It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t start this post with the romantic beauty of June . . .

Our first peony of the season bloomed just in time for the tea party!  The sun did come out and shone softly all day, it was barely 70 degrees, a fairytale day! ~ we could open all the doors and windows and let the sea breezes in, and have our tea on the picnic table under the arbor ~ it couldn’t have been more perfect.

Our tea had the perfect amount of sweetness! I don’t know if I can fit all my spring fever joyousness in one post ~ my teacup runnethed over!

But before we go to the party . . . Vanna is standing here, drumming her pink tapered fingernails on my art table, waiting for me to pay attention to her . . . she has a tennis date with some guy who’s out there waiting in the driveway (in a yellow convertible Porsche, of course) next to my studio window under the rhododendron, sunglasses on, looking at his phone, with his MUSICA blaring . . . he even looks a little like Bobby Darin. Where does she find these guys? I think they find her!

One of our Girlfriends (in a comment) asked if Vanna was at the tea party yesterday ~ the answer is yes and no.  She came for a moment ~ she never stays, just long enough to show off her summer frock (pink dotted swiss), her tan shoulders, her long mermaid-like arms, her full skirt and narrow belt, her silver and pink sandals, ~ she twirled for us, grabbed one of the heart-shaped tea sandwiches, and ran off carrying the widest brimmed straw hat I’ve ever seen, the satin ribbons from it fluttering in the wind, on her way to the “beach club for Pimm’s cups” . . . We love seeing her, especially we love talking about her after she’s gone.  This time it was about that heart ring on her finger. Wow is what we were saying. Was it from Bobby? We don’t know . . . could have been from Ken Doll (because I know for sure it came from the Toy Box here on the Island).

So here we go . . . Right now is my favorite part of our Giveaways, the moment between the known and the unknown, the past and the future, right now while everyone is still a winner. BUT, that has to change, we have to choose a name, we must have one very special lucky winner! Our vat, made specially to hold the thousands of tiny bits of paper, each with one of your names on it, is filled to the brim, and Vanna is ready, perched on top of my art table, polished toes curled over the edge ~ and up-up-up she goes (we have very high ceilings!), almost stopping in mid-air, then over into a swan dive, and down down down she goes ~ streaming into the vat ~ she’s gone! Scissor-kicking in a whirling dervish of little papers, flying around the room now, like the feathers after a pillow fight.  La, la, la, . . . let’s see, while we’re waiting . . . have I ever shown you the house where Vanna grew up (that is, where she would probably have grown up if she was actually real)???? You have to see this, it explains a lot.

 That’s her bedroom, the front left corner of the pink house on the second floor. See that tree on the left? By the time she was ten she was reading in it, cradled in the branches, hidden in the leaves, at thirteen she began crawling out her window and climbing down that tree, singing Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in Love đŸŽ” ~ she has a real thing about freedom . . . off to the party even then. I love this girl. Joie de vivre personified.

And here she comes, clutching between thumb and first finger, one small fluttering tissue slip that she actually just pulled out of the air, one of the little floating feathers . . . oh so serendipitous! And the name is . . . ready? Okay, here we go . . . the name is . . .

MARJIE COLLINS ~ But, there’s a twist . . .  Marjie entered for her Mom, so the actual winner is MARJIE COLLINS’S MOTHER!

Congratulations *Lucky Marjie* and hugs to your *mom,* I’m so happy for you both 💞 … I’ll email you soon, and you can let me know which mug you choose, and where to send it!

And to everyone else who entered, I have to tell you, your comments are just too much. 💖So sweet and thoughtful, you make me laugh, you make me cry, and I just want to thank you for taking the time to say hello and share your lives, not only with me, but with each other.👏 You are truly an amazing group of wonderful people. I wob you! 💞

So, are you ready? Shall we go to a tea party?

So here we are, as promised, on our first really lovely sunny day, under the arbor built so many years ago by the creative man who lived here before us, Mr. Bowditch, the handy man, doctor, husband, and father of four I never met, who took such good care of this old house.  Not such a complicated structure for how much pleasure it has brought us, it holds up roses and twinkle lights and lets the stars shine through on summer nights . . . he and Mrs. Bowditch called it the Teahouse of the Vineyard Moon.

And it’s not raining! How did we get so lucky!? My favorite part, setting the table, and putting out soft pillows for the girlfriend hineys ~ always a good thing . . .❀

I did a really simple menu . . . The tiny new potatoes were so perfect at the market, I decided to roast them with fresh rosemary . . .

They were so photogenic I had to keep taking pictures, and then I couldn’t choose which photos to show you, so I narrowed it down to only three! Pardon my enthusiasm. But cute is cute!

Cute! I rolled them in olive oil, salted and peppered them, and put them in a hot 425 degree oven, shaking the pan every so often until they were soft and cooked through . . .

I haven’t done this in so long, create a party, my girlfriends give lovely parties all the time, but I’ve been away . . . it is SO my turn, and I am loving every moment of it . . . windows open, music on . . . 

After the potatoes cooled a bit, I cut off the tops (saving them to fry up for breakfast), hollowed them out a little, added a speck of butter into each hollow along with a bit of the roasted rosemary ~ and put them in the fridge. Before serving, I put them back in the hot oven to crisp up the skins . . .

Then filled them with sour cream and sprinkled them with snipped chives and served them warm.

I decided to make filled eggs instead of egg salad sandwiches . . . something else for those who don’t touch bread. It’s my recipe from Vineyard Seasons ~ egg yolks (with two extra yolks), minced red onion, minced celery, sweet pickle relish, celery seed, a few drops of Tobasco Sauce, freshly ground pepper, and just enough mayonnaise to bind, keeping the filling nice and thick and yellow and piling it high . . .

We had an emergency while I was cooking . . . giant black ants all over the built-in breadboard ~ I pulled it out and they were everywhere, even in the back of the cupboard!  Yikes . . . Joe went after them and saved the day as usual. My hero. A small reward appeared on the counter in front of him. 💖

I decorated the plate with chives . . . And into the refrigerator they went. I love, when I’m cooking, to “have to” go to the garden to get things, like chives and rosemary . . . I grab my scissors ~ it’s the perfect break while my hero is splayed out on the kitchen floor dealing with the ants, to go out and see the birds splashing in the birdbath.

But first, we need mas MUSCIA, don’t we? I’ll turn it up loud so we can hear it in the garden ~ and out the screen door we go! These are the same chive plants I put in the ground when Joe built my picket fence garden back in the 1990s! They are such a miracle . . . so faithful . . . They come back every year, they make flowers all spring which you can put into salads, and they taste delicious. Get some for your garden. They’re good for you, they look lovely planted next to roses, and help protect them from bugs. Totally win-win!

I just planted the marigolds, but thyme, oregano (golden), and cat mint are like chives and come back every year . . . Jack adores catmint. I bring him some branches from the garden and he rolls on them in pure delight.

We needed carnations in our garden, they smell so good! My garden isn’t big, in fact that’s the glory of it, small and easy for me to keep . . . this year it’s filled with hollyhocks, peonies, foxgloves, English daisies and lots of other cottage-garden flowers that go good with our old house … and to eat, besides herbs,  there’s rhubarb that’s gone by, but the strawberry patch is blooming with flowers and berries ~ we’ll have them for breakfast soon, my tomatoes are in and caged, and we have a couple of potato plants coming up. Cucumbers and peppers are next. Fresh picked herbs and veggies, from our own little garden into the house for dinner, who could ask for more?

Here’s our picket-fence garden from an upstairs window of the house. We’re not in charge of the whole world, but we are in charge of this! Just getting started, but ahhh spring!

Back in the house where my shadow awaits.

Time to melt the bittersweet chocolate . . . I dipped the strawberries, then put them on waxed paper and into the fridge so the chocolate could harden.

I took off the stems so everyone could just pop the strawberries into their mouths . . . and we did!

Lowely brought cucumber sandwiches, I made curried chicken and walnut sandwich fingers and heart-shaped crunchy peanut butter and cherry jam . . .

. . . with red grapes, like 2nd grade . . .

And lemon rosemary cookies . . .

Here we are, almost 4 pm, and everything is ready!

A pitcher of iced lemon water and glasses . . .

… are on the bench next to the picnic table near the luv-lee wildflowers . . .

And on the other side of the bench, the “twine” part of the tea party . . . a bucket of ice and a pitcher of Cosmopolitans with lime wedges . . .

I hear the pitter-patter of little feet . . .

Annie brought the two amazing cakes, an old English recipe for almond jam cake (she surrounded with chive flowers), and a moist lemon loaf, both gluten-free and both totally delicious!

She also came with her adorable purse which I had to show you. That is thick brown satin that the shimmery disks are sewn to . . . It wouldn’t be so hard for a person to make one of these!

While everyone helped taking things out to the picnic table, I poured the tea . . . There were two kinds,  one with caffein and one without . . . first, my favorite, my  private blend of roses, lavender and Earl Grey loose-leaf tea, which I even took to England with me I love it so much (coals to Newcastle), the one I drink every day with honey and milk . . .

. . . and another of my own tea concoctions . . . Fairy Tale Tea ~ camomile, cornflowers and lemon verbena . . . loose tea that looks like a woodland floor but tastes soft and gentle and puts a person directly into ommmmm. Which is good, under blue skies, with the birds, among the green things growing. 🌿

Come and get it! Pinkies-up, Girlfriends!

Photos came to total stop as eating and talking commenced!  While we ate we talked about everything that really matters . . . . . . what we’re planting in our gardens this year and how to get the infestation of tiny black caterpillars off our roses (if you would have told the 17-year-old me that someday I would pick up caterpillars with my bare hands, or crush aphids with my naked fingers, I would never have believed you! Eeew! But I do. It’s cheaper than spraying, better for the earth, and way more dependable! And now I know I’m not the only one who does it!). We heard about Jaime’s cat that won’t stop wandering into town, everyone on Main Street knows Jaime’s cat! There’s a new Asian restaurant in town (yay) ~ we talked about what we’re reading and how we’re living with TV news  ~ having inquiring minds, we do want to know, but we don’t enjoy being driven insane with world news that is more like a soap opera than news (Jaime told us about a website she found called Snopes ~ it checks facts and rumors for truth or not truth, proven or not proven. They fact-check political stories of course, but not just that ~ it’s everything!  Such as, was there really a 3,000 pound great white shark caught in the Great Lakes as reported? Or, does cooking with aluminum foil cause Alzheimers? Even the origins of Memorial Day ~ everything, and you can put in your own questions!) ~ we talked about what we’re working on ~ besides being tea drinkers, travelers, readers, cooks, and gardeners, we’re a bunch of painters (âžĄïž Margot at work), caterers, mothers, grandmothers, and housekeepers. We know our way around each other’s homes almost as well as we know our own. Wendy (on the left in the photo above, wearing turquoise) is our friend who is moving away to South Carolina, so we heard all about the house she and her husband are going to build, and that she’ll be keeping a studio here on the Island and not cutting her ties. Wendy is the woman who did our “colors” a few years ago … remember that post? (If not, you can read about it HERE) . . . she has actually changed our lives and has given us inspiration along with hours of conversation and connection we might not have had without her. This was a thank you, good-bye party . . .

Lynne sent this photo to me this morning, it might be the only picture taken from the other side of the table. What am I praying for NOW? I don’t know. Just grateful, I’m sure. To have such wonderful old friends. That’s Carol ~ she’s probably telling me about her grandchild that’s on the way, Jaime’s next to me, and that’s Margot on the right, being thoughtful and serious, likely solving some world problem, which they should just let her do, she is so creative.💖

In the heart of the home, Smallville as my dad would call it, where we have tea parties, seed the lawn, pick the bugs off the roses, wish on stars (when we can find them), watch for the moon, and where, on the good days, if we’re lucky, hardly anything happens at all.

S O U L   S O O T H I N G

Doing the dishes . . .

With a little help from my friend . . .

So now the party is over, and reality is back, and look at this mess. BUT, darling people, this hideousness is the BEFORE picture . . . check it out now . . .

Is this scary or what?  SO neat and tidy, I don’t recognize myself. I’m not done either, this is my vision for the whole house ~ but I wanted to give you an update. My studio is heaven, simplicity central, but filling up (invisibly) with ideas for new projects even as we speak. I’m working with a new company on making the little teapot plate . . . it’s always a bit time-consuming when you first start a new project with folks you haven’t dealt with before, but we’re working on it. All our mocked-up cups for Fall and Christmas, the Bluebird and the Island cup, are being made right this minute! Thank you for the preorders . . . we’ll know how many to order because of YOU! 💝 And thank you for all the cup “reviews” in your comments!  Things taste better in small houses, and in big cups!

And one last thing before I go.

There is a wonderful summer tradition on Martha’s Vineyard that’s been going on every year since 1979. It’s an auction Joe and I have attended many times because it’s not just any auction, it’s called Possible Dreams ~ and you can learn more about it HERE (turn up the volume!).  Bidders have a choice of a whole array of amazing donations that are otherwise not for sale anywhere . . . from behind the scenes trips to movie studios, to original art by famous painters, a private dinner cooked by a prominent New York chef, vacations in a gorgeous house in Ireland, a sailboat ride with a famous singer, fishing trips with well-known local fishermen, every imaginable thing, and every year the dreams are all different, and all the money goes to support the Island Community Services. And even if you don’t bid on a single star-studded thing, as you can see, the party under the white tent is fabulous. Funny, fun, a lovely summer’s-day thing to do. Tickets are $25 and there’s a raffle too. SO, just in cases you are going to be on the Island on Sunday, July 30th, there will be many truly exciting dreams to choose from and make your own ~ oh, and P.S., guess who else will have a dream in this year’s event? Oh yeah. Moi. How much fun is that!? I’m so honored to be asked 💓.Here’s what will be written in this year’s Possible Dreams program:

Welcome to the Heart of the Home and an Afternoon with Susan Branch. The lucky bidder on this item, along with three guests of their choice, will tour the working studio of author Susan Branch in her 163-year-old whaling captain’s “House of Creativity.” See the writings and art from her handwritten and watercolored books come to life as Susan shares with you what inspired her illustrated diaries and how to create your own. She will cook for you, a seasonal lunch with delicious recipes from her cookbooks ~ the venue will be your choice depending on the time of year: experience a picnic in Susan’s garden, enjoy a kitchen-table tea party, or eat in front of a crackling fire. And today, because Susan is a big believer in the concept of instant gratification, our winner will take home this delightful vintage basket that includes an antique quilt from Susan’s own collection, one of Susan’s collectible bone china cups made in Staffordshire England, her 2018 wall calendar, and signed copies of her books, A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English Countryside, Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams, and Heart of the Home.

I’ll put all of these things into an old basket for the day. And between you and me, the books all have my bookmarks in them, the painted ones I use when I do my art. I don’t know if they will take call-in bids ~ I suppose you could call and ask, never hurts to do that! I do know there will be a huge silent auction. I hope some of you can make it!

So here we are this morning, in the House of Creativity at first light . . . all quiet on the Eastern Front, just me, Jack, tea and a silently humming house . . . and YOU.

The garden hasn’t felt the light yet . . .

One last deep dive into the peony before we go, ahhhhh . . . bye for now, Girlfriends, as far as I’m concerned, you are ALL winners. xoxoxo

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  1. Toni Moriarty, from Sylvania OH says:

    Thanks Susan for the luv-lee post! It just cheers my heart. Love to see all you ‘pretties’ used for your tea party and all of the other sweet things in your home. love you…Toni from Sylvania OH

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations to Marjie Collins and her very lucky mother! We are all winners because this is the most beautiful post. Thank you, and who knew that Kevin Spacey was such a terrific singer? We learn so much here. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. AngieTink says:

    #GoodMorningSunshine 🙂 This #BlogPost Is #PureJoy Thank~You Sweetest~Sue….& #Congratz To Marjie’s~Mum! #Lucky~Girl 🙂 & Oh My Goodness…. Your Twine~Party Was Truly~Scrumptious! So Many Pretty…Yummy….Things!!! & You Are So Blessed To Have Such Wonderful~Friends! 🙂 & Every Photo Of Jack…. Purrrrrrrrrfection 😉 Kitty~Kisses Jack! 🙂 & Wow What A #PRIZE For The Dream~Auction……My Wings Are So Crossed That Herbster~&~Me Will WIN The Lottery So I Can Be The Highest~Bidder!!! 🙂 Dreams Really Do Come True! 😉 It Could Happen!!! 🙂 Anyway…This Past Week Our Neighbor Captain~Tim (a Real Boat Captain) Got a New Tiny Little Kitty Named Ocean….He Is a Bobcat With This Little Stubby~Tail All Gray With Blue~Green~Eyes (My~Wings~Are~All~A~Flutter) 😉 Captain Timmy Asked Me To Kitty~Sit Him During The Day…Play With Him… Feed Him… Etc….Now Herbster’s Calling Me The Kitty~Fairy! Lol 🙂 & Ocean & Me Are In~Love Yikes! Just Wanted To Share This With You…. 🙂 Happy~Weekend Sweet~Sue & Joe & Jack Enjoy The Joyful~Month~Of~JUNE! Yay! 🙂 xoxo #Poof! 🙂 😉 🙂 P.S. I Have A Diamond~Heart~Ring….#Herbster Gave It To Me Years Ago!…..Tis Very Sparkly…. 🙂 & Now We Count The Dayzzz Into The SUMMER!!! OMG! 😉

    • sbranch says:

      I just put a dentist appointment on the calendar for October and said to Joe, “Oh dear, October will be here before we know it.” Deep breath . . . enjoy the day Angie!

      • AngieTink says:

        Deep~Breathe…..October & Pumpkins….Jiggity~Jig! 😉 I Know Sweet Sue…..Savoring These Sizzling New…Just The Beginning…..Sweet~Summer~Dayzzzzzzzzzzz & Then…..AUTUMN!!!! & We Breathe 🙂 Hugzzz & Love Sweet Sue…& I’m Enjoying Today! Yay! 🙂

  4. Marsha MacLean says:

    How fun would that be! To have a personalized visit to your home! I’d big on it if I could be there… But I will be flying back from London to the states that day! I hope someone pays, like a gazillion dollars, because that’s how much it would be worth…. How lovely that you are supporting the community in this way, Sue! It is so like you!

    • sbranch says:

      I hope they pay a gazillion dollars because I’d love it for Community Services . . . but for me, this is just going to be FUN! I hope I get two moms and two daughters!

      • Marsha MacLean says:

        Wouldn’t that be perfect? I spent the day on the train yesterday going to LA to see my ” other daughter” a dear sweet friend who is a wonderful inspiration… We spent a lovely day together and this week I head out to see my real daughter in Denmark… How fun to think of spending the day with the two of them doing something spectacular to make a memory. How I wish it! Oh well, there will always be moments just like this, where I write you and you write me, and all seems right with the world… even though we are startled by the state of the world. London again! I’m so sad for the people truly affected by these latest two attacks, and praying for peace.

        • sbranch says:

          Me too Marsha. Have a wonderful time, I’ve been to Denmark, a very long time ago, and loved it.

  5. Shaune says:

    Could we possibly ask Annie for the recipes for her two amazing, gluten-free cakes? Pretty please.

  6. Barb Murphy says:

    Oh Susan…you just made my day. I so enjoy your posts. This one, in particular, has given me wonderful ideas for a tea party. And gardening.
    Life in Iowa is good and I’m so happy to share your blog with friends.
    Have a lovely day.

  7. Nan says:

    Happy days Susan, and a happy weekend too. Your post goes from delightful , to magnificent, heartwarming, and that afternoon with Susan Branch dream worthy. I am happy after just reading it! I love your praying stance…it makes me think of prayers to the heavens. My family makes fun of me, so many pictures of my hands crossed over my heart. I strike that one, when I tell them I love them with my whole heart. I must really like it, because I apparently take that pose alot, serious ribbing ensues. Now I just tell them I am sending my love to the world. Sending a little love your way too! Happy gardening and weekend!đŸ˜˜â˜˜ïž

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Nan, Are you still in Ireland? Is it nice? Hope you have a glorious day!

      • Nan says:

        I am back. We had an awesome time! I have put some pictures up on my blog I got my first smartphone for Christmas and just started with my blog, so it’s definitely a work in progress. Your blog is so impressive and inspiring. I will put more pictures up next week. We went to D and Onz’s wedding venue… beautiful! Happy sunny Sunday!

  8. Gail G. from Port Jefferson says:

    I don’t often write much here, but just had to today. What a beautiful post! The flowers are wonderful and the tea party looks like so much fun. Susan, your posts always bring me to a place of peace and beauty, especially needed during tough times. Thank you so much for sharing your joy.

    It would be so glorious to win a personalized visit with you in your home. What a great idea to help your community. Many years ago my husband and I visited Martha’s Vineyard and look forward to visiting again one day. We loved it. Your house is so beautiful and filled with much love and is reflected in all of your art.
    Thank you again!

  9. Denni in MN says:

    Hello Susan, what a beautiful morning it is!😀💞 Your blog does my heart good, every time!!💓 May the lucky bidder experience and enjoy your personal gracious attention to the island atmosphere of your home. What could be better?? Enjoy your day! 🐞 🏠💞

  10. shanna says:

    What a lovely start to my Saturday! Thank you, Susan, for all of the joy you spread in this world. Your tea party looked so beautifully put together. And I’m glad the weather was with you.

  11. charlotte m. says:

    Another wonderful post Susan. I feel calmer and more relaxed after visiting with you. And I feel inspired to create. Spring looks lovely there. I am getting used to what it is like in Southern California. So different than what I am used to. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Your yard is already lovely. I ordered(secretly) tea cups yesterday for my sister and I for our summer birthdays. I just know she will love it. And of course I really wanted one too. I am off to the farmers market now, a luv-lee weekend tradition with us. All that fresh produce! Have a beautiful weekend.

  12. Gabriele says:

    A delight to read! Hello from the other side of the country on an island in the Puget Sound.

  13. Kathie Ferko says:

    What a lovely tea party! Your house and grounds are beautiful!
    What an amazing prize…visiting you at your house..having a meal made personally by you for my devouring!
    Ants are bad around my way too! Sprayed outside…away from plantings…ant traps inside…keeping counters super cleaned…still they prevail!!!! What did Joe do to solve your problem???

    Have a great weekend
    Kathie from Limerick

    • sbranch says:

      I’m not sure, but one of our girlfriends had a great idea she swears by . . . I copied it to save it and here it is:

      If you want a relief from your ant problem fast, here’s what to do. We found this remedy years ago and not once has it ever failed us.
      Make a mixture of Borax & sugar in the amount you think you may need. I usually make extra to keep stored on hand. This should be made up of 1/2 white sugar and 1/2 borax. Sprinkle a very narrow, but solid border of it everywhere along the outside of the entire foundation of your home. This keeps ants from invading your home — the sugar draws them and the Borax gets rid of them. You should notice a big difference in your ant population diminishing very quickly and soon they will be gone. In the beginning you may have to repeat the treatment a few times, especially after a rain washes it away. But since we have been doing this for quite a number of years it seems like we don’t have to do the treatment nearly as often as before. But believe me, as soon as I see a sign of ants in my kitchen or bathrooms — it’s time to bring out the borax/sugar mix! Always works! Like a charm! 🙂

      • Kathie Ferko says:

        Thanks…but is it safe to use near edible plants?

        • sbranch says:

          I wouldn’t put anything like that near my edible plants, but all of my edibles are far away from the foundation of our house.

  14. Rae Ann R. says:

    Good morning, Susan~ I loved your tea party talk…to dispel one rumor-since I live on one of the Great Lakes (Lake Michigan) I can tell you there was no 3,000 lb. great white shark caught on one of the Great Lakes! Our water is way too cold for man and/or beast? usually doesn’t warm up til August. Please share your tea party opinions about aluminum foil and Alzheimer’s and what books you have been reading..thanks! Oh, what a “Possible Dream” it would be to be the highest bidder on your wonderful offering! And how generous you are to offer such a very special treat. Happy Spring! My lilacs are finally blooming…

    • sbranch says:

      Exactly what said! Whew. Now I don’t have to worry about 3000 lb. land sharks going door-to-door. We talked about food additives (we’re against them), but didn’t “do” aluminum foil at this meeting. Books? Two thumbs up for: On Tyranny and The Lilac Girls . . .💞

      • Rae Ann R. says:

        Thank you for the book recommendations…I have The Lilac Girls in my “to be read pile” and I’ll check out On Tyranny…I’m finishing The Muralist by B.A. Shapiro…the chapters alternate between 2015 and the WPA painters in the 1940’s-I’m finding it amazing that, unfortunately, history is repeating itself today…you might like it…

  15. Sydney Ellen says:

    So extra beautiful, this morning, to read, see and soak in your blog post. How I appreciate the wakefulness of spring, tea parties, friendship, good conversation, Vanna, and even ant discoveries. Ha. More savve for the soul.
    I know hard times hit us all. As I headed to California from Michigan to help my mother with radiation and chemo treatments—and to help tend/love my sweet sister who just had a stroke….my heart was overflowing with concern, some fear, and tears. I got in line to board my plane and noticed a woman carrying one of your books. Not to be toooooo dramatic, but that book was like a magnet—a ray of sunshine. I heard myself call out, “Hey Girlfriend”, without a second thought. Comfort, and a soothing distraction from my woes through a chance meeting with another devoted Susan Branch girlfriend.
    Just thought you should know. And, it is the small things that matter the most. Thank-you so much for launching yourself so tenderly into our lives. xo

    • sbranch says:

      Sweet Sydney. Despite the heartaches I know you’re experiencing, you can’t help that your sweet soul shines through. You are the perfect example of a little rhyme that popped into my head when reading your comment:

      The Love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay,
      Love isn’t love till it’s given away.


  16. Susan,
    Great post, will have to read it a few times. Always do.
    My 16 pound yellow kitty must love me a lot with the licking thing. Has nothing to do with her weight.
    Nancy Jo

  17. Nicoline Bostens says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Hello, and thank you for this lovely post, sharing your tea party with us! Your little “helper” is always just cute as a button! where did the ants come from….I’m getting itchy just reading about them…
    When I first came across your blog, one of the 1st things I saw was a picture of your gorgeous pink rose chintz china, and I was amazed to see it…I bought the same set many many years ago, bought from one of my first pay checks!
    And you have another set, gorgeous as well, the red one…Is there a name on the bottom?
    I bought 2 boxes of tiny strawberries this morning, I might have to dip them in chocolate too…I think the boys will love that (never tried it before- shame on me…)
    Have a lovely weekend! And a big hug from

  18. Kathryn Phenix says:

    What a lovely post and a lovely dream, being able to tour your home. Meet you, Joe and Girl and Jack!!! Oh please, may I? My 30th wedding anniversary and my 50th college reunion are in Oct. This could be the 3rd wonderful event. I’m dreaming and praying for me or any other very lucky girlfriend.

  19. Mary in St. Louis says:

    Lov-er-ly ! And congrats to Margie and her mom ! đŸ’•đŸŒ·đŸŒžđŸŒș

  20. Irene Harrison says:

    How lovely of you to invite all of us too! Everything looked so pretty and inviting! Your blog post today was such a nice surprise; in fact, we’d all love it if you posted every day! I always love how you include such great detailed photos and I how you say ” just in cases!”

  21. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing your lovely tea party with us. Just loved all the pic’s. Kudo’s to Joe for tackling those nasty ants. They can be such a nuisance. One year our freezer was full of them! Crazy! Your ‘Dreams’ to bid on is beyond words, what a wonderful thing to do. OH and your studio, WOW, beautiful! I could just go on and on with the wow’s in this post, lol. Sending love & sunshiny days….♄

  22. Lisa says:

    Thank you so much for this and every post…I’m crying my eyes out…I’m such a mess…not sharing why, just grateful for all you share, thanks

  23. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    P.S. Congrads Marjie & Mom ♄♄

  24. Becky Maxwell from Atascadero, CA says:

    Lovely post, thank you. Have a wonderful day.

  25. Monique says:

    What a tea party❀
    I squish things too..A nest of caterpillars was on one of out trees,Jacques wanted to cut the limb..They were so gross though and so many I put a thin rubber glove a doctors..I keep a box in the potting shed..aphids bare hands lily beetles and rose chafers bare hands.

    Lots of rain and cool here unlike last yr..Forget -Me-Nots lasting forever❀

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I’ve been thinking about gloves lately. Need the thin ones! Love Forget-me-nots, it’s such a lovely little flower.

  26. Marigold says:

    A breath of fresh springtime air — that’s what this post is! Thank you for sharing your beautiful collection of flowers, food, friends, and festivities. I tend to come away feeling like Alice peering through the Looking Glass into a magical wonderland. Oohs and Aaahs abound! And I am always delighted by Jack’s and Joe’s faithful cameo appearances — they bring a lot to the table, both figuratively and literally.

  27. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Oh my, what a lucky day for Mom of Marjie! Congratulations! Beautiful peonies to pretty potatoes, and great musica & tea party, lovely girlfriends…..thank you, I loved every minute, every word, every picture! Now I’m inspired to go, be energetic, tidy up & reward myself with Mother’s Day Luncheon with family at High Hand Nursery in Loomis CA, lucky me! Blessings abound and sending some to you all too! ♄ xo

  28. I love your post! And, yes, the sun is shining here in Iowa, and it would be fun to be going to a tea party, but seeing you, with your friends, at your tea party is second best.
    If I had a gazillion bucks I would bid on a visit to your lovely home. Take some photos for us to see what you plan for the winner.
    Thank you, Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m pretty sure no one will need a gazillion bucks for this one . . . probably $20 or $30 will do!

      • Elaine in Toronto says:

        Oh my gosh, Susan, aim a little higher, lol. $20 won’t even buy lunch for four at Macdonalds. I hope there is a starting bid of at least $500. Can you imagine hosting this event in your home at Christmas? Why, yes, of course you can. Wow, wish I could bid. Enjoy June – such a pretty month. My husband and I will celebtate our 41st anniversary on Monday. Boy, those years went by fast. Hugs, Elaine

        • sbranch says:

          Ha ha ha, well, when you put it that way!!! LOL! Happy anniversary Elaine and thank you for the laugh!!! You know its like when I go to a book signing, I’m always afraid no one will be there but me!! 😜

  29. Carmel says:

    Congratulations to Marjie’s mom! Thank you so much for inviting us to your tea party. Just lovely and filled my Saturday morning with more goodness. Is that dotted Swiss fabric I spied? When I go to the fabric store, I’ll have to check to see if they’re still available. I could actually smell it when I saw your photo. Brings back childhood memories and my mom. The Smithsonian Institution (here in the DC area) is offering a beginners class in quilting. I’m signing up. I know you don’t have to take a class but I think it’ll be fun and get me started. They teach you by hand and you’re welcome to use your sewing machine between classes, but I love the look of hand sewn quits. My mom did a lot of hand sewn curtains, etc. for me and I treasure looking at things done by her hands. Thanks again for the beautiful photos and all the lovely text. Thanks to all the girlfriends for their comments too.

    • sbranch says:

      I love hand sewn too, and I love doing it. It’s such a relaxing thing! Sounds like a wonderful class!

    • Donna C says:

      I know what you mean about the smell of dotted Swiss fabric. My mom made a lovely blue dotted Swiss dress for me in about 1953….I loved it. I wore it for my 12th birthday party….a luncheon around our dining room table with my three friends all dressed up. Have fun in your quilting class.

      • Carmel says:

        Thanks so much for sharing your sweet memory. And I’m not alone with loving the smell or should I say fragrance of dotted Swiss! Must find some in a fabric store!

  30. Laura Alabama says:

    Well, it all looks grand! I do miss that sort of thing. I live so far out in the boonies now, I have no neighbors, it’s an hour drive just for church. It has it’s charms but gets old after a bit. Love the arbor! I read your post and I can smell the New England air. Not just the sea air, but the air itself, inland, is different than here. After yrs of wondering about that I’ve come to the conclusion it’s the soil (mom agrees). Here is icky gray or red clay. Not much great black dirt like up there. I think I miss that the most. The smell of the air.
    Oh.. and Snopes, it’s been around for ages but do not take it as a reliable source on everything. The CEO has been arrested on fraud, bribery & corruption And.. you can google search who runs it.
    It started out yrs ago doing a pretty good job but has gone downhill.

    • sbranch says:

      I love the smell of dirt . . . so I know what you mean. The dirt I love the most was in Sequoia National Park, and that’s because it had pine needles ground into the walking paths under the trees in the forest. So wonderful, that smell. As for Snopes, the like I gave you was from Wikipedia which isn’t political, but the sites you gave me were both political, so of course they don’t want people to have the truth. I guess that’s the point of Snopes!

      • Laura Alabama says:

        Well.. those were just the 1st 2 I came across that had the info.. I didn’t really search but it’s easy enough to find out. But hubby and I happen to know first hand that an article they wrote was absolutely wrong. They refused to remove it until after much prodding and threats they did. But it took a lot to get it done. Oh.. and yes.. wiki has been known to have been wrong and slanted many times. Anyone could write up Wiki articles and edit them. Hence the reason they’ve had to remove some write ups from there also. I really don’t think there’s anyone out there that’s truly impartial anymore and that’s a shame. I remember as a kid you could watch the evening news and truly not even know which way the reporters leaned. It really was objective reporting.
        But yes.. I love the pine smell too. Spruces, etc., don’t grow so well down here.. too warm. We get a lot of the lob lolly pines which really don’t have too much of that wonderful smell. I do occasionally break off branches tho just so I can sit and sniff them for a while. 🙂

  31. Rebecca ~~ Riverside, CA says:

    Another lovely post.🌾 It’s a beautiful morning here in inland Southern California. Outside lawns being mowed and birds chirping. It’ll be hot here later in the day. Helping with moving my nephew and his family into the cute little house next door to mine. It’ll be fun to have little kids next door. Have a wonderful day!

  32. Catherine says:

    Your charming post took me away and filled me with such calm peace this morning! You clearly live life fully and made me want to push “play” today! Congrats to Margie! Hugs from Missouri!

  33. Debbie Boerger says:

    Oh, I Sooo hope this goes through to you, dear Susan. Just got home from a morning that made my heart sing….and then to read your new post!! How absolutely beautiful.

    My dear friend picked me up (can’t drive with the Darth Vader cast on my foot) to go to the Grange for the Franklin Garden Club sale to raise funds for a tuition for local students. Just wonderful to see all the familiar faces, but more wonderful to see the smiles when they saw me!! One friend asked..did you go skiing over the winter..wink, wink. So there after I told each inquiry that I was skiing down the cellar steps.. We got our plants and then off to the Trading Post for a wonderful breakfast. We have no cell phone coverage out here in the boonies, so our cook asked, do you want me to call Tom? And then, in he walked!!! Straight from his Saturday trip to the town dump…really a transfer station. We had a laughing good time, hello to those coming in for a late breakfast….Good bye, we said, See you at the Vet’s Club for the prime rib supper!!!! Oh how I adore living here small town USA (actually even smaller than that) that is like a time capsule of the best of Long Ago.

    With huge hugs,
    Debbie….Wildly Happy in Maine

  34. Sherry Winchester says:

    Hello, Susan! A lovely, lovely post! As an avid collector of tableware(and a myriad of other things, too,) I love seeing your tableware collections…And your flowers…such lovely peonies!…And as always, my favorite, of course, is Master Jack. ^..^ A wonderful Summer to you, Joe, and Jack! And thank you for sharing!

  35. Helen says:

    Good morning beautiful lady. Thank you once again for sharing a peek at a lovely event. We are having friends over for a summer supper, and you have convinced me that deviled eggs are in order. Truly wish I had the time (my most precious currency these days) to be at the auction. Have a wonderful weekend. đŸŽĄâ›”ïž

  36. Beth Wilson says:

    Oh, please, please, ask them to let us call in or better yet, email a bid!!!! And let me know if they agree!!

    Beth, in California, too far away!

  37. Ann Woleben says:

    Your tea party was divine! Now that I am out of school for the summer, I am looking forward to inviting friends to lunch in a few weeks – inspired again by your wonderful posts – have already begun decluttering. This morning I went to our farmers market for cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches (from Georgia) and fresh flowers. Then I always buy a delicious spread made with cream cheese, blue cheese, cranberries and chopped pecans! REALLY GOOD with a glass of Riesling. I am so happy to have this precious time for rejuvenation of the body and spirit. There is nothing like summer vacation for teachers and librarians (me!). Of course, I will still buy books, read, buy books, read and have already made notes of ideas to start the school year in late August. Love it all! Happy summer~

  38. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    Dear Susan, Oh, how I would have loved to be a part of your lovely tea party in your Teahouse of the Vineyard Moon and chat about “whatever” with you and your lucky friends. I was amazed at the fabulous array of delicious food all of you put together. Your column today was absolutely delightful, giving me a cheery start to my day. I’m having lunch today with my two daughters on Kathie’s deck – – egg salad sandwiches and a delicious dessert! We love getting together. And thank you so much for always inspiring me to make my life better. Ruthie (in Minnesota)

  39. Merci says:

    A wonderful post! Loved your tea party. As a matter of fact, you are the one who got me started on having an annual tea party. We finally decided to add champagne to the list and was that a hit! After our afternoon tea party we invite the spouses/partners to join us at about 5:00 p.m. for cocktails and appetizers.
    As always, thanks for being such a wonderful “girlfriend.” Always inspiring!

  40. Pam says:

    Firstly, congrats to Marji and her mum.

    Love the tea party and well done Joe for sorting out the ant problem!

    Yes, you can’t beat a potter in the garden. Dave has put our runner beans in today. It’s not right if we don’t have ‘a boiling of beans’ each year. 🙂 x

  41. Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

    In my dreams my best girlfriend and I will win the bid and bring our beautiful grown daughters to take tea with you under the arbor (also, I would sneak in my darling 9 year old granddaughter as a surprise because she and I have been having tea parties since she could hold a cup 😍) What a special offering for the auction! It is cool and cloudy here today so I will be outside soon planting yet more flowers. Monday it’s to be 70 so I have a respite caregiver coming in for my husband and am heading to the charming town of McMinnville for lunch with a BFF on the rooftop of the Hotel Oregon, a historic old place. It offers a bird’s eye view just above the tree tops, and is a wonderful spot for lingering and savoring. Didn’t you once say Joe’s niece has a winery in the Willamette Valley?

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy you are taking time for you Rosanne, that sounds like a lovely way to do it! Yes, Joe’s niece has a winery in Oregon, but exactly where I’m not sure.

  42. Caroline says:

    That would be a dream of mine! To have lunch or tea with you!!! I know who I would bring.. Daughters who love you, Ellie and Anna (snow flake girl) and Anna’s God mother and my dearest soulmate friend who introduced me to you years ago, Mary Ellen. We would all help you cook and wash up:) Let us know if girlfriends can bid!!! June is a gloria! I spent the whole morning in the garden, went on a hike with beloved husband and beloved dog, and ate lunch reading your charming post. You spread happiness. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      What a perfect party that would be! You can call them I suppose and see if they will allow phone-in bids . . . I’m not sure if they do or not!

  43. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:


  44. Christie Levin says:

    What a lovely lovely start to June you’ve given us, Sue! ♄ So much Spring Fever Joyousness, I think all the teacups in the neighborhood must overfloweth. While reading this amazingly wonderful post, I was taking your advice and listening to the birds singing outside my window ~ I’m blessed with one particularly talented mockingbird neighbor who is gloriously singing the songs of every bird he ever met ~ the perfect Musica accompaniment for visiting with you this morning, as he is expressing in song so much better than I can in words the loveliness and fun and joy of Spring! I LOVE this post, love seeing everything about your magical sea breeze tea party (the menu!♄ oh my goodness!) and your darling home and the view of your adorable garden, and hearing all about beautiful Vanna (I’m surprised she didn’t join you for tea!) and the Possible Dreams auction (just imagining such an afternoon!!!!! no words) Oh Susan, what a way to start a Saturday ~ I feel like I HAVE spent a day with you on MVIOD. Thank you, darling girlfriend♄♄♄

    • sbranch says:

      We are a bit too staid for Vanna! But we’re perfect for me! Especially you dear girl… love your singing bird!

  45. Betsy says:

    I hope the person who wins the auction loves you as much as all of us do! I could only dream of visiting you. I would love to see your garden. Margie’s Mom will sure love drinking out of her new mug! Did you make the Lemon Rosemary cookies? Are they yummy? I think I would like to make them this weekend, my rosemary is looking healthy and hardy.

    • sbranch says:

      They are yummy … the recipe is in A Fine Romance . . . I added bits of rosemary to Rachel’s Lemon Cookie recipe!

  46. Debbie Boerger says:

    Hello again. I must have been a good girl, as I just got a phone call from one of the garden club ladies. I Won the raffle for one of the big, beautiful baskets full of goodies!! bought 3 tickets and put them all in the box for the one I coveted. It has a lovely tea pot with several herbal teas, a gardening book, some prints by the gal who called me (she’s a local, very accomplished artist) and other bits and pieces. The basket is in the form of a large serving tray.

    You brought me luck, Susan!
    Debbie…now squealing for Tom to interrupt his deck scraping to go get my
    Beautiful Basket.

  47. Barbara (WA) says:

    Just reading this post has filled my heart with hope and contentment, thank you!

  48. Laurie A says:

    It’s always a pleasure to visit here. After reading your post, it feels like all is well with the world. The Possible Dreams fundraiser sounds fabulous!

  49. Christine from Willow Glen, CA says:

    Your tea party looked heavenly! Oh and today was the first time I was able to listen to your Musica and read your blog at the same time! I love it!!!!
    That would be so amazing to be able to bid on your auction item…..a tour of your home and a lunch! You are like a little magic fairy turning everything beautiful that you touch! I enjoy your blog and photos and books and calendar and mugs and website soooooo much!
    Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy about you and the MUSICA! I wonder what changed? It’s a good thing whatever it was!

  50. Sandy Manning - Plano, TX says:

    Such a beautiful post! I would love to have been at the lovely tea party! Question for you that I can never find an answer for: How do you/or do you at all, wash fresh herbs? I buy organic ones at the store and typically don’t wash them but always question my decision! Sometimes I wash basil or when they are sold sitting in the open where they would be handled. Please advise! Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      I wash everything. I’m a big washer. Can’t hurt. I have a couple of large sieves with long handles I hang in the sink and put everything in it to drip dry after washing. Very handy.

      • Debbie Boerger says:

        More on drying herbs…For my own I just hang in bunches from a clear fishing line on one of the big beams. For the ones I need soon, I put in the sun on those large “spatter screens” you get in the stores to put over pans when frying. Keeps the air circulating around the herbs. Debbie in Maine

  51. Samantha says:

    Oh that Peony! So beautiful.

    Congrats to the winner of the tea cup!

    You’ve made me want to give a tea party. I am a big fan of ‘tiny food.’ Those eggs look so yummy!
    I am thinking if my 10yr old daughter and I put on a tea party together for her friends she would love it!

    Uggg ants! We just had that problem. My husband brought a chair through the house to the deck…and ohhh!!! Ants! Just taking over after 10 seconds! We didn’t know they followed him…rude they are. Not even invited. Needless to say i spent the afternoon making sure they left. 😬

    Have a beautiful afternoon everyone! I am hoping the teapot plate works out. So cute!! 😀

  52. Becky from Lockport, IL says:

    So sad I didn’t win … But so excited to get 8 Spode Blue Willow
    Bowls at Homegoods today!!Becky from Lockport ,IL

  53. Vickie in Olympia says:

    Well, drat, but congratulations to the winner! I feel like I hit the jackpot getting to read a new post on your blog. Our peonies bloomed at the same time! My front garden is awash with red oriental poppies. Every year they come back bigger than the year before. Such a treat.
    Catmint, lavender, cinnamon pinks, rosemary, lilacs the scents of spring! If only we could grow jasmine it would heaven. Loved your tea party, elegance and comfort equals fun!
    What a great auction item WOW the girlfriends will be bidding all night.

  54. Kindred Kate says:

    Susan, you have GOT to quit writing such wonderful posts- I had to keep notes! Peonies are my favorite flower. During my childhood, my mom had a beautiful painting of peonies on our living room wall. It was originally bought in England by her aunt who was a companion to an elderly woman in the early 1900’s( imagine what England was like back then!) The painting is now in my bedroom & I look @ it every night before going to sleep.
    And the carnations you just planted in your garden? They are my January birth month flower! Yes, they smell good-like sweet cinnamon. We get rid of aphids by letting loose ladybugs at night by wetting down a tree( they are very thirsty after being stored in the refrigerator!It also keeps them from flying away) I too have a cottage garden- my red hollyhocks are right in front of my chicken coop( I still think you need chickens- you would be a good mama. Thanks again for honoring my chicken bookmark request) Are the recipes for your walnut sandwiches & lemon rosemary cookies in any of your books? I should send you my husband’s recipe for rhubarb/ custard pie- to die for! Your tea sandwich holder was ingenious- cups & different size plates! I forgot to tell you after your last blog about Jack- years ago my First Cat was named Chaplin- he was black & white with a mustache like Charlie Chaplin’s-rectangular, right above his lip, not curled like Jack’s! I do hope my little ceramic Irish house, tree & rock wall are still in your newly organized studio! I’m so sad I live on the West coast & won’t be able to attend the auction- your prize sounds heavenly.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for the good tip on the ladybugs, the wet tree sounds very smart. The Lemon Rosemary cookie recipe is in A Fine Romance . . . I just added a little rosemary to Rachel’s delicious lemon cookies. The chicken walnut sandwich isn’t in a book, I just made that up … cooked some chicken thighs in oil … put them in the food processor and ground them up, mixed with mayo, s and p, minced onion and celery, and chopped walnuts. Got lots of compliments on them. Your little Irish house is still here ~ and I’m watching The Quiet Man, right now, while reading comments. They just sang my favorite song, That Wild Colonial Boy!

  55. Laurie, Nico's mom says:

    Lovely post as always, Susan. Your garden is beautiful and, of course ahead of mine here in Canada. My peonies are looking promising though. The bleeding heart, violets and lily of the valley are all blooming with columbine soon to follow. Then the delphiniums. Ah, summer!
    Thank you for being my inspiration and a friend I can always turn to.
    Hugs to Jack and Joe.
    Laurie 🐰

  56. Carol Maurer ~ Kennewick, Wa says:

    I just loved this post! Thank you for sharing your tea party with your girlfriends on the Island with the rest of us. It’s always such a bittersweet thing to say ‘goodbye’ to a friend that is moving away. I’m glad that she will still have ties to the Island and her friends. We moved from Eureka,CA 3 years ago and still we go back each year to see our friends of 16 years. It’s a challenge to coordinate our time in order to see everyone in the time we have, but wouldn’t miss doing this for anything.

    The auction that is put on each year really sounds like a lot of fun and oh, the amazing things for people to be able to get from it. Bless you and those that participate.

    Our roses are in full bloom! Masses of roses on each bush. Our one peony plant is bloomed out. I have gotten two really large bouquets off it, but the rest is laying on the ground due to the sprinklers. I think next year, I will tie the stems up. Had to do that to our Snowball, as it was so heavy in blooms.

    I like it that you say your garden is small, but then you list all the things that you have planted. I have to laugh to myself and wonder…..

    Well, have a great weekend. I know you are anxious to start painting again. Love the looks of your studio all nice and cleaned up 🙂

    Carol M

    • sbranch says:

      Three tomato plants, 2 potatoes, 5 hollyhocks . . . small but scrunched in, and just enough for the two of us. Our roses are still just solid buds, I stare at them daily, willing them into bloom . . . but all good things come to those who wait.

  57. Oh dear Susan, what a lovely post, my friend. Your tea party in your garden was so romantic. All of the goodies were fit for the Queen. I’m so happy the sun was shining so you could have it outside under your beautiful arbor.
    Sorry about the ants. We have been dealing with them as well. Opening our bedroom window, they think they are welcome, but they are not. Ants on the peonies is fine, but not in the house.
    Congratulations to the winner of your beautiful mug. Her mother will be thrilled.
    Sending sunshine your way as you send it my way each post. XOXO ♄

  58. Susie (Rocky Point, NY) says:

    That post was such a treat! Congrats to the lucky winner. Vanna did an outstanding job. She is always such a glamour girl and always on the go. Your arbor setting is so perfect for a tea party. I felt like I was really there and that it was “moi” taking all the pictures of you all and that is why you cannot see me there (pretend, my favorite past time). It would be a dream come true to win time with you on MV. Wow! Your peonies are beauties. I could go on and on. Outstanding!

  59. Kari says:

    I haven’t posted a comment in a while, but something about this post made me want to say hello and thanks. I love how your extra long winter there makes you even more grateful for spring. I feel like we all should be that grateful, though. I also love how you only share your positive feelings about Joe and your friends. I know that your life isn’t always perfect, but your example of looking for and celebrating the good is something we can all strive to do, knowing we will feel happier for it. Love you, Susan Bee!

    • sbranch says:

      You’re right, my life isn’t always perfect …but I always feel lucky. Lovely to hear from you Kari. xoxo

  60. Kathie says:

    Oh, what fun! We attended your tea party, too…well, kind of. Lovely dishes, etc. and a fabulous menu. Totally inspiring. Happy summer to you.

  61. Bonnie Porro says:

    Is Annie the same person as in “Annie’s Butter Cookies”? Over the years I have made thousands of those cookies for varied events. Once I made 750 for a wedding reception. I made dozens every week for use in my tea room.
    I think your contribution to the auction is both generous and thoughtful. Wish I was on the Vineyard to attend.


  62. Pam Wilson says:

    Dear Susan, Your first peony is a showstopper! Thanks so much for sharing–that means the first bloom isn’t too far off for me. In live on the North Shore of Boston and am patiently awaiting the first blooms. My daughter-in-law, Kristin, also loves peonies and lives in Indiana where peonies are the state flower. (All those lucky Hoosiers our there!!) Theirs have already come and gone by. I also wanted to tell you that Kristin absolutely adored her “The Little Things” tea cup which arrived at my house just in time for me to re-send it off to Indianapolis and arrive for her birthday on May 24th. I have her hooked on “all things Susan Branch”, just like all your girlfriends and me! Thanks again for bringing beauty and friendship into our lives.

  63. Sherrill says:

    Such a happy post! Your tea party looked lovely. Such fun times and memories with good friends.

  64. Gretchen says:

    You have such a gift of making the simple things in life into moments of sunshiny (I know that’s not a word, but it fits), pink glowing, heart holding joy. I loved the photos and the descriptions. You make me feel like I was at the party. My little, 4 year old granddaughter loves tea parties. I told her we should plan a special tea party with guests. She makes my heart sing when life’s grey clouds drop too low into my world. Hugs to you dear Susan for blessing my world.

  65. Kathy R from Iowa says:

    Thanks for the tea party menu ideas! Your guests must have had a glorious time. And how lucky the winner of your auction item will be.

  66. Martha says:

    You are just too much! What a perfect tea party! You definitely pampered your guests! I never thought of putting pillow on a picnic bench! What a great idea! Only you would think of tea sandwiches cut out into heart shapes. Thanks for sharing new ideas for me and as always for inviting us into your lovely home!

  67. Susan McMillan says:

    What a lovely post! Thank you Susan, I always enjoy reading your blog.

    Anytime you want to come to New Orleans and share your books, poetry, love of life come on down! better in the Fall of course as it gets pretty hot down here in the summer..

    Thanks again for a wonderful blog.
    XXOO Susan

  68. Carol Sferra says:

    Simply Beautiful,everything!!! Oh how i wish I could come to your house!!!!

  69. Laura says:

    What a beautiful tea party !!!
    The peony brought me to tears. I so vividly remember staring at those big beautiful buds when I was a little girl wishing they would unfurl in front of my eyes! They remind me of ballerinas for some reason!
    So blessed to read all your special blogs.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your spectacular day.

  70. Jeanne says:

    💚 all of your gratitude and thankfulness. The world needs more of you 💚💚

  71. I love your spirit! You Posts are beautiful, inspiring and so uplifting. Thank you for being who you were always supposed to be; an artist, a writer, a designer and a friend.

    I hope your work continues forever. Thank you for being you.

  72. Mary Ann says:

    What a wonderful post. I love how you celebrate everything in life. I am envious of your newly organized studio. I really need to do mine but right now we are redoing our downstairs bath so everything from there is piled in my studio. Yikes! One of my sons is getting married in my backyard in September so we are busily getting everything ready. We have power washed the grandkids’ wood play set as well as our huge deck. Yesterday we spent 6 hours restraining the play set and now we are ready to reseal the deck. We are going to replace the front porch posts which have really started to show their age. Our house is about 140 years old, so as you know there is always a list of things to do. Anyway, maybe after the wedding I can start on my studio. 😉

  73. Congrats to your lucky winner, but we are all winners really, because of all you share with us. Your art, your wit, your lovely home, tea parties, etc. Your Swiss dot reminds me of two dresses I sewed for myself in high school that I adored. One was navy with red Swiss dots and a sweetheart neckline. I used to wear it with a little denim neck ribbon thing (forget what they were called! Good grief, old age!) it had a little red bumble bee on it, and the other dress was a pink one with white Swiss dots, a wrap around. I loved them both! Thanks for all that you share! I love my visits here. Happy June! Xoxo

  74. Susan N. says:

    What a beautiful post. Just finished 4 satisfying hours of work in my own yard and garden. Resting, admiring my bouquet of peonies, and enjoying your beautiful pictures. Thank you for always adding something special to my day.
    Sue 🙂

  75. Nicoline Bostens says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Hello, and thank you for this lovely post, sharing your tea party with us! Your little “helper” is always just cute as a button! where did the ants come from
.I’m getting itchy just reading about them

    When I first came across your blog, one of the 1st things I saw was a picture of your gorgeous pink rose chintz china, and I was amazed to see it
I bought the same set many many years ago, bought from one of my first pay checks!
    And you have another set, gorgeous as well, the red one
Is there a name on the bottom?
    I bought 2 boxes of tiny strawberries this morning, I might have to dip them in chocolate too
I think the boys will love that (never tried it before- shame on me
    Have a lovely weekend! And a big hug from

  76. Tensie Palmer says:

    Oh Susan, you just blessed my socks off with this writing! You live in a dreamy spot in the country. Your creativity is the best ever! Your home & garden are perfectly lovely! I haven’t been to to a tea party in years. Thank you for sharing it with me.
    I am so happy that Margie won for her Mom! What a loving heart she has!
    You are a treasure Miss Susan! I hope to see you again one day.
    ♡hugs and love♡

  77. Hannah Jane says:

    I love the messy before picture of your studio! It’s a happy mess, but I’m sure it feels great to have it tidy. Now if only I can get the gumption to clean my office!

    • sbranch says:

      It was a happy mess until I started not to be able to find things! Then it got unhappy!

  78. mari1017 says:

    Oh, Happy June, Susan ♄ Your beautiful post made me cry…too much Soul Smoothing I think… or was it the gorgeous peonies? We had them in abundance in our backyard, ants and all, lol They’re old fashioned and nostalgic for me…They always remind me of my mom and her love of gardening. She will celebrate her 90th in July. My favorite “second mom”, my college roommate’s mom, just passed at 93. Their birthdays were one day apart! Another amazing woman and fabulous gardener. I wasn’t able to get away from caregiving to get up to Cohasset, but I was in touch with most of the family. End of a era that began for me in the ’70s. Must be New England pulling me back this time of year. Old friends, the beauty of early summer by the sea, many memories. Thank you for giving them all words. Looking forward to drinking from my MV mug ♄♄♄ xoxo mari

  79. Sarah says:

    Wonderful! I love it that Marjie’s mom was the winner. How special is that!
    I’m sitting here on the sun porch reading savoring each and every detail of your darling tea party with your sweet friends. Life is certainly good! No sea breezes here, but I did bring peonies home from the market. Oh, the sweet fragrance of peonies. I so wish they would grow here in Texas, but too hot for them. Too hot for me sometimes too, but I continue to grow all the same. ‘-)
    The menu of goodies is sheer delight. I’m salivating just scrolling through the photos. The new potatoes are a nice touch for a tea party!
    I’ve added the July date to my calendar. I would be over the moon to get to attend such an event, but mostly over the moon to be back on your lovely island! I swear my soul is from those parts in another life. I know the auction will be a huge success. Your item alone will bring in a gazillion $$$. What an incredible opportunity for one of the “girlfriends”. I’d bid if I were there, and if I can swing it, I just might. As you say, dream big!!!
    Thanks for sharing the tea party and all the special thoughts. I can close my eyes and transport myself right there, sitting on one of those cushy checkered cushions, listening to the excited chatter of friends, and having a cup of your private blend along with a chocolate dipped strawberry. Yes, a little bit of heaven!
    Oh, and before I forget ~ love the clever idea of a tiered tray using cups and plates. You clever girl! 😉
    Happy Summer from Austin, TX ~ Sarah

    • sbranch says:

      I can’t take the credit . . . that tiered plate (all of the pieces are glued together BTW) was a gift from South Shore Stars, the fundraiser, tea party, book signing I did a couple of weeks ago. Isn’t it cute? Such a good idea and really easy to make from mismatched thrift-store plates and teacups from the 50s. The top cup is just big enough to hold a tiny potted plant!

  80. Karen Schrimpf Saunders says:

    Well that was a lovely post!!đŸŒ·đŸŒ·đŸŒ·The table looked fabulous. I am the only one among my friends that has teas….sometimes it’s a Christmas tea, sometimes a Spring tea and sometimes just a tea for no special time. Someone asked me why do you go to so much trouble???? I thought about it and I guess it’s because I just love to use my pretty dishes, set a beautiful table….and generally just spoil everyone for what I hope is a lovely afternoon!đŸŒșđŸŒșđŸŒș I wish more of my friends did the same but I think they don’t want to go to the trouble. I even draw and paint my own invitations…🌾🌾🌾 So I appreciate your effort!! 😊

    • sbranch says:

      I think people who don’t do it, don’t recognize it as the true gift, as good as any wrapped and beribboned package, that it is . . . in fact better, because the gift of a party means beauty, experience, connection, and memories too. Like cream, generosity rises to the top. xoxo

  81. Jennie Eade says:

    That was so nice…made me all sleepy and dreamy, spring days and tea parties and plants- so calming. Thank you! And I’m so jealous of your brown dirt! teehee-living in Georgia now and working with red clay is tricky business. Thank you for always giving me perspective on what really makes me happy-the little things. 🙂

  82. sunny says:

    Your post brought me such delight – and the photo of your white picket fenced garden made me swoon. Next time my husband asks me what I want for my birthday, I shall point to the photo…..Thank you for sharing your tea party with us! It was just like being there! I had so much fun. I’ve never been to a tea party before, so I may need to get out the smelling salts just to calm myself down! I am slightly agoraphobic, so I don’t do parties… I am living vicariously and joyfully via your posts.

    • sbranch says:

      A quiet picket-fence garden, full of bees and butterflies and growing things, is the perfect thing for anyone slightly agoraphobic. xoxo

  83. Barbara Lassiter says:

    Lovely. All this makes me feel happy! Thanks! 🙂

  84. Dolores' Cottage says:

    How delightful your tea party looked! So fun and beautiful at the same time. I love the history of your home, how happy the past lovers of your home must be to know it is being loved and enjoyed so much. We have so many old homes here that have been abandoned to the elements and unloved. It breaks my heart to ride by and see these lovely old beauties and think how at one time they were filled with so much love and now sit so alone and sad.
    But it is so wonderful seeing your love and joy in your home. The magic of your gardens are always so inspiring. The magic you share with us always is so special. Thank you so much for the view from your kitchen window.

    • sbranch says:

      I moved here, partly for the old houses I’d seen in books. I tell people, that really, despite the divorce and the seasons and everything, I moved here for the architecture!

  85. Yay! I couldn’t wait to see pics of the tea party!! I’ve been thinking about it. 🙂 So happy your peonies are in bloom — one of my favorite times of year! What a terrific gift for the auction!!! I hope you make a new friend with whoever the winner is!!! Thanks for sharing your beauty with us!

  86. Virginia says:

    Such a perfect tea party–on such a perfect day. Too bad Vanna was too busy to stay 🙂 However, I feel as if I were there so it’s good she ran off to leave a seat open for me.

    Just one burning question–WHAT is the name of that spectacular peony? Your gardening girlfriends, of whom I am one, need to know!

  87. You create such delightful events, Susan. You’re and inspiration. And all things considered, none of it looks particularly difficult to do. Thanks again.

  88. Donna Weir says:

    Thank you for being my sunshine today, Susan, on this overcast day in Seattle. I’m feeling inspired to host a tea party. Yours was so lovely.

  89. Becky says:

    You had me from the beginning with the dotted swiss fabric! I’m remembering my mother made my 8th grade graduation dress from a pale green, dotted swiss and probably a Simplicity or Butterick pattern. I’ve not thought of those in years so thanks for letting me happily go down memory lane. Your tea party and all that that included looked so inviting. Another pleasing post…thank you!

  90. Holly Schelin says:

    There are days I read your books or your blog and just feel like I belong back East! The west is great, but my creativity feels staid and languishing these days…you make me want to walk the paths, smell the flowers and look at the sea and breathe in the air. Knitting wool baby blankets in the summer in 90 degree Utah weather just isn’t cutting it right now. Thanks so much for giving me some time to dream every week…why can’t we all have money so we can do what we want and like and need…sigh. It is not to be I think!😍

    • sbranch says:

      If you really think about it, why is there money? Some invention having to do with competition. I think we’d be so much better off with barter! I’ll bake you a cake, and you give me lemon thyme from your garden! 😘

  91. Audrianne says:

    What a lovely afternoon you had! Thanks for sharing. Peonies are up in the yard and the vendor at our farmer’s market had them too! Also, Michigan strawberries! It’s beginning to feel like summer.

  92. Barbara (from Virginia) says:

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you for something to read that is pleasant and positive as always (even the ant invasion). Love the picket fence garden spot! Is it wood picket or vinyl? And did you paint or stain? After our chicken enclosure is finished, a picket fence is on the “to-do” list. All the best on the auction for your time and talents, how exciting for some LUCKY person (for the right price that is – lol)!


    • sbranch says:

      It’s wood and it’s stained, and I can’t tell you how much BETTER it is to stain than to paint (the voice of experience). Excellent question I am happy to answer . . . They look just alike but paint chips off in the second year, but stain looks okay in twenty!

  93. Dianne says:

    Only had time to read half your post before leaving for work ( I will read the rest when I get home tomorrow). I am so glad that you had such beautiful weather for your “twine”… and a peony!! You are truly blessed! Thank you once again for bringing so much joy into our lives. I wanted to jump into the post and grab one of those beautiful strawberries. I could almost taste them.

  94. Samantha says:

    Oh that Peony! So beautiful.
    Congrats to the winner of the tea cup!
    You’ve made me want to give a tea party. I am a big fan of ‘tiny food.’ Those eggs look so yummy!
    I am thinking if my 10yr old daughter and I put on a tea party together for her friends she would love it!
    Uggg ants! We just had that problem. My husband brought a chair through the house to the deck
and ohhh!!! Ants! Just taking over after 10 seconds! We didn’t know they followed him
rude they are. Not even invited. Needless to say i spent the afternoon making sure they left.
    Have a beautiful afternoon everyone! I am hoping the teapot plate works out. So cute!!

  95. Paula Knight says:

    Susan, seems I can’t change my e-mail address below, but I so love your blog, I want to continue to receive it. I just retired from 40 years of teaching and I am remarrying July 8th to a wonderful man whom I have known for 51 years. My new e-mail is my new name and my old e-mail is no longer valid. …

    I hop you will see this and my new address on line will now bring your lovely blogs to me in the future…. It is Thanks and have a fabulous summer Paula

    • sbranch says:

      I asked Sheri if she could help you. Congratulations, how wonderful you are getting married! xoxo

  96. Maryrose Watson says:

    Hi Susan,
    your blogs are great! They reach down deep into the real person inside, and feed my soul.
    A big thanks! 🌾

  97. Pimm’s is the ultimate summer refreshment, imho. Congrats on being in dreams this year and re. snopes…Forbes article says no one is checking the fact checkers and they aren’t all that reliable. As with everything on the i-net…pays to be cautious.

    • sbranch says:

      I always am. I honestly pretty much don’t believe anything! But if I really want to know, I’ll work at it. I read the Forbes article, it does throw a bit of confusion into the picture, but how could he know if they weren’t reliable if no one is checking on them? Snopes has a pretty good reputation in the real world. But like you, I take everything with a grain of salt.

  98. Linda Miller says:

    My dear, Susan, your tea party did not disappoint! From your table setting, food prepping pics, poetic rhymes, tea-making, etc., I came to your party as well! Love your blogs…little descriptive vignettes! Thank you for sharing your creations with us! Oh, I, too, would love to have the cake recipes if you can arrange it.

    Happy Summer!

  99. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    I need a pair of those sandals!!! And a leftover chocolate covered 🍓.
    I always liked that quilt. Lots of white space!
    It was a tricky weather day here. Drizzled on and off all morning, then some lovely ☀ shine. However, we may still get severe thunder storms. I tried to finish planting. Lol

  100. Shell says:

    Your tea party looked like a lot of fun. My little boy, Jacob, and I baked his favorite treat: Banana bread. One of the highlights of my day. I love how June always seems to have a sweet energy to it. Maybe because Summer is almost here. All the best to you and Joe.

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