Hello Everyone ♥️ . . . I’m baaaaack . . . with MUSICA!

I’v always thought of myself as a lucky girl because I was born with the happy gene . . . I’m the one that wrote:That’s probably part of the reason I didn’t recognize the overwhelming feelings of loss that descended like a black cloud early in February and left me sitting on the couch, staring into space, wondering if I should go to the emergency room. I couldn’t even express the symptoms. What could this shaky, unmoored feeling of being perched on the edge of a razor blade possibly mean? I should have known, but I forgot. Twenty years ago in Girlfriends Forever I wrote:How could I forget? This part especially ⬇️ . . . it sneaks up on you. Yes, it does.  I’d been too busy with racing thoughts, deadlines, and worrying about the world to notice the black cloud swirling until the floor suddenly dropped out from under me. Yes, I did spend a lot of time worrying, but wasn’t that normal in this day and age? My purpose in life has always been to try and spread a little sunshine in hopes of changing the world. I had the happy gene! I counted my blessings! But the other side of my coin, I was born worried. Since I was little, I could feel the despair, no matter where in the world it was, and I worried about it. Don’t tell me not to, I can’t help it … I worry about everything from starving lost people to fish choking on plastic.I cried to think of our isolated beloveds stuck in nursing homes with no hugs, and anguished about hungry, confused, innocent children left alone to fend for themselves. I lost heart wondering if the healthy, strong, and rich would ever care for the weak, poor, and vulnerable. Otherwise why did God put us here? Why do animals have to suffer because of us? I was disgusted with the sick adoration of money. These last years of turmoil and chaos, floods and fires, gunshots and death counts made me feel like what I spent my life doing didn’t matter. And of course, my mom died, and February was her birthday, my first without her. My dad was gone.😢 Too many sadnesses lead to sleeplessness and anxiety. I lost control of my brain and bad thoughts filtered through my dreams. I felt so alone. But, now I know I wasn’t. 

One gray day, I found one of my best friends standing outside my kitchen window holding this sign in her hand. 😢  Of course, I let her in. The first person in our house in a year. Joe made us a fire, I lit some candles and made tea. She sat at one end of the living room and I was at the other. We commiserated about our moms, about the constant bad news, how awful it was for children missing school, how overwhelming it was. missing everything ~ we dreamed out loud about what we were going to do when it was all over. If it was ever over . . . the light at the end of the tunnel was still very dim.I read in the newspaper that that people all over the world have been coping with stress because this dam-panic has been MISERABLE. The drip-drip-drip of bad news wears on us like a plague. Stress is too small a word ~ when your mental health starts affecting your physical health, it becomes much more than mere stress. And, if I felt like this, what about the nurses and doctors, the hospitals, and the families who had to deal with constant grief, would it ever end for them? I read about trauma. I knew it shouldn’t be like this.

My world looked like this. Hope had flown the coop.

I could not find the bright side. I couldn’t even write you. Something HAD to be done.

One day, sitting in my chair, wondering if I should tell Joe (I didn’t want to worry him) and ask him to take me to the emergency room, I said to myself, “What do people do when they don’t feel well?” I glanced over at the couch and answered, “They lie down and go to sleep.” So that’s what I did. And I felt a little better when I woke up. It gave me just enough energy to get on Google to find out WHAT IS THIS? I already knew, but I forgot. I had somehow gotten myself into this, and I learned from Google, I could get myself out. I read that if you are not sleeping well then you MUST nap. It’s not a luxury, it is a necessity. Your overall health depends on it.

And when the rain stopped we went for a brisk, wet walk through the woods and out to the sea. Every day. I turned off the news and turned on HGTV and watched everyone choose floors and faucets for their dream homes. I wallowed in the creativity of other people. Ommmmm . . .

I stopped eating lunch at my desk, and started eating it in front of an old movie. Where the music is wonderful, the rooms are gloriously romantic, and everything comes out the way it’s supposed to.I stopped going into my studio and signed up for twice-a-week sessions with my girlfriend who is an acupuncturist. At first, I got there dizzy and unsteady and lay down like a buzz saw, hovering above the table about a half inch, holding on for dear life to the razor’s edge. But when Marjorie found the first point (she said it was the “Gate of Hope”) boom, I fell to the table all at once, became grounded and calm, like someone had handed me a teddy bear and a blankie. It was life saving. She said my “adrenals” were shot. Whatever that was. I put myself in her good hands and it’s been a huge help. At first it seemed to wear off after a couple of days, but each week I got stronger, the wearing off took longer, and now it doesn’t happen at all! I have a 2 pm appt. with her today!👏 Because I am committed. I have places to go and people to see. But more than anything, my Google research reminded me . . .

I started meditating faithfully once again, every day, about two months ago. When I first started, I pictured myself sitting on top of the earth with the stars, a lovely, quiet place to be. Something else that’s cumulative, one day of meditation is definitely not enough. It’s made a world of difference to consciously stop time for a little while and count my blessings. And find, once again, that within each of us is everything we need, bravery, wisdom, clarity, gratitude, peace, healing, God. I made up my own mantra: I say an affirmation such as, I am happy, or I choose health, and at the end of each affirmation, I add “Because every cell of my body is bathed in the creative light and love of God.” It’s heaven in there. My mom and dad visit.💞 And it’s making me well . . .

If you’ve never tried meditation, or if it has seemed too hard (another word for meditation is prayer🙏), you might enjoy reading about the different kinds of meditation. My favorite is “guided” meditation . . . it keeps your mind from wandering in the most wonderful way. You can find so many guided meditations on Youtube . . . try this one, or this one. Or choose one for your own circumstances. I don’t know if I would have ever written my first book if I hadn’t found meditation. It’s so powerful. You have to do it every day, every other day is no good! Care for self comes first so we can care for others.💞

Being faithful to meditation reminded me of when I first moved to the island, feeling that loneliness and terrible loss of self . . . many of you remember me writing about discovering it in Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams

It was like that, burrowing in, rebuilding, getting strong again . . . 

 Relying on others to help.

And you know I have the perfect others!

He needed me. Sort of. Not really.😹 But I can wield a mean can-opener. It’s good to be needed.♥️

And this good man. My guardian angel. He needs me too.♥️ Every day I got better.

So then I discovered these little magic things . . . AirPods, wireless earbuds. You just put them NEAR your iPhone, push NO buttons, and they hook themselves up to your phone.😲 Then you sign up for Audible, audio books you keep on your phone, and voila! A new world opens!

You put one earbud in your own ear, and the other one in Joe’s.

And off you go, into the woods, with the blue sky coming through the bare branches, the clean cold air filling your lungs with Spring, and the luv-lee sound of an English Storybook in your ears as you walk through the woods to the sea and crashing waves, the salt smell, the seagulls call.💞 Joy of life.

I’d read the book before, but Joe hadn’t ~ he loved it as much as me. Much more fun with him! Sometimes we walk all the way to the water with the book playing, then take out the earbuds, and walk back doing “book club.” 

It’s even a better book that it was a movie, and it’s a WONDERFUL movie. In case you haven’t seen it. Set in 1930s England, published first in the 1940s … Delightfully written with every word a pearl, I Capture the Castle.   We finished it yesterday and today we start a new book, The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson ~ everything personal and public about Winston Churchill during WWII. Another English accent to listen to while we walk! ♥️ 

Other “words as pearls” arrived this winter, beautiful letters, kind emails, and concerned comments on this blog from Girlfriends, who somehow knew, even though they didn’t really, and worried about me, and sent love.💞 Inside the watercolored rose Ann B. painted, she wrote, “Now abideth faith, hope and love, these three, but the greatest of these is love.” One girlfriend (Ellen I.) wrote, “The journey of life has ups and downs, not always easy to see the silver linings, the positives…the blessings… there’s always something to be thankful for.” Made me cry. See how connected we are?

I read that what we eat has a lot to do with overall health, even mental health, so I ate better . . . Mmmmm, split pea soup and beets. 

And after I meditated, and after our walk, and after I got home from acupuncture, it cheered me up to make ice cream sandwiches like flowers to take to friends.

And I made some for us . . . (This easy delicious recipe is in the 30-year anniversary edition of Heart of the Home ~ this time I made them with ginger cookies, pickled ginger, coconut ice cream and ground black pepper ~ yum!)

I put flowers in my tiny vases, one of my tried-and-true cures for whatever ails you.

I felt better every day, and finally cleaned the kitchen . . . the red holiday rugs were getting on my nerves, I needed to lighten up, so I changed them out for summer blues and brought down my bluebird lampshade. We opened the door and let in a little fresh air . . .

I washed everything in the open dish cupboards, made it all shine . . . stood there and stared at it, proud.Pride doesn’t have to be big, even little pride can help . . .

And noticed with joy that the sun was getting stronger and our days were growing longer…👏

We watched a wonderful movie called Two Popes . . . A must see! THIS is what I call HOPE! You don’t have to be Catholic, or even religious to love it! It’s a people movie.♥️
I finally finished the 2022 calendars! I worried I would NEVER get them done, but I did! God and nature and the whole world and the stars too. . . 

I sewed a little heart on this guy to give him as a get-well gift . . . couldn’t tie off the thread, had to leave a long one hanging inside of him . . .

This happened in the garden . . . so I brought some in …

Snow drops, the first flower to bloom here on the Island… they come up even in the snow! If that’s not a vision of hope I don’t know what is.

Then this happened in the woods . . .

And this happened in the kitchen . . .

And I made an Easter Cake . . . Domesticity always comes to the rescue with me.🌼 And you can’t beat domesticity in the spring. It’s the best! Spring cleaning to a new beginning.

But the most wonderful of all . . .

I got my first Covid-19 vaccine ON my mother’s birthday, and the second one on the first day of Spring, and then, on Easter Sunday, I was fully immune (as immune as we can be).🌺 They gave me this card and I felt like it was an “I voted” sticker! Talk about proud! Wanted to wear it on my coat! Most of our friends were in the same boat at the same time. We have experienced our first hugs now.💞 I CRIED when I got my first shot. I didn’t expect to cry but I was suddenly filled with gratitude for our amazing medical people and scientists who worked so hard to save us from another year of this misery. The joy at our hospital where they gave the shots was palpable. Everyone felt it. We’ve lost so much, but my heart tells me there’s been a shift. I even heard people talking on TV about money not being everything this morning ~ that made me very happy. Maybe, just maybe, we have learned something. Maybe we are coming out stronger, better, more loving.🙏

We celebrated on the first nice day with a picnic with the swans . . . and then we went home and took a nap. And each day I felt better and stronger and more “myself” than the day before . . . 

We planned our first Dahlia garden. Joe has always wanted one.

Soon it will be time to plant. It’s going inside the picket fence on the right side of the gate (in the center), so we can see the tops of the flowers peeking over the fence from the kitchen window. This year I want to fill that garden with  


Dahlias, forget me nots, roses, foxgloves, Shasta daisies, white cosmos, hollyhocks, and pink petunias. You’ll see. I’ll take pictures! Don’t we all feel this way? A new start! Sweet Peas, my favorite flowers, don’t grow well here on the island . . . but if they do where you are, be sure to look for the variety “Cupani” … I hear they are more resistant to heat, and have the very best fragrance . . . and with a sweet pea, that is saying something!

Isn’t this gorgeous? We ordered our dahlias on line from Swan Island Dahlias at www.dahlias.com . . .

We chose big ones and little ones, but mostly ones that make good cut flowers . . . we got fifteen varieties . . . 

Hard to narrow choices since there are over 50,000 different varieties! Some people make a life’s work of them, finding all the rare ones … I watched a wonderful Easter Special about a Dahlia Garden in England belonging to a couple who’ve been growing them for twenty years . . .💞

I managed to make us some new cards . . . the always-needed festive Birthday Card ~ and Friendship for saying goodbye to a PANDEMIC . . . 

And these rainbow stickers! You’ll find them and the cards, along with some new sewing kits here.

And a new garden banner from our luv-lee creative girlfriend Janie! Look at that envelope, isn’t it darling? She is so good, we never know what new idea she will have!♥️

We got in a few more of my dishes including these sweet little ring plates.🌺

And two pages of bookmarks, decorated on both sides, you can cut out and give to your friends . . .💞And this is why I feel so much better . . . the grand essentials of happiness . . . Check ✔️! And yes I’m about to start designing us some new cups! I’m ready! But I saved the best for last . . .

Loving our Country Life Magazine . . . giving us hope for the future! It’s time to start dreaming! So let’s have more MUSICA, one of Queen Elizabeth’s favorite songs . . . all about dreaming . . .

So, if all goes well . . . Joe and I will go WEST to California via AMTRAK, in our room with a view, this fall to see everyone … Oh the hugs. I can’t wait. Big dream. I hope this world cooperates and doesn’t mess with us!

And then, oh yes . . . We made reservations to sail to England on the Queen Mary 2 next year, on May 1, 2022, God willing and the variants don’t rise! And wouldn’t it be fun if this time you come along with us for real? Think about it! You wouldn’t have to be crushed into suitcases and smuggled aboard and dance in the dark this time! Because yesterday I called Cunard to see what I could do to make that happen.♥️ I spoke to Susan Gannon and she said if you’d like to sail with us next year, you can call her at 800-468-7752 ext. 41663 and she will personally help make your reservations. You will have to mention that you’re part of the Susan Branch Girlfriends group, give them this group number: TNM, and voyage #M211 so they can keep track of us as a group . . . If there’s enough of us they’ll have special group pricing and other surprises. They had to cancel their entire spring and summer itinerary this year, which means that many of the people that didn’t get to go this year, will be going next year. So think fast! You would have to make a deposit, but you can cancel with complete refund if you do it by December 31, 2021, this year. It would give you extra time to decide for sure. Susan can answer any questions you have and you can call her anytime. This isn’t a tour like the kind you read about, where you have a “tour guide.” It’s more like one of our picnics, only on the ship!🚢 2022 Should be an especially WONDERFUL year in England 🇬🇧 ~ probably dancing in the street due to freedom from pandemic🤞, but that’s not all . . . bunting will criss-cross every city and village as the whole nation celebrates the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth! It’s the first time ANY British monarch will have celebrated 70 years on the throne! She will decree an additional “bank holiday” … an extra four-day weekend for everyone! (How’s that for power to make joy?🎉) I’m sure there will be fireworks, probably in June! We were there for her Diamond Jubilee in 2012, and I can tell you, Brits know how to celebrate their Queen! Every kind of ship and boat came from all over the Commonwealth to London to honor her in a Parade on the Thames! Even rowboats and the “Dunkirk Little Ships” were there. It was beautiful.⛵️

 I stopped writing here, and when I did, I heard the sad news that Prince Philip had died at age 99.😢 The Queen’s rock. Macho man who took on the job of guardian angel.💖 A reminder that we’re losing the Greatest Generation. The Prince is a huge piece of the past, our history too, the history of the world. The Queen has “carried on” through thick and thin, through wars and Prime Ministers, natural disasters, and even worse disasters, the man-made kind ~ through every sort of challenge, always with Prince Philip at her side, but this one will be her most difficult of all, she must go it alone. I hope the UK spends all of 2022 celebrating their love.♥️ I hope they play this MUSICA . . .  it was their song when they were young. Wasn’t she lucky to have the person she loved at her side for so very long for what I think might be the worst possible job in the world!?! Sending my deepest condolences to all my UK Girlfriends …

So out we go, it’s a good time for our walk with Winnie (just found out he took two baths a day no matter WHAT was happening! Even during his darkest hours. The ultimate in self-care. Love this man.) I hope you are having a WONDERFUL DAY and taking very good care of yourself💗… now, I will go add MUSICA to this blog, and voila, fini! Finally! Happy spring dearests!🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Talk soon!

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Good Morning You! February One! Already! In the middle of a storm, a wild nor’easter, on our way to Springtime! MUSICA!

Here’s to a month of good luck!

Our world is very basic these days: the house, the walk, the house, the walk, the PO, the market, the house, the walk. So grateful for the house, for the walk, and for all the wonderful people keeping our PO and market going! Not walking today, big storm here . . . but we still have the house! And the refrigerator, and the stove! We are doing good!

We were out the other day . . . it’s beautiful, even in winter, icy, peaceful, spirtual, healing. 

No two days are the same. This was waiting for us on the fence post. Someone dear trying to light up our world.🕯

When we walk I keep seeing these foot prints … I think it’s my shoe actually …

And when we’re heading home, I see it like this, upside down. Finally, I couldn’t help myself . . . I had to bend over and add a little bit to it . . .

Our frosty road meanders through the woods . . .

It’s beautiful in all seasons . . .

And then home . . . this is a big reason I love winter! A fire, right in the middle of the living room . . . still sort of amazing if you think about it!

Jack loves it too. He sleeps in my desk drawer (lined with a thick knitted blanket) while I work, but yesterday I walked through the living room, and there he was, all independent, a person of his own, enjoying the fire. My boy.

And these are our upstairs windows at sunrise . . . (note green seaglass for contrast in more ways than one)!

No two snowflake trails alike . . .

A luv-lee start to the new year . . . hoping February brings us an abundance of good news and hope, lightness of heart, wisdom, closer friendships, a peaceful mind, divine guidance, and all of it sprinkled with lots of critter cuddles. And an early Spring! We’ll find out tomorrow … it’s GroundHog Day! 

Here comes the sun!

And in the kitchen, we are ready in case we lose our electricity today! Oil lamps are filled, candles at the ready!

And in my studio . . .

I’ve been busy these quiet mornings . . . painting for the new 2022 calendars . . . thinking we will all be free by then and those calendars will be filled with travel and hug dates! Very joyful!

And here I am, making quilts the easy way, with watercolors! I’m also designing new Girlfriend cards for the Studio … and working on the quote book . . .

In case you’re new here and haven’t seen my studio, this is where I work! I’ve read that in the olden days, they called this room in our old house the “Music Room.” I love that it has creative DNA from before me and I get to add my own to it ~ in my house of creativity. When I first moved into my perch on the world … my old friend Carlton came and lined the walls in bookshelves, and painted them white. But I only had that one little art table, and nowhere to lay out big projects except the floor! (Speaking of Carlton, I saw him at the post office the other day … he came to my car window and said, “Hey Girlfriend!” Made me laugh!) (PS, don’t know who Carlton is? See my book Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams. You’ll love him!)

Anyway, all that was required was a trip to Ikea… Fitting this room together was like putting together puzzle pieces . . . We took our measuring tape with us and found some nice long work spaces with shelves that surrounded my art table perfectly . . .

Plus another long table against the wall . . . With a shelf above it for pictures of my beloveds, my mom and dad, my cats, and grandma and brothers and sisters and dearest friends, all here with me . . . and next to the clock, the signed photo of Mark Twain Joe gave me.💞 A treasure. The whole thing is a treasure room to me.💖 

And still more shelves on the other side of the room for special old books and Beatrix Potter . . . and another table. I am SET with the tables. Yet, I STILL need to use the back of the sofa and the living room floor when I lay out calendars! Sometimes my studio is nice and clean, but when I’m in the throes of designing . . . it looks like this ~ controlled chaos!

So what else? Our girlfriend Peggy sent me this photo of her work in progress ~ Look how good she’s doing! I’ve gotten so many of your photos . . . so fun to see! And our “For the Love of Books” Puzzle is back in stock in case you missed it the first time!

Joe handed me this article the other day . . . Light Up Your Brain!!! Staves off anxiety! Need lit, happy brains! Love it!

And here is the front window of my Studio. I feel responsible for the entertainment out there … brand new from Janie for the Valentines in our lives, my BELIEVE banner

Here it is in Janie’s cabinet! Nice big letters!

She made the perfect little envelope to go with it!

Perfect timing to turn over the February page of my calendar to this! Everyone I know is feeling stressed out, many experiencing anxiety and even anxiety attacks ~ we’re helping each other with reminders of self care … so this page could not come at a better time! I can’t TELL you how important it is during this time to take care of yourself…Stress is cumulative, chronic empathy is a wonderful thing, but these days, it could cause trouble, you will go along fine, thinking you are handling it, and then suddenly, it can turn to anxiety and be a threat to your health. So take a little time for yourself. One way to do it is turn off cable news and watch your sweet soft local news station. You’ll get news that matters, and some of it is even GOOD! Please try to give yourself as many Red Letter Days as you can!

This wonderful thing was made for me by one of our creative Girlfriends, Rachel! Isn’t it adorable? I get it out every year, I love it so much. So romantic! Makes snow look good!💞

This was breakfast last Valentine’s Day . . . oatmeal with walnuts, apples, and pomegranate seeds!👏 It’s the little things!

And this is the February page of the other wall calendar I did for 2021 (in case you don’t have it) … the Photo calendar . . . where I wrote about the Romance of Home . . .💓

Like this, because I enjoy perfecting . . . Valentine’s Day is perfect for it! This was from a party we had a couple of years ago . . . pure mooshey romance!

I got out my little collection of old valentines … in the olden days, these are the Valentines we exchanged in grammar school!

And Janie made us an adorable little banner to bring back those memories! She also made the envelope from pages in A Fine Romance (no two alike) just for Valentine’s day…💞 

So many of you know Sheri and Kellee . . . they’ve run my Studio in California for the last 20 years … close to 20 for Kellee and 10 for Sheri . . . very dear people to me. Here they are in the fall of 2019 out on our walk with us here on the island.

 And here they are, with Alfredo in the middle, another darling friend that has worked for me since 2001! Love these people! So, must tell you (hate to say this!) with lots of notice, but still a loss … Sheri has quit to focus her time on her very own Farmstand where she spends her days in still MORE creativity. I’m so happy for her … she deserves it! You can follow her on Instagram @honeycuttfamilyfarm. She lives very near the Studio so I’ll get to see her when we’re out there. She can’t get rid of me that easy!💘💘💘

This is the Studio inOne day last June a friend we knew who worked at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo (one of our favorite places) stopped by to say Hello to Kellee and Sheri and tell them the Apple Farm Gift Shop was temporarily closing.😢 Her name was Lauren, and she ran the warehouse there. One luv-lee serendipitous moment led to another . . . and after a nice long training from Sheri, Lauren is now working for US!!! How lucky is that? I don’t have a picture of her yet, but I will! So when you need help with an order, you can contact [email protected] 💖 And when you do, be sure to tell her Welcome to the Neighborhood!Watch tomorrow and pray Phil doesn’t see his shadow (which he won’t if Pennsylvania is having weather anything like ours)! Then celebrate with what is now our traditional Phil dinner! Oven on to warm the house and cook dinner at the same time. A win-win! Stepping right over those 60 mile an hour winds and wild blowing snow!

Jack sends his everlasting love and wishes you every good thing! He says it will help if you remember the modern rule . . .You are in charge of what you do, what you believe, the people and inspirations you surround yourself with, and how you treat yourself.💞 See you later! Have a wonderful day! If our storm gets interesting, I’ll post some pictures on Instagram @susanbranchauthor!If you need something new and wonderful to watch, we are loving Ken Burns History of Jazz on PBS! Amazing old films and photos, history of our country, gorgeous music and dancing … you will love it!💌HERE’S TO YOU, BE A

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