MUSICA!  As many of you know, Joe and I are on a five-week road trip!  On February 23 we left Martha’s Vineyard by 8:15 am ferry (our last slightly-foggy view from the boat, above) to go to Boston to catch the train for the cross-country trip (we love to take, and you’ll soon see some of reasons why) out to California to celebrate my mom’s birthday, and to see family and friends. We’ve been driving hill and dale, playing the wonderful MUSICA of Frank Sinatra and Fred Astaire, and seat bopping as we go along . . .❤️

Here we are, just starting off on the train, flying across snowy New England in our Room with a View . . . I’m working on my iPhotos (see the photos I took for Marmalade Cake? That recipe is coming up as you scroll down this post!)

As always, we had the most beautiful views, which changed as we moved through the states, and through each day . . . it’s difficult to tear your eyes from the window. Totally mesmerizing as it all goes by . . .

One of my favorite train things are the sunsets and sunrises. All different, depending on what part of the country you’re in, from the snowy pink-lit meadows in the Adirondacks, to the yellowed windswept plains, to the red rocks of New Mexico.

And all of it, while we’re cozy in our room, wearing slippers, wrapped in a shawl. We bring our electric tea kettle so we can make tea in our room . . . I was trying a new tea here that CarrieInOxford🇬🇧 @holywellbnb (on Twitter) gave me . . . but of course I brought along my tin of Fine Romance Tea. Since that book came out, I’m like my kitty, set in my ways, I have my favorite tea every single day. Maybe I will suddenly change someday like he does, but probably not! But, it’s always fun to try something new from a friend!

We went past farms, towns, and the widest open spaces you can imagine . . . with views from backyards and small streets, all the way out to forever . . .

Until we came to Chicago, that toddlin’ town we love SO much. This is truly a wonderful city. People on the streets here smile all the time!! And the food! Yum! We love it that there is usually a 3 to 6 hour layover in Chicago, so over the years we’ve gotten to know it a little bit. The train station is right downtown, we hop into a taxi and go to Michigan Avenue where we are never ever bored! From Boston to Chicago by train is an overnight, just 24 hours.

Then back on a connecting train we go, ever westward . . . This is one of the dining cars where we are served breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all much better tasting than expected! And mealtimes on the train also come with a wonderful view . . .

And after two more, rather-too-short days, we slowly (in a civilized way, no jet engines, no wheel-not-coming-down or any sort of nonsense like that) lumbered into the train station at about 6:30 am on a drizzly, cool Southern California day.  Place of my birth. The palm trees, the smell of wet pavement (not a lot of dirt in the city), all so familiar and wonderful. Alfredo, one of the dear people who work for me (and our friend), brought our good old Toyota to meet us ~ we keep it at the Studio … then he hopped on the train to go back to Arroyo Grande. And we drove over to have breakfast with my mom! Clockwork like buttah.

And there she was. As totally happy as always, both of my parents had or have the happy gene. Never complaining, children of the Great Depression and of WWII, knowing value when they see it, in friends and family, and hard work, always accepting, and always trying their best to do “the right thing.” My mom is losing her memory, but not when it comes to me and Joe or the rest of her children. She knows us, which is such a blessing, and was as happy as we were to be together. We sang together,  Playmate, Come Out and Play with Me, 🎵and some Shirley Temple songs. (Myself, along with my siblings and family friends made her a “This is Your Life” photo album for her 80th birthday, and this photo, above, was part of it. She was only 15 in that picture.) I have to tell you, we are having an absolutely wonderful time. We’ve taken her to a few Dr. appointments, but nothing has been hurried. We had hot fudge sundaes on her birthday, she got lots of phone calls, visitors and cards, and she loved our presents, loved the wrapping paper, loved it all, and especially the plaid cashmere shawl we brought her from Scotland. My mom is in assisted living where she gets care, and meals and so forth. And we are staying nearby, in her old house.

I love staying in the house where she lived for so many years, because it is so “Mom.” Inside every cupboard, including the bathroom, is something she’s taped there, for inspiration, cut from a magazine or newspaper. Ten Best Foods for Energy.  Or Fifteen Ways to Challenge Your Mind.  Or, Five Books you Have To Read. She has notes on her fridge too . . . including this post-it note, written in her own handwriting. She has taken this adage to heart, and never complains. She is all about gratitude. I wob her very much. She turned 87 on February 27.

We visited with my mom for a few days, then we drove over to Palm Desert (73 degrees, soft breeze) to see my sisters, Mary and Shelly and Shelly’s twins. We had dinner with them, took the boys bowling, had a wonderful time! The twins are almost 14 now!  (Time! I am not thrilled with you! You are going too fast!)

Exhausting little moments, the next day we drove to Arizona to visit my Dad’s darling wife Jeanie,  to check on her and make sure that she and her sister, who lives with her, are okay. And they are, we spent all day yesterday catching up on missing hugs … and today we will go visit my dad’s grave. I’ve never seen Arizona so green, have you? When we are here, it’s usually pure, never-ending desert beige, but this time it’s beautiful, there are wildflowers everywhere, and the hillsides are dotted with friendly, waving, welcoming, cacti!

And, just because we’re traveling, does not mean the domestic things come to a halt. We just found a brand new use for the luggage rack in our motel room! Did laundry this morning, and now drying our precious socks (not in the machine, heaven forbid, we want them to last forever!)

So that about covers the today-ness of what’s going on. Now, for what you are all so patiently waiting for . . . Which comes from me to you

It’s time to announce the winners of our three brand new bone china cups! I am so happy we decided to put them up for presale, because if we had just waited until they arrived, we would have been sold out in the first week. 😢 Would have been sad.  Now we can add a few more to our order, and everyone will get one on the first go-round!!! Thank you! I am so glad you liked them. I really can’t wait till they arrive. BUT, until then, three of our darling Girlfriends will be lucky winners of these freebies right now.  Let me get Vanna . . . she’s sleeping in the car. She said she would rather sleep in the car than in a room where she would have to look at SOCKS drying on a luggage rack. To quote her, “Gross.” The princess doesn’t like our socks.  So she has her pillow with the hot pink silk case on it (to keep her hair smooth), and two of my Grandma’s nap blankets, and she is happy as a clam, and quiet as one too, as long as we keep her drugged and asleep. (Do you sometimes wonder if I am actually as totally normal as I tout to you sometimes? Me too. That’s why I have to keep saying it … and include YOU . . .)

Anyway, HERE WE GO.  Our first WINNER ~ for In Love With Nature a 16 oz., bone-china, “Made in England,” thin-lipped cup from heaven IS:

J O A N   H A G Y

SO HAPPY for you, Joan!!!

And, I looked and did find a photo of the BACK . . . so this is the back of In Love With Nature. I tried to make it utterly enchanting.💞

I did not have the picture of the FRONT of the Love Cup . . . this is the only one I can find, and it’s of the BACK . . . but all the art, on both sides, is different, it’s not just repeated.  I’ll take another photo of the other side to show you when I get back to the Island!  And so, here we go:  the WINNER of the LOVE Cup, another 16 oz., bone-china, “Made in England,” thin-lipped cup from heaven IS

C O N I   O S B O R N


AND, last but not least,  the WINNER of the LITTLE THINGS cup ~ one more 16 oz., bone-china, “Made in England,” thin-lipped cup, ALSO from heaven IS

C H R I S   W E L L S 

Another Red Letter Day for Chris!

And yes, I did take a photo of the back of this one . . .  Congratulations one and all . . . here’s a little round of applause!BUT, because I love you ALL, and because it’s just not fair that out of over 2,700 comments, there can only be three winners 😩 . . . I still have one more . . .

Tea Tins! I asked Vanna, because she was still sort of deliciously delirious and very malleable (relatively), if she could please pull three MORE names . . . which she did. And SO, Girlfriends REBECCA SULCER, PAULETTE GRIMSBO, and PAT ADDISON (in Cave Junction) will each be receiving one of my Tea Tins, plus a bag of whichever kind of tea she would most like to have ~ right away. I’ll be sending emails to each of our six winners today, to tell them that they won, and to ask for addresses for when the cups arrive (we are shooting for pre Mother’s Day, timing-wise, but please don’t hold me to it!), and also, addresses for the Tea Tins, which will be sent to the LUCKY winners immediately.💞

Our private blends of tea are the prettiest, freshest, and most flavorful if I do say so myself, since I’m the one that gets to choose the ingredients for each of them! And we also carry those little round wire balls you can fill with the loose tea and set into your cup or teapot to steep if you need one.

I have one more great idea for a “sweetener for tea” (besides love and scandal ~~ How Downton Abbey!). . .  the recipe for Orange Marmalade Cake! Making this cake, I hope, will make everyone feel like the winner that you actually already ARE!

I’ll put the full recipe at the bottom, so you can print it out. Don’t worry about amounts here, this is just for the basic How To. First you start with a jar of thick-cut orange Marmalade. Luckily we had brought this home from England with us . . . and it was perfect. But you can get the good stuff in any grocery store.

It should be full of rough-cut orange-peel. This is also fabulous on buttered toast, btw. And as many of you know, it makes a delicious jam mixed with my Cranberry Sauce. I know, I digress, but I can’t help it . . . no matter the season, when I think of this easy recipe, my mouth begins to water, and I have to give it!

3 c. fresh, washed, cranberries
1 c. sugar
(That’s 3 parts cranberries (frozen are fine) to one part sugar (this recipe serves six, you don’t have to make that much if you don’t need it). Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Put the cranberries into an ungreased casserole and pour the sugar over, don’t stir. Put into oven, stirring occasionally as they cook, until the berries just begin to pop, about 35 min. Remove from oven, serve hot or cold with chicken dinners, or even with chocolate cake.  Mix the leftover cranberrie sauce half and half with pre-made orange marmalade, pour into jars . . .  delicious on scones, toast, Boston Brown Bread, and biscuits, and wonderful as a tea-time gift for your friends.❤️

Okay, back to the cake . . .

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and butter a loaf pan. Into a med-sized mixing bowl, pour ¾ c. granulated sugar over a stick and a half of room temperature unsalted butter.

Use your nifty microplane zester (or grater) to take the zest from one lime . . . add it to the bowl along with . . .

The zest of a half of an orange.

Pull out your trusty hand mixer, and cream everything together, for maybe five minutes, scraping down the bowl every so often …

Until the batter is light and fluffy and speckled with colorful citrus peel . . .

Beat in three large room-temperature eggs, one at a time,

Then add  ⅓c. marmalade, and 2 TB. fresh orange juice from the zested orange . . .

In another bowl, whisk together 1 ½ c. unsifted flour (stir lightly with fork before measuring), 1 ½ tsp. baking powder, and ¾ tsp. salt.

With a spatula, fold dry ingredients into batter until just combined . . .

Put the batter into the buttered loaf pan and into the oven for about 50 min . . .

. . . until lightly brown and a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Remove from oven and set the cake upright on a wire rack to cool ten minutes. (Put the rack on a cookie sheet so when you spoon on the glaze (below), the pan will catch the drips).

Make the Marmalade Glaze as the cake bakes . . .  Put ⅓c. marmalade into a small saucepan over low heat until melted; stir in ¼ c. powdered sugar, and 1 TB. butter until melted.

Spoon warm glaze over slightly-cooled cake and let some drizzle down the sides. Cool completely (if you can) before slicing.

And voila! Zee Marmalade Cake in all her glory. Good enough, I daresay, for Vanna!

I cut mine in half and took part to my next-door girlfriend Lowely.

And that’s it, all that’s left is to do the dishes . . . so easy!

And so, another blog post is coming to an end. I have just a couple more things to show you before I get into the car and resume normal programming with the ever-patient man of my dreams. First off, there is a very famous portrait artist by the name of Sue Shanahan who also, in her spare time, writes for the Huffington Post. (Leave a comment, and make Sue’s day!) She did this painting of me and Jack as a surprise, and sent it to me a couple of days ago. I’m never wild about having my picture taken, but I think she did a wonderful job, catching me on one of my “better” days (actually, not catching me, but “giving” me one of my better days! Jack, as always, is perfect!). Sue interviewed me before we went away to England last year, but I forgot all about it, and suddenly, she sent me this with a link to her post . . . which I wanted to send to you. Go to Sue’s blog to see more of her art and if you enjoy reading her inspirational take on life, you’ll find a link there to sign up for her email list. 💞

And speaking of Jack, it’s check in time! Barbara, Jack’s other kitty mommy, is home with him and phoned in this photo . . . he looks pretty well-loved to me! I don’t think I’ve ever seen him quite this relaxed!

Last but not least, our Twitter Girlfriend, Karen @ksettel, cut this from the February page of her wall-calendar, and hung it on her wall for a reminder, then she put a picture of it on Twitter and said hello to me!  I’m putting it here, hoping all of you have only Red Letter Days! Your 2700+ wonderful comments were, each and every one, amazing, sweet, loving, funny, happy, Everything! ❤️ Thank you for being here! See you soon!

M A R M A L A D E    C A K E

  • 1 ½ sticks butter (¾c.), room temp.
  • ¾c. granulated sugar
  • zest of one lime
  • zest of ½ orange
  • 3 lg. eggs, room temp.
  • ⅓ c. rough-cut orange marmalade (and another ⅓ c. below, for Glaze)
  • 2 TB. fresh-squeezed orange juice
  • 1 ½ c. all-purpose flour, fluff with fork before measuring
  • 1 ½ tsp. baking powder
  • ¾ tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9×5 loaf pan. Cream together butter and sugar with an electric mixer (hand or otherwise), about 5 min, until light and fluffy, scraping down bowl periodically.  Beat in eggs, one at a time. Stir in  ⅓c. marmalade and the orange juice.  In another bowl, whisk together dry ingredients. Fold them gently into the batter until just combined. Put batter into loaf pan and bake 50 min. until golden brown ~ knife into center of cake should come out clean. Remove from oven and cool 10 min. Put a wire rack on a cookie sheet. Turn cake out of pan and place it on rack right-side- up. While cooling, prepare Glaze:

In small saucepan, heat together until melted: ⅓c. marmalade, 1 Tb. butter, ¼c. powdered sugar. Stir until smooth. Drizzle over cake, allowing Glaze to drizzle down sides. Cool completely before serving.💛

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607 Responses to ROAD TRIP and LUV-LEE GIVEAWAY

  1. Becky Maxwell says:

    Lovely post and the Marmalade Cake looks real tasty. I think I will make for my Dad’s 86th birthday next month. Have a safe trip.

  2. Hilary M. says:

    Is the full recipe at the bottom of the post?

  3. Jane Franks says:

    Hi Susan: I just happened to be stopping by my computer to take a break from lovely outdoor yard work this morning! It is just perfect here today!! Digging in the garden clears my “mind cache” every time. I’m so glad this came before my self-imposed “vacation”! The Orange Marmalade Cake looks divine; thank you for the recipe. Great wrap up of your trip, so far. Your mom was adorable at 15; probably still is. I see so much of her in you, especially the eyes. Congratulations to the 6 happy winners! Well, I’m eager to take a break and pull a whole lot of loose ends together. Orange Marmalade Cake and tea will help! Then I’ll be ready to roll in April!! Thank you so much for all time you invest to bring inspiration and beauty to our lives!! <3 xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      We’ll miss you Jane, but we won’t forget you. Take all the time you need, we’ll still be here when you get back!

  4. Christine Anderson says:

    Always love your train photos. Best way to see our beautiful country! Enjoy your trip here in California, we are providing wonderful weather!

  5. Judith says:

    What a generous blog filled with prizes! Congratulations to us all. And blogs within blogs! Such lovely posts from Sue Shanahan. The photo of your mom is gorgeous! You look so much like her, especially the eyes. Thanks for a good start to a red letter day! Safe travels to you and Joe.

  6. Lynn S. says:

    Always so fun to see your emails and see what you’ve been up to! Love your art word and all those so interesting places you get to!

  7. Mary Lawrence says:

    Have a lovely time with your mom.Our moms are getting older,mine is 89.Also my mother is loosing memories,but thank God she still remembers my sister and I.How wonderful for us to still have them.Love the painting of you and Jack,a beautiful likeness.I will be on a cruise ship Monday for twelve days,I found a Kate Spade ship coin purse like yours and can’t wait to use bit The perfect size for lipstick,room key and money.Until your next post,bye for now.Mary in Gloucester Va.

  8. Rosemary says:

    I so love reading about it your travels, I am turning 50 this year and I am going to visit Martha Vineyard. I feel drawn to see the ocean, the historical homes and buy as Much Susan Branch as I can. Thank you for always sharing your days with us. Much love to you and those you love.

  9. Mary says:

    Congrats to the winners! Such beautiful mugs/cups – on my wish list. 🙂 for sure! And how wonderfully you write about your mom – it’s easy to see where your own beautiful spirit came from. Just lovely.
    The pic of Jack – the best!
    Thanks for your posting – they give me and so many others such a lift.

  10. Sylvia in Maine says:

    She did an amazing job on your portrait. Enjoy California – here in Maine today it is supposed to be a high of 18 degrees Fahrenheit and the wind is really a blowin’.

  11. Julia in Cape Coral says:

    Great blog!!! Love the pics and hearing of your mother… you’re a great daughter! Thanks for the recipe and I can’t wait to get a tea cup!!! Enjoy! Keep the news a comin…..

  12. Margie says:

    I wonder if I could use almond flour for the mamalaide cake? ❤

  13. Pam Wilson says:

    Hi Susan and Joe! Your train trip looks and sounds marvelous! And how special to be spending time with your Mom, other family members, and friends. I just copied your Marmalade Cake recipe and will make it very soon as a gift for a dear friend of mine who loves marmalade(the two of us visited you at An Unlikely Story). Enjoy the rest of your stay! Pam W.

  14. Luanne says:

    Gonna make that cake for my next tea party on April 9! Looks yummy. My ladies will love it. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Helen Farrell says:

    Too bad I wasn’t one of the winners, but as they say better luck next time. I will probably just have to order the three mugs on line…You won’t be retiring them anytime soon??? But first I’ll just go thru your entire store to be sure there are not any items I also “need” 🙂 Love your post from on the road. Hope you and Joe are having a wonderful, restful time.

  16. Laurie Walt says:

    I adore the watercolor that Sue did of you and Jack! She captured your beauty perfectly! The eyes are so you. I mean those are the eyes I remember from when I met you. Kind, happy, full of love, and sincere! Great post, and I’m happy for those that won the mugs😊My son ordered me the nature mug for mothers day and hubby ordered the other two! Can’t wait to see them in person. Love.

  17. Heartsdesire says:

    What a beautiful picture of your mother, you look so much like her.
    Thanks for the wonderful Marmalade Cake recipe. My daughter, from Vancouver, and her husband are coming for a visit in a few weeks (her birthday is March 31) and this will be perfect for breakfast or tea. I’ve ordered one of your mugs, but I don’t think it will be here before they arrive. If she likes it, I’ll order her one (what’s not to like). Enjoy the rest of your California visit, hope you get to see your mother again before you go back to the East Coast. I guess by the time you get home, spring will have arrived. Safe travels.

  18. Virginia says:

    What a beautiful photo of your mother as a young girl! She could not be prettier.

    And that marmalade cake. I will definitely try that. I love marmalade–so tangy and not too sweet which is just what I love. I buy marmalade wherever I go which has resulted in a bit of a marmalade issue in my pantry. Your cake gives me a new way to enjoy it all. Thank you!

  19. Pam Burkham says:

    It tickles me that you are explicit in your instructions on the recipes – excellent for new bakers! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      If I’m not someone is bound to ask, is that granulated or powdered sugar!

      • Paula Johnson says:

        One lady told me that a young woman who was learning to cook, years ago, went to the refrigerator for a bottle of pop when she read the ingredient baking soda on a recipe card. So, it pays to be specific as possible with recipes. 🙂

  20. Thea says:

    I love the new mugs!!! You have such an interesting life, traveling, visiting, embracing the fun. Hugs, t

  21. Gayle Hall says:

    Oh I’m in my RED LETTER DAY!!! 💞, because my friend, I just finished your absolutely wonderful moments you shared with all us GAL PALS! I do not know Suzie Q. (Hope you do not mind me calling you that?) if the photo of your Mama, or the wonderful painting of you that was done by Sue S. is my favorite. Oh my, it would be hard to chose, but I do love them both sooooo much. Thank-you once again for all the great photos and everything trimmed in your wonderful artwork. You have GAYLEMAIL waiting for your return to Marthas Vineyard. I finished my STAR and it hangs outside my back door, and I can’t wait to get to the lab to make a copy to send to you so you can see how wonderful it turned out. It is lit every night, and I smile and think of you everytime the emerald lights on it come on. Continue to have a wonderful time. I think of you so often through the day and wonder what you are up to at that moment? But I know you will fill you days with memories for the future. Love and good wishes every minute. Gayle Hall

  22. Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

    Dear Sue,

    I’m enjoying your trip West, and am so glad you were able to be with your Mom on her birthday. Love the photo of Sweet Jack, and I know his “other Mother” is taking good care of him. If she needs any help, have her call me …

    Wishing you and Joe safe and happy travels!


  23. Lois Madden says:

    Hi Susan ~ so good hearing from you guys. Been wondering how the choo choo twain trip went, and how you found your mom. She sounds like a delightfully charming woman… we’re both blessed to still have such strong mom’s with us. I know the best birthday gift of all was having her kids with her, surrounding her in love ❤️.

    My husband and I used to spend every spring motorcycling cross country, on mostly back roads, so I can relate to your observations/feelings about train travel. Although a different mode of travel, it’s very similar in terms of experience. There’s nothing quite like experiencing our surroundings at a more civilized pace. I loved meeting so many different types of people from all over our country, and the world. I was amazed to learn that so many folks come to the USA to motorcycle our magnificent land, and immerse themselves in our culture.

    Congrats to the mug winners! That’s so awesome. Pre-ordered one earlier this week. BTW… been wondering if you received Christmas package I sent to MV in December. If not, let me know and I’ll track it down… still have postal receipt.

    Look forward to making Marmalade cake! Looks sticky sinful! YUM!

    Look forward to more armchair travels. Thanks for making time to share your journey with all of us, and thank Joe for sharing you with us. Have a bonny trip and be safe.

    In Light ~ Lois

  24. Tricia B says:

    How delightful for the lucky winners! 😊Actually, we are all winners because we follow your charming blog! Thank you for the post, what a sweet surprise for my day! I am so excited to try the Orange Marmalade Cake. It looks scrumptious! Thank you for the recipe! ❤Great idea to cut out the Red Letter Day section from the calendar ….thanks Karen! 👏🏻
    I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your trip! God Bless! Love, Tricia B.

  25. Nicoline Bostens says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for this lovely post! We are so lucky to be able to travel with you, thank you for sharing! The marmalade cake looks delicious! I think I will bake it soon, and I hope the boys will enjoy it as much as your yummy Gingerbread cake with lemon sauce, that I made this afternoon….
    Enjoy the trip!

  26. Sharon Meagher says:

    Hi Sue!
    Gosh o golly! I wish I had known you were in town! I would have met up with you. I was there last weekend for the Oscars with my mom.
    Taking my mom to visit your momma in the next week or so.
    Love to you and Joe,

  27. Karen says:

    What a lovely portrait! Just beautiful – such talent and the warmth of your personality shines through –

  28. Nancy says:

    Love the socks drying on the luggage rack…something I would do too. The cake looks delicious…will be trying that….Jack looks happy and content and your mom is precious.
    Enjoy every minute with her. I am ordering a Love mug right now!!!

  29. Deb Gage says:

    Oh my goodness, but I do love your posts!
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners!! I am always so excited for them. I always wish I could see their faces when they read their own names right here, from Vanna to Sue to lucky winner!! Happy! (A red letter day, for sure!!)
    So many thoughts in my head as I read this today. I’m happy your Mom still knows you. We are going through the same thing here, and also happy to reminisce with my Mom-in-law. Short term memory – ahh! Who needs it anyway with the state of things these days!? Memories of the past are the best and so we talk with her about the old days, her memories, her “growing up” years so long ago and also her memories of her kids and finding out new stories about my husband and his siblings. It’s a happy/sad time that we wasn’t to last forever.
    Have a great and amazing rest of your adventure.
    I’m here, thanking you for all you do for us!!
    Love to you both!
    P.S. I ordered my set of mugs and can hardly WAIT for them to arrive!! Tick tock tick tock…
    Time goes too fast until you want it to hurry up 🙂

  30. Grand Pam says:

    I love traveling and visiting family with you. Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Looking forward to making that delicious looking cake. Please continue to share and enjoy the trip. Hope your Joe is fine, mine is recovering from having a shoulder replacement. I am being as kind and sweet a care giver as possible.

  31. Janet Johnson says:

    The photo of your mum and the portrait of you and Jack are beautiful! I’ve always wanted to ride Amtrak – I am a nervous driver, and it would be so nice to sit back and relax and see the country as you take your trip. I’m sure your mother was so happy to see you and Joe. I love that she tapes up things for self improvement at her age! Keep living and improving until the end is a great state of mind.

  32. Sarah says:

    We’ve had house guests the past few days, childhood friends of my husband, and dear lifelong friends. The topic of cross country train trips came up in the conversation, and I could share my friend Susan’s experience with the group. I told them you highly recommend it and that you and Joe had traveled from coast to coast like this many times. Now we all want to plan a train journey!
    Congratulations to the winners and to you for the new creations with the mugs.
    Your visits with your mom and stepmom are touching. It is difficult to watch as our parents face the challenges of age, but also very inspiring. I wish your mom well as she faces the challenges of memory issues. Happy, Happy Birthday to your mom!
    Thanks for sharing the journey, for checking in and catching us up. Hugs and best wishes from Austin. ~ Sarah

  33. Patti E says:

    As always, I’m having my cup of coffee while reading your blog, and I always love your train ride pictures. Thanks for the coffee break! Enjoy your trip.:)

  34. Karen Lotito says:

    Hi Susan! I took a break from my counted cross stitching to read your wonderful blog. So happy to hear you and Joe are doing well and are enjoying time spent with family and friends and, slowing down to the speed of life. Europeans hav figured that one out; Americans not so much. One month ago today my dear husband had a heart attack. It wasn’t severe, thank our Lord; he had a complete blockage in the lower portion of the smaller artery. They put it n a stentand he is fine. Big changes in lifestyle for both of us and learning to give in to the wonderful art of relaxing and slowing down and climbing off the hamster wheel. It’s a cold, blustery day, the dogs and kitties are sleeping and all is restful. Be well and be happy! Love, Karen

    • sbranch says:

      Always wonderful when we are given a reprieve with a health warning like your husband got. Now it can be fixed! Happy for you Karen, hugs to you both.

  35. Donna Kozak says:

    Beautiful portrait of you and your boy – captured you both perfectly ! Now I’m off to bake Marmalade Cake…looks yummy ! Enjoy your time with your family. The days fly by all too quickly !

  36. Carol says:

    Love reading your blogs. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  37. Carol On the farm in Iowa says:

    Hi Susan,
    Why do I always get teary eyed reading your blog?! I guess it didn’t happen until I saw the photo of your mother. She is beautiful, and over the years of reading your posts I’ve fallen in love with her because she was such a wonderful mom! All the stories of your childhood are a comfort to me. God bless her!
    Alas I turned 70 on the 24th of February. My eldest daughter drove all the way from Chattanooga surprising me! Totally! Made my birthday wonderful! Hubby (knew she was coming) was thrilled too. He said she saved him from coming up with a grand plan, he couldn’t top her arrival. Love and hugs Carol

  38. Cyndee Gayle says:

    Thank you, Susan, so much for your blog. We all need a big dose of your Happy Gene (my dad had IT too). I work on mine, and it’s there most of the time. Enjoy your trip! La, La,La Life is Wonderful (Jason Mraz)
    Bless you, Cyndee

  39. Robin C says:

    oh, happy to know you are westbound!
    If you get the opportunity, come to downtown Anaheim and see Dressing Downton, Changing Fashion for Changing Times. It is at our little museum, MUZEO and its a fabulous exhibit with over 40 original costumes from the show..not only that, but we host teas daily… it runs through first week of May..
    I am on the board for the Muzeo, and would be honored if you could find the time to head south to Orange County…?

    • sbranch says:

      It sounds lovely, I know we would LOVE it, but with my mom, and my dad’s wife, and then our events up in San Luis Obispo, I’m afraid we didn’t leave time ~ I would bring my mom if I could, she would have loved that in the old days, but she doesn’t really like to go out much these days, so I just stay with her. Thank you for thinking of us!

  40. Beth Doherty says:

    This was a really lovely blog…of course they all are.
    I don’t think I can pre- order 2cups(one for a friend) because I don’t know if I’ll be here (FL)
    or at our up north home, or visiting out west in May. Rats…I just don’t know where to have them sent. So they are on my wish list for now…”all things come to he who waits” (who said that?). Now I’ve just talked myself out of disappointment🙂

  41. Marianne in Mo. says:

    I will have to try your Marmalade Cake soon!
    So glad you are having a good time and seeing your family. You are so right – I’ve never seen Arizona so green! And the portrait you received is a wonderful rendition of you and Jack.

  42. Stacey says:

    Hello Susan!
    Catching up on your lovely blog again 💗
    Looks like you had a lovely train ride and visit with family! I’ve had the pleasure of visitin AZ in the Spring, and it IS very green! And there are lovely cactus flowers! I need to pre-order one of those cute mugs! Are they made in England? You mentioned they are English bone china… They are just darling!

  43. Carrie says:

    Congrats to Chris, Coni & Joan. What special, red-letter post you’re going to have delivered soon. And darling Sue, I realised that I always read your words with a smile on my face. People gifting you with the ability to smile gently is a rare things these days. So thank you. And England & I miss you, very much.

    • sbranch says:

      Makes tears in my eyes. I miss my other home so much, thank you for helping to keep me connected, Carrie. xoxoxo

  44. jeanie says:

    We are ALL winners with the marmelade cake (perfect for a Marmelade Gypsy like me!) It looks delicious! Thank you!

    I suspect you’ve seen the Marc Chagall mosaic that’s outdoors, a few blocks from the train station. Sigh. So filled with color! I can’t remember if it’s on State (I think so — before you get to Dick Blick — but not sure!) Worth the jaunt if walking from the station instead of cabbing!

    Have a glorious time on your original home turf. Sounds like a dream come true!

  45. Pom Pom says:

    My starch finally came! Yay!
    Hooray for the winners, generous Sue!
    I’m glad your mama is well taken care of. Thankful.
    Your socks are super cute!
    Take care and have fun, fun, fun! Love!

  46. Anne says:

    The new mugs are simply darling. It is always a joy and delight to receive and read your latest post; thank you. I can hardly wait to make the marmalade cake. Safe travels and have lots of fun times on the rest of the trip.

  47. Rosie Luis says:

    I agree with you about train travel! My daughter and I went from California to Chicago when she was little, about 5 years old, 27 years ago! That was in the days of no cell phones so we were truly disconnected and it was so lovely. She remembers it still and she’s 32.
    The thought that I remember most is that the country is so huge and diverse, how can we all be just one country and have one president? We are certainly not homogeneous like some other countries. But I like to think that, instead of being in a melting pot where we all turn out alike, we are more like a salad bowl – full of lovely, delicious ingredients that complement one another but remain true to what they are. All together making up a beautiful dish that is like no other.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip, Sue and Joe! And keep us all informed!
    xoxox – Rosie in San Jose

    • sbranch says:

      I used to take the train before cell phones and computers and that was my very favorite part of it. No one knew where I was!!!

  48. The cake remind me of the orange marmalade cake by Esther in the Father Tim series although yours will travel much better.
    I do wash my socks in the washer…gentle cycle, cold water and dry on a rack. It never hurts them and they always wear out at the heels and toes before they wear out in the washer. Never any problems with wool felting on my sheep either. Happy Birthday to your Mom, she’s a year younger than my Dad…and they ARE the Greatest Generation…at least second greatest as those from WWI were rather darn special as well.
    Safe travels and, btw, I’m going to Lake District on Helen’s tour in June. Either before or after, I want to head to Scotland, Iona and Skye; it’s going to be a fabulous trip!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s always difficult to speak in superlatives, but you picked good ones! So HAPPY for you Sandra, your trip sounds fabulous!!!

  49. Joan says:

    Dear Susan, thank you for helping me to “Branch” out. I truly love your work. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  50. Kate says:

    Disappointed I didn’t win a mug so I just pre- ordered one! Snow is predicted for tomorrow night so I think that would be a good time to make your Marmalade cake. It will distract me from getting frustrated with this unusual weather for Eugene,OR. The snow is supposed to stay in the mountains not the valley! Can’t wait to see you & the sun in SLO March 18th. Please hold on to your sunny 70 degree weather ’till I get there!

  51. Ruth Winkler says:

    I was hoping to see some of your train photos and you didn’t fail me. Love your words about your loving Mom. So sweet. I am a February baby too. I cannot wait to receive the first cup of the 3 I preordered. My daughter Jennifer will order the next 3 you will work on in the future. Having them all will grace her hutch for sure! I am 89 so, I look so forward to having that cup of tea! I have to make that marmalade cake, too. Sounds like nectar of the Gods. Thanks, Susan!

  52. Sadie Snyder says:

    Your train trip from Massachusetts to California sounded so inviting as are all of your trips. Thank you for drawing us all in and taking us along. So happy you mentioned how you love Chicago… my favorite town. Born and raised there as was my daughter, Joy. Moved to Florida 14 years ago to prepare for retirement. Joy moved here 3 years ago. Love the recipe for marmalade cake. Can’t wait to make it for Sunday afternoon tea.
    Thank you, hearing from you and reading your blog help to make this a Red Letter Day!!! Sadie

    • sbranch says:

      It’s an amazing place, over the years we’ve fallen in love with it. How can you not? Love the midwest and all the lovely people who live there. Happy Red Letter Days to you Sadie!

  53. Janet perez says:

    Hi Susan
    Thank you for such a fun blog.. you never cease to amaze me with your creativity.
    The train trip looks like a fabulous way to see the country,
    Are you on amtrack?
    How do you sleep with the movement?
    Any tips for novice train traveler?
    I have been rereading your them.
    Have a safe journey

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, Amtrak, and the movement is very lulling, in fact, staying awake is more the problem! Many tips . . . Google me and train travel and you’ll find some other blogs about it. xoxo

  54. Joanie Gill says:

    I love your mom’s post-it note! Thanks for sharing that with us! A wonderful thought to keep in mind! Your blog posts always delight me! They are always a treat to read. Your books, your artwork, and your thoughts have added so much to my life over the past 20 years…a heartfelt Thank you, Susan. I saw something delightful yesterday and thought about you. The Muzeo Museum in Anaheim has the Dressing Downton exhibit until May 7, 2017, with nearly 40 period costumes and jewelry from Downton Abbey!!!! So much fun! Mary’s riding outfit from the day she met Matthew! Robert Crowley’s cream linen suit with straw Panama hat, along with Cora’s silk day dress and coat! Violet’s purple and black bolero bodice dress ! Lady Mary’s dusty pink evening beaded dress , the one she worn when Sir Richard visits Downton ! Matthew’s and Mary’s outfits from the night he proposes to her in the snow! Anna’s maid uniform …black cotton and white lace trim! Matthew’s wool uniform when he was injured at the Battle of the Somme! Lady Edith’s wool breeches and her linen jacket from her work on the farm! Lady Sybil ‘s nurse dress, apron, and head scarf! Martha Levinson’s silk coat with fur trim! The men’s hunting outfits! So many of the ladies’ evening dresses! The coat and dress with the floral patterned borders that Cora wore at Lady Edith’s wedding! It’s all there…. including Carson and Mrs. Hughes’ servant uniforms, and even Branson’s chauffeur uniform! Not to be missed! It’s a beautiful display and the docent led tour adds so much to the fun. Maybe your schedule will allow you to catch it. This is the only west coast appearance of this exhibit, but you can call them to find out if its going to be on the east coast after this. Museum hours are Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 – 5:00. Phone is 714 956-8936. Really hope you can fit this into your life somehow…you’d absolutely love it! You can get up really close to the clothes, nothing is behind glass!

    • sbranch says:

      I wish we could go!!!! In the old days my mom would have loved this too. But she doesn’t like to go out much, and I need to be with her. I’ve written it all down though, just in cases we can slip away. Because it sounds fabulous. Thank you for all the good info, because other Girlfriends might just love knowing about this!

  55. Sue Stoodt says:

    Thank you for this beautiful gift today! It just got better and better…and you saved the best for last – the BEAUTIFUL portrait of you and Jack Kitty. I ADORE this picture of you both! Thank you for sharing your life and your travels (and your recipes) with us. Oh, how we love you so! Happy travels and many sweet memories to you, your family and all the friends you’re meeting along the way! XOXO
    p.s. Have to go online now and make sure to get my pre-order in for your beautiful mugs!

  56. Elaine Koenig says:

    Marmalade cake reminds me of the Jan Karon books! Yum!

  57. Alice Fornuto says:

    Winter is back in Greece, NY after a few days of lovely spring-like weather with record-breaking temperatures. But, enjoying your delightful blog and enjoying the sunshine (which makes it seem like 20° is not all THAT bad) helps me realize we’ve got to keep our spirits up no matter what. Thank you! Alice

  58. Many, many thanks for the inestimable hours of writing, painting, and just generally oozing creativity, so that we can share some of the loveliness, highs, lows, laughter, and tears along your journey. I have just finished Fairytale Girl and Isle of Dreams and am in the middle of A Fine Romance. I have been transported, and it has been a wonderful journey. I have been a fan (and Willard subscriber) for quite sometime, but mostly a lurker here. I just had to write and say how much fun I have had over these past few weeks getting to “know” you. I have just received Heart of the Home, and Autumn is on the way (just in time for my birthday, which was Wednesday). I am also an artist (architectural) and also do web and graphic design. Because I stay so busy, I don’t often allow myself time for reading as I would like to. But your books were so wonderful that I devoured 2 1/2 of them in a weekend! I can’t remember having that much fun reading since I sat on a beanbag chair in my room as a child reading the newest Nancy Drew book! You are a real life “Elizabeth Lane” …hoping you’ll get that reference being an old movie buff, as I am. Thank you, thank you… and I will try to be less of a “lurker” here.

    • sbranch says:

      Happy birthday dear “lurker” ~ I am so happy to have you here. 💞 Thank you for your wonderful (and actually thrilling to my heart) words. You just made my day!

  59. Melinda Melhus says:

    Congratulations to the fortunate winners ❤️•.¸¸.•´´¯`•• .¸ ❤️ ❤️ Most of all blessings on your trip and time spent with your mother for her birthday which is special for all ~ lost my dear father five years ago so have taken off work the past three years to come to the Texas Hill Country with my dear mother in her RV for the winter months … then helping on the family farm the rest of the year … challenging to be unemployed and uninsured as a single non-retired woman but the time with my mother is precious … we have also lost my dear brother so only have my twin sister … must treasure what blessings we have ❤️•.¸¸.•´´¯`•• .¸ ❤️ ❤️ love the picture of you and your special cat ~ such a treasured gift

  60. I love love your posts.They make my day and can’t wait till March 18th.We
    three girlfriends have a room and tickets for your book Signing.See you there.

    Nina from Norco (horsetownUSA)

  61. Kate says:

    Oops, forgot to ask this- read the link about your 14 yr old twin nephews written in 2014. At the bottom it mentioned Jackson Browne & the macaroni & cheese. Do you know him? He’s 1 of our( my husband & I) favorite artists. We followed him to Bend to watch him play then on to McMenamin’s Edgefield in Troutdale,OR last summer. I think you & Joe would get a real kick out of going to Edgefield.

    • sbranch says:

      No, I don’t know him, if I did, I would make him marry my sister Shelly and they would be happy for the rest of their lives. I adore his music!

  62. Sheryl from Magalia CA says:

    Dear Susan,
    I love what Sue Shanahan called you. It was something like Front Porch People. It is a perfect description of you. I followed her over to the Huffington Post, etc. and signed up for her Wednesday emails and also the daily blog she does. I pass on other blogs except for yours, but I have met so many interesting people by following your descriptions etc.

    Why do I have a hard time printing recipes you put on your blog?


  63. Congratulations to all of the winners! And thank you Susan for this recipe. I love reading your blog. It always makes me feel comfy. You have that gift of relating to us through your writing, especially because you are grateful for the little things that are really the big things.♥

  64. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    Spring has sprung (I’m so happy) and I just simply wob YOU! Thank you for thinking of us and sending this post. Luv it!

  65. Sally Roth says:

    Happy belated birthday to your lovely mum, I love the photo of her in your post. It makes me happy to think of you and Joe on the train, I’ll be taking one in April too. Oh, and thanks for the recipe, there is nothing like GOOD marmalade ~ yum!
    Enjoy every moment with family and friends.
    I pre-ordered your “In Love with Nature Cup” because I am, and I will treasure it. Congratulations to the lucky winners. I never win things but I don’t mind because I am so fortunate with all my blessings.
    Best wishes and love xxx

    • sbranch says:

      I am replying to almost every comment, and I really can’t do it, because I have about 65 still to go, and have to get going here. But when our Girlfriends write me these LOVELY things, like you, dear Sally, I cannot resist. You people are like See’s Candy, no one can have only one piece! For future comments, please know I love you ~ I’m looking down the page and seeing lovely words from Cathy from Golden Co, and Lee Ann Garret, and then Sheryl from Magalia CA, MORE candy…I’m doomed! Love you all!💞

  66. Another beautiful post~ and yes, those of “Depression/World Wart II generation were the best. That was my Dad and besides always having a kind word, he taught us well and we learned to value what is truly important. And we cherished everything we had.

    Thank you for being so generous to share your trips with us ~ it is lovely to see the world through your eyes.

    And after I order some of your beautiful mugs, I am going to get in the kitchen and make that delicious marmalade cake. For me, the happiest place is the kitchen!

    Happy Birthday to your Mother and I hope the rest of your trip is as lovely as you.

  67. Susan Hebert says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan’s mom!

    My M-i-L was 75 on that same day!

    Love the blog post. As always, wish it was longer!

  68. Diane V. says:

    I love reading all about your trips….thanks, once again, for taking us along. Happy Birthday to your dear mother. P.S. I think she looks like Myrna Loy in the picture you posted of her!

  69. Gill says:

    What a delightful post, and thank you for the marmalade cake recipe. I’ll look forwards to that after Lent😉 I am beginning to dream of seeing your beautiful country one year soon, and I think a transcontinental train trip would be just the way to do it! Can you get on and off fairly often or is it long distance express? I had been thinking of a river cruise…do any girlfriends have experience with that I wonder?

    • sbranch says:

      You’re a good girl Gill! The train stops all across the country, for short breaks, like some people get off to smoke, and you can poke your head out. Once a day, there is a long stop, like at least an hour, where you can get off, breathe, stretch your legs. And if you have to change trains, it can be a lot longer, like it is for us in Chicago, and plenty of time to explore. It used to be, and probably still is, that you can make your reservations with three stops included, in other words, you can stop in a place for 2 or 3 days, then get back on, and go to the next one. But you will have to check to see what that means for your luggage. You easily get a human to talk to when you call Amtrak. Huge help! Also, there is a very famous Canadian train that goes from Montreal to Vancouver ~ we haven’t been on it, but everyone says the scenery is GORGEOUS. For us, the prettiest is Chicago, through Montana, to Seattle, then down the coast as far as you want to go, to California. Maybe someone can answer you about the river cruise . . . Hope this helps!

    • Rachel says:

      Gill, hope you can get back to this comment. I read about river cruises over 25 years ago in the Boston newspaper travel section and put one on my bucket list. Two years ago a bit of extra money came our way, so we sprang for one of the top cruise lines, Uniworld, Lyon to Avignon. We were able to stay a couple of extras days in Aix en Provence, and visited and had dinner with a blogger friend. The entire trip was WONDERFUL and the cruise was so much fun, from the small number of passengers, the food, the service, our room with heated bathroom floor, and the tours. I studied art in school and to visit Arles and see Van Gogh’s paintings come to life; and to walk around Cezanne’s studio and climb the hill to where he set his easel and painted Mont Sainte-Victoire….well, I was in heaven. If we could, we would take this kind of trip every year. We booked through AAA, and our agent took care of almost everything, which made it easier to travel overseas. I hope you are able to have such an experience. Rachel, Georgetown, TX

  70. Beth T. says:

    Oh, I love the care Sue S. took to get Jack’s markings just right! She captured him in all his handsome glory. And, yes, you look mighty fine, too.

    So glad you had a nice trip home. There’s just something so familiar and home-y about stepping back into that Southern California light, isn’t there? Even arriving on a rainy-ish day? I’m living in Oregon now, but when I arrive back in Southern Cal and see the world in that particular light, there’s a whisper in my heart that tells me I’m home.

    • sbranch says:

      Yup. You have that exactly right. Can’t wait to drive up the coast with clear view of Pacific Ocean. Putting on my Beach Boys Kokomo song. Happiness!

  71. Sandi Skeels says:

    AWE~~SOME blog …(they always are’s fantastic to know that I’ve NEVER not enjoyed them !! )
    Congrats to all the 6 winners …I’m excited to know I’m in the “I’ve ordered the Love Mug” process…
    Also…Sue Shanahan you ARE VERY Talented !!! Congrats on ”your works”…
    Thrilled that you are having some fantastic memories to ”re~think” when you guys get back home…
    May the Travelin’ Gods Shine Upon you both going and coming and coming and going!!

  72. Georgia Crews says:

    Love reading about your train trip sounds like it was wonderful and the visit with your Mom so wonderful too your are a great daughter to her .

  73. Bobbi says:

    It is most recently that I came across your Blog; enthralled, enchanted and entertained that you took us along on your road trip through pictures, words and your talented ways. Clapped my hands in delight with the announcement of winners (whom I don’t even know, but the details in your writing made me cheer for them)! With anticipation I await your next “visit” when your blog makes its way into my in-box.

  74. Jean says:

    I love hearing of your adventurous trips. The cake looks yummy!

  75. Jan C says:

    On my to do list: take train to California! Thanks for the inspiration

  76. Barbara Thomas says:

    Thank you for singing the same song my Mother sang to me. I wish you would make a book marker of that piece of art! I love it I do. It would be a good marker for my ‘Tell me your story Mom’ book of yours I had her fill out with me a few years before she lost all this memories. I list her last year so this is treasured for me.

    And thanks for showing the back of the cup. I have my set preordered but as a lefty, remember the back is OUR FRONT!

    Barbara in Lodi

  77. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi Susan!! The trip sounds delightful and I know that your mom is thrilled to have you and Joe with her…..a sweet sentimental trip bursting with memories and creating new ones. Blessings to Jeanie…. and hugs to you as you visit Blog Daddy…. he is missed and not forgotten…special man❤️
    Lovely blog Sue… a red letter day for sure❌⭕️enjoy it all!!

  78. debra sewell says:

    Wonderful new post! I love hearing about the train trip. Your mum was so beautiful. You look like her, shape of face, eyes, smile. Plus you give out love and encouragement like it sounds she did. Be safe. Meet lots of people, be safe coming home. Hey spring is close. Your Isle awaits. Be


    • sbranch says:

      My mom taught me so much, by almost never saying a thing! Just doing. xoxoxoxo Thank you Debra.

  79. Heartfelt thanks, Susan, for your wonderful vacation letter! I can only imagine how delighted your mom was to have time together! ♥ You are leaving a trail of happy hearts everywhere you go ~ your mom, sisters, nephews, Jeanie, and even more visits with family and friends yet to come. The older we grow, the more precious these visits feel! I’m heading west to spend time with my parents in Arizona. I always bring a Susan Branch treat along in my carry-on. (Last time, it was your Ginger Crisps baked in the shapes of vintage Ford Mustangs, Lionel trains, and autumn leaves.) So, I’m thinking that your Marmalade Cake just might be the surprise treat this time! 🙂 Thank you so much for the recipe. ♥

    Congratulations to all of the lucky winners!! (Cheers and a happy dance for Chris W. 🙂 ) Enjoy all of the special vacation days ahead! It was luv-lee to hear all of the latest news, dear Susan.
    Sending extra hugs today…
    Dawn (in Illinois)

  80. Sharon Maier says:

    After baking and serving your apple cake among ooohs and aaaahs of my family, I definitely will go for the marmalade cake next. It sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for including the recipe. The train trip sounds just heavenly. Isn’t it nice when plans work out so perfectly…
    Sharon in Houston

  81. Jody says:

    Sweet post! Your mugs are absolutely heartwarming. Congrats to the lucky girls! Thank you for sharing the marmalade cake recipe. It sounds like something I’d like with coffee or tea on Sunday! God bless!

  82. Milanya says:

    I’m drooling — the cake, the mugs, the tea, the train — well, everything! Sue Shanahan’s picture of Jack and you is very nice. I’m sure Joe would have just added to the beauty. Happy almost Spring!

  83. Jody says:

    Are the socks wool? I love wool socks in any weather.

  84. Annie in IL says:

    So glad to see Pat Addison in Cave Junction was a winner. I feel I know her from her posts here on the blog!!!

  85. Trace Stavros says:

    How fun..I would love to go for a train ride. Enjoy every treasured moment with your mom.
    Congrats to the winners of your beautiful mugs. Safe travels and memory making.
    Bushels of Love from Pa.

  86. Marge says:

    Susan, the marmalade cake looks so scrumptious. Oh, you used Fortnum & Mason orange marmalade. I can’t bake this cake until I order some of the marmalade! When my girlfriend and I took the Queen Mary 2 to England in 2015, inspired by your book “A Fine Romance”, we went to Fortnum & Mason while in London. We had tea and shopped all afternoon. It was one of my favorite spots on the trip. 😊 Do you remember in the James Herriot books that Tricky Woo sent Uncle Herriot a Fortnum & Mason Hamper? So, I just might have to pay the shipping fees to obtain this marmalade for your cake. While I am spending money I just pre-ordered two of your lovely mugs which are also made in England. Enjoy your stay in sunny California.

  87. barbara says:

    Love your pictures from the train, when we retire, we hope to take a train trip cross country!! I have to make the marmalade cake, I imagine its wonderful with a hot cup of tea.

  88. Penny says:

    So we wonderful you & Joe were able Year celebrate your mom’s 87th birthday 🎉 !!! Enjoy every minute wth your family ❤. Thanks for the MARMALADE CAKE recipe will have to make after Easter 🐣–always give up sweets 🍭 & goodies in observance of Lent .
    Hugs 🤗Penny

  89. Paula Wallace says:

    I loved the poem that you wrote to your Mom for her birthday!! Also the mugs are just so sweet! I hope to order a couple for my tea friends! Love your blog and your Willard too!

  90. Kathy Madigan says:

    Love the painting that Sue Shanahan did of you!! Just perfect!!

  91. Elizabeth says:

    Love the mugs. Hope they are still available to order. Enjoy your
    time in California. The hills are green from all the rain that we have
    received here.

  92. deezie says:

    Oh Susan how I adore the pictures you take and share with us. That portrait of you and your sweet kitty is adorable. Sounds like you are having the best time** OH my goodness that cake looks so yummy. Enjoy your weekend Susan

  93. Cynthia J Avalos says:

    Someday I will buy one of your new mugs. Love the one with the sheep on it!

  94. JudyCinNC says:

    All the way to California – what a treasure so far. You are such a good daughter. Question please – when you refer to your shawls, are they already a single triangle or oblong piece or a square folded in half large enough to cover you? I have seen them both ways and often wondered which would work best. The older I get the more I want several to use. Thanks “Evah” so much from JudyC

    • sbranch says:

      I have to say, they are the handiest. I have both, and in different weights. I think the oblong piece is the best, just has to be wide and long, so that when it’s around you, the long ends reach and cover the tops of your legs on these cold winter nights in front of Masterpiece Theater. They are good on trains too, and in the car when the man wanst the air conditioning on and the woman is frozen stiff. Like that. 😇

      • JudyCinNC says:

        Exactly why I want them!!! different weights would work wonderfully. My sweetheart and I really do want that train ride also, so I should be prepared. JudyC

  95. Paula Johnson says:

    So good to have a photo and word description of your train trip, to hear about your time in your mama’s house (she sounds like you with her love of quotations/sayings), and your fun time singing and savoring unhurried moments with your mama, and a couple of recipes to boot! 🙂 I keep picturing your mama at the age she was during the time you wrote about in your books; I am thankful you were able to be with her. She must have been thrilled. You are cherishing the moments and blessing others while you do.

    Wow! Sue captured your charm, for sure. What is it with these artistic Sues? 🙂
    I am eager to go check out the link you shared to her “world.”

    Your mugs are delightful, of course. I am impressed with how fast you made them “happen”! Congratulations to the winners of both the mugs and the teas.

    I know you will continue to have a blessed time, Joe and Sue.


  96. DeLynn says:

    Susan, once again thank you for another lovely blog and for including the “other side” of the mugs. Was so glad to see that the kitty was on the opposite side of the “official” mug. (I knew it was on the “mock up” version.) I am so sorry to hear that your mom is losing her memory but so thankful that she still knows who you are. Cannot wait too try the cake recipe! Thank you. With all those give-a-ways, we girlfriends are lucky gals. FYI, I’m beginning to think about starting a mug countdown to Mother’s Day!! Sending hugs to you and your mom. DeLynn

  97. Christine says:

    Hello Susan,
    Been reading your blog for a couple years now have all your books and calendars and now can’t wait to get my hands on your China mugs!!!! Anyway your cake recipe reminded me of something…..have you ever had butter cake?! I had one and also made one for the very first time on Valentine’s Day and it was the most delicious cake I have ever had. I am sure you have heard of it or had it and was wondering if you have a recipe for one? Thank you! Enjoy your CA visit! Christine from SJ, CA

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t have a receipe for it . . . I’ve heard of Butter Cake, but I think there might be lots of different ways to make it! Do you have the recipe you used? Please share it, everyone loves a good cake!

  98. Sunny Rush says:

    My, oh, my! What a lovely surprise to find your “letter” in my email today! Your travels sound wonderful. I am so glad that you had a good time with your mother, and that she remembers you. And everyone needs more “sister” time.

  99. VickeyB says:

    What a beautiful photo of your Mother. She and I have the same birthday–which we share(d), as you probably know, with Elizabeth Taylor! I’m glad your Mom had such a good day.

    And the Marmalade cake! My mouth is watering just looking at it! Thank you for the recipe. Must make………

  100. Debbie Sisk says:

    I’m so glad u r with your Mom. My mom passed last Christmas Eve At 93! I miss her every day!! You look so like your mom. She is beautiful.

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