Hello darlings, how’s everyone? I’ve been LOVING reading your wonderful comments, so happy you could be with us at the Picnic! Here I am again, trying to keep up, but everything seems to happen at once. Some amazing news in this post, along with the amazing views of the beautiful English Countryside . . . MUSICA

But before I start, I just want to say (gone but not forgotten), Happy Memorial Day everyone! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.

Lilacs into the sea for remembrance 🇺🇸 And prayers for never again.

We’ll be thinking of you! It’s a holiday weekend here too, celebrating spring into summer, they call it a “Bank Holiday” and we don’t quite yet have a full handle on what that means! All we know for sure is . . .

 So off we go, right where we left off, a few days after our picnic . . . the story continues. When I was at Hill Top, I looked out the window and could see a stone bordered farm road going up behind Castle Cottage (Cottage is on the right behind the tree, and the dirt road is behind that) . . . it’s the way to one of Beatrix’s and William’s favorite places …

A small lake where they would go on beautiful summer evenings, and get in their little row-boat, and he would fish and she would sketch. (That’s them above, see her gorgeous hat on the chair? I believe this is either the day after or the day before their wedding day.)Which is what they were.

So off we went one quiet afternoon, up the stony path to Moss Eccles Tarn, the wee lake (tarn = lake in Lakeland talk) Beatrix Potter owned and left to the National Trust.

Taking pictures the whole way . . .

Through gates . . .

over the rugged footpath . . .

being sure to close the gates behind us . . .

. . . loving the view on all sides . . . (and speaking for myself, the one in the middle is pretty cute too).

Nothing had changed since Beatrix and William walked here . . .

Although these were probably somebody’s great great great great, and so on, grand sheep.

After maybe two miles or so of easy walking (because it wasn’t raining!) we arrived at the small tarn.

We were all alone in this beautiful tranquil place the Heelis couple loved so much . . . I was reminded of Beatrix’s words written later in life when it became difficult for her to get around . . .

They stocked the idyllic tarn with fish and planted water lilies, if you listen close, you can detect a little slap of water against a boat, hear oars splashing in the water . . .

Maybe not the booming of the snipe, but definitely the baaing of the lamb. Only nature noises here, in this picturesque landscape, with farm critters to share it with . . .

Sweet wildflowers everywhere . . .

And this view . . .

. . . as back into the village we went . . .

past Buckle Yeat Guest House . . .

. . . to Tower Bank Arms . . .

For lunch in their little garden.

From our table we could see the pilgrims going into Hill Top . . .

I started to take photos of the village when Joe popped out the door with the menu . . .

Never want to forget this wonderful place, and I won’t!

There’s the Castle, the long gray building in the back of the photo . . .  the Castle that Beatrix bought the “Cottage’ from, that’s how Castle Cottage got its name.

We noticed this door on the back of that long building as we were coming down the hill.

Because as Mandy had explained to me, when Beatrix Potter bought Castle Cottage, it was just a tiny thing ~ just the first third of the house starting from the left ~ the whole thing was only the two windows at the top, the three on the bottom, and the house ended there. Very cute I might add. I would have fallen in love with that little house with the perfect view too! In 1913 Beatrix and William added on the next third with the simple porch . . . in 1923 they added the last part on the right with the bay window. So this house was really and truly theirs.

Shall we go inside?

This is the side door into the original cottage. Of course it has all been changed, long before Mandy and Bill moved there seven years ago. The basics are the same, just modernized.

This was originally the kitchen which in those days was basically the center of the house (actually that’s still the same now!). Now I think this room is a little office for Mandy.

This fireplace would have been where they did all their cooking

I followed Mandy from room to room . . . loving every moment of it. She has kept it simple, but the rooms and spaces speak for themselves.

This is the bay window from the inside. Mandy said this is the room Beatrix died in, with that beautiful view of her most inspired place as the last thing she saw. It’s also the room that held her personal photo album . . .

. . . and her beautiful grandfather clock is still there . . .

Ticking time away. So delicately pretty  . . . she had three beautiful grandfather clocks in the two properties . . .

She painted here too ~  this is one of her bits of book art . . .

And here is the staircase she painted . . . All of Near Sawrey worked as inspiration for her little books.

Mandy had this adorable towel in the bathroom. I went right out and bought a few to take home. The words are from the letter Beatrix wrote that inspired her first book . . .

Mandy chose this wallpaper and I love it, although if it were mine, I would drive myself insane by painting titles on all the books!

And across the drive from the side door of the house is this amazing relic of a barn that belongs to Castle Cottage. It’s from the 1600s and I don’t think it’s ever been changed. Wonderful little white washed stalls and stone floors…

And low doors, a fascinating step into the past, the real past . . . Once again, thanks to Mandy for her generosity in showing me around her home. Both Joe and I could not possibly have enjoyed it more.

And, I wanted to let you know, I was honored to learn a couple of days ago that the National Trust put our Picnic at Castle Cottage on their Facebook Page 👏 Very nice!

SO much has happened since we left the Lake District . . . I can barely keep up with it. Happy to be recording the moments daily, otherwise I’d miss so much.

For one thing, we had the wedding! Wasn’t it great? Loved watching everyone arrive, seeing the dresses and hats! Joe and I carried on full commentary between us. “Look at that hat with the feathers!” “Love that dress!” “Oh, look, there’s Oprah!” And the wedding itself seemed relatively low-key, and personal, despite romantic carriage and beautiful white horses and long walk to castle, etc. etc. etc. But it was all heart, and very real, and filled with traditions, old and new. Everyone loves to see Diana’s boys happy. And this one got his girl ~ just a girl, in love with a boy . . . So much national pride evident, equal opportunity for adoration . . .

We watched every bit of it from a little cottage we rented in the Peak District. Was so proud, I GOT THE KISS on my cell phone! Took the picture exactly when it happened on our TV! I didn’t know it was going to happen, so it was just a lucky click!

I also got this photo, with the little page-boy’s reaction as the music began and it was TIME to go down the isle. So darling! That smile! I feel like there’s lots of pressure on these two to “change the world.” Made me cry to hear it, everyone wishing for a hero to make everything okay. I think the world did become a better place with this marriage, BAM, right through another barrier that keeps us apart, with all the love in the world . . . Blessings on them both, for ever and ever . . .

This was our perch for the wedding watch. . . in this romantic little cottage just a hop skip and jump from Chatsworth House. This photo is from our front porch, the bluebells were everywhere when we arrived. You never know what you’re going to get, but we loved this place. Great walks from here . . . right out the door and across the loveliest countryside ~ made us grateful just to have eyes and feet!

And here’s the cottage, from the street, looking back at the porch. Called Brookside Cottage. We spent a day at Chatsworth walking the gardens, then drove over to Staffordshire to visit the factory where our cups are made . . . of course they would be in Staffordshire, where all the finest bone china has been made . . .

I wore my new English dress.

We got to see our cups being made and meet the talented potters who do it. We discovered each cup is almost totally made by hand, and got to see the process and how much time and concern is put into them before they go out to you! And that’s a lot!

It’s a small family owned business, started in Scotland in the 1950s by the father, now being run by the sons, with back up from the children. Ian took us on a tour and explained that each individual cup is handled over fifty times by actual human hands! 👏

The molds are made right there in the factory. Each mold can be used maybe six times before they are crushed and recycled to make new ones.  They make the clay for the cups in a huge mixer, and each mold is filled with wet clay. They allow them to dry slightly, in a precisely-timed drying period, then the liquid clay is poured off (and saved to use again), and what is left, a thin dry edge still in the mold, is the cup!

The handles are made separately and added, one at a time.

They are fired in the kiln three times, the first time takes out all the water which bonds the material and makes the cup and handle strong.

The cup goes in to the kiln the size of the one on the right, and comes out, fired, and all the water burned off, shrunk to the size on the left! Then they’re glazed, and fired again which is what makes them so shiny and pretty  . . .

Then, to make them even shinier and prettier, the design is added, applied one-cup-at-a-time, then fired for the final time.  They showed me how to add one of my own designs to a cup, then fired it while we were at lunch and gave it to me to take home! Pretty amazing. We went round the whole factory, and met everyone ~ I thanked them all, and told them how much you are loving your cups, how much we all love the thin lip, and the big handles, how light they are, how BIG they are. Hopefully adding to the pride of craftsmanship already on display everywhere in the factory.  💞 Some people had been there for thirty years, which is saying something!

And now you know why we travel like this! We approved all the new designs while at the factory and then we got to take them with us! They look beautiful, Girls, if you’d like to be reminded what they look like, go HERE, scroll to the bottom of the post and you’ll see fronts, backs, handles and bottoms.  We aren’t sold out yet . . . and still have a few of the others left too. I know it’s crazy, but think Christmas if it works for you, because we’re going to let ourselves sell out of them ~ I thought I should let you know. The new ones are supposed to arrive to our Studio by the end of June, just in time for us to arrive home on July 1!

And now, our next stop . . . the magical Cotswolds . . . I walked out early on our first morning (actually that was yesterday morning) and took this picture in the mist  . . .

Then I looked the other way and took this one. This village was built in the 1500 and 1600s (but the area has been inhabited for a thousand years), it’s not very commercial, it has no stores, only one museum, and a couple of hotels, basically it lives on beauty alone.

It has been the subject of artists forever, for obvious reason . . .the honey-colored Cotswold stone makes the villages almost glow . . .

Things haven’t changed very much.

There’s Joe trying to open the door . . . we had just arrived at our new cottage!

This is the kitchen, into the “lounge,” which is what British people call the living room. It takes two days to get moved in, to remember where you put everything. Where’s the paper towels, where did you put the laundry soap, is there toilet paper upstairs ~ figure out where you can plug in your adapters, empty the ice chest into a new refrigerator and then wonder where you put the cheese  . . .

. . . learn how to work the washer and dryer . . . no two seem to be alike! There is only one machine where we are now ~ it washes AND dries . . . our first load is in right now!

We woke up yesterday morning in our new cottage and slowly came to the realization (starting with the bathroom light, and moving toward the kitchen) that the entire village, for reasons still unknown to us, had lost power. Which was why I was out wandering around in the fog at 7 am, looking for someone to ask if it was just us, or was it everyone. The girl across the street, Laura, saw me out her window, and leaned out to tell me what was happening…there would be no electricity until 3 pm.  No lights, no heat, no stove, no hot water (so no shower), no computer, and no phone.  Joe made a fire in the wood stove, and we finally decided to try making tea on it.  (Note gigantic fireplace opening that at one time would have been a huge cast-iron cooking unit much like the one at Hill Top.)

It worked ~ after a while, the water did get hot! We had tea! It was fun, so we heated our cups and made more tea, then Joe made bacon . . . life was getting good again.

Then we tried a grilled cheese sandwich and it worked like a charm! And then, because we could, out we went for a walk . . .

In the beautiful English Countryside, mas MUSICA

Which, right now, is frothy with Hawthorn and Cow Parsley and needs no electricity to be its best self . . .

What they call “Cow Parsley,” we call Queen Anne’s Lace ~ in the background is a buttercup meadow buzzing with bees . . .

Cow Parsley is everywhere, along all the roadsides and across fields, every hedge is lined with it . . . hillsides look like beer, yellow flowers topped with frothy white foam flowers!

The footpath led us into a field with cows. At first they were all far away and minding their own business ~ but suddenly, they seemed to key in on Joe . . . I’m not exactly afraid of cows, but they are bigger than me. In a pack, they could rough you up.

Yup, they were coming for him ~ Joe says to me, “Stay over there.” I say, “So they kill you first? Then I die a slow death because I can’t live without you?” And so on. Excellent conversation.

“Honey, they’re still coming.”

“Honey, they’re starting to run!”

Made it alive to the pub . . .

And so it goes each day of discovery . . . we’re still trying to educate ourselves as we go along . . . we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to charming, historical, well-loved Haworth, perched on the edge of the moor, and to the Bronte Parsonage. Can’t say enough nice things about it, both the town and the house, and all the things we learned … definitely will put it in the book! We’ve been running around saying Heathcliff! Cathy! ever since! There’s been lots of reading in pubs ~ Joe reads maps and newspapers. I’m still reading my wonderful George Washington, A Life biography, in fact, we’ll be visiting his ancestral home this week . . . also love Country Life Magazine, reading about “lively American girls mixing with British royalty,” saw the whole wedding in Hello, writing in diary, all luv-lee things to do in pubs while you eat something delicious, such as this  . . .

. . . amazing lunch of local soft boiled eggs with hollandaise and fresh asparagus, and red grapefruit, drizzled with basil oil . . . pub food been berry berry good to me . . .

We found the home of Governor William Bradford of Mayflower fame in Austerfield  . . .

Too many stories to tell in one little blog post, can’t keep up with it because every day is something   . . . but I knew you’d want a taste of it … this scene, a feast for the eyes, had to show you, and sheep and lambs decorating the landscape, adding so much charm . . .

This one was brave . . . they usually run from us as we get closer . . . one second later, he did!

The mother-child relationship is as ever it should be, mom is saying … “Come on, Edwina, get out of there, just bend …”

“That’s my girl, you can do it . . .”

“Good. Now let’s go find your brother . . .”

It’s so fun that you can walk across country and be with them . . .Makes me happy I decided to do Mary and her Little Lamb for the September page of my calendar! I think this is for the 2019, but maybe it’s this year!

We also visited Wirksworth in the Peak District again to surprise our friend Jean Hurdle who we met in 2012 when we stayed in one of her holiday cottages . . . you might remember from A Fine Romance (p.138), she has a peacock on her property by the name of Mr. Darcy ~ it was raining when we drove in ~ Jean was in her garden with her hands in the mud, hair dripping wet. We pulled up, I lowered the window, said Hi Jean, she peered up at me, stood up and walked toward us with a priceless look of surprise on her face. We had a wonderful time catching up over a cup of tea.

Filling ye olde creativity cup to last a few more years . . . and it’s working!

And now, finally . . . I have interesting news I couldn’t wait to share with you. I came home a couple of days ago to two amazing emails . . . the first one was from the luv-lee editor of Victoria magazine.

I’m thrilled to tell you, our Castle Cottage Picnic in Beatrix Potter’s Garden will be featured in their September issue! Yay! Now this picnic never has to end!September! And secondly . . . don’t get excited, because I’m trying not to get excited, but . . . I heard from the screenwriter who optioned my last three books.  She emailed me and asked me to call her. We had to coordinate our time, she wouldn’t tell me anything, and I was so curious! I finally got her on the phone and yes, it was a good surprise. A beginning of sorts. Took me two days to digest it. It isn’t what you think it is, but it’s getting closer!

So here goes: The development company of an award-winning actress has asked to read Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams! I know who it is, but I can’t say. 🤗 That’s all I can say. And that’s all I really know! Which is pretty much nothing!  Eeeek. Not sleeping. Hopefully, I’ll have more to report by the time we return to . . .Believe me, you will be first to know! Maybe it will come to something and maybe not. Joe shrugs and says, “Why not?” But this is wonderful and right now, so let’s take it! We are only interested in the good news! There’s nothing to lose, right? Just going along with the breeze? Eeeek. 

But, that’s not all, because two days later, I heard from the screenwriter again! And this time, since my phone wasn’t working, she had to tell me what was happening in an email. Lots of positive back and forth, but the general gist was that she’d had another meeting that morning with another well-known production company who were also excited about reading all three books!
So that means two development companies are potentially interested in my story of starting over! We shall see what we shall see. I try to be calm because I still have to do the laundry and peel the carrots as if nothing has happened! It’s like me sitting here, so beautiful🤓, in jammie bottoms and t-shirt, stripped socks and the lamb birthday slippers from Rachel … but over there, is that other girl, and SHE has a book that’s loose in the world for a reading! I have to ignore her and go fold clothes. But I can hear her in the corner, squealing and giggling and jumping with excitement. I smile sublimely, shake my head, and get on with life. We don’t know.💞 It’s the future.

 My little house on the non-prairie. Holly Oak. OMG. Who would have ever thought as I stood there in front of that house in the snow? Ever? (Not that anything has actually happened.😜) The screenwriter had a request that if you, or I, or we, talk about this, update it or whatever, on Twitter or Facebook or wherever, that from now on we use the hash tag #SBBooktoScreen. I’m not sure how, but she thinks it will help. Of course I would love if it would happen! In my heart I shiver at even saying that, because then it gets real, but of the two choices, not happening or happening, I think I choose happening! More fun!  Step into unknown! But if it doesn’t happen this time, I don’t think she will give up, and you just never know! So, Tweet me and tell me what you think! None of this would be possible all these years without YOU, your word-of-mouth to and from your moms, your sisters, your aunts, your best friends, and all our luv-lee Girlfriends! It has been amazing. John and Paul said it just right:  Until the next installment. Keep us in your prayers, and you’ll be in ours. XOXO

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617 Responses to TRYING TO KEEP UP!

  1. Janice hearns says:

    Hello Susan
    I am in the Cotswolds as well …in Bibury. My friend and I came from California to go to the Chelsea Flower show. I even joined the RHC so we could go on a members day. The show did not disappoint … and I may be the only RHC member from Oakland,CA. Anyway if you get to Bibury, have a meal at the Swan hotel …..
    It’s lovely, as the English say.
    Janice Hearns

    • sbranch says:

      We’ve stayed in Bibury! A couple of times, just love it there, the river, the trout farm, the cottages, is it Weavers Row? I forget, but yes loved it. I think the Bibury Hotel is private now, is that true? We stayed there last time, I wrote about it in my book. There’s a walk out behind it, go along the river and turn into that little lane . . . gorgeous! Cheers!

      • Angela Williams,Oklahoma says:

        Going to reread the book when I return home. Thank you for the reply. I was at rakestraw books in Danville and you signed the book.
        Have a wonderful rest of your stay here. Also I took your recommendation and stayed at the motel in sand which, ma when I took my kids to cape cod. We loved it …
        Except I was chased by one of the geese!


  2. Elizabeth says:

    Holy toledo…how exciting! I’d be dancing in those little lamb slippies if I were you. Fingers crossed for you (and us).

  3. betty says:

    Hi Susan,
    Love this post. The Cotswolds are on my bucket list. Thank you for the beautiful watercolor illustration of Back to School, and the photo of the mother sheep and her young lamb caught under the picnic table. Adorable. Congrats on your news regarding a MOVIE and Victoria’s coverage of your picnic is so exciting. LOVE, LOVE you.
    Thanks again for sharing your fabulous trip to England.

  4. I am so very thrilled for you! What amazing news, and especially coming in the midst of your wonderful sojourn in England! I can think of a few actresses, one in particular, who seem just right to me, but it will be wonderful finding out which one(s) were clever enough to be really interested. I’m very hopeful – with you and your luv-Lee books in my good thoughts and prayers. The world needs a big dose of sweetness, and you can certainly provide it! Thank you for your delicious post and fascinating pictures. I would really love to know – perhaps you’ve said it elsewhere and I’ve forgotten – how you find these sweet cottages to be your home-away-from-home. Thanks again!

  5. I loved reading everything, but the photos… oh, my. Now I want to go to England. My daughter and her husband are taking their children in just a few weeks. I wonder if I could talk them into carrying their suitcases?

  6. Deb in Wales says:

    hoping my laptop will hold up to type tonight! So far, so good ~~~ but no, spoke too soon ~~~ ah, maybe, maybe ~~~ holding breath and crossing fingers!

    Bank Holidays are public holidays, nutshell version is they used to be Saints feast days that were recognised by the banks which observed those days by closing; however, they were many, and were reduced in number to just four. Now we have Jan 1, Good Friday, Easter Monday, two in May, one in August, and Christmas and Boxing Day, which aren’t official Bank Holidays but are now classed {I think} as such. Some get paid the day off, others don’t, and some get paid double time if you work a bank holiday ~ confused? I know!!! Working for the NT, we got paid if we worked a bank holiday, and got a day off with pay in lieu later on.

    When William and Catherine got married, Her Majesty declared a bank holiday in honour of the nuptials, so we all got an extra day off!

    Fascinating seeing the mugs being made! It’s a long process, but it’s what turns out the quality at the end of it all.

    Isn’t the cow parsley just magnificent this time of year? The hedgerows are at at their frothiest best right now, and it’s a perfect treat to see them with all the gorgeous wild flowers working their magic.

    ~~~Waving~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      My favorite part is that the Queen, with a wave of her royal wand, can, at any time she wished, give everyone the day off! That would be dangerous for me, if I was Queen and I woke up to an AMAZING day of light sunshine, and peeping birds, I would say, “No one should work on a day like this” and voila, my people would go free! Yes, the cow parsley is magnificent. The entire countryside is a froth. Thank you for Bank Holiday explanation! xoxoxo Have a wonderful day Deb!

  7. Debby Williams says:

    I am so proud of you! And the cow scene will be in the next movie! Thanks for a great blog.❤️Debby

    • sbranch says:

      Ha ha, well that’s probably a good idea! It was funny, after we knew they weren’t going to hurt us!

  8. Susan Havey says:

    Oh, Susan👏🏻, how thrilling to hear that your books are being researched for a movie! I just knew the Hollywood mentality would be inspired by your wonderful life story. And I can already run the songs through my head that will match the scenes of love, laughter and sadness. You should be so proud that all your work is being rewarded. Even if it doesn’t happen for a while, it’s fun to muse on the possibilities of actors, locations and costumes. Hooray for you and thanks for the travelogue of England. Such lovely pictures.

    Suzi in Spokane

    • sbranch says:

      Wouldn’t the songs be fun to choose. If you had that power? Funnest part . . . music can say so much and have everyone dancing in their seats! I imagine musing is the very best part!

      • Karen Mikell says:

        Yes the music must be perfect…..the soundtrack of your life (which includes us from a distance!) I love the soundtrack from the movie “Now & Then” the girls are riding their bikes and the Archies are playing “Sugar,Sugar”…oh my gosh too many to even mention from so many movies! Susan, I’m overwhelmed by the news re: #SBBooktoScreen…so excited. Love the blog…goes without saying bless your sweet heart; sweetheart!

  9. lori says:


  10. As I told you on Twitter when you first mentioned it…I am squealing with excitement. Who is interested? Who will play you? Who would you like to play you? I will calm down and just have to wait.
    I love all the pictures that you posted. When I saw the first picture inside Beatrix Potter’s house I gasped in delight. 🏡 And then you took us inside one of the cottages you stayed in. Of, I love these homes.
    Thank you for a wonderful blog post once again. 🌸

    • sbranch says:

      You are so welcome Peggy! Glad you’re enjoying it. And yes, that’s the thing, we just have to wait! xoxo

  11. Deb in Wales says:

    All the most delicious stuff in this post today!!! I love armchair traveling with you and Joe!…..And as for the news with “possibilities”? Tittering on the end of my computer chair here, of course, to such “news with possibilities”! My first thought (one you’ve mentioned, and I’ve thought of many times…)…you must buy your beloved Holly Oak back someday! Bring that precious place back home where it belongs. Don’t you think? Well wishes to you and Joe….and also to Mister Jack, who will be there waiting when you finally wind your way back home. Safe and special travels to you!

    • sbranch says:

      I keep trying to think how, because, yes, the older I get, the more I want that little house back. Silly, but there’s just something about it. Jack! That is the thing, can. not. wait. to see my boy. Thank you Deb! Hope all is going well with your mom. xoxoxo

      • nancy says:

        Holly Oak is your hilltop and The house Jack waits for you in
        is your Castle Cottage. Go get it! Too many similarities with
        Beatrix to ignore. Thank you for the arm travel – have so enjoyed

        • sbranch says:

          Oooooo, I never thought of it that way. Well! If this #SBBooktoScreen thing comes to pass, perhaps I will be able to afford Holly Oak, and if I can, believe it, I will get it back in a second! Love to have you here Nancy!

      • Deb in Wales says:

        hmmmm, computer gremlins strike again! Sorry, Susan, I know it says it’s me, but it isn’t my reply to this post. Ooooops! What’s gone wrong?

        • sbranch says:

          Yes, it’s baaaaak. We have tried everything. Expert genius people have tried. The only thing we know is if you see the wrong name going up, change it back to your own. I’m hoping it will go as it came, quietly and soon…

  12. Barb Urbank(from Ohio) says:

    My goodness, so much is in this blog, I don’t know where to begin! I had just realized I had never commented in the previous entry about the picnic, but of course I was following along on your twitter and the other girls lucky enough to have gone, came back and read it several times! All good, looked like everyone had a wonderful time and the weather cooperated for you. I love that you put what Beatrix Potter said about knowing her lands so well she can walk them and “see” in her mind’s eye every bit of it, something I am sure you will be able to do in years gone by. Memories are a wonderful thing! I especially love seeing where the cups are made and hear how much care goes into each one. Hands on craftsmanship is rare nowadays and the difference is obvious when we see the end results! Beautiful cups to cherish forever! I love all the pictures of the little villages and cottages, especially with the bunting hung up in celebration. It was a grand wedding, wasn’t it, and very different, for a forward thinking couple who I believe are out to make a big difference if they can. I had to record it and watch it later but was just as enjoyable as in real time.
    Then there is the picnic being in Victoria magazine in September, will try to find a copy of that if they have it here. But of course the last news is so promising. I do not know of anyone’s life story that would be more interesting or inspiring than your’s to turn into a movie, especially for our times now. Very positive can-do message for women of any age, I’m sure whomever is reading it will immediately see the potential! Hope you are enjoying this weekend and soaking up that beautiful English countryside, summer seems to have arrived here for us too!

    • sbranch says:

      Soaking it up on a daily basis, thank you Barb . . . I’m glad you enjoyed it. xoxoxo

      • Judy Young says:

        Life just gets better and better for you and Joe, Susan. You both so deserve it. We all want to be you, but since we can’t, we are all happy to be along for the ride! Lots of new things to be excited about, I am just so happy I found you and your blog and your books, cups, calendars, everything!! You help make life amazing!!

        • sbranch says:

          My example is that if it could happen for Beatrix Potter, it could happen for me, and if it can happen for me, it can happen for anyone. That’s my basic reason for being here … Happy to hear from you, thank you for the wonderful words, Judy!!!

    • Susan Morgon ( Ohio gal from SoCal ) says:

      Barb, do you have a Barnes & Noble nearby? Ours carries Victoria magazine. I think some Joann Fabric stores do as well.

  13. Judith says:

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!!! Oh, my, stars. It’s Oprah! Reese Witherspoon? Doesn’t matter who it is I just KNOW it will get done and with all your free consultants…GFFs…it will get done right! I will be tweeting the tweedle out of #SBBooktoScreen. For you now, sleep is overrated…walk on clouds! A few other comments…
    The cover of that Victoria issue is absolutely stunning!
    The birdsong is a much appreciated discovery!
    Your photos and comments are brilliant! (Must say I got a chuckle out of Joe and the cows…especially the last photo of him on the run!)
    I’m predicting the next addition to your trilogy (quadrilogy?!) will be a smashing success AND a sequel optioned before the ink is even dry!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, this week sleep is over. First I’m in Beatrix Potter’s garden, that is very lulling, next the screenwriter calls and I am wide awake! You are so sweet Judith, glad you enjoy the birds, they are very good background sounds! Fingers are crossed! thank you!

  14. Betsy says:

    Beautiful pictures! Thank you so much. And all the exciting news! I have my fingers crossed that the movie happens and it’s Zooey Daschanel, I just love her!

  15. Lana Bressler says:

    Wow, I don’t know where to began. The idea of your books making the big screen takes my breath away. I am thrilled to pieces for you that this might happen. your trip has been a shot in the arm for us all I’m sure..I giggled that you would have to paint titles on the wallpaper of books..that’s so you. I could make a hundred more comments..I’ll leave that to my other “girlfriends”..Hugs to you and Joe xo

  16. cris arias says:

    Wonderful news! First the movie and then the daily book of inspiration to read through out the year while driking tea. 🙂

  17. Lisa says:

    So much wonderful news! I am not a newcomer to your world but am about 30 pages away from finishing “Isle of Dreams”. Thank you for sharing your life via the pages of your books! You are now one of my heroes and I have started meditating as a result of what meditation did for you. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh that makes me so happy to hear Lisa, so powerful, so life changing. Cumulative, so don’t forget in case it gets harder, all you have to do is do it, and the rest will take care of itself. xoxo Thank YOU right back.

  18. Ann Y. says:

    WOW! So very excited for you and keeping my fingers crossed and tons of prayers on the way! I keep thinking how we sit around with our girlfriends and eventually the conversation turns to “who would play me in the movie version?” and now this could/should/WILL be happening in real life to you! Couldn’t pick a better person for this to happen for…you have inspired all of us with your books, blog, travels, and encouragement to ENJOY life, to share love, and keep the home fires burning. So important in this crazy world to have someone to remind us of what is important. Bless you and Joe, your travels, and all the wonderfulness that is ahead! HUGS !

    • sbranch says:

      Ha ha ha, such a fun game! Thank you dear Ann! Keep the home fires burning, dig in dirt, take a deep breath, make tea, take a bubble bath, all the things that truly make life sweet. xoxoxoxoxoxo Just love your reminder!

  19. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Exciting news, Susan. Joyful anticipation – that’s what life is about. And wonderful to have the September issue of Victoria to look forward to all about your picnic. Love following your travels. You and Joe are so resourceful – no power doesn’t mean no food. So glad those cows did not attack your sweetie. Hugs, Elaine

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you. It wouldn’t have been good. Such beautiful cows too! Yes, as my mom always said, where there’s a will, there’s a way. And it’s true!

  20. Pom Pom says:

    Wowie ZOWIE! So exciting! I still want you to come home but I’m so happy about the exciting happenings and I love the photos of all the fun! Thanks, Sue!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m coming. Less than a month now. Still a lot to learn, but minutes are ticking! xoxo

  21. Sandy Hernandez says:

    I’m enjoying all the blogs, posts, photos, comments and memories you are sharing !! I have lots of English blood pumping away inside me and vow that I will get there someday and see it for myself ! B.P. has always inspired me -have so many books and that area is on my list , too . Wouldn’t it be luverly to see your life story on the big screen ???? Wow ! We can only hope it really happens !!!

    • sbranch says:

      You will love England, there’s really such a feel of history everywhere you go. And yes, it would be wonderful! Fingers crossed! xoxo

  22. sylvia in seattle says:

    EGad! My goosebumps have goosebumps I’m so thrilled for you Susan. Wonderful things to look forward to. YAY.

  23. Sheryl Kirk says:

    Dear Susan…………….I am very excited to hear what’s going to happen with your movie. I know in my heart this is what the world needs now….a not so simple, down to earth, creative, old fashioned girl, exploring all her fantasies, her ups and downs and up agains….on screen……. I know I have to wait, but I can hardly do that without wiggling in my chair. Good luck to you, Susan. It is going to happen.
    Love and Hugs,

  24. LindaY says:

    I am loving your travel diary and all the fabulous photos. I just finished reading the book “The Art of Beatrix Potter” and now come your lovely photos on the heels of that wonderful book! Are the sheep still Beatrix Potter’s beloved Herdwicks?

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes. When she left the 14 farms to the National Trust she stipulated that they had to raise Herdwicks! They are such beautiful sheep. Babies are born black, and change color as they grow.

  25. Susan K. says:

    Wow ! How great is your news, how wonderful Susan. I love that book so much. I’m reading it again for the third time. 💕 Continue to have a great time in England, can’t wait to read your next blog.

    • sbranch says:

      I probably won’t know anything for a month at the soonest, and then it could quite likely be a big maybe! So it’s all about composure at this point! Thank you Susan!

  26. Linda Quast says:

    I would be first in line to see it at the theater!! I am reading “A Fine Romance”, for the third time and enjoying it more than the first two times around. My husband got hooked on it too, and could not quit talking about the book as he read each evening. I love this blog. Makes me want to return to England soon.

    Thank you for sharing with us,

    • sbranch says:

      I would probably have to go every night it played, wear a disguise so my movie ticket guy wouldn’t turn me in as stalker! Thank you Linda, give your husband a hug for me! xoxo

      • Judy Jennings says:

        If it were MINE, you can bet your sweet bippy that I’d be there every night! I’m so excited to hear how it goes for you. 🤞🏻🙏🍀
        If they would follow your books truthfully without any funny business, your movie would be a top winner. And we girlfriends would go see it at least ten times each, plus buy the DVD. 💕💗

        • sbranch says:

          Yeah, that funny business is the only possible fly in the ointment. You just don’t know! Fingers crossed they just keep it simple. xoxoxo

  27. Arlene says:

    Thanks for all the wonderful updates. Exciting for sure! I think Sally Field would make a great Susan Branch! Enjoy one more month of bliss, it’ll fly bye for you.

    • sbranch says:

      I think we will need someone younger at this point . I was about 32 when I moved to the Island, so before that age and after that age would be best. LOVE Sally Field ~ would love her or Diane Keaton!

      • FayE in CA! says:

        Diane Keaton would be GREAT X-a-bazillion in the crying scenes for #SBBooktoScreen‼️‼️ I agree, though, need a younger actress at this point and fun-loving Zoey D. will just have to learn to be a love-mourner and drip rivers of tears. 😭😭😭😭 Once in a while Sandra Bullock enters my head and I wish Meryl Streep were younger…she has such a softness to her that would be perfect for the role of SB. Zoey will look FAB in jammies, socks, shawls and forgotten hair!!!

        Isn’t it sad that Hollywood make-up artists can age actors, but they can’t make them younger without using younger actors?! Wouldn’t we all love to have a magic trick to keep our life’s experiences/wisdom/lessons, but turn back time on our physical bodies…but not by plastic surgery? I always thought that in life we should start out looking old and age into a budding rose because we don’t appreciate our youthful beauty when we have it…it’s just there…in the mirror, EVERY
        day…until it isn’t and then it is too late to appreciate that short-lived vision. (WOW…where’s the therapy couch!?)

        Notes: 📝 There will two stars in the “to be” projectS. Eventually there will need to be a Joe. Who played Diary of Bridgett Jones lover?? Can’t think of his name, but his height and kind face remind me of Joe! (See, Joe…it’s not ALL about Susan!! You will be a vital, major role in the trilogy!)

        AND! Kitties/Cats…hmmm, open casting calls will need to be scheduled. Tuxedo cats please audition. Pony-tail-band fetchers are a plus. Maybe we’ll need one orange tabby?

        Susan, the lamb photos are SO endearing. They are like wooly flowers in the fields. I wonder if we blew on them if they would make wishes come true? HA! The young lamb and mom figuring out how to navigate the picnic bench is beyond sweet. Would have loved to have heard their baaaaaaah-baaaah-ing conversation! Made me want to climb through the computer screen and hug them. Patient mom…like all moms watching over their toddlers in parks around the world.

        Keep the goosebumps popping…the fingers cramped and locked for good luck…and yes, since the slippers have room, cross your toes, too. Don’t forget to cross your eyes…never know what will work and so what if you look beyond-crazy for a while. Those of us who care about you will never whisper the words, “What’s up with that nutcase?” Do criss-crossed braids bring good luck? Never know. At any rate I am keeping your “possibility” in my heart along with all of my other best wishes and good thoughts for you.

        This blog brought the coat back out and the umbrella, too. ☔️ Love the clouds throughout your journey. The vistas are the embodiment of the words “fresh air”…blue or murky skies…clouds floating in both salt and pepper colors…greens as far as the eye can see…so fresh looking that my feet get damp walking through your photos…rivers and puddles, too, that also demand Wellie-walks. 👢👢

        When do you get your cheque in pounds from the British tourist industry? You are a jolly-on-the-spot British Isles tour guide…guiding us through the eyes of a besotted commoner!! You are the Ambassador Extraordinaire. Yep, just like British royalty, you have many titles…Queen of Charm…Acting Pub Aficionado…Honorary Beatrix Potter Patron…Friendship Founder.

        Cheer-i-o…pip-pip…pinkies up…and carry on, my dear!

        ❤️❤️❤️ 💋

        PS: And, yes, Holly Hock HAS to happen one day…if just has to.

        • FayE in CA! says:

          Holly Oak!

        • sbranch says:

          I’m just lucky they don’t charge for admission! Thank you dear FayE for all your luv-lee comments . . . too cute. Have a WONDERFUL day, but I don’t have to tell you that! And thank you! xoxo

      • Marilyn Bunte says:

        Yes yes!

  28. Barbara Lassiter says:

    And why wouldn’t they make a movie from these stories of your life? You’ve got the drama, the adventure, the travel and most of all, the feel good element for a happy Hollywood ending. I’m crossing everything- fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes- whatever it takes that this will come true for you. Loved the pictures and post today. What a beautiful country! The pictures of Joe and the cows reminded me of the story of my daughter and her husband on a canoeing trip down the Shenandoah river a few years ago. They saw these large brown shapes in the water ahead of them and immediately thought bears. My son and his family are going there this summer and have been duly warned of the cow-bears! So be careful where you hike! LOL! Thanks again for taking us along!

    • sbranch says:

      😘 to you Barbara, for your sweet words! Ha ha ha, the bears! Were they cows? xoxo

      • Barbara Lassiter says:

        They were cows and with nary a bear in sight! Just big old brown cows cooling off in the water!

        • sbranch says:

          HA HA HA, I would think bears too, how funny and what a relief, cows are WAAAAAY better to run into than bears! Talk about paddling backwards!

  29. kathiellen says:

    Dear #SBBooktoScreen,
    Will it count if I type #SBBooktoScreen over and over?!!….’cause I will if push comes to shove!!! I am WAY BEYOND excited about the news concerning #SBBooktoScreen!!! I am also excited about the September issue of VICTORIA MAGAZINE!! So excited in fact that I just purchased a 2 year subscription! I needed it anyway but knowing that they are going to print a story about your Castle Cottage Picnic…..well how could I resist that!!! With all of this HAPPY FUN STUFF going on…Your Voyage to the UK, traveling with You, Joe & Petey, your Blogs, Tweets, images of Heaven, the new book that you are writing and illustrating, The Royal Wedding, the news concerning #SBBooktoScreen ….my cup runneth over with Happy!!! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it!!!… and b.t.w…..( going back to #SBBooktoscreen ) Z.D. has my vote also!! WHEN they decide to put #SBBooktoScreen into action….I think it would be totally awesome if YOU could have a cameo appearance in “it”… you know, like Alfred Hitchcock?!! Luckily I have seen many of his films several times and know what is happening in them because each time I watch one I spend most of the time looking for Alfred Hitchcock!! Did you know that Elvis’ mom Gladys is in a scene from his movie LOVING YOU?! I LOVE stuff like that!! YOU being in a scene from #SBBooktoScreen would be the Frosting on the #SBBooktoScreen Cake!!! What FUN!!! Isn’t FUN the best thing to have?!!!…. (Dudley Moore as ARTHUR). P.S….I loved this blog extension and the second Beatrix Potter tour…the beauty and all that you share!! Thank You #SBBooktoScreen!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, you are SO CUTE Kathiellen! That wins the award. I would love my voice to tell secret things behind whatever the actress is saying, like “Don’t do it!” Or, sarcasm, like “Good move.” I mean, I’m still alive, so why not! Yes! I could be the dishwasher behind “Joe” at the Black Dog! Isn’t imagination just the best thing?! No I did NOT know about Elvis’s mom. Now I have to see it again! Thank you darling girl!!! xoxo

      • kathiellen says:

        In the scene where Elvis is singing on stage ( when his career has taken off ) ….scan the audience…you will see his mom right away if you know that she is there ahead of time. You just can’t mistake her! I will be looking for YOU in project #SBBooktoScreen!!! Think BIG!!! I mean RED CARPET BIG!!! I am dead serious about that!! I just have a feeling…..

        • sbranch says:

          I will look for her!!! Makes it even better. And thank you Kathiellen, hold that thought!

      • FayE in CA! says:

        Voice behind the scene…love the idea, Susan!

  30. Nancy Newsom says:

    Susan, I loved this post and the pictures are breathtaking! What camera are you using? And cooking on the stove was ingenious! I hope you can share the info on the cottages; are they National Trust Properties? That’s our plan for our next trip. I was reading your post to my husband and we had a spirited discussion about the Academy Award Actress. He said of course it’s Meryl Streep! I laughed, said she’s too old (my age), it must be Emma Stone. Or Reese Witherspoon for all 3 books, making a mini series! I hope it happens, how thrilling for you and Joe. XoXo

    • sbranch says:

      My camera is a Canon T6i. Your plan, the National Trust Properties, is genius. Ours aren’t, but we wish they were. Fingers are crossed, Nancy! Love your conversation, was just like ours when we first heard!

  31. Mary Lawrence says:

    How wonderful!I have so enjoyed your journey.You have gotten us so close and personal to Beatrix Potter.I can’t wait for the Victoria to come in September.I got my very first issue of Victoria in 1989!I have every issue stored.The ones with Tasha Tudor are very special.
    The very fact that your books may become a movie is so exciting how can you contain yourself?I for one feel it will happen because it’s a great read,and great reads make good movies.
    I wonder who will play you,and Joe handsome Joe.Keep us in the loop.Enjoy every moment,and I like you so enjoyed the royal wedding.As my housekeeper use to say ,why sorry what color you are,we are all one color in God’s eye’s.Mary Elizabeth Marshall Lawrence

    • sbranch says:

      Makes me happy to hear that. So many people just think of her books, but there was so much more. Her life is such an inspiration. She could have bought any cottage, but she bought the two smallest and sweetest … makes me love her even more, and that’s saying something! I am not containing myself. Well, I am, but there is that person over there on the sofa that is rolling around making a total idiot of herself. That is not me. I let her do that, while I do the normal things! You’ll always be in the loop, it is WAY more fun to share this than to not! We are all one color in God’s eyes, is the exact truth, makes me remember the song I learned when I was around 5, “Red and yellow black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world . . .” xoxoxo

  32. Cecelia says:

    The pictures!!! thank you for such a great blog. I need to reread it again and really soak in the pics. I think you look like Beatrix! You could be family. Also…the actress…could her initials be Z.D. ??!! Congrats. I love the books. Can’t wait.

    • sbranch says:

      When I first heard of this I thought Zooey Deschanel would be the perfect person to play me. The bangs! But who knows where this might go!

  33. Candice says:

    I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for your dreams to keep coming true!
    Would love to see your books come to the big-screen! Once again a wonderful blog! Enjoy your time in the Cotswolds, breathtaking lovely country. I had some gorgeous photos on FB from my cousins today who did the walk from Wotten-under-Edge to The Tynsdale Monument with their 2 dogs, Stella and Skye.
    Hugs! Happy Travels!

    • sbranch says:

      We’re already looking at the map this morning . . . it’s a beautiful day! Thank you Candice!

  34. Kris Teachman says:

    What awesome photos, Susan (oh, and Joe, too!). I am in total envy of your journey! Look forward to hearing the update on your book to screen opportunity! How exciting! ❤️

  35. Karen Baron says:

    Magic! Thank you for bringing me so much magic!!🤗

  36. Susan says:

    Enjoyed this writing Susan! The country side is absolutely gorgeous! I’m thinking positive for you about maybe a movie of your wonderful books!

  37. Nancy Hauge says:

    Am so excited for it all. Don’t let them get too carried away with poetic license and put in a bunch of stuff that didn’t happen. Loved the books just the way they are. Can’t wait! But then I have a hard time being patient between blogs! Loved this blog especially. So long and full of pictures and great info! Seems like your trip has gone so fast. Thanks for letting us experience England vicariously through you. One production company will want to make a movie out of your books. It’s a sure thing! Only about 5 weeks left of your fab vacation Enjoy! So happy you are willing to take copious amounts of notes and pictures to share with us. We are lucky too! Going back now to read it all again and probably several more times till the next blog comes out. Take care and stay safe on your journey home to Jack.

    • sbranch says:

      That’s the thing, I don’t think you get a lot of control over what they do. I will try my very best. Because I can’t help but visualize scenes like our fashion show, all that 70s gear, the music, the boys, the girls, just strikes me as FUN FUN FUN! Or buying Holly Oak. But once another vision comes in, the vision with the power to make it happen, I think there’s a lot of go with the flow required. But it’s one day at a time, so we shall see. I do long blogs to make up for not A LOT of blogs! Glad to have you here, Girlfriends are the best! xoxo

  38. Wanda in Louisiana says:

    Oh My Goodness Gracious!!! How exciting!! Of course I this would probably happen! SOOOOOO happy for you! AND for being Victoria mag, which I’ve subscribed to since 1990!! Also, been keeping up with your blog for years and have all your books and calendars, etc. So you can tell I’m a fan for sure!!! Keep enjoying that gorgeous English countryside, Thanks taking time to send us pics! Love and appreciate you!

  39. Cindy Maulin says:

    Dear Susan!!! Oh my stars!! This is all so wonderful and marvelous and exciting!!!! First, your trip has been thrilling. Thank you for taking us and showing us the way. I was especially interested in your journey to Ireland as we are beginning to plan ours. Jerry has a family link to the town of Doolin…( his mother’s maiden name)….. so that is our destination ( among others). Have truly enjoyed each and every picture and looking forward to even more!! So… new vocabulary…..” screenwriter.”… “production company”…..”development company”….
    WOW!!!….. I am with Joe..” why not”?!?!?….all I can say is …. dreams really do come true!!!can’t wait for the next news!!!
    Enjoy the rest of your visit… I know you love it there and I can certainly understand why… but I also know that homecomings are so sweet… safe travels!!!! XOXOXO

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, yes, new words which have never seen light of day from my face before! And yes … we had a “miracle of an ice cream truck” show up in an impossible place just when we needed it most … (I will tell the story later), and Joe relates the entire thing to that! If that can happen, he says, anything can. So it will be the Miracle of the Ice Cream Truck to us. Homecoming is sweetest, and you know I can’t wait. They are sending me photos of Jack, of wisteria, of the first bloom of the clematis I planted last year, weaving through the picket fence! So yes, can. not. wait. xoxoxo Love hearing from you Cindy!

  40. Sue says:

    Thank you for sharing I so enjoyed viewing and learning. Am glad I subscribe to Victoria.

  41. Susanb says:

    I so enjoyed the updates on your travels, tours and possible ‘book to screen’ news! Your photos are like a mini vacation for me and can hardly wait to make another trip to England. Thanks for sharing!

  42. Wow! I loved your books SO MUCH! I related to you on many levels! Sheep especially! I’m a South Texas sheep rancher, so it looks a little different down here than the green rolling hills of England. Can not WAIT for the books to be movies!!

    • sbranch says:

      I imagine they are pretty adorable no matter where they are! Love that you raise them! Thank you Shawn!

  43. Pat says:

    I have enjoyed your photos and all the exciting news about possible ‘book to screen’! Traveling through those adorable villages feels like a mini vacation. Thanks for sharing. ❤️

  44. Connie Castle says:

    Such wonderful and exciting news, Susan. I have been re-reading your trilogy
    and am almost finished with A FINE ROMANCE (for the 3rd time). The three
    books are timeless! All would make outstanding movies. Waiting is terrible
    but sometimes the period of waiting can be a good thing. The excitement of
    anticipation, to look forward to possibilities can make the waiting bearable.
    You are an excellent writer and storyteller and watercolorist and the world
    needs more positive movies and all of this will come through to whomever
    is reading ISLE OF DREAMS now–it is so obvious to us all. (-: Prayers
    can’t hurt either! I loved this blog, for all of your news and photos and travel
    adventures, but I really enjoyed learning about the history of Castle Cottage
    and how it evolved when Beatrix Potter and William lived there. Had not heard
    that part of it before. Thank you for taking us all along on your wonderful
    adventure–it is the only way I will ever “see” England. I have a map of the U.K
    and have been marking all the places you tell us about. From this map it looks like
    England is a maze of teeny, tiny roads and little tucked-away villages just
    waiting to be explored. Will anticipate the Sept issue of VICTORIA MAGAZINE
    too AND the new book you are writing!!! You are an inspiration to us all
    and dare I say, my hero, in what you have done when you got a lot of lemons
    and made delicious lemonade. Hurray! Connie Castle from Michigan.

    • sbranch says:

      You have it exactly right …”England is a maze of teeny, tiny roads and little tucked-away villages just
      waiting to be explored.” And each step out the door is an adventure … something to wow you, whether it is a field of wildflowers, a herd of pretty cows, a frolicking lamb, a castle filled with history, an old crunchy pub, or a darling English person who says, “‘Ello Dahling.” Because they do it all the time. Also I think, maybe with us, we have Britain in our DNA … so there is the quality that feels like “home” ~ even though we are firmly American, it still feels mystical in that way. Always so wonderful to hear your positivity Connie! Thank you for checking in!

  45. Joyce says:

    Kind of thrilling! Now I will go crazy trying to figure out who I think will be an excellent choice to play you and Joe. 🤔.

    • sbranch says:

      I almost gave up, the choices do not end! But the thinking about it is so fun! Watch TV and think, “Oh, HE’S cute!” Or, “SHE’D look good with bangs!”

  46. Lynette Strohbach says:

    Oh Susan, such good news for you on the potential movie deals! I hope it’s Reese Witherspoon’s production company, I just love her (especially in Walk the Line). And she looks good as a brunette! I am re-reading Isle of dreams right now coincidentally, since I am going through a second divorce right now at age sixty and wondering why this keeps happening to me. Its giving me strength to go on and I thank you for that. I subscribe to Victoria so I am looking forward to having that as a keepsake of the picnic that I missed. Loved the mugs I received from you and excited to get my third in July. Maybe my life will change for the better in my senior years just as yours has. God bless…

    • sbranch says:

      I love her too ~ she is a light in the world. We need as much of that as possible. I’m sorry about what you’re experiencing … it’s so discombooberating! Consciousness does make such a nice difference, the gift of old(er) age! Sixty is such a nice age! All blessings on you . . . xoxo

      • Lynette Strohbach says:

        Thank you dear Susan! I too am a painter, and I practice yoga to help with both physical (Fibromyalgia) and stress issues. Maybe I should add meditation as well, it seems to have helped you!

  47. Nancy Hauge says:

    Oh yeah, I have a request…could you record a bird saying…my toe huts bett-tee? Have been trying it out but it would be so nice to actually hear first hand.😊

    • sbranch says:

      I will try. They are sneaky, they see me with my phone, and suddenly get quiet. I have recorded it before, although I could never find it now, but I will again, and try for next post, so watch for it! Just sounds like Julia Child saying, singingly, “My toe huts Bet-tee!”

  48. Marilyn Bunte says:

    Your blog today was filled with so many exciting fun adventures I could hardly sit still. From the labeling the books to the cow story makes us feel we are right along with you.
    And you know, I will be at movie theatre to see “Susan” on the screen with my girl friends.
    Thank you, Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      I think I might have answered this, but just in cases, I am saying THANK YOU again Marilyn, so sweet of you!

  49. Nancy B says:

    All the former comments pretty well cover my sentiments, so I’ll be brief. Loved it! Oh, and your photography is exceptional. Of course you have the most perfect background for it all.
    Looking forward to more exciting news.
    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

  50. Oh, Susan!! It just keeps getting more and more wonderful!! Thank you so much for taking us along every step of the way. You were meant to be in all of the places that Beatrix walked and painted. What an honor for you and Joe to be a guests inside Castle Cottage, too!
    It was such fun for Girlfriends across the globe to watch the Royal wedding together. I shared that special morning with my dear friends in Germany, texting back and forth as we watched. It was 3:30am at our house, as I made tea and watched in my jammies.
    Tonight I started to cry as I read your Red-Letter news! 💕John came running over to see what was wrong. “It’s the MOST wonderful news!” I told him, through my happy tears. The movie and your upcoming book are just what the world needs! So much to look forward to, dear one!
    May you and Joe find new wonders down each lovely footpath!
    Sending happy hugs!
    Dawn (in Illinois)

    • sbranch says:

      That was my favorite part, knowing our Girlfriends in the USA were up before dawn, having tea parties in hats and jammies, that’s what I call joie de vivre! Kindred spirits! I do love our esprit de corps. (Getting all French this morning, apparently!) Anyway, Thank you so much for your supportive words. Can’t read future, so we shall see! xoxo to you Dawn, and John too!

  51. Marilyn Bunte says:

    How exciting to read your blog today. I honestly could hardly sit still reading all the excitement from labeling books to the cow photos.
    I can’t wait to hear the final go ahead with the movie deal, My girl friends and I will be first in line at the movie theatre!
    Thank you . Susan.
    You are an inspiration to me.

  52. De Hunold says:

    Can’t wait to hear how this movie Maybe goes! Loving your blogging Susan from across the pond, heck, I love all your blogs!

  53. Chris Myers says:

    Good morning Susan! I just had my ( second) delicious cup of tea out of my Castle Cottage mug, the candles are on as it is a misty cozy morning and I settled down to read your blog….I am beyond excited for you about the news and of course they will all love it and they WILL create something so gorgeous, so inspiring, so enchanting…I cannot wait to learn about every detail. I think The Cozy Club girls and I have to have a special Susan Branch Cozy Club ..we will tweet, and Instagram and Facebook #SBBooktoScreen to all and create something extra special to honour you and the pure contentment of life that you so wonderfully share with us. Your trip after the picnic sounded just perfect and I am so happy that the weather has been kind! I will never forget that special, special day. Neil just arrived as I am writing and sends a warm hug and love to you…xx…Love Chris xoxo ❤️

    • sbranch says:

      Love to you both, Chris, and THANKYOU, it’s still the wonderful word of mouth of girlfriends that means the most! Such a good photo of Neil on the blog, and your loving reaction to him… Have a great day! Love to the Cozy Club Girls!

      • Chris Myers says:

        Just having another(!) cup of tea and of course had pop in to say hi again…Neil was so touched to be included …he is such a great sport taking me here and there to things that make my heart soar..he says he was put here to make me happy…how lucky can one person get? So once more, thank you …for everything! ✨❤️⭐️

  54. WOW! I just know this dream will come true, because it is the dream of so many, to see you and your life immortalized on film. Keeping everything crossed that this is a go. I can see Diane Keaton playing an older you, and Emma Stone playing a younger you. Oh, but whoever it is the whole thing would be magical, just like your books. Where do I start on this post. So much to love. You always managed to capture all of the delight and beauty of this wonderful land I get to call home. Love seeing it through your eyes. The birdsong is beautiful. Cows are really curious creatures, but also very gentle, unless a bull is involved. It can be quite intimidating when they all start to run towards you to investigate however, lol You made me smile. Happy week! xo

    • sbranch says:

      You are one lucky girl Marie! We have a tiny bit of a problem telling cows from bulls when we are far away, but we don’t think they would let us cut across a field without warning us first, so we go on faith! Happy week to you too!

  55. Kathy Pinkerton says:

    I enjoyed reading this post and looking at the beautiful pictures of the countryside! I kept closing my eyes to visualize the beautiful landscapes! I’m saying a prayer for your good news on the book’s screenplay possibility! 💗

  56. Sandra says:

    What incredible news for would be wonderful..a dream come true and would you be like the writer of Mary Poppins….with WaLt Disney..? .love that film
    What another amazing story you give us through words and pictures..
    Thank you
    And then there is the Victoria Magazine..hope to get a copy via sister in law in Grand Rapids ..we,ll see fanatastic and the blue and white pottery on the cover too…
    So thrilled you are in the Cotswolds..Bourton is beautiful just love those little bridges across the stream..many happy hours there but not with too many cows on the scene…they can be very dangerous to walkers..
    Stay safe and enjoy all these wonderful moments..bless you both…with love and thanks for all the happiness and excitement you share with us…
    Sandra in Birminghamx

    • sbranch says:

      We’re being careful, just hope the cows maintain distance! Having most delicious Rachel’s Organic Coconut Yogurt this morning, ANOTHER reason to love England! Love hearing from you Sandra!

  57. Carla Herkner says:

    Yes!!! What the world needs now is all of this good news!!! Yipee!!! My heart is doing the dance of joy!

  58. Nor Azlina Lop says:

    Dear Susan…..thank you for another delightful post. I read and I read and I wish it will never end!!!! So much to enjoy along with the beautiful photos. You have captured England at its very best now.So picturesque ,isnt it ? And those lambs…how can we not love them with their pink ears…
    Happy that you are willing to take your time in your busy schedule to share those magical moments with us. I really appreciate all that you have done.Bless you and Joe.
    Best wishes too on the book’s movie possibility. Stay safe and happy holidays.

  59. Deborah Winter says:

    Hi Susan,

    Thank you for the laugh this morning–the cows chasing Joe were so funny! I bought a poppy from a vet the other day and we had a great conversation about them–but I thought it originated in the UK and he told me actually France. Thanks for putting this on my radar! I just finished “Isle of Dreams” which is my favorite book so far. The part about looking for your three kitties brought tears to my eyes. There will be a movie; I think Sandra Bullock would be a good choice for the middle part and agree Diane Keaton for later years. Lastly, thank you for the Spring Cup; I really like the smaller ones best and will order the Summer one today.

  60. Terry Jansen says:

    Fantastic news..all of it! I’ll be pre-ordering Victoria (have collected for years and years!
    The anticipation of SB movies which I really, really think will happen!
    How tender the view from Beatrix’s window..
    I loved the cow scenes but was fretting somewhat..when I was a child rounding up the cows for milking a bull took after me..I only just managed to get through the gate only to be confronted with a sheep in a baaaad mood..I was lucky that would have been grateful for that pub lol
    And, my beautiful mugs arrived in South Australia safely and I just love them to pieces..oops well you know what I mean!

  61. Dixie says:

    Wow. So much excitement and wonderful pictures in one post. Such fun news. Good for you!
    I’m looking forward to a front row ‘seat’ at the picnic via the Victoria magazine.
    Best Wishes for the screenplay!

  62. Judy from Maine says:

    What a lovely surprise this morning… I checked for a new blog, being hopeful, no email notice…and surprise this wonderful new entry was there. ( of course, now I will be disappointed when the email notice comes and I know I have already read the blog). I guess I’ll just have to read all the good new and potentially good news again, and it won’t be a hardship this entry was wonderful, filled with everything Susan and that’s what makes it so special. Thank you so much for sharing so much of you and Joe with us all, you truly are angel.

  63. ANN MEADS says:

    Thanks for helping us plan a future trip

  64. Gail Golden says:

    Wonderful update, Susan. I’m so enjoying my armchair visit to the English Countryside. Laughing at Joe and the cows. I’m a city girl and deathly afraid of them. Hubby laughed and said, “They thought he had some food for them.” Anyway, the photos of the meadows and paths, while I listened to the birdsong was a good respite from listening to the weather news about Alberto churning through the Gulf. I think he’ll miss us here in Central Florida.

    Excited to hear about the movie news!!!! I have to tell you…ever since you mentioned this months ago, I’ve imagined Sally Field playing you because she favors you so much. Hoping it all works out because I’d love to see a movie or a TV series of your story.

    Loving all I’m seeing and reading about your trip on Twitter, too. Going over now to add that hashtag.

  65. Sallyhicks says:

    I am so excited for you. How wonderful if it all goes to fruition.
    And thank you for those beautiful photos. It still looks like the 18th century there. Calm, beautiful and no people. Wish I was there but I am in New Zealand and I think my traveling days are over. Can’t wait to read your next book. Where can I buy those tea towels?

    • sbranch says:

      Maybe in the National Trust web store . . . or the Hill Top Gift shop … Happy New Zealand day Sally! You must be going into winter now!

  66. Diane from New Hampshire says:

    More wonderful photos and stories of your travels for this armchair traveler. It is almost like being there. Fingers crossed for your marvelous books to be brought to the big screen. Thanks for your wonderful story telling of this marvelous journey in Britain.

  67. diana from ancaster says:

    THIS is THE BEST news EVER!!!!!

  68. charlotte m. says:

    So very wonderful to hear from you this morning. A day with a post from Susan is a great day in my book. I am loving traveling along with you and Joe and seeing all the beauty that there is in the world. I loved seeing how our cups are made, as I sit here with my tea in my springtime cup. I received my Jack in the Books cup a couple of weeks ago and I love it too. So interesting how they make them. I will keep my fingers crossed that this film thing works out. I would love to see this adapted for the silver screen, but if not, I will just read all three books again and watch it on the screen in my mind. Enjoy the rest of your trip Susan. You’ll be home in time for Independence Day!

  69. Your blog posts are always such a delight, and this one is making me want to book a vacation to England straight away (alas, *work*)…

    Congratulations on the Victoria article and wonderful screenplay news – so exciting!

    ♥ Carolee

  70. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Hi Susan,
    Ok.. I am imagining Meryl Streep making the movie and she could play you, and one of her daughters could play you (they look so much alike it would totally work 🙂 in your earlier books. Hope they keep in the part where you meet the Beatles.. Lol.. And who would play Joe? Hmmmm. I hope this happens whoever it is!
    Thank you for your wonderful blog. Beyond Luv-lee 🙂

  71. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    As the English like to say, “Brilliant” and I like to say, “EEEEEKKKKK”!!!!! I’m so happy for you. Fingers crossed….. Love the pics of the beautiful countryside!

  72. scottygrrl says:

    Congrats on the possible movie! Maybe they’ll give you a cameo?

    Funny how the cows chase you, but the sheep run away…

  73. Hillaire Gallagher says:

    Hi There
    You two are the best…love going on your walks….love love seeing Beatrix Potter’s homes…absolutely loved the “coos”.
    Your story to screen will be wonderful, it is the “starting over story” cannot miss. ( I loved when you fell for the little house). The story is the thing….and you have lived that part of it….and have shared it, now another way of sharing it.
    It would be wonderful,
    I hope you and Joe enjoy the rest of your adventure ( so glad you are keeping us all posted) . xxoo

    • Hillaire Gallagher says:

      PS. I loved when you said you would buy Holly Oak. I think it was the stove that sealed the deal….

      • sbranch says:

        It was, the stove. And the bird house. And the blueberries. And how I could wallpaper the bedroom with only one roll!

  74. Cris in Oregon says:

    Love this post. Love seeing all the old paintings I have in books of England come alive in real photos in today’s time and seeing nothing’s changed. Congrats on everything …Victoria, my favored magazine and fingers crossed for the rest. I chuckled at the cows..reminds me of those sheep we have for a time in our back field. When the sheep people came for the mamas and babies I got out there with my camera to get pix of the dogs rounding them up to get in the truck..I was across the field out of the way when they turned and headed right at me. I clicked the pix of them heading towards me, and held my breath as they got closer not daring to move..heart beating a mile a minute ..when they split up as they got to me and went on either side of me ..all I felt was the air.. Phew.. I need to find that shot put it on Instagram..Thanks for always sharing your adventures. Enjoy every second.. Because the time seems to be flying.

  75. Mandy Tackett says:

    I’ve loved reading your blogs and living vicariously through you! We went to England in 2001 and I believe it’s high tome for us to go back… gathering lots of wonderful ideas from you.
    Exciting news about the possibility of a movie! I hope that you/they consider Danica McKellar to play you (she of Hallmark movie fame). IMO she would be the perfect choice and would do the role the justice it deserves.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip!!

  76. Susan Morgon ( Ohio gal from SoCal ) says:

    This blog – I love it all! The misty Cotswolds caught my eye, it does set one to dreaming, doesn’t it? I loved that you included the beautiful bay window of Beatrix Potter. Imagine looking out on that scene every day. And imagine her seeing it with her very last breath. Oh my. One comment I want to make is about the video you included a couple of blogs back, the one with the sheep baaing in the background. What would it be like to hear that dreamy sound all the time? It would be lovely! Speaking of lovely and dreamy, thank you for bringing them both into our lives. How we love it!
    SO excited about the movie news; can’t wait to hear more!

  77. Lindy Munday says:

    OH happy day, can’t wait to see a good wholesome movie or tv show. Love you pictures of the Lake District, bring back such good memories, I’ll have to get my photos out and in a book,mother old fashion way. My wish would be to back to England I just love it there. Friend want Paris , but just another large city, give me the countryside any day. Lindy

  78. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good morning Susan, Girlfriends. its Memorial Day and well we will be remembering in one more way, we lost our beloved Tabby Cat this morning, early!!! He had been sick for awhile wit feline inflammatory syndrome and I guess we caught it too late to really help him. we buried him near to Inky and I know she was waiting for him and will look after him now. he was a good kitty and we loved him so, i’ll be missing the fuss and carrying on when I got his breakfast ready, always meowing and jumping about until I put that dish down, or getting real happy when I had my coffee with me, he liked (his) my coffee with lots of milk in it. he is gone now and for a few days I will be gone, I need time to recover. enjoy your trip and your day….. hugs….. 🙁

  79. Half the fun is planning and anticipating the adventure…enjoy every single minute! Your story is too good to get passed by.

  80. Caroline says:

    Wow! Another magical blog post! The pictures of you and Joe and your surroundings are beautiful…. Inspiring us all to go there and walk in your footsteps! You’re a light in this World, as your heros were before you, pointing for us all “This way. This way.” with love and the best sense of humor! I can barely WAIT to hear who the actress will be who plays you. I vote Zoey or Emma Stone! Whoever it is I hope she is as nice and as wonderful as you AND she comes and visits you on Martha’s Vineyard! I would ask if I was a famous actress who, moved by your books, wanted to bring the story to life on the Big screen! I love our girls friend’s idea about you having a cameo appearance in the film! My imagination has already jumped to your BLOG POST ABOUT OPENING NIGHT!!! Have a wonderful day; I know you will! Caroline

    • sbranch says:

      OHHHHH thank you Caroline! My heroes DID point the way for me! Still do! I may not be in a place where I can save the Lake District, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do the best I can! Love your imagination. I know, the Blog, if it happens, will probably start buzzing out loud! xoxo

  81. Judy in Oregon says:

    One day on my daily walk I met a woman who for the second time was going to walk across England. Now I see why. I would feel like I was in heaven walking in such a beautiful place every day. Having grown up around cows they very rarely go after people but still it can happen. They look to me like they may have just been curious but it can be daunting when they are so large and several are coming towards you. It is always wise to be a little wary.
    How exciting that two companies are interested in turning your books into movies. That is actually beyond exciting and I can’t think of another movie I would love to see more.

  82. Anne Hebden says:

    So exciting Susan, your story is such a lovely one to tell, fairytales can and do come true. I think you have to experience bad times to really appreciate the good ones.
    Loved seeing where you got to after the picnic day. Tony and I did the same walk you did to the tarn and it was truly awe inspiring. It took our breath away and thank goodness Beatrix Potter loved it too and left it so we could all enjoy it.
    Looking forward to the next installment!

  83. Anne Baker says:

    What exciting news! Can’t wait.
    I first discovered your products in Austin, Texas over 20 years ago, where we are from (been living in Arizona since 2005) in a little shop called Heart of the Home. They had a section of all things Susan Branch. It was not long after that I joined the list of Willard newsletters recipients and they actually came in the mail! U.S. Mail. Remember that?
    Thank you for taking us all on your journey. I fell in love with Martha’s Vineyard on a trip there in 1988. My first love is of course Texas (hope to get back there to live one day) but Martha’s Vineyard is a place I’d love to have a Summer place. Just dreaming. Arizona is lovely too. Everyone in my family has been to England and Ireland but me. I need to get my bucket list out of mothballs!
    Will be eagerly waiting to hear the news about the “movie”. You and Joe are the cutest!
    Anne from Mesa

  84. Lorraine Macholz says:

    Dear Susan,

    How exciting for you and of course for all of us! We will use the hashtag #SBBooktoScreen all the time to help you along! Also, we see Joe all the time with a tote bag, just a thought maybe you could create one for all of us with one of your amazing pictures that you paint on it! Say like the Mary had a little lamb quote!! Just a thought for you to ponder. Keep posting love to follow along! Thank you so much for being so fabulous!!!!! Love to you and Joe!

  85. Luanne Coats says:

    Your gorgeous photos of the English countryside just keep getting better and better—thank-you for sharing them with us, I went to England for 3 weeks in 2015, but it’s just not enough. I almost think I could have stayed there a year and not seen everything I wish I could see. I did go to Chatsworth for a day and the Cotwolds for a day on a lovely guided tour. You’re lucky to stay there–even with a power outage!
    Who knew one could listen to English birdsong on YouTube? I love how you find the coolest pubs and yummy pub food. Thanks for showing us how the mugs are produced with such care. I am finally the owner of one–A Fine Romance, of course. Exciting news about #SBBooktoScreen, altho your books will always be better–don’t know how film could use all your quotations or capture the charm of your artwork! Both you and Joe look supremely happy and fit there in Great Britain.

    • sbranch says:

      I agree, we haven’t even come close to “seeing it all” … it’s not huge, but it’s stuffed with wonderfulness. The imagination of Hollywood is boundless, if they use their massive energy and power for good, there’s no telling what they could do! Fingers crossed for all of us to fly to the moon on their creativity! xoxo

  86. Wende Taylor says:

    Hi Sue… well, I read your lovely blog about the picnic and then I read EVERY comment and your replies, and now read this fabulous blog and every comment and reply. Our girlfriends have said it all, and expressed every emotion I feel, there’s nothing left to add… ❤️
    loving you and all that you are Susan Branch! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you so much, Wende, as you can see, wouldn’t be near as much fun without my girlfriends! XOXOX

  87. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Hi Susan~ Oh my, another fabulous post of all the adventures and beautiful places you have been enjoying these weeks!! To live among the history in the cutest of cottages in Beatrix Potters beloved Lake District, must be such an experience that you have to pinch yourself every day to make sure it is happening!! LOL!! You have been so lucky to spend quality time just exploring these green hillsides and gathering inspirations that must be filling up many journals. Life changing, I think!

    The wedding?? I was up at 5 am taking in every minute of the broadcast here stateside. It was just as one would imagine it could be; beautiful, stately, historical, and magical. I wish Harry and Meghan all the best!

    The news about TWO production places considering your trilogy of books is just plain off the charts exciting!! Oh my, I can only imagine the tingling all over that happens when such a possibility seems to be inching towards reality. Fingers crossed for something more definitive this Summer!!!

    I love this latest cottage you are in and I bet the village life must be quite enjoyable to be a part of as well. Thanks for this important update and all of the photos to keep us GFs in the loop of this incredible journey you and Joe have been on this year. I look forward to “our” next update!!

  88. Linda Warlyn says:

    *Clapping hands wildly!!* Oh, Susan, I am thrilled with the news that your wonderful memoirs are being considered for the screen…all fingers and toes crossed for you!! What a glorious, juicey post! Thank you for taking our hands (albeit with the wonders of the internet) as you and Joe adventure thru the footpaths and hedgerows of Britain…after pouring my coffee, the first thing I do in the morning is check your Twitter…I am still swooning after today’s little video. Your tweets start my day in the most beautiful ways! Awhile ago, a friend gave me a great little book called, The Huntingfield Paintress by Pamela Holmes. Written as a novel, it tells the true story of Mildred Holland, a vicar’s wife who loved to sketch and paint as a hobby. She took on the task of painting the interior of their plain little church in Suffolk (largely on her back on scaffolding.) If you Google, Mildred Holland Huntingfield, you can see images of it, as it still stands. I thought if you and Joe are anywhere near Suffolk next month, you may like to stop in. It is a fascinating story about a remarkable woman. Wishing you and your honey more days of birdsong and beauty in adorable Britain. PS I am sorta in love with Meghan Markle. Like you, I think she and her Harry are going to do great things together to make this world a better place. xox

    • sbranch says:

      I have heard of her Linda, talk about someone wanting to DO something. Amazing! I should read that book!

  89. janet gorrell says:

    I have been with you from the beginning…….you go girl! We are 2months apart in age.I am totally rooting for you and praying for God’s best in your life. So exciting.

  90. Valorie Veld says:

    In love with the mother sheep and her little one under the table! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful adventures!

  91. Kathy Pink says:

    Oh Susan . . . when I saw the picture of you looking out at Beatrix’s little lake, picturing her and William there in their rowboat, I sensed that you were feeling a deep connection to them, and it made me feel it too. How completely wonderful! But then, to get to the end of your blog, and read about your second book possibly being made into a movie; it was the icing on the cake. I’m going to think good thoughts. Thanks for letting us travel with you.


  92. Kathy says:

    Absolutely can’t wait for your new book to add to
    my collection! Your descriptions make one feel as if they were there!
    Keep working hard—it’s not only enjoyable, but educational!
    The good news from the production cos. is the best—you deserve it!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, it’s a working vacation, that’s for sure . . . probably couldn’t afford the time off if not, but it’s like all my work, a thing I love to do. xoxo Thank you Kathy!

  93. Anna says:

    You’ve outdone yourself – so many lovely photos and charming descriptions. I adore your “English” floral dress. Beatrix Potter was a remarkable woman accomplishing all she did and in that time period.
    Did you notice the castle door had a small pet door for a dog or cat?
    Do the English bluebells resemble our Virginia bluebells we grow in the mid-western U.S.?
    Happy travels!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, they may be slightly different variety, but they look a lot alike. Just woods full of them here, and so far I haven’t seen that in America . . . must be somewhere though!

  94. Alice says:

    Many, many thanks for allowing us at home to experience your amazing adventure! It’s been many, many years since I’ve been to Scotland and England and wish that in my youth I’d kept a diary of all my day-to-day activities. I thought I’d recall it all, but, unfortunately, not so much! I’m blessed to experience it all vicariously. Keep up the good work!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve been on lots of trips where I did not keep a diary and found out I absolutely don’t remember! But the words, written nearly in the moment, bring you right back to the joy of the time! Couldn’t encourage it more. Even just a paragraph a day, we went here, we went there . . . otherwise it’s all a blur!

  95. Sue says:

    Life is beautiful….or should I say what a beautiful life for a beautiful woman.
    Will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you…Joe and of course your kitty!
    I hope that you three will have a part in the film….
    lots of love and prayers..

  96. Merci says:

    OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!! It will happen, I just know it will!!! Also, I can see how you can relate to Beatrix, a little cottage, you had a little cottage, she writes, you write! Oh, it just goes on and on! Continue on your wonderful adventure. Look forward to your next installment – And, a new book in the future!

  97. Dee Ann says:

    Thank you for the blog…so wonderful. Excited that your book is movie bound!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Well, maybe, we really don’t know, they are only reading it now…first they have to like it!

  98. Julie Eden says:

    Bank Holiday Act of 1871 started it all. The banks and most businesses are closed though they do not have to (the businesses) and do not have to pay workers for having it off. Hey, we basically do the same thing here by making all these three day weekends. Loved them when we lived in England. Glad you are in the Cotswolds. Have a cousin living in Finstock. We were Cambridge folks ourselves. But my cousin married a Brit so you have to live where they do…Have a nice rest of the trip. Enjoy the photos.

  99. Valerie B says:

    It’s all so marvelous. The Vinyard story is so well done. I know it’s touched so many women who’ve shared that experience of being lost and feeling alone. It’s a real tale of hope and courage. It will make a great film. Of course Hollywood has to trash up everything now in order to sell seats so a film like this may not appeal to that venue, but alas, films like Miss Potter and Julie and Julia still have a strong following of mostly women. I hope they can do it justice. Saoirse Ronan would be perfect. Loved her in Brooklyn and Lady Bird. Best of luck Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, I hope no bombs go off and no one gets kidnapped! Need that luck, thank you Valerie!

  100. Laura says:

    Dearest Susan,

    I have never written to you and have only recently started to receive your blog regularly. I have not even read this one to the end yet but through a few tears I must thank you for what you do! I was born in Massachusetts so that was “home” even when I lived in California, but when I moved to England that was and forever will be my true home. I was there for 20 years: lived in Staffordshire, visited Hill Top and Chatsworth and so many other places I hold dear in my heart. I don’t expect I will ever go back even though my heart is there, and I am so very grateful for your photos and comments and artwork. Thank you, thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      So lucky that you had those amazing 20 years, and I completely understand ~ it’s very difficult when your heart is in more than one place. When you’re there, you miss here, when you’re here, you miss there! Always homesick! Yearning with tears! I’m happy to have you here Laura, thank you for your kind comments. xoxo

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