday . . .

  37. Cynde says:

    Susan I hope you make it back to Andeson Book store in IL again for another signing. Confession I’m still reading A Fine Romance…..😳…I started it, then had to put reading time on the back burned for awhile…life just gets too busy at times…but I’m back & decided to start from the beginning again….& now everyday we start our day together over coffee for 1/2 hour & then at night with tea for another 1/2 to a hour. We just got to York as of this morning. 😊

  38. Kathie says:

    Oh, fun again! Loved Ricky Nelson. Remember him on Ozzie and Harriet? Thank you for the musical treat. Safe travels.

  39. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    I wouldn’t worry about “moderating” – I think most of the Girlfriends are too caught up in THE BOOK to post to the blog until they’ve read all the way through to the very last page, which is what I’m going to do RIGHT NOW and finish to the very end — SOOOOO LOVING IT, SUSAN!!!…..enjoy your leaf-peeping road trip….

  40. NANCY JO says:

    Hi Sue,
    Just to let you know, I read your wonderful new book today, the Whole thing! Other then the Arf part I understood it all. A real joy to read and it makes me want to do something, cook, move the couch, make curtains etc. I should calm down by tomorrow. Soooo looking forward to your next book.
    Nancy Jo

  41. Debbie S. says:

    So so excited to receive the new book. AND can’t wait for the second half. I love the cover! Life is good because of YOU!

  42. Barbara B says:

    I received my book yesterday and I am thrilled. I just love holding it and looking at it – it is just so pretty. Your wedding dress is by far the prettiest one I have ever seen. Perfect for a fairy tale girl! I so love books – the way they smell – the way they sound when you turn the pages – everything! Ebooks can never replace that. Your books are even more special because you have so many sweet little surprises tucked among the pages. Thank you so much Ms Susan – I will treasure this forever. Already looking forward to ne t spring.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you so much Barbara, I know just what you mean about books, the sensual part of them, smell, feel, sound etc. xoxo

  43. Hi, Susan! What a wonderful vacation getaway! Your stay in the B&B tonight sounds very special. Lowely will have such sweet stories to share! It’s overcast here in Chicagoland, but we hope, hope, hope the skies will clear in time for the Super Blood Moon Eclipse tonight. We are planning to watch the whole thing! Just heading out to read on the front porch again this afternoon. I’m trying so hard to s-t-r-e-t-c-h The Fairy Tale Girl, stopping often to reflect upon and savor all of its goodness! Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for sharing your story with us, Susan! ♡
    Safe travels!
    Dawn (in Illinois)

  44. kay walker says:

    I’ve read your blog through out the spring and summer and feel like I know you.
    I really know that I don’t, but you make me feel that way. You make me feel like I have a very special friend. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself.
    I received my notice Friday that my book had been shipped and since I live in Western Kentucky I’m hoping it will find it’s way here by Tuesday.
    I know you will have a fun trip. I hope you see beautiful leaves and find even more new friends.

  45. Heartsdesire says:

    Hi Susan, hope you’re enjoying your jaunt to New Hampshire. I’m sure it is lovely this time of year. I’m here on Vancouver Island where there is a slight change of colour, but usually, we don’t get much. I’m looking forward to the moon tonight, the weather predicted is for clear skies. Also looking forward to my book arriving sometime next week. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. Also ordered your 2016 calendar as our local bookstore didn’t order it this year. I certainly couldn’t be without my yearly Susan Branch calendar with all the beautiful watercolour drawings and luscious recipes. Hope you get to see that moon wherever you are.

  46. Ladyheartwell in Berkeley Springs WV says:

    Oh Sweet Susan,
    You’ve gave us so many photos that I’ve seen in real life, especially the one that looks at Beatrix Potter’s home from the slate fence between the house where she wrote and painted and her live-in house across the road. We LOVED all the sheep on the hills; so idealique!!! Vermont should be breaking out in vibrant colour VERY soon.
    Can’t wait to get my new book from your packing-up team. Please give them my heartfelt thanks for all their hard word.
    It has been fun listening to Ricky Nelson songs while writing this note. He was in my generation. It was a sad day when he died in a plane crash. Those were the days when we could understand the words in the songs the artists sang in that wonderful era.
    Thank you, M’luv, for all that you give us. Everything I have is very treasured and I show the books, etc. to all my new friends since moving from Charleston, SC to Berkeley Springs, WV with my precious new husband, Bruce. After my late husband died I never thought I would meet another man I could ever think about marry. However, God brought me and my teenage love from fifty years ago back together. His spouse died from cancer two months after my dear late husband died from another form of cancer. Through a series of miracles we were brought together again after SO years. God surprises us when we least expect it, and I am so happy. No one should give up hope after troubled times. So, keep prayin’ and reading Susan Branch’s blogs and books; both provide happiness.

    Love from Berkeley Springs/Bath, WV; a sister city to Bath, England,
    Karen (Ladyheartwell–a nickname given to me because of my nursing joy in caring for cardiac patients in a Cardiac ICU)

    • sbranch says:

      Love your Ladyheartwell nickname and what it represents. Thank you for what you do, because without nurses, what would this world be??? Love your story about Bruce, miracles DO happen, and we just never know what wonderful things life has in store for us! xoxo

  47. Kathy R from Iowa says:

    Got it! (Your lovely book, that is.) Haven’t had time to read it yet except for the cover & up through the Dedication. But I DID have to touch the lock of hair! Now, I KNEW it was not real, but it looked so real, my fingers just automatically stroked those fine strands. Silly me. Anticipating the reading.

  48. Nancy B. says:

    Hi Susan 🙂 Congratulations on your book! Lucky folks up there in New England for getting to meet you and have you sign their own copy. I miss our visits to New England in the fall as “leaf peepers”! My aunt lived in Boston and we loved visiting her this time of the year. I miss the farm stands and the delicious fresh apple cider! Most of all I miss the color and the beautiful sights and sounds all around. There is nothing like New England in the fall .. being originally from Texas and 22+ years as a Californian .. there really is nothing like it .. in our world 🙂 I love finding mail from you and l look forward to hearing more about your many adventures. P.S. I don’t believe our kitties (or doggies) don’t miss us when we are gone! The way they love us when we come home tells the truth! Not that we all can’t be happy apart and feeling the love of each other where ever we are! Oh happy day to you every day!

  49. Josephine Gadaleta says:

    Hi Susan! You’re book arrived yesterday and was sitting in my mailbox and I didn’t even know it. My son had told me that he had checked the mail but I guess the mail got here later than usual. My husband opened the mailbox this morning and to my great surprise there it was!!! I did the happy dance and clapped my hands with joy! It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to sink into it! Thanks Susan for another gem of a book!!

  50. Karen Lotito says:

    Heading off on QM2! Lovely post, Susan!

  51. Rae Ann Roche says:

    Love Pope Francis! After hearing the Pope speak before Congress, I almost went to Holy Childhood Catholic Church in town and told them I wanted to be Catholic! I’m still waiting for my Fairy Tale Girl…I hope it was among all those books packed and ready to be sent to the girlfriends…have a wonderful trip…enjoy every minute…

  52. Cathy says:

    I received my book on Friday I am just waiting for a nice quiet few minutes to peek inside the cover. We had lovely company and a beef stew is on the stove. I love that hotel it has so much history and is so beautiful. My husband and I have lunch there a few times a year. The color is not here yet but you see peeks of it here and there. I hope to meet you on Saturday.

  53. Susan, have a wonderful trip with Joe, through ever-changing colors as you travel northward. Can’t wait to read this new book…will you be including Indiana on your tour? With A Fine Romance, Goshen, Indiana’s “Better World Books” hosted your book-signing. I had to miss that, but was able to have them reserve two signed copies for me that I picked up the next week. This time I’d love to actually be there, or wherever you may be in Indiana.
    Have a great time, Susan. I love that your dear friend is named “Lowely.” That’s adorable! Long ago, my now adult kids loved Richard Scarry books with the character “Lowly Worm”, on each page. I always thought Lowely would be a beautiful name, but until reading your blog years ago, never had heard of anyone actually having it!
    Have fun!

    • sbranch says:

      We won’t go on tour until the second book comes out — want to get it finished first and then maybe next May we will hit the road. Indiana is smack dab in the middle of everything, I can’t imagine we’ll be driving around it!

  54. Randi Bault says:

    I’ll be racing home after work hoping my copy arrives. I have been hoping for an uplift in my life. I have been feeling low. Walter the wonderful weenie dog went to heaven to meet my husband at Rainbow Bridge. Walter was rescued by me and I was lucky to have him 12+ years, I know he is with my Marvelous Marv because I found a penny right after by Lake Tahoe, the last place I gave Walter a car ride. I went back to just remember and found the penny. Marvin sends them to me from heaven, just a message to remind me the love is always there. I seem to find them when my life is in crisis. Just when I need it. I have quite a few in my Marvin Memory Box. Your book will be a joy for me and I am going to curl up and get lost, carried away into a beautiful fairytale story. So, I thank you in advance for the happiness you bring. ❤ Randi —-<—<—@

    • sbranch says:

      My sister Shelly had three weenie dogs, and one by one she’s had to endure them all going to heaven, hopefully to wait for Walter and be with Marv. She is a big penny-for-good-luck finder too, and has a new weenie dog now, named Lucy, and everyone is happy again, but losing pets is just terrible. They know so much about us and love us anyway. xoxo

  55. P. Blair says:

    Got it, read it, loved it! My husband said, “you must really like that book, you haven’t put it down.” He was right! Thank you for sharing with us.

  56. Dear Susan, I received my copy yesterday and finished it last evening. I can’t wait for the next book! You left me wanting more. I appreciate everything you must have gone through to write this book. It couldn’t have been easy to dredge up painful events of the past but in all of our journeys through life, it’s the pain and sadness that make us stronger and so appreciative when the good things come along. You definitely know how to turn lemons into lemonade! Continued happiness and success my friend.

  57. Mary, St Louis says:

    My book came 2days ago. I’m saving it for a trip to Sandestin that I leave for on Oct 3.i have “peeked ” in it, here and there, (just the day it came) and it is delightful ! I have to leave it on the bookshelf downstairs, and not take it up with me at night, so I won’t be tempted !!! Can’t wait! Have a great trip. 💕. Hope we can see the moon tonight, but it’s a bit cloudy, and we have a chance of rain. ☁️💦🌝 fingers crossed 🙏🏼

  58. Sara McKeefer says:

    Your blog post today was just what I needed to get me over the flu-hump, Susan. It’s been a long two days, but, gosh, I almost feel like an ice cream now! I dutifully did as you said and could not help but leave a comment on An Unlikely Story’s FB page. Gosh, what a smart young fellow that Jeff Kinney is, and his wife Julie, too, for choosing to make their home in Plainville, Mass, and then opening the likes of that bookstore! That family has to be a Plainville treasure, don’t you think?

    Every time I see a picture of your van, I think back to the day Linda, Sharmin and I met in Goshen for your book signing and got to meet you and Joe, and take pictures of each other by the Fine Romance van. What a day that was! Do you suppose that makes me a Susan Branch groupie? 🙂

    It’s clouded up considerably today, so we may not get to see the eclipse tonight, but just in case, I’ll head over to the lake around 9 and hope those clouds part for at least some part of the action. I’m thinking I’ll stop by Casey’s and get a Dove ice cream bar too. Talk about a fun night!

    It sounds like you have a fun one in store too, Susan. Isn’t it wonderful sharing the things we love with close friends? Especially when there are stories that go along with it, like the B&B where Lowely’s grandparents lived? I hope the rest of your trip is just a delight, and, frankly, with you and Joe, I can’t imagine it any other way! 🙂 Sara 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      A treasure is just right Sara! Thanks for contributing to the success of his store. I don’t know him, but that place is so special in such a tiny place, it’s going to need help from the outside to keep going. XOXO

  59. Vicki says:

    Glad you can blend a ‘working trip’ with a vacation, and I hope you and Joe have a really wonderful time. Thanks for one last post before the journey!

    OMG, you need your own postal truck! I think you just helped the U.S. Postal Service climb out of its financial dilemma!

    And I hope you know how lucky you are to have found a good pet sitter because we just never have…it means you can never go anywhere TOGETHER and, you know, we humans need our getaways!!

    I do, do, DO hope you’ll soon be awash in an explosion of fiery fall colors on the road!

    • Vicki says:

      By the way, I was looking just now on Amazon for another book and, whoa, there’s The Fairy Tale Girl; just popped right up from the page and I wasn’t even looking for it (mine’s coming via your store). I just loved reading ‘your page’ on Amazon and there are already two fine comments from buyers in response to the book (the first 5-star one made me laugh-out-loud). Anyway, it’s official. You’re out there, Susan. It’s a best-seller!

      • sbranch says:

        I went and looked! How could I not LOVE that!!!? Joe and I are on the road, in Vermont, and I finally just now got my computer to work ~ your message, and then those Amazon reviews were my reward, along with all of these wonderful messages from our Girlfriends. Hopefully we won’t drive out of range and I’ll be able to read them all! Vermont, by the way, is just beginning to turn color, the sky is blue, the sun is shining and there’s a nice little nip in the air! Thank you Vicki!

  60. kay walker says:

    I just read my about comment and should have proof read it before sending. I sound like a stalker, that wasn’t my intent. I just wanted to say you are nice to all of your girlfriends and I think they all are happy to be called that. I hope you don’t mind me calling myself your girlfriend too.

  61. Sarah says:

    Loved reading the story about Jeff Kinney’s bookstore. Before we moved back here to Texas, we frequented a lovely little music store near where we lived in Virginia owned by Jeff’s brother. They had Wimpy Kid stuff EVERYWHERE. 🙂 I couldn’t figure out why until I asked and the owner told me they were brothers. I just love little independent shops. Life would not be nearly as interesting without them. Enjoy your trip! 🙂

  62. Susan says:

    Susan, my leaf-peeping report for you from Vermont is “GO NORTH”. All our seasons were late this year, as were our harvests — they are just starting to pick apples! I am about 1/3 of the way north in VT, near Dorset and Manchester, in the southern region of what is the central part of VT. Burlington may have good color, although I can’t be certain. If you want to see more green VT, stop by my house — Paul and I would love to see you and Joe again. Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to my book coming this week! Have a safe trip!

    • sbranch says:

      There are apple trees everywhere, on the sides of the roads, almost like weeds, dropping apples all over the place! I love them! We’re up here at the lake now and got some very nice color on some of the woodsy backroads we took to get here. xoxo Hope the book gets there soon!

  63. Samantha says:

    My book came! My book came! And, like all of my other SB books, it already has my name neatly printed on the line next to “my book.” I can’t wait to get lost in it and hang on every word, photograph, illustration, and quote. I won’t guarantee that “Fairy Tale Girl” will make it to the summit of Mt. Borah, Idaho like her sister, “A Fine Romance,” but she will travel. We will share pictures and post about our adventures. So excited! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      That was the ultimate, Mt. Borah — I put that photo on the Amazon page for A FINE ROMANCE ~ thank you Samantha!

  64. Becky says:

    Well done, Susan! I got my book and sat down in my comfy old chair and read it from cover to cover. What a treat! Through you, I was able to go down memory lane, happily re-living my own 1960’s and 1970’s in California. Weren’t we lucky! And as weird as this may sound I have to thank Cliff for being….Cliff. He must be very gracious to allow himself to be the “bad guy” in your story. You know what I mean. He was the yin to your yang; you needed him to get to today. I think it’s important for us to remain on nodding terms with the people we used to be. Your lovely book is a nice reminder of that. Thanks again. and have a wonderful vacation. I am so happy to know this part of your story.

    • sbranch says:

      There wouldn’t have been much of a story without Cliff! He’s in the second book too . . . we aren’t quite done with him yet!

  65. Elaine Depo says:

    Hello Susan! To my delight my book arrived yesterday. (Saturday) I’m so enjoying it, it’s quite fun to read about your adventures, and your development as a “grown-up,” LOL, and as an artist. You know, I think if I picked up a brush and paint and did something like that geranium I would have passed out! I broke my rule that I would take my time reading, but you knoooow how that goes! I raced along and am at the mid-way point already ~ sigh, I got started and couldn’t stop! Love your blog today, have a wonderful time with Joe and friends! Again, I’m loving your story!

  66. Looking forward to reading your new book and getting it signed at Titcombe’s later this month.

  67. Jill says:

    Hello Susan,
    I got your book in the mail yesterday and started reading it before bed. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE IT!! Today I have a lot of housework to do and I don’t dare pick it up because I know I won’t get anything done!!! I’m trying to hurry because I now have a prize at the end!

    Now I can see why you were so quiet all those months. I missed the blog but now I realize it was well worth it. Thank you so much…..Wonderfully written!! Congratulations! You should be pretty darn proud !!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, I was pretty quiet there for a while wasn’t I? Thank you Jill, I’m just trying to get used to the reality of it being out there! xoxo

  68. Jack says:

    Only 32 coments to “I don’t think so,” … I don’t think so!

    • sbranch says:

      What are you not thinking so about?

    • Diane from Poulsbo says:

      Did you REALLY have 10 votes? Lol I wanted to say how amazing you made the outside of the house after you bought it….the before and after pics were night and day different….it turned out beautifully! All the wonderful things you have built for your family over the years are incredible. Can you come visit me….lol….we will put you to work over here! 😄

  69. Susan Havey says:

    Susan, I have read the Fairy Tale Girl, including the precious pages from your baby book. That you are brave enough to open your life to us in such a moving, funny, beautiful way is a precious gift to the world. May it inspire future female authors. It was a microcosm of my teenage years in a way and so fun to travel back to the carefree days of youth.

    Susan Havey in Spokane

  70. Debby says:

    Waaa, so jealous, everyone has your book but me, and Debs inWales has Downton Abbey too!
    But it is a beautiful autumn day here in the PNW. Have a great trip. Debby

  71. Cindy says:

    Your book was sitting on top of my mailbox (?) when I got home yesterday. Danced into the house with it under my arm. I really was going to portion it out and only read a little every day….maybe a chapter, but no-could-do… the whole thing cover to cover. Wow….thank you for putting yourself out there like that. It’s a courageous thing to let yourself be seen – not just when you’re viewing the world from the mountaintop, but when you can barely glimpse the sky from the bottom of the pit. You are more real now. People are drawn to you because you have the gift of speaking the words that call out our memories in such detail. Not just about the things we did, but how we thought and what we dreamed our lives might be. You help us remember. And in remembering we can understand a little bit better how we have changed and grown over the years too. And you may not realize the little thrill we get when we find out we have shared experiences/objects……like I thought I was the only one who dee-lighted in having the Betty Crocker “Kitchen Gardens” book, or who had the family song “they ran through the briars and they ran through the bushes…” (best sung by entire family at top of lungs roaring down a highway in the car), or who had bombed out of airline stewardess interviews, etc. etc. You get the picture. It’s the little things that knit hearts together. You have not written a totally “happy-clappy” book, but you’ve written openly and in the process knit yourself deeper into many a friend’s heart. Thank you so much for “The Fairy Tale Girl”.

  72. Joan Lesmeister says:

    OK, just to report, scrambled eggs dinner, made by me – fast, fast, fast! I had reading to do! And I did, & my heart went out to Fairy Tale Girl! And, I got to finish the book as I was up in the middle of the night….! You’re amazing Sue, love your writing, and painting. I can hardly wait for the next book! And, we had that Corvair (Don was trying to remember what that color was called!) like yours, I do believe! Have a lovely trip, enjoy your little vacation! xoxoxo

  73. Cathy says:

    Was so excited to see my book arrive on Friday. I have had a very busy weekend, so I am planning to read while I do my laundry tomorrow. I have managed to sneak in a few pages, so I am really looking forward to some reading time tomorrow. Hopefully, uninterrupted! Does anyone else take the time to smell a new book when they first get it? I love the smell of new books!! Thanks Susan for a beautiful book!

  74. I just finished your book. I got it Saturday afternoon and 24 hours later finished it. It was sooooooo good I could hardly put it down. But now we have to wait till May for the rest..Bummer. 🙂 Since my parents were married in May of 46 and I was born May of 47 in Hawthorne where we lived with my maternal grandparents while our home was built with that GI loan…it took me back to a familiar time. You captured so much of my feelings of the Era in there. At the end of my grandparents block of west 119 th street were three brothers, Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson, Who would later become the Beachboys and rivals of the Beatles. 🙂 I loved how you told your story. Bravo..can’t wait for the rest.

  75. Deborah in Odessa, Tx says:

    I am trying not to be jealous….just waiting for an email saying my book is coming. love the road pictures.

  76. Cyndi in NC says:

    Can’t wait to get my book and print out the book mark. I hope it doesn’t take the post office toooo long to forward it to me in AZ!! I’ll have to wait to print till I get home at the beginning of November. But that is ok, I can wait…I think I’ll have too! I’m out west so I hope I’ll get to see the leaves somewhere on the way home. I’m sure the mountains in NC will be done but you never know, maybe there will still be some left on the coast. Hugs to all.

  77. Amy Hancock says:

    Dearest Susan,
    So excited to know your newest book is coming my way. My sister, Susan, and I are going to be starting a tour in Boston on Oct. 3rd and only wish we could be lined up for one of your book signings. Hoping our books will get here before we leave if not we’ll have something wonderful to look forward to.

    Also want to thank you for adding a little bit in today’s blog about my favorite, Sir Paul. Lots and lots of reasons to make me smile today.

  78. Nancy B says:

    Hi, Sue! My copy of your book arrived a couple of days ago. I began reading right away, and read quite a chunk of it. I stayed up ’til past 2:00 a.m. the next night to finish it and I must say I was not disappointed! You have a wonderful gift for story telling. I’m sorry you had to endure such heartache, but I’m happy you have overcome. And look at all you have accomplished! I look forward to the “rest of the story”. (I think you were very brave to pour your heart out in this book!). I wanted to share with you that my youngest daughter recently did a bike tour through Vermont. There was very little color, but she had such a wonderful time. The tour began and ended in Stowe. They even rode a bit in Quebec. I know she will enjoy the posts of your trip. It sounds amazing! And you really do deserve to have this “real vacation”. Have a blast!

    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

    • sbranch says:

      I didn’t realize I was brave until it was at the printers and all of a sudden a giant fear of “what have I done” washed over me, but it was too late! I just had to believe that my book would be going into the right hands and they would, as the quote says, take the good from it, and with a breath of friendship, blow the rest away. xoxo

  79. Terrie Trebilcock says:

    My book arrived on Friday, too, and I put off opening it until dinner was cooked, bills were paid, papers graded, and I could give it the appropriate fondness and attention. I’ve read the first ten or so pages, and know that I will be going back to read it again over the next year. My husband is deploying for a year in Asia, and I will miss him so. Reading your book reminds me of my own path to my own love. Thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      A year, that’s so long, I’m sorry Terrie, please thank him for his service, and God bless and keep him and you in his absence. xoxo

  80. Deanna Taylor says:

    My heart be still! A new fab book to look forward to this week and MUSICA
    by Ricky! What a heart throb he was. 1961 was the year I graduated high school. I know I’m getting older, but they really don’t make music like they used to! Enjoy each day of your vacation, it is richly deserved and we all want you to cherish your time away in the beautiful fall weather. Deanna from Nebraska

  81. Carol D. in Sierra Madre, CA says:

    Hi Susan, I came home from a weekend in San Diego/Coronado and your book awaited me on my arrival home! Honestly, I feel privileged that you are sharing so much of your life with all of us Girlfriends. I never thought I’d be able to hear about what really led up to your moving out to The Vineyard. I can hardly wait to start it this evening! Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with us!

  82. JoEllen Keever says:

    Ohhhh Susan, your book is absolutely delicious! An odd word to use to describe it, but its beautiful to look at, scrumptious to read, the words just melt my heart, and brings nourishment to my soul! a work of love to share with all of us. Since I am the same age as you, it brought back soooooooo many memories and when you mentioned a song of that era, I actually could hum the tune! I won’t ruin it for others to read, but I laughed out loud when I read what you did to Dimmi’s book — you are so inventive, but not too destructive! Well, even though I wanted to go slow and enjoy reading each page, I just couldn’t. I read it all in 2 days even though I am a 24/7 caregiver for my 98 year old Mother. (Hurry up Mom, I have to get back to my book! It’s OK if you go to bed a little early, I have to finish my book!) Have a very fun and safe trip promoting this wonderful work of art — it is worth every penny and then some!it

  83. Kathy Madigan says:

    I received my book this week and love it! I ordered two more for gifts. Thanks
    so much for your beautiful art and words!!

  84. Mary Ann in Tennessee says:

    Impatiently waiting!

  85. Robin - Henderson, NV says:

    Thank you so much for the funstuff/freestuff on the website! Anxiously awaiting my book! Have a wonderful time in Vermont – keep the pictures coming!

  86. Sharyl B. says:

    As always, I love reading your blog and love, love, love all the photos too! I received my copy of “The Fairy Tale Girl” this week and can’t wait to dive into it. I just wanted to mention that the photo you just posted of the bedroom with beautiful blue & white wallpaper is actually owned by “Paula” not “Victoria”. I recently had the honor of meeting Paula when I attended a art tour in Seattle. She designs beautiful wallpapers, tea towels and other lovely things. Have a wonderful time on your book tour. I do wish you were coming to the West coast. Maybe, another time. Hugs to you!

  87. Mary Ann says:

    I was so excited when I read that A Fine Romance was printed at R.R.Donneley in Crawfordsville, Indiana. I used to work there. I was the executive secretary in the Employment Department. It was traditional for the companies that we printed for to give us a copy of every book we printed. One of my jobs was to go through the boxes of books and decide if there were any I wanted to add to our library. I had to be pretty choosy because we only had so much room and I would have to take a book out for any book I put in. But, your book would have definitely been put in a prominent place in our library. I am so excited to know by books are on the way. I ordered one for myself, and two as gifts. Can’t wait to get my hands on mine.

  88. Aloyce Levin says:

    My beautiful, The Fairy Tale Girl, arrived Friday. Can’t wait to start reading!!!
    Aloyce Levin

  89. Sharon in Fresno, CA says:

    So glad you are having a wonderful time on your trip. I received an email the other day that my copy of “Fairy Tale Girl” is on the way. I can hardly wait for it to arrive.

  90. Mary Lawrence says:

    I just finished reading your new book, I loved it and will reread it tomorrow. I feel like you really gave us a big piece of your life, and heart in this book. Thank you and I looked forward to part two. Have a lovely trip with your wonderful Joe.


  91. Martha B says:

    The book arrived yesterday, and I’ve started to read it. Not sure I’ll get to Meredith on Sat. or not–hope so! Enjoy the NH foliage (late this year due to our warm and dry August).

  92. CarolK from NJ says:

    I saw that red roofed hotel from the Cog RR climbing to the top of Mt. Washington this past Tuesday! If only I had my copy of A Fairy Tale Girl with me it would have been picture time but it arrived while we were in NH. Sister said, let’s go back with our copies in hand but my tush couldn’t take another eight hour drive again so soon. I’m sure you’re going to have tons of copies to sign when in Meredith. A huge craft show will be happening right in the parking lot by the book store that weekend. Happy Trails to Yooooou…….and some Jersey hugs too.

  93. Candice OHIO says:

    Hello Susan,
    I received “The Fairy Tale Girl” on Friday and I am on Chapter 12 and having a very difficult time putting it down! I love, love, love it! I am also reading Fine Romance again for the 5th time!
    Thank you for writing another “Smashing” book, five ***** rating from me, you are a brilliant writer and artist!! You and Joe SO deserve this Autumn road trip, safe travels and have a wonderful time!

    • sbranch says:

      XOXO — we’re in our room across from Lake Champlain listening to the waves lapping on shore. It’s just beautiful here! Can’t wait for it to get light so we can go look for a place to walk!

  94. Sharon E says:

    Just came in from seeing the eclipse of the moon. We got lucky with clear skies in Michigan. Even the stars came out and twinkled brightly.

  95. Georgeann says:

    I received my book and was not able to read it slowly. I couldn’t wait to read every word.
    Being only three years older than you are I was able
    To relate to so many things that I remember from my own growing up years and failed marriage. I enjoyed your book so
    Much since for years I have wondered what led you to make the dramatic change in your life
    When you moved across the country. Can’t wait to read the next book!! But Just as this book was I know it is worth waiting for!! Have a wonderful trip!

  96. Fan in California says:

    As always, thanks for the GORGEOUS photos and your wonderful commentary. Have a safe and fabulous trip!!

  97. Diane from Poulsbo says:

    I have completely read the book, and it is wonderful! The stories and pics from your childhood were delightful! I laughed at many of your descriptions, and could totally relate to being completley clueless when it came to being graduated from high school and entering the real world. You were exactly like every girl from those years….which is one reason you are our bff, in a virtual kind of way. Your relationship with Cliff was soooo typical…other than having millions, lol. He was so typical of a young man in the 70s….and so were you. Such complicated years, werent they? YUK! I have a love-hate memory of those complex years. I much prefer being older….because now I have understanding. You wrote about it all beautifully. I was unable to put it down….and I cannot wait for the next book! Thank you! Xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I’m kind of in that YUK category too when it comes to the late 70’s and early 80’s . . . TOO much going on for the pea brains (mine especially) to understand. Thank you Diane!

  98. Pamela Jewett says:

    Hi Susan,
    My book arrived two days ago, and of course I sat right down and read it. We were born in the same year, graduated the same year and by the way are related via the Bradford’s! We experienced so much of the same things, it was like reading my life in your handwriting. Thank you for being so expressive and putting the boomer life in a wonderful light.

  99. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Have fun on your get-away! The first several photos look like places in Door County… 🙂

  100. Carolyn Stanley says:

    Sweet Sue,
    It’s been some time since my last comment. I got behind on your blog posts and over the past few days have spent quite a bit of time getting caught up. I haven’t ordered Fairy Tale Girl yet – soon. I adored A Fine Romance and intend to reread that.
    Have fun at your book signing on October 3rd in Meredith. I’m taking a very close girlfriend to a fundraiser tea sponsored by the Bethany, CT Historical Society on that day, but I’ll think of you and hope you’ll post lots of photos.
    I spent a good part of this evening photographing the eclipse of the Harvest moon. I’m wondering how you did from what ever location you are at this evening. It was soooo awesome, and I’m so glad the clouds held off. I do believe I’ll go outside and try for one more shot of the moon emerging from the earth’s shadow, and then to bed. Best of luck and fun on you travels.

    • sbranch says:

      I got fairly good photos of the moon. We had to wait until it was up pretty far and peeking over the top of the tall trees in the woods surrounding the place we were staying, but it was still gorgeous. Nice to hear from you Carolyn!

      • Carolyn Stanley says:

        I posted a sequence of some of the photos on Facebook, but I don’t know how to send you the link. I was pleased with the results. I can’t wait to see your photos. Thanks for all you do. Hope your book signing is a huge success. I pray the weather won’t be tumultuous.

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