Well, there is SO much going on around here ~ I thought I better do our drawing today! Strike while the iron is hot! But first, let’s see, let’s go hang out in 1928 for a while . . . MUSICA!

toast girlfriends winter word

I’ve almost finished writing us a new WILLARD!  It will start going out on Tuesday morning and I hope you will love it! Is everyone is signed up? If not, and you’d like my newsletter delivered to your email box, just go HERE and sign up. And while you’re at it, sign up your mom and your sister too, and your kitty movesBFF, because it’s going to be chock full of good and fun stuff.  I’m also updating the blog on Tuesday! Very exciting! Love it when everything happens at once! Between the blog and Willard, us packing to go away on our two-month Book Tour, and the constant Kitty Kissing, there is A LOT going on . . . including, in this new Willard, more Giveaways, and even a Grand Prize Giveaway. Oh yeah. We’re doin’ it up big.🎉pink-flowers

So I thought I better step in now and announce the winners of the SIX books, with paintbrushes and bookmarks . . . so I can get them in the mail to the Lucky Winners on Monday and not get everything all mixed up with Tuesday! Hate it when that happens! Can’t believe how many people we have entered in this drawing. Wild eh, and what fun! Have you read any of the comments? Only the nicest people in the world! 💏 That’s all. You really don’t know how often you make me cry! Sometimes I can’t even answer because I don’t know what to say! That’s how nice you are.


So, just a little reminder . . . our six winners will get a personalized copy of my new book, Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams, that one  up there, PLUS


Each book will come with one of the worn-out paintbrushes I used to paint the watercolors in the new book AND these messy bits made into bookmarks from the blotters where I test colors and try to figure out what is wrong when my pen starts acting up. Little bits of book DNA from the construction site.from me to you with loveBut before I announce the winners, I thought you might enjoy a bit of Morning Science. For any of you with a Wisteria, this may be old news, but I find it endlessly fascinating, what a Wisteria does in the springtime, so I thought I’d show you one of my favorite harbingers of spring.🌞


You know what a wisteria looks like in bloom, right?  And the smell? Floral heaven. Like the inside of a flower store ~ Ours were planted a long time ago, by the woman who owned our house from 1940 to 1980, the very much appreciated Mrs. Bowditch. They hang on an arbor over the kitchen-porch side of our house and the fragrance goes up through the second story windows (where I am taking this photo) and into the bedrooms, thank you very much.💛

IMG_7649They make May . . . in May the Island air smells like ocean mixed with lilac and wisteria.


Here’s how our wisteria looks right now, not quite as lovely, despite the fabulous blue sky . . . but see all those dangling bean-like things? That’s what I wanted to show you.


Here they are up-close. They are fuzzy like pussy willows.Inlovewithnature


They drop in the spring in the first days of warmth from the sun ~ the porch and the driveway are covered in them. They make the most delightful cracking noise when you step on them because they are very hard. I go out of my way to step on as many as I possibly can. From what I saw on the driveway this morning, I’m about to be in crunch heaven.

IMG_7181They don’t really drop actually, they kind of split apart and explode . . .

IMG_7186The pods hit our windows, we can hear it happening, little ticks against the glass . . . A few of them get all they way across the driveway onto the lawn . . . they really do explode. We think it might be from happiness.happy?


The daffodils watch intently, as you can see.  And see the little black dots on the driveway around them . . .?

IMG_7182The by-product! Free wisteria seeds!  Isn’t that fabulous?miracles

                                                   It’s our springtime miracle!Fairy2

And you might wonder, but is there anything actually blooming in your yard now? And I would have to say, Oh, yes there is!IMG_7138

Our Magnolia is in bloom.



The weeping cherry trees too, and the forsythia . . .


And our pear tree . . .touch-quote


Alright, that’s the end of Morning Science for today 🌷 . . . so here we go dear ones, I do so hope you win!!!!! But if you don’t, remember, there will be more chances in Willard, more chances in the next post, and lots of fun surprises coming. It’s spring, I have a new book, we’re going for a long ride, hill and dale across the country to meet all our Girlfriends, and we’re here to

celebrate!So here we go!

Vanna . . . darling . . . climb up there and dive into the vat won’t you? (Remember when it was only a basket she had to draw from? Now it’s a vat!  Filled with teeny weeny slips of paper, each with a tiny name on it!  So exciting! We are gaining Girlfriends, Girlfriends!)


I hate this part. Up till now everyone is a winner, as well it should be, since that is the bottom-line truth, but now all of a sudden, it’s narrowed down considerably. I always say this when Vanna is diving into the vat, and I always feel it. Oh well. Must. do. my. job. She’s UP!!! Handful of names are flapping in the wind.  Here we go . . .

Happiness abounds, joy bells ring, honking horns dinning, awesomeness reigns for:


Janet Johnson!

Celia Reusch!

Sylvie from France! 

Diane P. from Northern California

Rachael Anna

Kenna Morris!

I’ll send you each an email and you can write me back with your address and who you would like the book inscribed to . . . you, or perhaps you have someone else in mind! I will love to do it, and Joe will get them in the mail to you on Monday (or as soon as I hear back from you). We have our first French Person winner! How exciting!🌎We are the world, Girlfriends! 💞

Off I go, but I’ll be back so soon it’s almost ridiculous. Please don’t get sick of me!  Have a wonderful day, a wonderful weekend, breathe in some of that fresh spring air and know you are loved.  XOXO

love thee like pudding


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1,111 Responses to LET’S DO OUR DRAWING TODAY

  1. Carol Zwart says:

    Susan thank you for making me smile !!

  2. Wob, Candace says:

    Dear Susan,
    Please consider coming to the Dallas-Fort Worth area on your next book tour. You have many fans here, and the Colleyville Friends of the Library and I would love to host an autograph party for you. I can’t wait to read the final installment of the trilogy and to update my copy of your first book with the new, expanded version. Meanwhile, I’m thoroughly enjoying your recommendation of Gladys Taber’s writings. I can see why you like them as you share the same whimsical humor and love of nature. Congratulations on your movie option and fabric designs. We’ll all hold our mouths just right to see you on the Silver Screen – you who are so deserving and loved worldwide! Wishing you and Joe the time of your life on the 2016 book tour and Adventure No. 2 in Europe!

  3. Ann Handley says:

    Years ago, our youngest daughter stayed on Martha’s Vinyard during a round the world working holiday. She raved in her letters (before email then), about her surroundings and love of the island. Shortly after, imagine my surprise to find in a local bookshop window in Whanganui, New Zealand, a copy of the book “Vinyard Seasons” displayed. Of course I bought it, because of the title and was introduced to an amazing artist and author, Susan Branch. I’ve since acquired several more of your books , including “Heart of the Home.” Our daughter made close friends with a woman whose family had lived on MV for generations, we met her, she became like another daughter to us and 4 years ago, during a trip to the USA, we spent a fortnight with her family on your amazing island. I feel towards Martha’s Vinyard, as you do Susan, with England. We “knew” it before we went there. Thankyou for sharing your gift with us, each “Willard” brings back the feeling and character I found on Martha’s Vinyard.

    . What an amazing experience and your Willard and blogs brings back so many memories. Thankyou so much Susan for sharing your talent with so many.

  4. Anita says:

    Thanks Susan. 🙂 your books, calendar and blog make me smile.

  5. Suze says:

    Thank you for bringing happiness to all!

  6. Judy Doyle says:

    I “come”, I “sit” and I “stay” as long as I can….and then I return. You are my fantasy life.

  7. TerriCheney says:

    What a sweet retreat this place is. Absolutely adored A Fine Romance, my first book by you and look forward to reading more and more.

  8. Scottie4851 says:

    So wish you would come to Michigan on your upcoming book tour!

  9. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Congratulations to the winners! Although, I really am a winner too – I get to read your blogs, look at the beautiful pictures, & enjoy your artwork – anytime! Love your new book, love your writing, & I felt I was right there sharing your tears, struggles, joys & love! And, now, we know “the rest of the story”! Thank you for sharing your story with us! I enjoyed Willard, always nice when he comes for a visit! I imagine your lists are long, the Romance van is being readied, and you & Joe are atwirlin’, & the kitties very suspicious of all the activity!!! I too am getting packed, love it when we all travel together! God Bless! xoxoxo!!!!

  10. Fran Silver says:

    How wonderful that there may be a movie or t.v. series based on your books! I cannot wait!!
    So glad you are going back to England and visiting Scotland. The trip on the QE2 will be great again. So happy you are keeping a diary – hopefully, that will bring us all the next book! You simply cannot stop at 3 – what will we do with ourselves??
    Thanks for the visit – I always enjoy hearing from you!

  11. Suzy Webber says:

    Thank you for sharing little peaks into your world and for all that you share with us to make this world a better, more colorful place to be!

  12. Holly Petersen says:

    Your blog and books make me smile. They are some of my most reached for books on my kitchen shelf. Don’t stop inspiring us!

  13. Lisa Kartawich says:

    Willard and your blog posts bring so much joy into my life. I love reading them curled up with a nice cup of tea.

  14. Donna Prasad says:

    I know we would be friends if we knew each other. You touch many with your life, your experiences, your family and your gift of communicating in an honest heartfelt and humorous way. Your books are lovely in every possible way. Thanks for sharing so much of your self, I know I am not the only one that is grateful for your friendship even though we have never met.

  15. Cynthia Keefe says:

    Hi Susan, I feel we are kindred spirit friends. I have loved reading about your life and buying your beautiful products over the years. I am so jealous you got to meet The Beatles;? I only saw them at The Hollywood Bowl in 1965. One of our favorite vacations was on Martha’s Vineyard. I love hearing about your life there! I would love to win copies of your new books!
    You are an amazing, creative artist! Side bar…my husband is the oldest of 8!
    ️️Hugs and hope to meet you one day!
    Cynthia Keefe
    San Diego, America’s Finest City

  16. Joan Creamer says:

    Hello Susan Branch…Besides LOVING your books with the drawings, photos, wonderful proverbs and music suggestions singing in my head while reading and putting the ambience to your scenes, I want you to know because of you (and after reading your “A Fine Romance”) I took the adventure of my life!! Last year on May 10, 2015 I left on the Queen Mary 2 as you did (Springtime)….and sketched my way through the beautiful ship 6 days at sea. I suggested to their ships library to get your book on board which it looks like they did. 🙂
    I feel so lucky to be near one of your book signings places and looking forward to meeting you in CT.
    Thank you Susan for the wonderful sharing of your memoirs & delicious recipes. I’m sure I can say for many of your readers…. STAY WELL and keep creating!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Joan, so sweet of you ~ adventure of your life, how wonderful! Thank you for telling me! See you in Connecticut!

  17. Alda Rae Epperson says:

    Feeling down and out, a friend was telling me about how much she enjoys all things Susan Branch. It was a Eureka moment! Your books and blog connect to my soul and make it soar. Thank you, Susan.
    Alda Rae Epperson
    Ft. Smith, Arkansas

  18. Sandee Schmidt says:

    You are such an inspiration, and always lift my heart.

  19. Margie says:

    Every time I read anything on your blog, I automatically feel spiritually improved. Thank you for this! You are a treasure.

  20. Lyn Cooke says:

    How you are able to read all the comments on your blog I’ll never know, but I must say, I tell everyone I know about you and your personal attention to your readers. You are extraordinary, a breath of fresh air! I am such a fan. 🌸

    • sbranch says:

      Your word of mouth about the books, mom to daughters, sister to sister to best friends, has made all the difference. How could I not love you??? xoxo

  21. anita breslaw says:

    Thank you Susan for sharing all your joy and happiness….it is a true “pick me up”!
    Growing up on Cape Cod and visiting MV over many years, I share your love of these places and also England, The Lake District and Cotswalds especially. I enjoyed seeing your photos of Ambleside and the surrounding areas and Beatrix Potter’s home, where we were too but arrived too late off the little ferry to gain entry….So, another time Look forward to meeting you at a book signing in Brewster in July!!
    Anita B

  22. Isabel Bevan says:

    Would love to see you in England. Are you visiting the North West during your trip?
    Isabel x

    • sbranch says:

      I’m having a BYO Picnic Basket Party at Stourhead in Wiltshire . . . maybe you can come? We haven’t figured out our itinerary past that quite yet.

  23. Vicki WOLFE says:

    Every time I sit to read your blog, I feel like I’m sitting with an old, dear friend. One I can leave and come back to and pick up right where we left off. I’ve enjoyed living vicariously through you for many years.

  24. Mary says:

    Hi Susan,
    I just love your blog. I have always liked quilts too. My grandmother taught me to quilt. I made my first one at 13. You should have seen that…. but at least my kitty liked sleeping under it. I still quilt today but wish I had more time….don’t we all.

  25. Carolyn Johnson says:

    Reading your book Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams has been very encouraging! It took a lot of courage to move and build your new life. You have been an inspiration to many women. Two of my sisters and I visited Martha’s Vineyard 2 years ago. We loved it. So beautiful. We stayed in Falmouth on Cape Cod. What a magical place. I cried when I read A Fine
    Romance. My dream is to spend 2 weeks in England. Safety and Blessings to you and Joe on your road trip!

  26. debra sewell says:

    I am beyond excited about these new adventures you and Joe are headed out to. This roadtrip is going to fun for all. Please get rest, good coffee &tea, good new friends to see. Gold and silver friends. I am going to send for an autographed copy of new book, when my SSI check comes as i will not be near any bookstore to be in person. Then this fall to England. Im saying for a trip to Cornwall. Because of so many great books i have read. Thank you for creating Willard, sharing your cozy photos, memories and remibding us its our daily little blessings we have everyday no matter whete we live. Have the time of your lives. Watch the other drivers..people are very self serving drivers nowadays. Debra

  27. Linda Kaiser says:

    You are my breath of fresh air in this crazy life we all lead. Safe travels to you!

  28. Nancy Jensen says:

    Your fabrics are to die for! Thanks for sharing! I, too, hope a wonderful company will “find” you and market these again.

  29. Dearest Susan…….can’t wait for my book. I run to my mailbox EVERY DAY….nothing yet:-((( Love the new post…just my cup of tea:-) HAPPY SPRING!!! Toni from Sylvania OH

  30. Sherry says:

    Thank you for making me smile

  31. Carol Bragg says:

    Dear Susan,
    I love Willard and seeing all of Marthas vineyard I hope to get there myself oneday. I look forward to meeting you in Hudson, Ohio next month so glad you are coming my way. Loved loved loved the book you wrote on your travels to England and look forward to reading your new one.

  32. Luanne Dykens says:

    Hi Susan-
    I would like to invite you to visit Holland, Michigan some time! If you came in May, you would be able to enjoy lots of gorgeous tulips and our beautiful beach on Lake Michigan. Our downtown is fabulous with a cute little bookstore where you could sign books. Please think about it-you’re my favorite artist.

  33. Martha Franks says:

    Susan, I love to escape with you often! You are fascinating! I think maybe you should consider a trip to England for us to travel with you. I was in Cotswald a few years ago with my sister and brother-in-law. He was military and had our trip planned to the minute, so there was little time for us to meander (love that word!) I’d love to go again and have a guide who would lead us to lovely shops, walks in neighborhoods to enjoy their gardens and a rest in a loverly tea shop. Would love to win any of the goodies you are giving away. I will see you in Woodstock GA at Fox Tales. I’m holding off on buying your latest so I can get it signed there.

  34. Kathy in California says:

    I’m checking my mailbox every day but no book. Have they been sent to Ca. yet? I’m positive I pre-ordered but then again I may have lost some grey matter recently. Had my 69th (Whaaat?) birthday on April 15th. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was complaining about turning 30! ?
    I’m thrilled to hear about spoonflower and am checking that out next.
    Congratulations on your movie deal; completing your trilogy and your upcoming trip to England and Scotland. I am GREEN! Have fun.

    • sbranch says:

      Contact the studio . . . [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ and have them check on your book for you . . . I think they are all caught up now. Yes, we were 30 an hour and a half ago!

  35. Pam Erselius says:

    Hi! I’m responding to your Willard. I hope that’s ok cuz I’m not sure if I commented from another link a day or so ago, or this one again.
    Anywhoosy, lovely. Lovely, LOVELY!!! Everything on this site.
    Love, Pam
    PS I hope you have lots to say about Scotland. I love that place. In fact you might try reading and/or watching Outlander if you miss Downton Abby. Mmmmmmm.

    • sbranch says:

      I read it and loved it, but haven’t been wild about the series on TV. Was SO violent, at least in the beginning, even closing my eyes didn’t work . . . sitting for 20 minutes with eyes closed kind of takes something from it! 😜

  36. Nora Kemp says:

    Hi Susan, Just finished reading Isle of Dreams — only took 2 days to devour it! I was torn between not being able to put it down and not wanting it to end! Though I live near Pittsburgh, PA my husband and I have spent several summers visiting the Cape Cod area and hope to get over to Martha’s Vineyard this summer. Just love your writing and of course the beautiful illustrations and quotes. Before my retirement in March 2015 I worked at a small independent art store that carried your scrapbook papers and stickers that I spent much of my paycheck on. I’ve purchased your mini and wall calendars for many years and this year added the large desktop one to my order—they all make me smile as I view them at my desk, on my fridge and even in my sewing/laundry room. Thanks so much for making the world a happier and enchanting place through your beautiful creations! Looking forward to reading A Fine Romance next!
    Nora Kemp, Greensburg, PA

  37. Kathy Hughes says:

    Susan, I just finished reading Isle of Dreams, but I didn’t want it to end! I laughed and cried all the way through it. You were so brave to leave your home to become a stronger person on your own without family and friends. Don’t know how you did it, but I admire you so much for making the wonderful life you have with your perfect kindred spirit, Joe. It’s amazing how many incidents in your story brought back so many memories for me in my own life. After your book tour and wonderful trip on the ship to England and Scotland, I hope you’ll consider writing another book. You don’t realize what a blessing you are to so many. Love your sense of humor, your down-to-earthiness, your sense of adventure, and your ability to appreciate the smallest gifts of nature and draw and paint them for readers to enjoy forever. I’m so looking forward to meeting you in Asheville in June!

  38. Barb says:

    Oh, Susan! Thank you so much for the fabric/wallpaper choices.
    I have eBay ‘alerts’ for both your fabric and gift wrap. Fabric swatches do sometimes pop up, but, I think only once in two years have I gotten an alert on your gift wrap. Many Thanks, Barb

  39. Caren says:

    Love, love, all your work. Are you ever going to come to Omaha, NE for a book signing. I would be there if you come. I always look forward to your newsletters and of course Willard.

  40. Pamala Dunbar says:

    It would be so wonderful if they had a movie or a series of your three books. I think Zoey would be the perfect actress to portray you on screen. I sure hope WE (notice I included myself too) see our dream come true!!!! Please hear us Hollywood…. I have been following you since my girls were so little,they are now grown and in their thirties. My oldest loves art and when she was a little girl we sent a piece of her artwork to you and you sent a little card back to me I still treasure your snail mail. I knew many,many years ago that you had a KIND heart! I would love for the world to see your life on the big screen,dreams DO come true- we know that is for sure!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s so nice to hear Pamala! Thank you so much. And fingers crossed for a movie. What an interesting experience THAT would be! 🙂 Hello to your daughters for me! xoxo

  41. Donna says:

    Willard + a cup of afternoon tea = simple pleasures!

  42. I’m finding that feux feux is a state of mind.. I’ve got the mind.. just not the talent to create! So, for those of you.. who can create.. you have a gift. My gift.. is only to appreciate and dream that in my next life.. I’ll get a wee bit o’ talent too!

  43. Carol says:

    Please enter me in all the contests seeds, books and quilt.

  44. Patricia Marcum in Southern Indiana says:

    Reading Isle of Dreams. Its wonderful!! I would love to sign up for vintage quilt giveaway but cannot figure how it’s done. I am not good with computers.

  45. Julia says:

    Your home is like a magical cottage. I imagine little fairies flying around the grounds. Do you have a fairy garden?

  46. Irene Blackburn says:

    Just love reading (& listening) your blogs. Keep them coming!

  47. Cathi Eisley says:

    Your blog helps fill a small part of my homesick heart (for the Island). My parents started visiting the Island in 1953. As we grew up this was our “home” for a month every summer. Unfortunately life has kept us away for far too long but in my dreams, it will be come my home again.

  48. Diana from Ohio says:

    As always love your posts. Love the pictures of the kitchen in the sunlight. Love Spring!

  49. Donna Huckabee says:

    I have some of your original fabric!! I’ve been “saving” it for just the right project. Now, I have some ideas and can cut with abandon (not really, I have to be careful with a rotary cutter)–since I can get NEW fabric from you. Thanks for finding Spoonflower and designing new fabric.

  50. Judy says:

    Susan – found you years ago – then lost you until very recently. Have been ordering your books, have pre-ordered the Heart of the Home 30th Edition. Can’t wait. Reading almost a book a day! Ha!! Love your story! You are so close to Maine! Maybe come to visit next summer?? Would be lovely! We have a wonderful small bookstore in out town where they sell the very best coffee and lots of lovely teas as well. Safe travels! I’m looking forward to following along on your journey! <3

  51. Linda says:

    Truly enjoying Isle of Dreams. Fun to read since I’ve visited the Island and can picture so many of the places you talk about in the book.

    Curious, in looking at your fabulous fabric designs and all the options on types of fabrics, if you were going to make napkins, which fabric type would you choose?

  52. Linda says:

    I am so in awe of all your creative talents and admire you so much. It would be so amazing to see a tv series based on your life and works and I so hope your dream will come true. We all could benefit from seeing an inspiring tv program. I admire how passionate you are in your creativity. You truly have found your calling. Never stop!

  53. Julie Paukert says:

    I love your art, your lifestyle, your ideas.

  54. Laura Ann in Vermont says:

    Looking forward to traveling along in your suitcase for all your upcoming adventures!

  55. Laura Dahlquist says:

    You speak for my heart…

  56. Libby Gleason says:


    Your books have so inspired me because sometimes I feel like you are taking thoughts right out of my very own head! I wish that I could get them down on paper so perfectly! I cannot wait to meet you with my Mom and my little girls at Tattered Cover book store in Denver next month!! We are making a special trip from NE to meet you! My husband will not be joining us, but he loves you, too – even if he doesn’t know it. We will be making your “Bird’s Nest” recipe for him upon request for his birthday tomorrow! It is one of our family’s all-time favorites.

  57. Lynette Morley says:

    Maybe I’ll win a book this time!!! Just maybe!!! You’re living my dream, enjoy it!

  58. Fran says:

    ❤️❤️❤️ The new fabric line.

  59. Just curious…My post on April 22, 2016 at 9:56 am didn’t get posted. Any way to know why?

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t know . . . every so often I think posts get eaten by gremlins . . . if it didn’t post, it should still be here, but so far I don’t see it. So, here we go, we’ll try again! Sorry Kay!

  60. Dear Susan,
    As I anxiously await the arrival of my very first shipment of your collections at my little gift shop in McKinney, Tx, I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! Having had a Cape Cod home since 1985, I get so homesick down here in Texas, for all things New England, Cape and Islands. Now I will get to share them with my girlfriends and customers! I can’t wait to see the new books and plan to place everything right across from my check-out desk so I can see the display all day long! Thank you for sharing your heart, home and talents with us. xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      How fun, a little bit of New England in Texas. Goes perfectly with the little bit of England in Texas called the British Emporium! Thank you Patty! Hope it all goes well!

  61. kathleen Roberts says:

    susan, please, please do a magazine!!! I don’t know if you have ever read Daphne’s diary. It’s really quite charming.You are OUR American version of that..or would be..please! please think about it.We need more of you.

    • sbranch says:

      Always, the only problem to something like that is, I dread to even say it, money! But it’s the truth! Same with printing the books . . . everything on this good earth these days is TOO EXPENSIVE. Okay, there. I said it and I feel better. xoxo

      • Jean Admire says:

        Oh, I so-o-o understand Susan’s comment. Print is just beyond the reach of most consumers, although some of us oldies can’t resist the lure of a wonderful bookstore — like the Tattered Cover in Denver. Forced by cost to move from its iconic location to a smaller space it still makes me ooze with booklust!
        Though the trutha about $$$ is not what we really want to admit out loud, I’m glad you said it, Susan, and that you feel better for it.
        Love – TaosMountainJean

  62. karen m. uccellini says:

    Thank-you for letting us go with you and Joe on your book signing tour. It’s amazing to see so many people around our country who think and love the same things that we do. I love your fabric and can hardly wait to go shopping . I used to sew for my girls when they were little , even into college. Now I have five granddaughters and one little guy. they will all something made with your designed fabrics. Will try to get up to Madison CT next weekend . God Bess and be safe on your travels. Karen (in Westport,CT)

  63. Cindy W. says:

    Just got done reading the newest Willard. Loved it!!

  64. Nancy Cox says:

    SOOOOOOO happy that a new book is here and very pleased that your Heart of the Home is being re-released-mine is very worn but have some new friends that need a copy! Thanks for your kind words and loads of inspirations!

  65. Lynn Marie says:

    LOVED the Willard. I just received mine today!!! I waited and waited and waited and it never came sailing in so an email to that lovely hardworking crew of yours in CA and POOF!—there it was. Safe travels and myself and two other girlfriends will see you in Wilmette!

  66. Kedra Sugg says:

    I just don’t know where my “comments” go.

  67. Mimi Kreeft says:

    I just love…everything! Thank you. 🙂

  68. Virgi says:

    Wonderful site! Started my day reading your latest news and drinking coffee. Safe travels.

  69. Chris says:

    OOOOOO… wisteria seeds. Would LOVE those. Have a wonderful trip if I don’t comment later. Will be seeing you in Asheville, N.C. Can’t wait!

  70. Caroline Doyle says:

    Love the fabrics and anxious to visit the Spoonflower web site.

  71. Cheryl Hora says:

    Susan, I have LOVED your books from the first time I saw one at my library probably 25 years ago. I make your recipe for Corn Pudding several times a year. My niece invites my sons and I over every year for Thanksgiving. I gave up asking her what to bring because she always says “You know what I want!”. It’s the Corn Pudding! Keep up the excellent and inspiring work!

  72. Nicky Gray says:

    Love the latest Willard !
    You really have a wonderful gift with your drawing and writing. Im so envious.

  73. Came in from the drizzily rain, made a cup of tea, and caught up on your news. “Crunch Heaven” and “…be an elf”. Delightful through and through… best birthday I’ve had in ages despite the tricky weather. Thank you for being wonderful, “enchanting” you.
    Happy Trails out there. May all the love, inspiration and good will you so generously share with everyone meet you (and Joe) on your path!

  74. Linda Prince - Bakersfield says:

    Just received the recipe from Christine that was in the May 1991 County Living. Thank you Susan for all your help and thank you to Christine for taking the time to find and send this to me. I wondered why I couldn’t find it listed in the recipe index – that’s because it was on the back of the recipe. I would love to win your quilt, it will look wonderful on my white iron bed. Linda Prince -Bakersfield

    • sbranch says:

      The world gets smaller every day Linda! Thanks to our wonderful Girlfriends, to Christine who pulled the answer up for us! xoxo

  75. Heather says:

    I hope you get this. I didn’t want to leave a comment on your newest post because I already left one there for the giveaway and didn’t want to get disqualified Or look greedy by leaving too many comments. Lol. I so wish you would post more on Istagram! You should try it! I think you would really like it!

  76. Karen says:

    The fabrics are so lovely. Loved reading your last three books. So sad when I finished each of them, I wanted more! You bring so much joy to so many. What a legacy. Thanks Susan and best of luck on your tour. I wish Wisconsin was one of your stops.

  77. Patricia Ayala says:

    Dear Susan, wishing you and Joe a fun and safe book tour!!
    Can’t wait so see you in Pasadena!
    xoxoxox 🙂

  78. Theresa says:

    I dream in watercolor… Because of your amazing inspiration. I read and reread your cook books and now I’m on to book 3 of your sweet story!!
    Ok… I have fingers crossed and I’m folding my entry so that it will jump into Vanas hands!!

  79. Patty Tharp says:

    So excited to see you in Denver at the Tattered Cover Bookstore on May 21st. I’m now on page 109 of Isle of Dreams and just loving it. So happy you found Martha’s Vineyard—your soul paradise. You are like a kindred spirit; I cannot get over how MUCH we think alike. Have a wonderful road trip!

  80. Jean Admire says:

    Your wisteria make me yearn for a return to Giverny in May — thanks for sharing MV-stories in images as much as with words.
    A peek into May on my desk calendar revealed another terrific SB*idea: twine! What better combination for an afternoon to share Willard with good friends — ever more thanks.
    AND, as an inveterate (Oh, so grown up…I never get to use that word in real life!) quote-keeper, I found an interesting possibility. Maybe not Allan Chalmers who wrote about true happiness: goodreads.com/author/quotes/1518645.George_Washington_Burnap
    Sending springtime’s soft breezes your way – and love, too! Jean

  81. Charlotte Cooke says:

    I love all your work but especially your fabrics which I wish there were more of and available EVERYWHERE like at my local JoAnn Fabrics store, that would be awesome. Keep up the great work that you do and look forward to the breath of fresh air you give to our everyday lives.

  82. Gwen B. Slade says:

    I am very excited for your Spoonflower fabrics! I’ve “wished” them for a very long time.

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