Beatrix Potter’s Birthday and I have News!

Guess what tomorrow is??? Beatrix Potter’s 151st Birthday! MUSICA 🎶 And I have news!

The Genius, Generous, Life of Beatrix Potter.

Here’s where I was on this day, July 28, last year, celebrating the 150th Birthday of Beatrix Potter with so many of YOU and the Brewster Ladies Library, on Cape Cod. What a fun day that was!

Right after that, my Girlfriends, who also happen to be my nun friends (I’ve written about them before), sent me this wonderful little thimble to celebrate. Wasn’t that the sweetest thing? They love Beatrix like I do.💞

Because not all of you are intimately familiar with the life of Beatrix, I thought I’d at least give you a very simple time-line of her life so you can get the lay of the land, so to speak.

Most of you know how crazy I am about Beatrix because I wrote the whole story of my slow discovery of the person that she was, not just an artist, not just a scientist, not just an author, not just a business woman, not just a house-lover and adorer such as we, but more, so much more, a fierce, forward-looking conservationist whose passions still reverberate today ~ she changed her part of the world, and hence, in a sense, the whole world. . . that’s the hero I tried to tell about in my book A Fine Romance, Falling in Love Love Love, with the English Countryside.

So, to celebrate today, I thought I would take you on a special tour through a brilliant book about Beatrix that was published by Penguin Books in 2006. It’s written just as if it was Beatrix’s own scrapbook, in first person. But inside it says, “This is a work of fiction based on the journals and letters of Beatrix Potter.” Not entirely fiction, but kind of, because Beatrix didn’t actually make this book herself, it just looks like she did.

Using Beatrix’s words to tell the story of  her life, the designer who compiled this informative book (who is not mentioned anywhere, but must be a kindred spirit, and girl after our own heart), filled it with Beatrix Potter artwork, mementoes, personal letters, stamps, and photos, and with words in what looks to be Beatrix’s own handwriting, with entries dated, as in a journal … and many of the things in the book, like the little photo album above, are glued-in and three-dimensional! I’m not kidding! Books like this don’t come along every day! Unless you make one yourself!

Pure charm, filled with pressed flowers and wonderful old photos, that’s Norman Warne there …

Above are glued-in “proofs” of the pictures for her first book. There’s even a real envelope that opens and inside you can pull out a perfect copy of the famous letter she wrote to Noel, her governess’s child, illustrating the story of Peter Rabbit for the first time on paper.

And on this page, an illustrated map of the Lake District unfolds … I could put ten exclamation marks after every page!!! Books aren’t usually made this way!!!!!!

Then, at the end, just when you think you’ve seen it all, and  you are already sighing because you don’t want it to end, you find an amazing surprise embedded in the inside of the back cover. See the little ribbon? “Hmmmm,” you say to yourself, “What’s that?”

At first you don’t see it, but then, with a little tug, an invisible door opens . . .

and inside is an exact copy of Peter Rabbit that Beatrix had printed herself after having been rejected by publishers. (This was a very brave thing for her to do, considering women’s “place” at the turn of the century, but only the beginning when it comes to the bravery of Miss Potter). If you ever need a hero that will help you be brave, I suggest you read the biography of Beatrix Potter by Linda Lear. Forevermore, after that, you will say to yourself, “If she can do it, so can I.”

Her first printing, in black and white to keep down costs. A totally delightful surprise! I have to say, I think I might be forced to paint inside these little line drawings!

But you can do what you want when you get your hands on this little jewel, because, to celebrate the 151st birthday of my hero, Beatrix Potter, this book, and the book where I wrote about sailing the wild and windy Atlantic, then trekking across England in order to fulfill a long-time dream to finally walk through the doors of Beatrix Potter’s house at Hill Top in the Lake District ~ will both become the property of one of YOU darling people. Just leave your name at the bottom of this post, click on the tiny word that says “comments,” and leave a few words … and in a wee bit o’ time, we’ll draw a name and see who these books get to go home with. Happy Birthday, dear Beatrix. We will never forget you! 💞

One other thing . . . you remember the picnic we had last year in Stourhead, Wiltshire, England? Of course you do! And you remember how it happened? Well, just in cases, I’ll tell you again:  When we knew we were going over to England last year, I wrote here on my blog, “Joe and I will be in the park at Stourhead, having a picnic, at 12 noon on September 18, and we would LOVE anyone who’s going to be in the neighborhood to BYO Picnic Basket and come join us and say hello!”  We had no idea what to expect. Would anyone come? Might there be seven people? Could there be fifty? No idea.

As it turned out, there were sixty of us kindred spirits spread out on the lawn on a lovely spring day, next to a 12th century stone church, in a garden designed by Capability Brown over 200 years before, with the sun weaving in and out of the clouds . . .

And we had a wonderful, joyful afternoon, sitting, laughing and talking and getting to know each other, marveling over the unlikelihood of this happening at all … it was really a thrill. Lots of people from the US, lots from England, some Americans who now live in England, and others from Europe . . . a surprise and so perfect, I still live in the glow of it. People brought things, like gorgeous quilts they’d made, or their own Petey dolls, or their children, and lots of delicious lunches … and I signed books, and we had a great day.

We took a “class picture,” and I think you can tell by the smiles what a wonderful time we were having.  “We all kept saying, we need to do this again!” Well, dear hearts, we are going to do it again . . . we’ll be taking the picture for Class of 2018 next year on May 11,  and we hope you can come, wherever you are!  But this time, we’re be having our picnic someplace else … so if you want to come . . .

You will have to drive through countryside like this . . . sorry, but you have to!

Where oh where are we going . . . ? ? ? It’s a mystery! MAS MUSICA ~ we loved playing Vera Lynn in our car while we drove through the English Countryside . . .

Past lakes with swans and and wildflowers, pulling over at a pub for an icy Peah Cid-ah . . . it’s a tough job but someone has to do it!

In May, hillsides of English Bluebells will be in bloom!

You’ll have to meander between narrow hedgerows speckled with cow parsley, watching for bunnies, rolling down your windows to hear the wood pigeons coo, “My toe huts Bet-tee … “

Past curving rock walls and gingerbread stone cottages . . . can you guess where we’re going yet? You probably can, but you probably can’t believe it! Me either!

Almost there ~ must go through bunting-decked villages where the buildings look as if they’re covered in frosting … oh darn.

The frosting makes them shine from the hill sides  . . . you’ll be stopping to get your camera out.

Because you’ll be marveling over handmade chimney tops and slate roofs like these . . .

. . . as you drive past hillsides with cows and lambs and sparkling lakes, turn off your car to hear the wind through the trees . . .

. . . and through the hedges of wild roses and rhododendrons. But, a hint:  Before you go, you’ll probably want to read this wonderful little book  . . .

For inspiration. ❤️ Squealing yet?

Because, Yes! OMG, I’m not kidding! Where we’re going to have our picnic is totally impossible, it can’t happen, but it is and it can . . .

We’re having our BYO Picnic Basket Party right here, next May 11, at Castle Cottage, where Beatrix Potter (Mrs. Heelis) and her husband William lived for 30 years! Just in front of the house, across Post Office Meadow (which will be filled with frolicking lambikins in May), is the gate to Hill Top in Near Sawrey, heavenly Lake District, beloved home of Beatrix Potter!!! That’s where we’re going, Girlfriends!

And here’s a preview ~ this photo is actually from inside Castle Cottage, sent to me by my friend Mandy, showing the wonderful view over rooftops of Near Sawrey (with Mandy’s Ollie Dog in attendance) . . . From here, you can see the famous Tower Bank Arms and the entrance to Hill Top ~ the very same view that Beatrix had. For us. Us us us us us! We get to go go go!!!

Here’s how this miracle happened,  . . . As you may remember, I was asked to speak at Beatrix’s 150th Birthday Party last year by Betsy Bray of the Beatrix Potter Society (are you a member? I love the wonderful newsletter I receive from England, and their luv-lee E-Newsletter called Pottering About) ~ that’s Betsy on the left . . . she and I have kept in touch, and a couple of weeks ago, she came to lunch and brought her friend Mandy Marshall, who just happens to LIVE in Castle Cottage (shaking head in disbelief) . . . and we started talking and our talking turned to plotting and then it turned to planning and I just heard from Mandy yesterday that she would love to have us for our picnic there (she opens the house only by special arrangement, which this is!), and Betsy wrote to say she’d be there too! So now, we’re inviting you! And if you CAN’T get over there in person, that’s okay, because we will take so many photos you will think you’ve been there! That’s a promise!

Happy Birthday Beatrix Potter!

Love you dears, leave a comment to win the books, and mark your calendars for May 11, 2018! Oh! I almost forgot, the cups! They are in LA, sort of stuck in a mire of Homeland Security (very dangerous cups) and Customs. We call, we holler, they ignore us, but it should be soon now. 💞 Bye for now! xoxo

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2,071 Responses to Beatrix Potter’s Birthday and I have News!

  1. JoEllen Bendall says:

    Darling girl, how beautiful! Feeling-wise AND picture-wise! Hope you’re knee-deep in family and relishing every second! XO

  2. JoAnn Cottone says:

    I love seeing all your pictures from England! It’s a ‘someday dream’ of mine to visit there! Thank you!!

  3. Mary from Colorado says:

    Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE Beatrix Potter! I will be with you at your picnic in spirit!

  4. Jamie Anthony says:

    Please enter me into the Beatrix Potter book drawing. The book looks so endearing, and filled with sweet notes and fun. I love reading your blogs, especially loved the Downton Abbey one. Thank you for taking us with you on your travels 🙂 It was great seeing Highclear Castle.

  5. Susan G. says:

    You got me started collecting Beatrix Potter. I love them. Had to start a new shelf for all of them. You were right, when you start getting them you can’t stop.

  6. Renee says:

    It sounds like you are having a delightful summer! Your descriptive words are a joy to read!

  7. Marcia Latimer says:

    We just visited Hilltop in June – loved it!!! I love to read your blogs!!!

  8. Fran R says:

    Hi Susan,

    I just returned from my 40th Up With People reunion in Tucson and am delighted to read your new post today. All of your lovely photos of green landscapes are wonderful and cooling after having spent 5 days in the heat of the desert.

    Thank you for adding my name to the list for the drawing.


  9. Ellette says:

    I love you and Beatrix! Thank you for the wonderful post.

  10. Biz Greenwell says:

    Hi Susan, From Biz in Maryland.
    Great news! Won’t it be lovely to just hop over to England for a picnic? If only. I visited the Lake District once on a Scout trip, but we didn’t have the time to really visit anything there except the shop to get fish and chips. And I can’t see the Boy Scouts being all that interested in Beatrix Potter – us Moms would have been, but not the boys. haha

  11. Marie (Williamsburg, Virginia) says:

    ~Dearest Susan~

    Some days are just too magical for words. Just this past weekend my husband and I were talking about what a “foodie” our son has become. It seems just like yesterday, he was feeding Peter his carrots from his Wedgewood Peter Rabbit dinnerware, that he received from a dear family friend, for his 2nd birthday. And today I read this darling post. THANKS much!

    Hope you, Joe, Jack, and The Girlfriend’s are enjoying this old-fashioned summer weather. Finally!

    Pasta salad and pink lemonade (too early for vino) are calling me.

    Heavenly blissful days to all!

  12. Sharon R Anderson says:

    The more I’ve read about Beatrice Potter – the more amazing she is. I knew of her through her books but I did not know about her life. Truly – so many women who made a difference – but we do not know about them. Makes you wonder about history sometimes.

    Anyway – I love having coffee from my Susan Branch cup! They are really nice.

    • sbranch says:

      Definitely makes you wonder, or about our curiosity, or maybe the educational system. Just like I’ve always heard, you have to be your own chaperone in this life!

      • Rita Self says:

        Oh my! I teach second grade and for over 10 years, since the “Journal” was published, have done a two week BP unit. It starts with an author study, creature study then moves into creating and writing a small book about a fictional character. All goes in a “pocket book” made of small paper bags. We create stuffed characters, draw fold out maps and finally a small book set up just like the BP books. Such fun and lots of learning!

        • sbranch says:

          Brilliant. It’s good to know a real book doesn’t happen by magic, there are actual steps involved and you’re showing them how … and those steps are what must be done for any creating. Wonderful!

  13. dena says:

    I always enjoy reading your blog…..
    feels like fresh air clearing the air
    a mini respite….
    thank you!

  14. Susan says:

    Oh yes, and perhaps you could twist the arm of the publisher to reissue that lovely book. I think your post alone could guarantee them a huge amount of readers eager to purchase it!

  15. Jeni Gauss says:

    Your blog is the absolute best! It is always a treat to read and the pictures are from a dream. Thank you, thank you!!

  16. Helen Nitschke says:

    Oh, how I’d love to join you at the picnic – how fun that would be. But I’ll have to settle for & will look forward to the next best thing – your descriptive posts & pictures! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading your blogs & looking at all the pictures that go along with them. And, happy 151st birthday, Beatrix Potter – how awesome it would be to read these books about her!

  17. Carol Hallenbeck says:

    I love Beatrix Potter also, her writings and the so life-like drawings. They just draw you in.

  18. Stephanie says:

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you so much for your blog and all you do to brighten the days. I would really love to be entered for (and win) the Beatrice Potter book (and yours of course) as my birthday is just 2 days after her’s. Yes July 30th, and a big one at that. Thank you for all you do to make the world a little nicer.

  19. Kathy Branch Spicer says:

    This post affected me deeply. I have a very beautiful place in my heart — I call it my heart’s home — that I long to return to so I can walk there daily and just BE. And, I’m awaiting news on an opportunity to possibly MOVE there once again. So, as I looked at the lovely photos, I suddenly felt such a longing for my beautiful place, and I hope it’s a sign that the opportunity is GOING TO HAPPEN! Thank you for bringing such beauty to me through EVERYTHING that you do!

  20. Dear Susan, I have the very same BP scrapbook, gifted to me by a very kind blogging friend. I love it as much as you love yours and I paint in the little pictures in the tiny black and white book at the back too! I don’t need to go in the giveaway but just wanted to say how lovely this post is and how exciting that you are going to visit Beatrix Potter country in 2018. Betty x

  21. Mary Pat says:

    You are so generous with your give aways! Thanks for the opportunity. My dream trip would be to travel like you and Joe do in England. Someday it will be a reality, because as you say, if you can dream it, you can make it so. Thanks for sharing with us all!

    • sbranch says:

      I try to give away what I would like to have! So that makes it easy! Here’s to dreams coming true Mary Pat!

  22. Gale Bromberger says:

    Oh, Susan, your blog is just delightful! Reading it outside of my cottage on Frenchman Bay in Bar Harbor, Maine on an absolutely beautiful day…..makes life feel so perfect. I’ve hauled up my favorite pieces of Spode Blue Italian china from Pennsylvania, set the table with my French tablecloth, fresh flowers, chilled a French white burgundy, ready to enjoy a lobster dinner waterside. And, oh, would I love some of those English Bluebells for my table. There is no prettier color than that blue. I need some! I’ve finished Fairy Tale Girl, but am saving Fine Romance and Isle of Dreams for later in vacation. I know, crazy. But I don’t want them to end! I’ve loved all of your cookbooks over the years, and have just discovered these books. Thank you for letting me have a peek into your life, and bringing back my own memories which parallel your life so much…Some struggles and sadness which have given perspective to the happiness to follow. We Aries girls are the same age and have had very similar experiences, which makes reading your books so special. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

    • sbranch says:

      I’m glad you’re enjoying them Gale! Happy blue Maine day!

    • Debbie Boerger says:

      Gale, Hasn’t the weather been awesome this summer. My husband and I live on the very tip top of Frenchman Bay, a little estuary called Hog Bay.
      Wishing you a lovely time here!

      Debbie in Marvelous Maine

  23. Diana Parsons says:

    How wonderful to be in England and a picnic and at Beatrix Potter’s lovely area. You are so lucky to be able to do that! Wish I could too, but loved to travel with you through your book, A Fine Romance! Enjoy the picnic, and I look forward to reading all about it, and everything Susan Branch and Beatrix Potter.
    p.s. My daughter and I have a sweet little bookshop in Douglas, Michigan called Cabbages & Kings where we carry Susan Branch books! Check us out @

  24. Laura Ann in Vermont says:

    My 17-year-old daughter and I watched Miss Potter together to celebrate Beatrix’s birthday. We curled up in front of the TV with a pot of peppermint tea and our special Royal Albert tea cups. Of course, we both cried when Norman died!

    • sbranch says:

      I also cry, every single time, at the end, when she is standing there looking out over the Lake District. Just kills me!

  25. Donna Wilder says:

    It’s so interesting how you have such a kindred connection with Beatrix. It’s almost as if you feel a familiarity that transcends simple creative appreciation. If you are a believer, as I am, in the sacred belief in reincarnation, then I have an intuition that you, dear Susan, may be the 1947 incarnation of your own essence once inhabiitng the home, hills and hallowed grounds of your beloved Beatrix Potter.

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve had a little wondering about that myself … but what I really think is that I know a good thing when I see it! Very lovely compliment, and with a little imagining I can feel it’s true.

  26. Christine says:

    Lovely post reading it as I sat with a cup of tea and listening to the birds chirp outside my window! Thanks for sharing

  27. Darylene from South Dakota says:

    Susan, you have such a rare gift. Everything you write about becomes magical, poetic, unbelievably beautiful – almost otherworldly. I simply adore you, and I thank you.

  28. Maggie Lincoln says:

    You are such an inspiration. I love that you look for and find good and beauty in everything you do. Thanks for sharing so much with your girlfriends.

  29. Pamela says:

    Love your blog so much. A bright shining light!

  30. Kendra says:

    I just love Beatrice Potter !!! What a wonderful book. I have my own collection of items in my hutch. When I look at them they just make me smile.

  31. Kathy G. says:

    It’s the little things that make life sweet……
    My Just Joey rose is blooming beautifully right now, too.

  32. Candace Stevens Job says:

    There is something irresistible about Beatrix Potter. What a sweet book!

  33. Jean Burns says:

    Where can I find information about the tour group that will be in England at the same time as your picnic in May? I think you posted some information on it but I can’t seem to locate it I would love to be there with everyone next year. It’s a dream . Never been to England.Maybe-Maybe-fingers crossed! Jean😃

  34. Nana GoGo says:

    My Best Blogging Buddy, Bettythewoodfairy, told me that you had featured the journal so came to have a look. I gifted it to her last year. She’s such a BP fan and she loves her journal. The little book at the end is the cutest! Thank you for a very interesting post.

  35. Marilyn Holeman says:

    Wouldn’t that picnic be fun?! Have a wonderful time!

  36. Tricia B says:

    Hello! How delightful to have your picnic at the home of Beatrix Potter… your hero! ❤️👏🏻 I am so happy for you!!! What a lovely post and it came at a time when I truly needed it!! I thank you for it! I will be with you all in spirit unless I win the lottery 😉 then I will be there with bells on! 👏🏻 Love the pictures as always… such a delight. Have a wonderful evening! Love, Hugs and Prayers, Tricia B. 😊

  37. Gail K. from California says:

    Hi Susan,
    Just love your blog!! I look forward to reading all about your adventures and what you’ve been up too. You all will have a wonderful time. Such beauty in the country side. It takes me away!!!

  38. Diane Brown says:

    I would love to win the books, but I’m just happy having the wonderful vicarious view you’ve given us here. Please enter my name (if I’m not too late). Fingers crossed!

  39. Liz Bates says:

    Oh, so beautiful!!! I would love to be there also! I am a fan of Beatrix Potter and Susan Branch!!

  40. Lynne Pennoyer says:

    OH just thinking about that picnic in May brings joy to my heart…will wishes come true😊

  41. Nancy says:

    Lovely post, Susan! I am dreaming and wishing I could be in attendance at the May, 2018 picnic!

  42. Deborah Toth says:

    Reading your post is like finding a letter from a dear friend in the mail. Such a treat. How lucky we are to be able to share these special letters with a whole world of girlfriends we haven’t met yet. I am glad one of us will win this give away. Thanks for giving us the chance to hope.

  43. Peggy Belanger says:

    Dear Susan,
    I would love to be able to attend the picnic. My husband is getting deployed to Kuwait in March and I would love to come to the picnic to forget my worries. Would you be able to send details….which airport you will be flying into, suggestions for a bed and breakfast nearby etc? I actually decorated my daughter’s room in all things Beatrix Potter when she was a baby and it was one of my favorite places to be. I also wanted to thank you for always responding to my Twitter messages. Very few people in your position respond to their fans and I for one appreciate you taking the time. Much Love Peggy@_boos_mom

  44. Charissa says:

    Happy Birthday HBP!!! Thank you for such a beautiful and exciting post. I absolutely adore her and always have. I liked (but not loved. I am a sensitive person and some of the have harsh happenings in the plots and didn’t sit exactly right with my little sensitive self:) ) her books as a child and then as a teenager found the figurines and in my 20s discovered just what a special lady she was by reading about her life. It would be such a dream come true to be at a picnic with you and all the ladies at Beatrix’s former home!!! I am going to try real hard to make that happen. I have the book you are giving away. I found it on clearance at a second hand bookstore and after I opened it and saw what it was I shielded it with my body and literally ran to the checkout forsaking all my other books. When I got home I was just so enthralled with this darling book and every cute little detail of it. I wondered who put so much effort into making it? I like to think it must have been the it was a great great granddaughter in the Warne or Potter family. It sure is a treasure. I had a Beatrix Potter Tea last year for my bff and put out all my little figurines and books with fun china and candles and fresh flowers with lemon scones, cucumber sandwiches, strawberry chicken salad w poppy seed dressing, and baby pink cream cheese mints on top of quilts and we had the best time nibbling and drinking and chatting. Must do that again soon. Your photos of the English countryside are so gorgeous they make my heart burst. Thank you so much I can’t wait for the #MAGICMUGS!!!! I had my bff over and she finally got to try them and see what all the fuss was about. You made a believer out of her! Can you tell us what happened with the auction on MV? I hope they made oodles off you. 🙂 As always… Thank you for everything you do xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I do believe, but don’t quote me, that the “magic mugs” will be delivered to the Studio TODAY!!!! That means, all our waiting is just about over! I don’t know how the auction went yet … been busy with family here, but I’ll find out soon I’m sure!

  45. vicki says:

    I have and LOVE the BP journal….sooo wonderful! …all the little pockets and extras.Tea?Picnic? At Beatrix Potter’s???? Oh my goodness! What great fun!!!

  46. Deb in Southwest Missouri says:

    Well, Sue, you certainly know how to throw a picnic party!!! What great fun it will be!
    This is a lovely post. A wonderful escape from work for a while. Wonderful indeed to pretend I am in the English countryside with my Steve, going to your lovely picnic. 🙂

  47. Kristi says:

    Thank you for the mini-vacation, Susan. I loved the Lake District; did not have a chance to go to Hill Top—sad face. But we loved the stone walls and rolling hills and sheep and wildflowers. Today I really needed a pick-me-up and your blog did the trick! Many blessings to you, Susan.

  48. Barbara (from Virginia) says:

    What a wonderful post on my and my husband’s 35th Wedding Anniversary (July 27, 1982)!!! I truly believe that without woman such as Beatrix Potter the world would be a much sadder and sorrier place. Thank you for the bright end to my day, I can go to bed now with a smile on my face, tired and content.

  49. Janeen Breyman says:

    The Beatrix Potter journal description has given me inspiration for my own journals. Thank you!

  50. Shirley Painter says:

    Love reading your posts and also journals!

  51. Tawni Urrutia says:

    Dear Sweet a Susan,
    I’m visiting Arroyo Grande, and thinking of you!
    You’ve been my Beatrix Potter for nearly 30 years! I’m so happy for you to head back to your beloved England. I can’t wait to stow away with you and Joe!🇬🇧♥️
    Tawni Urrutia, from Lodi, Ca

  52. Jennie says:

    I was in Great Britain in 1977 taking a geology/archeoastronomy course that was a one big field trip. We spent three days in the Lake District mainly hiking. It was my favorite place we visited during that course and I have always wanted to go back. Maybe, just maybe May 2018 is the time to do so!

  53. Linda Tuskey says:

    I wish we could all go with you to be inside that wonderful house. Thank you for going for us.

  54. Laurie A. says:

    Hi Susan! What wonderful books! And you always find the loveliest places to go! Which leads me to a question. What is the name of the cabins your family rented in Colorado? Am planning a trip of my own and they sounded so nice. Thanks!

  55. Julie Ann says:

    Thank you for letting us know it is Beatrix Potter’s Birthday, what a beautiful woman. I shall watch the movie again tonight…..again with joy.

  56. Mary Lou Alfes says:

    I always enjoy reading your blog. It is a quiet, peaceful place!

  57. Patricia Leffingwell says:

    England is the most wonderfully, magical place I’ve ever been. A place I long to return to and visit the Lake District and Hill Top! Thank you, Susan for taking us all away to this enchanted land of Beatrix’s life and world.

  58. Nancy Mosley says:

    Always amazed by Beatrix Potter! What a gift she had and we get to still enjoy it!!

  59. sparedes says:

    Oh I so enjoyed this blog….I was In SLO this last weekend for my god daughter’s wedding….so wonderful. Went into the Apple Farm and YES there were Your mugs…Oh why not get one…..or two haha YES I HAD GREAT SOPPING SPREE. I always do when we go to SLO. I can’t wait for the new mugs to be mailed out…Well I can wait…because they are Christmas Presents. I just want to see them and Use the one I order for me. Autumn!!!
    I have the Beatrix Potter A Journal. I love it and I treasure it. If I win I know a few of my friends that will love this. Going to England again…OH I CAN DREAM…BUT IF I CAN’T MAKE IT I WILL FOLLOW ALONG ON YOUR BLOG.
    Enjoy your NOTHING Summer…oh by the way I have one more cupboard to de-clutter…..I am on a roll here. Next the garage…that should be FUN. Love, Susan P.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, clearly, you know how to have fun! Me too … all quietly on hold while we play with niece and nephew’s children!

  60. Donna Lynn Kawano says:

    Love Beatrix Potter! Thank you for sharing the wonderful stories and beautiful pictures with us! You are such an inspiration to me!! Love you, Susan Branch! 🙂

  61. Joyce Fowler says:

    Lovely up lifting news letter with a lot to look forward to. Thank you Susan. Would love to win the books.

  62. Wendy Stewart McMillan says:

    Beauty, beauty, everywhere…and all of it to share! We would love to come to the picnic and will be following it one way or another. What a breath of fresh air you are, dear Susan! Thanks for this post-now I can’t do without seeing the BP Journal either!

  63. Norma Patrick says:

    I love that you love Beatrix Potter as much as I do! From being tiny, I used to choose one of her books each week from my local library (I couldn’t be enticed to choose anything else!) and she has remained a leading inspiration in my life ever since. I would so LOVE to join you at your picnic next year….who knows, maybe it will happen? Thanks so much for your lovely blog posts which, I am ashamed to say, I have only recently discovered.
    From one of your (and Beatrix Potter’s) English fans.

  64. Jane Grayson says:

    Oh Susan I’m delighted that you’re coming to the North of England! I will be able to join you in May! X

  65. debbie says:

    What a delightful little book. Ad a retired library coordinator I have read a few of these “scrapbooks” and loved everyone. If I won this book I would give it to my new granddaughter to start her library.

  66. Helen Henderson says:

    Oh what a wonderful location for your next picnic in England. I am planning a trip to the UK (and my first ever visit to Hill Top) but alas will be going August, as I have a family wedding. I look forward to your blog and tweets about your trip and will look for inspiration for my own holiday a few months later.

  67. Sandra Bloomer says:

    It is so wonderful that Beatrix Potters’s Peter and stories have delighted so many for well over a century. She has given such a precious gift to everyone and will continue to enchant children and adults with her drwawings and stories for many, many years to come. Thank you for such a beautiful tribute, Warmest regards, SBloomer

  68. AngieTink says:

    #RabbitRabbit Sweetest~Sue #ClappingMyHandsWithDelight!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 A Very #MagicalBlogPost 🙂 #HappyBirthday To #BeatrixPotter & #Happy #Joyful #AUGUST Truly a Magical~Birthday~Month For #Us 1st…..#OurBlog~Daddy’s~Birthday (A Party In Heaven!) (Hugzzzzzzzz) & Then Our #Jonboy’s 35th Birthday on August 7th! 🙂 & Then #YourJoe’s (Our~Joe~Too) 😉 I Think…#Joe’s 65th!!!!!!! Yay! #CELEBRATING All Month!!! Sending #LOVE #JOY & We Must Savor These Sizzling~Sweet~Summer~Dayzzz Yay! xoxo #Poof! 🙂 😉 🙂

  69. Wende Taylor says:

    Such a beautiful journal, love her whole story and reading about her life! Please pick me Vanna 😁

  70. Rosinda says:

    Ohhh! So much wonder and excitement in this post. Happy birthday Beatrix Potter! Thank you, Susan, for spreading so much love and inspiration, as you always do!

  71. Jane says:

    I’m so lucky to have been here. I never stop being in awe of the beauty of it all

  72. Jill Harper says:

    Susan thank you having read your adventure I smiled closed my eyes and remembered my own visit to the lakes Hill Top and my dream of a life time come true. Oh that I hade your gift of words to capture the peace and joy of my time in England a plan many years in the making fulfilled in 2014 and now remembered back home in Tauranga NZ as I stitch my cross stitch Hill Top memories.

    • sbranch says:

      Me too, live every day with the memories. Such gifts she left for us, both physical and spiritual!

  73. Stacey Marston says:

    When my 32 year old daughter was a newborn I started to collect the Beatrix Potter books. Not new ones, mind you. That would be too easy. I read from these love worn books to my sweet girl. Now, I read them to my grands. Generations will grow up knowing Beatrix Potter and her animal friends.

  74. Tracy Jones says:

    Hi Sue! Just wanted you to know how much fun I am having following you on Twitter! I so wish I could go back to England where I was born. All of my father’s relatives came mostly from Wales and other parts of England. I don’t remember the 3 1/3 years I was there when I was young. Maybe some day I will have the money to go back! Hope all is well with you – am going to make your potato salad this weekend! xo Tracy

  75. Jennifer Lauri says:

    Oh, how I adore being in England, if only through your wonderful blogs. Thank you Susan for this gift! And I love all your special give-aways for the lucky winners.

  76. Kathleen S. says:

    Thank you for all your beautiful writings, and drawings, it is very restorative for me! How exciting to read about Beatrix Potter too!! Such beautiful books and drawings.

    You fill my heart with joy! Blessings upon you.

  77. Nancy says:

    Thanks for another beautiful blog entry. Your trip next year sounds wonderful!

  78. Kathy Gagne says:

    Oh, Susan, where have you been all my life? I am new to your blog and your books and I so wish I had known about you before! Still, it’s such a treat to discover you now. I found you because of A Fine Romance which practically jumped into my hands at the bookstore. I am rereading Isle of Dreams in small bits because I can’t bear it to end! The other day I wrote in my journal “I choose to meet Susan Branch” (sound familiar?) and this morning I read the newest blog entry and was invited to a picnic with you! In Beatrix Potter country no less! It’s on my calendar–can’t wait to go back there. THANK YOU!
    By the way, I was wandering around Ipswich, MA, the other day and saw a mural depicting your ancestor Elizabeth Howe. Have you seen it? I took some photographs and would be happy to share the with you if you haven’t. Just tell me the best way.

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Kathy! First off, how great you are coming to the picnic! It’s going to be wonderful, all of us converging from everywhere to the same patch of lawn in the north of England! Almost like Woodstock! Thank you for the sweet comments about my books. (LOL, yes, “I choose” sounds very familiar! Took you no time at all!) I haven’t seen that mural in Ipswich, I spent all my time in the graveyard there. I’d love to see it, thank you! You can send to feedback@ ❤️

  79. Nora says:

    Another great post! #gratitude


  80. Jenn Barker says:

    Oh! What an amazing picnic that will be! On May 11th I will have a picnic in the Rose Garden (I live in Portland- the City of Roses) to be there with you in kindred spirit. I have marked my calendar with a little drawing of Peter Rabbit. :0)

  81. Sylvia says:

    What an utterly charming journal! I would love to share it with my daughter.
    Thank you for the chance.

  82. Lida says:

    Love picnics! Love visiting your blog. It takes me away!

  83. Nancy Thompson says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have just finished reading page 179 in The Fairy Tale Girl….and cannot bear to read on….but I will only because I know you are so very happy today. I have been reading your book for hours now……..and I love your art…your blog…your writing, and your spirit. Count me in as a devoted fan!

  84. Bev Brewer says:

    Dear Susan—The photo of the beautiful tree with the sheep grazing under it on your recent Twitter {also in AFR} is a perfect specimen for the Coleridge quote “Friendship is a sheltering tree.” The journal is exquisite—would love it for my granddaughter for when she is older, but we could look at it carefully together. I hope she will always have real books to hold in her hands and be drawn into the pages and illustrations and her own imagination. Love from Bev

  85. Sue reynolds says:

    Oh, Susan, what a joy it must have been to write this surprise into your blog. So fun!
    I wish I could join the gang with you and the lambs but will have to miss out this time.
    Love to you and Joe. (I just got joe’s cookbook and it is a stunner. The pasta with feta is a miracle on a plate.)

  86. Bev Dortch Smith says:

    What a wonderful thing you are doing…giving the journal and book to one of us-your girlfriends. I must admit as I was reading about and seeing the journal, there was a part of me that was so envious that you had such a book! Thank you for always making my day better when I get to read a new entry in your blog. Thanks and fond wishes. Bev

  87. Beverly says:

    Looked up the book on Amazon for the ratings and they were all favorable. Sounds like a good book to read!!

  88. Lola says:

    Really enjoyed reading your post. Would love to add both books to my collection. And what a beautiful place to visit, someday!

  89. Jamie on Doty Island says:

    Marvelous lady all around Beatrix Potter was and still is through her charming stories and dreamy watercolors. So, happy 150th birthday dear lady!

  90. Carol Delmonico says:

    I just started reading Linda Lears book about Beatrix Potter! I would love to get the scrapbook too. See you next May!

  91. Wendy Dahl says:

    It is always a delight to read a new blog post. What fun and energy must be whirling around your lovely home with family there-enjoy! In honor of Beatrix Potter’s birthday we are naming our Cape Cod home ‘Hill Top’ and are having a plaque made to put on our new front porch. 🙂 Have a wonderful week with your family dear Sue!

  92. What a post!! Those books! Another beautiful picnic to look forward to….Amd my cups will be coming soon! Hope you are enjoying your family reunion this week! They say it’s the pick of the summer for weatherZ, xo E

    • sbranch says:

      It’s been wonderful, including an after dark visit to the graveyard across the street with all the kids!

  93. Barbara says:

    Great post and photos. England was never on my bucket list until I started reading your blog….. Wish I could go in May but I will be content with winning the books. Thank you

  94. Robin Nyzio says:

    Reading about Beatrix Potter is such fun! I love reading the Peter Rabbit story aloud. One of my 4 year old granddaughters pulled out the Tale of Tom Kitten when I was visiting with her in April and I realize what a bizarre tale that is! Children’s books were different back then. LOL!

  95. CaROL K says:

    I’ve read everything our library has on Beatrix Potter and I would love to own a copy of that journal. Thank you for another wonderful blog. If only I half your energy and enthusiasm I wouldn’t be so behind in everything that needs doing around the house. Jersey hugs…..

  96. Clydene says:

    I’m so excited — another trip to my favorite part of the world. And, I have the book you reference regarding the walks around Beatrix Potter’s home — Vanna drew my name out of the hat last summer. Something wonderful to look forward to.

  97. Jan Johnson says:

    I love Beatrice Potter and I love your books and especially your blog! I have a collection of figurines of most of all the characters that Beatrice Potter created in her books and art. I love them and have them lining my bookcase in my “nest”. I see them every day. I would love to win the books you describe. Please, please, pretty please! Thank you for your books and blog! They give such joy to me.

  98. Caroline says:

    How wonderful to read your charming blog with my lunch, like having lunch with a friend. Who knows! Maybe my best friend and I will join you at your picnic!!! Miracles happen every day:) We both adore Beatrix Potter and especially .. YOU!

  99. Rhonda in Wyoming says:

    Hello dear Susan. Your blog is such a cheery joy! Hope you’re having a simply fabulous summer. Hugs to you and yours! 🙂

  100. LilyAnn Kranking says:

    Oh what a trip you and Joe have planned. Do love the countryside views of England. We visited England in 2005 and I would love to return. You are so special just reading your emails feels like a letter from a friend. Beatrix Potter books are so beautifully illustrated….Would love to have the books you are offering.

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