Home on Martha’s Vineyard and New England Houses

We are HOME and happy to be here with darling kitties! I hope you will love this charming MUSICA . . . 

Perfect music for nesting . . . which is what I did yesterday, our first day home; I waltzed around to this song putting everything back in order; kissing the kitties, hanging laundry, eating farm-stand Honey Crisp apples, putting the pumpkins we bought on the porch, hanging the wreath on the door. I dressed my stove in the two vintage dishtowels I found on the trip . . . cute eh?  Look at those embroidered, appliqued apples!  How come that was even THERE?  Why hadn’t someone snapped it up before me?  Lucky!!

I was all over the place trying to figure out how to do this post . . . I have too many different subjects/things from the trip to show you!  But since I started with antiques, I thought I would continue that way . . . especially because we careened into every antique-store driveway we saw and found some really fun things.

“Was it open?” were the most-often spoken words on our trip.

This cute little barn was filled with wonderful old stuff.

But this one had the best prices!  I found a 4′ x 6′ black, flowered, hooked rug here, for $49!  For my pantry.  Oh yes!

Some things struck me as perfect for Christmas presents . . . like this large embroidered towel with the title “Mother’s Little Helper” on the back.  For some reason I’m weakest for embroidery, potholders, tablecloths, napkins, dishtowels, fabrics, needlepoints; the soft stuff.

And I found another vintage measuring cup! These are not easy to find!  The shapes are softer than the modern ones,  and they aren’t printed on, they’re embossed!

But this was the big one, and I do mean big.  I walked into a wonderful store called Rustology in Stafford Springs, CT and just fell in love with this old doll house.  It was almost four feet tall, and about six feet wide . . . and three feet deep.

The front of the house is on wheels and you can roll it away to reveal the wonderful rooms inside.

Wouldn’t Jack just LOVE this?  The owner of the antique store said he found it in the attic of a Massachusetts house during an estate sale.  It was originally built as an exact replica of the real house — It must have had a room of it’s own to live in, it’s so big.

What this must have looked like when it was furnished, I can’t imagine!  That flowered piece on the floor is an actual carpet, a tiny petit point; and you can see the old wall paper.  And the doors!  And the doorknobs!

If this was my house, I would make everything for it.  I would paint little paintings, and mold little clay, and stencil the walls.  It would be so much fun finding the perfect pots and pans, making tiny pillows, looking for little dishes.  Decorating it for the holidays!!!  Joe could make beds, I could make sheets.  Our real house could fall apart, but the doll house would be perfect at all times!

It definitely needs help, but it has great bones … and all the wonderful details; trim around doors and baseboards.

The shutters are perfect, and there’s glass in the windows, and through this window you can see two other doors with doorknobs.

The front door . . . Imagine it with tiny lights on it!  The owners of the antique store love the doll house as much as me; they were showing it with so much pride.  I don’t think they are in any hurry to sell it; they’d only had it for two weeks . . .  they were asking $6,500 for it.

 Anyway, I had a lot of fun in there pretending what I would do with it if it were mine.  I considered which room in my house I might put it in, and came to the conclusion that it was too big for any of them.  I also would have wanted it when I was twenty, so I could have done it the same way I did my charm bracelet, making and gathering one piece at a time, from everywhere, so each piece could have a story to go with it.  Magical magical house.  Lucky someone who will end up with it!  But this house requires commitment,  if you move, you have to pack it and take it with you which would he a true heck of a packing job!  Maybe the smart thing would be to get it, give it to a historical society with the caveat that during your own lifetime, no body touches it but YOU.

This house was in the same store . . . . MUCH less expensive — $250 . . . and pretty darn cute, although it needs a lot of work.  It opens like a little closet … how smart, hardly takes up any space at all; I really liked the original shape of this.

And it has lots of charming details too. . .

Inside, you can still see vestiges of the glory that it once was . . . but someone would have to start from the beginning to put it right again.

Sooo, while I’m at it, I thought I’d show you some of the pictures I took of REAL houses as we drove hill and dale around Connecticut and Massachusetts.

Because truly, one of the inspirations that motivated me into moving to New England was the charming houses I saw in books and movies.  I wanted an old house sooooo badly; my life just wasn’t going to be complete until I got one.

Just look at these and you will see why. I would be perfectly ecstatic to have any of them!  Look at that glassed in porch.  Perfect for a tea party!

Obviously these people have another way to get into this very old house besides the front door!  Look at those pumpkins!!!  Wonderful, huh?

Of course, I am a fool for picket fences with colored leaves falling around them.

Sunny cottage, little arched porch, dentil-work up top, and tiny windows.

Very old house, leaves swirling through the air.

Love this soft yellow house in Historic Deerfield, Massachusetts — if you ever get a chance to drive through here, you should do it…. the prettiest houses ever, so full of history, most of the houses are very old, pre-Revolutionary war!

The great thing about these houses is that no two are exactly alike and all so amazingly romantic … I always wonder what kind of thinking was going on that they added so much gingerbread; the wide porches, bay windows, columns, and balconies?  And inside, with all the built-in little nooks and crannies!  Some of the bigger houses have a cozy fireplace in every room!  I think I would have liked those people!

So on we drove, past houses and barns, farm stands, graveyards, and antique stores . . .

The sunsets would light the mountains on fire with color . . .

In one little town, we saw they were having a Book Sale . . . So of course we stopped to see what treasures we could unearth . . .

OH BOY, look what I found!! My first book, Heart of the Home!  Rescue secured!  Book no longer lurking pitifully in cardboard box!  I brought my baby back home.  Pobrecito!

And then, while nesting all day yesterday; I put some Martha’s Vineyard sand in my new measuring cup; then I added a pear-shaped candle I found on the trip, and a couple of shells and some sea glass.  I thought, how perfect for the kitchen table!

And then I set it on top of my book, and it all looked so cute together, I thought,

I already have one of these books, and I already have one of these candle holders; I should make this a give-away for the girls, because they stick by me through thick and thin.  And so that’s what it is!

And then, guess what?  My brand new Collector’s Edition Ornament was waiting for me when I went to get the mail!  Isn’t it cute?  This is the 5th year in a row for our dated collectible ornament (no, in case you’re wondering, we don’t have any left from the other years; we only get a few in of each design, and because they are dated, when they’re gone, they’re gone!) . . . . so, I thought, oh yes, I better throw this in with the book and the candle, right?  They look so good together. 

I added a leaf I brought home from the trip . . . . and I’ll sign the book when I know the name of the winner and where its new home will be.  Just leave a comment, and you will be entered in our drawing for all these goodies!  And BTW, if my blog is being emailed to you, you have to come directly to my website (click here: www. to enter for the drawing . . . just scroll to the bottom of this post where you see the tiny word “comments.”  Click there, and leave a comment and that will automatically enter you!

OK Girls, bye-bye for now … I have more to show you, but realized this would be the longest post EVER if I tried to do the whole trip all at once.  So, there’s more to come!  XOXO Love, me

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1,947 Responses to Home on Martha’s Vineyard and New England Houses

  1. Cindy says:

    Hi Susan!
    I’ve been nesting as well! Time to put away all the summer decorations and bring the warmth of fall into the house. I made a pumpkin/gourd tower for the first time this year! It sits regally on the porch by the mud room door. I’ve even added in a few fun Halloween pieces! I drove around today trying to catch some of the fall glory before the rains and wind come tonight and knock off most of our leaves. It’s been exceptional here in the Cincinnati area. The weather has been wonderful with just a hint of coolness. LOVE, love, love it! Thank you for the great MUSICA! My DH is going out of town this week and I plan on catching up on some of the old movies you have posted…can’t wait! Maybe a little fire in the fireplace as well.
    How wonderful to recue one of your “babies” from a box! All of my copies have a wonderfully prominent place in my glass front kitchen cupboard : ) Thank you for taking us on your trip with you – so much fun!
    Fondly – Cindy

  2. Terri says:

    What lovliness! I hope to make it to New England some day, but for now I enjoy it through your blog. Thanks for the cute giveaway, too!

  3. Mary Pat Clark says:

    I, too am a “transplanted New Englander” having moved here from Baltimore, MD 40+ years ago after getting married. Living in western Massachusetts is lovely: not too far from Historic Deerfield and some of the other lovely sites you visited on your tour. LOVE your books, and your art and your love of life!

  4. Can I come live with you guys….I’m sure Jack and I would be good buddies!
    Love your blog and can’t wait for the new book!

  5. peg says:

    Just back from Yosemite…a marvelous…bea-utiful trip! Turned on the computer and found the latest announcement for a drawing! Who wouldn’t love that measuring cup??? I have the book, of course…but, then, I am putting my name into Vanna’s hat….the book would make a fabulous gift! Great post, dear Sue!!! I’m thinking you will be republishing you charming blog posts for years to come…and aren’t we lucky???!!! xoxo ♥ peg

  6. DonnaRay Evans says:

    Good Gravy! I almost missed the chance for Vanna to pick me! Have been traveling, also…… I think we may have passed each other on some of those back roads of Massachusetts. Such brilliant fall colors even in the misty rain that greeted us several mornings. And, g u e s s w h a t ?? I found a copy of your Christmas book in a junque shop in VT. It baffles me how one of your books could lose it’s owner…….we all treasure them so much. So, it really is important to rescue them. I’m off to nestle in….the best part of coming home. As always, DonnaRay

  7. Patricia says:

    After spending the day cleaning the family room, I enjoyed riding along with you through New England. Originally from “up north”, I miss the vivid colors of the Autumn leaves. Your kitchen window and decorated porch has inspired me to follow suit…tomorrow I’ll bring down some totes from the attic and bring a little Fall too my southern home!

  8. Verana Barron says:

    I really enjoy your blog. It makes me more aware of the little things in life that are important and add pleasure to each day.

  9. Suzanne says:

    Hi Susan, I’m so happy to be back! I was in Florida for a week with no computer and I really missed your adventures! So happy you found your book and took it home and to be gifted to someone who will treasure it. I have almost all your books..and I love them so. I just picked up a book I had never heard of before..”Little Dinners, ” its adorable. I enjoyed your trip through New England, I live here and never seem to find the time to actually take a few days to travel through it, oh well maybe in retirement. Have a great day! ~ East Longmeadow, Ma.

    • Carol Lichwala says:

      Hi Suzanne,
      I just found this blog from Susan and noticed you are from East Longmeadow….so am I. I live at the Brownstone Gardens, I am sure you know where that is.

  10. joanna says:

    I would love to win too. Then again, who wouldn’t? Lol. I love this post. I love the pictures you always post-so warm and homey. I have adrenal fatigue so I can’t have the kind of life you have and though I struggle with depression because of this, your peaceful, loving writing and pictures speak to my heart and bring joy into my life. So thank you for your blogs, books, everything you share with others. 🙂

  11. Debbie Allen says:

    Just found your blog this week and really enjoy everything about it. Thanks for such a wonderful time !!

  12. Joanie Bedwell says:

    Beautiful, oh beautiful New England!!!

  13. Dorene says:

    Reading your blog is like taking a mini-vacation. Thank you for sharing the magic of island life and for reminding us to enjoy all of the simple pleasures in life !

  14. Annie, Southern California says:

    Thank you for your gorgeous Fall photos! I want to go buy some Honey Crisp Apples – so yummy! 🙂

  15. Bebe says:

    I really like how you rescued your book! (“Pobrecito!”) So cute!
    Love the dollhouse– too bad it was so expensive. Sounds like a
    wonderful trip!

  16. Kelley says:

    I hope that you enjoy the visit with your girlfriends. Your Peter Rabbit guest room will be a hit, I’m sure. Happy Fall!

  17. Jeanete says:

    Such loveliness.
    I have two architects in my family and maybe a little of that rubbed off on me because I love looking at the design elements of old houses.

  18. Suzanne says:

    Thanks so much for letting me see New England through all your pictures.

    My dream is to go there one day. I also have a weakness for all things embroidered, tea towels, crocheted pot holders and needlepoint. Love all your stories.
    thanks so much for sharing

  19. Cindy Chaplin says:

    Love the trip you took around New England to enjoy the beautiful fall leaves, antique shopping and pumpkin gathering:) Love the book you found…that you wrote, that must have been a really great surprise! 🙂 Thanks for sharing it with one of your lucky girlfriends.

  20. Jennifer Cooper says:

    I’m happy to be back in the Northwest to enjoy a true fall. We lived in California for six years and I always missed fall the most. I love the antique measuring cup, the embossing is such a great feature. I would save the book for one of my girls. I already have one copy for myself.

  21. Erin says:

    Hi Susan,

    I have been a long time fan. I was introduced to your work by my Mom when she gave me my first of your cook books in my box of house keeping stuff for my High School Graduation, among the many items was Christmas from the Heart of the Home. Since then I have gotten more my most recent, Christmas joy. I have adored using your stickers and stationary in my scrap booking and diary entries. I also use them in my cards I send out monthly, I feel the art and joy of getting a hand written note in the mail is dyeing and had decided several years ago, when we adopted our children to share with them and write 5 letters or cards and send them out once a month. I am an avid quilter and have used your work as inspiration in some in some of my quilting projects. I love reading Wilard and your blog posts about your daily life & adventures that you so graciously share, you are a treasure! I am a native Pacific North-westerner and have never seen the east coast and have loved being on your adventures with you through the years, thank you!!!

  22. Katy Rollins says:

    I’ve been busy enjoying the midwest fall. Today I found I’d been away from my friend Susan for a long time. Our peak is almost past, early because of the drought but it;s been remarkedly red and gold. Thanks for the trip down a New England road.

  23. cynth66 says:

    We just returned home last night from Amish Country in Holmes Co. Ohio. The drive was just gorgeous. Leaves in peak color. Autumn is my favorite time of year!!

  24. Donna Bradley says:

    Oh Susan,
    You are the most loving and generous person I know. Your giveaway is going to be a special treat for someone this fall. It was so delightful to read this post about your trip with Joe. I must say, you two have the best time together and go to the neatest destinations! Thanks for taking time to share with your girlfriends.
    Love from Texas~Donna

  25. Marge says:

    This is my time of year. Here is Western Pennsylvania I welcome the cooler temperatures, autumn colors, and shorter days. I could be a mole! I love the coziness of being inside on a dark morning. I can bake, read, stitch, watch old movies and be so content. Reading your blogs is a real pleasure. Thank you for spoiling me.

  26. Mindy says:

    I just had surgery this week and I am in bed for 2-3 weeks. Keep the blogs coming so I have something to do! Thanks!

  27. Julie says:

    I so enjoyed our trip along the tree-lined roads of New England. Your website makes me happy, and that is the simple truth. Thank you for sharing your vision with all of us, it is so inspiring & fills me with hope. I am now taking meditation classes just because you mentioned that meditation helped you clarify your path in life. I would love to hear more about that one day. Happy fall Ms. Susan!

    Julie from the Bay Area

    • sbranch says:

      OHHHH, so good Julie. Meditation changed my life. I can’t tell you how important it was to my path. SO happy for you!!! Remember, it’s cumulative, and doesn’t take too long before it starts changing the way you do things. SO powerful. Happy for you!

  28. melinda w says:

    Heart & Soul medicine–Autumn in New England and Susan Branch sharing it in a post…ah! Warm smile begin! Sitting with tea, a few lamps on ((loved the lamp post (Oo! that pun came from nowhere!Perhaps a sign that i’ll have a clever day) afew weeks ago)), kitty in a ball, and my three Beauties still snuggled in dreamland.
    Fall is snuggly, cozy, baking, pumpkins-which, to me and teaching my3 girls, are instant smile-makers, apples, friends….ah! Just so wonderful. You sharing it is the perfect cup of tea!
    So glad the trip for you & Joe was delightful and you two returned home safely to your kitty-kitties(a loving phrase of my girls’). Finding a copy of one of your “babies” at the library sale was like finding a message in a bottle. Some lovely someone enjoyed it thoroughly, and now it “floated” home.
    grateful for the delights you share,

  29. Mary from Boulder says:

    Hello Susan,
    I got a little spooked with your first picture of the charming doll house. You must have noticed the ghostly face floating just beyond. It took awhile to register the frame of what must be a painting/picture hanging on a back wall. Funny though–it does look like a former owner of the dollhouse watching over it from the Great Beyond!
    Thank you for all of your heart-full love of nature and home and Life! – Mary

  30. Diana F. says:

    Oh! Another great mini vacation shared through your eyes and your camera! You are too good to us, Susan. I just loved it. I live in Middle Tennessee, and, it is just starting to feel like “nesting time”, here too…………..and homemade soups, and baked bread.

  31. Anna Steinle says:

    Jealous jealous jealous! Absolutely envious of the trip you just got to enjoy with your husband. I’m living vicariously through you and believe it or not, meeting you is on my bucket list. I’m devestated I can’t order past ornaments, but that’s okay…Looking for them will be just as much fun. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your life. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  32. Selima Garris says:

    I love the pictures of New England. I have never been there. I love reading about your adventures. Selima in Northern California

  33. Judy Morphis says:

    I love your blog, your books and drawings. Thank you for the opportunity to be in this drawing. You are an inspiration.

  34. Donna Dragonette says:

    Nothing says Fall more than New England. I imagine myself walking those streets and hearing the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet. The lighting and the colors of the season speak “warm and cozy” to me. I would love to be sitting on one of those porches with hot apple cider and your “Heart of the Home” book.

  35. Carie says:

    Fall is my favorite time. Love to decorate the house, find pretty leaves…I collect a bunch and melt some parrifin wax, dip the leaves and let them dry….they don’t last forever, but they stay for the season. they look so pretty all over. I give bundles away to friends, spreading the autumn pretties!! My son (15) has always loved this time of year, and loves to light all the candles in the house with no other lights on, so pretty, I love that he appreciates the heart of the home!!! I am in awe of the beauty. Decorations outside are not as cute as I normally like, as my son has decided to make a cemetary of tombstones and cobwebs…..too fun!!!
    Thank you for posting your blogs and pictures, I love to see the little videos you post, driving down the road, ( would love to live there!), watching your sheets blow in the wind, sounds!!!! Lovely!!
    Love ya Susan, you are my hero!!!!
    ~~~~ Carie

  36. diane says:

    Fall greetings from Pismo Beach….Love your blog,I read it over and over..enjoy the season with your friends from California….

  37. Karen Lawson says:

    I’m in love,,,,with New England towns,,I heart all that you share with us!

    Windy woods, walks, leaves twirling in the air, soft glow of a fireplace fire, instilling in me my hearts desire.

  38. Susan Dasse says:

    Living in Grass Valley, CA since 2001 – how we miss New England – everything about it – especially the New England coastline. Having come from CT, how I enjoyed seeing your New England tour in the fall…..loved seeing all the New England houses, the trees, pumpkins, mums, etc. All that is so evocative of fall in the NE – thank you for taking the time to share all those pictures. What a treat!

  39. Christine Youngblood says:

    I treasure all of your books and now with the blog there is even more to inspire us on a weekly basis. So much joy for living!

  40. Miriam Glen says:

    How kind of you to have another give away – I would LOVE the opportunity to win this wonderful prize.

    I was thinking of you the other day – I live in Cumbria in England and we visited Hawkshead for the day and went to see Beatrix Potter’s original drawings (in her husband’s old offices) – It made me think of your England trip and how much you enjoyed visititing Beatrix Potter’s house in Sawrey.

  41. The Handmaiden says:

    Always grateful Susan, for the arm chair trips your blog allows us to travel with you on! Loved the doll houses…sends your imagination into overdrive with the possibilities. Thinking too, of the cost of that little gem and the fact at one time, “back in the day”, you could have bought a real house for that price!
    Thats one of the things that I love about you the most….you honor the lovely treasures of “back in the day” and keep them close and yet, with courage you move into the future with blogs and tweets, etc. that connect us all. What is that heart string that stitches us together throught the generations….I feel it here….love!

  42. Kathleen Hansen says:

    Here in California we have to search out the golds and oranges of Fall. Our weather is so temperate that the colors do not appear all at once. We still enjoy days in the mid to high 70’s. I received word today that my mother-in-law had passed during the night after a long battle with cancer. She was an excellent needle crafter and the tea towel with Mother’s Helper really reminded me of her today. She will be long remembered by her family as each of us use the many pillow cases and hand towels that she left for us to cherish.

  43. Janieb says:

    Beautiful, I love the homely pictures.

  44. Carol (Daisy) says:

    What a glorious trip you had! Here in Wisconsin, Door County is my favorite place for an autumn adventure. We were there for three days this past week and the colors were just beautiful despite the drought conditions we had this past summer. How delighted you must’ve been to find your book. I just happened to find one of my old favorite books by chance at a yard sale. My original copy was lost by an airline on a trip long ago!

  45. Buzz'n Bea says:

    What a lovely trip. When it is fall, I love it the best, However, when Spring arrives, then I love it the best. lol

  46. Jan from Michigan says:

    Beautiful pictures, what a fun trip meandering through New England!

  47. Amy Burks says:

    Hi Susan,
    My Mother and I both live in Delmont, PA about 5 minutes from eath other. It has become our daily routine to drink our morning coffee, chatting on the phone and looking at your blog. We loved seeing about your England trip and can’t wait for you to finish your book.

  48. Cathy says:

    I would love to win your treat. My daughter lives in England (Bicester-20 miles from Oxford) and we visited her while you were vacationing in England. It was so much fun following your blog and seeing that you visited many of the same places in the Cotswolds that we did (ie. Bibury). We lived on the east coast from ’68-’71 when my husband was in the Air Force, so it was great to visit there again. I love, love, love England. Wish air fare wasn’t so expensive so I could go every year!

  49. Caroline Delao says:

    Hello Susan, I was all ready for nesting and there was word on rain. But here we are again indian summer, and it is hot and windy and not a spec of rain. I’m done with the summer and ready for cool misty rainy holloween fall weather.

    This is perfect weather though for hanging out freshly washed quilts and sheets for a nice winters bed.

    Have a good day!!!

  50. crystal says:

    Just found your wonderful blog 🙂 what amazing posts and pic’s! I have bought a lot of your books over the years. Always make your sugar cookie recipe at Christmas 🙂
    -haPPyy day -crystal

  51. Kay says:

    I’m just discovering the world of Susan Branch and it’s a beautiful place! Warm, cozy and you never want to leave.

  52. Sally says:

    Oh my Susan, the pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Wish I could come see it all in person. Our Falls here in Oregon are very pretty and the trees are glorious, but I hope to get to New England! I love that you rescued your book, too cute. Thanks for thinking of us girls.

  53. stephanie says:

    Next fall I’m going to Deerfield for certain. Amazing. They filmed part of “Little Women” there because it is so authentic to the time period.

    LOVE your blog soooooooooooooo much!

  54. Lee Rose says:

    Oh how I miss New England~thank you for sharing.

  55. Terri J says:

    I have a definite weak spot for the ‘soft stuff’ too. Love the images, but also, there’s something about all those tiny stitches placed

  56. Terri J says:

    (continuing on thanks to cat typing! Apparently she thought I was done, ha!) — anyway, all those tiny stitches placed with such loving care just tug at my heartstrings. Can hardly resist ’em (and so I often don’t).
    Love the dollhouse too (and all the other big ones that are as cute as dollhouses). We have some lovely older homes in our little southern California town, but not nearly as old as the ones you have back there. Beautiful!
    (Better stop now before the cat decides again that I should stop, midsentence!)

  57. Connie Martin says:

    I loved this post, okay, I love all of your posts! I can’t remember if I already entered or not, it’s been one of those days. But, I love the measuring cup too. I bought the first big pumpkin yesterday and it is sitting on the front stoop. I am going to go antique shopping next weekend. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Love from Connie in Beautiful Ohio

  58. Brenda Scinto says:

    Wow I love traveling with you! I am a bit sad about not decorating for Halloween. We are leaving next weekend for three weeks away and will be missing Halloween for the first time ever! Coming back to November, and so I will decorate a little for fall before we leave, but not for Thanksgiving quite yet, although I am tempted! Trying to pack for three weeks away is proving quite a chore, but I am determined that I can do it and still move the suitcase. Thank you again for getting me so EXCITED about our trip to the UK. I got a few new ideas from you (namely a day trip to Stoke-on-Trent to visit Emma Bridgewater) and hope to make some discoveries of my own as well. Nothing more wonderful than the gift of a Susan Branch book!! You will certainly make someone’s day with that one. 🙂

  59. Peggy Lison says:

    Hi Susan,

    My highbush cranberry V. trilobum is the most gorgeous color of red in the leaves right now -berries eaten by chippies and birds weeks ago. So watch behind the barn -maybe yours is turning the perfect scarlet for a little vase . My little bouquet of leaves is on the dinning room table for us to enjoy.

    Hope the wedding was grand. Regards from Madison Peggy

  60. Sherry Palla says:

    Hi Susan. How was your friend’s wedding? And taking photographs…wow! That must have been a treat. Just tried your apple coleslaw with the lime juice and it was so very refreshing. Thanks for sharing those great recipes! Next I want to try the stuffed apple porkchops with sweet potatoes.

  61. Susan Vicary says:

    Dear Susan,
    Fall is my favorite time of the year..could it be this is my birthday month? It’s perfect here in
    Pennsylvania and the trees are gorgeous. I’m a serious nester that quilts, love to cook and seasonally decorate our home. I loved seeing the houses, looks like I would like the person who lives inside. Your blog always feels like a visit with a friend..thank you the opportunity to win. Your book would be a prize possession, and if I win please sign it.
    Hugs, Susan

  62. Marie says:

    Oh, how wonderful! Thank you………………Marie

  63. Robin Crittenden says:

    Love all the houses. But the best thing is Jack. He is just too cute. Does he get into everything? I have 3 6month old boys and they are nuts. Get into everything.

  64. Carol says:

    I would love to win this and give to my daughter who was married on saturday. It was a beautiful church wedding with a reception at a local refurbished clock factory in Zeeland, MI. My friends and I scouted out all the local thrift shops for wine glasses for the toasts! We found about 170 glasses for about $.25 each. Fun, fun! It was a great day. Thanks for all your inspriation.

  65. Stephanie says:

    How I miss Autumn in New England!!! As I read your blog, I can smell the crispness in the air, hear the crunch of leaves under my feet, marvel at the stunning fall wardrobe the trees are donning and almost taste that first bite of a ripe apple. Your words and illustrations stir the memories in the attic of my mind, especially since I’m living in sunny, warm year round, Florida.

  66. JoAnn Petersen says:

    Love the book, bought your calenders to day large medium and purse size to day love them all. thank you so much you have been in my life from the very beginning. JoAnn

  67. Pat K says:

    I have been a fan of yours for many years, how wonderful to be able to win a
    signed book (your 1st). I promise it would reside in a place of love and warmth!

  68. Martha N. says:

    Hi Susan, loved your post of the Fall trip. Fall does seem to be THE SEASON for those of us who worship the world of coziness! That tea towel is darling!
    I think if there were ever a “Cozy Convention” all of us who enjoy your work and your blog would be there on the front lines!!
    Thank you for taking the time to bring all of us together via your blog

  69. Paula B. says:

    I had forgotten how lovely riding the back roads of New England can be! How much there is to enjoy in just looking and imagining, then returning home to see your kitchen with fresh eyes. Travel is creative!

  70. Anita Taylor says:

    I haven’t entered in a very long time …. maybe it’s finally my turn to be the winner!! Anita

  71. Debra says:

    What a dear and generous soul you are. I love your work, your wit, your recipes and especially your thrill of everything ‘English”. Your blog is such a soft place to land when I am stressed and in need of a a cup of tea and a positive moment in my day. Thanks so much for making a difference in my world.

  72. Dawney from Knoxville, TN says:

    Thank you for being you, and bringing so much adventure and magical life into my world!

  73. Jane says:

    Thank you Susan for sharing your wonderful photos of your leaf peeping New England travels with Joe! Enjoyed the antiques also! I now live in AZ and miss the gorgeous fall colors of nature. I was able to travel home to MA (north shore) in Sept. for my Dad’s 80th birthday celebration. Too early for the color. Maybe next year. 🙂

  74. What a wonderful, generous give-away! Thank you for transporting us all to New England via your blog!

  75. Mary Kay says:

    What a glorious trip you had.

  76. Darla says:

    What a lovely little tour of New England in the fall. I am also transforming my Ohio home and garden from summer to fall. I hate to give up the garden, but the frost and rains force me to realize growing season is past. What a sweet little give away!

  77. Cathy A. says:

    My husband and I have recently purchased a small weekend getaway house in the NY Finger Lakes. The leaves have been beautiful and the antique shops are plentiful, also the wine 🙂
    Reading your blog, especially how much you enjoy the fall, has reminded me to really celebrate the brief beauty of the season! Thanks Susan

  78. Jane in Pennsylvania says:

    The northeast USA is so beautiful, isn’t it? And so much history, too. I love that you share your little trips with us.

  79. Virginia (Ginny) Campbell says:

    Wow! Love your blog!!!! My friend Julie, or Jewel as I have branded her, sent this to me today and I feel like we were separated at birth! She said you would get a kick out seeing our home. I will send you a pic if I can figure out how and where. Tad bit challenged with the iPhone! But let me boldly say, I would crawl on glass and pull out my own tooth to be on your gift list! That towel with the mom and daughter is way beyond heartstopping! If I would have seen it first, I would have calmly picked it up, paid for it, strolled out to my car, shut the door and had a full blown COOING PARTY! Never have I seen such a cool embroidered towel! My grandmother did many flour sack towels for me that I treasured until they turned to dust. I love the pictures of the houses, too! I would love to do a road trip out east, just to look at houses. I think in a horse drawn buggy. New addition to my Bucket List.
    Can’t wait to read more of your blog!
    Greetings from Duluth, MN

    • sbranch says:

      I know just how you feel. Sometimes I see something across the room in an antique store, something I know I want, and I slide up to it, so nonchalantly, so no one can hear my heart beating, and snatch it fast, or if necessary, block it from the view of the rest of the world until I know I have it!!! Nice to meet you Ginny!

  80. Oh, Susan! You do the neatest things! And go to the neatest places! I want to be you. 🙂

  81. Geneva says:

    Thank you for the wonderful fall pictures and the “pictures” of your life that you write with your words. Always delightful to visit your site and your life.

  82. diane says:

    Pick me!! Pick me!!
    My Joe and I love to wander in New England, but have never been able to tear outselves away from the seacoast. I’m thinking next fall we might be able to drag ourselves inland and enjoy many of these beautiful sights.

  83. natalie jo says:

    Ooodles of thanks to you for sharing those wonderful dollhouse finds. The first house is truly amazing (and the perfect size for a Hitty doll I’m sure!) I love, love, love those windows…..someone was certainly very thoughtful to consider that even wee dollies might enjoy a breeze now and then.

    It was the poor cupboard house, however, that made my heart skip. My dad made me a similar style dollhouse for Christmas many, many years ago. It had curtains and rugs and all sorts of goodies to play with inside. I imagine by now it’s in some such similar state way back in Wyoming. Too bad because I just happen to have the perfect spot for it now that I’m all grown up with a house of my own. Hmmmm…..wonder if dear old dad has any anything to do between now and Christmas…hint, hint!!!

    Happy housekeeping big and samll!
    natalie jo

  84. Susan Brodin says:

    I am new to your website and blog. I am so glad that I found you! I have been buying your calendars and enjoying them so much for years!

    Another Susan B

  85. Nancy Rybicki says:

    Hi Susan,
    We’ve come a long way together. I’ve been using your cookbooks practically since you wrote them. They are the final words to me at the Holidays. We’ve had many Christmas dinners out of Heart of the Home and Vineyard Seasons.
    I’ve come a long way in my cooking, (not that I’m so great but I used to be worse), and I’ve watched you come a long way, too. You’ve prospered and done well and I’m very happy for you.
    Your trip to Connecticut has inspired me to do the same. It won’t be so difficult for us because it’s really just a hop, skip and a jump. I’m practically there.
    By the way, in the spring I went to the Schiaperelli/Prada exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum in Manhattan and bought a wall calendar for myself. I don’t know why I did that because I’m definitely putting your calendar up in the place where I’ve had them for years. I guess the other will have to be a gift for someone!
    Now, I’m going upstairs and read the Willards starting with the first one (hard copies that you sent out). Take care and Happy Thanksgiving.
    Fondly, Nancy

  86. Maxine Larsen says:

    LOVE LOVE your blog….it makes me smile everytime I read it…also love your cook books..thanks for the chance to win

  87. Linda C says:

    Greetings Susan. : )
    Linda C here . . I was on a trip in Cape Cod the last few days with my girlfriend Cindi and her mom, we got to visit Vineyard Haven on Sunday . . We are hoping you found a postcard we left for you while exploring : )
    Cindi and her mom are still on the Cape . . I flew down to DC last evening to join my hubbie on a business trip . . Later this week he has some business in Vermont and then we get to spend a day driving thru Vermont, I can’t wait ! It has been fun reading about your travels on your blog, we sure are enjoying all the fall color here !!! Soon we will be back in California, we have had the pleasure of meeting you before at your old store and farm stand, sure miss both of them, at book signings in Pasadena and quilt shows in Orange county . . . til we meet again Happy Holidays to you & Joe. Linda C. : )

  88. Nancy E Rohr says:

    Hello Susan, All that I have to say is that I wish you would adopt me. I LOVE everything that you do; I love to decorate; love flea markets, etc. etc. I would be a good child, and I have published newsletters before so I could help there. haha

    Keep up the glorious work, and I will be buying my yearly calendar and lots of labels. God bless you, Nancy E.

  89. Just Love living through you! Wish I lived on the Cape! Happy Holidays!

  90. Mary Carl says:

    Catching up on your blog. I live in western Montana. Fall is beautiful here too, but much different (no hardwoods). Thanks for the peek at your neck-of-the woods.

  91. Lori Whitehair says:

    (sigh) Living in southern California we don’t get to enjoy the Fall the way you do, it’s in the high 80s today, for cryin’ out loud! Get out my sweaters, light a fire, and then turn on the AC, I’m roastin’ in here!
    Looking forward to spending the holidays in NY with my in-laws and our first trip to Massachusetts. I’ll be looking for those cute little houses too!
    Love you, Susan, thanks for all of the joy you share with us.

  92. Dear Susan

    How very lovely dollhouses you have found. I think the old ones are the most charming houses of them all:)

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