NESTING to the Nth Degree

This post is all about Nesting, but first Girlfriends, I just have to vent! Omarosa!!! Are you dying? Every time we turn on the TV, there she is. I run to the wood-room to change the channel but there’s no place to hide, she is either on, or she is coming on, or she will be on soon, or they’re talking about the last/next time she was on. It’s like an alternate universe. My sister and I were shooting the breeze on the phone, started talking about her by accident, and suddenly felt like characters in her reality show! Everyone on TV is part of her soap opera. We all are. Why are they making this woman rich?🤑 Our tax money paid her $180,000 a year salary, AND she had an assistant! Now, I fear the White House will feel it necessary to fight back, and it will never end! What if they have a feud? What if they take her to court??? Can you imagine the “Breaking News?” 😜 Save us! There needs to be a new TV box that only has smart, kind, and normal in it. Where is Beatrix Potter when we need her?  Has no one heard of the word gravitas? These are the questions! Please, please do not let Omarosa be in history books. That is my prayer.🙏 I think what happens with old people, when they die, they are GLAD to go, there are some things people just don’t want to see. Okay, I’m done. Don’t worry, TV is off! Sorry, it’s the heat. I love you. All will be well. Keep the faith. Back to real life . . .

I blame everything on the heat!  How’s it going with you? Thank you so much for your sweet patience . . . I’m sorry I haven’t written, but I’ve been thinking of you … I just needed to settle in. Four months was a long time to be gone. But each day has been another step up the back walk, I’ve been working on the new book, but also reading my delicious books (just finishing Letters between the Mitford sisters), walking early mornings, cooking ~ and, really, more than anything, I’ve been NESTING. I feel fall coming! 🍂 We are HOME, and I am LOVING it. Such a homebody, I get up in the morning, scramble some eggs, cut up some watermelon, stir a little cream into my tea, look out the window, clean things, shine things, stare at them, sing at them, feel so much gratitude, which I do, and am, and now I’m ready to write and say HELLO and catch up!  Happy, despite the ridiculous heat and humidity which I know so many of you are experiencing too. I took that photo above from the window in our kitchen door . . . and that’s not rain.

This would be the view if you could see out the window! SO, basically, I rarely go out. Certainly NOT to the garden ~ you would have to cut your way through the air with a machete to get there.  I asked Joe on our walk (where we feel like laundry just out of the washer at 7 am), wouldn’t it be nice if we could just slit this air open, climb through and inside would be cool freshness? But every once in a while, we get a good storm, the air clears, the sea breezes blow, and then it’s like spring fever all over again. 🌸

Out I go, from flower to flower, like a bee. A bee with a camera. This is Rose of Sharon ~ it lives on a pretty bush that grows tall and lush in so many gardens on Martha’s Vineyard. We only planted it last fall, this is its first year to bloom … it will make such a nice late-season thing when it’s fully grown. 

We also planted a white hydrangea Bobo H. paniculata in front of the three Rose of Sharon bushes.

They’re all still rather spindly  . . . just a couple of flowers so far . . .

But someday they will make a romantic flowery partial hedge in the lawn, a cosy alcove of pink and white for the arbor where we have dinner parties. Next year will be better, and in three years, they will be heaven! And for the future of my darling house, it will be even heavener. 💞 I’m not the most patient person in the world, but some things are worth it.

As always, as I get back to the kitchen porch, I see I have somebody waiting for me . . .

He shows his pleasure through the window . . . I feel so popular! What a baby! Gimme that boy! Gimme that tummy!

 So, yes, we’re up to all kinds of things, home-wise, stuff needs to be done!  We’re going to put a fresh coat of white paint on the front of the house, but it’s been so hot, Joe decided to wait on that, and start on the dining room with the air conditioner in it! September will be luv-lee for house painting. The boy is a genius! It’s the genius’s birthday today. I’m up early to write this post, so I can go tend to the Leo King and let him know he is loved. Isn’t real life delightful?

More delightful real life: We had a leak upstairs, rather, a recurring leak, despite being fixed, it came again, and the last time was while we were away . . . Our wallpaper has been fighting a losing battle with mold for a couple of years, and now it looks like this in some places!

The ceiling is a mess too . . . and you can see here, there’s more staining on the wallpaper, pretty much everywhere in the room.

So, Joe’s fixing it. It all came down fairly easily, just took one day. We are going to give the walls a rest for a few years and let that mold problem go away permanently. Joe will fix the ceiling, paint the woodwork, paint the walls, and I’m choosing the fabric for ENGLISH CURTAINS, the heavy, lined kind! Which I will tell you about soon. Lots of Before and After on the horizon! It’ll be fun! I’ve wanted these curtains FOREVER, every time we go to England I experience unbearable curtain lust. I have bitten the bullet to do it, and the bullet tastes like cotton candy.💞 Ahh fabric, with hydrangeas on it, or sweet peas, or clusters of ribbons and flowers… eeek ….

If this wallpaper could talk. Almost twenty years of being romantic, giving loveliness, reflecting candlelight, witnessing turkey dinners and best-friend’s birthdays. Maybe in a few years, we’ll have wallpaper again, maybe a pattern just like this one. Until then, I’m happy, I do love to decorate! Fresh paint is the fastest way I know to make an exciting change and bring in a breath of fresh air! We are thinking either pink, or, hold on to something, navy blue! The trim and wainscoting will be glossy white! And heavy ENGLISH CURTAINS. Oooo.  

And Jack likes it too… 😻

The luvlee thing about photos, wallpaper never has to go away. The memories go on forever.

So what else? I have, as of today, washed and dried, (tennis balls in the dryer helps to puff them), twelve feather pillows. I’m cleaning everything, making this entire house fresh as a daisy.🌿 So we can light candles and cook something wonderful and turn on the old music and open all the windows this fall. This may look like work, but this is what I love. I was born to clean! Not so much the cleaning, the part that comes after, the pride of it.💙

Washed the comforters too, the pillow covers . . .

The mattress covers, the sheets and throws . . .

The pillows come out fat and feathery and smell so clean!

Oh yes, cutting boards and wooden spoons have all been oiled for that warm and well-loved patina . . . you can read more about that HERE. 

I’ll save the quilts for the clothesline, when the leaves start to fall and cool winds begin to blow. 🍂 Dreamy!

Shelf-by-shelf, whether dishwasher, or handwashed, all the dishes came out and shelves were hot-watered, soaped, and sparkled! I think while I clean. Probably the best time to plot a book is while I’m washing dishes and watching the birds at the feeders! I always have a pen and paper nearby in case I think of something wonderful! Even in the shower!

And cleaning the critters too. While Joe sands walls, I’m making the rest of it look nice for the new dining room!

But of course, into the studio I go every day. It’s heaven, in my imagination I still live in England, wandering the countryside, seeing the beauty. Writing, remembering quotes I hope will be perfect for the book, searching them out, pulling photos, painting borders, making a list of the recipes I’m going to include.  I’m reminded how spoiled we were, going to a different pub every day, each with delicious food, I began to yearn for some good ole’ British cooking . . .Nowadays, I have to be my own grandma!

Was thinking about one particular dinner we had . . .

In this darling pub in Kingham . . .

Where the food was delicious, and we were so happy. So I found this pub online, discovered the name of the chef was Emily Watkins, and found one of her recipes. Look at her, she’s inspiring me and she doesn’t even know it.💞

It’s called “Baby Broad Bean, New Potato and Fresh Goat’s Cheese Salad” . . . we knew it had to be good because everything we tasted there was so wonderful. And it was so easy.

So off we went to find broad beans. But wait, what IS a broad bean?  Google knew!  So off we went for “Fava Beans,” because that’s what they’re called in America. And this is what a fresh fava bean looks like. Who knew? I think I like the name Broad Bean better than Fava Bean. Something a little too Hannibal Lector about Fava Beans.


Slit them open, and what do we have . . . big fat beans nestled in pockets surrounded with a protective foam-like substance … cuddled beans.

Pop them out . . . into the colander to give them a rinse.

Following the recipe we blanched the beans for 30 seconds, then plunged them in cold water. The recipe said, “Remove the skins and set aside.”  “There are skins? Didn’t we just do that?” We’re talking to ourselves.

Yes, there are skins! Like one of those gifts where there’s a smaller box inside each box you unwrap! And there it is, the actual bean . . . no longer so very broad.

They have a little seam in them and can just automatically split in two . . . a wonder of nature.

Beautiful color, and they taste wonderful . . . these will not be our last broad beans!

We set the beans aside, and did potato prep. We don’t have the melt-in-your-mouth “Jersey” potatoes available in England (and called for in the recipe), so we got as close as we could with these small white new potatoes. We cooked 500 g of them (1/2 lb) until “just tender,” then removed from heat, added a “small handful of fresh mint,” and set the pan aside for another five minutes for the mint to infuse. Interesting, don’t you think? Joe’s making lamb chops, I think the mint and faaaava beans will be perfect with them. Drain the pan, remove the mint, and smash the potatoes roughly. Salt and pepper them.

While the potatoes were simmering, to the darkening garden I went, slashing air with machete to make breathing possible, to get some chives. Sorry to say, no chive flowers left!

Time out, short pause, must take photo, take quick sniff of rose!!!

Back in the house to mince the chives . . .

While I was in the garden, Joe started the dressing . . . whisking “rapeseed” oil, which is “canola oil” in America (I love foreign languages, especially when they’re in English) with juice of half a lemon, a tsp. of Dijon mustard, and a half tsp. of sugar. I made little chunks of the goat’s cheese and put them in a small bowl. (British recipes are MUCH easier to do if you have metric measurers like those above. Joe had no problem when the recipe called for 60 ml of canola oil ~ it’s a quarter of a cup!)

Then it was time to assemble the salad . . .  “Put sorrel leaves or wild rocket in a large bowl,” ~ if you don’t see those at your supermarket, look for arugula because that’s rocket in America. I doubt it’s very wild though. Toss the greens together with the potatoes and beans, and the dressing, tossing gently, coating everything. Add the nuggets of goat’s cheese, and garnish with chives (and chive flowers for extra prettiness and flavor if you have them).

By this time Joe’s chops are sizzling …

Time out for a photo . . . we’re so proud of ourselves we have to take pictures!

And here we go! We loved it. It was the Pub Food we were dreaming about. Flavors combined like buttah, the potatoes, the cheese, the slight mintyness. We thought we might want to try a little bit of lemon zest in the dressing next time, but it was delicious just as it was. Joe woke up the next morning talking about it! A very good sign! We had such a good time doing this, I printed out two more Emily Watkins recipes to try. I’ll let you know how they come out! Pub House USA!

Happiness is . . .

Did you see this? It’s our little feature in Victoria Magazine! Pretty pictures, not lots of information, so if you’d like to read more about this heavenly day, go HERE. It was still lovely to have this as another memory of a truly remarkable day that went by waaaay too fast!

This is still my favorite photo, even if you can’t see the faces very well! The fact that Girlfriends came from so many different places, was just amazing. A convergence of kindred spirits. 💞 In the very garden belonging to Beatrix Potter, not all that long ago.

Yesterday, I received the first samples of the new cups in from England! They turned out beautifully, luv-lee deep colours of orange and red! All approved, and up now for presale! We’re trying to have them in by late October, but hopefully early in late October! (And yes for you that ask, that fairy tale banner is still in our webstore!)

I’ve been keeping the paper ones on my shelf . . . Gives Joe a little surprise when he grabs one for tea! Ha ha!

Yes, this mess belongs to me! There’s method to this madness, never fear. I’m getting very close to being finished with the “research” part of the new book . . . Tomorrow I do my first page layouts! Pen hand is ready! I’m so excited!

Look at this fat thing. All the bits of information I collected is now between the pages where it belongs . . . I think you are going to love it. 💞 There’s been lots of talk between us girls on Twitter: A Fine Romance resulted from a two-month trip. This time it was four months! Plus, I want to include our Scotland trip, so we will have England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. I was thinking, what should I tell and what should I leave out. Because of the size … but now, with a little help from my friends, I think it might be two books. I’m just going to go and go and go until it’s done and leave nothing out. If it turns out as fat as the 1931 Oxford Dictionary, I will turn it into two books. Two books of gardens, cottages, tea rooms, castles, recipes, heroes, bunting, ancient churchyards, one-track lanes, hedgerows, pubs, ghosts, history, and legends, and so much more. Are you ready?

From me to you Girlfriends!

My grandest blessing! ❤️ Happy Birthday Joe Hall, boyfriend for life. 💞

Bye Girls, have a wonderful day! ❌ ⭕️  Here’s that recipe!


  • 1 lb. (1 kg) broad beans (fava beans)
  • 1/2 lb. (500g) small creamiest white-skinned potatoes
  • handful of fresh mint
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 tsp. sugar
  • 1/4 c. (60ml) rapeseed oil (canola)
  • 2 big handfuls (100g) salad greens, sorrel, rocket, OR arugula
  • about 1 c. (or to taste, or 120g) fresh goat’s cheese in nugget size pieces
  • one bunch chives, finely chopped, chive flowers too, if you have them
  • salt and pepper to taste

Remove beans from pods, blanch in boiling water for 30 seconds (you want them al dente). Pour off the water and plunge the beans into ice water. Remove the inside skins from the beans, put them in a little bowl and set aside. Put potatoes in salted water just to cover and bring to boil; simmer until just tender. Remove from heat, put mint in with the potatoes and set them aside for five minutes for the mint to infuse. Drain the pan, discard the mint, crush the potatoes roughly, salt and pepper, set aside to cool. In a small bowl, whisk the oil, lemon juice, mustard and sugar together. Put the greens in a large bowl, add the beans, the  cooled potatoes, pour over the dressing and toss lightly to coat everything. Add nuggets of goats cheese, garnish with chives (and chive flowers if you can, nasturtiums are nice too!). Serve. Good the next day too. 😊

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801 Responses to NESTING to the Nth Degree

  1. Lynn Marie says:

    I woke up to find that there was the surprise of a new blog post to devour along with my egg and toast and it was delicious! I cannot wait to try the salad–I just love summer when I can pop on out to the garden for my ingredients!! And your illustration of cutting the air with a machete is spot on–love it! ☺ I painted our bedroom navy blue two years ago (much to the dismay of my mother!) and I absolutely LOVE it. It is so calming to walk into that room–like a big sigh of contentment. Can’t wait to see your after pictures. Do two or three books of your trip and package them in one of those cardboard boxes that book sets come in–just a suggestion but it would be wonderful. ☺

    • sbranch says:

      Nice to hear that re: the blue room! I walk past the dining room now, my eye turns it blue, and there’s a good feeling there, and so many luv-lee fabrics in blue to go with! Taking all book suggestions to heart! Thank you Lynn Marie!

  2. Marigold says:

    This blog post iss like opening the window and feeling the gentle breeze and smelling the roses and embracing the day. Refreshing! A beautiful way to rev the inner engine and putt-putt ahead. 🙂

  3. Tricia B. says:

    Happy Birthday Joe! I hope you have a lovely day! Thank you Susan for this wonderful post as you have made my day! 🙂 You are pure sunshine! Love, Hugs and many prayers, Tricia B.

  4. Chris Myers says:

    What a delightful few minutes I have just spent reading your blog. Made me smile, laugh, feel hungry and above all filled me with happiness! You do it everytime. Heading out just now to get the ingredients for the potato salad..I have my dear girlfriend visiting me here in the UK from California, we shall shop , enjoy the food , laugh about anything and everything. She is having a nap right now..made her get up at 5 am to head to Kempton park race course for an antique fair with Neil as our navigator. The sun shone and treasures were found. Perfect. Sending you the warmest of hugs from here Susan…we are missing you.
    Chris xox

    • sbranch says:

      What a perfect way to start the day Chris, off to the antique fair! Hugs right back to you, miss you all so much. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Tami says:

    You just made my day, two books, yes, please! Actually, three or more… happy Birthday to Joe. I can’t wait to see the decorating unfold. I’m off to get tea and toast with a huge smile on my face and a joyful heart.

  6. Monique says:

    Happy birthday to your Prince Charmant Susan!
    I am a cleaner too and love the feeling after.
    To Hoover is not my fave..the rest washing all the windows day not my fave either.
    I use mineral oil too.

    Your new curtains will be gorgeous..British elegance..a scene from a fave movie.
    Did you watch The Guernsey? On Netflix♥
    The cups are gorgeous..
    Hot and humid here impossible in the afternoon w/out smelling salts .
    One feels faint it’s so darn heavy.
    My camera is always by my side too when I flit around my garden tour.
    Have a great day.

  7. diana from ancaster says:

    What a pleasure to see this latest post……….. it’s been way too hot (i’m an autumn /winter girl)…………
    ” Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart”….yes please.
    i’m soooooo looking forward to your book(s)….

    p.s.- i’m in the middle of some house painting as well. can i borrow Joe?

  8. Linda Tondola says:

    Happy Birthday to Joe! My husband baked a cake yesterday “just because” so now we can have cake with you! Can’t wait for the book, and now there might be two of them? Yippee! My DNA results revealed that I am quite a bit English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish so I am really looking forward to reading the latest books. Maybe that house in your photograph is where my ancestors lived? Maybe they ate and drank at that pub? Ooooh the possibilities! Stay cool, autumn IS coming! I’m already looking to buy up skeins and skeins of yarn for my fall projects which will be hooded blankets for the grandkids for Christmas. Happy crocheting!

    • sbranch says:

      It is ALL possible. We did our DNA just before we left on the trip, so that will be a teeny part of the book, that connection.

  9. Michelle says:

    I too am drawn to books about and by the Mitfords, especially Deborah (so different from the others). Each one of them are fascinating – but to all be sisters makes for one pretty interesting family. Of course there was the one brother (Tom?). Happy birthday to Joe and happy, happy day for all of us that you may be writing TWO books! Yayyyyy!

  10. Nicole Dube says:

    Isn’t it wonderful when today isn’t exactly what you expected…you know, in some future tomorrow, we will curl up with new Susan Branch books and all will be right with the world! P.S. when you said you were nesting, I thought you were preparing for a new addition ☺️ Jack just might need a playmate! 😜

    • sbranch says:

      Joe and I talk about it all the time, but Jack makes so clear that he is king and would like it to stay that way. If he just SEES another cat walk by outside in HIS territory, the boy goes insane.

  11. judy says:

    Happy Birthday Joe–and many more!!!

  12. Arnette Webb says:

    Happy Birthday Joe!! I love to nest. It is one of life’s greatest joys. Can’t wait for the new book. Thanks for the recipe. It looks delicious.

  13. Oh, the weather is the same here… humidity and heat and waking up to foggy windows… it’s like living inside a greenhouse (maybe worse?)! How are the mosquitoes by you? I could handle the heat, but the mosquitoes? Horrible… they keep me inside. Fall is on the way, though. The change in light always let’s us know it won’t be long!

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t know why, probably because I’m only out for about an hour a day lately (on the walk), but I haven’t seen many mosquitoes. So that’s the good news, at least I think it is! Yes, it’s the light! You’re so right! xoxo

  14. Emma in Norway says:

    Dear Susan,thank you for such a wonderful, long beautiful post!Pure Bliss, to be enjoyed eith my icecream.We all love you so much🌺

  15. Stefanie says:

    Always a blessed treat when you post a new blog entry…It is HOT…and my windows look just like your windows…but my home is in Florida…so that is to be expected…so, I really do feel your pain!!!
    It is a sad day when we hear “Fava beans” and think of a distressing movie! But, the Brits clearly have a better go of it on words…thank goodness one has Google or such to identify such things!!
    Susan, hangeth thou in there…Fall is coming!!!

  16. Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

    Happy Birthday, Joe !! Take some time out from Dining Room repairs to do something special to celebrate. I remember the party in the garden last year. (Well, I wasn’t there … I read about it on Susan’s Blog!)

    Love the flower and garden photos, and the photos of sweet Jack. So sorry about the water leak in the Dining Room, but it looks like Joe has it all under control. You are so lucky Joe is able to do the repairs! It would cost a small fortune to have to hire someone to fix it. The new paint and curtains will be lovely, I’m sure.

    So excited about the new book (books?). Please, Susan, don’t leave anything out!

    Happy end of Summer to all !!

    • sbranch says:

      I know about the small fortune. I couldn’t believe the quote we received for painting the front of the house. More than a car. Joe said, “Forget that, I’ll do it!” Whew! It’s the problem with old houses. I realize the aristocracy in England lost their homes because of cost of upkeep, but I’m sort of just a regular neighborhood kinda gal! Shouldn’t be happening here! Happy summer Barbara!

  17. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! Sooooooo much wonderful-ness in one place! I read this in one big gulp, because I had to, because I was dying of thirst this morning for something beautiful (and please, let us never utter the O word here again😱…unbelievable, makes me nauseous) but I will go back again and do it justice. Happy Birthday Joe! Whata guy, whata guy☺️! Susan, I will copy your “I believe truth” in my journal. Oh, dear one, thank you😌. Love the idea of navy for the dining room! We recently painted a guest room a soft cream on three walls, the fourth is a rich dark navy. Painted trim and closer doors navy, too, and I love the results! Hugs!❤️

    • sbranch says:

      Ooo, another good review for Navy, how fun. We’ll have to be brave to do it, such a big room, but we’ll do a nice swatch first to make sure! Thank you Shannon, so happy to have you here this morning, hope your thirst was quenched! NO O.

  18. Lorraine Macholz says:

    Hi Susan~! First Happy Birthday to Joe!!! I just love reading all that you write. It will be exciting to see if your new book turns into one or two books either way a win win for us! Thank you for sharing! Your passion and heart is outstanding and we are so lucky! (Rose of Sharon likes to take over so keep an eye on it….it sends out runners and they grow all over and take over)! Just an fyi! Have a great day and thank you again! Lorraine

  19. mari1017 says:

    Happy, Happiest of Birthdays to Joe! Have a glorious day! Thanks for your wonderful post, Susan. Your book will be perfect; I just know it ♥ Was squeeeeeeing that you will be doing two books to not leave anything out of such a fabulous trip! Love the suggestion above for a complete set in a sleeve binder! Another art project ♥♥♥ This is a glorious way to begin the day!

  20. Dewena says:

    I am overwhelmed with all the beauty here! So filled with good things. So this is the Susan Branch that so many of my blog friends have been telling me about, wondering why in the world I had not read your books. That’s going to be remedied soon and I’m pulling this post off on my desktop to savor over and over again after returning from two doctor visits today and one tomorrow. What a treat it and your previous posts will be!

    • sbranch says:

      Nice to meet you Dewena, how I love the word of mouth between Girlfriends! Thank you for saying hello, and best of luck with all the Doctors!

  21. Liz says:

    Susan, just letting you know that the “Reply” section of your blog keeps auto-filling in names when I view it. A different name and email every time has been filled in despite clearing browsing etc. I presume these are your subscribers/girlfriends so I thought you’d want to know that it seems as if the info is not private now. I hope that can be fixed. I didn’t see a Webmaster contact but will keep looking. Good luck!

  22. Liz says:

    Susan, just letting you know that the “Reply” section of your blog keeps auto-filling in names when I view it. A different name and email every time has been filled in despite clearing browsing etc. I presume these are your subscribers/girlfriends so I thought you’d want to know that it seems as if the info is not private now. I hope that can be fixed. I didn’t see a Webmaster contact but will keep looking. Also – there’s a “Not secure” warning :-/
    Good luck!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh dear, I forwarded your comment to my webmaster person. I think it’s getting worse! Am doing all I know to do, I’m so sorry. Hopefully he’ll have some new bright idea!

  23. Sophie T says:

    I had to check for the translation when I read about the broad/fava beans, as they reminded me of something we cook here too in Quebec. In French Canadian, we call them “gourganes” and I’ve always used them to make a delicious soup (here is the traditional recipe from Lake St. John: I didn’t know we could peel off this second skin! I’ll have to try your recipe…

    Good luck with the repainting of the walls… it’s always a pleasure to see your beautiful space, inside and outsise, and to see it change once in a while. You always make great choices, I love how welcoming it always look!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Sophie, and for the recipe too. Those beans really are very special, soup must be wonderful!

  24. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Happy birthday to Joe. 🎂
    I laughed out loud when I read your blog bit about Omorosa. I didn’t care for her bullying and lying on old Apprentice shows, but she brought ratings. Same when she was on Big Brother. All for attention. ‘Nuff said.
    Time on tv would be better spent telling us about finding and matching children and deported parents.
    Nesting! Ahhhh. There’s no place like home. 🏡 🏠 I am always thankful for air conditioning, but I am ready to open the windows to let some cool, clean air run through the house. Wet windows in the morning are the norm here in hot, humid, coastal No. Carolina.
    👕👖 👚Laundy! My favorite thing! I love the smells, products, fluffiness. The dirtier the better. The miracle of getting red clay out of white baseball uniforms, mud out of snowsuits( sent them out to play in snow and they found the mud!) juicy, hot wing grease, good dinner-fun wine – all prized stains that I removed in my laundry! Crazy…yes!
    Keep us posted on your dining room redecorating. My brother once owned a trendy NY restaurant. The walls were light pink. That color was chosen because in low light and candlelight it makes everyone’s facial coloring glow. I cannot wait to see what color you choose and the curtains as well.
    Once again,thank you for your fun-filled , recipe included blog. 💖 Love you, Susan! 💖

    • sbranch says:

      Ratings to me are like money. People seem willing to do and say anything for them. I would like to see both of them go out of style! The Pink, exactly what Joe and I were thinking, pretty in candlelight. Thank you Peggy!

      • Helen L Nordseth says:

        Pink definitely….so warm and cozy on the darkest of days…Especially with candles and the traditional sumptuous English curtains get to take center stage! Happy Birthday Joe…am sure you are celebrating in style.

  25. Nicoline says:

    Hello Susan,
    And first of all, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to dearest JOE!! Like they say in the UK, may he have many happy returns of the day!!
    What good news, we might get 2 (or more, yesss please!!) books to look forward to!! Whatever you decide, we’ll all be so happy to read all about your adventures…Can’t wait!
    Sorry about your dining room, I just loved the roses wallpaper, so pretty….I’m sure dark blue will look nice, but how about pale blue? Or even better, the light pink, you mentioned….
    Oh, I was so excited to read on your twitter, that you were “Just thinking”…..about having a picnic in the USA…..Wow, that would be so special! I guess loads more girlfriends will be able to travel to come and see you…
    PLEASE< PLEASE keep us posted about your thoughts and ideas, so it'll give us time to make plans, save up for the trip etc….
    Have a lovely day, will try to blow some cool fresh air across the pond for you….

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you dear Nicoline! Kitchen is pale blue, the living room pale green . . . I will make sure you know everything there is to know as soon as I know it! I have a long sit first, so there’s time! Love you, have a wonderful day! Hello to Gabriel! xoxo

  26. Mary Jane says:

    Another beautiful post, just when we need it most! How do you know ?? I love that you love all the everyday things so much. I do too. Sometimes we homebodies are made to feel we are kind of boring. But, these people just don’t know how comforting and satisfying “Home” can be! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful projects(dining room will be beautiful,) with us. Susan, the world needs the love of home, nature and life’s beautiful simple things now more than ever.Thank you for always reminding us it is still there. Your books whether 1 or 3 will be on my shelf. Thanks for just being you and sharing.

    Mary Jane

  27. Marianne in Mo. says:

    Happy Birthday to Joe! I think I will bake him a cake too, so I can be part of the festivities! Oh, Omarosa, she just won’t go away! As the kids say, “bye, Felicia!” Funny, but I actually had a roll of your wallpaper at one time! I used to work at a wallpaper store, and often bought (or were able to get free!) lonely rolls of papers that were discontinued. When we had to move temporarily to an apartment while our house was being built, I had to do away with things I knew I would never use. So sad for me, as I seem to collect things I love, but never use. Anyway, I look forward to seeing the new decor!!! Your salad sounds delish! I recently made a French Potato Salad that is somewhat similar, but it called for too much Dijon, and ended up wayyy too tangy for us. I don’t think hubs liked it, so will have to find another. Here’s hoping we all get a break soon from the weather. Seems to not be pleasant anywhere, really. And I pray the fires will be contained soon, as I have a pen pal who is volunteering in Washington at Olympic National park. She texted me today to say they are getting smoke blowing from B.C. fires. Affecting her breathing, so she is confined to their camper until the winds shift. Looking forward to the new book/s!

  28. Patty in Redlands says:

    So great to hear from you, Susan! And a big happy birthday to your Joe! I loved reading about your cleaning and decorating and book planning, and I’m inspired to do at least some of that. (Sadly, I only read books but revere those who write them!) Living through this hottest of summers, I especially appreciate Jane Austen’s quote and also feel like I’m in a continual state of inelegance. Hurry Autumn!!🍁🍂 I cant wait for the feel, smells and sights of my favorite season!

    I’m thrilled that the new cups met with your approval and am looking forward to when mine arrive in early late October! 😊

    Much love! ❤️

    • sbranch says:

      “Only” reading is a huge treat and a half, Girlfriend, and not everyone knows that. Double blessed! Much love back to you Patty!

  29. Clare says:

    Good Morning, Susan, what a treat to hear from you- you are truly inspiring. Isn’t the anticipation of approaching Fall the best? Thank you for taking the time to post and Happy Birthday to your Joe!

  30. Sharon Silva says:

    To quote Forrest Gump regarding Omarosa, “………………and that’s all I have to say about that!” Ugh.

    Oklahoma is so flat there is nothing to block the wind, so we have heat, humidity and winds! Enough already! Bring on Fall. Christie Levin and I were chatting about the upcoming event at Apple Farm and hoping there will be lovely crisp air combined with sea breezes!
    Our twitter book club is excited there may be US picnics in the future! More chances to meet virtual friends! First, though, the books! (notice the plural?)
    Seeing “Victoria” magazine was quite special-brought back wonderful memories.
    My morning cup of tea and I thank you for your sweet words and pictures.


    • sbranch says:

      It’s a beautiful time of year for SLO, I think we will love it! I want to wear a sweater! LOL! That’s what I love about England, mostly always sweater weather ~ not so much this summer though, but I know they’ll get back to it! Thank you Sharon! xoxo

      • Christie Levin says:

        Another Road Trip to SLO for another Susan Branch Girlfriends Event!! YAY!!! October 13 is already a Red Letter Day on my calendar! Thank you dear Sue!

        • sbranch says:

          Can’t wait Christie! Hope our weather is a wee bit warmer than it was in the Lake District! Just a teeeeeny tiny bit! xoxo

          • Christie Levin says:

            Well, just for you I will hope that the October weather in SLO is a wee bit warmer. I LOVED the wild gloriously windy weather we enjoyed in Beatrix’s garden ~ it made me feel like it was going to whisk me up over the fields to the far-off woodsy hills where Beatrix and William must have taken so many walks! (And maybe even Elizabeth & Darcy when they went on their honeymoon, and possibly Robin & Marian during a daring escape from the Sheriff of Nottingham, and even Claire and Jamie because you could run into them anywhere/when, right?!)

          • sbranch says:

            Love the visions of sugar plums dancing in my head Christie! 😘

          • Christie Levin says:

            We can’t wait either, Sue. You’ve picked such a darling spot @TheAppleFarm for your event! And, just for you, I will hope that our October weather in SLO is just a wee bit warmer than on our Picnic Day ~ only a bit, tho ~ I loved the gloriously-occasionally-windy day in Beatrix’s garden SO MUCH! Every time the wind picked up a little, I had to stand and really experience Lake District winds. It felt as though it could almost pick us up and carry us over the fields to the wooded hills in the distance, and who knows what we would have found? Perhaps Beatrix & William on one of their many walks, or CS Lewis & JRR Tolkien on a walking tour, or possibly Darcy & Elizabeth on their honeymoon (she was a great walker), or even Jamie & Claire ~ they could be found anywhere!

          • sbranch says:

            Love the people at the Apple Farm too, they’re really wonderful! Yes, give me cool weather any day of the week, couldn’t agree more! Magical place wasn’t it??? xoxoxoxo

  31. AngieTink says:

    For #Joe (I’m Singing…. Herbster’s Looking at Me Laughing 🙂 & Then Says “Tell Joe Happy Birthday!” 🙂 ) Okay….. Happy~Birthday To You Happy~Birthday To You…Happy Birthday Dearest Joe…Happy~Birthday To You! Yay! 😉 🙂 Tell Joe To #MakeAWish & That We Wish That All His Birthday~Wishes Come True! 🙂 & Good~Morning Sweet~Sue This is Another Wonderful~Blog! The Pics of Jack…Meowzers!!!! (Kitty~Kisses~Too) 🙂 I Love That You Two are “Nesting” We are Too…..I’m am The~Queen (Princess) 😉 Of Cleaning….I Love Everything to Sparkle & Shine & Very Soon I Shall Begin to Turn Our~Home Into An~Autumn~Enchanted~Cottage…..Yay! 🙂 & You Know I’ll Be Twirling & Doing My~Famous~Pumpkin~Jiggity~Jig With a Huge~Smile On Me~Pumpkin~Face 🙂 😉 Yay! On August~7th Was Our Jonboy’s 36th Birthday…Mind~Boggling To Me… That I am a Mum(Mom) to a 36 Year~Old~Man Lol 🙂 When I Feel 19! 😉 C’est~La~Vie…& Our Summer Has Been Very Rainy & Soggy But I Love This Cause Nothing Has Burned~Up Yes It Has Been Hot & Steamy & Very Tropical But Soon The Cooler Weather Rolls In & We Can Open The Windows & Keep Them Open for Months! Florida~Autumn! 🙂 Okie~Dokie Sweet Sue I know You & Joe & Jack Will Be Celebrating All Day All Week All Month! Enjoy & I’ll See You In Twitterville! xoxo Poof! 🙂 😉 🙂 P.S. How Do You Spell Trouble???? O-M-A-R-O-S-A Yikes! The World Has Gone Mad!….Zippity~Do~Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      How did you ever give birth to a 36 year old man??? Impossible! Happy Birthday Jonboy! Yes, how you spell trouble! Mad mad mad mad world! Thank goodness for our darling Tink and magical fluttering wings! xoxoxoxo

      • AngieTink says:

        #FairyliciousKisses for You #MySweetestSue & My~Wings~Are~All~A~Flutter…..xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoox 🙂 #BirthdayBliss for Our~Leos!!! 😉

  32. Gail Golden says:

    Happy birthday to Joe! I love that quote, “Good things get better with age!” So true. That’s how I feel about my wonderful hubby. Every day is precious for us since we married in our “golden” years.

    I think two books sounds lovely, and three would be even lovelier. We can’t wait to enjoy them.

    Such a nice post today. I love seeing your pretty linens and dishes. You’re the only person I’ve ever seen make doing laundry and house cleaning sound and look like fun.

    Welcome to my world regarding the heat and humidity. Florida is my paradise, and as a life-long resident, I’ve learned to stay inside for most of August. Sometimes we get the sea breeze that makes it almost bearable to visit the garden. Hang in there – Fall is near! (Well, not for us…we don’t get it until late November.)

  33. Lorraine in White Plains, NY says:

    A lovely post, as usual! In regard to the blue room… my brother and his wife painted one wall a gorgeous, deep marine blue (they live near the coast in Maryland) — and it was a room with a cathedral ceiling — and the rest of the room white. It was a big risk, as neither of them had done anything so “bold” as that before, but it worked! It’s really a great color and appropriate to their surroundings, and both feel it is better than if they had painted the whole room blue. If you have any doubts, maybe you and Joe could try just one “accent wall”? Although… “they” say that blue dampens the appetite (as opposed to red), so maybe not so good for a dining room? Then again, with the meals you and Joe create, it would take a little more than blue walls to diminish the appetite of anyone sitting at your table! Go for it!

    • sbranch says:

      We tried to want red, but just couldn’t make it work in our minds, took more guts that either of us can come up with! We have a blue kitchen and I can tell you, I don’t think that thing about appetite works! I wish!

  34. Lani says:

    Morning Sue,
    Reading your post as I sip my morning coffee and getting set to return to painting the granddaughter’s guest room. I LOVE to nest. Nesting is important and I have testimony to support that fact. My daughter in-law shared with me that they were rearranging furniture to include her grandfather’s bookcase. That once all was happily in place my son said that it made the room feel like it was hugging you. That it was like what his mom did in our home. Oh Susan! See, our love of nesting bring love and joy to our family and friends. I use to see it as a selfish pleasure. No more!. So back to painting the soft pastel blue over the muddy brown walls we inherited in this 3 year old home. You’d like the furnishings Sue. They are a mix of Christopher Robin’s and your quest room. You’ve inspired me in the past and continue to and I thank you dear lady. I now have some extra bounce this morning as I put on the final coat and get to making that room put it’s hug on all who enter.
    Love, Lani

  35. Dixie says:

    Loving the new cups, most especially the holly.
    New English curtains. Can’t wait to see them. I am partial to blue walls. Ahhhh blue, depending on the hue can be so peaceful and mild. Serenity by candlelight.
    Whatever you chose, I am sure it will be lovely!
    I am looking forward to trying out the receipe. Thank you so much for sharing.

  36. JoAnne Daniels says:

    So happy to find a new Susan Branch blog post this morning — it always brighten my day! Looking forward to new book(s) filled with your English, Irish, and Scottish adventures. You’ve inspired me to take on some house-cleaning tasks I’ve been putting off…I’ll keep my kitty at my side and whistle while I work!
    We’ve had miserable hot, humid, and WET weather here too. Wring me out like a dish rag! Autumn is on the way! Please give Joe my Happy Birthday wishes.
    JoAnne in soggy, rural NJ

  37. Kim in California says:

    Thank you for your blog post. They always make me feel good and inspired. As for the first segment I totally agree! Where is Beatrix Potter you say? Well we have you!! You are spreading more love and inspiration than you may know. Just what we all need!! 💗😄

  38. Pam Butterick says:

    LOVED all this…..
    Cannot wait to see the dining room. (I’m hoping for the blue…but either will be elegant and perfect!) And, cannot wait to get the magazine….might have to travel OFF ISLAND to get it!🤪
    And cannot wait for the book(s)…because I’ll LOVE❤️them but also because I am so fortunate to have spent time (never enough) in all 4 countries.
    I’ve ordered the Holly mug! Christmas spirit reigns in soupy hot August! Jim will smile when it arrives😍
    The salad sounds divine…will try it….maybe a WT Farmer’s market visit on Sat!
    And finally, A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Joe. 😘 Aug 13th? If so, our dear grandson’s Birthday, AND a new friend, in Pittsburg😍.
    You bring such pleasure with your caring and creativity! Thank you!👩🏻‍🎨🎨😍🏘🌸

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Pam, yes, I mean no, Joe is August 14! Today! (Oh my, just got worried and stopped to make sure it’s the 14th today!) Thank you back sweetheart . . . xoxoxo

  39. Caroline says:

    Yes Please!! Don’t leave out a thing! As many books as you write, I will buy, read and treasure. Weather is amazing isn’t it?!! But I will be sad if mushrooms grow INSIDE our house. You all have a wonderful day and a Happiest birthday for Joe!

  40. Sara C. says:

    Delightful! I enjoyed reading all of your nesting endeavors❤❤Happy Birthday Joe🎂

  41. Melanie says:

    I am more than ready for your new book! And happy birthday to Joe!

    I love that you are nesting and puttering and loving your home. That’s what I’m doing today and it is glorious.


  42. Elizabeth says:

    Lovely…all of it…your decor, etc and of course, Joe. Gives a mom hope that MAYBE someday my 2 darling daughters will find a good man (one of them now in her 2nd divorce…bad bad bad guys who SEEMED nice…and the other has kept her distance so far, finding no good ones where she is). Looking forward to your next books too!!
    (Strangely there was someone else’s name and email address when I began this comment…is there a problem with things on your end maybe?)

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, there is a problem, we have a gremlin that’s not letting go. Working on it…everyone should change the name to their own before they post. SO sorry!

  43. Merci says:

    First and foremost – HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your “forever boyfriend” – Joe!
    His cake will be yummy, of course! Always enjoy your wonderful stories and the memories that you make; which, reminded me when some people would say “don’t look back”, and I say, I love my memories, they make me happy and bring a smile to my face. In writing your books (I’m so excited!), no, don’t leave anything out even if it takes two books. Continue on your journey Susan, I love traveling along with you!

    • sbranch says:

      Look back, look here, and look forward, why not? It’s all part of what you are and what you’ve done! Thank you so much Merci, I love traveling with you too!

  44. Cindy Maulin says:

    Hi Susan! (Domestic Goddess…..😻)….well …. home again.. the very best place…. where we hang our hats and grow our hearts….❤️🏡…we can’t hold a candle to being away for four months but our 32 day road trip runs a close second. We zipped through 14 states and saw 10 state capitols!!…and we didn’t even plan that… we just kept coming upon them as we made our way. I am doing the same as you…. feathering the nest…. cleaning, laundry, shining, weeding, polishing, but no big projects …. just readjustments and maintenance … readying for fall…even here in central Florida, there is a sense of fall…. I was at the market yesterday and the September issue of Victoria jumped right out at me and into my buggy… too short but still lovely… what a memorable day… I was there in spirit💚….
    It’s always inspiring to redo/spruce up/remodel the houses we live in…Jerry and I have always said that if couples can live through wallpapering and canoe float trips, they can conquer anything…I am adding 32 day road trips to that list!!!🚗💨
    Good luck and don’t let the heat and humidity get ya down… we’ll all be eating, smelling, sipping, tasting, breathing all things pumpkin spice before you know it! 🍂🍁🍂🎃
    All the best to you both ..
    Love, Cindy xoxox

    • sbranch says:

      Thirty-two days is forever! Ha ha ha! You made it home alive! Thank you Cindy, I’m holding on! xoxoxo

  45. Merci Schon says:

    Well, I sent you a post and hit send but didn’t see it go through? Therefore, once again: First and foremost: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your “forever boyfriend” Joe! I know his cake will be yummy! As for your book, please don’t leave anything out, even if it takes two books. I love the memories you’re making. Which reminds me, some people say, don’t look back. I say, I love my memories, they make me happy and bring a smile to my face. Continue on your journey Susan, I love traveling along with you.

    • sbranch says:

      I think I answered your earlier one Merci . . . do you see it there? But if not, thank you again! Love having you!

      • Merci Schon says:

        Hi Susan,
        Been out and about. Yes, I did see your first response. The first did not indicate that it had gone through so I sent this second one. Ok, continue to enjoy life! Looking forward to autumn and winter and all the exciting things you will be doing – on top of continuing to write your book – yay!!!

  46. DeLynn Jeannette says:

    Glad to hear from you this morning. I am so excited about your books. Do not rush and please include everything. The book sleeve is a great idea and I hope you can incorporate it into your finished project. Happy birthday to Joe! I cannot wait for fall and cooler weather….

  47. Vicki says:

    I miss the old days of news. A half hour of local, then a half hour of world news. That was enough to digest for the day. Now, if we don’t turn off electronic devices, we are overwhelmed with a constant barrage.
    I harvested lavender from my garden yesterday, to dry and sprinkle on the rugs in the winter. When vacuumed up I will enjoy a lovely whiff of a summer’s day. Today I will bake a peach pie that will be served warm with vanilla bean ice cream. It is the simple things that make life happy.
    Happy Birthday to Joe!

  48. Cindy Huk says:

    Ah, delicious nesting. The weather IS changing and soon we welcome fall. I bought a gift for the occasion yesterday – your Autumn cookbook. Being retired, I count every nickel & dime, but sometimes you just must treat yourself. I’ve been a fan since your first book in 1986 and this was missing. But no longer. Thank you for all you give. And PS – I gave up my television and internet when I retired. I do not miss it, knowing if something catastrophic happens my neighbors will tell me! Peace and tranquility to you❤️

  49. Mary Brehm says:

    Hi Susan! A very Happy Birthday to your Joe! Are you making him a special dinner or going out?
    It Has been unbearably humid here as well. Yucky, I can’t stand it. Makes me wobbly in the knees and not in a good way. So, I blast the a.c. and make pretend it’s crisp and cool. I am having a lovely elderly couple that I clean for over for dinner tonight. She was born in England and came here as a small girl during WWII. She traveled by ship and when her ship returned home it was torpedoed by the Germans. SCARY!! She is Lovely and charming and pure elegance and class. Her home is full of pretty…old ticking clocks, teacups and Crystal and lots of old books and Pretty Flowery wallpaper in every bedroom!
    I made and apple cake with caramel topping for desert and my husband fired up his pizza oven so we are making pizzas. Lots of fresh basil and tomatoes for toppings. Yummy!
    It’s been 2 weeks since my daughter Jessie’s wedding. I can’t believe it’s already over. A whole year of planning and work and Poof! It’s done. My husband and I spent the first week moping around the house. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves. It was a beautiful day and she was radiant! She is a die hard Susan fan as well and in the throws of newlywed bliss and setting up home. So much fun.
    I’m not sure about the paint. I was thinking the darker blue. just to change things up a bit. Wouldn’t your lovely dishes and those new english curtains just pop against the blue?? It’s fun to think about.
    I’m hoping your humidity ends soon. We are both on the East coast so I’m guessing our weather patterns are about the same.
    I’m off to fuss and set a pretty table for my company! Have a Happy Happy time with your Joe. Love you <3

    • sbranch says:

      Isn’t that the thing, when it’s over, I imagine I’ve been going through a bit of that myself! You sound good, like you’re nesting up a storm! xoxo Thank you, Mary!

  50. LynnDinKY says:

    Susan, I had to look up Omarosa, since I had no idea who she was. SMH. Sometimes I would just like to throw our Flatscreen , computers and video games out the window, smash them with a sledge hammer and never have another one in the house again. But then I wouldn’t get to watch Jane Austen, British dramas, and see wonderful posts like yours. I love seeing your home and your domestic bliss. By the way, I like Pink and Navy together! Navy walls with a peachy-pink curtains and gold accents. I attended a wedding that had navy dresses and pink sashes and pink flowers. It was gorgeous. I’m looking forward to seeing your new books. That’s right, bookS. I want to know everything! So glad you’re back and getting into the swing of things again. Happy Birthday, Joe!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, darned if we do and darned if we don’t. Need that separate screen! Thank you Lynn, will pass on your birthday message to Joe!

  51. MaryLou Shipman says:

    So happy to check in with your blog on my lunch break and see that you are in nesting mode – how wonderful! When I’m home I am always in the mood for cleaning, painting and decorating 🙂 No TV for me…the bottom-feeders are now feeding on each other – No Thanks!! I’ll keep my head in the clouds, pet the kitties, paint pretty pictures and always find joy in your blog! xoxoxox

    P.S. – Happy birthday Joe!!

  52. Raquel Silies says:

    Oh, how luvlee! Today is the birthday of my genius as well! Tell Joe Happy Birthday! I am loving the thought of Navy blue for the walls. Love the new cups, can’t wait to order. Roast and potatoes tonight, we are saving the birthday supper until the weekend.

    • sbranch says:

      I would be perfectly happy with roast and potatoes for my Birthday dinner! Sounds wonderful! Have fun Raquel!

  53. Regina Carretta says:

    oh my dear Susan! I didn’t even get past the first paragraph…..your take on Omorosa – so spot on, made me laugh….but made me want to cry as well… stopped me in my tracks with your articulate take on the state of our union….thank you, thank you! Now – back to reading your loverly blog.
    much love, and peace,
    Regina from Seattle

    • sbranch says:

      Always love hearing from you Regina. I’ve cried today too. So I know. xoxoxo

      • Regina Carretta says:

        good morning….I thought of you yesterday….there is a little Norwegian town across the pond from Seattle called Poulsbo….through the haze and gritty air, 3 of us set out on a ferry, with a picnic lunch, and visited the nursery, and some shops…..after reading posts about clearing out and decluttering, I was inspired all week and 4 bags went to the Goodwill….then I was in a shop, and found a plate, Royal Dalton from England, with green edging and a blue bird painted on the top….welllll…..I bought it of course, and my sister said, “hmmmm….you buy it, and then why not put it directly in the Goodwill bag?” Oh dear. Some things bring us joy like helping others, volunteering in our communities….and old plates from England with blue birds painted on them…..
        *see the influence you have on people? (thank goodness)….love love love to you – someday I will get to Martha’s Vineyard…..I go to NYC every year to visit family and friends so one day….Boston, and MV….
        love to you in big batches, Susan!!

        • sbranch says:

          Don’t listen to your sister, that’s one of my mottos in life! 😆 xoxo

          • Regina Carretta says:

            omigosh! that is so funny! “don’t listen to your sister”!!! I have to tell her that….
            and I must add my 1 cent to those who say you “shouldn’t” talk about politics….I guess I don’t consider it “political”…..a whole group of folks in Washington DC are making decisions, that affect the air we talk about loving to breathe in the fall, the use of farm land and natural resources, that we say we love and use to grow our veggies sold at Farmers’ Markets, the cost of educating our dear children, the security of our safety in the world… – I guess we have a balance here – news “diets”, some discussion of concern, then back to the joy of our lives. If we never discuss what is before our eyes, it will take over and decisions will be made for us….so Thanks, dear Susan, for being a balanced person – keeping us aware and thinking, and keeping us in pie recipes and art!!!
            love you,
            Reg from Seattle

          • sbranch says:

            It’s more about how the actual government works that we need to understand better. We assume since we elect these people they have our best interests in mind, but that is really NOT how it works. The two parties, and what they tell us about themselves have really quite a lot of ZIP to do with it. All they want is to get into the driver’s seat and they will say anything to do it. It’s what happens after they get there that should concern us, and most of that is a great big secret! Took me years to discover the power that lobbies have over our daily lives. Thank you back Regina, and yes, spread the message. It can be a truly wonderful world.

  54. Peggy McNeill says:

    I have a sure fire way of avoiding the dreadful ”breaking news”….i have an antenna and TIVO with which i can watch four PBS channels so i can have (and record) Masterpiece and Frontline and all the other wonderful things there, plus keeping up with the world via the NEWSHOUR ( Judy went to my college!). I also have an online subscription to TNYT, plus Netflix and HULU for fun. All the TV i ever want for $18/month. I could not wait to see TGLPPPS movie so was much disappointed to tune in at 12:01 am Friday and discover it didn’t start until 3:00! But at a more decent hour later, i had others to watch it with! When i finished the book ten years ago, i knew i was going to Guernsey someday, and three years ago i flew there after a hiking and gardens trip to Cornwall and Devon with my sons! It was pure magic for me, including hiking the breathtaking cliff paths and having a potato peel pie lunch in a centuries old stone farmhouse with three women my age (i’m in my 80th year) whose stories were right out of the book! Put Guernsey on your bucket list!

    • sbranch says:

      How fun to hear about it Peggy, thank you!

    • Anne Taylor says:

      Hi Peggy-I have been dying for years to cut the cable cord. I adore PBS and Hallmark and have free Netflix. I would love to hear more details how you do this. All of us are so tired of paying the big cable bills and not being allowed to see what we want to see without being stuck with channels we do not care about.

      I also adored that book and was thrilled to catch it on Netflix recently.
      I love Cornwall and Devon and would be thrilled to travel to Guernsey some day.

      Hope to hear from you

  55. Julie Buck says:

    Oh, it’s a blog day! That’s always a sunshiny day for me, even though I don’t get as many as everyone else, living in Seattle, as I do… I love all your homey musings. It makes me want to nest, too – even though I certainly don’t have all your energy! Still, I love to look at my collections of tea-party china and dream of having my girlfriends over… time for another party, I think! Thank you for all the joy you bring to us – this world needs it more than ever these days.

  56. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Hilarious the way you started out your blog post with Omarosa exasperation. It’s an official syndrome. 🙂 Feeling it too, but knowing we are not alone and can focus on other stuff is the best remedy for these crazy times we live. Happy Birthday Joe. Jack is adorable. Would love him to meet my Gigi. He would be quite the catch with that mustache and all. Two books!!! That would be wonderful and much needed by all your blog and twitter peeps. More is better in this case! Can’t even imagine your humidity. We are feeling it too here, but your window photo says it all. Fall is just around the bend, but we still have Sept and October for Santa Ana winds and continued fire season, so keep those blogs coming and the rose and hydrangeas pics and all your beautiful sayings. They are much appreciated.. p.s. Can’t wait for our Apple Farm to hear and see you in person and enjoy that darling hotel. Even bought an Apple cup to commemorate the occasion.

  57. Deb Harmon says:

    Oh, Susan, just when I feel I’m missing you a wonderful new post from you appears! I must tell you that you have to watch The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (if you haven’t already!) on Netflix! It’s lovely. I read the book many years ago and was glad to see that the movie doesn’t disappoint. Am glad that you are settling back into life at home. I want to squeeze Jack’s tubby belly!!

  58. Martha Ellen says:

    Susan, it’s wonderful hearing about you nesting. Your dining room is going to be lovely I know! Maybe English pub looking? Sorry about the water issues, but now you will have a new look. I see British spelling has rubbed off on you, my cosy friend. I wish I had bought the measuring cups in metric when we were in England. It would be so helpful when using their recipes. I am printing your recipe for the yummy salad. We are sitting on the patio enjoying one of our rare less humid afternoons. I hope the same for you and Joe! Happy Birthday to your sweet husband. We’re both looking forward to your new book! So exciting to see Britain through your eyes. XOXO ♥

  59. Janet from Rio Vista, Ca says:

    Good Morning Susan. It is always such a delight to discover a new blog from you. It is like opening the window and having fresh air blow in. My two cents worth is that two books would be wonderful from you. Your books are such a lovely escape and so full of information for future trips to the British Isles. I actually tag pages to refer back to. I can’t wait for the books to come out. Just to add to the color thingy, I painted my kitchen navy blue and painted the cabinets (inside and out) white. Then I highlighted with pink dishes and things. I love it and get rave reviews from guests. In the fall I bring out all the Fall colors. It seems all colors go with Navy and White but I am pretty sure know that. Have a wonderful day and Happy Birthday to Joe.

  60. Susie (Rocky Point, NY) says:

    Wow that was a wonderful find today, a new post! D-e-l-i-g-h-t-f-u-l ! Happy birthday Joe! I am going to read that post over and over again as it was just so full of everything I love (or love to talk about). I spend my days trying to avoid the news. Hallmark and HGTV are balm for soothing the day away. Also, wonderful, enchanting movies on TCM. Wow! They are featuring a new actor every day. I overdosed in Doris Day on Sunday, while the weather teamed outdoors. Perfect! If you can catch her movie “I’ll See You in My Dreams” with Danny Thomas…I loved it and I’m still humming the music in it. Yes, we all need lots of music. Have fun redecorating. I cannot wait to see your new curtains.

  61. Carol Snow says:

    What a perfect post Susan!! I’m going to send the link to my daughter who just moved all the way across the country and I am missing much…so many things in this post that we both enjoy. One quick question, is the last quote you wrote out (with the kitty picture) from you? I wanted to put it in my quote book with the correct attribution. Thanks!

  62. Beth Wilson says:

    And then it’s over and I sigh and return to my world. And wish you would write on and on and on and post photos forever…

    • sbranch says:

      How I feel with some books, why can’t they go on forever and ever and ever and ever and . . . . . . ever.

  63. Christie Levin says:

    Oh dear, it looks like I replied twice! When my reply disappeared, I thought I had deleted it, so tried again. It disappeared too, so it looks like they both were sent, although I cannot see either (usually I can see them in ‘moderation mode’) So please do delete the first and also this explanation, Sue. Thanks so much. BTW, that phrase ‘moderation mode’ is cracking me up ~ I toss ‘moderation’ to the Lake District winds when I post here :))) LOL

    • sbranch says:

      This website is making me crazy!!! I would very much like to know what the heckendorn is going on!!! Yes we are anti-moderation here!!! Thank you Christie!

  64. Cindy Johnson says:

    I was so happy to see a new post today ! Joe kind of helped me to see I could maybe take some wallpaper down AND do it in a day! Any suggestions he has would be great. I am looking forward to your updates in the dining room.

    • sbranch says:

      There’s a liquid paper remover, use LOTS of it! It’s a big help if there are just bare walls (and not more wallpaper) behind it.

    • Bonnie in Ohio says:

      As a professional wallpaper installer (and remover) of approx.30 years I wanted to offer this suggestion for removing wallpaper. We always used a large spray bottle with warm water, about 1/4 c, white vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing soap. Saturate the paper well and use a putty knife or broad knife to remove. Much better for the lungs than the chemicals in commercial removers. Smells like a salad!

  65. Asha says:

    🎂 Happy Birthday to Joe! Another wonderful blog post Susan! We just painted our dining room, Benjamin Moore, Smoke Embers. Its a beautiful grey. Lots of room to decorate with color. We love it! Also painted the kitchen, Soft Fern, another grrat neutral color. Navy sounds darling and so chic! Please be sure to send pictures when your room is complete. Bye for now! Ox❤️

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve started thinking this old house might not be chic enough for navy blue walls, I think I hear it saying it would prefer something softer in order to continue in its old-fashioned ways. I think the pink is winning!

  66. Audrianne Hill says:

    In regards to your first point, “Let it go. Let it go…” There. Thank you for sharing your house scars. It makes me feel better that I am not the only one dealing with an aging house. My ceiling looks a lot like yours. My painter is coming tomorrow to finish painting the car shed (I can’t call it a garage when it still has it’s dirt floor.) He scraped and primed on Monday. Earlier in the summer he painted the both interiors of porches and porch steps. He wanted to get on the roof and begin on dormers but I put my foot down. One can always paint in the fall. Now, in this heat and humidity, is not the time to be on a black shingled roof.

    Saw the article in Victoria. You looked like you fit right in!

  67. Deanna says:

    LOL! I loved your Omarosa rant. She’s grabbing hold of her 15 minutes of fame with both hands and hanging on for dear life! Do you think if we ignore her she’ll go away?

    Thank you so much for your blog. A good friend gave me your “A Fine Romance,” and I’ve been living vicariously through your adventures ever since! Keep them coming!

  68. Alice in Wisconsin Land says:

    I haven’t read the comments from others yet, so maybe someone already wrote this about perennials: “The first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they leap!” Looks like some of yours took a short-cut and leaped already!

  69. What a lovely post, Susan, thank you – I smiled all the way through it!

  70. Linda Bee says:

    Hi Sue – and Happy Birthday to Joe! We’ve had the heat and humidity, too, then yesterday and today got blasts of rain which cooled it a tad. Your nesting topic is so timely – we have been scraping wallpaper and working on our family (growing-up) home; happily this is energizing me to continue in the same vein at OUR home. That beautiful wallpaper certainly gave years of pleasure! Looking forward to cup(s) and book(s). Thank you for sharing so much!

  71. Beth T. says:

    Sending happiest birthday wishes to Joe, whose smile brightens many days!

  72. Barbara from northern California says:

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways . . .

    I love your artistry; I love your caring; I love how you can weave today with yesterday; I love every blog post; I love every photograph; I love every story and tale and point of interest; I love you and Joe and Jack as a happy, happy trio; and I love so many more things I find here.

    Coming to this site is a source of great happiness. You always strike the exact, perfect chord. Who else would find the depth of a fava bean? I’ve eaten these (off and on) for years but never appreciated one so much as today. Thank you so very, very much.

    I know this sounds terribly gushy (and I’m not always like this), but somehow that fava bean took me right over the edge!

  73. Nan says:

    What a fun room to give a makeover to. Have you thought about papering the walls again with anaglypta paper? Weather is hotter than normal here, and we have wildfire smoke coming down from Canada, so dealing with itchy eyes, scratchy throat, headache, general malaise from that. The air quality is not good at all. Looking forward to two volumes of your travels. I’ve been dreaming of flying to London, driving down to Guernsey, and then taking a ferry across to France, see the coast, then drive to Paris and see all that (including Paris Disneyland). Just a dream. But a FOSB picnic here in the states is a doable dream; hope you can arrange something!

  74. Laura Sanderfer says:

    Oh, how I admire you. It’s my goal to one day have a home just like yours and keep it just as beautifully as you do. You inspire me every time you write a post like this!

  75. Christen B says:

    I can’t even begin to express how your words make me feel. You make me homesick for places I’ve never been, you put wonder in my head, and dreams in my heart.

    • sbranch says:

      What lovely sweet words Christen, you made tears in my eyes. Sending love xoxoxo Here’s to dreams and wonder!

  76. Sarah Nunnelly says:

    I just turned off the TV because of Omarosa too. After Gloria Borger made a wonderful statement about Omarosa v Trump it felt empowering to click OFF and walk away!

  77. Eileen says:

    Wish I was having chops and broad bean salad for supper, but I have a peach cobbler in the oven so at least I have dessert to look forward to! So glad to see your new blog—like stumbling upon an oasis in this upside down world. Have been watching The Gilmore Girls on Netflix, starting with season 1….so tired of Omarosa, etc.,etc.,etc.

  78. Diane says:

    Oh Susan, if you love the freshness and goodness from cleaning, read Britt-Marie was Here by Frederick Bachman (A Man Called Ove). His books were flying off the shelves when we were in Edgartown last month and walked by your house to be sure your storybook life is real.

  79. Vicki Panzarino says:

    Thank you Susan for bringing back wonderful memories. I treasure my wooden spoons and bowls handed down from past generations. I have always taken great pleasure in “oiling ” them. When my hand is on a spoon that my mother, aunt, grandma also held, (especially if I’m cooking an old family recipe) my heart is overwhelmed with warm memories of times many years ago.
    Please tell that handsome Joe he is wished a most pleasant birthday today.

  80. Patty Pierpoint says:

    Your blog is the perfect antidote to the news. I love the photos of your beautiful house and garden and the lovely drawings. I’m looking forward to the next book!

  81. Melissa says:

    Happy Birthday, Joe!

    I am looking so forward to your new book! To travel the British countryside has long been a dream of mine. So far I’ve been doing it vicariously through you! I am hoping I can use your new book as a guide for planning my own adventure in Britain. I know I can’t afford to sail on the Queen Mary or stay for 4 months but I am hoping I can get some good advice and recommendations from your experience.

    Good luck with the redecorating! Can’t wait for fall!

  82. Carol says:

    So glad to hear that Joe and I share being Leos. A good month. Also, now I see you are getting some Texas heat and humidity so you might have some sympathy for those of us who live here in the south. I wish that the cool autumn would come as soon as yours does. I am jealous as I was born a Yankee in New Jersey but am now a Texan by adoption.

  83. BLBC says:

    Your blog has been enchanting me and your products I am well acquainted with; However, it was reading your book (Martha Vineyard Isle of Dreams) that awaken my spirit. Now I can not get enough of your words; plus I must return to Martha’s Vineyard sooner rather than later. I admire you, your inspiration is contagious and I wait in eager anticipation when I see your name within my email box ~ friends sitting for a moment in time to catch up on the chapters of life.

  84. melvina says:

    hello susan, I never write on here but I read what people say . I justed wanted too say I love your home and everything you do , hello joe HAPPY BIRTHDAY . and your sweet kitty is so cute . any ways I do enjoy your work . thank you from Melvina oh I live in pennasylvania in the mountains .

  85. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Happy Birthday to Joe!!! Wishing him an entire year of good health and happiness each and every day! Keep being a “homebody”, as YOU do it THE BEST!!!!!! My vote is for navy blue paint! Susan, you look so pretty in your navy blue outfits, so I can only imagine how adorable you will decorate the room!!! Take care, enjoy the summer warmth, and, God Bless you both! Byebye,! (From a “pink” lady, too!!!!! My favorite color in the whole wide world!🌸)

  86. DD says:

    Love to read your post, but everyone’s complaints about weather almost reduced me to tears. What we in the West wouldn’t give for some of your humidity! HOT and DRY for months, really years, and now fires raging. We are 100 miles from the nearest wildfire, but are surrounded by smoke. We cannot see the Colorado mountains just a few miles away. It’s all a wall of gray. Obviously, many have it worse than we do. But even here it’s a waste of time to wash curtains, quilts, etc. because every thing will immediately smell like a campfire again. Most of us in the desert Southwest don’t have traditional air conditioning. We have evaporative cooling systems which cool much better in our low-humidity climate, but they can’t keep the smoke smell out. We, too, are looking forward to fall and winter when the fires that just can’t be reached and put out are hopefully doused by snow or just run out of fuel to burn.

  87. Shirley says:

    AMEN! To the Omarosa debacle! Go away!

  88. Paula Clark says:

    You and Joe are so cute….you guys are Blessings” to us all. Thank you once again for a breath of fresh air in your post, you make me want to clean, and cook, and garden and read a book! Your words and how you use them are always so inspiring. You have a gift., not to mention your wonderful painting skills! Happiest of Birthdays to Joe. Bless you both. I’m off to Amazon to look for the Mitford book. I love letters, I started writing to my Uncle and several of my Aunts when I was a child, I treasure them and still have them and many others. I wish there were a way for us that know to let this generation in on what they will be missing. I love running across an old letter and taking a moment to read it. Brings back so many memories, and I am noticing as I get older that they are also quite a family history of births and death and life changes. Wish I had kept up on diary writing as you did too. Bye now, stay cool as can be! xoxo

  89. Barbara Stype says:

    Hi Susan. I loved your post as always. You included my favorite quote by JM Barrie but you didn’t finish it. “God gave us memories so we could have roses in winter and Mothers forever”. I kind of get weepy whenever I think of it. Thank you for all the wonderful things you share with us

  90. Sharon Smith says:

    What a wonderful new post! I’m definitely a Fall/Autumn girl, so I can’t WAIT till all this heat (& fires!) ends. Hope Joe had a very Happy Birthday! I loved hearing all about your nesting. What a lovely time to have after such a long time away! Can’t wait for the book(s)!

  91. Grace says:

    What perfect timing! I had JUST brewed myself some rooibus tea in my beloved SB “Falling in love with the English countryside” mug and taken a warm blueberry muffin, fresh from the oven, when what should I find, but a new SB Blog Post to enjoy with it all! What riches! 🙂
    I can hardly wait to see your new book–or books, as the case may be. Yes, please don’t leave out anything . . .
    As a fellow Anglophile, I was wondering if you’ve ever read any of Elizabeth Goudge’s lovely books. I just finished rereading The Castle On the Hill this morning. It’s set in the English countryside during WW11, which E.G. personally experienced. She describes in loving detail the hominess of one particular cottage, saying: ” . . .that it was in cottages like this one that the idea of home would be kept safe.” Thank you, Susan, for helping keep the idea of HOME “safe” and thriving.
    Happy birthday to Joe and God bless!
    God bless!

  92. Carla Herkner says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to Joe! Wishing him a spectacular day and a wonderful year ahead of him! Susan, thank you for the delight-filled blog today. I too am so weary of Omarosaomarosamomrosa all the time lately! Yikes! In spite of it all, we will carry on and squeeze all of the goodness out of August that we possibly can! Thanks again for the cheery gift of your lovely blog today!

  93. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    Happy birthday to Joe* I just love birthday’s*** I hope his is magical
    Loved this blog post. I feel bad about the ceiling in your diningroom. I remember when you first told us you had the leak, at the exact same time. I had a leak in our sun room from the door. We have had the floor replaced 2 times already. Well ours was fixed (like yours was) and just last week it started to leak again. Oh boy
    well Your ideas for colors are fabulous, navy blue or pink both are great. I just painted my art room a very pale pink and love it
    Its been hot and humid here also in CT. Very soon it will be nice and cool and leaves will be changing. Still trying to hold onto summer though
    your recipe looks amazing
    have the best day ever Susan

  94. Marsha Sega says:

    Home from teaching – I know, we start early in the South. We do get a weeks fall break and we are done before Memorial Day. Anyway, was resting before I start dinner and going through email. Found that there was a new blog from you – Yea! Just what I needed. Happiness and more happiness. I know the first paragraph wasn’t, but I am glad to hear you talk about all the negative things on TV and how tired you are of all of that. I couldn’t agree more. If you want something nice to watch, try on Netflix the movie “The Gurnsey literary and potato peel pie society”. It is based on a wonderful book by the same name. The movie is every bit as wonderful as the book. Enough for now as I need to cook dinner. Enjoy your nice clean house. I’ll get to mine during our fall break in October.

  95. Judith says:

    Greetings from Washington state, where we are trapped inside the house too, due to smokey air not humidity! Maybe some humidity would put all the fires out! Happy Birthday to the Professor of Painting, Joe Hall! And thank YOU for such a perfect post, chock full of inspiration and grins. Love Jack flirting with you thru the window. and love the look on your face in the photo of what looks like dessert AND French fries in front of you😍 Thanks for the yummy recipe and tutorial on broad beans….yes, Fava Beans do invoke a certain movie😳 one question on the recipe…does it call for a kilo of beans? Because a kilo is 2.2 pounds and that seems like a lot. Your pound sounds more like it. Adding my 2 cents worth on the dining room paint…the navy and white sounds beautiful and crisp BUThow will it feel in the deepest dark of winter?! 😩 So I vote for the pale pink…Iam for anything to enhance my ancient skin by candle light!

    • sbranch says:

      I think it’s going to be pink! And yes, it’s one kg and that is 2.2 lbs! One of our Canadian girlfriends clarified it for me and I will fix it. The beans are huge, but once you whittle them down, there’s not much left!

  96. I too would love to turn on the news and everything would be about kindness and love maybe someday! Happy Birthday to your forever boyfriend!! I love your kitty cat. Hot here in central NC too hate to wish time away but cant wait til fall! Have a happy day Love to you sweet lady Georgia

  97. Barbara Weaver says:

    SO glad you’re back and blogging. Enjoyed today’s update immensely. ❤️

  98. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Happy Birthday Joe! Wishing you an entire year of good health and happiness each and every day! Keep enjoying being a “homebody”, as YOU do it THE BEST!!!!! MY vote is for the navy blue paint! You always look sooooooooooo pretty in your navy blue outfits! Your English style has arrived and your travels will be a part of the decorating the room for certain!!!! Enjoy the summer warmth! Take care. God Bless. Byebye, from another “pink lady”………. my most favorite color in the whole wide world! (P.S. That little gremlin most have snatched the post I just wrote, and puffed it into an unknown cyber space??? When I clicked the box “post comment” it disappeared? So, I immediately retyped this one for you.)

    • sbranch says:

      So many have said that, Carilyn, that their comments are disappearing, but then I’m finding them here, so add it to the list of games this Gremlin is playing. So sorry! xoxoxo

  99. Patti Emerson says:

    Lovely blog as always Susan….quick question..Where did you get those measuring cups? I am always converting recipes and they would be very useful. Thanks.

    • sbranch says:

      I knew someone would ask so I looked at the bottoms and there was nothing!!! I’m sorry, it’s been years!

  100. Rhondi says:

    Hi Susan. What a delightful surprise to open my email and find your lovely newsletter there. You just have a way of making all of us feel like you’re a best friend! I love to nest also. Just spent a delightful hour to puttering around in my kitchen. Now the counters and everything on them is sparkling clean! Unbearably hot and humid here also. I’m hunkered down inside. I always thought “hunker” was a winter word! Hope Joe had a great birthday 🎂

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