Stress Makes You Fat? Why didn’t anyone tell me?

Was talking to best friend Diana (the Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams Diana) on the phone the other day . . . girl talk, about the Oscars, about her granddaughter being accepted Cal Poly ~ (oops, yes, MUSICA!) Anyway, the conversation was gradually moving toward me telling her how shocked I was to discover that the thing that may have been keeping me from losing weight in any sort of a sturdy, healthy, long-lasting way, without cravings, for years, no matter how I starved myself, was stress. Up until lately, I thought stress was just one of those things, like the weather, you see it and ignore it. Diana’s a nurse, and her answer was, “DU-UH? You’re shocked? I’ve been telling you for years, you need to rest more!!!”  Normally I ignore her (for obvious reasons) because I don’t have time for resting, it’s boring, I feel fine, I’m busy! But this time, after all my recent investigating, I knew better, and replied, “Well, all you had to say was, ‘Stress makes you FAT’ and I would have listened!” 🙃 I’m probably last on my block to know, but just in cases, I thought I’d write a post about it . . .Interestingly I wrote this (above) in 1999 in my Girlfriends Forever Book. And it’s still very good information! Too bad I haven’t been paying much attention to it! And, because I didn’t it know then, I didn’t mention, ‘Stress Makes You Fat!’ But it’s even worse than that, if anything could be worse, too much stress has a life of it’s own, like the flu or diphtheria  ~ it affects EVERYTHING: your thoughts and feelings, your relationships, everything from mood to skin to hair, your vital organs, your belly fat ⚡️, your nervous system, your mental acuity, everything that is you, even the quality of your sleep, your ability to lose weight or even be happy. Ignore it at your peril! What I did get right was, “It’s cumulative and it sneaks up on you, especially when you are too busy to notice.” That’s what happened to me. For a long time, maybe the last ten years, I’ve had lots of happy stress, but sad stress too, and I’ve been extra busy, applying self-imposed pressure, with book writing and publishing, travel, speech-a-fying, and there were huge losses, like my dad, my brother, and Girl Kitty, worry for my mom, her brother, my dad’s wife, making sure they are all cared for ~ so busy with everything, I didn’t notice that stress was building up. It’s stuff we all have in some form or another, some so much worse than mine, which makes us take our own for granted, and just plow through and do what needs to be done, because that’s life and we are brave and amazing people.I think what saved me from total disintegration was how much I LOVE what I do, plus the automatic exercise and walking I do most everyday. Meditation, too. And girlfriends. All of them, big de-stressers, but there is so much more we can do to help ourselves if we have awareness!

And for any of you suffering, as I’ve been, from constant dietus non-workingus . . . complete with spare tire, nagging sweet tooth, cravings, and little irritating symptoms that seem to be disconnected, it just might be stress-related inflammation talking to you! It’s a stressed-out world these days, we’re all feeling it. Down-time is almost nil. Phones, blue lights from electronics, mind-numbing news, sugar squashed into everything, bad fats, dis-HEART-ening DIS-information, icky drug commercials, bullies on social media, we’re up against a lot. If we don’t take care of ourselves, and rid ourselves of as much of that as we can, no one will do it for us. The Internet is a wealth of information, if you’re curious, and careful who you listen to, and don’t believe everything you read ~ If you’re saying to yourself this could this be me, there’s lots of help out there. I’ve been having a field day with it!  My favorite thing about aging, one of them, is the discovery that you never stop learning! There’s always something to make it a red letter day! It’s been just over three weeks since I began to investigate stress, and five weeks since I changed my eating habits. I’ve lost fourteen pounds without cravings and without feeling hungry!I learned about healthy brain chemicals ~ serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, melatonin, and oxytocin, and how they relate to stress. And best of all, I learned to take a little more time each day to feed them the healthy lifestyle they need. Starting with food . . . they love the whole foods I talked about in the last post. They especially adore that big filling breakfast up there, anti-inflammatory brain-food that helps neurotransmitters protect against stress-causing disease. I mean Dis-Ease. The tension and worry-causers that keep us from noticing how sweet the world can be.💖 I found out that there’s a really good reason we kindred spirits have such an affinity for the little things in life, it’s our natural feminine wisdom telling us something ~ Common sense! Everyday things DO heal our stress and release all those luv-lee brain chemicals that bring happiness and joy to our ordinary extraordinary lives. We just naturally know that a cup of tea is good for us . . . . that puttering around the house . . . . 

. . . and putting flowers in a little vase feels good.

That some sort of yard-sale rescue-operation of a lifetime can make our hearts sing. That clean counters can promote prideful staring. That ironing with a favorite radio program can be a good thing. 

That feeding birds makes us happy.

So does rolling out a pie crust.

Or making chicken stock . . .

. . . and so do the flickering shadows dancing through the trees onto our walls.

Playing with our pets. Pure health.

Girl-talk. Communing with nature. Going barefoot in the grass. Checking things off our lists. Counting our blessings. Doing absolutely anything creative.

Fun thing is, my research told me these everyday little things in life actually have a basis in science . . . doing them releases those brain chemicals I was talking about . . . that reduce inflammation, balance our systems to keep cravings at bay, help us sleep, and cause happy feelings! How wonderful to discover it’s possible to heal yourself, without medicine, by doing more of the same! When we see stress coming, we can learn to trigger a relaxation response with deep breathing and immediately begin to feed ourselves from the well of sweetness. Tra-LA! Once again, who’s in charge? We are. 💞

Other natural healers include basking in morning sunlight, sewing, planting flowers, building something, watching CBS Sunday Morning, getting rid of clutter, turning off the news and turning on Turner Classic Movies, meditation, writing in your diary, keeping little bottles of Lavender oil or Vanilla (soaps, bubblebath, candles) nearby for fragrance therapy, making and giving gifts, donating to charity or volunteering, and as noted above, books, Musica, and movies that fill your heart and send you to the moon. Because what we do matters . . .
We women are natural givers, caretakers, nurturers, but it’s important to ask yourself, what am I going to GIVE myself today? 💞 Stretch out in bed before you get up, go for a walk, take a cooking class, an art class, learn to quilt, knit, crochet, all creative endeavors that provide self-sufficiency and release luv-lee brain chemicals that help to keep you healthy. That’s why you feel so happy when you do them! Vote, recycle, love thy neighbor, be an elf, because when you do something for the earth, for your neighborhood, for your family, even putting a wreath on your door, or planting tulips, making compost, or planting a tree, you feel good about yourself. Be a citizen of the world. Pet your kitty. Put something fun on your calendar. There are no photographs in our family albums of my mom exercising with 
Jack LaLanne’s TV program because she was the one who took all the photos! But I remember coming home from school and finding her on the living room floor with two or three little ones around her, everyone flailing their legs in the air. She set a healthy example that has lasted a lifetime. Exercise, another natural way to overcome the worst effects of stress. Free endorphins right there for the taking.

I do these little exercises with weights every other day. I’m like my mom in another way, food isn’t food to me either. It’s protein, starch, and ruffage, it’s dopamine and melatonin. And yes . . . what you feed your body matters, in more ways than one.

You’ll never go hungry again if you feed yourself from the well of sweetness! Oatmeal with apples, blueberries, walnuts, mixed seeds and cinnamon, melatonin galore! And you won’t be hungry until lunch.

Check out the delicious dopamine ⬆️ dripping with Omega-3s and antioxidants! Learn about good fats and bad ones, especially watch out for trans fats in packaged food. And you know what stress thrives on and not in a good way? Sugar, which is in almost everything, and processed carbs. Stay away, eat healthy cage-free eggs, avocados, spinach, nuts and seeds, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, artichokes, and beans. Steam, scramble, saute, and bake. Drink lots of water and green tea.

Hope this keeps you busy and healthy for the rest of the winter! It’s been making me happy, I hope it helps you too!

 So, perfect timing, our little handiwork embroidery project (where you will definitely find joy in doing and giving) ~ Jack and his Quilt Kit has arrived! I have him here in my studio, and cover him with his quilt at least once a day, I tuck him in. He’s even softer and cuter than he looks.💞 Has all the attributes of the Pillsbury Doughboy. 

As for our butter dishes and tiny Courage vases and the rest of the little dishes and things, I’m so sorry how late they are. I have been sending distress notices to the manufacturer, lighting small 🔥 fires . . . not yelling per say, but beginning to think about it! 📢 I’m being told all the time, “soon.” I know they ARE coming, just when I’m not sure. I asked yesterday for an exact ETA, estimated time of arrival, but have not heard back yet. Last clear-ish picture I received was “two more weeks” and that was three days ago. But two weeks from when is what I want to know. I promise to keep you updated. I’m so sorry!

But, look what DID come in for approval! Took ‘er out for a test drive this morning and she passed with flying colors! All four cup designs are approved and being made in England as we speak. ETA: end of March, beginning of April depending mostly on what happens at customs. I also placed an order for the new A Year in the English Countryside Wall-Calendar for 2020! Thank you for preordering so I knew how many to get!

I had the girls over for TGIF last snowy Friday night. T’was wonderful. Fed them soup and salad in front of the fire.

Solved all the world’s problems and laughed ourselves silly. So good for what ails you. I wob my girlfriends.So that’s it for today ~ at ease my darlings . . . and please, stay that way.💋 It’s almost spring!


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476 Responses to Stress Makes You Fat? Why didn’t anyone tell me?

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Very interesting how diet has been helping you…thanks for sharing that!!

  2. Marigold says:

    A lovely, inspiring read on a snowy winter afternoon. I’m a stress eater, and that means trouble, because my entire life from about age 25 on has been non-stop stress. I need to find a way to deal with the stress that doesn’t involve food. You’ve given me much to ponder. Thanks, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      There are ways, I promise. Oddly simple, so it makes you think how can that be it, but it is.

  3. Nellie Bragg says:

    So motivating and encouraging! Love “feed your life from the well of sweetness!” It can be done! Be done with stress! Difficult times happen for all of us, and it’s important that we keep ourselves on as healthy a track as possible during those times! Thank you, Susan, for your wonderful words! – xoxo Nellie

  4. Lorrie says:

    Such a lovely visit here today. The sun is streaming in the window and we just returned from our walk. It’s cold, but the sun has actual warmth! Hooray! Dealing with stress is so important, not only for weight, but healthy, too. You’ve included lots of delightful ways to de-stress in your post today. I love it!

  5. M Barber says:

    Your post came as a reminder to me that so many of us are succeeding in looking after others, but aren’t giving ourselves the same care. The world is topsy-turvy right now, and there seems to be so much distrust and lack of respect. It can be overwhelming. I lost my beloved Corgi of fifteen years this week, and my heart has shattered. But, I will give myself the grace to carry on in doing things that I’ve been “too busy” to do, like deep-breathing, embroidery, reading, and baking. Spring is coming soon. It’s a season of hope and renewal. Let’s invite the positivity in.

    • sbranch says:

      Hope and renewal. I’m so very sorry for your loss. 😢 xoxoxo

      • Patricia Edde says:

        I am so very sorry for your loss. Animals are God’s gift to us and the pain when they leave us is incredible. I lost my Sam, an 18 year old chihuahua, a bit over 4 months ago and still feel pretty raw. We wouldn’t have so much hurt if we never had them but what a sad and lonely life that would be. Just know that my thoughts are with you, as are all the other animal people who read your post, and I am hugging you in my heart, soul and mind.

  6. Merci Schon says:

    Congratulations! Fourteen pounds! Yes, I totally understand having stress and not even realizing it! Need to sometimes stop and smell the roses. I wish I liked oatmeal and walnuts but I don’t, thank goodness for substitutes! Thanks for all the great advice, I shall continue to re-read this post and try to follow suit!

    • sbranch says:

      Have you tasted Cream of Rice? That’s really good too. And scrambled eggs with a side of avocado and steamed spinach is pure brain food!

      • Merci Schon says:

        Thank you Susan, yes, Cream of Rice, I used to eat it ages ago, will go back to that, and I love avocados and spinach.

  7. Leslie Freeman says:

    My goodness, you are a wise woamn. I know that even though I have a wonderful life, things ‘out there’ are wearing me down. Thanks for the encouragement and ideas for dealing with the invisible stress. You are much loved, you know…. ❤️Leslie in Maine

  8. Charissa says:

    I must be very very stressed, if stress makes u fat. Tee hee.😉 I had just been mulling similar things over in my mind and then comes ur post and wham… the stars align and I think my friend, SB, has come to help me think 😊 We can do this. I can do this. I will do this. I will help myself because no one is going to do it for me. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE AND DON’T STRESS ABOUT THE SHIPMENT☺ It will get here when it gets here. We know u try and do things right. We aren’t fretting. You sure have had a lot of stresses too. I hope you give the gift of YOU to yourself, as you always give it to us. I am learning so much about self care. It was a foreign concept to me at first, but I am getting good at it and recognizing when other people do it to. What a wonderful thing to share. YET ANOTHER GIFT FROM YOU, SUSAN😍 Hugs and gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m not stressing too much, but I do worry a bit for people who’ve ordered. Okay, yes, stressing!!! LOL! Hugs and gratitude right back to you Charissa!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        hey there girlfriend, good to see you in here. Charissa here is a bit of helpful advice, when it gets too stressful or nasty to deal with.. just walk away from it and breathe. I do that when Ed’s parents’ start their bullying, works like a charm. and be good to yourself, its not a crime to do or be nice to you. try it, life is much more pleasant if we all can be nice to ourselves and not worry what others think or say. have a great day, and be good to you. give yourself a treat like a funny movie, a relaxing bubble bath, or some soothing music. go sit on the front porch and watch the world go by and enjoy the show. hugs…… 😀

        • charissa says:

          Hi Pat. Thanks so much for your good advice. You are so sweet to look out for me. I will do it! Will catch up soon. hugs back

      • charissa says:

        LOL. Thank you😍 Came across. an article on Chia seeds It said they shouldn’t be consumed dry because they absorb 27x their weight in water and could cause a blockage if you are blockage inclined…I have no idea if this is true because it was on the internet and I guess you hv been eating them and been fine, but in case it is true and you decide to go chia seed crazy one day… i don’t want you to die, so i thought i would mention it😊 I soaked mine and made my oatmeal with them (and pancakes) and made a pudding out of them with almond milk, vanilla, honey, and cinnamon. They are a fun consistency. I made a seed mix like you and put on everything now too. It’s totally addicting. THANK YOU!!! I bought ground flax and sneak it into everything too. Tom has no idea how healthy he is eating. I am sure his heart thanks me tho❤️

        • sbranch says:

          I’m sure it does! And yes, there is a little more to the seeds, so I hope everyone is googling. Siobhan, who’s brilliant with food, says they need to be sprouted for best digestion and nutrition. I’ve been reading up on that because I do love the crunch and the accessibility of a mixed blend of all kinds of nuts. So I need to learn how to have my cake and eat it too! (Word for that is Cakeism, which makes me a cakeist!) xoxoxoxo

  9. Annette says:

    Everything you write is so true to my experience. With joy I can say, so is the getting better part! Instead of stressing about dieting (as I have for years), or obsessively checking the scale, just concentrating lately on the really good nourishing foods out there (and all the sources of happiness in an ordinary day — huge fan of cloud formations here) has made me feel so, so much better. And when I do step on the scale these days, the number is always lower than last time. But that is no longer the main thing. Feeling good and that life is full of possibilities again is. Thank you so much for the continued inspiration!
    By the way, I ordered your moon mug before I realized that this year is the 50th anniversay of the moon landing. I remember the excitement in 1969 so well. I know what mug I will be using this July! How cool is that? Thank you, thank you for designing it. One giant leap for womankind :-).

    • sbranch says:

      I understand, Annette … same for me, it’s not the number for me either. It’s not the end game, it’s the living! Moon mug, what good timing! LOL! Giant leap! xoxoxo

      • Anne Miller says:

        YES! The moon landing! There is a wonderful documentary out this week. Apollo 11. Fabulous footage from the NASA archives! Won great reviews at Sundance and is in theaters now. The director and producer, Todd Miller, literally takes us to the moon and delightfully, back to 1969. It is hard not to be biased about the talent of the producer as I’ve known him from birth. Todd is my husband’s nephew. I am a very proud aunt. Thank you, Susan for this wonderful post. It is a tonic and a day brightener!

      • diana from ancaster says:

        sooooooooooo cool to be reminded of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing!!!!

        can’t wait for my Luna mug to arrive…
        plan to fill it with yummy ‘stress relieving tea’….. I have much to shed.

  10. Vicki South of Arroyo says:

    I hear you, Susan. I do SO hear you, and thank you for the boost. It does catch up with some of us after a point. Wasn’t it just ‘yesterday’ that I was age 30, drinking my protein (raw-egg) and veggie/fruit smoothies from the health-food store, walking/jogging a few miles at the beach each day and dancing the night away after a hard day at the office? What happened to that girl; uh, a few decades…they raced by at jet speed…life got busier…

    I have to own that I have become too lazy with just too darn many things. This was my third colonoscopy and I didn’t put the right foods in my body afterward (grabbed what was easy, not smart) so I’m suffering this weekend. Wasn’t like I didn’t know the drill! Spent all kinds of time on the internet AFTER, like I should have BEFORE (yes, the web is good for these things; good info out there; keep to the legit sites!), to see how I can now heal myself for my folly. (And I can, with the aim to STAY healed; don’t mess it up!) We just HAVE to be good to our bodies at any age but especially now at a certain age when the dear vessel has some miles on it. I am DONE with throwing the wrong food into my poor gut. Mindful, not mindLESS!

    You make it all seem possible, Susan; thank you for sharing your current journey; very inspiring; congrats. It’s a little work, but we can give it our best; for all our body does for us and how forgiving it is, can’t we help it out? Absolutely. I like your exercises; one of my biggest challenges is exercise; move more, not so much sitting (what can you do when it’s the nature of your work/career or hobbies, and you’re more of an indoor girl and not an outdoor girl; just gotta find the balance, put it into action) … but, after some serious ‘location scouting’ I have found two good places for daily walks, and the newly-retired husband will accompany me (love that!). Make a new plan; keep at it.

    Next, the task/attempt of converting my favorite, all-time, heirloom, comfort-food recipes from all that oil & sugar & salt…although simply reducing their portions is a start!

    • sbranch says:

      Location scouting is brilliant. Then you make that spot your own. So happy your husband will go too!

      • Vicki South of Arroyo says:

        Susan, an aside: Thank you for the free download stationery of the seagulls (your blog store, which I love, both store and stationery!). It’s really beautiful; I love the gulls. We’ve been having so much wind and rain in SoCalif; I sometimes don’t know how the stately gulls stay upright on their funny webbed feet in so much storminess.

        I appreciate all four (new) stationery designs you’ve shared with us; what a treat.

        Speaking of the ocean birds, oh wow, if you could see your Central Coast shoreline right now, with the green-green sea cliffs cascading down to the multi-color blue Pacific, awesome wildflowers just ready to bust out in a few weeks (superbloom on poppies alone!), my gosh, what a Spring we’re about to have! It’s hard to believe that this time a year ago, the seacoast counties north of L.A. were so scarred and blackened by wildfire but (just like our bodies, ala this post of yours right now) the land, Mother Earth, heals herself. I’m headed to Harmony and San Simeon this time next month for sure.

        • sbranch says:

          All that wonderful rain, it’s going to be GORGEOUS. I can picture the lupin and the poppies on the shore at Montana de Oro! Enjoy! For what California has been through, you all deserve a beautiful spring! xoxo

  11. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    One of my favorite de-stressors is clicking on a random blog in your archives…always leaves me with a smile! I’m a big fan of those little bottles of essential oils, too. I have a small diffuser in our bedroom and I add a few drops of lavender or bitter orange or a yummy blend of various essences, and both of us are sleeping better…and, knock on wood, no colds so far this winter! I ordered my little kitty and quilt kit and am hoping it comes this week. Stitching something sweet is a great stress reliever, too. Hugs❤️

    • sbranch says:

      Funny how little it really takes, but you do have to keep after it, because it’s definitely going to keep after you!

  12. thank you so much susan for this month’s blog/letter. it came for me just at the time I needed some cheerleading and practical instruction as I suspect it did for many of us. you are so generous and kind to us. love you and all the kind girlfriends here. GrannyAnnie (ann clark)

  13. Lynn Marie says:

    So much goodness here! That stress creeps up on us as we busily just keep going, going, going until we almost have a collapse! I was there several years ago and when you get to that point the road back can be long. I have started revamping my diet as well this year. The girlfriends will need to have a “showing” of ourselves in our new found health—wouldn’t that be fun! Thanks for the inspiration to keep on keeping on!

  14. Dee Ann says:

    Susan…you are a treasure…thanks for all the suggestions…yes, staying longer in a warm bed and sleeping more has been a great thing for me lately.

  15. Joanie says:

    Thank you for sharing what you have learned. I never even thought of stress as being “fat inducing”. Who knew? 😳 I lost my daughter to breast cancer last year and have been blessed to be able to finish raising my grandchildren for her but stress is there. You have given me a lot to think about because my husband and I do need to stay healthy for our kiddos. I feel you have helped provide a path to better health particularly that strength training portion. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      I can’t even imagine. Blessings on you and your husband, Joanie, and the kiddos too . . . 💞

  16. You don’t know how much I needed this today, Susan. I’m a very healthy eater (I eat “clean” and organic, no preservatives and additives, no trans fats, etc), but I do have that stress belly. I do yoga and walk, but have been slacking on the walking part this winter. I also need to get back to the weights. I haven’t been doing those since I had a shoulder injury. I’m better now, so can probably go back to it. Anyway, I’ve had terrible back pain for a few weeks now and last week up until now it’s been reaaally bad. I had some body work down a few days ago and I’m a bit better, but I know I can heal even more with meditation and letting the stress go. The mind-body connection is very real! Thank you for the encouragement.

    • sbranch says:

      Hope it all comes back together soon. I lift weights to keep my back okay . . . I had some 6th vertebrae problems years ago and the Dr. told me to do them and build muscle around the bones. I did and it’s made all the difference. Start slow! One pound weights feel silly, but they are the way to go to begin! Actually arms alone are the best way to start!

      • Kathy Dutell says:

        Could you share your back exercises with us?

        • sbranch says:

          I can’t say I do “back” exercises per say. I lift the little weights and that helps the vertebrae in my neck. Actually I think everything helps everything! Walking strengthens your back too. And planks are a big help. SO much information on the Internet, for example, THESE exercises.

  17. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    AHHHHHH… Thank you… I needed that…

  18. Cindy Huk says:

    I was able to retire 2 years ago – and I literally slept the better part of the first two weeks. Although I loved my position I had no clue how hard I pushed myself during my working career. They don’t tell you it takes an adjustment period to get used to retirement! My Home Companion as I call him, calls me a Greenhorn Rookie Retiree. But one of the retirement benefits is I’ve lost 25 lbs. getting rid of stress and all negativity. I love this retirement thing!!
    It’s snowing here in my little CT town. With the porch light on the big flakes fall silently – so I have to take a quick walk out the kitchen path – barefoot. I may have retired but I’ll never grow up!

    • sbranch says:

      I do that overtime we get on a ship to England. I finally learned to allow it, instead of running all over the ship, I just go to bed, and LUXURIATE in the heaven-ness of a rocking boat, floaty bed, crisp sheets and feather everything. It’s heaven. There’s room service. Now that I know, I can’t WAIT to get back on a boat. You’re not at home, you’re cut off from the land, you’re at sea, and no one expects a THING from you. So good for you! Wow! 25 lbs. That’s fantastic. When we were 22 we would wake up and say, What shall we do today? Such a gift!! Loved hearing that Cindy!

    • Peggy Willoughby says:

      Welcome to retirement! You will come to enjoy it. It is an adjustment from the hustle bustle of working. Then you will be bored. Then you will find a groove. Get in with some girlfriends who are home if you can. Sleep, nap, afternoon sex…all wonderful. Take day trips with your home companion. That’s what we do about once a week. Most of all, have fun.

  19. Peggy says:

    Thank you for all the information! Very helpful! I think I am a stressed out mess and need to get a handle on it. The world seems to have gone mad and all I want to do is eat cookies!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, that was my discovery too. It sneaks up on you! It gives you massive hints, but they are still hard to see! xoxo

  20. Mary Pyle says:

    Have you considered writing a book guide for healthy eating, exercise and menus? Love the posts you share. You are an inspiration!

    • sbranch says:

      Well, I kind of did it in these last two posts! Right now I’m going back to writing my book called ENCHANTED, and I can’t wait! Thank you Mary!!!

  21. Merci Schon says:

    Congratulations! Fourteen pounds! Yes, I totally understand having stress and not even realizing it, Need to sometimes stop and smell the roses. I wish I liked oatmeal and walnuts but I don’t, thank goodness for substitutes! Thanks for all the great advice, I shall continue to re-read this post and try to follow your inspiring words!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, lots of healthy delicious things out there for everyone’s taste! Thank you Merci! Happy day!

  22. Tawni Urrutia says:

    My dear Sweet Susan,
    I’d like to start by saying, you are a wonder. All the things you do as far as your work goes, is nothing short of miraculous. You are so generous to us with your time. It’s not lost on me, or any of us I’m certain, that this blog and all of the advice and tips and personal information you kindly share with us is free and free of ads.
    All of the books and calendars, dishes and cups…any one else would sleep for a year!
    I’m sorry for all of your family heart break. That is VERY stressful. I know your family is at the very heart of all you do, and all the love and graciousness you pass along to each of us.
    If anyone in this world deserves to take time out for one’s self, it would hands down be YOU.
    You’ve made an enormous impact in my life. I am so grateful.
    Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca

    • sbranch says:

      You are so kind to say that dear Tawni. I’m just happy we were able to connect this way! XOXOXO Blessings, sweetheart.

  23. Linda says:

    My son recently ordered me a new book: “The Pottery Gardener, Flowers and Hens At The Emma Bridgewater Factory” by Arthur Parkinson. Quite a young fellow and very talented. The photographs are lovely with lots of information and snippets of Emma’s pottery. Thinking of planning a visit there next year as a 70th birthday gift to self! Our area is covered in lots of snow, so the book has been a welcome read.

  24. Judy Garland/Martinez says:

    Not sure why my comment didnt post! Must be in Cyberspace or I deleted it accidently which is not uncommon for a soon to be 70 year old!! I really wanted to applaud you for this blog! Spring is coming soon, daylight is lingering longer and arriving sooner…this is perfect timing for all the inspiration you shared!!! Thank you so much from the Plains of snow covered Colorado!!!

  25. Barbara Anne says:

    Love this sensible, reasonable, and otherwise delightfully hopeful and positive post. Thank you!

    My dear, sweet MIL who tried every diet that came down the pike during the ’70s, ’80’s and early ’90s told me she’d finally found the secret to losing weight and keeping it off: eat a balanced amount of fresh food, eat a bit less than usual, and move a bit more. She was proof that method works.

    Wishing you well!

  26. jeanie says:

    I can attest to that personally. Not just fat, but ill, too. It’s why I retired early. A wonderful post, Susan. Lots of things I knew and more than a few I didn’t! Plus a reminder to order my calendar (Just did!).

  27. Linda says:

    Your post is just what I have needed after ten days of terrible grief along with stress that has plagued me. Thank you!

  28. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Thank you , thank you, thank you. I needed this too! It has me thinking about changes to make. I appreciate you sharing this very personal struggle with us. You know, our cats have the secret…play, nap, eat, play, rest, love on our owners.
    Here’s to healthy futures!

  29. Lisa Jorgensen says:

    Thank you for helping us with something we can all relate to.
    All your suggestions are so good.
    Sometimes when stress has really caught up with you, or life has thrown you a curve, the best thing is just too let yourself heal and rest. Doing nothing and sleep can be great medicine for mind and body.
    Also turning everything off, TV, radio, phones, news. Just listening to the birds sing (which they do everyday regardless of what is going on in the world).
    Of course art and creativity is a great stress reliever (as you well know.)
    I find listening to music like medicine for the mind.
    I have never had a weight problem (I know you hate me for saying that) but even with a very healthy diet it doesn’t hurt to eat something yummy (like a cookie or pie or cake) once in a while and enjoy it. Living on only healthy food all the time sounds too depressing for me!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss!
    Keep hugging that cute Jack. Animals are so stress reducing and they give us so much love.
    Enjoy the snow, it looks beautiful!!

    • sbranch says:

      I agree Lisa . . . it’s got to be about balance . . . I love cooking and entertaining too much! Thank you for all your good words! xoxoxo

  30. Maureen Abramson says:

    Hi Susan,
    Working on some changes that you posted in your last blog. Some days are better than others, but definitely moving forward. My husband is home from the hospital, (and then care center, 31 days) so life has been very stressful and still a bit so as he’s still recovering and on oxygen while he regains his strength. However, the future is looking bright and that’s what I’m focusing on. Thank you for sharing the food and exercise ideas. We all know what what we should do, but it’s great when someone can shrink it down for us to where we say, “I can do that”. I received my Jack Kitty and quilt in the mail yesterday and can’t wait to get started on it. The next few days are hectic, but I am hoping to start it this week. (I work full time and in school online and taking care of hubby, house and pets). It’s so cute and a great respite from what is going on around us, as is your blog, always. Have a wonderful and blessed week~ Maureen

    • sbranch says:

      So smart to focus on easier, happier days to come. Plenty of reality to deal with already. Plan for a brighter day. Be sure to fit some time for yourself in all of that busy-ness. Even if it’s only one little bubble bath. . . it will help your resolve. Sending love, and get well wishes for your husband. Breathe. 😘 xoxoxo

  31. So far this year has been filled with stress. What you say makes sense. I need to get with the program. Losing my mum in January, unexpectedly has really thrown me for a loop. I need to buck myself up and stop wallowing. All the Daffs are in bloom. My Camelia by the front door is blooming and our forsythia bush is awash with buds of yellow waiting to burst into bloom. Spring is springing. You have inspired me to do better. Thanks! PS – Love the music links you post. I often spend all morning listening to them in a loop. That’s my kind of music.

    • sbranch says:

      I totally understand that loop throwing, it does that, such a shock to everything you’ve known to be true since birth. Yes, and to remember, life is for the living. That’s what your mom would want too. Go smell the daffodils! So happy you like the music, it’s good for the soul! Happy spring Marie. XOXOXO

  32. Kay in Cornwall, UK says:

    My husband and I have recently changed our diet to the Mediterranean way of eating.
    Lots and lots of vegetables, whole wheat bread, spinach pasta, oats, walnuts, extra-virgin olive oil, fruit, fish and sometimes some chicken.
    My stomach fat has started reducing, but more importantly, we feel better! I had brain-fog for quite a few days because of the sugar-detox. But now I feel more alert. Also, eating more simply is saving time & money. I also have more time and inclination to potter around and titivate our home, and also catch up with hobbies.

  33. Christel says:

    Thank you so much dear Susan for sharing your words of wisdom.
    Life is funny, I’ve been researching about stress (and nurses for my case…I’m sooo fat and tired lol) for a week and decided today to read your last post (I’ve been reading you on paper and the blog for YEARS!) and POUF! (it’s french 😉 ) here you are talking about how stress affects your life, the brain chemicals etc. I so agree with you! But why do keep on forgetting about self-care?!
    Take good care of you dear Susan…God bless you and Vive la sérotonine!
    Christel in France

    • sbranch says:

      POUF! You cute girl. We do forget. Life gets in the way. But then we remember again! All is well! xoxoxo

  34. Sosae says:

    Ohmygosh, Sue, you are a doll and a dear! (Can I call you ‘Sue’? I hate to be rude! But you’re totally ‘Sweet Sue – that’s you’! lol) I’ve always loved your blog posts, but the ones of late have been seriously helpful. How’d you know we needed this? Guess it’s been a long winter everywhere – even in SoCal, where we’ve actually had a crazy winter for once. 🙂 Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to share your wisdom and experience! I’ve taken it to heart, because I know everything you write is “heart healthy!”

    • sbranch says:

      Ohhhh thank you Sosae! xoxo Very sweet of you. Something about late winter that makes me start looking forward to flowers and daffodils . . . and breathing ocean air and all the healthy things! I just wanted what I said not to be perceived as a “lecture,” but just more of a show and tell! I’m so happy you liked it! We inspire each other!

  35. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Another wonderful blog. Thank you for your excellent life advice.
    Laughter. 😄 I joined a book club, being silly me, I proudly make the other 3 ladies laugh out loud. We have to ask each restaurant to sit us somewhere where we won’t disturb too many people. Last week we enticed the waitress to join in the conversation and laugh with us.
    I work a few mornings a week, on line, at home grading for a national testing service. It keeps my brain working. I cross stitch and quilt, garden, read with my dogs on my lap, walk every day, and try to cook healthy. These are all gifts to myself and the world. Oh, and I laugh and make others laugh. And I am grateful every day for everything.
    Love you, Susan. No worries about the lateness of your new butter dishes and vases. It will still be wonderful when they arrive. Keep active and healthy. We need your light in our lives. Love to Joe & Jack.
    See you on Twitter. ❤

    • sbranch says:

      Listen to you. That’s so wonderful. Gifts to yourself and to the world! You are a blessing Peggy!

      • Peggy Willoughby says:

        Me again. Gee, I sounded pleasant this morning. Must have been the coffee!! The winter doldrums have set in with people across the country and me too.
        I think your Friday night dinner with girlfriends was the best medicine for these last week’s of cold, snowy, winter weather. Don’t let stress get you down. Work a little, take a break, hug Joe, hug Jack, take a walk,.work a little more,then quit for the day. Love you tons. ❤

  36. Martha says:

    As a fat fan, I have to say this post hurts. It reads as if being fat is the worst thing someone can be. Please, Susan, don’t succumb to our diet culture, which has the majority of women *obsessing* over their weight. That energy could be put to much better use elsewhere. I live a relatively stress free life, walk several miles daily, eat a healthy and varied diet, and guess what – still fat. There are a lot worse things you can be. Racist, Rude, Selfish for starters. I really hope you don’t find my comment too preachy but that really take to heart that you have devoted fans who also happen to be fat and are feeling a bit sad and less than worthy today because of this post.

    • sbranch says:

      I hope it doesn’t read like that for everyone.😢 I’m not succumbing to any culture but my own very uncomfortable one of not having my system in balance. It was affecting my health in a very uncomfortable way ~ and I gotta lotta livin’ to do! I have English meadows to cross, Scottish hills to climb, Irish coastlines to stroll, and books to write and people to take care of. I love high energy and want it forever! And it seemed to be slipping away. So I decided to try something different. You do what you gotta do to get what you want! Everyone is different and finds their own center in the way they want. I would never want to change someone! I love you just the way you are! That post was for anyone suffering the way I had . . . really not to expound on any sort of health ritual! You sound wonderful and as long as you feel good, and are happy, what else is there?!😘

      • Karen H. says:

        Dear Susan and Martha girlfriend,
        I hear your pain, and most of us girlfriends here on this blog are confronting our own dis-ease. I believe Susan is an encourager and a helper. She is bringing helpful information to all of us. We all know she loves to cook and her recipes are looking yummy and healthy to boot! She isn’t on a diet, just healthier eating and some exercise. We all can do that. Indeed stress is a big one in terms of increasing cortisol which leads to “fat”. We can never fully get rid of stress, even the positive kind…nor do we want to. However, we can help ourselves manage it with gratitude for the smallest things, and do the luv-lee sweet things that make our heart happy, happy. Blessings to you. ❤️❤️ Susan, your posts always brighten my day, and I’m thrilled that you feel so much better! Xoxo

      • Evie Tong says:

        Dear Heart Susan … I hear you loud and clear: your love and care for all of us … and understanding me (in the last two years of loss .. for my brother and sweet mother 14 mos. apart) … STRESS was real and an 80% meal of veggies was very helpful and revealing …
        Your blog came at the most perfect time .. today!! I celebrated my girlfriend’s birthday and gave her a copy of your Fine Romance book to begin your trilogy😍
        Thank you again for begin here .. and the amazingly wonder you are ..
        Alo-ha-ha w/much love, Evie in San Diego, CA

  37. Jane says:

    Darling Susan – I comment after almost every post but this one is such a DANDY, coupled with the last one! I have been a member of Weight Watchers, on and off, since 1979. In 2006, I lost 40 lbs. and haven’t quit. However, I’ve become very disenchanted with the program and after reading your last post and researching, I QUIT!. I’m working at eating more cleanly and trying hard with the exercise and letting go of stress. You are so inspiring and I appreciate your encouragement and suggestions. What green tea do you like? I’m not terribly fond of it but do know it’s very good for the body. I would love to find one that I really like! I look forward to and am hoping that you will continue to find new favorite foods and help us all stay focused on what we put in our mouths and bodies. Just think how much fun it will be as we move into Spring with beautiful fruits and veggies and visits to our Farmer’s Markets. You are so generous and loving to us all and I adore you!

    • sbranch says:

      Good for you!!! What a good foundation though. You know what you’re doing. I didn’t like green tea the first time I tasted it either, but then I found Celestial Seasonings Green Tea and I love it. See what you think. I’m enjoying the simplicity and balance of the way we are eating, I can’t believe I’m always full, and all those stressifying cravings are gone. Like a miracle! Yes, Farmer’s Markets will be wonderful! We’re under a coat of snow right now, have a ways to go! Thank you dear Jane, very sweet of you. Love to see you here. xoxoxo

      • pat addison ( cave junction, OR) says:

        good for you Peggy, sometimes I think those diet programs are more stressful than just eating good for yourself. my mom tried weight watchers, lost the weight and it came right back. finally encourages her to walk, even got her a dog to walk so she had to get out and walk. believe it or not, the weight came off, and she loved the walks. I am waiting for spring and the farmer’s markets and going after all those beautiful veggies and fruit. between baking bread, buying from farmer’s markets and swapping with neighbors for other things like fresh milk, cheese and honey we do pretty good here. life is good here in the country. 😀

    • Paula says:

      Hello, Jane, I do not know if you will read this; I have trouble finding my comments once posted (any help with that would be appreciated!).

      I wanted to give you a tip that may help you enjoy green tea. Only steep green tea about three minutes. If you steep it too long it will taste bitter. If you have a Trader Joe’s near where you live, they make a nice organic green tea. You may like a green tea blend better: jasmine, mango, etc.

      It makes a refreshing iced tea. I like to make a green tea base of two tea bags to a small amount of water, steep it for three minutes, and then pour it into a glass full of ice and 2/3 full of water.

      Another nice thing I have discovered is that our taste buds can be “trained” if we set our mind to it! 🙂

      Happy tea time, whatever color!

      • Vicki South of Arroyo says:

        This is a good tip; thanx. I struggle to enjoy green tea but it’s SO good for us!

  38. Mary Murray says:

    14 pounds…fabulous! Would you give us a sneak peek at your menu so we can join you as girlfriends in the Great Get-Healthy Caper?! So true STRESS for all of us, every day. We don’t allow ourselves time to rest and renew. We feel like we must be going non-stop to try and catch up. Thank you for inspiring us…a girlfriends TGIF soup & salad dinner…laugh, unwind, giggle, and un-stress…love it!

    • sbranch says:

      I put lots of photos of what I’ve been eating on the post after this one. It’s all so simple. Just whole foods, cooked like you would cook them, bake, boil, saute, steam. A protein and 2 veg, for the most part. Sometimes a salad with no dressing, or olive oil and cider vinegar, and roast chicken on top. Oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts. Seeds on lots of things, they’re so good for you. Salmon and sweet potatoes and spinach. YUM! Hope this helps, Mary!

  39. Nicoline says:

    Hello Susan,
    wow, more inspiration and tips and ideas from you, wonderfull! I was not expecting a post, so soon after the last one, a lovely treat this sunny (but stormy) afternoon!
    What kind of weights do you use? I do several yoga exercises (the sun greeting and a series called the 5 tibetans…) almost every morning, but heariing about the weights sounds good too….And how do you meditate? Do you listen to music, or sit still somewhere?
    Oh I LOVE the Jack kit…..With his own little blanket, sooo cute!
    I will make the roasted sweet potatoes tonight, your recipe, hoping the boys will enjoy it!
    Thank you sweetie!! Stay happy and healthy

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Nicoline! I learned to meditate in a group way back when, and there was a guide who took you places in your mind. They gave us a tape that we listened to for 20 minutes, twice a day, for 6 weeks, then met once a week and meditated together. Of course I knew the tape by heart when I got done. It’s guided, but there are also quiet places. I added to it, my own things, and that’s what I do, I guide myself through meditation, concentrating on things important to me. No music, just sitting still, eyes closed, deep breath . . . My weights are 2 and 5 lbs. Hope the boys liked the sweet potatoes!!! XOXOXO

      • Nicoline says:

        Hi again,
        Well, clean plates, not a crumb was left!! Thank you, from us all, for a delicious recipe! Tim even took a picture of his plate, to show to a friend, who also likes to cook!
        Thank you for the meditation tips….I still need to find a good spot to sit and be still…..
        Now we’re off for our after-dinner walk….

        • sbranch says:

          I just sit on the sofa, uncross feet, legs and hands. And off you go! SO happy boys were pleased! Daymaker! Hugs to all! xoxoxo

  40. Regina Carretta says:

    Good morning, dear Susan.
    Thank you for your new writings…so timely, so important, and so encouraging….and needed? muchly so…..helping each other, hugging our critters, and TCM rather than MSNBC even if it means I am uneducated about the world for a while….
    and London, in a month from tomorrow….thanks to you, my 2nd trip there in 2 years….this time, exploring small gardens, bookstores, Columbia Road Flower Market, thrift stores, nooks and crannies, lunchtime concerts at St. Martin’s in the Field….being of the world, and in the world….
    love you for all you are, all you share…let’s plug you in and light up the world…
    Regina, Seattle

    • sbranch says:

      Let the world go for a while, for you. You know what you’ll do when the time comes, no need to hear every detail repeated over and over again!!! Month from tomorrow! How heavenly! Enjoy dear Regina!

  41. Wendy says:

    Good morning Susan,

    Thank you, thank you for your lovely words of wisdom. You are like talking to my best friend. I think it is the best therapy. To share with someone you trust. 😊.

    I look forward to your blog. It’s a red letter day when it arrives. ❤️ I do a lot of your suggestions , but there is always room for more. Congratulations on losing 14 pounds. 👏🏻

    Until we meet again. 🙏🏻❤️ Wendy

  42. Carrie says:

    Sending an extra dose of endorphins your way. And lots and lots of love as always. xxxooo

  43. Betsy says:

    This is going to sound crazy but my plan is to read this posting every other day. I think it will help me stay on track. My problem is I love to bake ,especially for festive occasions and part of me is sad that I need to stop doing it. My joints ache and I feel sluggish by mid afternoon. You are such an inspiration…..loosing 14 pounds is commendable. You have spurred me on so Thank You!!!!

  44. Charlotte M. says:

    Such wonderful information. I know all of this, I just need to put it into practice. I have been off my walking and stretching for so long. Time to get it back on. Your food choices look wonderful. I love to cook, having done it professionally for 40 years. We do not buy much that is not whole food. My downfall is baking. I love to bake. I was a baker for 14 years of my career and I love bread and pie and cookies and just the process of making them all. But, spring is coming…soon I hope and I will get back on track and get rid of some of this unhealthy fat. I already sew and crochet. I am a fiber artist by hobby and I love surrounding myself with all the color. Thank you for such a great post and all the encouragement we can use.

  45. Cecelia says:

    Hi Susan, I surely needed to hear/read this post today. So I just plucked some Swiss chard from my garden and scrambled it with my eggs. Yummy! I’ve been going through a learning curve lately–my husband died April 22, ’18 and I’ve been trying to find out who I am now. Reading this has helped so much-I want to get moving and creating again. I went to a quilt show yesterday and had such fun and got inspired there, too. Thanks for all you share with us. Congrats on shedding the 15 pounds!

    • sbranch says:

      Learning curves, always good and bad. Blessings on you Cecelia and on your brave heart. You sound wonderful. xoxo

  46. Dixie says:

    Sound advice! Guess the old saying, “ you are what you eat,”as always, is spot on.
    And exercise does, as you say, pave the way for feeling O so good.
    Congratulations on your weight loss, Susan!
    Here’s to feeling good and looking great. (Tea cup raised).

  47. Ridgely says:

    All of the above PLUS “ do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:6-7

  48. Lisa Hay says:

    Hugging horses helps de-stress too! Reduces anxiety and depression too! Hug a horse today! Thanks for all the tips and hoping to get my hubby on board! He is discouraged in the weight loss dept…. 🙁

    • sbranch says:

      Hugging horses has got to be totally stress-relieving . . . sweet horsey faces with big liquid eyes. xoxoxo

  49. Mimi says:

    I needed to read this more than you could ever know!
    So many stress factors in my life…ridiculously low income (husband’s social security + my starving artist income), 95 year old mother with 4 children and only one she can count on (guess who), 3 sweet grandchildren who need part-time daycare, adult son with serious mental health issues still living at home, United States gone bonkers under Trump, husband showing signs of Alzheimer’s, simple exhaustion from all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, taking care of finances and on and on…I’m getting stressed out just listing these things.
    But I can turn off the news, take a walk, eat better etc…all the little things I do have control over. Thank you for reminding me! Sometimes we just need a pep talk. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, that’s what I wanted it to be, a pep talk. You have so much on your plate Mimi! Sending love. One thing a day for you. xoxoxoxoxoxo

  50. Brenda says:

    Great reading. Thanks!

  51. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good morning Susan, Girlfriends. wow so stress makes one fat, well that explains my FIL’S fat belly and why he can’t lose it. but I do agree, stress is no good for anyone. may I add a few suggestions to the list for de-stressing yourself???? I love rocking chairs and I have a couple I put out on the front porch and I enjoy using them as much as possible. I sit out on the porch ad watch the tractor parade go by ( which will be starting up soon here) and I love watching a storm come in on any day, but I love summer thunderstorms and spring showers. I love watching the snow come down, just wrap up in a warm shawl and enjoy the show. I only watch the evening news, after that its back to TCM for a good movie or turn off the TV and turn on the stereo for some good music. I like to watch the kittens play, and love watching the ducks and chickens in the pen go about their daily things. I used to walk in the back but with the bums and transients hanging about its too dangerous to do that so I go elsewhere and walk. sitting out on the porch and snapping beans or shelling peas is quite relaxing. baking bread is very relaxing especially kneading the dough by hand. and yes playing with the kitty cats is very good for the soul. those are my little cures for stress, that and just walking away from it. when my FIL or MIL start their bullying tactics to get us to do what they want, I just get up and walk out and away from it. I don’t need it and I don’t care to listen to it, so I leave. our kittens have a new funny trick they pull every now and then… one kitten bites the other’s tail and the other latches on to the biter’s tail and round and round they go, its hilarious to watch, along with their rolling ball of fur wrestling match. they go this Thursday to the vets for neutering, and I get a day of peace and quiet. hopefully this will calm them a bit, but not lose the playfulness. well off to go start a load of laundry, and unload a load of towels used to catch the drips, our roof has some leaks in it… good thing we are seriously thinking about tearing the place down and rebuilding. already decided I want a farmhouse design for the house and floor plan #2248 at Hi line homes. that way hubby gets his garage and a workshop and I get a bigger pantry and a butler’s pantry. and the cats get a catio (patio for cats). have a great day today everyone, stay warm and comfy and be good to yourselves and to others. sending good thoughts and hugs your way…… hugs……. 😀

    • sbranch says:

      Good suggestions! You sent a photo of the new house the other day, I hope you do it, it sounds like a wonderful idea!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        we are looking forward to starting and as soon as we get things settled and arranged it will begin, in the mean while time to plan for yard sales and get things out to the local groups for charity. I plan to get rid of as much of the junk as it is humanly possible and have less clutter to move into our new home. and the first step is simply saying “NO” to the in-laws for the junk they are trying to dump on us… they want to get rid of it, they can have yard sales, garage sales and donate to all the local charities. we are looking forward to a fun new beginning. hugs…. 😀

        • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

          forgot one more suggestion… need a laugh or chuckle and we all do these days, just watch the critters in your yard, the birds, squirrels, your pets… every once in awhile they do something silly or funny and you get a much needed chuckle out of it. I get a laugh every time the squirrels nut bomb my MIL, I have no idea why they do it but when she comes around its bombs away!!!! LOL!!!! 😀

  52. Ann Y. says:

    Fabulous post ! Loved the Red Letter Day reference as I am using my Red Letter Day bookmark today and took a break from laundry to read another chapter in my book – stress relief with a big cup of tea. Yes to CBS Sunday Morning, too. I learn SO much from that show, things I never thought I would be interested in, and love the what my dear Mother would have called “human interest stories!” But most of all YIPPEE for you for losing those pounds. You go, girl!!! My dear husband and I are trying to eat healthy(er), get more rest and exercise. We did not get up for our morning walk because of the snow and it was too cozy in the warm bed – but we had salads with a little home-made lemon dressing for lunch and now we are off to bowling – which I think will count as exercise. We are in a league in our new community and my team is in first place…due in NO way to my bowing ability…but it is fun. And having fun is the best way to not be stressed. You are right…even good stress is not good…so thanks for the inspiration to relax and enjoy!

  53. Kerrie Anne Foley says:

    Oh my did I EVER need this post. Between my very stressful job as an overworked Pediatric Nurse in a Nursing Home for severely brain damaged children which never seems to have enough nurses from old (like me) who still remember good bedside nursing and work ethic and HATE computers, and not being very good in the kitchen, and struggling with learning how to introduce new, better for me foods that my palate has to get used to, and needing an exercise routine….need I go on?? You are my hero Sue!! I will begin immediately. You have definitely had some tough times and I SO appreciate how you always manage to plow through with such a wonderful attitude and great strength. Congratulations on regaining your health and losing weight as a pleasant side effect. I can’t wait to see the 2020 calendar. I love all your work, your blog, your books and you!! Take care. Love to Jack and a squinch for Joe, Kerrie

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t know how you do it Kerrie. Be sure to save some time for YOU. Thank you for writing, Jack’s right here, I’ll give him a squinch for you too, right NOW!

  54. Karen Baron says:

    You are always so insightful and tie up all my exact same thoughts woven with lyrics and poems into a neat beautiful package!! I just love reading these posts of yours!! 🤗🌹 Karen Baron, SoCal Girlfriend!

  55. Mich Lueken says:

    Thank you Susan so much for this post !!! I needed it desperately.
    I was laid off last May and STILL don’t have a job. My age (53) and the fact that I don’t have a college degree seem to be my down fall. Even though I have 20+ years of customer service experience. To say that I’m stressed is an understatement. I’ve always studied nutrition and have tried to eat healthy and exercise. But, I think I got derailed somewhere along the way. Your blog has given me so much inspiration to get back on track. Also, I remember reading in your book that you started practicing meditation years ago. I’ve looked into it but there are so many different types of meditation. Which one do you suggest ?
    Thanks so much for all you do !! ❤
    Mich Lueken 🍀

    • sbranch says:

      The kind I learned was guided, there was a voice on a tape telling me what to do, and giving my mind a quiet inspiring place to go while I was meditating. It made it easier, from what I hear about other kinds of meditation where you are supposed to sit quiet for 20 minutes. That is fairly easy after you’ve learned, but it’s awful when you are just beginning. Your mind wants to go all which-ways, every car that goes by takes you off in another direction … so people give up quickly. See if you can find some meditation tapes with guided imagery. You’re only 53. That’s plenty young enough, and you have all that amazing experience. Don’t give up. I’m wishing you a job of your dreams. xoxoxoxo

    • Val B says:

      Thank you for this healthy minded post! It comes at a perfect time, almost Spring, at the start of Lent. The winter drags on in March but we remain hopeful and try to walk the good walk and Stay positive. Years ago I stumbled across The Diet Solution online. The woman who wrote the program was way ahead of her time and now they even teach her suggestions in medical schools. It amazing how ignorant the general public is about good nutrition and maintaining a truly healthy diet. The AMA and FDA have much to learn. Sounds like you’ve caught up and have had good results. Congrats and thank you for sharing. I might suggest Linda Hopkins meditation Bluebell Woods available as an mp3 download on Amazon. It’s a steal at .99 cents and really does the trick. She is wonderful. I know you like your bluebells Susan! Keep up the good work.

  56. Susan says:

    I cannot even begin to tell you how timely and welcoming this post is. Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer which resulted in a mastectomy, followed by months of chemo, and just as that was over and I was bouncing back a bit I had to say goodbye to my little Chihuahua who was truly my heart and soul. Losing her almost 7 months ago now was so much worse than cancer and chemo and I still struggle with her loss. I suffered from anxiety before all this and now I’m really struggling. Thank you so much for letting me put that out there and thank you so much for this most inspiring and helpful post. With much gratitude.

    • sbranch says:

      You have had way too much for one person to deal with Susan. My heart goes out to you. I know it’s possible you aren’t ready yet, and I don’t mean to be personal, but have you thought of getting a new little pet for yourself? They are JOY, as you know, and I think it could really help with the stress of all you’ve been through, and for your healing. Not to take the place of anything, but to perhaps fill a hole. A little warm body to keep you company and make you laugh. Blessings on you, thinking of you. xoxoxoxoxo

      • Susan says:

        First let me apologize for putting my stress out there when you have enough of your own. Thank you so much for your kind reply. I have thought of another little pet, but I’m still thinking illogically that it would be a betrayal and a replacement and I would want it to be what I lost, which is too much to put on a little creature. I suppose I’m just not ready yet. Thank you again for your post. I am positive it is going to help so many of us.

  57. Jennie says:

    Hi Susan – I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful post on stress. By yesterday afternoon worries about work, getting taxes done, dormant home improvement projects and more had taken over my thoughts. When one lives alone, thoughts can be one’s own worst enemy…. By the time I went to bed, I had eaten close to half the muffins I had made in the morning plus three helpings of chips and half a bag of chocolate chips. But, the last thing I did before turning in was look out the window. The snow, steadily coming down and draping over the branches of the tall hemlock across the street, was magical. That look outside pushed out all the worrisome thoughts. And to think I had almost missed that view. There is so much we miss that is beautiful when we are stressed. I woke up to a wonderful winter landscape (finally NOT another ice storm here in southern New England) and went out and enjoyed the early morning shoveling. And have not touched the muffins which have been banished to the back of the freezer! And to now find that you wrote about stress and mastering cravings and better eating habits – the timing of your post is perfect! Thank you so much for encouraging us to evaluate the stress in our lives and to do something about it.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so glad it can help. It’s a heavy burden we sometimes bear without realizing. Thank you for the kind words Jennie. You are so right, beauty is all around us every day. xoxoxo

  58. Angie C says:

    So many good reminders to leading a more tranquil existence. Thank You, as always. You are extremely generous with your time and hoping the process is not a stress factor for you. We will be here waiting, (whenever) you get around to a new post. And BIG HUGS to Jack.

  59. Carol Daniel says:

    Congratulations on your weight loss Susan !!! Thank you for encouraging me.
    xxx ooo

  60. Shauna says:

    And Luke Perry just died of a massive stroke …

    Get checked, people! If you have high blood pressure, stop smoking, cut the salt and eat whole and healthy. And always leave something on your plate (in this one instance, your mom was wrong)! The dog needs to eat whole and healthy, too. 😉 Say no with a smile and don’t explain yourself.

  61. Audrianne Hill says:

    Walking my dog helps with stress. We meet so many delightful neighbors. I also keep a regular schedule when it comes to going to bed and riding in the morning. I refuse to watch or read anything that may keep me up at night. These are just simple things in addition to eating healthy, and I have managed to maintain a healthy weight for the past thirteen years.

  62. Tammy says:

    This was a wonderful post and something I am learning so I was inspired and congrats on your 14 pounds that is wonderful.

  63. Debby says:

    Dear Sweet Susan, Your post was exactly what I needed to read today. It has been a long winter and I am longing for warmer days and longer walks. I did not realize what stress can do to us until a few months ago. I had taken my husband into the ER and after taking care of him, the doctor looked at me and he said “you look exhausted, do you realize that stress can kill you?” I sat there and cried. I have been so busy taking care of him that I forgot about me. I have been trying to take better care of me ever since. Thanks for the reminder.

    • sbranch says:

      I love it when someone talks to me and brings me out of my personal haze! So Enlightening! My girlfriend Margot is excellent for that! Yay for him, and yay for you. And I hope your husband is better!

  64. Lori Hamilton says:

    Thank you, Susan, for this blog and the last one. I’m 64 and can’t seem to lose weight. I’m retired so less stress but still found that I was trying to do too much (the “I-can’t-say-no” syndrome) and therefore was still putting stress on myself. I want to go back and take notes on your last blog and then go grocery shopping to stock up on healthier options to what I – and hubby – have been eating.
    And on a wholly different subject, I have several of your cups and drink my morning tea out of a different one every morning. I’d LOVE one that is all pink and white!! If you continue to do them, please consider one with those lovely pink English roses on it. Thank you!

  65. VirginiaB says:

    Thank you for another post to which we can all relate. The news is so bad I have found myself dreaming about it which has never happened in my life. Solution, don’t watch news. I read the paper where I can consume only as much as I can stand.

    But the main thing I wanted to say is personal so feel free not to publish. I won’t be hurt! My greatest de-stressor is my religious faith, including going to Mass every Sunday and being involved at church. I don’t know your religion and am not asking. But a close personal relationship with God, with Jesus has gotten me thru many awful things–and still does. Even–or maybe especially–in these terrible days in the Catholic church. Faith is a source of constant joy–that all of this has meaning and purpose–and that there will be a happy ending, the happiest of all. Just a thought.

    • sbranch says:

      Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. A gift from God. Believing in something, goodness, power of thought, yourself, our world, is a way to make it happen.

  66. Kathleen says:

    Thank you Susan!
    I loved the blog. I am so happy you included those exercises.
    I am making changes in my life and those will help.
    Today I received a Williams Sonoma catalog and they have Peter Rabit items in it and it so reminded me of you!
    Please don’t stress over the delay of the small dish items. I ordered some and am excited to receive my package, but I can wait. That’s fine with me.
    Have a peaceful day!

  67. Lynne says:

    Thank you for another lovely post and oh so true! I moved to Canada from the state’s almost 2 years ago. I just met a lovely lady from England. We started talking and I told her my love for English gardens and Beatrix Potter. Her home in England was within walking distance to Beatrix Potter’s gift shop. How amazing is that? In her words just down the lane….

  68. dolores a urato says:

    Oh Susan, Susan…………….what a wonderful blog today !!!!! You have touched on so many subjects that touch all of us. You do everything with so much love and concern and thoughtfulness . Thank you for being you, and sharing this beautiful life that we all have………….every part of it………Blessings and Love……. dee

  69. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    THANK YOU, SUSAN! Truly good advice, especially to de-stress.
    I’m intrigued by the “food or beverages with only one ingredient”. Black tea and coffee, no milk?
    I lost weight by eating a very small piece of salmon and a large serving of spinach every evening for 2 weeks in December. I lost weight and felt great (Christmas was in the middle of those weeks and I didn’t put it all back on)!

  70. Colette says:

    Dear Susan, What a wonderful post! I started doing transcendental meditation last July and it changed my life. I meditate twice a day for 20 minutes each time. The anxiety that has always been in the pit of my stomach has totally disappeared. My high blood pressure went down ten points and my doctor has cut my medication in half. I have been vegetarian for the past 35 years but cut all animal product when I started TM and the difference is unbelievable. Life is good.


  71. Kate says:

    Thanks for the post about relieving stress. I suffer from it and it has put me in the hospital. I have learned that I was watching too much news. Turn off all the news for a while and see how your stress goes down. Especially CNN and MSNBC that spew hate, hate, hate 24/7. That cannot be good for people to listen to. I find I get just as informed by listening to the radio and don’t get the opinions. I’m going to try your diet as I could stand to lose a few pounds. No one can evade all stress, but your ideas of relieving it are the best. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Funny Kate, I JUST wrote that to the comment above and here you are, confirming. It’s a devil. FOX too, hideous, all of it.

  72. Margie says:

    Your words are a soothing balm. Thank you Susan. I am too hooked with the blue light from electronics. I want to cry with what is going on in this country. My husband says to be patient. I am on the salmon and spinach kick. But still get some handfuls of the Cape Cod oyster crackers. I want to make my blueberry thumb print cooks so badly, the Cape Cod oyster crackers help me not make them.

    • sbranch says:

      Turn off the TV and radio for one week and see what a difference it makes. Life will go on. And you can get ready to vote. It’s harmful to our health, all this peat and repeat. Blessings Margie!

  73. Judy from Solvang says:

    You write such well written blog posts! It flowed to the end way before I was ready! Thank you again for sharing the wisdom you keep discovering along the way of life. You are a treasure!

  74. Marcia says:

    I think you’ve hit on your next book!

  75. Ann Woleben says:

    Your prior post, along with this one, are absolutely what I needed to read. I have allowed stress to enter my life and it is a harmful visitor. Your thoughts are most inspiring and I need to read them daily until I get in the habit of eating healthier foods and exercising daily. I know I would have more energy and feel better about myself if I followed your guidelines. Have you considered writing a little “handbook” on making healthy choices? It would be another Susan Branch bestseller! Thank you for your inspiration!

  76. Lynn says:

    I am in the process of reading an excellent book written by cardiologist Mimi Guarneri titled
    “ 108 Pearls to Awaken Your Healing Potential”. There is a chapter on stress and so much more. I’m finding this book is very close to my way of thinking. There are so many books out there! I’m sure there are many other excellent books. You just have to read read read! Thank goodness for libraries!~ Lynn

  77. Dara says:

    Susan, I learned about the physical effects of stress the hard way several years ago. I had a very stressful job handling insurance claims and had several death claims in a short period of time. I was struggling terribly with the impact and left the position. I felt like such a failure. I visited my doctor on an unrelated matter (fortunately I have a fabulous doctor) and in short order was sent to a cardiologist. I was suffering for stress related cardiomyopathy, also know as “broken heart syndrome”. My heart was only functioning at half of normal. I had a wonderful cardiologist and with several years of treatment, I have recovered much of my heart function. I now know that stress like that is just not worth it. I found a job that I love and have been blessed in more ways than I can tell. I also learned that women are more affected by this kind of stress because we tend to feel the need to take care of everyone before we take care of ourselves!!

  78. Annette Baker says:

    Inspired by your words today. Thanks for gathering all us girlfriends into a wonderful hug today. Much appreciated.

  79. Linda Henry says:

    OOHHHH – the self-induced stress!!! Yes, there is happy stress (the holidays), but it is still stress! I started making jewelry after my Mom passed away on Christmas Eve 2003! She and I did so many things together – sewing, knitting, cooking, embroidery – I just needed something different to do. SO, the other day my grandson asked if I had been making anything lately and I said no – we have had house repairs and icky weather which my allergies did not like – his response – “Well Nan you just need to do something for YOURSELF”. He indeed is a wise 11-year old – and yes I did take his advice!!!!! 🙂

  80. Cindy Benard says:

    You sure hit the nail on the head as they say…stress can rob of us so much, our peace, our health and vitality, our energy and so very important good rejuvenating sleep! And I love that you mentioned that even ‘good’ stress can be a problem. The old saying ‘too much of a good thing’ can apply to the times we want to tic off our ‘projects we love to do’ list without taking much needed breaks. I love your blog and your perspective Susan, have for so many years now! And you are so good at keeping it fresh and relevant! Thanks so much for all the tips and ideas in this one…time for some downtime…

  81. Rose says:

    Love these ideas. I love all your books but loved Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams the best and Fairy Tale Girl too. Your description of your everyday life is so wonderful to me… makes me always feel better. They are my bibles to happiness. These last posts make me feel that same way. Thank you. 🙂 Off to begin my new sugar-less.. or almost… life. Diet soda will no longer dictate my choices. 🙂

  82. Shirley Burt says:

    Susan, You are always an inspiration. You had your girlfriends over and I know it was great medicine for all. Mine are coming tomorrow for lunch. Lettuce wedges, with homemade thousand island or Maple vinegarette, Olive cheese bread. Then I went bezerk and have baked 5 different pies. I warned them all. Dinner plates for dessert plates, and then I have to go containers so they can have a bite and take the rest home. Definitely not diet, but all homemade and fresh ingredients and cream and eggs. Good things apples, raisins and apricots and some toasted nuts. Looking forward to laughing and loving the moments. It is freezing here in Texas so the warmth with friends is important.
    My husband’s blood sugar was too low and I had to have the darling fire dept and ambulance come Tuesday night. We have been eating lower carb and poof, it backfired because he did not adjust his insulin. He will not check his blood so it is guess work. That being said, life is a balance and full of surprises.
    I have the Beatrix Potter needlework kit waiting. Thank you, thank you for all the inspirations.
    Love and bunny hugs to you, Joe and Jack. We treasure you.
    PS. Do not stress about our little things being behind in shipping. It will be the nicest surprise when they arrive.

  83. Debby Suovanen says:

    Thank you Susan for such good advice and suggestions! We will all benefit from your research and your sharing it with us!

  84. Gina says:

    Thank you Susan – reading your posts always brings sunshine and lightness to my day. Stress and sugar are two things that can greatly affect your health. Tied in with this are the effects of gut health. More and more studies are showing the relationship between gut health and so many disease states – including anxiety, depression, migraines, and the list goes on and on. I consider a good probiotic to be an easy and vital part of “cleaning things up”. It can often result in a decrease in sugar cravings too.

  85. Linda Feletar says:

    Two whispers from my angels today…the Serenity Prayer appeared in my daily reading and now your wonderful shared thoughts.
    I turned off the news and tuned into the Classical genre on Pandora, had my sliced avocado on whole grain bread for lunch and will put on my coat and brave the biting wind for a 20 minute stroll in the nearby park.
    A cup of tea and working on the baby afghan that I’m crocheting for a new grand daughter expected in May will complete my afternoon. All good things at my fingertips but need a gentle reminder most days.
    Reading one of your blogs always does that for me.

  86. Debi Hutchinson says:

    This couldn’t have come at a better time! I, too, have been having weight issues and was feeling like everything I used to do to control my weight has abandoned me. I know it is stress, but I couldn’t seem to fight it. Your blog really helped me to realize that I need to start putting the focus on me again, something that is not easy to do. My husband and I have been getting ready to leave for three weeks on Maui and I’ve had the idea (notice that it was just an “idea”) that this would be a good time for me to get things under control and take care of me. Now it is not just an “idea”, but I’m actually making the plans necessary to make this work. Thank you for sharing your experiences and for letting us know that we are not alone in this struggle. Aloha!

  87. Although I eat healthy, run and practice yoga, I noticed lately I put on a few pounds that seem to find a home around my middle. Being a more conscious eater has helped me. I found that I was going for snacks without even realizing I wasn’t hungry. Now before I put food in my mouth I stop and ask myself, am I really hungry or is this just out of habit.
    Thanks Susan for the positive reinforcement and sharing your journey. We have to be our best advocate for living a positive healthy life style. I also make sure that I acknowledge how much I have to be thankful for everyday! Gratitude rocks!

  88. Sherrill Kerbaugh says:

    Susan…this was a most enjoyable, positive, loving, healthy pep talk! We all can benefit from your words … our menfolk too! Congratulations on listening to yourself and following what you have learned.

  89. sharon taylor says:

    Hi Susan, Life if Learning. Sifting through and deciding what you hear or read, is best for you. Helping each other. There will always be stress for people to deal with, happy or sad. To start the day I sit with a cuppa coffee and just let my mind be at peace. Not really meditating. As far as weight goes, everyone has to be happy with their own bodies. Back in 1997 my husband and I were dealing with weight gain. We would starve ourselves through the week and then eat what we wanted on the weekend. We were losing the battle. Then one day we were watching a show where Dr. Barry Sears was being interviewed and explaining his diet “The Zone”. If you needed to lose weight or gain weight you would by following his diet. Oh and he said “diet” is what one eats. We ran out immediately to get his book and following his method the weight came off and stayed off. For health reasons we are now eating a more plant based diet. And Learning new things all the time. For example: resistant starch potatoes, rice or pasta. Making them and chilling them for at least 12 hours you have effectively taken away the insulin reaction that turns sugar into fat. I hope I’ve been a little helpful. Thank you for all your encouraging words. Until next time. Sharon

  90. Jane Franks says:

    This was great timing, Susan! As we have just been catapulted into a potentially highest of stress situation with Gene’s recent herniated disc “arrival”. Pain, pain, pain!! Talk about stress. To see him suffering so. But. . . after the shock of finding ourselves in this situation from just picking up a very light weight hair dryer off a shelf!!! (Who would have thought that could make your back pop!! ). . .I’ve kicked into nurse mode, and just doing it! The most important thing for me is . . . wait for it . . . studying ancient Middle East history, and learning what people could and couldn’t do in the 4th century! And then following that through to Classical historic Christianity, and learning how God guided and was involved with people back then!! Not your normal stress-breaker, I know! But seeing what they got through, with far less than I have, helps me keep perspective even in situations like we are in now, and know that this, too, shall pass and nothing lasts forever! However. . .getting off my philosophical horse! I love all the tips you’ve given recently about food, and that, too was so timely as I had just boned up a bit and got us on the seeds/nuts/fresh food bandwagon, and we’ve been seeing good results. And now being busy with Gene, I don’t have to think for myself about what to fix; I’ve already done it, and I can just look back at your previous blog and make a fresh salad. I ESPECIALLY love and have benefited from the sprinkling of seeds on everything!! I found all the ones you mentioned in our local health food stores! Wow! that really has helped. Love your pep talk! When I get a minute I’m going to read and study the exercises here and fine tune that, too. Thankfully, my weight has stayed pretty stable. I need to shave off a couple of pounds but still can wear the same clothes. Well, I must go check on Gene. Thanks so much for all your great tips!! Love, Jane xoxo

  91. Lee says:

    Such a good post! We all have just our one body and the more we honor and care for it the better and more enjoyable our lives will become; that is one of my firmest beliefs. I am a nurse and find the level of obesity everywhere we look SO appalling. We want our health care system to be better, and it certainly needs fixing, but it is an uphill battle when there are so many chronic and auto immune disorders directly related to being stressed and overweight. It puts such a strain on an already overloaded and mismanaged system. Finding ways to deal with stress is very individual and we should never stop trying.
    Two things that might give us a boost in the right direction regarding the care of our bodies:
    1) Never start the day with sugar for breakfast! Orange juice, other juice cocktails, heavily sugared cereals, coffee cake, donuts, muffins, etc. set us up for cravings for the rest of the day. Proteins are the best choice.
    2) Give up all soft drinks, even the diet varieties which trick our pancreas and digestive tract into reacting as if we had had sugar. Drink more water instead.
    These are small things but they make such a difference!
    Thank you for letting me weigh in on this subject. Statisticallywomen tend to gain a pound every year after age thirty. If we are lucky enough to live into our 70s and 80s that is a lot of extra gear we’re packin’! Thanks for bringing it to attention.

  92. Gail Gallagher says:

    Thank you Susan for such a beautiful blog. You share yourself so generously. I wish you all good things always. No stress dear….,you are surrounded by love. XO

  93. Liz Keller says:

    I just typed a long response and then lost it! Could you say a word or two about portion size? When you have your scrambled eggs and bacon, is it two eggs? Also the bowl that you have your oatmeal and fruit in looks smaller than a cereal bowl- is it a cup? And ;lastly, are the plates you use salad or dessert size?
    That adorable rodent you published is my current shape! Time for a change, wouldn’t you say? And am I ready!!!! Thanks for your inspiration!- Liz

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, it’s two eggs, one piece of very crisp bacon… the bacon is a treat. Lots of times I don’t do the bacon, just the eggs with steamed spinach and half an avocado sprinkled with seeds, YUM! The bowl is actually bigger because I like lots of milk and don’t enjoy spilling it!!! Which I do when the milk comes to the top! I make one serving of oatmeal, sprinkle it with LOTS of cinnamon, add maybe a third of cup of blueberries, and a couple tablespoons of chopped walnuts (to taste), and pour over the milk. Sometimes I have chopped apple AND blueberries! Lunch today was a big salad, I can easily live without salad dressing, but olive oil and apple cider vinegar are good for you! Have it! The salad had the healthiest greens on it (I’m off cheese till I get myself to where I want to be). It had kale and broccoli, grilled onions and hot slices of roasted chicken thigh. Dinner tonight will be one lamb chop and half a sweet potato with seeds on it, and since I didn’t have it this morning, I get some steamed spinach too. I’m NOT hungry. You’ll LOVE how you feel, Liz!

  94. Kitty DeMento says:

    Oh Susan! Fourteen pounds!!!! I need to lose that amount desperately , not just for Jillie’s wedding (I really, really don’t want to look like a cow) but for health reasons. I just can’t seem to do it! What do you have for treats? Or maybe you didn’t have treats during this time?
    Thank you again for another inspirational Blog post!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, treats are celery with organic hummus on it! Sometimes celery with organic nut butter (that’s made of pure nuts). Cups of unsweetened tea (all my favorite kinds) with milk in it. And lots of water, helps to keep you from being hungry. I promise, it’s all very delicious. Tell yourself you CAN do it, and then just DO it. Stop eating sugar and white flour number one. After 3 or 4 days, the cravings will stop. Then eat lots of veg and protein. Three meals a day, the lightest meal at night, best 3 hours before bed. Two scrambled eggs in the morning with steamed broccoli and spinach. You’ll LOVE the way you feel. And by this time next week, 5 lbs will be gone. Jillie’s wedding, here you come!

      • Kitty DeMento says:

        OK! Thank you for this advice!!! I will let you know how it works out!
        Bless you for your generosity of spirit. Holy Moly how do you have the time to so thoughtfully answer your girlfriends as you do! You’re amazing.
        Best of luck with the new book, we all can’t wait to read it!!!
        Lots of love

        • sbranch says:

          It’s my favorite part. Sometimes I DON’T have time and then I just read, not answer, but it’s more fun to write back. Good luck Kitty!

  95. Maria says:

    I am 53 years young and just retired in 2018 after 26 years as a court reporter. I did it because my body and brain were telling me to. I finally listened. I forgot about fear and money and I couldn’t be happier. Life is good!! I’m sleeping better, eating better, crafting more and enjoying the beautiful Cascadian forest that surrounds my home. Your recent posts are so valuable. I hope everyone takes them to heart…literally.

  96. Denise Baca says:

    Hi Susan,

    I enjoy your blog. It is always joyful and uplifting to read. And I plan to follow some of your routine work-out. I’ve only thought about it. But knowing that you are giving it a go, make me want to give it a go as well. And it’s Great! , that you lost 14 pounds. Keep up the good work.

  97. Donna Hayden says:

    Your way of eating sounds like the Mediterranean Diet! And I’ve started eating that way too. Makes you feel so much better, and it’s heart healthy and brain healthy. Win-win-win! 🙂

  98. Pamela Linn Burkham says:

    What a wonderful blog Susan. I say again, they always come at the time I need them most. I have found music to be a de-stresser and prayer. “Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” I am going to have a cup of hot tea now!
    Blessings –

  99. Diane says:

    Oh Susan, You must start practicing some restorative yoga poses, because you will love it! Everyone does! By using props you can put your body in the most blissful poses possible and sink in for 15 minutes to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Everyone can do it! I just got certified to teach it here in upstate New York. But I’ll be in the island come late July in case you want a free lesson! It sounds like you are on a very positive track.

    Look at Restore and Rebalance by Judith Lasater, the restorative yoga diva.

  100. Rose Ann Bacher-Giallombardo says:

    I blame Mr. T for STRESS in the world today 🙁

    Susan, I know that you understand that this is just my opinion & is NOT FAKE NEWS!
    I think my husband Joe & I will get cozy sitting by the fire on this cold winter night in March, pop popcorn, & watch an old movie 🙂

    Peace to you & yours dear heart.

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