Well, there is SO much going on around here ~ I thought I better do our drawing today! Strike while the iron is hot! But first, let’s see, let’s go hang out in 1928 for a while . . . MUSICA!

toast girlfriends winter word

I’ve almost finished writing us a new WILLARD!  It will start going out on Tuesday morning and I hope you will love it! Is everyone is signed up? If not, and you’d like my newsletter delivered to your email box, just go HERE and sign up. And while you’re at it, sign up your mom and your sister too, and your kitty movesBFF, because it’s going to be chock full of good and fun stuff.  I’m also updating the blog on Tuesday! Very exciting! Love it when everything happens at once! Between the blog and Willard, us packing to go away on our two-month Book Tour, and the constant Kitty Kissing, there is A LOT going on . . . including, in this new Willard, more Giveaways, and even a Grand Prize Giveaway. Oh yeah. We’re doin’ it up big.🎉pink-flowers

So I thought I better step in now and announce the winners of the SIX books, with paintbrushes and bookmarks . . . so I can get them in the mail to the Lucky Winners on Monday and not get everything all mixed up with Tuesday! Hate it when that happens! Can’t believe how many people we have entered in this drawing. Wild eh, and what fun! Have you read any of the comments? Only the nicest people in the world! 💏 That’s all. You really don’t know how often you make me cry! Sometimes I can’t even answer because I don’t know what to say! That’s how nice you are.


So, just a little reminder . . . our six winners will get a personalized copy of my new book, Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams, that one  up there, PLUS


Each book will come with one of the worn-out paintbrushes I used to paint the watercolors in the new book AND these messy bits made into bookmarks from the blotters where I test colors and try to figure out what is wrong when my pen starts acting up. Little bits of book DNA from the construction site.from me to you with loveBut before I announce the winners, I thought you might enjoy a bit of Morning Science. For any of you with a Wisteria, this may be old news, but I find it endlessly fascinating, what a Wisteria does in the springtime, so I thought I’d show you one of my favorite harbingers of spring.🌞


You know what a wisteria looks like in bloom, right?  And the smell? Floral heaven. Like the inside of a flower store ~ Ours were planted a long time ago, by the woman who owned our house from 1940 to 1980, the very much appreciated Mrs. Bowditch. They hang on an arbor over the kitchen-porch side of our house and the fragrance goes up through the second story windows (where I am taking this photo) and into the bedrooms, thank you very much.💛

IMG_7649They make May . . . in May the Island air smells like ocean mixed with lilac and wisteria.


Here’s how our wisteria looks right now, not quite as lovely, despite the fabulous blue sky . . . but see all those dangling bean-like things? That’s what I wanted to show you.


Here they are up-close. They are fuzzy like pussy willows.Inlovewithnature


They drop in the spring in the first days of warmth from the sun ~ the porch and the driveway are covered in them. They make the most delightful cracking noise when you step on them because they are very hard. I go out of my way to step on as many as I possibly can. From what I saw on the driveway this morning, I’m about to be in crunch heaven.

IMG_7181They don’t really drop actually, they kind of split apart and explode . . .

IMG_7186The pods hit our windows, we can hear it happening, little ticks against the glass . . . A few of them get all they way across the driveway onto the lawn . . . they really do explode. We think it might be from happiness.happy?


The daffodils watch intently, as you can see.  And see the little black dots on the driveway around them . . .?

IMG_7182The by-product! Free wisteria seeds!  Isn’t that fabulous?miracles

                                                   It’s our springtime miracle!Fairy2

And you might wonder, but is there anything actually blooming in your yard now? And I would have to say, Oh, yes there is!IMG_7138

Our Magnolia is in bloom.



The weeping cherry trees too, and the forsythia . . .


And our pear tree . . .touch-quote


Alright, that’s the end of Morning Science for today 🌷 . . . so here we go dear ones, I do so hope you win!!!!! But if you don’t, remember, there will be more chances in Willard, more chances in the next post, and lots of fun surprises coming. It’s spring, I have a new book, we’re going for a long ride, hill and dale across the country to meet all our Girlfriends, and we’re here to

celebrate!So here we go!

Vanna . . . darling . . . climb up there and dive into the vat won’t you? (Remember when it was only a basket she had to draw from? Now it’s a vat!  Filled with teeny weeny slips of paper, each with a tiny name on it!  So exciting! We are gaining Girlfriends, Girlfriends!)


I hate this part. Up till now everyone is a winner, as well it should be, since that is the bottom-line truth, but now all of a sudden, it’s narrowed down considerably. I always say this when Vanna is diving into the vat, and I always feel it. Oh well. Must. do. my. job. She’s UP!!! Handful of names are flapping in the wind.  Here we go . . .

Happiness abounds, joy bells ring, honking horns dinning, awesomeness reigns for:


Janet Johnson!

Celia Reusch!

Sylvie from France! 

Diane P. from Northern California

Rachael Anna

Kenna Morris!

I’ll send you each an email and you can write me back with your address and who you would like the book inscribed to . . . you, or perhaps you have someone else in mind! I will love to do it, and Joe will get them in the mail to you on Monday (or as soon as I hear back from you). We have our first French Person winner! How exciting!🌎We are the world, Girlfriends! 💞

Off I go, but I’ll be back so soon it’s almost ridiculous. Please don’t get sick of me!  Have a wonderful day, a wonderful weekend, breathe in some of that fresh spring air and know you are loved.  XOXO

love thee like pudding


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1,111 Responses to LET’S DO OUR DRAWING TODAY

  1. Kathleen Hollingsworth says:

    Oh happy day!

  2. Dawn Gutro says:

    I love your books! I am working on a collection!

    • Michele Ross says:

      A wee poem I wrote to share with you for your Birthday Darling Susan Pleeeese read like you are reading a Dr. Seuss story quickly!

      Age came creep’n up on me, sneek’n eek’n up on me
      Didn’t knock polite at my front door to kindly tell me what’s in store
      Noooooooooo, snuck in like a wee spider through the floor
      Weaving webs of age on me, at first so slight I did not see
      Silver stands within my hair, a few pounds extra here and there
      Little crinks around my eyes arrived so much to my surprise
      Took a wee bit of time for me to deal with reality,
      but now………….., I like it cause I find it fits me perfectly!
      and I found, spider simply couldn’t touch my smile, or my personality
      couldn’t take the twinkle from my eye or the childlike side you see in me
      OK, now for some pure truth and honesty from me to thee
      The wiglin skin beneath my chin still ain’t workin yet for me (smile) (wink)
      I started writing this little poem in my mind several years ago, I change it a little all the time! (smile) Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
      note: I have read your three new books, or should I say devoured, of course they are all DELIGHTFUL, made me feel like I was gorging on my favorite pink champage cake without the calories! (smile)

      • sbranch says:

        That is an excellent, very charming poem. Keep going Michele . . . you have it wizzened down to perfection. It’s a pink champagne cake if I ever heard one!

      • Michele Ross says:

        Thank you for your sweet reply. I was thinking I would like to share with you a couple of my favorite vintage book titles.
        The first being The Folks by Ruth Suckow, 1934 . It’s over 700 pages and just delightful. It took me a long time, but I read the whole book aloud to my husband. He and I both LOVED it and were sad when we reached the end of it. The other book I also love is a short story by a simply grand English Author named Reginald Arkell called Old Herbaceous – 1951. Both authors have serveral other books in prints as well. I purchased more of both of their books on Amazon.

        • Michele Ross says:

          Oh Susan, need to tell you about just one more book by Reginald Arkell. It is called A Cottage in the Country, it is a fun sweet little book that I think you might like very much. It has black and white photos here and there, some of them are of his very own English Cottage. It was written in 1934. There is a photo of Reginald in the front of the book, I just like his face, he has very kind eyes I think. The book is printed in Great Britain and I was able to find the 1947 printing on Amazon. It really is a joyful little read.

  3. Nancy Kenaston says:

    Oh Susan, you are like a penpal friend. I’ve never met you…and you’re not coming to Oregon or Washington this trip, so I won’t get to, yet. But some day. 🙂 Your art & writing & sharing your heart inspire me (many of us) in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your life with us & spreading cheer across this beautiful ball we live on.

  4. cathy says:

    Hi, I am confused. Is your new book available now for sale on line? Let me know.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, we have signed books available through my website, and if not already, they should be showing up in stores momentarily.

  5. Melinda Kyle says:

    Love love love Willard!

  6. Claudia Hartwig says:

    Thank you, thank you, dear friend (at least it seems like we are friends!😉) for sharing your talent, your creativity, your love for life and all things beautiful. I’m especially excited about the fabrics! Safe travels on your book tour.

  7. Kate O'Brien says:

    I love your artwork and the quotes you choose to go with them. Growing up in New England makes me long for home whenever I see your “treasures” in my travels. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.

  8. nicole yossefi says:

    Hello Susan
    I am waiting for your third book of the trilogy to get to the stores…

  9. Shawn says:

    Love all your work. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new fabric

  10. Pam MacLeod says:

    Happy Belated, Susan! you mentioned that you still have both your Mom and Dad, you are so fortunate. I was born when my mother was 40 and my father was 55!! The last of 6 kids, perhaps a “surprise?!” I miss them so, and learned so much from them.

    Safe travels!

    • sbranch says:

      I can only imagine. There’s a quote that says something like, “There are not enough words to describe the loss of someone who has loved us.” Isn’t that true? Blessings Pam . . .xoxo

  11. Becky deVries-Wong says:

    Oh I hope I get lucky! Thanks for the chance ;0

  12. Jody Burtch says:

    I love all you do and now I can add your fabrics to my favorites!

  13. Nancy Strand says:

    Hi Susan, I love all the cozy country pictures and writings on your newsletter and blog. Your books sound wonderful. I would love to receive a packet of your wisteria seeds; they are so awesomely beautiful dangling in front of your house! I’m sure everyone would love to live in such a place! I can see why you love it so much! Beautiful Spring to you! Nancy

  14. Cheryl Nussbaum says:

    I have loved everything Susan Branch since I purchased your first book. Hoping to meet you when you come to Ohio next month!

  15. Nancy Strand says:

    You are so talented! Love all the beautiful artwork!!

  16. Lori says:

    You are so generous! I envy the lucky winners!! (I cannot lie, I hoping to be one of them!)

  17. Nancy Snyder says:

    I would love to win the books and all the goodies. Looking forward to Heart of the Home

  18. Tammy Steinell says:

    Love, love, love all that you do Susan, both old and new! Thank you:)

  19. Mercedes Piesco says:

    Susan, thank you for bringing cheer to our hearts with your unique style! You capture all that is dear…colors,cats, flowers, friendship and more!
    You are a treasure! Safe travels on your tour…I am sad that you aren’t coming as far as Florida!

  20. Gloria kaufmann says:

    Sitting here with my cup of tea and reading your blog and getting idea for my annual summer garden tea party. Thanks for the chancellor to add your books to my collection.
    Gloria kaufmann

  21. Carol Jordan says:

    So excited to be going to your April 30th book signing.

  22. Jen says:

    My sister introduced me to your books, website etc, I look forward to seeing you at the book signing & I know my sister is super excited!

  23. Cheryl says:

    Love your fabrics! It inspires a want-to-be quilter like me to be a real-life quilter!

  24. Tony Wodzinski says:

    Great Willard!!!

  25. Terri ODell says:

    A Great Big THANK YOU for all the years of your art and stories! Please keep them coming. My girlfriend and I get so much joy from them.

  26. Carolyn Nelson says:

    Love your blog! Thanks for sharing all of your blessings with us. Be sure to send pictures of the peonies in bloom. Hugs…..

  27. Pam Rudzki from Idaho says:

    Wish your tour came closer to me. But, alas, it does not. Maybe some day.
    I remember my Mother had a beautiful wisteria growing by the back door.
    Every once in awhile my Father would have to go out & trim it back because
    it liked to weasel it’s way under the shingles on the roof. But the smell was
    fantastic every time you opened the door! Have a lovely time on your book
    tour, Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      Ours tries to weasel into the windows and grow up the walls in the upstairs bedrooms. We have to fight it back! xoxo

  28. Jane Flannery-Hall says:

    Oh how wonderful to be able to share your book and seeds! Thanks for the hope Susan! Maine would love the Wisteria!

  29. Peggy Bojduj says:

    I long for the east coast, where I grew up, when I read your blogs.

  30. Lydia Alejandro says:

    Happy Birthday Susan!
    I pray that you had a Beautiful day with your husband and friends.
    Thank you for sharing some many of the good things on this earth with us.
    I look forward to meeting you in Hudson, Ohio on May 5th!

    P.S. Darn it! I missed entering for the 6 books drawing. I have been working 2 jobs and missed it! I will content myself with reading the Willard Newsletter.

  31. Vickie says:

    All the fabrics are delightful! What a joy it would be to win all three books. They all look wonderful and would be great to have and share with my dear daughters!

  32. Betty Binder says:

    Hi Susan
    I still would really, really like to have your Isle of Dreams book! . After my daughter and I traveled the Island yrs. ago just to find your house, (by the way) I would enjoy reading more about the Island in your own words. I know it would be more exciting!!! Have lots of your books, but my fav to read is Girlfriends Forever! Enjoy your busy summer & fall. ❤️ Betty

  33. Diana Phelps says:

    Reading anything you write and seeing your charming artwork is something that will warm any heart! And, we all need a warm heart! Thank you for many hours of pleasure that I have had reading your books and making your recipes! Enjoy your coming trip through gorgeous England! I know you will be sharing it all with us. . .soon!

  34. Linda Becker says:

    Happy Spring and best of luck with your new book! Love your art work and writing! Sure hope my luck is smiling on me to! Have a great day

  35. Helen Rusert says:

    I’m saving the blog and Willard for the weekend when I have plenty of time to let them soothe my soul as anything Susan Branch does. ❤️

  36. Judy Juda says:

    Loved seeing your cats! I’d have a hard time leaving them too!

  37. Denise Henson says:

    Dear Susan, Visiting Martha’s Vineyard in May because of your wonderful blog. Happy Spring! PS…Your quilts speak to me:)

  38. Susan,
    Just started reading The Fairy Tale Girl and I love it! We’re only a few years different in age so I can totally relate to the music, fashion, and thinking of the times. You made me remember things about myself, my hopes and dreams that I’d almost forgotten. Thank you for sharing your life and memories with us.

  39. Gini Webb says:

    I just finished reading, “Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams” and it was amazing, thank you, Susan, for sharing your journey with us. I didn’t want your book to end . . . it was so so good! Safe travels and enjoy your book tour.

  40. jane Declet says:

    I love all things Susan Branch! When I look at all my little SB treasures in my room, it makes me happy! Thank you for sharing your talented works of art and photographs with us…xoxo

  41. Karen from Milton, WA says:

    Godspeed to you and Joe on your cross country trip. Will be with you in spirit!

  42. Susan Mixon says:

    So love your gorgeous fabrics…they make me want to bring my Singer out of hibernation and get busy with creating one of a kind beautiful creations. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. You just pave the way for everyone to see the beauty in this world! When I saw the wonderful photos of dappled sunlight, a favorite quote came to mind, author unknown…’Peace is seeing the sunrise and knowing Who to thank.’ So another quote comes to mind (mine!)…thank you, Susan, for opening our eyes to everything that is good, kind, creative, and fun and beautiful…See you soon in Memphis at your book-signing…my sister-in-law, Carolyn, and I are beside ourselves…

  43. Mare Sikora says:

    So happy your fabric is back! In my old house I left a corner nook with your wallpaper boarder on it. I hope the new family loves it as much as I did. Will see you at the Tattered in May

  44. Wendi says:

    So many exciting adventures. I love your passion and your willingness to share it with the world. Blessings as you move forward in your life journey.

  45. Mary Kay S says:

    Happy Belated Birthday. Good luck and have fun on the book signing trip!

  46. Patricia Richardson says:

    Susan, you’re simply fabulous!

  47. Miyuki Davison says:

    You are such an inspiration, I love all your books! When I am reading them, I feel like you and I are sitting down for a chat with a cup of tea. So refreshing!

  48. Kelli Devey says:

    I love reading your posts! It makes me feel like I am on Martha’s Vineyard!

  49. Deborah Sunset says:

    Thank you for sharing! Have loved Willard since your first one!!

  50. Sandra says:

    It’s sounds like you have a simply wonderful summer ahead of you and part of it is visiting my home country! I know you will have lots of fun!

  51. Lori Kindness says:

    Good morning from Maine…What wonderful things going on for you.I checked the map and wish you were coming to Maine.I love reading the posts on your blog and it was great to get Willard this am.I was especially excited about the resale of your 30th anniversary of Heart of the Home.I ordered a copy as a gift to myself.Next I will order some fabric.Hope you have a wonderful trip as you meet some of your fans.Also on your trip after that.I’m sure you will be glad to get back home after all that traveling.

  52. Suzanne Kruger says:

    I am currently reading The Fairy Tale Girl. Thank you for sharing yourself!

  53. Mary Jo says:

    Love the Willard, love your fabrics, love your books, love the wisteria, love you! Safe travels and I look forward to reading about your trip in future Willard’s.

  54. Peg Crawford says:

    Congratulations on your book publication! I can’t wait to get it to add to my Susan Branch collection. Your books are wonderful!

  55. Donna Hardin says:

    So excited about your fabrics! Will have to think on a news project! I hope they do a film or series on your amazing life. It would be very entertaining…from your sweet home life, the Beattles and the move to the island, your book, your adorable neighbors and tea leaf reading, and Joe…crossing my fingers! See you in May!

  56. Carmen Mays says:

    Susan I love your blog and your lovely books.
    I would be honored to win.

  57. Michelle Duke says:

    I’ve always adored anything “Susan Branch” and would dearly love to win books and wisteria seeds and whatever other loveliness that comes with it!!!! Thank you for always making us smile!!!!

  58. Greta Heru says:

    I enjoy your blog posts and Willard so much! I break into a big smile when I see one in my e-mail and then just feast on it. It always brightens my day so much. Love A Fine Romance and used it as my inspiration for a trip with friends to the Lake District of England! Thanks for all your inspiration! Blessings on your book tour!

  59. Sandra Kohl says:

    Love your blog and Willard really look forward to reading it and imagining I am there . I also miss Downton loved your reviews it was like I had a friend watching with me. If I win I hope it’s a paintbrush I draw and paint and would love to see yours. Thank your for yards of joy I have had your books for so long my first almost 30 years wow I can not believe how long you have been part of my life once again thank you !!!

  60. Debbie Dority says:

    Love the Willard! Be safe on your trip, Miss Susan. Guardian angels will surround you and dear Joe.

  61. Sandy McGuigan says:

    Thank you, Susan, for your charming, homey, cozy books and artwork. My daughter and I have loved knowing you through your writings and art. Here’s to 30 more years of Wonderful Susan Branch!

  62. Rachelle says:

    I loved A Fine Romance!! Please do a book on Scotland–that would be so lovely!

  63. Janis S. says:

    I love gifting your books to my nieces- thank you for all you do!

  64. Patricia Hayden says:

    I’ve been a Susan Branch fan for years and years and years!

    Happy & safe travels!

  65. martha shannon says:

    Oh the joy of the vineyard in the spring! I can’t wait to read Isle of Dreams.

  66. Tracey Bratt says:

    Susan, I absolutely love it when a newsletter arrives in my inbox, full of the most beautiful drawings and lovely words painting pictures in my head. I love the beautiful things in life as you do – flowers, quilts, books, cooking and cats !!! I feel as though we are sisters under the skin! Can’t wait to read the book !!! Love Tracey from Down Under !

  67. I have been reading Willard for years; I used to get it in the mail. It is a breath of fresh air to read. Your home on Martha’s Vineyard sounds beautiful, like the escape everyone wants. Thank you so much for including all of your readers in your everyday life over the years. You are an inspiration and I wish you all the best. Lots of love and Take Care!

  68. Judith Jackson says:

    Love it!

  69. Anna says:

    My first Susan Branch book was Summer, a gift from my sister. Been loving your art and books for years. Congratulations on your new-old original being published again.

  70. Lana Hanlon says:

    Thank you for the connection with life. How do I know? I always get teary-eyed!

  71. Mary Huff says:

    I just finished Isle of Dreams, I couldn’t stop until it was done! Thanks so much for all three of these books that give us a chance to see your life “up close and personal”. You are a brave person to share it all as you did! I can’t wait to try the recipe for Carrot Cake Cupcakes, they sound yummy!

  72. Kate Wolter says:

    Enjoy your trip!!

  73. Jean Giuggio says:

    Everyday is A New Beginning … Love your blog and safe travels!

  74. Jean says:

    Just read your Willard. So looking forward to hearing about your road trip and then your trip to Europe.
    My sweet granddaughter gave me your book “Tell me your story Grandma” and I’ve been filling in the pages. She is so dear to me and the memories that come back to me while writing on these pages are precious. Thank you for such a wonderful book.

    • sbranch says:

      You are doing something more important than you know . . . I would have loved to have had one of these made by my grandmas!!! xoxo

  75. Lisa says:

    Oh how I love thee. Let me count the ways!!
    Thank you for the Williard! It brought a tear to my eye and a song in my heart!
    Thank you for sharing your talent! Now off to check out the fabric.

  76. Donna MacDonald says:

    April 21,2016
    Happy Birthday Susan…
    At night, this week…I’ve been reading your new book..Martha’s Vineyard- Isle of Dreams.
    Think, it is the best book, you’ve written. Your character, as Susan, is best explained. The ups & downs, finding yourself….thru meditating, as a first time home owner, 3,000 miles from
    home, alone, but with your best friends of 3 kittens etc…it was a journey… But dreams come true. From the first book, ” Heart of the Home,” with all your other books, that followed.
    You are the ” Beatrix Potter, ” of our time. Best too, marrying Joe. Think he’s your soul mate.
    Have a great book tour, Susan, along with Joe! A fan forever, Donna

  77. Kathy in Illinois says:

    I have Heart of the Home and would love your new book too!
    God bless, Kathy

  78. Susan… just wow! (Ten exclamation points!) – you amaze me every time. We went to the UK 8 times but now I am incapacitated and can’t travel anymore, so I have you! Your upcoming trip sounds scrummy (to quote Mary Berry)… I will follow along and vicariously enjoy it through your eyes and words… thank you for doing it! Happy motoring!

  79. Dee Stoepker says:

    My daughter and family used to live on the east coast and I loved visiting there. I always felt so at home and familiar with the area. Your books give me that same feeling.

  80. Deena B. says:

    Love what you do! Have a wonderful summer. I know it’ll be wonderful traveling and seeing old friends and meeting new ones….then going to beautiful England, but I would sure miss being there in Martha’s Vineyard for so long!

    • sbranch says:

      We will. That’s the problem, good and fabulous this? Or good and fabulous that? Do need a clone!!! xoxo

  81. Carla Henn says:

    Susan, You are a “national treasure”. You bring pure joy into everyone’s day. My friend and I are coming to Woodstock, GA for a book signing. Can’t wait.

  82. Teri Jordan says:

    Love…love…love your books…in fact I have given your A Fine Romance away as Christmas presents……

  83. Paula says:

    Giving away seedlings is such a monumental, quietly sweet gesture! It’s huge that something so tiny as a seed will grow where it is sent. I used to grow Oxalis ( shamrocks), the little tubers in my yard which spread beautifully. The first March of my son’s life, I bought a little pot at the grocery store. When we moved, I had an ugly corner at the bend of the driveway, so I filled it with good soil and planted those. Oh, how they took off to greet anyone who came! It was exciting! Over the 26 years we lived there, when workman came, visitors of any kind who commented what a beautiful billowing bed of shamrocks (3 seasons as they go dormant and come back), I kept a little trowel and a box of sandwich bags in the garage to send them on their way with a tuber for their own start of shamrocks. It thrilled our visitors and warmed my heart to send those little life buds on their way to new places. You have the idea! Spreading the joy. It IS a joy. What fun. ☺️

  84. Linda says:

    We went to Stourhead on our only trip to England- beautiful. So different driving over there on those tiny roads and then all of a sudden some wonderful, world famous thing appears- gardens, castles, ruins, etc. Loved it all. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

  85. Charlotte says:

    You are the very best person with such a big giving ❤️
    Ou are a blessing to many people everywhere.

  86. Jeanne Govert says:

    I have a copy of your original and first book! I still use it and think of my sister who gave it to me. She lives about 3 hours away and it brings her closer everytime. I have always dreamed of having a wisteria tree (bush?) in my yard! What a great privilege it would be to have one of your seeds to start my dream. I hope you come near by during your book tour. I live near Toledo, OH is case you want to squeeze it in!

  87. Nancy Camley says:

    Martha’s Vineyard is one of my favorite summer places!

  88. Sarah Shelley Quezada says:

    I am so delighted to find out about your booktour list. Thank you , thank you for supporting our wonderful independent bookstores. I am going to be at BEA in Chicago on May 10th and I will haunt the Baker and Taylor booth to find out when you will be speaking and bring my much loved copy of Heart of the Home for you to sign (hopefully). Congratulations also on the link to buy fabrics. They are all beautiful.

  89. Sharon Civale says:

    Your art has brought so much joy to my life, thank you sooooo much! If I get chosen, though, I have to ask if my sister Sharon could receive the prize. She introduced me to you, for which I am so grateful! There is not a bigger fan of yours out there. She would be so thrilled which, of course, would make my heart sing! So, I am going to put her name below. Thank you so much! <3 – Jennifer Chapman

  90. Carole Scott says:

    I love all of your beautifully illustrated sayings and quotes.

    Here’s one that my husband Doug coined (about me)

    “Figure out what she doesn’t like, then don’t do it.”

    I could see that with a crabby, scowling, arms folded, foot tapping girl or maybe a teased cat picture….

  91. Sue Miller says:

    Thanks for the new Willard! So happy you allow us to stay in touch. Have a safe and magical journey across the country. Someday you will be close enough for me to come and meet you, I’m sure of it. God Bless <3

  92. Susan Hebert says:

    Received the Willard today. Thank you. Happy belated birthday, Susan! (Doesn’t it always seems like you’re sending messages to yourself when you send them to someone who shares your name?) Love the blog and hope to get to see you on your tour.


  93. Dorothy Lee says:

    Love your books..have most of your cookbooks..enjoy sitting with a cup of tea and reading and enjoying the art work in all your books. So relaxing.

  94. Joan Marshall says:

    You make me so happy with your writings, drawings, pictures, and adventures. Thank you for sharing with me.

  95. Jurate Martin says:

    I have collected many of your books through the years! Your artwork is inspiring and I feel as if you are my pen pal friend too. I’m so excited for the sequel, “Isle of Dreams” as I have read “My Fairy Tale Girl” and loved it.
    Thank you for continuing to write and create as I hope to pass on your books to my daughters! I have 4 of them:)

  96. Diane Waters says:

    I have an early Heart of the Home, plus others!! Love your inspiring art and books. Seeds?? plus books, oh. My! Safe travels Susan.

  97. Jeannette Larson says:

    So many wonderful things going on for you this year, don’t know how you keep your wig on!! I can’t wait to meet you in St. Charles, Missouri and get my copy of your newest book there in support of our independent local book store. Thanks for the Willard chance to win an original bookmark and painting brush – would love to see that in my studio!

  98. Susan says:

    I really enjoyed all three of your books Susan. You inspired me to work more on a book I’ve created because I’ve felt exactly the same way–I don’t know what to do about publishing it and finding an artist for it. Thank you for being you and for teaching us all about having a great life! From one Susan to another, Much Love to you!
    I look forward to seeing you in Wilmette!

  99. Kimberly says:

    Thank you for your blog. I really enjoy everything about it!

  100. Donna Wray says:

    Susan, your newsletter is as beautiful as your book, A Lovely Romance. I took it to a friend across the pond on a Disney crossing. She lives in Lincolnshire and was enamored by you as well. I will forward your sweet, eloquent newsletter to her right now. I plan to see you in Pasadena, CA near my home on June 8 right after we return from a bus tour of the National Parks on their 100th anniversary. If I were creative like you I’d write and illustrate a book along the way. One of your biggest fans, retired teacher, Donna Wray

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