A Whole October of Good Luck

Gotta say Rabbit-Rabbit first, because that’s a whole October of good luck for all of us which we will need if we ever hope to get through 2020 in one piece! Then must pass out the luv-lee MUSICA because it is in charge of lifting hearts ~ but, really my very first words to you this morning are

Yes, I do, so very much And you probably know why if you read the comments in my last blog post. “I hope the angels know what they have . . .” wrote our Girlfriend Annie in Sydney, Australia about my mom.😢 Dear, kind, loving words AND thoughts (because you knew I knew) from ALL of you, meant the world to me. Teary-eyed, I read every wonderful word. Then I went to my art table and painted that ⬆️ because I was thinking it the whole time I was reading. Big, tall, skinny, and watercolory, it had to fit on the page. This connection between us was what I felt even when writing my first book, and look at this, it happened!👏👏👏 So, a little gift for you, a small token of my great affection, I give you, The Sky . . 

Just like I label some of my photos by color, I have a huge number labeled “The Sky.” You can see why . . .

It’s one thing that follows us wherever we go and gifts us with works of art like no other. The orange on the water! Dark at the top, dark at the bottom, both moving toward the center and the light. And all free, a gift from God.

In this photo we’re driving across England. We pulled over and got out of the car for a deep breath of this soul-expanding open space that smelled of grass and freedom.

Delicate, soft, flittery, blue and lavender and peach … a calm sky that says Forever, adding Hope, Truth, and Beauty.

And this! Where the clouds are chasing the sun into the sea… a reminder that at some amazing moments in our lives, there is no better place ON EARTH for us to be . . .

Stormy skies at sea . . . a parting of the clouds, where the sea and the sky are like a bowl . . . and we were the toy boat floating in it… I love looking at these pictures and thinking about being here again! Lots of foreverness out in the Atlantic . . . you feel small and so so so so lucky.

This is moonrise over our harbor . . . rocking boats . . . lapping water . . . cry of gulls . . . smell of saltwater . . .

Streaks of white contrails made by water vapor from airplanes, turn to ice that slashes through this Scottish sky. (There’s a little checked-upon Morning Science for you!)

Green and pleasant land . . .

     On our way to Boston, Storm and sunset made beautiful music together . . .

Sun peeks through the clouds . . . the last warm rays touching the water . . .

The Shenandoah is a wonderful addition to our harbor . . . see how the light touches on everything white and makes it glow? That’s what happens here sometimes as the sun goes down, especially wonderful against that dark sky.

Doris Day’s voice soars in my mind,  🎵 You sigh, a song begins, you speak and I hear violins, it’s magic . . .🎶

Pink halo over Stonehenge under the same sky since it was built 2500 years before the birth of Christ. And yes, we are a part of this.

This sky was right outside our kitchen door … Yes, Toto, in our very own back yard.

We pulled up to this rock wall for me to take a photo of this  rainbow over Galway Bay in Ireland . . .

and snow flowers

The discussion here, driving from Colorado to Utah, was, “Look at that sky! Yikes! Is this the right way? Should we turn around?”

And just down at our own beach where we walk every day, water and sky, all pinky blue, if you were painting this scene you would also use blue when you painted the sand . . .

We get lots of gorgeous skies from our room with a view when we’re crossing the country by train . . . here at a Kansas crossroads . . . look at all those choices!

Rich colors of purple and orange, mixed with the wind and sound of the waves are beautiful together in this Menemsha sky.

Lambs tails . . . look at them all running away!

Sometimes the sunset in our rear view mirror grabs my attention . . . I never want to miss anything!

I almost missed this picture of the sun, it almost slipped away! We were just getting on the ferry to home . . . I had to take it right through the rigging, but I GOT it!👏 And now, toOh yes, and last night was the Harvest Moon, our sky, filled with moon which woke me up this morning when I caught it trying to break into our bedroom through the cracks in the curtains! 

We can feel the summer going, but we are stretching it out as long as we can. The flaming candles in the “bug buckets” make it cozy. But time is passing, September is gone, we’re already wrapping ourselves in blankets when we sit out late … so we just did the MOST wonderful thing. I’m so excited!!! We finally broke down and ordered one of these:

Yes, we did. A fire pit! Look at it! Isn’t it cute? I can’t wait! It’s supposed to be delivered October 6th. More stars! More sky! Now that we finally did it, I don’t know what took us so long. We celebrated 31 years in our house last month ~ It deserves a little something new and hygge for good behavior.💞  

It comes with a screen and a poker … all for around $200, I think it will be TOTALLY worth it. Fire pits come in all sizes, shapes, and styles; HERE’S the one we chose. See the ring around the top? I hope that’s for our feet! I think I might light a fire on December 31🎉, bundle up, and take my 2020 calendar outside. I see myself scanning the sky for stars on the last night of the year, staring into the flames of a cozy wood fire, burrowing under my blanket, saying prayers to go up in the crackling sparks and smoke, as I toss the pages of 2020 into the fire and BURN IT UP, while praying for a peaceful, healthy, boring 2021 filled with hugs.💞 So MUCH to look forward to, holidays and decorating and cold weather and blue skies for all our West Coast Girlfriends . . . I just turned in the art for the cover of 2022! This is the year we think we’ll get to go back to England!But of course that doesn’t stop us from finding magic in the here and now . . . it’s in us, and around us, no waiting required!

Our woods are turning gold, leaves dance like fairies in the trees, magic abounds this time of year! We dawdle here every day.

Cool wind and the smell of leaf mulch, Joe and I walk to the sea, do our Morning Science, and solve all the world’s problem . . . 

So exciting out there watching everything change, so much FREE stuff!🍂

Better than any florist ~ we bring it all home . . .For the ultimate in a homemade happy life, don’t forget your health darling Girlfriends . . . make sure you are MOVING. Too many things can go wrong when we don’t! And our energy levels get so much better if we DO. This dampanic is making me fat ~ we got a little too good at lockdown around here (I mean what’s a donut in times of trouble, or two, or a bag of potato chips to soothe the spinning head? Tater-Tots and ice cream and peanut butter on toast to tranquilize the bewildered soul) ~ when the pants got uncomfortable, I decided to do something about it … will tell you in the next post!

I’m so glad you’re all getting your books! I’m receiving lots of cute photos like this one from our Girlfriend Cynthia. Looks like Santa’s traveling around the world early this year! For our UK Girlfriends, Amazon UK has the book now, and I’m hearing many nice things from our Girlfriends on Goodreads and Facebook. Thank you all so much … I love writing books for you!💞 

And look at this photo I borrowed from Facebook posted by Karen K. . .  she took a picture of our Titcombs virtual Tea Party! She’s in my kitchen and I’m in hers! Love Karen’s red!♥️🌹💄❗️📕🍎

Look at my homemade set up! Proving, no, I do not know what I am doing. But it all worked out, it was so much fun! I know not everyone was able to make it, so I’m going to do two more mask-free Sunday Teas this month! The first one will be via Zoom on Sunday, October 18, at 4 pm EST for Bookends Bookstore in Ridgewood, NJ … you can sign up HERE. Yes, there will be signed books and door prizes (Puzzles!)! The very next Sunday, October 25th, we’ll be hosted by the wonderful King’s English Bookshop in Salt Lake City, Utah, for a Crowdcast event …. you can register HERE. It’s a great way to get out and about without leaving home! And where else can Girlfriends from Hawaii, England, Texas, and Australia all meet at the same time?

I know you’re probably not coming to every one of these events, but I do want to thank you for helping me support these lovely Independent Bookstores who need us all the time, but especially during these days of the Panic! These bookstores are a tradition, they’ve been serving communities 30 and 40 years! I’ve visited and fallen in love with them in real life … I can’t wait to go back someday in PERSON! Do you know that for every $100 you spend at an independently owned business, $68 will stay in the community? Keeping our small-business economy alive is part of what we need to do. I do love seeing the patriotism of dampanic as we get through this thing together, sea to shining sea.❤️

See what I have? A cricket singing in the kitchen.🎵 Yesterday, on the same day as full moon and rabbit-rabbit, making October a red-letter month already!

Is this quilt cute or is this quilt cute? Do you love it? Well, so do I! But I think I will love it even more if it somehow ends up getting a new home! Maybe yours! What do you think of that? A new giveaway as a special thank you and extra connection for all we are to each other ~ all aired-out and ready to go! I found it in an antique store many years ago. I don’t know the name of the pattern, and it’s not signed, but it was obviously made by someone with a joyful heart!💖 You know what to do, leave a little comment so you’ll be entered in the drawing.💝Yes, we do . . . so maybe even something more? Make my life a little happier? 🎄 Why NOT?

So if you were at the Titcombs Tea Party event, or have had a chance to read Home for Christmas, you know my book was partly inspired by this little book called Once on Christmas, published in 1938, which I found a long time ago in a used bookstore and mostly used each year at Christmas. It looked adorable on the coffee table in front of the fire. But it gained new meaning the afternoon I read it out loud to my two young nieces.

It’s a sweet little memory of Christmas at the turn of the century…❤️

… illustrated with charming line drawings by Lois Lenski.

  A book made extra special because it’s out of print, and the vintage ones have become very hard to find.

But, and you know what I’m going to say! We did it! We found one. And now, drum roll, this little book will be going off to one of you!💖 At the bottom of this post you’ll see a whole bunch of tiny words in grey letters, and at the end, the word “comment.” That’s what you click on to leave one. I love reading them, and I often comment on your comments! But something tells me this might be a busy giveaway, please forgive me if I don’t get to comment . . . I’ll be reading though!❤️

We just found out they don’t want the kids to Trick-or-Treat here on the island this year. I was hoping, masks seemed so perfect for this time of year. But no. But that doesn’t mean we can’t decorate and be festive and lift the hearts of others with some pumpkins on the porch!

Or in the garden . . .

They make so many cute ones these days!🤣

They look good on the fridge . . .

And over the front door . . .

Or on the kitchen table . . .

Because it’s that time of year, and no dampanic can tell us what to do with our pumpkins!

I’ll tell you about the new fire pit in the next post, with pictures! I have a new recipe for you too, all kinds of good things, but I’ve gone on long enough. Remember to leave a comment if you want to be entered in the drawing. No matter HOW many comments we get, you’ll still have a better chance of winning than by playing the Lottery! Plus, no numbers, and no money!💝 Love forever, your pal for life . . . 💖 

I’ll leave you with THIS . . . 💝

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2,585 Responses to A Whole October of Good Luck

  1. Marsha Robins says:

    Your Christmas books have arrived (I ordered 3 — 1 for me and 2 to share with friends). Unfortunately, work has been so crazy that I haven’t had time to look at it yet, but it will be such a treat when I do! Please include me in the quilt giveaway — it is beautiful. Even though I live in Alabama, our nights can get cold too!

  2. Laura says:

    The sky pictures were absolutely beautiful, Susan! The lamb tails in the sky was one of my favorites because it reminded me of my dear Grandma. Whenever we were out-and-about in town and the sky overhead looked like that, she called it a “buttermilk sky”.

  3. Karen Riley says:

    I had to move back to SoCal for family issues and family is top priority. However, I am going to miss my Fall in Oregon which I had for over 20 years! So I always enjoy your photos of the woods and water but most of all the season changes you get to experience! Since I also had an England trip a few years ago, I love the “Brit” pics you include from time to time. Thank you that I can always get my nature fix from you🌲🍂🌈

  4. Tammy says:

    Do you realize how much goodness you spread with your lovely blog? I hope you do! It is always a wonderful surprise to see what is happening in your world. I love that you love the old things like I do. The book looks like a real treasure along with the quilt. Thank you for the chance to cherish one of these lovelies.

  5. Linda Hope says:

    I live in Florida now. Your autumn photos make me long to be back up north. 🎃

  6. Nancy says:

    I make quilts
    I want to win

  7. Diane says:

    Aloha Susan! Thank you for sharing the turn of seasons with us – on Oahu we don’t get the seasonal changes, mostly the leaves turn brown and fall off! I love the sky photos. I think my fav is the one with the night sky with .stars so bright, you can see Orion’s belt so clearly!! I really hope you do another calendar of England – I only have two more months left on the 2020 calendar to enjoy!! I’ll have my earl grey tea in your sweet Corgi cup. I LOVE IT! Stay safe and warmest aloha to you, Joe, and Jack!

  8. Sylvia Johnson says:

    I would love to win this Christmas book on Halloween 🧡. I know this was hard to find because I have been looking! Hope I win!

  9. Cynthia Kurylak says:

    Susan…everything about your blog posts are a joy…your beautiful art work and the oerfect colorations, the font type and size always seems perfect to fit the mood, as do all of your handwritten text…thank you for bringing me such happiness from your blog posts, books, calendars and stickers I’ve used over the years in my children’s scrapbooks!❤️

  10. Cynthia Arnold says:

    Susan, thank you for your blog. With the pandemic isolation I forget the fun things in life. I don’t feel so alone when I read your sweet words and I look forward to the coming holidays in whatever form we can celebrate them. I love your quilt and am hoping I am able to snuggle up with it while reading during this winter.

  11. Shirley Forsman says:

    Oh how nice to see a new bit of news. I received my Christmas book and enjoyed it immensely. You even mentioned Ginny dolls! My heart skipped a beat! I still have my Ginny doll and the clothes my grandmother made. I can’t part with them.
    My mother died 14 years ago. I still miss her and the magic she created not only at Christmas but all year. Years slip by, but she’ll always be a part of my life.

  12. JoAnn Pollick says:

    Love your expression “dampanic. Thanks for your inspiring blogs.

  13. MB says:

    I stopped reading your blog a while ago, but came back to it today. I’m so glad you are still writing and painting. Your work is beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for doing what you do! ❤

  14. kim jackson says:

    OH How I Love you Susan!
    I hope I win the quilt or anything else!
    You are such an inspiration to me….

  15. Kristi Alsip says:

    I love your blog! We have so many of the same interests. Thank you for sharing!

  16. Janet says:

    Ahh, everything you write, everything you draw & all the homey things you share make me happy. Thank you for creating a space that encourages homemade happiness! I’ve been a big fan for years.

  17. Elizabeth Winterbone says:

    Hello Susan! I am sending you some golden sunflowery love from Kansas! 🌻💛🤎💛🌻

  18. Barb says:

    Love the pictures of the sky. I too always am looking at the wonderful pictures God “paints” for us. Please include me in the drawing.

  19. Kathy Milauskas says:

    Thank you Susan for sharing your photos and lovely thoughts!❤

  20. Thank you for another uplifting and inspiring post, Susan! I always find your words and photos so incredibly soothing, and the quilt is divine! Fingers and toes crossed! xx

  21. Connie Rose Woehler says:

    Hello Susan, Enjoying this post so much! I usually read it two or three times over several days to be able to take it all in! Your posts are sunshine on a cloudy day and we need that sunshine now more than ever! Wondered what you are reading these days. Always love to hear about your latest favorite read! Thanks for all you do to make the world a little more beautiful for all of us.
    PS I have read your “Home For Christmas” twice. I was born in 1954 and it takes me right back to my sweet childhood in St. Philip, Indiana. We didn’t have a lot of money either, but we too were rich in the love that our parents and aunts and uncles provided. I was one of 55 grandchildren on my father’s side (#30) and oh boy was Christmas a grand time at Grandma’s farm house. One sweet thing that I remember is that Grandma Rose made enough fruit salad for this big family to fill her fruit crisper drawer in her refrigerator! She covered it with foil and sat the entire crisper drawer near the cookies when it was time for dessert! Your book brought back so many wonderful memories! Thank You!

    • Terrie in Atlanta, GA says:

      Connie Rose, you were #30 out of FIFTY-FIVE grandchildren? How wonderful! That must have made for some wild and crazy holidays and celebrations. XoXo 🥰

  22. Tonia Grantham says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Gosh! I love your charming blog (and books)! Thank you for the enlightenment and beautiful photos. I commend you on your choice of fire pits! There’s something magical about sitting around the fire wrapped in blankets and looking at the stars. It’s my favorite thing in the whole, wide world besides a picnic beside a creek or hearing my kids belly laugh. I hope your October is a happy and magical one. Parade the pumpkins!
    Warmest regards,
    Tonia from Mississippi

    • Dianne says:

      Thank you Tonia. Your words have convinced me- “there is something magical about sitting around the fire wrapped in blankets and looking at the stars”. I’ve just ordered my fire pit. I need the magic- now, more than ever. I love looking at the night sky and thinking of all those who have gone before me. Now I can “cozy up”, as I do so.

  23. Shelby Ness says:

    I would love this little book! It is the same one my grandmother would read to my four sisters and me each Christmas. I haven’t been able to find one. Fingers crossed!

  24. Colleen Molloy says:

    Hi Susan –
    Thank you. Your blog is the perfect respite during these challenging times.
    Great to know I can always come here and find peace, beauty, inspiration and encouragement. So thankful you are with us spreading your positive vibes and love. Happy fall and take care xoxo

  25. Rosemary from Oregon says:

    October greetings, Susan ,
    My favorite season also and you send us solace and hope once again with your Sky
    beauty. Thank you for being there, as always. The fires and and air quality are finally getting better in Oregon,but multiple devastating losses to people, property and trees. Your beacons of comfort are “life savors” are in Covid.
    Wishing you resilience in the passing of your Mother,

  26. Cecelia says:

    Holy smokes!! That was a terrific posting, thank you. It just lifted me up and out of my funk. You are the “funnest” person I know.

  27. Kathryn Zitelli says:

    I enjoyed all the sky pictures in your blog! Very calming…
    That’s a really cute fire pit that you bought! I’m looking for a new one, since our current one is getting a hole in the bottom from using it so much. I think I’ll check out your choice.

  28. Norma Stallings says:

    I am so sorry about your loss. No words can make it better, but know that many will have you in their hearts and prayers.

    I loved the sky pictures. We are headed to Cape San Blas, FL on Sunday and each evening there will be a magnificent sunset. It never disappoints. I can’t wait to sit and enjoy them. It is a little bit of heaven which I need so much! My soul often needs a refresher and the heavens whether day or night usually supplies what I need.

  29. Susan Morgon says:

    What gorgeous pictures of the sky! I always love to look up every day – doesn’t it just fill your heart with joy? That picture of the night sky and all of those stars – I would never want to go inside. ❇✨🌠 I enjoyed everything about this blog, but I’d better not comment on it all; it would get too lengthy. Enjoy your fall and all of the splashes of color it brings!

  30. Kristen MacLeod says:

    Love your Halloween decorations!! I just saw another house, here in CT, that put the little pumpkins above the doorway and it immediately made me think of you! Thank you for your happy thoughts when most of the news is negative. Your light has been getting me through this pandemic. God bless!

  31. Darlene D says:

    Hi Susan,
    Loved the sky photos. I have been taking them as well. I live in beautiful Michigan, a 10 minute walk to Lake Michigan. We have amazing skies as you can imagine. I love walking in nature and watching the wonder. We have a beautiful, deep peach blazing top Maple across the street, which my husband and I were admiring this morning. Isn’t nature the best! It’s the greatest antidote to feeling not so hot. With Nature there is a steady stream of BEAUTY!
    Take care. Be well. Be safe. Keep enjoying life and all it holds.
    Love the beauty you create, your home (which resembles mine in taste, nostalgia, and charm), your books, your lovely personality and I thank God you found happiness and you are living your dream! It’s nice to behold. : )

  32. Debbie Powell says:

    What a lovely post! I always look forward to hearing from you – it is like a much anticipated visit with a positive friend who just helps lift your spirit. The pictures just remind us how restorative nature is to our mind and heart. And Fall – my most favorite season. It does seem to have a shadow over it this year that I am so ready to shed (mask included). The quilt is beautiful. People that are able to create such art amaze me. Take care and visit with us soon.

  33. Peggy Dooley says:

    Go. Be. Love. Thank you!

  34. Sue in Houston says:

    Susan — I always see replies from you to various ones of us who post, but it’s already the 8th and I’ve noticed there don’t seem to be any. I hope it’s just because you’ve been busy and that nothing is wrong… your blog family notices and worries!

  35. Joelle Howald says:

    This post is my most favorite!! I love all your pictures of the sky. I think I might have taken a million pictures of the sky and never really tire of it as a source for inspiration. This post also has so much humor in it. I love your wit and I laughed out loud several times. Thank you for the laughter! My mother sends your blog to me and my sisters every time it comes out. Reading it is always a pleasure and I love that you give us music every time =o> Thank you for sharing your Halloween decorations, it is such a fabulous time of year.

  36. Jacqueline Caron says:

    loved this post — all the colorful pictures of the sky … and water .. and beautiful landscape. I wanted to express my condolences to you again .. I recently lost ( before the dampanic ) both my parents – within 8 months of each other, and I guess we are never prepared for that loss. What a void in life – but thankful for the friends and family that can lift you up .. and of course Jack! love seeing you sneak a pic of him in your blogs, when you least expect it. Stay safe — and if you and Joe are ever looking for a Northern New England scenic drive – Bar Harbor Maine never disappoints – just returned from a few days visit and it was as beautiful as ever. Savoring my read of your Fairy Tale Girl book right now … and constantly on the look out for some of your others that are out of print… having a cuppa in my corgi mug – and thinking of you… stay safe and well. xoxo Jacqueline

  37. Kathy H. says:

    Oh, I have the same firepit! Though mine is a rusty orange color that I bought years ago especially for Halloween. You’ll love it!

  38. Patti Lyon says:

    I’m always sad to say goodbye to summer but your post makes it a BIT easier. You inspired me to go out today and collect leaves to string in my windows. Thank you for sharing your charmed life with the girlfriends. Hugs to you, Joe and Jack!!

  39. Jackie Bienemann says:

    I love when you take us on your nature walks! Also love all of your sky pictures, I take a lot of sky pictures and I think it never gets old.
    I am so sorry about your Mom, it is such a hard thing.
    I am looking forward to seeing pictures of you and Joe and friends around your new fire pit!
    Thank you for another great blog post and ending with a great picture of Jack looking out the window. You are a bright spot during this damnpanic!

  40. Nan says:

    I was just going to leave a comment which said that the book costs about $117 on ebay! And then I saw I could maybe win it by leaving a comment, so I’ll say what I was going to say. ;<))
    I do so love your work and have for more years than I can count. You are a sunbeam in the world.

  41. Lynda Schneider says:

    Hi Susan,
    I got my Christmas book the other week (and one for a gift) and I can’t wait to sit down with a good cup of tea and savor every page. The other little Christmas book looks dear. I do have a collection of Christmas books that only come out at that time of year. I love unpacking the Christmas things and finding them every year like a long, lost friend. 🙂
    Our area too is not allowing Trick-or-Treat. I feel so bad for the kids. We can only hope and pray that 2021 will be a much better year.
    Thank you for all your words of hope and wisdom.

    • FayE in CA! says:

      Lynda, your comment “love unpacking the Christmas things and finding them every year like a long, lost friend” reminds me of how I feel. I always say it is “shopping for free” because I open up bins for each season and enjoy reacquainting myself with treasures that I have purchased throughout the years. As I take out items, one by one, it is not unusual for me to say to myself, “Oh, I forgot about you. So glad that you caught my eye in that shop!” I like the smiles that the “reunions” bring to my heart!

      Cheers to reuniting with your treasures this December!

  42. Kathleen says:

    Happy happy joy joy – that’s how I feel after reading your posts… even the sad ones because there are always elements of gratitude and hope… reminders that life is beautiful still and tomorrow will be better. Thank you Susan 🤗

  43. Feeling a wee bit blue today after reading the news (which I am doing less and less now!) this post brightened my day, lifted my spirits and I am dragging out the Halloween decorations in the morning, Thank You!

    • sbranch says:

      Have to take time off for breathing and being, and having something feel NORMAL … every day I wake up thinking, WHAT’s going to happen today? It’s always something!😜

  44. Karen White says:

    Susan, this particular blog touched me deeply. The amount of joy that you bring to my heart…through musica, written words, your art and especially your photos are simply breathtaking that it may me feel deep joy to the point of teardrops. Please don’t ever stop. You totally make my heart smile!

  45. Shirley Fruchey says:

    LOVED! LOVED! LOVED! Your new Christmas Book! I’ve read it twice now. The first time I read it, I smiled and shook my head in wonder at growing up in a big family, having parents your parent’s age and experiencing some of the exact same things! As number 5 of 7, I was one of the “little ones.” The oldest in our family, is our sister and her name is…yep…Susan! I cherished reading your memories and was reminded of my own. (Except our little Billy actually bit one of his fingers when eating the olives off the tip! Poor thing, it turned purple and blue!) The second time I read it…I cried. Tears of Joy and missing my Dad and Mama, who live in heaven now along with our Sweet Sister Diana, the most fairy loving, magical one of us all. (They probably live just down the road from your sweet Mama) It touched my heart and gave me the best Christmas gift EVER. The gift of “time travel” to one of the happiest places in my heart. 🙂 Thank you Susan!

  46. Rachel from PA says:

    Hello Susan!
    Thank you again for such a wonderful post. My mom and I were both at the Titcombs virtual tea party and we absolutely loved it! And Joe was such a good sport too! He is such a darling man and both of you together are so sweet. Someday I hope to attend one of your talks in person, but I loved this zoom option as I’m usually not able to make the trek up to New England anyway. And the Christmas book is simply magical. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.

  47. dezi says:

    Dear June Ellen,
    Is your hair white as snow now? My hair was red too, and freckles. I still have some of the freckles, but my hair is white now. I am 65, just turned, and it slowly got lighter and lighter every year until a few years ago it became the color it is now. I like it, so I don’t die it, and wear it very long. God bless and Happy Birthday! —dezi

  48. Bridget says:

    Thanks for all that you do to help make my day!

  49. Pat H. says:

    Reading your blogs is always so much fun. They put me in the spirit of the season and help me to appreciate all that’s around us that’s good. Thank you.

  50. Dorene B says:

    Your blog posts offer a sense of serenity, and your photos, writing and artwork always bring a smile to my face. My best friend and our daughters were lucky enough to meet you and Joe the last time you visited Bookends in NJ, so when I saw that you were doing a virtual gathering with them, I immediately purchased a book for my friend and myself and signed us up. It may not be the same as our mother daughter outing a few years ago, but we are all really looking forward to it. Thanks for finding a creative way to allow us to “gather” from home and support your new endeavors as well as the local bookstores.

  51. Laura from Texas says:

    That is the most charming fire pit I ever did see! I have long wanted to get one so my little grandson and me can sit around it and make smores. You’ve inspired me to shop around for one. You are the best, Susan! Love everything you do!

  52. Karen Seward says:

    I Love the Quilt, I would Love to be in the drawing for it, Thank you! Karen Seward, Oceanside (Long Island) New York…

  53. Sarah B. says:

    I always love to read your blog posts and have enjoyed many of your books! The little pumpkins above your door are so cute!

  54. Melissa R says:

    Sooo happy you are doing the tea party with the King’s English! I was so fortunate to see you and Joe there a few years ago on your English Countryside book tour! Hooray for Fall and simple pleasures! So enjoy pulling out the pumpkin decorations and all the colors of Autumn.Love and hugs and looking forward to Zoom with you! Melissa in Utah

  55. Patti from Pleasanton, CA says:

    Hi Susan
    I just celebrated my 75th birthday October 2nd and received your
    Christmas book in the mail. It was such a great read!! So much of what you
    shared was my experience as a child as well… a real trip down memory lane!
    I invited a girlfriend to your last tea and she joined in and immediately fell in
    love with you and bought your 3 book memoir. She is obsessed now and loving all
    your posts. You certainly brighten our day! xo

  56. Lori Montgomery says:

    What a pretty quilt! Someone put a lot of love and work in to it. I adore old books like this one. They are a treasure. I love the pumpkins over your doorway. One of my favorites!

  57. Annie T says:

    Autumn is my favourite season – we have been going for lovely walks by our beautiful Scottish river, watching the leaves change colour. The salmon will start running in the next few weeks – always adds to the walk, watching them leap through the water.
    It’s nice to be reminded that even though our world seems to be in a pretty big mess, nature still provides solace whether it’s beaustiful skies or fast flowing rivers and golden trees.
    Thank you as ever for this little place of cheer!

  58. Charlotte Bates says:

    I so enjoyed having tea with you, Susan! And I always love reading your blog—so upbeat, so warm and cozy that I am smiling the whole way through, and long after, reading. Thank you for brightening my day!

  59. Deb K says:

    Another beautiful post. A wonderful way to start the day. And you offer two of my favorite things for a giveaway…a quilt and a vintage Christmas book. I cherish the quilts my Grandmothers and Aunts have made for me and my children. And my very favorite book is one from my father’s childhood – a vintage Christmas Treasury from the 1940’s. Hope I am lucky to add to my collections. Thank you Susan for your generosity!

  60. Charlene M Boyle says:

    What beautiful pictures! You are so uplifting! I have “pet” crickets in my home at the moment! Love to hear them sing!! 🎶

  61. Valerie Johnson in Weatherford, Texas says:

    Well, I hate to hear that “they” don’t want the kids trick-or-treating. That’s just not right. I hope the children still dress up and come out on the sidewalks to see each other and say “boo”! A sort-of Halloween parade?

    How wonderful that yall got a firepit! We’ve had one (actually we’re on our 2nd now) for about 10 years and we have enjoyed it so much! Many good conversations happen around a cozy, crackling fire. We live in Texas, so as soon as the temperature dips into the low 70s, we’re ready! hahaha Sometimes we don’t even wait for it to get dark. By the way, I’ll be interested to hear which camp you and Joe fall into: “you can’t burn THAT” or “sure I can”. A fire outdoors is just different and tends to bring out the pyromaniac in some people. 🙂 ENJOY!!

  62. Sondra says:

    Your sky pictures are so beautiful! I take my grandchildren outside to see rainbows and clouds and sunsets and the moon whenever I get a chance, so that we can appreciate the beauty together. It was a delight to see the Once on Christmas book. I thought I recognized the illustrator, so I scrolled down to see if it was Lois Lenski. And it was! It’s lovely that you were inspired by that book.

  63. Barb in Utah says:

    Your posts are always so uplifting and positive! I always feel more cheerful after reading them, so I occasionally re-read them if I get dumpy! Thank you!

  64. jamie says:

    I always feel happy and appreciative for the little things when I read your blog. Since Fall is my favorite season, I just loved all the fun pumpkin pictures.

  65. Laura Hapner says:

    Your pictures are simply stunning. What type of camera do you use? I was a guest at Titcomb’s virtual tea party. I quickly started looking for a copy of the book Once on Christmas. But, alas, none to be found. And now, this. The opportunity to win a copy! Yay! Love all that you are and do to help us remember that the world is an enchanting place.

  66. Helen "Maggie" Giltmier says:

    As always, your pictures are so beautiful, they touch my heart and let me see all God’s beautiful gifts to us. Thank you for all your love and sharing and using your gift’s God has lessed you with. My heart has been so heavy and longing to be hugged and to be able to hug family, friends and two new little great-grand babies. My little stray cat, Smokey is my love, I do not know how I would get through without him! I love to cook and bake, so my neighbors are lovingly spoiled with goodies and little encouraging love notes. I pray for our world every day, for goodness and kindness, and strength and respect, and healing of hearts. I hope someday to hear back from you. God bless all, stay safe and well! Maggie

  67. Lori from Prescott says:

    Hi, Susan!
    On a Happier more encouraging note: have you seen Miranda Mills Vlog Tea and Tattle?
    She is a fan of yours and has featured several of your books on her Vlog.
    Just adore her veddy British accent and her sweet Mom, Donna!

  68. Kathy Edgington says:

    Hi Susan. Reading your post gave me so many ideas and lifted my spirits. I can’t waut to get your new Christmas book and puzzle. Thank you for helping me to find the good things in each season!

  69. Cat Wheeler says:

    I loved the Christmas book – gave one to my darling Aunt and had two of my cousins order the book also. I have a Children’s book collection (which is bulging at the seams) but I’m thinking I can make room for your book -which by the way, I have your other books all over my house.
    Most importantly, I want to thank you for your blogs (I also follow you on Twitter). These blogs take me away virtually and in those sweet moments, I forget what is going on in the outside world. Priceless!
    Stay well, Cat Wheeler

  70. Gloria Howard says:

    Oh Susan, how very much I needed your latest blog! It really calmed me down.
    I have had a most stressful week as an elementary school nurse. You should see how great the students are doing with their mask wearing and social distancing. Even the three year olds are keeping their masks on. They just want to be in school. We’re doing a Hybrid model, two days in school and three remote. Two cohorts. My heart goes out to the parents who are trying to juggle this with their jobs. I laughed when you said you were going to burn your 2020 calendar. I have all my Susan branch calendars saved over many years… but I’m thinking I like the idea of burning this one! Would love to be in the drawing for the sweet vintage Christmas book, to sit alongside your Christmas book, of which I bought three. Have to give one to my girlfriends.

  71. Joanie B says:

    Thank you Susan for this after lunch before a nap respite. The sky photos were so relaxing. I am a fan of Lois Lenski! I have a copy of I Love Winter book and dislay it at Christmas. For all the Betsy/Tacy/Tib fans, Lois Lenski illustrated most all those titles in the series. Well, have great day and thanks again for sharing your photos!

  72. Paula Bautista says:

    The quilt you posted reminded me of the drawings I did of flowers as a child. My flowers looked like lollipops! There’s something so cheerful about the shapes we see in flowers and leaves.

  73. Susan Wirthwein says:

    That’s funny, I was thinking of a fire pit, too! And I love your New Year’s Eve plan!

  74. Karen McShea says:

    Flowers make everything better…and Lois Lenski’s drawings are wonderful. Thanks for always lifting our spirits.

  75. Cleta Matsunaga says:

    Reading your blog makes living this pandemic easier to bear. Abundant blessings to you as you share your love!

  76. Sandra says:

    iI enjoyed your Christmas book so much♥ Beautiful memories are such a blessing.
    Your blog is such an inspiration, like a ray of sunshine, lifts ones spirits so much.
    Thank you for sharing your life, home and blessings with us.

  77. Gael says:

    Autumn starts to chill the air
    Until the trees look sad and bare,
    Time for fireside tales, you know,
    Underneath the lamplight’s glow.
    Makes you feel you want to sigh,
    Now the summer’s stolen by.
    ….from The ABC Book – Autumn

  78. Dana Abend says:

    I love your work thank you for sharing!

  79. Ann Edwards says:

    I am ready to think about Christmas now! Can’t wait to read your new book!

  80. Karen Hardy says:

    Thanks you for all your inspirations of fall, clouds and the outdoors. I just bought a fire pit and excited to have many conversations around it. Oh and your Christmas book just arrived!

  81. Shanna Jones says:

    A beautiful post, since I am a quilter and a lover of books this speaks to me . Can’the wait wait for the crowd cast at The Kings English bookstore.It is a special place.

  82. Coco says:

    Oh my goodness, Miss Susan, Home for Christmas is so wonderful!!! I tried so hard to ration myself, to read only a couple of pages at a time to make it last on my first trip through. I just wanted to savor each word, each painting, each memory ~ which I did ~ but I fear I also gobbled to some extent. But as with your Mother and Grandmother’s beautiful Christmas turkey, I was soon back for seconds, and now thirds. I will be treasuring this book forever.

    I hope to someday see a copy of Once at Christmas. Please put my name in the hat for that, thanks. And thank you so much for giving us an early Christmas with this book. Indeed we can all use a little Christmas, right this very minute (even if Christmas is not the precise holiday you celebrate… the point is the same). The Titcomb’s tea to introduce it was just lovely. Always wonderful to hear your voice… I wish you would sing something for us twice in a while. But we got to hear Joe! All that was missing was a good “Meow” from Jack (if he’s a talker — is he?). I used to communicate with my big orange kitty Marmalade (get it?) by meowing in lots of ways, and he would answer (when he deigned to, after all, he was a Cat) with different-sounding meows and chattering. We understood each other very well. If I see a kitty when I am out walking, I always greet him with my friendly, inquisitive “Mow-wow?” which means, “I see you! How are you?” then I kitty-click to say “Come see me!” Not all kitties come to see me (though many do, happy) but I get some kind of acknowledgement from almost all of them. Oh, kitties are the best. No, you’re the best. Then kitties.

    Merci mille fois! xoxox Coco

    • sbranch says:

      LOL! Mow-wow Coco!😻 I think we speak the same language! Thank you for the sweet words about my book… I’m SO happy you like it!♥️

  83. Coco says:

    …forgot to say, What a terrific picture of Jack looking out the window at the pumpkins. He’s wearing his Halloween costume ~ he’s going as a Black Cat.

  84. Jan Ash says:

    Just what I needed today! I’ve been traveling a bit to do home building and now need to quarantine myself for 2 weeks so I have been a bit lonesome. Thank you Susan for giving me so much happiness today through your words and every perfect photo and painted picture! I loved being at the virtual Tea with Titcombs bookstore. I got my wonderful Christmas book and sat in the car and read it cover to cover, then again when I got home from the post box.
    God bless you always!

  85. Carol Most says:

    Your sky photos are a gift, sacred moments, and I thank you for sharing them.
    I often find myself catching a glimpse of a sunset from my kitchen window and high tailing it to the middle of the street in front of my house, where the view is unobstructed by trees, standing, gazing. In moments, its changes and is gone.
    Reminding us to be ever present, as you often do!

  86. Melanie Dostal says:

    Thank you for sharing so many beautiful photos 😊

  87. Maureen Graham says:

    Hello Susan, Joe, and Jack,

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I absolutely adore the Christmas book. I lost my mom last November and I still can’t believe she’s gone. You are in my prayers. Autumn is in full swing here! I love the smell.
    Love from Michigan

  88. dena e. says:

    blog is beautiful, encouraging, inspiring as always
    thank you for taking the time to be uplifting
    I think of Mr Rogers singing
    It’s a beautiful day
    love fall
    even though it’s raining

  89. Pam Stevens says:

    Happy October…my favorite color….
    Susan, your words speak to my heart. Your pictures make my whole body smile. Thank you so much for sharing yourself, your life, your loves, your family and your cats with all of us muggles. You are such a treasure and I have no doubt we would be besties in real time. I love love love the firepit and I am tempted to order one this very minute. Nothing like being in the open sky, chilly on one side and toasty on the other! LOVE!!!! I also want to find your little vintage Christmas book to go along with Home for Christmas. I hope I am not too late for the drawing. Time has lost meaning these days….did I just read your blog yesterday and weeks of yesterdays ago. Hugs and October Wishes! Pam

  90. Dene Rivera says:

    I absolutely love all the heartfelt things you do and share. It’s in the simple things that beauty is found. I always look forward to all the beautiful things you share.
    Thank you……and please keep doing what you do.


  91. Sherry Palla says:

    Especially LOVE your photography Susan. Wish I could share mine with you. Autumn is so inspiring in northern MN. God is surely blessing us with His artistry. Happy Indian Summer! 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁💕. Thanks for your blogs Susan.

  92. Sharon Crane says:

    Dear Susan! As always, you inspire me. Loved the beautiful pictures of nature. Loved the pictures of pumpkins and kitties. Now my home is decorated with all things witchy, pumpkiny, and (always) kitty! I’m making apple bread today and starting Alice Hoffman’s prequel to Practical Magic, Magic Lessons. It’s a beautiful day in New England! XOXO

  93. Yvonne sullivan says:

    Thank You Susan for all the lovely pictures.Good to know you and Joe and Jack are doing well.Enjoy the beautiful fall we are here in Ohio.Susan I now have a beautiful calico cat she came to us almost a yr ago.We had lost our husky dog Nikki at 14 yrs.Thus Callie was a neighbor cat but she kept coming to our house she didn’t like her house anymore.they had rescued some cats and one big male always beat her up we love her

  94. Nicola Haynes says:

    “For the beauty of the earth and the beauty of the skies”.Thank you for your lovely blog, so inspirational and warming for the soul.

  95. Rose says:

    This blog captures the wonderful, beautiful Fall. I have loved every page. Best wishes.

  96. Laurel says:

    Dearest Susan,

    Your sweet mother lives on through you.💕 What a testament to a “ job well done” of being a wonderful daughter to a wonderful mother. Thank you for giving us all so much joy when inspiring and encouraging us through your kind words and creativity!

  97. Shirley Albertson says:

    You make my heart happy and your art inspires me. I’m new to watercolor painting but have loved dabbling in calligraphy and now painting. I recognized the art work of Lois Lenski and loved her books as a kid, beautifully simplistic and old fashioned. I love collecting old books, especially children’s books. Thank you for brightening our days and making me want to get outside and appreciate nature. I’m curious if you use a good camera for your pictures. I hardly use anything besides my phone anymore. I’m going in search of that beautiful old Christmas book to go with my purchase of yours. Even better would be the delightful surprise of winning it!

  98. starr miller says:

    Hi Susan
    I love your Christmas book and the Christmas mugs!! Your photos are always fabulous.
    It’s warm here in the burbs of Chicago but getting cooler next week. Fall has definitely arrived though. Trees are turning and pumpkins are out on lawns and porches.
    Your new fire pit is terrific. 😊

  99. Pat Borgwald says:

    Oh Susan, your Christmas book is a true delight! As I read it my mind wanders back to my own childhood Christmas memories. Thank you for the time travel. The trees at our farm are just beginning to show off their fall colors. The biggest delight of all is a new pair of calves; identical twins, shiny black with matching white spots on their faces…so very cute. Can’t you just feel the year slowing down and getting simpler? Time to take notice of all the blessings we’ve been given and remember those we love and care about. Time to love and care for each other, and remember those who are no more. Peace

  100. Sandy Monnin says:

    Thank you, thank you, for all you do in making this world a more beautiful place. Your Mama must be so proud of you! I know I am!

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