Well, there is SO much going on around here ~ I thought I better do our drawing today! Strike while the iron is hot! But first, let’s see, let’s go hang out in 1928 for a while . . . MUSICA!

toast girlfriends winter word

I’ve almost finished writing us a new WILLARD!  It will start going out on Tuesday morning and I hope you will love it! Is everyone is signed up? If not, and you’d like my newsletter delivered to your email box, just go HERE and sign up. And while you’re at it, sign up your mom and your sister too, and your kitty movesBFF, because it’s going to be chock full of good and fun stuff.  I’m also updating the blog on Tuesday! Very exciting! Love it when everything happens at once! Between the blog and Willard, us packing to go away on our two-month Book Tour, and the constant Kitty Kissing, there is A LOT going on . . . including, in this new Willard, more Giveaways, and even a Grand Prize Giveaway. Oh yeah. We’re doin’ it up big.🎉pink-flowers

So I thought I better step in now and announce the winners of the SIX books, with paintbrushes and bookmarks . . . so I can get them in the mail to the Lucky Winners on Monday and not get everything all mixed up with Tuesday! Hate it when that happens! Can’t believe how many people we have entered in this drawing. Wild eh, and what fun! Have you read any of the comments? Only the nicest people in the world! 💏 That’s all. You really don’t know how often you make me cry! Sometimes I can’t even answer because I don’t know what to say! That’s how nice you are.


So, just a little reminder . . . our six winners will get a personalized copy of my new book, Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams, that one  up there, PLUS


Each book will come with one of the worn-out paintbrushes I used to paint the watercolors in the new book AND these messy bits made into bookmarks from the blotters where I test colors and try to figure out what is wrong when my pen starts acting up. Little bits of book DNA from the construction site.from me to you with loveBut before I announce the winners, I thought you might enjoy a bit of Morning Science. For any of you with a Wisteria, this may be old news, but I find it endlessly fascinating, what a Wisteria does in the springtime, so I thought I’d show you one of my favorite harbingers of spring.🌞


You know what a wisteria looks like in bloom, right?  And the smell? Floral heaven. Like the inside of a flower store ~ Ours were planted a long time ago, by the woman who owned our house from 1940 to 1980, the very much appreciated Mrs. Bowditch. They hang on an arbor over the kitchen-porch side of our house and the fragrance goes up through the second story windows (where I am taking this photo) and into the bedrooms, thank you very much.💛

IMG_7649They make May . . . in May the Island air smells like ocean mixed with lilac and wisteria.


Here’s how our wisteria looks right now, not quite as lovely, despite the fabulous blue sky . . . but see all those dangling bean-like things? That’s what I wanted to show you.


Here they are up-close. They are fuzzy like pussy willows.Inlovewithnature


They drop in the spring in the first days of warmth from the sun ~ the porch and the driveway are covered in them. They make the most delightful cracking noise when you step on them because they are very hard. I go out of my way to step on as many as I possibly can. From what I saw on the driveway this morning, I’m about to be in crunch heaven.

IMG_7181They don’t really drop actually, they kind of split apart and explode . . .

IMG_7186The pods hit our windows, we can hear it happening, little ticks against the glass . . . A few of them get all they way across the driveway onto the lawn . . . they really do explode. We think it might be from happiness.happy?


The daffodils watch intently, as you can see.  And see the little black dots on the driveway around them . . .?

IMG_7182The by-product! Free wisteria seeds!  Isn’t that fabulous?miracles

                                                   It’s our springtime miracle!Fairy2

And you might wonder, but is there anything actually blooming in your yard now? And I would have to say, Oh, yes there is!IMG_7138

Our Magnolia is in bloom.



The weeping cherry trees too, and the forsythia . . .


And our pear tree . . .touch-quote


Alright, that’s the end of Morning Science for today 🌷 . . . so here we go dear ones, I do so hope you win!!!!! But if you don’t, remember, there will be more chances in Willard, more chances in the next post, and lots of fun surprises coming. It’s spring, I have a new book, we’re going for a long ride, hill and dale across the country to meet all our Girlfriends, and we’re here to

celebrate!So here we go!

Vanna . . . darling . . . climb up there and dive into the vat won’t you? (Remember when it was only a basket she had to draw from? Now it’s a vat!  Filled with teeny weeny slips of paper, each with a tiny name on it!  So exciting! We are gaining Girlfriends, Girlfriends!)


I hate this part. Up till now everyone is a winner, as well it should be, since that is the bottom-line truth, but now all of a sudden, it’s narrowed down considerably. I always say this when Vanna is diving into the vat, and I always feel it. Oh well. Must. do. my. job. She’s UP!!! Handful of names are flapping in the wind.  Here we go . . .

Happiness abounds, joy bells ring, honking horns dinning, awesomeness reigns for:


Janet Johnson!

Celia Reusch!

Sylvie from France! 

Diane P. from Northern California

Rachael Anna

Kenna Morris!

I’ll send you each an email and you can write me back with your address and who you would like the book inscribed to . . . you, or perhaps you have someone else in mind! I will love to do it, and Joe will get them in the mail to you on Monday (or as soon as I hear back from you). We have our first French Person winner! How exciting!🌎We are the world, Girlfriends! 💞

Off I go, but I’ll be back so soon it’s almost ridiculous. Please don’t get sick of me!  Have a wonderful day, a wonderful weekend, breathe in some of that fresh spring air and know you are loved.  XOXO

love thee like pudding


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1,111 Responses to LET’S DO OUR DRAWING TODAY

  1. joanne marsiglia says:

    I love your new fabric line. cannot wait to try some of them out. Your fabric designs are always beautiful. I love them so much.

  2. Cindy perry says:

    Going back through my first edition copy of Heart of the Home . Love your work. It’s like a breath of fresh air when I open the page of each new book .I also love your calanders. I don’t look ahead of time at the artwork for the new months therefore I get really excited for the first of each month to see what’s the next page will reveal.

  3. Colleen Schneider says:

    Can’t wait to read the new book and so very much enjoy Willard….I see it when it comes in on my email and purposely wait until the end of my day as a treat to enjoy and unwind and remember the little things are what count. Thank you and hope you have a wonderful spring and a great book tour!

  4. Rita doering says:

    Hi Susan. .I have been following you for years. I still make the best Annie hall cookies ever! Every Christmas my daughter and I make the green wreaths from you Christmas cookbook. ..for about 20 years. Keep doing what you do. ..you do bring so much joy to so many people! !

  5. Aloyce Levin says:

    Dear Susan,
    Another great blog post. Fabric on demand…who would have thought?

  6. Amanda says:

    Your new fabrics are AMAZING 🎨

  7. Hello Susan, sorry to bother you but I haven’t got a Willard sitting in my email box (or spam) and wondered if your team of Elves could check if my copy has fallen down a crack somewhere please, have subscribed again but that didn’t help. I can’t see my comments on your last few posts also so thinking something might be amiss my end? I can’t find a way to tell you other than on comments. Thank you. Betty (wood fairy)

    • sbranch says:

      It takes four days for Willard to get out to everyone . . . if you don’t have it by Friday afternoon, let me know. Not sure about your comments, but this one is going right through, so whatever you are doing, keep doing it! XOXO

  8. Sharon DiFelice says:

    Dear Susan,
    My daughters and I can’t get enough of your creativity. We love the way you incorporate song lyrics into everything you write ~ it always takes us back in time. Two years ago I reconnected with my best friend from high school that I haven’t seen in 48 years because she moved to Switzerland after getting married. In May she’s coming to visit me, and I’ll be giving her a copy of your book “Girlfriends Forever’ that I was very fortunate to find! So excited to see her and so excited to introduce her to you!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy for you, I bet you fall right back into “girlfriend-hood” no matter how long it’s been!

  9. Faye says:

    Love your blog..Willard writings…everything SB!! You so creative and whimsical. Your writings and artwork are a great escape from a busy world!

  10. Peggy Frazier says:

    Your sewing projects are fabulous!!!! How on earth do you get them all completed???? I want to win your set of books and your flower seeds!!!! So excited!!!!

  11. Denise Watson says:

    Good morning Susan!! So excited about the new book, just ordered one and I can’t wait to receive it!!!!! I have all your books and believe I have had your first one for just about thirty years! Where does the time go!!😳 I have given countless SB books for gifts over the years, they make awesome gifts!!!! Sorry you won’t be coming to Florida for a book signing but did have the pleasure of meeting you when your Autumn book came out, at the BN in Wellington FL! Cannot wait to hear all about your travels for the book signing and of course your fall trip to England with hubby Joe!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 visiting there is on my bucket list but for now I will live vicariously through you!! 😘

  12. Susie Brey says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you create and share with us!! I am so excited about your new fabric lines and a wonderful website to purchase and create and plan. I am a quilter, I crochet, I do machine embroidery…can I please say my mind is going crazy with all my new options with your fabric. I am also awaiting my book from Amazon and I can hardly wait. You are AMAZING..I always look forward to your blog and so enjoy living vicariously through the talented Susan Branch..love, love, love…

  13. Treese Colorado Cowgirl says:

    Susan I’m still buying a reading your books. I bought my first book on Catalina Island while on vacation in 1994!
    Treese Colorado Cowgirl

  14. Ginette Wheeler says:

    Congrats to all the lucky girls who won! Loved the “morning science” on Wisteria, I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing nor smelling though I fell in love with yours the minute I saw them, fairys must live in them. Happy travels on your book tour! Much love.

  15. Lynn Teel says:

    So looking forward to visiting you during the buffet luncheon in Plainville on Saturday, April 30th. My friend Martha (she gave you the recipe for kale salad that you blogged about back in the fall of 2014, she handed it to you at the book signing in Newburyport, “The Best of British Shop”) was very intent and successful on securing tickets. The 4 of us are looking forward to a day of friendship and being able to share part of it with you. Thank you for being you!

  16. Lucy says:

    Thank you for all you do! I was trying to explain to my hubby what it is about all your decorating books, crafting books, and cookbooks that I love so much and will never part with and the only way I can think to do it is to say, you are my YOGA. You bring me to a harmonious, peaceful, beautiful place. Thank you for being you and for sharing it with the world ❤️ I’m from New England and have visited Martha’s Vineyard and love it (miss it). I want to retire their someday (I dream)..but I currently live in south Florida and am discovering it’s beauties so until I can make it back there, I have your Willard and books 😘

  17. Judy Hall says:

    Your fabrics are just amazing. I thought you were wonderful with each new cookbook you generated, but all the other goodies you have shared with us along the way is over the top. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  18. Mary Lingerfeldt says:

    I can just smell the Spring morning seeing your fresh sheets flapping in the breeze! Oh Happy Day!

  19. Karen B says:

    does wisteria grow in Texas

  20. Ginette Wheeler says:

    How I love your kitchen, it is so welcoming and cozy and with the morning light show, prue magic! I feel I’ve sat there a hundred times sipping tea and watching the birds outside the window, YES I love the internet too, how else could I have spent all this lovely time with you?!
    I’ve already bookmarked your page on Spoonflower, I’m so excited to order fabric with your lovely designs on them for my next quilt and this time I’m going to make some pillowcases to go with, thanks for the idea! OH, I’ve just decided to do a Christmas quilt, perfect!!
    I would love to win your beautiful quilt to say the least, I’d cherish it forever, enough said on that.
    And Susan dear, we NEVER tire of hearing from you! Much love.

  21. Sandra Jenkins says:

    I am so sad. I just today received the email about the book contest. And when I went to your webpage to enter a comment I see that the contest has already ended. But I was happy to see that you are reprinting “Heart of the Home”. My copy is looking pretty well used. So I want to order it.

  22. Pat B says:

    Love it all!

  23. Mary Helen says:

    I just got my Willard today, too late to participate in the drawings☹️, how can this be?

    • sbranch says:

      You’re right on time, read the Blog entitled Welcome Willard Peeps, a new drawing just began!

  24. Lisa Robason says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful talent with us…love ALL of your works!! ❤️

  25. Linda phillips says:

    Love your are breath of spring!!have a great time on your tour,wish I could be there. Linda p

  26. Garci Moreno says:

    What a lovely post I just read to start my day. Exciting things on the horizon with the book tour and lovely fabric!

  27. Courtney Davie says:

    I love your books! Some of your recipes have become my family’s traditions! And my husband has given me your calendar at Christmas for decades! Bless you! You’ve blessed me! 💟

  28. Penny Hall says:

    As a person about to retire I can’t wait to sit on my back porch with my Ipad and read your newsletters, just when the Sun makes it’s appearance. Or in the evening with a cup of hot tea as the Sun leaves shadows from the tall trees way way back on our little spot of land. My Mom had a wisteria and I loved it! Couldn’t wait to get a cutting to start my own. She passed away 5 years ago and out of no where someone cut it down, cleaned up mess and had hauled it off. I screamed I shouted and I may have put a bad word in there somewhere but that didn’t help me, I got no cuttings.
    Thank you for reminding me of her and her wisteria in a good way. I miss the wisteria but I miss my Mom the most!

    • sbranch says:

      “Out of nowhere!” I see that happen all the time. SO disconcerting! Love to the memory of your mom. XOXOXO

  29. Virginia Opisso says:

    Loved seeing the picture of your “crew”… Especially, Sheri, Whom I spoke to and was SO kind to me and was able to locate a bookmark I really wanted. You don’t find very many people like that nowadays. Thanks again, Sheri; You’re terrific!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I just forwarded that to Sheri . . . I’m sure you will make her day . . . Loved hearing it, Virginia. She and Kellee are the BEST. Alfredo too! (Lucky me.)

  30. Georgeann Forester says:

    Dear Susan, You continue to surprise me with your creativity, charm, whimsicalness and artistic ability. Thank you! Enjoy your European countryside tour this fall — my husband and I are going to England for the first time this summer and I…am….soooooo….excited!

  31. Rose Ann Bacher-Giallombardo says:

    Susan, “Happy Spring” 🙂 You are a bright light in everyone’s lives. May your books fly off the shelves & into our homes to cheer all our days!
    Blessings to you & Joe dear heart,
    Rose Ann

  32. Susan Zucco says:

    I enjoy reading your books, looking at your calendars and receiving Willard emails! I have been a fan of yours for a long time! My name is also Susan and I LOVE cats! I have 2, they are brother and sister. I like to sew and bake. Cape Cod/Martha’s Vineyard is one of my favorite places to visit. Hopefully, I can meet you one day at a book signing. Cheers! 🙂

  33. Alice says:

    Speaking of Shirley Temple, I just bought a sheet of stamps with her image from the post office yesterday. Her photo will be a cheery addition to my paper mail!

  34. Sallie Flesher says:

    I’m right about in the middle of reading Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams. Love, love, love your books and especially these last 3 – The Fairy Tale Girl and A Fine Romance. Oh my gosh, how I am enjoying these books. My friend and I are taking a trip to Boston this fall and neither of us has ever been in that part of the country. Martha’s Vineyard is on our agenda so of course, I had to buy her a copy of your latest book too, so we’ll be prepared.
    I just learned of Spoonflower a couple months ago myself and was blown away at the fabulousness of it! Cannot wait to see your fabrics there. Thank you for all your inspiration. I just love all those quotes too!

  35. Della Bone says:

    The cozy quilt would be absolutely wonderful!! And I am already thinking with delight of all the projects we can make with the darling material!! So happy for this endeavor!
    Thanks as always for Willard. You have no idea how I look forward to reading it!
    Kitty kisses to you and yours!😽

  36. Jane Franks says:

    Hi Susan: Willard was wonderful! love your giveaways. Very generous. Wysteria grows great here!! (friendly hint! 🙂 ). Wish I had time for more. Got to run. But thanks for all the eye candy! Staying tuned!! xo

  37. Lynda Hughes says:

    So excited about the quilt fabrics and possibilities! I am a quilter and can’t wait to try some of your fabrics. Next….patterns please?

  38. Wendy Armstrong says:

    When I think I’m having a “bad” day I open one of your books. I get an instant pick-me-up just by looking at the artwork and then of course I get engrossed in reading…whether it be recipes or just the musings of you, Susan Branch. Thank you for helping me through life in general. I am most definitely looking forward to your new book.

  39. Paulette Grimsbo says:

    Am LOVING the new book–/preordered as a gift from my best friend. We will be seeing you in Hudson Oh in May! Beyond excited!!!

  40. Judy says:

    Hi Susan…love your books, love Wisteria, love you and now I love your fabric! Judy

  41. Christine Vosk says:

    So excited for the fabrics! Happy things are going so great for you.

  42. Sue Lamke says:

    Congratulations on the new fabric opportunities. Will pull up Spoonflower and see what it looks like. See you in Cincinnati!!!!!

  43. Carolyn Dalstrom says:

    Thanks for making my day with your beautiful photos! Makes me inspired to do something creative…..maybe cross-stitch….

  44. Grace Johnson says:

    I love reading your posts, they cheer me up all the time. Can’t wait to see more. 🙂

  45. Cathy says:

    Holistic enchantment. Thank you for sharing so many lovely things that have brightened our lives!

  46. Joy H says:

    Thanks for the new Willard. Always look forward to them.

  47. Penny Carpenter says:

    A dear friend just turned me on to your website. Absolutely FABULOUS. We live in north Idaho where glorious SPRING is blooming!! I luv quilts, fabric, books and gardens!!! Bless you for sharing all your gifts!😍

  48. La Nette Baker says:

    I get so excited when I have a new email from you. Everything comes to a standstill until I have had time to read and absorb. I love everything Susan Branch. You create happy and wonderful. Thank-you for making every day a happy day.

  49. wendy held says:

    You are very inspirational!!! I must order your 30th Anniversary book!!!

  50. Carol Aiello says:

    I just got my Willard, today, also. I am sitting here with my “Heart of the Home” book which I’ve had for years among many other books of yours. Always made the Lemon Chicken recipe(still bookmarked). Loved to be entered in the drawing.

  51. Marianne Jones says:

    Reading your books, letters, blog posts, and recipes has gIven me joy for oh so many years!
    Thank you❤️

  52. Laurie Ann Rodwell says:

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new fabric!!!

  53. Teri Manzanares says:

    Your fabric designs make my heart sing and feet dance! I am already thinking about quilts, pillows and teddy bears waiting to be made from these wonderful colors and prints. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you again……Teri

    Hope to see you in May at the Tattered Cover…..

  54. Judith Kaufman says:

    I simply love your artwork! It is just lovely…..I wish I could paint like you….your colors, brush strokes…and your stories….I love them as well!

  55. Judy Evans says:

    I received my first Susan Branch book Heart of the Home in 1987 for a wedding shower gift. I have always been thankful to my friend for giving me such a life long gift. Not only did she give me the book, but also all the enjoyment your products and books have given me over the years! I have paid it forward and given all your different kinds of items and books as special gifts! Thanks for sharing your wonderful gift! Have a fun safe trip!!!

  56. Susan Hunze says:

    So excited for the book tour you’re coming to my state woo hoo both Kansas City and St Louis and I live right in between….Choices choices choices!!!. Can’t wait to finally meet you!! I have collected your books for years.

  57. Tommye Reeves says:

    I received your e-mail @7:00 Am April 20th and the contest was already over sorry I didn’t get to enter. I LOVE all of you Books, Fabric, Everything you put your hand and mind to. My best friend Tracey got me hooked on you when it seemed like no one new who you were. Does that tell you how long we have been friends? Please keep up the wonderful job you are doing. I feel so happy when I get your news letter. Like I’m walking on cloud nine.
    I’m a quilter so I will be making a quilt very soon from your fabric. Your Joe sounds a lot like my hubby. Oh one last thing. I have a kitchen garden in progress.

    • sbranch says:

      You are entered right now! That was the last post. There is a new one above this one, and that’s the one you just entered!

  58. Chris paul says:

    Thank you for all the years of inspiration and friendship, ( via your books, your blog, your Willards…)

  59. Betty Sazama says:

    I love your new fabric! I made a table topper with a charm pack of your tea cup coordinating fabric and it dresses our table for springtime…thank you!

  60. Maria Shiyou says:

    Just read the new Willard. The new fabrics are so pretty.

  61. Peggy Leone says:

    I love all of your artwork. When I worked at McDonnell Douglas in Huntington Beach with your Mom she always spoke so lovingly of you. I look forward to every new thing you put out and wish you much happiness now and always.

  62. Kay R says:

    Susan, as usual…all beautitul everything! I still have my original Heart of the Home and, even though I am downsizing CONSIDERABLY as I am retiring and moving into a 528 sq ft apt in the fall, I am keeping a plethora of books, yours included. They will just have to do double duty as tables and nightstands and chairs because I can’t give books away. Sigh…

    • sbranch says:

      Agree with every word! My downsize house, the walls will probably be made of books. Won’t even need insulation!

  63. Sharon Munkdale says:

    I love reading your emails. Thank you.

  64. Sandy Kennedy says:

    Wishing you a wonderful trip both across the country doing your book signings and then across the Atlantic!! Will be going along with you via your blog!

  65. Maureen Restuccia says:

    Susan, I can smell the spring salt air and love all the flowers sprouting up. We are here again, back at summer and always ready for summer & the beach. My best friend and I are going to your April 30th booksigning and we can’t wait. We have been friends since 3rd grade, I know what she is thinking before she says it and vise versa. She told me about your blog and I watch for it but a little too late for the drawing but I’ll be at the booksigning. Dying to meet you. I love your taste (even the font) is cool. Happy traveling and looking forward to the 30th. Happy Anniversary! Maureen

  66. Jan McCallister says:

    I so enjoy your news letters I will promise myself to look for your books, too.

    Here’s my comment. Thanks for putting so much love into your letters.

  67. Joanne Nilsson says:

    I love reading Willard. You always put me in a good mood. I loved learning about your amazing life journey in “Fairytale Girl” and am eagerly awaiting my copy of “Isle of Dreams” when it comes. You always remind me of the good things about life and what makes it worth living. I’ve been to Martha’s Vineyard and I understand the appeal. It truly is a magical place. Lots of luck with your upcoming adventure.

  68. Luanne Cook says:

    My husband and I just celebrated our 30th anniversary last month. Someone gave me Heart of the Home as a wedding gift and I still have it. I probably have over 20 of your books. I have given Girlfriends Forever to several friends and the Baby Love book was the perfect gift when we were all having our babies! I gave the book, To My Daughter (with all of the pages filled it!) to my daughter when she was in college. I may have to make a road trip to Austin in June when you will be in Texas!

  69. Sue Cooper in Indiana says:

    Thanks for the updated Willard and the bookmark! Love and hugs!!

  70. Marlene Highet says:

    Hi Susan;,
    I just love everything you do! Every time we visit online, it just makes my day! You are a breath of spring whether it’s really spring or whatever season! I wish I could actually be on Martha’s Vineyard but you make it feel like I almost am! I have your first book, Heart of the Home, and it was like a door opening onto a lovely world.
    All the best,

  71. georgi henderson says:

    Hi Susan!
    All the stress, or worries of the day, go away as I read your blog posts! You have a way of making me laugh, smile and feel that cozy feeling all at once! LOVE your new fabric! I cant wait! My design wheels are spinning! I have a little tabletop quilt that i made several years ago with some of your fabrics. I don’t remember the name of the line just now…but little tea pots, plaids, pastels, bees buzzing, I love to get it out in the spring! thank you!

  72. Karen Haulenbeek says:

    Dear Susan, as many other FOSB did, my love of all ‘things Susan’ began many years ago with ‘Heart of the Home’. After reading your first two installments of ‘the trilogy’, I have come to the conclusion that we are twin daughters of different mothers sharing so much in common over the years, though many others probably feel the same. I had to laugh over your encounter with the Fab Four. My oldest sis and I were diehard fans as well, seeing them first at Forest Hills tennis stadium, and another time at Shea Stadium in NY. Then there is the elf and fairy connection and SO much more. I had a chuckle reading your tip about cleaning silverware in the sink, to include your wand. I showed my husband who laughed, as I too have a wand! Can’t wait for Mother’s Day and the next book. Blessings to you and Joe as you begin your cross country trek. Thank you for so much for sharing your talent, and inspiration of ‘homemade/handmade’ love from the heart of the home.

  73. Pam Ralston says:

    New fabric! SWOON!SWOON! such inspiration! Thank you!xxo!

  74. Sandy G says:

    Oh……a Willard….I was just thinking about you! For some reason, I always think of you when I am in my kitchen……especially when I am putting dishes in the dish washer. Maybe it’s because you’re kitchen always seems inviting……especially when the sun is streaming pink rays of light in the early morning hours.

  75. Gerry says:

    I am very glad you are doing more fabric! I have fabric from your older lines, that I haven’t used yet. I sometimes hate to cut into fabric but I need to because I sure have lots of it! It’s beautiful. I enjoy quilts too. I now have all three books you’ve recently written and many cookbooks–plan to buy your new first one again too!

  76. Julie Templeton says:

    I enjoyed the latest Willard. I was hoping to join you in Prescott, AZ during the tour but my youngest niece is graduating at 2 pm that afternoon. (Since I am also the choir director I can’t sneak out!) Just retired and I can hardly wait to make a new quilt – checking out that fabric!

  77. KarenM says:

    Such beautiful fabrics! Thank you for introducing me to spoonflower! I am deciding which of these delicious fabrics I would like and yardage requirements. I am going to make birthday pillowcases for my grandchildren! So much better than a paper birthday bag and usable forever!

  78. Tedde Johnson says:

    I am so excited to see that you have a new outlet for your fabric line! I hope you will consider bringing back some of the prints (like the teapots) that were gone much too soon. I have just started quilting, and would love to make something with your fabric! I love your books, and am looking forward to ordering the New Heart of the Home book for your anniversary! I love fall, so my favorite is your Autumn book. Thanks for everything….

  79. Jan M-M says:

    Absolutely love to follow your blog when I can Susan! Just finished Fairy Tale girl and loved it! I asked my husband for FTG for Christmas (he only buys things on my wish list, so even though I go and buy most things myself, I have to save some things for him to buy me for Christmas). His order through B&N never came through (should have told him to order through your site!) So, as any sensible girl would do, I went ahead and finally bought it for myself. Next up, can’t wait to read Isle of Dreams.

  80. Dorothy J says:

    What a breath of fresh air you are, Susan.
    Thanks for a happy time today. Love it….

  81. Kathy Martin says:

    Hello Susan! I love Wisteria…I hunt for it as we travel south from Indiana every spring break through Alabama. Thanks for sharing the information! Another love of mine…your calendars. I teach first grade and use it at school to keep track of school events, parent volunteers and meetings. The delightful calendar makes me certain that I do NOT need to maintain an electronic calendar, but am just fine keeping up with Daffodil Sunday and reading quotes like “and then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils.” Love, love, love….

  82. Jayne Marquit says:

    I am so excited about the party at the Brewster Ladies Library as I live in Brewster! I can’t forget to sign up (ties ribbons around every finger.) I loved your book about your broken heart and at present, I am nursing one, so want to reread it and cry, cry and cry some more with my precious kitty cat, Eleanor, curled up in my lap! I can’t wait for the movie to come out! See you in Brewster (I am a Beatrix Potter aficionado!) and at Titcomb’s!

    • sbranch says:

      Here’s to the great and horrible lessons of the broken heart. xoxox Sending love Jayne. . . hope to see you at the Birthday Party!

  83. Donna Scutti says:

    Everything you do delights my eyes. What a gift you have and how wonderful for all of us that you share your talents through your art and wring. Amazing !

  84. Linda Alperin says:

    Thank you, Susan, for your creativity, inspiration, sense of fun…, and just for being Y-O-U!
    I must voice my disappointment, though, re: the book contest. I received the latest Willard in my email today – April 20, 2016 – at 4:00 PM. I read through and noted the book contest. I followed the instructions and went immediately to the “Comments” area on your Blog – only to discover the winners have already been chosen. Somehow, there is a disconnect between the latest Willard and the availability of the contest. Crying in my tea here! 🙁 Sigh.
    ENJOY your cross-country trip – all those book signings! – and your summer vacation across “the Big Pond”.

    • sbranch says:

      NO no, that isn’t right . . . those winners were for the LAST contest, scroll up to the top post . . . it has its own comment section (in the middle of the blog) . . . this is a brand new contest. You are right on time, and totally entered! 🙂

  85. Koreen Boettcher says:

    I was so excited when I saw that there was an opportunity to win your three books. I’ve been a Susan Branch sticker person for 20 years, using them on the letters I send, and have many of or, at least, have read all of your books. I have “A Fine Romance” but if I win the books, I will certainly share that one with one of my Susan Branch-loving friends. As we are only about 5 weeks apart in age and I love many of the things you do–New England, England, antiques, Beatrix Potter, cooking, music of the 30s and 40s as well as “Oldie Goldies” (I could go on and on), I always feel that we’re soulmates!! I can’t wait for the new book!!

  86. Denise Mangano says:

    Happiness, contentment, just two of the things I feel after reading your newsletter, email or blog!
    Thank you for helping to (always) brighten my day!

  87. Robin Brown says:

    Darling Ladies-I wish I may-I wish I might win the prize-Fondly, Robin Brown

  88. Linda Fleming says:

    I have been enjoying my copy of Heart of the Home again and will keep it off the bookshelf for awhile and on my desk so I can look at it everyday. Have a wonderful trip and I’ll see you in Madison,Ct.

  89. Lindsay Mandeville says:

    Enjoy the book tour and come away with inspiration to possibly write another book.

  90. Carla Boucher says:

    Love your new fabric! I’m waiting for you to issue your England design collection for my quilting projects.

    • sbranch says:

      We’ll be adding to Spoonflower pretty steadily now. Putting up quilt labels next! Soon, for England. Need some of those red phone booths!

  91. Justine says:

    Love the new fabrics!! Can’t wait to see you on your tour…I will be there in Denver with bells on!!

  92. Susan says:

    I needed a pick-me-up today and Willard came to my rescue! Everything you do is so “happy”!

  93. Patty Scott says:

    Love the fabrics and quilt

  94. Patty Scott says:

    Very nice

  95. Mary Pat says:

    I’m so excited to have your fabric available. Love love love all your old fabrics and new. Good luck on your book signing journey. So very happy and PROUD of YOU!

  96. Laura P says:

    The little birds would be a delightful fabric pattern.
    Thank you for encouraging us to embrace creativity!

  97. Doris says:

    A “story book life” that leaves me wanting for more and more. I so enjoy reading of your walks to the shore each morning, the kitties, gardening, cooking, neighboring, parties and on and on. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  98. So fun to read this! I am rationing myself reading your new book. I am savor get each page, each quote, each drawing. I keep it on the third floor, in my sewing studio so it is not to easy to just pick up and read a few pages. I don’t want it to end! I am going on a short trip tomorrow, so I will have the book to look forward to when I get home. I am heading off tomorrow to Durham for a design class at……SPOONFLOWER! So, when I read that your fabric is now available on their site, my heart was smiling! I have designed a few things, and ordered lots of designs by others on their site. Fabulous company. I just can’t wait to tour their facility and learn some new tricks. Some old girlfriends gave me a generous gift certificate to Spoonflower, so I know that some SB fabric is in my future. Their new fleece is yummy, and wide! 2 yards make a perfect reading blanket. Thank you for doing this. I am a fan since the very first book. 😍 Jerilynn Lijewski

    • sbranch says:

      They even have design classes! They are too much! Have fun Jerilynn … I know you will! xoxo

  99. Julie Brooks says:

    Hi, Susan, I just finished reading all three books-again. Makes me so happy to spend a few hours in your company! I love Spoon Flower Fabrics and am thrilled to see you have discovered them. Can’t wait to see you on your book tour in Ohio. Happy Spring to you! jb

  100. Ellen Elliott says:

    I love love Willard and your books and all that goes with it. Thanks for being YOU…..

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