Hello My Darling friends,
I’m sorry it’s been so long since I said HELLO! And just so you know it’s really me, you’ll need MUSICA! There it is, not Christmas music, but still dreamy and proof positive it’s me!
As of today we’ve been home here on Martha’s Vineyard for seventeen days. Our trip out to California was supposed to last three weeks, but we ended up staying six. It was wonderful, fun, lovely watching the world fly by outside our train windows, spending time with my darling family, making two Thanksgiving dinners, enjoying each other’s company under the blue skies of California with the swooping seagulls, driving across the desert to Arizona to be with Blog Daddy, but then we got home so late and hit the ground running, with just a little time-out for a week of the flu! I think I may be the only person in the world who likes getting sick. I don’t do it very often, which probably has something to do with it, but it is nice when you are suddenly “forced” to stay in bed and watch old movies and read your book right smack in the busiest part of the year. You stretch your legs under the covers, wiggle your toes, moosh your poor head into the feather pillows and say ooh my throat, and you drink a cup of chicken soup, suck a cough drop and fall asleep and say, soon I will feel better, but I think not today. Plus Joe and I did it together, so we kind of reveled in it. And now, here we are, back on our feet, counting our blessings, the suitcases unpacked, laundry done, cookies baked, twinkle lights hanging in the kitchen windows, gifts wrapped and sent, I even got a new computer in all of the pandemonium. And of course it’s been wall-to-wall snuggles with Jack and Girl Kitty. Now it’s Christmas Eve, and we are bringing the Bourbon Old Fashioned’s down to my girlfriend Lowely’s house (two doors over) for cocktails and Christmas Eve Dinner! I just wanted to send you a note to wish you all the very Merriest of Christmases, and let you know I’ll be back soon for “A Year in Review” so we can catch up and get ready for 2015. Missing you! Sending Love and blessings to you and yours ~ XOXO