This post is all about Nesting, but first Girlfriends, I just have to vent! Omarosa!!! Are you dying? Every time we turn on the TV, there she is. I run to the wood-room to change the channel but there’s no place to hide, she is either on, or she is coming on, or she will be on soon, or they’re talking about the last/next time she was on. It’s like an alternate universe. My sister and I were shooting the breeze on the phone, started talking about her by accident, and suddenly felt like characters in her reality show! Everyone on TV is part of her soap opera. We all are. Why are they making this woman rich? Our tax money paid her $180,000 a year salary, AND she had an assistant! Now, I fear the White House will feel it necessary to fight back, and it will never end! What if they have a feud? What if they take her to court??? Can you imagine the “Breaking News?” Save us! There needs to be a new TV box that only has smart, kind, and normal in it. Where is Beatrix Potter when we need her? Has no one heard of the word gravitas? These are the questions! Please, please do not let Omarosa be in history books. That is my prayer. I think what happens with old people, when they die, they are GLAD to go, there are some things people just don’t want to see. Okay, I’m done. Don’t worry, TV is off! Sorry, it’s the heat. I love you. All will be well. Keep the faith. Back to real life . . .
I blame everything on the heat! How’s it going with you? Thank you so much for your sweet patience . . . I’m sorry I haven’t written, but I’ve been thinking of you … I just needed to settle in. Four months was a long time to be gone. But each day has been another step up the back walk, I’ve been working on the new book, but also reading my delicious books (just finishing Letters between the Mitford sisters), walking early mornings, cooking ~ and, really, more than anything, I’ve been NESTING. I feel fall coming! We are HOME, and I am LOVING it. Such a homebody, I get up in the morning, scramble some eggs, cut up some watermelon, stir a little cream into my tea, look out the window, clean things, shine things, stare at them, sing at them, feel so much gratitude, which I do, and am, and now I’m ready to write and say HELLO and catch up! Happy, despite the ridiculous heat and humidity which I know so many of you are experiencing too. I took that photo above from the window in our kitchen door . . . and that’s not rain.
This would be the view if you could see out the window! SO, basically, I rarely go out. Certainly NOT to the garden ~ you would have to cut your way through the air with a machete to get there. I asked Joe on our walk (where we feel like laundry just out of the washer at 7 am), wouldn’t it be nice if we could just slit this air open, climb through and inside would be cool freshness? But every once in a while, we get a good storm, the air clears, the sea breezes blow, and then it’s like spring fever all over again.
Out I go, from flower to flower, like a bee. A bee with a camera. This is Rose of Sharon ~ it lives on a pretty bush that grows tall and lush in so many gardens on Martha’s Vineyard. We only planted it last fall, this is its first year to bloom … it will make such a nice late-season thing when it’s fully grown.
We also planted a white hydrangea Bobo H. paniculata in front of the three Rose of Sharon bushes.
They’re all still rather spindly . . . just a couple of flowers so far . . .
But someday they will make a romantic flowery partial hedge in the lawn, a cosy alcove of pink and white for the arbor where we have dinner parties. Next year will be better, and in three years, they will be heaven! And for the future of my darling house, it will be even heavener. I’m not the most patient person in the world, but some things are worth it.
As always, as I get back to the kitchen porch, I see I have somebody waiting for me . . .
He shows his pleasure through the window . . . I feel so popular! What a baby! Gimme that boy! Gimme that tummy!
So, yes, we’re up to all kinds of things, home-wise, stuff needs to be done! We’re going to put a fresh coat of white paint on the front of the house, but it’s been so hot, Joe decided to wait on that, and start on the dining room with the air conditioner in it! September will be luv-lee for house painting. The boy is a genius! It’s the genius’s birthday today. I’m up early to write this post, so I can go tend to the Leo King and let him know he is loved. Isn’t real life delightful?
More delightful real life: We had a leak upstairs, rather, a recurring leak, despite being fixed, it came again, and the last time was while we were away . . . Our wallpaper has been fighting a losing battle with mold for a couple of years, and now it looks like this in some places!
The ceiling is a mess too . . . and you can see here, there’s more staining on the wallpaper, pretty much everywhere in the room.
So, Joe’s fixing it. It all came down fairly easily, just took one day. We are going to give the walls a rest for a few years and let that mold problem go away permanently. Joe will fix the ceiling, paint the woodwork, paint the walls, and I’m choosing the fabric for ENGLISH CURTAINS, the heavy, lined kind! Which I will tell you about soon. Lots of Before and After on the horizon! It’ll be fun! I’ve wanted these curtains FOREVER, every time we go to England I experience unbearable curtain lust. I have bitten the bullet to do it, and the bullet tastes like cotton candy. Ahh fabric, with hydrangeas on it, or sweet peas, or clusters of ribbons and flowers… eeek ….
If this wallpaper could talk. Almost twenty years of being romantic, giving loveliness, reflecting candlelight, witnessing turkey dinners and best-friend’s birthdays. Maybe in a few years, we’ll have wallpaper again, maybe a pattern just like this one. Until then, I’m happy, I do love to decorate! Fresh paint is the fastest way I know to make an exciting change and bring in a breath of fresh air! We are thinking either pink, or, hold on to something, navy blue! The trim and wainscoting will be glossy white! And heavy ENGLISH CURTAINS. Oooo.
And Jack likes it too…
The luvlee thing about photos, wallpaper never has to go away. The memories go on forever.
So what else? I have, as of today, washed and dried, (tennis balls in the dryer helps to puff them), twelve feather pillows. I’m cleaning everything, making this entire house fresh as a daisy. So we can light candles and cook something wonderful and turn on the old music and open all the windows this fall. This may look like work, but this is what I love. I was born to clean! Not so much the cleaning, the part that comes after, the pride of it.
Washed the comforters too, the pillow covers . . .
The mattress covers, the sheets and throws . . .
The pillows come out fat and feathery and smell so clean!
Oh yes, cutting boards and wooden spoons have all been oiled for that warm and well-loved patina . . . you can read more about that HERE.
I’ll save the quilts for the clothesline, when the leaves start to fall and cool winds begin to blow. Dreamy!
Shelf-by-shelf, whether dishwasher, or handwashed, all the dishes came out and shelves were hot-watered, soaped, and sparkled! I think while I clean. Probably the best time to plot a book is while I’m washing dishes and watching the birds at the feeders! I always have a pen and paper nearby in case I think of something wonderful! Even in the shower!
And cleaning the critters too. While Joe sands walls, I’m making the rest of it look nice for the new dining room!
But of course, into the studio I go every day. It’s heaven, in my imagination I still live in England, wandering the countryside, seeing the beauty. Writing, remembering quotes I hope will be perfect for the book, searching them out, pulling photos, painting borders, making a list of the recipes I’m going to include. I’m reminded how spoiled we were, going to a different pub every day, each with delicious food, I began to yearn for some good ole’ British cooking . . .Nowadays, I have to be my own grandma!
Was thinking about one particular dinner we had . . .
In this darling pub in Kingham . . .
Where the food was delicious, and we were so happy. So I found this pub online, discovered the name of the chef was Emily Watkins, and found one of her recipes. Look at her, she’s inspiring me and she doesn’t even know it.
It’s called “Baby Broad Bean, New Potato and Fresh Goat’s Cheese Salad” . . . we knew it had to be good because everything we tasted there was so wonderful. And it was so easy.
So off we went to find broad beans. But wait, what IS a broad bean? Google knew! So off we went for “Fava Beans,” because that’s what they’re called in America. And this is what a fresh fava bean looks like. Who knew? I think I like the name Broad Bean better than Fava Bean. Something a little too Hannibal Lector about Fava Beans.
Slit them open, and what do we have . . . big fat beans nestled in pockets surrounded with a protective foam-like substance … cuddled beans.
Pop them out . . . into the colander to give them a rinse.
Following the recipe we blanched the beans for 30 seconds, then plunged them in cold water. The recipe said, “Remove the skins and set aside.” “There are skins? Didn’t we just do that?” We’re talking to ourselves.
Yes, there are skins! Like one of those gifts where there’s a smaller box inside each box you unwrap! And there it is, the actual bean . . . no longer so very broad.
They have a little seam in them and can just automatically split in two . . . a wonder of nature.
Beautiful color, and they taste wonderful . . . these will not be our last broad beans!
We set the beans aside, and did potato prep. We don’t have the melt-in-your-mouth “Jersey” potatoes available in England (and called for in the recipe), so we got as close as we could with these small white new potatoes. We cooked 500 g of them (1/2 lb) until “just tender,” then removed from heat, added a “small handful of fresh mint,” and set the pan aside for another five minutes for the mint to infuse. Interesting, don’t you think? Joe’s making lamb chops, I think the mint and faaaava beans will be perfect with them. Drain the pan, remove the mint, and smash the potatoes roughly. Salt and pepper them.
While the potatoes were simmering, to the darkening garden I went, slashing air with machete to make breathing possible, to get some chives. Sorry to say, no chive flowers left!
Time out, short pause, must take photo, take quick sniff of rose!!!
Back in the house to mince the chives . . .
While I was in the garden, Joe started the dressing . . . whisking “rapeseed” oil, which is “canola oil” in America (I love foreign languages, especially when they’re in English) with juice of half a lemon, a tsp. of Dijon mustard, and a half tsp. of sugar. I made little chunks of the goat’s cheese and put them in a small bowl. (British recipes are MUCH easier to do if you have metric measurers like those above. Joe had no problem when the recipe called for 60 ml of canola oil ~ it’s a quarter of a cup!)
Then it was time to assemble the salad . . . “Put sorrel leaves or wild rocket in a large bowl,” ~ if you don’t see those at your supermarket, look for arugula because that’s rocket in America. I doubt it’s very wild though. Toss the greens together with the potatoes and beans, and the dressing, tossing gently, coating everything. Add the nuggets of goat’s cheese, and garnish with chives (and chive flowers for extra prettiness and flavor if you have them).
By this time Joe’s chops are sizzling …
Time out for a photo . . . we’re so proud of ourselves we have to take pictures!
And here we go! We loved it. It was the Pub Food we were dreaming about. Flavors combined like buttah, the potatoes, the cheese, the slight mintyness. We thought we might want to try a little bit of lemon zest in the dressing next time, but it was delicious just as it was. Joe woke up the next morning talking about it! A very good sign! We had such a good time doing this, I printed out two more Emily Watkins recipes to try. I’ll let you know how they come out! Pub House USA!
Happiness is . . .
Did you see this? It’s our little feature in Victoria Magazine! Pretty pictures, not lots of information, so if you’d like to read more about this heavenly day, go HERE. It was still lovely to have this as another memory of a truly remarkable day that went by waaaay too fast!
This is still my favorite photo, even if you can’t see the faces very well! The fact that Girlfriends came from so many different places, was just amazing. A convergence of kindred spirits. In the very garden belonging to Beatrix Potter, not all that long ago.
Yesterday, I received the first samples of the new cups in from England! They turned out beautifully, luv-lee deep colours of orange and red! All approved, and up now for presale! We’re trying to have them in by late October, but hopefully early in late October! (And yes for you that ask, that fairy tale banner is still in our webstore!)
I’ve been keeping the paper ones on my shelf . . . Gives Joe a little surprise when he grabs one for tea! Ha ha!
Yes, this mess belongs to me! There’s method to this madness, never fear. I’m getting very close to being finished with the “research” part of the new book . . . Tomorrow I do my first page layouts! Pen hand is ready! I’m so excited!
Look at this fat thing. All the bits of information I collected is now between the pages where it belongs . . . I think you are going to love it. There’s been lots of talk between us girls on Twitter: A Fine Romance resulted from a two-month trip. This time it was four months! Plus, I want to include our Scotland trip, so we will have England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. I was thinking, what should I tell and what should I leave out. Because of the size … but now, with a little help from my friends, I think it might be two books. I’m just going to go and go and go until it’s done and leave nothing out. If it turns out as fat as the 1931 Oxford Dictionary, I will turn it into two books. Two books of gardens, cottages, tea rooms, castles, recipes, heroes, bunting, ancient churchyards, one-track lanes, hedgerows, pubs, ghosts, history, and legends, and so much more. Are you ready?
From me to you Girlfriends!
My grandest blessing! Happy Birthday Joe Hall, boyfriend for life.
Bye Girls, have a wonderful day! Here’s that recipe!
- 1 lb. (1 kg) broad beans (fava beans)
- 1/2 lb. (500g) small creamiest white-skinned potatoes
- handful of fresh mint
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
- 1/2 tsp. sugar
- 1/4 c. (60ml) rapeseed oil (canola)
- 2 big handfuls (100g) salad greens, sorrel, rocket, OR arugula
- about 1 c. (or to taste, or 120g) fresh goat’s cheese in nugget size pieces
- one bunch chives, finely chopped, chive flowers too, if you have them
- salt and pepper to taste
Remove beans from pods, blanch in boiling water for 30 seconds (you want them al dente). Pour off the water and plunge the beans into ice water. Remove the inside skins from the beans, put them in a little bowl and set aside. Put potatoes in salted water just to cover and bring to boil; simmer until just tender. Remove from heat, put mint in with the potatoes and set them aside for five minutes for the mint to infuse. Drain the pan, discard the mint, crush the potatoes roughly, salt and pepper, set aside to cool. In a small bowl, whisk the oil, lemon juice, mustard and sugar together. Put the greens in a large bowl, add the beans, the cooled potatoes, pour over the dressing and toss lightly to coat everything. Add nuggets of goats cheese, garnish with chives (and chive flowers if you can, nasturtiums are nice too!). Serve. Good the next day too.
Welcome back! Happy birthday, Joe! I love this post. I’ve really been enjoying the summer.
I took off on a slow and twisty road trip. Loving visiting with my little grands and kids and dear old friends. But since I got home, I have such an inch to clean out ‘stuff’. Reading about your cleaning and redecorating is making me want to clean – and me no likey cleaning. Anyway, the work of cleaning up my overgrown garden is now behind me so I’m going to start fussing around the house. Thanks for the pep talk! I can only attribute the not so divine ms Oh to our being on the tail end of A mercury retrograde…
Beauty, talent, inspiration, travel, books, te, picnics. These are what I love that you share. Please no Politics. The more we talk the angrier we get. The more power we give them over our lives. I turn it off and refuse to let them ruin my day. I’m worried about our country but I read you tobtake me away. Thanks!!
Happy Birthday Joe. Susan, I love every thing you write, post or think. Makes me very happy to see you in my in-box. If the new book takes 2, 3, or even 4 books’ I am ready. You are an inspiration and a joy to all who follow you. Your art work is divine. Thank You and Joe for being on this Earth. I was so Happy to meet you and see Joe wondering in the background two years ago in Cincinnati. Bess You always.
Happy birthday Joe!
Ahh, nesting – I love it! Discovering stored objects, rearranging furniture, creating new vignettes. I am looking forward to the curtains for your dining room, and you are right – a fresh coat of paint brings the quickest renewal to a room. Everything about home feels right when the furniture glows, windows and mirrors sparkle, and flowers adorn each room. The new cups are lovely! Keep writing~
Thank you Ann! I so agree, the least expensive way I know to perk things up is a can of paint!
I want to vent, too! Only hope that Omarosa or someone like her will be the final brick in the wall that helps us all.
I would rather spend time with you in your house, nesting, and you in your creative space and Joe on the ladder sanding the ceiling, and then you coming together to make and share a wonderful meal. That is a true expression of a good match.
Please consider offering washti tapes of your borders. I could really use them in my journal as I’m not very creative in paint-mode.
Thanks for your creative spirit, and I’m on board for two books with everything!
Jeanne of Iowa
We deserve better than this from our government. It’s a serious important job that doesn’t deserve these weird little feuds like fighting friends as any sort of air-your-dirty-laundry on the 6 pm news. Good grief. Honestly, General Hospital had more gravitas. This is comment #3 where you’ve mentioned washti tapes, not that I mind because I don’t, but so that you know these are actually making it up. It’s just me, I’m slow! But I like to read them, even if I can’t answer them all! xoxoxo
The salad sounds delicious and I can’t wait to try it. I love fresh summer veggies and all their freshness. Thank you for your blog and the sweet things you talk about. Gives me a reprieve from all the smoke in the air in California. Today was a gift with fresh air and a little cooler.
The way you started this blog post is why we don’t have TV. I only miss it during Wimbledon and Royal Weddings, when I manage to see them somehow!
Happy Birthday, Joe, what a wonderful smiling face! The birthday cake looks good too…
Broad beans, home-grown by my father, were a favourite of my mother’s and many was the time I helped prepare them with her. A very companionable chore, and such a great taste. I think Fava beans have a slightly different texture and flavour.
It is a treat, as always, to read and enjoy this blog. Thank you Susan and I can’t wait to see your next book(s)!
VERY companionable. We loved it! Thank you Sally!
I so agree with you on Omarosa (sorry to type her name again) and much of what is on tv these days. I listen early in the morning just to be sure the world is still here (we used to do that in England and on the continent…we’d turn on BBC and if they were on the air (radio), we knew the world was still there). Then off the tv goes.
I have been thinking of Beatrix a lot these days as I am filling in my collection of her figurines with the older gold circle and gold oval pieces. I have 99% of the newer ones already. I also have a couple of books about her to read that my son gave me. He used to call my BP room “the room of oddities” and now he appreciates her art and wants my collection of figurines!! How sweet and funny… I love your nesting ideas, and yes a bit of spring cleaning (only a few months late) is fantastic. I am going through a lifetime of letters and adding them to my memoir now. The main story is done and that calls for celebration. But the letters add a bit to the memory and set some things straight. And oh, the first letters I wrote to my husband are hilarious to read now. So I am nesting in a different way. I love Joe’s painting and fixing the leak too. Leaks are fickle and you think you find the path and they surprise you…Happy Birthday Joe. I so enjoyed seeing and hearing all about your time in England etc. Love seeing more photos today and your memories. Keep it up…here we have local peaches and corn. It is fun how each part of the country has it’s own delightful antics. I am in western PA…thanks for the post, it made my day.
I adore BBC. I learned so much when I was over there, and not all bad news, and really felt more like a station that belonged to the people. YES! I should have said that, ours was a very fickle leak. Hopefully this time it’s cured! Thank you Julie!
Planting shrubs & trees is such a beautiful manifestation of hope, don’t you think? I always remember the quote (anonymous, to me at least) about plant growth: “The first year it sleeps; the second year it creeps; the third year it leaps”. So in 3 years your little hedge should be grand!
Happy birthday, Joe!
I find that to be the truth! Love it, thank you Treah!
Happy Birthday Joe!! Susan, thank you for all the kindness you put out into the world. Your talk of cleaning has now guilted me into the reality that I actually should dust and vacuum and clean the bathroom even though it is one billion degrees. Yuck! xoxo
That one billion degrees is truly the problem . . . xoxoxoxo
Oh my, heavy English drapes – one my favorite things. Will you be making them yourself, or having someone do it? I can’t sew. Have tried, but it’s just not my thing. But I’d love to find some lovely heavy fabric and pay someone else to do it. Afraid it might be a King’s ransom though. I love dark walls with bright white woodwork, but in the case of the dining room, my leaning is toward the pink. Such a lovely glow by candlelight. I just happened to pick up Victoria today, so look forward to reading it this evening. I used to have a subscription, but haven’t for a number of years, but it seems to have gotten back to the way it used to be, so have been buying it for a few months, but now will subscribe again. Almost time to get the Fall book out – so exciting. I bought a banner of black and white buffalo check with pumpkins that I’m excited to hang with the first nip in the air. Oh and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE! You’re a gem.
I’m not making them. I think I could, and a few years ago I have no doubt I would have done it, now my time is for book writing! So a girlfriend is making them. Check this out!
Happy Birthday to Joe!
I like the thoughts of greens and potatoes together…and the mint.
Thank you for sharing, Susan.
It has been a hot summer here in Texas, but our elevation is very high so our days and nights are starting to get cooler as September gets closer. I’m ready for outdoor fires around the fire pit and bowls of green chile stew. I love Fall! Your “Autumn From the Heart of the Home” is my fav cookbook! We need a volume II.
Best wishes!
Susan, in all your writings about beautiful England, I don’t recall you ever mentioning the many wonderful, wonderful books (fiction and non-fiction) by “Miss Read” (Dora J. Saint). They were written beginning in the 1950’s and describe a sweet and gentle way of life. My favorites are her Christmas stories. Are you familiar with them?
Yes, I’ve read a few of them and have enjoyed them very much!
Thank you again!!! Your blog brings me joy and beauty!!!
Susan … patiently (not) for your new book/books. Happy birthday to Joe he’s a treasure.
If you need a pick-me-up feel-good movie and excuse to get out of the heat, please, Please, PLEASE go see the “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood” movie! It is delightful times ten! No drama. No name calling. No scandal. He is “a smiling force of goodness who can fight the darkness” that surrounds us these days.
…, on to read past the funny/depressing part of your lovely post!
Be well, Susan! Thank you for being OUR force of goodness! Know that you are cherished!!!
We’re going, I hear it’s wonderful … the other one is RBG, a documentary about Ruth Bader Ginsberg, everyone says it’s great! Thank you Nancy!
Happy Birthday to Joe!!!! And many more!!!
Happy Birthday Joe !!! You two have certainly been busy little Bee’s I’m so impressed that Joe got the wallpaper off so quickly ! I have always loved taking care of our home & it touched me this massive undertaking that you took on. Washing that amount of pillows would take days ! It’s such a feeling of accomplishment—
Happy Belated Birthday, Joe, from another Leo (August 19)!
Wishing you blessings galore in your upcoming year!
Your post is like opening the windows and letting the cool fall air in. Minty fresh!
I’m crazy about those measuring cups! Do you mind sharing where you got them?
They look like you. And me.
Sorry to say, it’s been so long, I don’t remember. I knew I’d be asked and looked on the bottoms for a brand, but they are blank!!! Google “Metric Measuring cups,” there has to be lots of them!
Hi, Susan…would love to see a tea cup with your quilts on it…or your cross stitch designs, or some of your lovely fabric designs. Or all of these! They would be much appreciated by those of us who sew, stitch, and craft. Thank you! Can’t wait for the next book(s).
I love your phrase “even heavener” when you talk about the future of your garden graced with mature ‘Bobo’ hydrangeas. What a wonderful choice. You will love them. It really will be even heavener.
Thank you Joan, that was luv-lee!
Hello and Happy Belated Birthday to your boyfriend. As always, love to see that you have posted in the blog. The stories, the kindred thinking re: politics and the news, the photos, the recipes……!!!! It is so exciting to follow your travels knowing that some day we will have lovely books to savor. I would much rather have you include every detail of everyday and have the joy of multiple books. For some of us, your travels are OUR travels. Several books that could be purchased separately or wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a divine boxed set? Whatever you decide, we will ALL love what you share with us. Enjoy your cleaning, rearranging, updating, tending to loved items, and creating new looks in your gorgeous home. Soon cool crisp air will swirl around the yard and come through the windows. and gently blow the curtains.
Oh no! I thought when I started to read this – poor Susan is like the rest of us – almost being consumed by this sordid mess on TV – she needs to be saved!
But you saved yourself with the wonderful post you gave us – and I’m so pleased to be reading it (again and again) and gaining ideas and inspiration – and a new recipe!
Thank you for saving yourself – and us in the bargain!
I am two people, the one who puts up with the real world and has really truly learned to deal with it because of a wonderful alternate universe called HOME. But I do care quite a lot about the world, the air, the people, the glory of what could be . . . so, I will never not be in both worlds. I actually like it. I know how much I can take, and then, Red Letter Days ensue, and all is well! I can’t not care. I don’t have a single girlfriend who doesn’t care. xoxoxo
I totally understand being ‘two people’ because you or any of us for that matter, couldn’t survive in the current day if we couldn’t put one personality aside from the other.
I am baffled by those whose life seems consumed by this ‘stuff’ but I can see how it can become overwhelming if you let it.
I do like and appreciate your inspiring thoughts on all subjects and especially take to heart those things such as HOME which is so important to the well being of all.
I know, we’re all getting a little schitzo! The person who knows and cares and worries, and the other, much more wonderful person, who hugs and bakes and gives butterfly kisses!
Thanks for sharing your home and travels and Kitty and Joe. Your happiness shines thru and is contagious
Makes me happy to hear that Dawn, thank you!
I am reading A Fine Romance to my husband. It is one of our couples activities! It is so enjoyable. I can’t wait for the new book- don’t cut anything out! Two books would be even better. Continued blessings to you!
I won’t, it was horrible contemplating it, now I will just GO!
Dearest Joe,
A very Happy Birthday! May it and your year ahead better than you ever dreamed with your every wish fulfilled quickly and greater than you ever dreamed.
Glad you were born because you’re such an inspiration to me and many others -there are incredible men out there – you’re helping us keep the faith, Joe! Wish we could clone you.
Much love, Sandra
I wish so too, I would deal him out like a pack of cards so everyone who wanted one could have a sweet help-mate in their lives.
My heart gives a little skip whenever I see a post from you in my feed. I love reading about the big and little things of life, from travel to food to puttering and homekeeping. You do it all so well, and share it with us. I’m looking forward to the next book(s) to add to my Susan Branch collection.
We had a navy blue wall in our living/dining room for a number of years. I loved its coziness in winter and fall, not so much in summer. It’s all very pale blue now. I put up lined navy blue draperies last fall, and I love to draw them closed against the darkness. To me, it’s symbolic of shutting the world out and gathering together in loveliness and light indoors.
I do it every time I close the door to our little world. Love how you said that Lorrie!
Wow! Happy birthday, Joe! Mine is tomorrow and my sister’s is today and one of my daighter’s is day after tomorrow. :). Susan, I definitely do not like to clean but someone’s got to do it, ugh!
What a blessing you both are to us Girlfriends! All the best to you, Marge in jolly old…Kansas!!
And tomorrow is Julia Child’s, it’s a wonderful month! Happy Birthday to you and yours Memarge!
Happy birthday, Joe. And Susan, so good to hear your are officially starting on writing your newest book/s! Keep them coming.
Will have to try the fava beans. They have always been a bit intimidating to me, but now that you’ve showed us what to do, it looks DO-able.
All best,
Who knew about fava beans? Not me. Quite an eye opener, I loved learning about them too!
Got your book A Fine Romance and started reading it just before our trip to London. I planned on taking it with me but forgot it. Now we are in Paris and will be going home soon but I am looking forward to finishing the book and reading about all the things I didn’t get to see as I sip tea from my lovely teapot which I got in England. Love your blog thanks for writing it.
You’ll have to go back! Oh darn!
Susan, For the first time ever I did not LOVE every word of your blog. We have nonstop horrible news online, in the paper, on tv, fires, disasters everywhere but especially in CA. My first thought was NOOOOOOO please no politics in your usually heavenly blog…it is my escape from the ugliness and often mean -spiritedness of the real world…
But… this is a place where I talk to my girlfriends, about EVERYTHING. I don’t pretend to have the answers, I only complain like everyone else! I do think we, together, make a difference. Even if it’s just our wonderful aura.
I wonder if you remember signing a copy of the Chinese version of A Fine Romance for my friend, June, who lives in Malaysia. I brought it to Castle Cottage in May, and told you that you had signed an English version for her when Martyn and I met you at Stourhead. Well, June is now in England, all the way from Malaysia, and I was able to give her both books today!! I am excited that she will be taking your books back to Malaysia, and that she will loan the Chinese copy to her Chinese reading friends. I am sure they will love it too, and you will gain some Chinese/Malaysians to your list of ‘Girlfriends’! We are still enjoying happy memories of the Castle Cottage Picnic!!
I do remember Janette, how wonderful! Love that so much, the traveling travel book. Me too, memories forever, golden now. Miss you! xoxoxo
PS Missed the Musica? Not only is it fun but it connects to other lovely music as well:)
oops! I forgot, was running out the door. I’ll do it next time . . . Musica is my favorite thing!
Every year I buy my daughter and myself your big calendar and one of the smaller ones because where I sit is so cluttered with my tea and books and magazines!!!!! Yikes!!! She lives your calendars because she puts all the important dates during school of the activities of her three children. It’s been a tradition!!! Thank you dear Susan for doing them!
I am so excited about your books….as usual I hope they have LOTS of your wonderful recipes and illustrations. And Happy Birthday to ‘end-all-Joe’!!!!! He’s the bomb….we all love him.
I think you will like them. Please tell your daughter I said hello! And thank you Karen!
Susan, I have always wanted a room with pink walls, but haven’t been brave enough to try that. I do love the dark green I did years ago though, so the blue could be nice, too.
Aren’t Leo husband’s wonderful? My husband’s birthday is today, the 14th also. And believe it or not, my 2 favorite boyfriends from high school (I’m your exact age) had August 14th birthdays, too! I must have been attracted like a magnet. All my husband asked for today was my potato soup! Easy to please I’d say. What about Joe?
Cannot WAIT for your book whether it’s 1, 2, or 3. Seeing pictures of your china, your rooms, your life, your art, makes me so HAPPY!
Wow, that’s a lot of 14th! My dad was the 5th, and so was his dad. He was my example Leo, so that I knew it’s what I needed to find. Joe wanted oysters and I wanted oysters, we had two dozen ice cold Katama Bay Oysters with a bottle of palest peach-colored rose. His cake was angel food with blueberries … in Heart of the Home p 137. It was perfect! Happy Birthday to your husband! xoxo
Two books? Yes, please! I loved AFR so much, so I’m all for more of a good thing. I have made the delicious lemon butter cookies in AFR many times and want to try the sticky toffee pudding this fall, maybe around Thanksgiving. Mouth officially watering now. It was such fun to follow your travels, but I must say it’s lovely to have you home again. Nesting is one of my favorite things. Here in Oregon we have smokey air from wildfires, which is sad and awful. As for Omarosa, I am just plain tired of the whole Trump and friends reality show! Grrrr.
I’ve lived those smokey days in California and it’s surprisingly very affecting. Hope it all clears up for you soon, and clean fall air comes rolling in.
Happy birthday Joe! Celebrate! I was overjoyed to see the new post today. I wrote a reply and it never posted so I’ll try again (a/k/a “never give up”). Your blog was stocked full of wonderfulness Susan. I am going to read it again to savor it word by word and picture by picture. Especially our lil Jack. Snugly Jack. (spelling?) As for our news, I try hard all the time to stay in my La La Land. I am grateful for Hallmark and HGTV channels. In our government so much time is being wasted. Enough. So I did what one needs to do: got out my Autumn SB book and made a batch of brownies. I loved seeing all your laundry. It is one of my fav things to do. I’ve always been Susie Homemaker. As a child my dream was to be able to reach the kitchen counter so I could do the dishes. I am looking forward to seeing your new curtains and your pink or blue room. Both sound lovely. And the books….wow. Cannot wait. You really know how to brighten up our days and spread joy.
Me too, love the La La land. I come out though, I have a need to know. At least the basics. But I go right back in, I’m a turtle! Thank you dear, the feeling is very mutual!
Love reading your blog…..and excited to hear that there may be two or THREE new books in the works!!! I have to tell you that a girlfriend recommended your books to me and when I was done, I texted her that I was sad the books were done, but ready to get on the QM2! My phone rang and she said “I know you don’t like to leave home in the summer, but I’ve got one more bed available in my cabin on the QM2.” SIGN ME UP!!!! We had a great time! Four women in one room! A little crowded at night and morning, but we dealt with it. The Queen Mary 2 was FABULOUS!!! We spent a couple days in London – Buckingham Palace, the new Tina Turner musical, Harrods, Selfridges and just walking around! Two girls flew back to the States while Debbie and I continued to Brittany France to meet her friends at a Gites they were vacationing at. Crepes, crepes and more crepes! After a week there we parted with our friends and took the train to Paris where we spent a couple days just walking around, savoring the sights and sampling the food. It was a lovely trip and I have YOU to thank for it as your book was what propelled me to take this trip!
As for your navy paint…..I painted the living room of my 1840 Greek Revival navy walls with fig woodwork and ceiling…..I LOVE it! It’s very comforting. Good luck! It’s only paint….if you don’t like it, Joe will paint it over! LOL
How HEAVENLY ~ thrilling to learn of your trip!!! Good for you Shari!
My husband and I don’t watch network television, preferring PBS, History Channel and television programs available through Netflix. We get our news the old-fashioned way, via the newspaper. Fortunately, we have escaped the deluge of Omarosa coverage but have had quite enough of her over the years. Our country would be so much the better if she, Trump and all of his White House cronies, his Shark Tank friends and the entire host of his and his family’s celebrity friends fell through the rabbit hole. I can almost hear the collective sigh of relief.
I hope we are able to become serious and quiet and careful again after this and that we aren’t somehow addicted to the thrills and chills this daily reality show has provided. I don’t know if we’re ready for a news-nothing day anymore. Worse than that, I don’t know if the media can handle it!!!!
Hi…just a quick Happy Birthday to Joe and may the appreciation and love Susan feels for you never fade. God Bless You, Toni from Sylvania OH
Glad to see you’re back home, enjoying nesting with your sweet kitty – makes me smile when he needs his tummy rubbed – just like my boy! Our weather is not as humid as it is in the East, but it is too hot & smoky to do anything outside here in B.C. – 2 minutes outside and you’re coughing !! We once had a beautiful dining room with one wall painted navy and the other walls covered with navy wallpaper with huge flowers – it was wonderful…and I still miss it !! Looking forward to your new book(s)…
Happy Birthday to Joe ! And love this post…so happy to know there is somebody else who loves to make the house shine and get ready for Fall. I really look at is as “blessing” our home…cherishing it, feeling grateful for all the cozy things around me. AND…wallpaper ! Yes, it never really goes away because it shows up in photos forever. We have a photo on our bookshelf of my dear husband John at about age 2, in adorable overalls, sitting on his father’s lap ( so sad, I never got to meet him) and they are reading the newspaper together. Adorable ! But, the 1950’s chair…and the wallpaper that looks like it had been on the wall since the 1930’s….big, wavy ferns. So Art Deco looking. The photo is black and white, but I am guessing that the color was a cool mint and then dark green. Living forever…in our living room in a small frame! Good luck with your curtain adventure…what fun you will have – enjoy !
Happy Birthday Joe! Glad to see your post today I’m so curious about the size of the emojis. How do you get them that size???
I think we all see my blog a little differently. I put them on my blog at the normal size they come, but perhaps whatever you use to read it does something to them. I’ve seen them large sometimes, but so sorry to tell you how boring I am, I have no idea how to make them bigger or anything really!
Sooooo glad you are considering making it into 2 books! We want to read everything you have to say about this trip. I haven’t been this excited about a book in … well, ever! Being at your picnic was a wonderful and special event in my life, and your book(s) will be a special keepsake bringing back our own wonderful memories of our England vacation. Another thing to consider – the music that played in the background of your videos taken from your rental car on that trip was always lovely, relaxing, sometimes British. The kind of music I’m always looking for. You could put together a selection of the music and market it somehow … or maybe make a list of the songs and put it in the book. I don’t know, but want to plant a seed for an idea…
I’d truly LOVE to do that, but even mentioning a couple of lines from a song in my books cost quite a lot, I can imagine what they would want for a whole song on a disk!!!
I just sat down and there it was; the perfect post for a few moments of rest from cleaning house and stripped off bed sheets and light weight blankets laundered and hung them all on the line to dry. Lovely!
Yes, we have had heat and humidity here in NW Ohio, I do not tolerate the heat very well. I like how you put it on your morning walk, you and Joe felt like “laundry out of the washer at 7 A.M.”!
I can relate with what you are doing to your dining room, we have some places on our ceilings and walls in our kitchen that look like that, our roof was leaking and we hadn’t realized it was so badly in need of replacing. The roof has now been replaced and now we have the job of fixing ceilings and walls. Hubby will be doing the job, so lucky to be married a handy-man isn’t it! !
I may have to try the salad recipe, looks and sounds delicious. I bet those little Yukon Gold potatoes would be tasty in it. May have to try growing Faava beans next year in the garden. I do believe they are a British garden staple along with tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, spring onions and carrots.
Looking forward to your new book(s), so exciting! Can hardly wait!
Best wishes to Joe for a Happy Birthday!
Thanks Susan for the new post, “Happy Birthday Joe”. The recipe looks great I must try it, reminded me of my Gramma she grew Fava Beans when I was a little girl and I remember opening them up to find the sleeping beans inside just like you showed! FYI just got my September issue of Victoria. . .can’t wait to “crack” it open. Looking forward to the new book or book’s what ever they will be. Keep up the great blog. . . .Denise
Thank you for the lovely post! We took a drive down to Santa Barbara today and had lunch at the Beachside Cafe on Goleta Beach. It is beautiful on the coast right now. You’ve inspired me to do some”pre-autumn” cleaning. I don’t mind cleaning and agree with you that when it’s done I feel good about it. Enjoy your nesting and please wish Joe a Happy Birthday!
So nice to hear/see from you again. Love the nesting that is taking place. What a wonderful thing that we are in charge of our own “little world” that we make for our family/friends. Just made a new friend from Equador that I met in church and we have now been to each other’s houses, sharing/making some of our own cultural meals and enjoying the different decorating in each of our houses.
Love the idea that Lynn Marie made about your next book being made into a two book set in a box!
I was in love with your floral wallpaper; so vintagey, cottagey, it was. But, as you say, bring in the new. A soft, rosy pink would be very pretty. Have you considered a strong raspberry pink? It would look great with white, and all of the other flower colors; pinks, blues, yellows, and especially good with the peachy colors…the fall colors and decorations you love would be great with it. What fun you will be having! And, then we can have it with you when you post the “after” photos!
Your Joe is a treasure! It’s too bad you can’t clone him and raffle one of him off each month to the girlfriends, ha,ha,ha! Or Jack… would be so fun to open a box and have Jack pop out with a pony tail band in his mouth.
Thanks for the treat in my email today.
I so wish I could clone him! I have some girlfriends who could really use a bit of his sweetness in their lives!
Really politics! I’d rather hear about roses, lilies and all the
magic of gardens, laundry, cooking and cats, not to mention
wallpaper. Leave all that other stuff aside do please, for a
little old lady in her 80’s and all your other admirers.
Lillian from Berkeley, CA
Happy Birthday to Joe ! Welcome home to *sparkle* your pretties, love on your sweet kitty! Fall is right around the corner and here, in Indiana, the heat and humidity is getting tiresome. I’ve ordered my Susan Branch 2019 calendar set, as my people are already booking my time for next year, when I will sit with their puppies and kitties and bunnies! I *sparkle* their homes and cabins while they are gone, love on their babies and all is well on their return. Can’t wait to go to my mailbox in the next few days and open my goodies with your lovely designs splashed all over! Thank you for sharing them with us!
I always enjoy reading your new posts! The salad looks so good – can’t wait to try the recipe!
~ Martha from CT
Happy Birthday, Joe! I am really looking forward to your new book(s) being published and also love the new mug designs! Susan, I have all of your cookbooks, but Christmas From the Heart of the Home. I keep an eye out, but so far have not had any luck finding a copy in local stores (period) or in decent condition online. Is there any possibility the Christmas book might be republished someday? My fingers are crossed!
Good evening Susan and Girlfriends. Happy Birthday Joe, and many more . the fires are still ongoing, growing bigger by the days as it gets smokier here, we have had smoke here for over 30 days now… YUK!!!! oh boy I am o with you Susan, I am so tired of this ridiculous and stupid drama going, I can’t get to the remote fast enough to switch to a movie or something else. I am just so fed up with it I could scream and you probably heard me all the way over there in Martha’s Vineyard. like you I am nesting, cleaning out shelves, washing dishes and my teacup collection and washing down the counters and preparing to oil down the furniture for the season, been so dry here the wood furniture really needs it. plus harvesting squash from the garden, looking after the barnyard crowd and chasing my cats around. time to get ready for Fall and I can’t wait. I was looking through the almanac and we are due for nice cool and wet Fall.. I can’t wait !!!!!!!!!!! I am ready for cooler temps and lots of nice cool refreshing rain to soak the ground and clean the trees and shrubs and clean the air… I am sick of smoke!!! soon there will the lovely scents of apple cider, pumpkins and wood smoke from wood stoves, along with the scent of sage and onions and roasting turkey or chicken and the lovely aroma of soup on the stove and pot roasts in the oven… yes I love the Fall… I admit it, it is my favorite season of all. well off to get dinner going and check the news hopefully no more drama, well I can hope. have a lovely birthday Joe, hugs…..
Thank you sweetie!
you are so very welcome dear Susan. do you oil your furniture??? I use lemon oil and it really makes the wood shine again. time for some iced tea and then out to the henhouse to check on the birds, its cooler today… may get some thunderstorms and lightning later on, hopefully no more fires!!! hugs….
I only oil unfinished wood … my kitchen table is unfinished and the mineral oil makes it glow. I put regular furniture polish on the finished stuff.
I use furniture oil on furniture, but once a year or so the wood really dries out and needs refreshing so I oil it and it just glows, just in time for Fall….
Susan, loved your description of nesting, home and the joy they bring to your heart. We all need to find our niche, the place where we can go to find this joy and peace. In this era of anger, drama, and mean spirited people, this is more important than ever. We all need to refuse to be caught up in the world of these horrid people – those only interested in tearing down our country instead of lifting it up, or making money – no more paying attention to cruel, disaffected people who offer no positive direction, but who revel in publicity and cruel caricatures and comments. Sue, don’t let them influence you for the bad, fight them with your positive, happy gene! Together, we can make this country the “shining city on the hill” with positive role models, energy and acts of kindness – just as you and Joe are the happy beneficiaries of your positive hard work and nesting. Welcome Home!
Deep bow of appreciation Litty, thank you!
Love today’s post…homey and cozy…so lovely to be at home.
Happy Birthday, Joe…I’m a Leo too. Have a wonderful year!
Thank you, thank you for such a lovely post that brightened the day and lightened the load on my mind today. Awaiting CT scan results to make sure all is still well. We all have something. And I always love Jack pictures. My boy is laying on the desk with me while I type this, beautiful white belly exposed. Like Jack he will have to be an only because he is never nice to any kitties who cross into his yard. While he is out on his leash, in his jacket, exploring his mom’s gardens. They provide wonderful hiding places to keep an eye on the birds and squirrels in his yard, quite the observer, never a hunter. Good luck with the cleaning, decorating and writing.
Blessings and magic wands all OVER those CT scans. Rub a white tummy for luck! xoxox
Hello Susan and Joe:
I never knew it was Your hubby’s birthday today. It’s my birthday too!! I have only met one other person in my life that was born on my same day. I had a wonderful day too. Just so you know though, I celebrate my birthday the entire MONTH!!! So EVERY DAY is wonderful. And now, you’re books are coming soon, and there’s more cups, and more blogging, and wonderful summer days, and Fall is coming!!! It is so exciting to be alive, isn’t it?? Happy Birthday, Mr. Joe, and everyone!!
Happy Birthday Bebe! Very exciting to be alive! So much to be thankful for. xoxoxo
Thank you for sharing your lovely picnic with us. I enjoyed it so much
I am looking forward to your new books.
.I spent four weeks in June of this year in Charing with friends which is just a short distance from Tenderden.
Like you, I love England and Hope to go back in 2019
Susan, once again you bring charm into our lives. It’s sweet, kind, and good. Thank you so very much. Linda from very hot Florida!
Im so excited to open my email and see from Susan yaayy!! Birthday blessings to your handyman Joe! I wish my hubby was one too !!
I can not wait to see your finished room,I know it will be charming! I have been redoing our family room and I painted it BLUE, I love it !! But, the rest of the house is a mess , its funny how to redo one room the others get to hold everything from that room!
The salad looks so yummy, and I hope to make it soon.
How exciting about the book(s) oh my gosh I can not wait !!
You keep cool, and give Jack a belly rub for me !
I just love your blog. It gives me such a lift when I am sad. thank you so much,Happy Birthday to Joe.
Thank you Susan,
I thought of you often lately as we have struggled through a hot humid Summer. I remember reading about your first Summer on the Island. This week we are surrounded by smoke from the Forest fires in Canada and it makes last week seem like paradise.
I so enjoyed your telling about nesting for Fall. I just did a major deep clean and it feels so good when I am done and can sit back and enjoy my nice home. I say this often but you really do inspire me when I most need inspiration.
Thank you , thank you, thank you.
Try to stay cool,
Dear Susan,
I have purchased many of your books for myself, my daughters and my daughter-in-law. We have loved reading about your life. (And Joe’s)
BUT, it is unbecoming of you as a person, an author and as someone to whom many people admire to drag us into the world of politics. Please, don’t blame it on the heat. And do not think that I am of one political persusion or another. You would be incorrect. I am not.
Many women enjoy listen, reading and vacariously traveling with you on your wonderful trips. Keep to that Susan. Do not drag us into the world of politics.
It is NOT the wonderful Susan we have come to love and admire.
Dear Susan,
First, the good things. The very Happiest of Birthdays to your sweet Joe. Could you maybe 3D printer him? Wish Victoria could have done more (enquiring – ha – minds want to know) but all was beautiful just the same. I love the pink, single blossom rose of sharon, it makes me feel like a princess in hiding in my very own cozy cottage. I have to opt for the pale pink paint (I am a princess after all) but trust that whatever you decide will look gorgeous. Growing up I never used to trust my own decorating vision (actually, truth be told, I had no decorating vision) but then one day, BAM , my eyes opened up wide and I SAW. I loved what I saw then and still trust in that vision. I have made changes on and off but English country will always be my design of choice. Not overly done but just enough chintz, flowers and pine to set my heart pittering and pattering. One question, what the heck is black pudding? If it has anything to do with liver or blood then Patricia has left the building. The Norwegians have something called “crub” (or “club”, you say either and I say ither) made out of pig’s blood, flour and milk and cooked in a skillet. I ate it when I was a wee thing but once I found out what it was, that was the end for me. My father luuuuved it and when he was dying and wasn’t eating, my aunt in Decorah sent him some in an overnight delivery and he ate it all. God bless my aunt for that.
Now to the less lovely thing. Never did like Omarosa but she is the female Trump and I believe she will give him a run for his money. Just saying, and that’s why remote controls are up there with the creation of the wheel and electricity.
Much love to you, Joe and Jack from my sweet Sam and I – Soar the Thermals.
I again Patricia … love your “soar the thermals!” xoxoxo
Darling Susan …. LOVE your surprise blog and I MUST have your Christmas Holly mug!!
btw: more things in common w/you .. Happy Birthday to your Joe and today is also my Brian’s birthday (we spent the day on Coronado Island) … now off for Lobster long-life noodles as tradition from my Mom … A-LO-HA-HA w/love, Evie in San Diego
Hey Sue,
My brilliant comment (I guess you’ll just have to take my word on that) appears to have disappeared into the ether but when I get to feeling witty again (harumph) I will write another. Love from Sam and me and Decorah.
Soar the Thermals
I think it’s probably here Patricia, there are 136 comments waiting for me, I hope yours is one of them!
As ever a delightful post. The outrageous Ms. O. and Mr T. it’s like a regular
K drama! It would be entertaining but it’s happening in real life. Looking forward to your new books. Hope there’s a genealogy aspect in them, I always like it when the past and present meet (ok too much k drama and outlander on the brain!) Tell Joe Happy Birthday! Aloha
I can’t wait for your new books to be finished. I have your last three displayed on my coffee table. I found vintage book ends that were refinished in a beautiful shade of pink. I sincerely thought of you when I purchased them in a very quaint barn shop in Berlin, Ma.( Unfortunately for me, it has now closed as the owner decided she needed to retire). The bookends have birds on them and I think they are painted with chalk paint. Anyway, I just think you are wonderful. Happy Birthday to Joe. I hope I can meet you some day. Hopefully, if you have a book-signing in Massachusetts, I will be able to attend. Best wishes, Donna
I was gone from home for 2 months in 2015 and that seemed like a long time. 4 months is forever! *L* Especially when you were away from your sweet Jack. I know you all were so happy to be back together again. I ponytail bands were is full swing I bet! I can’t wait for the next book and re share our trip. *S* We had such a great time it will be super to read about it again. Your yard looks beautiful. My Mother had Rose of Sharon in her yard. They are so pretty. Your hydrangea will be glorious when in a year or two. I want a white one to go with my huge blue one in my front yard. I love the lacy look of yours.
Just ordered the Christmas cup. Can’t wait for it to get here! But I will be patient. *S*
Happy Birthday to Joe!
Omarosa….ugh! Please disappear!! Joe…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are looking younger every day! I think it may be Susan making that happen!! Hope you had a WONDERFUL day! How blessed she is to have such a talented man around. So sorry about the leak. Joe is the MAN!! Susan I know you are glad to be home!! Jack is just adorable as always!! Thank you for sharing the recipe. It looks and sounds DELISH!! Oh how I wish I could join you and Christie in SLO! Maybe another day in the future!! I cannot wait for FALL to arrive!! That is the one I make up since it never seems to get cool here in Florida. Thank you once again for a LOVELY blog post!!
Another wonderful update. thank you. I love Victoria magazine’s description “beloved writer and illustrator, Susan Branch”.
I vote for navy. Can’t wait to see the results whatever you decide.
Happy birthday to awesome wonderful Joe.
What a wonderful surprise to see and read your post this
evening. First of all, a very Happy Birthday to your dear
Joe! August is a wonderful month for birthdays!
My husband and I have August birthdays and they are
only three days apart, so we can celebrate together!
I like the idea of a deep blue dining room. A number of
years ago I painted our master bedroom a color called
“Misty Vineyards”, and I LOVE how it turned out. And
I still love it. Deep colors give a calming effect.
Your Jack reminds me of the new little kitten we have
added to our family. His name is Bustopher Jones, after
one of the felines from the book and musical “CATS”!
He is black with a little white mustache, white front paws
and white “spats” on his back legs. We just adore him.
I look forward to whatever you decide to produce book
wise, as I know it will all be wonderful!
Stay cool, Autumn is just around the corner!
Two books would be delightful! Happy birthday to Joe! Sorry about your wallpaper, so lovely, but mold is nothing to mess with and God bless Joe for having the patience to do it all! I’m still so excited about the books, I might have squealed a little when I read that! Cathy
Please wish Joe a wonderful birthday year. I’m just now reading ‘A Fine Romance’ and so enjoying it so I’m really looking forward to your new book on your recent adventure. I just ‘found you’ a few months ago so I have several books to read – can’t wait. I so enjoy how you paint hhe pictures or sayings in your journal, it’s very special. Thank you for your writing Susan.
Thank you Freddie Ann, very nice to meet you!
Have you watched the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on Netflix????? I watched it today thinking Susan would LOVE this!!!!!!!! So good!
We saw it in England! We did love it!
You bring so many people joy, including me. I love you even more for caring so deeply about what is happening in the world today. I find it has been so overwhelming, truly heartbreaking. Thank you for this spot of joy today. Your words inspire me, your art melts my heart, and your photographs give me peace. I look forward to your book(s) with great anticipation. Your blog post has given me hope that I will be able to nest in my own home again. Life has thrown me for a loop and I am just now getting to the point where I can think about living life again.
Thank you, dear friend.
Julie – Denver
Those darn loops! Wishing you all the best Julie! xoxoxo
Happy Birthday Joe! Thanks for a peak into your life since returning home. I have been doing a lot of the same. Give Jack a pet for me. Happy days,
Karen Carpenter
I love the quote near the end. So beautiful. I must remember it. I just love your Jack. My best buddy wore a tuxedo and we loved each other for 19 years. A blessing. Looking forward to your books. I have them all. Calendars too. Happy Birthday Joe!
Oh yes, please make it two books or even three. I will lovingly read them all. So sorry your wallpaper has to go, it’s so beautiful but after 20 years, I guess it’s time for a change. Thanks for the salad recipe, it looks tasty and cool, especially since it is still so warm, even here on Vancouver Island. We have a lot of forest fires burning in British Columbia and the smoke is starting to get very smothering. The smoke is even coming up from forest fires near Seattle. Very poor air quality and there is no end in sight. Happy Birthday to Joe, he is such a sweetie. Mine was on the 10th.
Happy Birthday Joe! I have been reading your Martha Vineyard book this summer, trying to do it small doses just to enjoy it for that much longer. I will welcome however many books you choose to share. I love your style and cheer, your quotes, paintings, photos – it’s all good! I am working on setting up my new classroom, senior kindergarten, library. After 20+ years in junior kindergarten I am ‘finally’ moving up. Have you ever consider writing a children’s book?
I often have, but what I decided is that I write children’s books for big people!
As always, love reading your blog! I love the beautiful floral curtains in England too! Have you ever watched Escape to the Country on Netflix? They have just the kinds of curtains on the windows of the country homes that you describe in your blog. I haven’t seen anything like it in this neck of the woods. (Massachusetts) Do you happen to know where they can be ordered ready-made around here or even across the pond for that matter?
Happy Birthday to Joe and many happy returns!
Rhonda P.
I sure as heck DO!!! And they do ship to America! Isn’t that wonderful, just found it . . . Putting it in the new book ~ enjoy!
Thank you!!! Took a quick peek. Just what I was looking for. Beautiful fabrics!!!
I know! And they do EVERYTHING! What a resource! I haven’t gotten to their prices yet, I hope they aren’t too off the charts!
I wish your Joe a happy birthday. I am not a fan of all this heat,I feel as you do, like holding my breath under water, to go to my garden to pick fresh veggies. And then run inside to breath without all that heavy moisture. I love the Fall so much, I just put up my tree and decorated it with rag dolls, scarecrows, pumpkins, etc.Can’t wait to see your dining room when finished. Is’nt it fun to make a change?
Quite disturbed about your post. Your negative focus on Omarosa was disturbing. You failed to mention that Trump called her a DOG. Also,there are so many others in Trump’s administration that warrants your wrath as well.
Hopefully next month’s post will please all.
Your books are wonderful!
It’s all awful isn’t it? I try to leave it alone, but sometimes I just can’t take it anymore ~ one paragraph was likely plenty for most and too much for some! Goal is real life here, but I guess, unfortunately, that’s a part of it! Thank you Ellen, and sorry!
I am calling my mom right now to tell her it is Joe’s birthday! She turns 90 on Monday and asked Joe to pose for a picture two years ago at your book signing in Montecito, CA Despite an embarrassed chuckle, he was very gracious and let her take a picture. Fun memory for us!
When I saw the new blog post I got really excited to see if you heard anything about a potential movie deal yet! It must be hard to wait, if you are anything like me, patience is not one of my virtues. Loved this blog because I too love to decorate and garden and cook (when I’m not too tired!) and if that is nesting I am a nester! I am so looking forward to the new book or books coming down the pike, the more the merrier. I just finished Girlfriends Forever, cute little book! When I get down I pull out one of your books and read the quotes, and it helps, so wonderful. Keep it coming Susan and Happy birthday Joe!
Oh! Hallelujah! Two Books!
Love you Sweet friend.
Cannot wait to see the drapes, I will have drapery lust for sure. I once had some drapes made with Pierre Frey fabric….big pink cabbage roses. I miss those drapes so much. Then I went to neutral. Ugh. And now I have just white plantation shuters. Pretty but boring.
I look forward to the book. Big and fat is good, two slender volumes is good. I will love it no matter what. You are a national treasure. Almost time to put away my Summer book and onto my Autumn book!
As for the news, not watching. Reading instead. Agatha Christie, A Miss Marple mystery. Better than the Trump daily.
I am so fanatically reading these days I scare myself. Cant get enough. Started in England when I finally had time to indulge, now that I’m home, I refuse to give it up. Hard to read after a day of writing, but maybe this time I can hold onto it. I feel like I’m in study class! Don’t want to give it up! And thank you for your sweet comments Janice!
Hi from So California. It has been so HOT that we will work on cooling it off for you. I had to escape and took a wonderful quick tour of some of the wonderful towns near you 3 weeks ago. Perfect cool weather. Cape Cod, Nantucket, MV, Newport, and that adorable town with wonderful houses and hydrangeas to walk by, Chatham, RI. Found lots of mystery books about the area. Reading “Murder at the Breakers” by Alyssa Maxwell to make my getaway last a little longer.
Thanks for another wonderful blog Susan, and yes I did see the Victoria write up because I subscribe to it and it wasn’t long enough but it was beautiful! Wish I could have been there. I can’t wait for the new book or books to come out, it shall be wonderful whatever you decide! Hopefully you will hear soon about the possibility of a movie being made too, that would be great! I have a request Susan, if you go on a cross country book tour, could you please consider coming to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, we love you up here! I would so love to meet you! Thanks again, and keep them coming! Happy birthday Joe!
Wow, you have been one busy bee lately, Susan! But you must feel so good for having
accomplished all that CLEANING! So enjoyed your blog today with your enthusiastic nature. Love the photos, recipes, tips for refreshing wooden boards, etc. Can’t wait until
your new book (s) comes out! Enjoy you season of nesting! Happy belated birthday, Joe.
I really have been caught by the gremlin. Five comments have not shown up in the last several weeks.
I love everything you said in your new post. It is people like you ( and me) who will win out, not the folks who just ignore the destruction of honor and principles.
So there!
For the fifth time I’ll say, please consider offering washti tapes of you borders. I need them for my journal, will buy ever so many.
Jeanne of Iowa
I answered a washti tape question from you yesterday Jeanne . . . maybe it never made it! Honor and principle, when I was young, and still now, “integrity” was my favorite word and the thing I wanted most to have. More than money. xoxoxo
Coming back from your trip has certainly inspired you! All that luv-lee summer cleaning, trying new recipes, oiling all those wooden pieces. You have me inspired to do some too! Happy Birthday to Joe! What flavor is the bday cake? I’m so happy to see pics of Jack again! Xoxo
Blueberry Angelfood! Yum!
Susan, I think what we like about you is that we know you’re a real girl just like us. Cheers to redecorating the dining room! Can’t wait to see what your creative mind comes up with. The salad looks divine! Actually that whole meal made me hungry and I just ate. Ha. Excited about the new book(s)! Always room on my shelf for a new Susan Branch book!
Lovely, lovely post. Thank you Susan. Happy Birthday to Joe. Please dispense a few pets to Jack, the most adorable kitty. You are all so lucky to have each other.
We are! Our little family.
I have a favorite wooden bowl very much like the one you are holding with salad in it. Do you also use mineral oil on that? Happy birthday to Joe!
Yes! Let it soak in, helps to keep those bowls from cracking, which is a heartbreak when it happens!
Thank you!
What a nice evening I have had. Started with the blog, went to the blog on wood rejuvenation, then to the Picnic blog from May, then to the RO membership page, and then the Blog from the Lake District, The BP society page, Cumbria page, Oh My! Some musica. It has been enjoyable. Thank You. I anxiously await your book(s.)
Traveling from home! xoxo
First, Joe I’m wishing you the best birthday ever {Hope it was} and next Susan, I’m curious about your wet walls and if they can just dry out?? Also, wallpaper is back, actually never left in old Victorian homes, and I’m so happy to see it return. Don’t know if they still have/make Laura Ashley wallpaper or curtains, but oh they used to be lovely and chinz floral fabrics were all the rage! I remember curtains in the living room out of chinz and even drindle skirts! I can’t comment on “that girl” cause I’m over her, she has a screw loose! Thanks as always for the trip and all the pictures and recipes.
Happy Birthday to Joe! Happy Anniversary to Sue and Joe, if memory serves! Wishing you both a continuous, fabulous journey filled with adventure. xoxo