Happy to Be Home

Hello my darling girls … I can NOT begin to tell you how happy I am to be home. I’m going to put on some ★ MUSICAfor us . . .
This is the view from out the windows over my kitchen sink.  It’s good to go away for three months, then when you get home you are extra grateful with cup runnething over all over the place.  Alive!  Alive!  We made it home alive!  We were living as birds on a wire out there.  The big wheelers and oil trucks did not kill us after all!  We did not slip off the road into a ditch.  The house is still here!  My cozy quilts, candles, the stove!  The cooking!  The cats!  The TV clicker we know how to work!  Nothing changed!  A long delicious winter is coming.  Downton Abbey is coming!  Very happy . . . but we were tired.  It was a long trip ~ we didn’t realize how long until we stopped.  We’ve been going to bed early, smooshing in our cold bedroom with rattling windows under big feathery quilts.  Last night for dinner we had chicken soup, a wedge of ice-cold iceberg lettuce with chopped tomatoes and creamy-lumpy blue cheese on it, and a big sweet potato.  In front of the fire, all quiet and crackling, log falling, embers breaking.  It’s freezing here.  We ate the skin on the potato too, because it was organic ~ I buttered and salted it and I cooked it hot at 425° so the skin would caramelize a little bit and be extra flavorful and we didn’t have to put any extra butter on it because it already tasted so sweet and good.  It wasn’t fast food.  It wasn’t something from our ice chest.  It was real!  The heat from our stove warmed the kitchen.  We are coming to ourselves again, and this Friday is the big yearly Christmas dance our friends have given at the yacht club every year since 1979.  So in addition to sleeping, napping, unpacking, eating right, playing with Jack and Girl and getting organized, I’ve been trying to figure out what to wear.  So far it’s a ballet-length black taffeta full skirt, with short boots, a v-neck beaded velvet top and a separate  brown fur peter pan-type collar.  The goal is to look as good as possible, but even more than that, to be warm.  The secret is in the jewelry which is lots of shiny jet beads and gold earbobs in the manner of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind.  This party gets so crowded no one sees you from the neck down anyway. I keep threatening to wear my jammie bottoms and shearling slippers with my velvet top and jewelry.  No one would notice. But that’s the outfit, unless I change my mind.  The earbobs are a for-sure.  Right now I’m typing with one dark reddish brown fingernail . . . trying out the color for the outfit.  Ladeedah, ladeedah.  The life of a person with a house, a bathroom and closets.  Today, we are going to the movies.  Buttered popcorn at 3:45 ~ a matinee, my favorite!  We’re going to see About Time.  I hear we’re going to love it, don’t tell me if you’ve seen it ~ not until tomorrow.
I had a really nice thing happen the other day.  I was asked to do an interview by Jennifer Carroll who has an online magazine called Celebrating Everyday Life
(what’s not to love about that title).  She asked the best questions, about A FINE ROMANCE, but she covered lots of other topics too, like “who would you have for dinner if you could have anyone?” I liked that question!  Had to think!  I answered them as best I could, and then I thought, this would make a nice post for the blog. I think she’s planning to run the interview in January or February, I’ll be sure to let you know… in the meantime here’s the preview for you, my Girlfriends . . . some of you will recognize these answers, but so many people are writing to say they just found my books or my blog … we have new Girlfriends, and this is especially for them . . .  here goes: 
Jennifer: When did your love of England begin?
me:  Little by little, mostly through reading, art and seeing old movies, clues of interest kept coming up.  
England is an “empire of imagination.”  I think we crossed this bridge in our car!
But those clues were like the lambs scattered on the sides of English hills, one here, one there, they did not come in a clump.  My mind was slowly cataloguing them.  Over time I became more and more curious about the culture, then about the history and learning about my English ancestors as I discovered them.
It was a very slow unfolding, but after seeing my first English garden and realizing there were hundreds of them all attached to ancient castles, cottages and manor houses; realizing I could visit and even stay at some of the homes of my literary and artistic heroes . . .
. . . seeing the countryside where all the history I’d read about came alive because it’s all still there, nothing has changed; learning more about the interesting lives of people I’ve known from their art and writings, and then the surprise and serendipity of learning about people and lives I’d never heard of before (but should have), I became more and more enthralled more and more inspired.  Each time we have gone over, we found ourselves deeper in love and always learning something new.
Jennifer: A Fine Romance – what was the creative process of writing and illustrating the book like?
me:  I wrote the whole book while we were traveling for the two months in England, as a diary, one day at a time as it unfolded, mostly while we sat in gardens and pubs.  
Sometimes I would paint at night.  When we came home to Martha’s Vineyard, I rewrote it in my good writing, and put in the photos of the Queen Mary 2, of Beatrix Potter’s House, of the gardens and pubs; I drew the maps, tested the recipes, and added more watercolors.  As always with all my books, I just work one page at a time and try to make each page as interesting, fun to read, and as informative and pretty as I can.
It’s a joy, I’ve been so lucky because I love to make things, and I love to share my passions with other like-minded people.  Beauty is the very best of life.  I love to try and make some to add to all there is.
Jennifer: A Fine Romance has been a runaway hit. Can you tell us your favorite part of being a bestselling author and what has been your biggest challenge in the journey?
me: When Joe and I decided to go to England and keep a diary of the trip, we decided to take all my “blog girlfriends” with us.  I told them in a blog posting to get their passports ready and lose some weight, because we were going to
Every one of these chaise lounges had a Girlfriend on it, but they were so careful — I got out the camera and turned around, boom, they were gone.  We did not get caught.
smuggle them aboard the Queen Mary 2 and take them along with us to England and they needed to be as tiny as possible.  We would hide them in a lifeboat.  It was the joke that ran through all the postings of the trip ~ that they were being so “good and quiet” and no one knew they were all smooshed into our stateroom with us.  They complained sometimes about being “packed so tightly” in our suitcases as we moved from place to place and about having mash lines on their faces, but they handled all the folding and unfolding very well, and were very quiet when room service came. They liked to dance, and one of them fell into a river on a walk to Ellen Terry’s house, but we all returned safe and sound with memories galore.  Whenever I took pictures for the blog (and the future book) I always thought, “What can I show them?  What would they like to see?”
What will make them laugh, or cry or go ahhh, or go OH! ~ and that awareness of them made it even more fun for me.  Previously, I’d written all my books totally alone in my studio with kitties to keep me company.  This time I had a whole group of Girlfriends cheering me on.  That was my favorite part.  When the book was finished, it was “our book.”
 I can’t think of any real challenges except
. . .  of course, as I am reminding Joe in this photo, the phone never worked while we were there.
Jennifer: What is your favorite region of England? Why?
me: This question is kind of impossible because it’s shockingly beautiful almost every place you go.  But, I will say the Yorkshire Dales put a thrill from the tips of my toes to the top of my head . . . positively spiritual with a strong feeling of coming home, tears-in-eyes beauty, the history and sweep of it all.  As the wind blows fragrance of wildflower, rain and grass across the vastness of the Dales and the lambs are baaaaing high on a hill, you want to open your arms to the view and draw it all into your heart to keep it there forever.
Jennifer: You’ve also published several cookbooks. What first drew you to cooking?
me: I helped my mom by making desserts when I was very young, brownies and potato chip cookies for sack lunches for my brothers and sisters.  But, really, it was setting the table that truly got me going.
  I just loved to set the table, mixing and matching old china dishes, etched colored glasses, putting flowers from my garden in little vases, lace-edged napkins, or the ones I would embroider myself, mixing and matching bowls and silverware, lighting candles and making it pretty.  It was like playing house.  But then, it was difficult to get people to come look at my pretty table without food on it.  They simply did not care.  So I learned to cook.  And loved the art of it, combining recipes, flavors and trying new things.  
And when I walked into the room carrying a homemade banana cream pie with the flakiest crispiest crust, rolled out on my kitchen table with my wooden rolling pin, just like my Grandma made
with sugared whipped cream and bananas and toasted coconut, my friends would go, “OH MY, look at that, you are wonderful Susan, yum yum yum ~ and the table by the way, it looks so beautiful!”  They made me feel so good, I couldn’t wait to do it again. It was the first time I really felt like I had something I could give.  It was one of the ways I began to notice it was the little things that made life sweetest.
Later writing books, hoping I could help others experience that wonderful feeling when they brought a homemade banana cream pie into the room, became my passion.
Jennifer: What do you consider your “go-to” dish?
me: With all the cookbooks I’ve written, there are so many recipes that are go-to for me.  My Mom’s Spare-ribs and Juice with Onion Pudding (I’m the oldest of eight children so my books have lots of home type dishes) . . .
. . . always has them rolling in the aisles from happiness.  I also have the best Apple Crisp recipe alive in the modern world as we know it today.  I’ve tested them wherever I go (a rotten job but someone must do it), and this is a true thing if I do say so myself.  Also, crisp-skinnedroasted chicken with my Grandma’s Bread Stuffing.  I really could go on all day.  A big one-dish casserole of Pork Chops, Apples, and Sweet Potatoes.  Cold White Rice Salad scattered with fresh flowers and herbs.  My roasted Cranberry Sauce mixed with Orange Marmalade for toast and tea.  In my new book, A FINE ROMANCE, there’s a recipe from my English girlfriend Siobhan.  It’s her Orange Lavender Polenta Cake, moist with the little crunchy bits, it’s gluten-free and it serves about 24 people so it’s perfect for a tea party.  You would like the recipe?  Oh yes!
Jennifer: Tell me a little about your ideal day at home?
me: I go into my studio very early before it gets light. I close my eyes and meditate and count my blessings which is a good way to start because it usually brings on a bout of ecstaticness. I have my tea and maybe it’s snowing outside and all I can hear is the furnace humming and the patter of snowflakes on the window.  I swirl my watercolor brush in water then load it with paint, put it on paper, and watch the color spread.  I write in my diary, make a list or work on a new book.  Later, I take Joe his tea, the snow melts and we put on our big jackets, mittens and hats and walk out to the water through the woods (we live on an island so there’s lots of woods and lots of water) . . .
We come home and eat a healthy breakfast. I shoot ponytail bands across the room for my kitty Jack and he retrieves them; we do this about a hundred times.  I take my book to lunch, sit at a corner table next to a fire, eat and read.  Then a nap.  Then a bubble bath.  Then Joe and I make dinner together and friends come over and we laugh and drink wine.  
I normally don’t get all those things in one day, a nap and a bubble bath and lunch with my book?  Not all on the same day.  But those are the things I love best and you said ideal.  I have red letter days, red letter weeks, etc. Where I get to do the things I love in moderation.
Jennifer: What’s your favorite way to make ‘an everyday’ feel special?
me:  Everyday ~ perfect for your magazine!  I would say the Bubble Bath.  With the book.  Then the diary, and of course the kitties and Joe make every day special.
Jennifer: Describe your favorite celebration…
me: I love Valentine’s Day.  I do think it was invented for women, so I like to make sure all my Girlfriends feel loved on that day.  I also love to give Tea Parties.  There are so many creative things you can do with decorating the table! I’m a Christmas person too… I don’t think there is a holiday I don’t like!  I like non-holidays too, which all seem to revolve around winter and breakfast.  Sunday breakfast in bed.  Winter breakfast parties with friends.
Jennifer: Can you share your philosophy when it comes to entertaining?
me: I go by the six senses.  Does it smell good, look good, sound good, feel good and taste delicious?  (The sixth sense is Imagination.)  If all those bases are covered, you can’t ask for any more.  Hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows in front of a crackling fire, dinner under the arbor draped with twinkle lights in the garden, cinnamon spice wafting from the oven, old music playing, if the church bells ring across the street, then it’s perfect. Most important to remember: It’s not what’s on the plate that counts, it’s what’s on the chairs.  Your friends and family.  A party is a gift you give the ones you love.
Jennifer: If you could have anyone in the world over for dinner, who would it be?
me: What a wonderful question.  I would like Albert Einstein to talk about the spiritual side of his life ~ put his elbows on the table, start talking and not stop until he told it all. I know a little but not enough.  I’d love a dinner with Elizabeth von Arnim to hear how she was inspired to write her first book (Elizabeth and Her German Garden).  I would like Beatrix Potter to talk to me about her childhood.  I would love to get caught in a big nor’easter storm with Gladys Taber where the electricity goes off and we light candles and make baked apples in the embers of the fireplace while shadows dance on the wall from the flames.  I would love a fashion-show tea party where Diane Keaton models everything she’s ever worn — at the end Greta Garbo would come out wearing the dress she wore in Ninotchka (the white off-the-shoulder sparkly one, the prettiest in all movie history) ~ while Frank Sinatra (preferably with Tommy Dorsey’s orchestra) sings It’s Always You. 
One date with Mark Twain, lunch on a rainy afternoon, just the two of us, elbow to elbow, at the Plaza Hotel in New York. That’s the young Sam → in that photo.  (I would probably come home and write “Susan Clemens, Mrs. Sam Clemens” a hundred times in my notebook, wondering will he call?  Which he won’t because there are no phones, maybe he will write!).  After the Plaza, I’d jump through time to pass a tray of orangey-cherryish Old Fashioned’s to everyone at the Algonquin Round Table in the 1920’s (the way to be popular with this crowd, but never saying a word, only listening and praying not to be disillusioned.  It’s always dangerous for dreams to truly come true, you take your chances, imagination is a wonderful thing and perhaps all is best left there; in some cases the dream itself might be enough).  And that’s all.  I’ll just leave you with a few words of wisdom from the genius who should know all about it . . .
Well, I hope there was something of interest for you in this interview.  I may have gotten slightly carried away with the dinner parties!  Oh well, must get ready to go to the movies . . . bubble bath first, on quest for a red letter day and “being home.” Hope your day is going wonderfully.   Love you all! xoxo
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860 Responses to Happy to Be Home

  1. Cindy Stierhoff says:

    Just about everything on this blog made me feel warm and cozy, but, when I went to play the MUSICA and saw all the Perry Como songs……well he had a dreamy way of singing like it was meant just for you.

    • sbranch says:

      He did. Those were the days!

      • Susan Ray says:

        Just a question you might help me with. I reason Susan blog faithfully on my iPad …. But I can’t play the music and read her blog at the same time…. How can I do this? Thank you so much… Susan from Riverside, ca

        • sbranch says:

          My dad says he can’t hear the music and read the blog at the same time on his iPad. I don’t have an iPad, but that makes me think it can only have one screen open at a time. Anyone out there know more about this? I’m afraid that’s all I know.

          • Vivian Price says:

            I am using an IPad and can’t listen to music while I read the blog….

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            I can’t with my iPad either ~ I’ve been meaning to to talk to my tech savvy sons ~From the beginning I’ve just listened to the music and then read the blog ~I’m sure if there is a way one of them will know ~ I’ll get back to you!

      • Tawni urrutia says:

        I come to the blog on my ipad too. There is no way to listen to the music at the same time because those two giants Apple and Adobe do not “play nice with each other”! It’s the only thing I don’t just love about the ipad.

  2. Silvia Niomi says:

    It’s nice to see that you made it home ok. Several times on the news, we’d catch a glimpse of the wild weather on the East coast and I’d wonder if you were experiencing any of it while traveling. I’d check your post to make sure you were still on your way. But, it seems like you’ve been able to bypass it and now that the wintery weather is hitting your area you’ve settled in your cozy home for the long winter ahead. All is well now. =}

    • sbranch says:

      All is well, the eagle has landed! 🙂

    • Janice Tate says:

      Susan ,

      I just love reading all of your wonderful adventures and the beautiful photos that you share with them, I can always get a wonderful images of walking around with you and exploring such magnificent places! Thank you ! I love coming to your place it’s like coming home an sitting in the most comfortable couch or I prefer a big fluffy chair and ottoman, when my days are hectic and I feel so small you always welcome me with beautiful things to make my heart fill with such joy! Thanks!hugs!

  3. If you need another option for your dance I have a wonderful pink tutu (only worn once) that is guaranteed to make for a magical evening. I swear that skirt has some magic fairy dust in it that causes toes to point and .

    I just got home from the store where I set three beautiful round tables with white floor length linens, red and white transfer ware tea cups and saucers with paper doilies for our Downton Abbey High Tea tomorrow. Bill and I polished mom’s “good silver” tea set and I felt her right there with me and know she’d be proud that we got it out and all shined up for the party. The girls and I are wearing long black dresses and crisp white aprons to serve our regal honored guests. By the way, did you know you can’t buy watercress in December in Bakersfield? I guess cucumber will just have to do.

    I know exactly how you feel being home with your treasures. Going though my cupboards of dishes, candlesticks and linens makes me so happy and somehow connected to the past. Remembering my mom who gave the best tea parties and to the women I’ve never known who once owned my old cups and saucers. Just love it all and love showing my customers (my girlfriends) that they are special and loved and appreciated.

    Now off to bed…

    • sbranch says:

      LOL Suzanne, I love you!!! (Pink Tutu offer is almost irresistible, but I kNOW you will be wearing that again!) All of the pictures of you had pointed toes, even when you didn’t know your picture was being taken!

      I can just imagine how wonderful a tea party in your store will look. I will check your blog, I’m sure it will be there. Take some closeups of the food! 🙂 Have fun playing house in the store! Hello to all! Bright spot of light that you are.

    • judi says:

      What a fun, fun place you have made your sweet shoppe. Wish I lived near it:)

    • Jack says:

      No way! That Tutu is you-you!

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        OMG, Jack. You get “cleverer and cleverer” with each passing day. I think YOUR book should be the next one… with illustrations by your “illustrious” daughter, maybe?

  4. Sally says:

    Was lovely to read a nice long posting from you today. A nice escape. Oh, the three tea tins I ordered arrived today. Yipee. I got one for myself of course and then one for my daughter in law and another for a friend. The three of us came to your book signing at Vroman’s. Fun day and now we each have a special tin for our favorite tea that will remind us of our “fun day” and visit with you.
    Must make the banana cream pie. Haven’t had one since can’t remember when. Must be time.

    • sbranch says:

      Be sure to make the homemade crust, it does make all the difference in the world. Hi to all of you, Vroman’s was wonderful!

  5. Christy Keyton says:

    I couldn’t believe it when I read “earbobs”! I haven’t heard that in SO long. It is what my British grandmother always called her earrings! I love it!

    • sbranch says:

      I only learned it when I read Gone with the Wind when I was fifteen — never have heard it anywhere else, but I never forgot it — in my heart, earbobs is what they are!

  6. Jesse says:

    I love this post! It was fun getting all your book tour updates (I wish I could have gone to the one nearest me in California but alas, the timing was not right!), but it’s always nice to have pretty pictures of your house and hear about life on Martha’s Vineyard. I’m at home a lot by myself so I like hearing what other people do when they’re at home! Love this post!! Gotta try that cranberry apple crisp, I know my honey would love it!

  7. Mary S. says:

    Everything you said was interesting, as always!!
    Please let us know what you think of “About Time”!! During the first part, my husband and I were both thinking, “Hmmmm… not sure about this…” But the longer we watched, the more we liked it, and we ended up both LOVING it!!
    I adore your mug with the pansies and “Stay is a charming word…”!!! I suppose those aren’t available any longer? Pansies are my favorite flower – they have such cute little faces!
    Did you open the gift I gave you at Remnants of the Past? I am just hoping it didn’t get lost amid all the stuff you had to pack into your van!! :-/
    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

    • sbranch says:

      My friends loved it too, which is why we went. But there we were, on our date, showered, dressed, hats, scarves, gloves, happy, drove across the winter tundra to the next town of Edgartown where the only theater on the island is, up the creaky stairs to get tickets, and guess what? “The projector is broken.” Thank you. OK, give us free popcorn. We walked around, ate popcorn, took pictures of the moon, visited the jewelry stores, ate a hot brown bag filled with deep fried oysters and had Brandy Alexanders in a sparkly Christmas-decorated restaurant . . . and came home. It was a win-lose-win. But no movie. Oh well. Best laid plans . . .

      • Mary S. says:

        Oh, that’s so sad!!
        Did you open the gift I gave you at Remnants of the Past? I am just hoping it didn’t get lost amid all the stuff you had to pack into your van!! :-/
        Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        Maybe it’s just me – but I’m liking all the things you ended up doing much more! No movie? No problem!

      • Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

        Way to make the best of things, and with flair! Your day sounded even more fun than a movie. Haven’t had a Brandy Alexander in years – yum! A sparkly holiday dance! How exciting to wear taffeta, velvet and gold earbobs, with a few drops of Chanel No. 5 to set it all off. A little ladeedah time during Christmas lifts the spirit and makes the quiet times at home even more cozy and special. Love to you at Christmas, and gratitude for the blessings you bestow on the Girlfriends all year long. You are a Sugar Plum Fairy with a magic wand!

  8. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan…loved this homey cozy happy post….smiling..and I am soooo happy that you included that banana pie recipe..trying it this week-end. You put into words exactly how I feel about cooking and baking for others…it is a gift from the heart filled with love….
    speaking of freezing to death…when I left for school this morning is was 6*…and by the time I got there (12 minutes later), it was 5*!! My students were chilled to the bone and the area where I teach didn’t have any heat this morning so……I went to the cafeteria and pried as much hot cocoa as I could talk the cooks out of, brought it back to my classroom and we sat around bundled up in our coats sipping on lukewarm watery school-cafeteria cocoa (it’s the thought right?) and ended up talking about special Christmas moments and all things that would make the world right… a red-letter teaching moment for me 🙂 ….the heat finally kicked on about halfway through class..(a Christmas miracle!), and we thawed out…and I’m going with Albert on this one…”Imagination is more important than knowledge”….. 🙂 That party sounds wonderful…would love to see you and Joe dressed for the occasion..have fun..it truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!!! xo love, cindy

  9. Dorothy says:

    So much fun to read the interview (in bed, under quilts of course) especially because I’m slowly reading/savouring A Fine Romance right now (a little late to the party). I won’t read more than one days entry at a time because I want your book to last as long as possible. Thank you!!!!!

  10. Linda says:

    This girlfriend from Idaho is just glad you made it home finally!! What a heart warming post this was on this cold Winter’s night. Your descriptions are so vivid…you not only paint watercolors, you paint words on a page just as beautifully. Your goodness shines through every word on this post and we girlfriends are so glad we are always included in this wonderful world you live in. God bless you and yours this holiday season and thank you for always thinking of us. I still think you need to buy a little cottage in England and visit it every year!! Ha!! Linda from Idaho where it got to minus 11 one night……brrr!

    • sbranch says:

      Brrr Linda! The cottage idea . . . pure brilliance. It’s one of those things I dream about too. Lovely lovely dream. Could happen, but the dream is pure wonderfulness and almost enough!

  11. evangeline says:

    So enjoyed your post today. It is really such a blessing to know you…Thankyou…it is lovely to hear about your day … I look around my home and see how blessed I am. You inspire me every day with your posts of what make your life full and sweet. I am looking at my “blessings” with so much gratitude. May you have wonderful days and take care of yourself, Joe, Jack, and Girl Kittie… we all need you……..Looking forward to your next entry…….evangeline

  12. Pat Johnson from Paso Robles, CA says:

    OMG!! This comes close to being my VERY FAVORITE entry ever!!! You allowed “imagination” to run wild, my dear! I loved every minute of it & look forward to reading it again in the morning. TV clickers at home are one things, but away from home they are down right UPSETTING! They are the one things that make me feel really, really OLD. You brought back memories of our fairy tale journey to England and, yes, many of those journeys brought tears of gladness of my eyes – the beauty, the history, your shared stories and the fact that often the light of day made my eyes water after being in the suitcase for a time! Those times truly do make my heart “sing.” You were mentioning about Downton Abbey – have you & Joe every watched “Doc Martin?” It is my very favorite show and I just love him!!! Whenever I feel down, I go back and watch an episode and I feel oh so much better. I wrote down the recipe for the Cranberries and can’t wait to fix them – and on Chocolate cake!!!!! This entry IS your Christmas gift to all of the BFF’s across the country and around the world! You outdid yourself, Susan!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TALENTS WITH ALL OF US!!……..XXXXOOOO Pat

    • sbranch says:

      LOve you Pat, thank you! We really haven’t watched Doc Martin enough. I think we might make him our new winter hobby — and catch up. Thank you for your always so positive thoughts Pat!

    • Peggy Cooper says:

      Doc Martin is one of my favorites! We watched them in marathon mode and were very sad when we came to the last one!

  13. Jackie says:

    Welcome Home! I’ve missed you being at home . . . you little world traveler you.

    • sbranch says:

      I feel like we’ve crossed the world almost on foot! 🙂 From sea to sea in the US, across the Atlantic and then England!

  14. Marie says:

    Hi Susan. I remember the first time we drove through the Yorkshire Dales I was soooooo car sick from all the ups and downs. I made sure to take some motion sick medicine the next time. It is breathtakingly beautiful for sure. When we go there we always stay at the same cottage. It is right at the edge of the Dales in Mallerstang Dale and very near to the Lakes, so each day we wake up and decide which area we are going to explore on that day. It’s a lovely spot and we return there each time. Never boring. I made you a little something but don’t know where to send it. I wish I did. I think you will like it. It’s cute and quaint and has something to do with Jack. ’nuff said. So glad you are home. I miss all of your posts when you are on the road. East West, Home is Best. xx

    • sbranch says:

      I went to the Mallerstand Dale website … pretty place — like everywhere! Thank you, I always love to see where people have stayed and loved it!

      • Marie says:

        The place we stay is called Ing Hill Lodge and is at the top of a lovely hill with stunning views Susan. It is also in a Red Squirrel Conservation area. They are self catering apartments, but there is also B&B if you prefer. On, and the best part . . . at the bottom of the hill is Pendragon Castle, largely a ruin, but so fun to explore. It is said to be the ancient home of King Uther, father of King Arthur. The nearby town of Kirby Stephen is quaint and has some lovely little shops. I think you would like it there.

  15. Susan, reading this post put me in such a good mood! I think it encapsulates just about every reason I love you and your blog! And… I really have to have some of that pie now…

  16. Teresa says:

    I am so glad you are home! I enjoy your place, kitties, recipes and photos of your
    warm and cozy home so much! You are such an inspiration!! After reading your blog I always feel like baking and creating! I’m excited to purchase sweet potatoes to bake for my husband and I just like you did! Thank you! XOXO

  17. Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    Oh Susan, I am with Pat on this one. What a post! Something for everyone! The party tonight sounds divine and you and Joe will be the most handsome couple there. But any time I hear fashion and Scarlet O Hara mentioned in the same breath, I see Carol Burnett coming down the staircase dressed in the draperies complete with curtain rod! LOL. Oh well, I will try to get that visual out of my mind.
    The interview sounds fun. She really did ask some wonderful questions. Who you would invite for dinner is a favorite with Jim and I. Often we may see someone being interviewed on TV and we will turn to each other and say, “let’s invite them to dinner real soon!” People like Tom Brokaw, or Tom Hanks, or Doris Kerns Goodwin, or you and Joe!
    We are finally out of the deep freeze and you are now in it! Stay warm, kiss the kitties, have fun at the party…and I think I will find time for a bubble bath over the weekend!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, those drapes still on the rod!!! That was so good. Happy weekend Chris, hello to the family!

    • Janet in Rochester says:

      Hey, Chris! We play something similar in our family – we call it “The Big Quiz.” Over 140 questions on it so far, from “Have you ever had a paranormal experience?” and “Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?” to “What’s your favorite salad dresing?” And hands-down the most popular one so far has been “If you could have dinner & drinks with any historical or contemporary figure you choose, who would that be?” The people you named – Tom Brokaw, Tom Hanks & Doris Kearns Goodwin – are all on my list too!

      • Chris Wells Knickerbocker, W TX says:

        And you can come any time you are this way, Janet!

        • Janet in Rochester says:

          I’d love to see Texas, Chris! I really want to see if it’s as big as it seems in that Elizabeth Taylor-Rock Hudson movie from the year I was born “Giant.” The two of them are on their honeymoon train going home to Rock’s TX ranch. In the morning she asks him how long til we’re on the ranch and he tells her “shucks, darlin’- we been on the ranch all night long…” Yikey – that’s BIG!

  18. N. Jean says:

    I was so glad to see this post this morning. I love that it is a long one and I look forward to reading and drinking my coffee. Have a wonderful day.

  19. Gert~Iowa says:

    Oh Susan..do I dare say this? This is one of your best posts!! You have taken us to so many places, seen so many things and felt so much! Yes! I want a piece of that pie, especially on a miss matched plate! (My mother always made one for my birthday…she knew me..lol) And oh, that flakey crust! Yumm! You are so gifted..to write, paint, and be interviewed with such fluent answers! smile…. We are so blessed..to have the gift of imagination…we can go anywhere and do anything…right from the comfort of our own home! Thank you for reminding us of this and taking us along on your journey of life!!

    I’m so glad you are home safe and sound!!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Gert . . . yes, if anyone understands this gift it is you. xoxo I know because I see your light almost every day!

  20. Carrie says:

    Hello Santa,

    Such good questions put to you during the interview; very interesting. Love baths; I would love a proper tub, deep, cast iron with claw feet and a high back. Something that would actually cover the chesticles, which my current shallow wading pool of a tub doesn’t 🙂 Nothing like a good soak with all amenities within fingertip reach. The quintessential tub would have a great vantage point, looking out at some trees, hearing some birds singing and whatever else nature wants to bring my way…maybe a lamb or two in the not so far distance?

    “About Time” is now a new favorite of mine, having seen it twice in the cinema. I always want my $ to go to those kind of movies and while my tickets aren’t going to impact box office sales, it is more the principle.

    Gotta say, I’d get a real kick seeing a pic of you all dolled up in your finery and undoubtedly looking quite fetchin’. Sounds like a fabby do ensemble; you had me at taffeta and velvet; then you threw in earbobs – delicious! Velvet reminds me of my dear Gram making my Christmas dresses for the church musical each year. Matter of fact, when I was planning to marry, I had plans for wearing a deep blue red velvet wedding dress with my bridesmaids wearing white velvet and of course it was planned as a Christmas wedding. I’ve thought in recent years how I’d love to have a red velvet dress made just for me, I even have the simply design in my noggin’.

    So I gave AFR to my family MD of 20+ years. As an RN, I can say with great certainty that she is an extraordinary physician and person; I think the world of her. Anyway, saw her this past week and she could not stop singing the praises of your book. Said she had it on her night stand, savoring it each night before dropping off to sleep. She is starting her 2nd read through. I looooved that.

    Here’s hoping you may return to the motherland for a sequel, striking while the proverbial iron is hot. Sooooo very much more to explore. I understand that natives are begging to see you and Joe back on the road 🙂

    Love Carrie

    • sbranch says:

      You ARE an elf Carrie, that’s just the way it is! And yes, shoulders do need to be under hot bubbly water for complete absorption of bubble bath benefits! xoxo

  21. Winnie Nielsen says:

    This is a glorious post with all of the photos and details from the interview! Being a part of the “Girlfriends” on your England journey was such a joy and learning experience for me. Reading the comments from everyone, enjoying your artful documentary from trip preparations to the latest book tour, has been an uplifting addition to my life! I have loved your books since I first found them in the early 1990s, and proud to own several of them. But, I never dreamed I would have the chance to be a part of your art world and actually have the chance to “talk” with you! But, here I am typing away on your blog and feeling like I belong to the “Girlfriends”. Your gift of including all of us cannot be described or measured. Like you would say, all gifts that come from the heart are the best. The Girlfriends invitation is that gift to me.


  22. Becky Maggio says:

    Sent a comment yesterday but it’s still awaiting moderation? Hope you got it! Seems we girlfriends get this face..:( when we don’t get your attention….lol

    • sbranch says:

      I sometimes can’t get to them all … I’m the moderator, and I love to read them, but I don’t always get them all done in one day. Because there are lots of you darling girlfriends! xoxo

  23. Julia says:

    This is a great post. Thank you. My mother always told me to
    look for the red sweet potatoes. They are sweeter but when
    you are trying to find organic you don’t have as many choices.
    I’m going to do some that way today! And next time I have
    company I’m going to make the Banana Creme Pie. Can’t wait.
    Have 5 now on the trip list! Wouldn’t that be something!

  24. Debbie R from Valencia says:

    Welcome Home Sweet Sue,
    Thank you for such a delightful blog. Cant wait to hear all about your dance. Please post a pic of your beautiful outfit. It sounds amazing; especially the earbobs. Happy Holidays girlfriends, from my house to yours 🙂

  25. Marie (Williamsburg, Virginia) says:

    Susan, this post was enchanting, sweet, heartwarming and joyful…she like you.

    Bliss to you and the Girlfriend’s!

    Marie xo

  26. cecelia says:

    This was a beautiful blog post today–I feel like I’m home again, too. And thanks for that squishy, holiday feeling just when I needed it.

    • sbranch says:

      Chestnuts roasting on an open fire . . .

      • Carrie says:

        They sell warm roasted chestnuts right out front St. Martin in the Fields in London. Bought some before going to concerts at St. Marts, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons by candlelight with the Belmont Ensemble and Handel’s Messiah, twice, and that’s as close as it gets to heaven for me. I sat smack dab in the front row and the soprano soloist literally spat on me, felt like I had been baptized with song and a bit of spit 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          Carrie, LOL!!! I had to burst out laughing. You were in heaven! Even the spit was wonderful! Blessings of the soprano!

        • Carrie says:

          Addenum: The spatting as it were, was unintentional :), just a soprano with lots of gusto who literally transcended earth at that moment, lifting us to the heavens with the solo of “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth.”

  27. Becky says:

    Your posts always make me feel like I have just been hugged by a very good friend. You seem to live your life in such a delicious way! To make the ordinary routine seem magical is a gift you give very well. Thank you for sharing yourself with us! Becky in Oklahoma

  28. Jennifer says:

    Ahhhhh. I want to go set my table now!! 😉

  29. Mary Rice says:

    I am so glad you are home safe and warm. Your book, A Fine Romance is giving me many sweet moments of reading. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  30. Sally says:

    Dear Susan:
    Ive just finished “A Fine Romance”! I know I was one of the first to order it. I saved for our trip to SC for the winter. I read just a few pages every day because I wanted it to last. Of course I loved every page. I gave copies to my sisters who haven’t opened their Christmas gifts yet.
    You have blessed my life dear one with your style and talent. God given, you know.
    A simple thank you for whom you are to me.

  31. diana from ancaster says:

    there really is NO place like home.
    thank you for this one….i’m grinning from ear to ear.

  32. Susan P. says:

    Susan….Rushed home from playing with the babies all day…had to start the TINS BAKING….”OH MY GOSH” A NEW BLOG FROM SUSAN BRANCH…. THANK YOU all at once my world slowed down as I read everything and so enjoyed it all. This is the truth…an hour later…a more calmed person and filled with Christmas Cheer (happiness not wine(yet) )..was able to bake with Bing, and Frank and Dean blaring thru the Kitchen as I baked until 11PM. HHHMMMMM life is good. So enjoyed the ride through Yorkshire Dales..the lambs..the musica..the car clinging to the left side of the road as the on coming traffic came right towards you….over the bridge…all of it some comforting. It was like taking a bubble bath without getting wet….aahhh thank you once again for sharing your world with all of us. The soap box lady, Susan P.

    • sbranch says:

      LOL (yet) 🙂 keeping that Christmas spirit alive! Bing, Frank and Dean will keep anyone in the spirit! xox Thank you Susan!

  33. I love old paintings of the British countryside! How exciting that you think you crossed that bridge. How did you keep from getting out of the car and painting it yourself?!

    I love your driving videos, too. Really felt like I was along for the trip. Susan Branch + imagination = wonderful!

  34. Home just might be the sweetest word in the entire English language! Glad you’re home, safe and sound.

  35. Pam Fortune says:

    Hi Susan, so pleased that you loved the Yorkshire Dales. I live close to Skipton known locally as The Gateway to the dales. I often go shopping there. I looked carefully at your video, trying to guess exactly where you were but I couldn’t as there are so many of those narrow little bridges dotted around the Dales. So pleased that your beautiful book has been so successful, it brought me a great deal of pleasure reading it.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy to hear that Pam, coming from you, a true local! How we loved the Dales, you are so lucky to live there.

  36. Annette McD says:

    I love your ideas of whom you’d like to visit you. I also would like Albert Einstein over for tea ( no, I think large mugs of strong black coffee would be better) but I would like to invite Marilyn Monroe over at the same time. She once said that he was the sexiest man she had ever met. Boy, would I like to see the sparks fly between those two and hear their conversation. He had the darkest, most expressive eyes, how they would twinkle when she’d speak to him. I just know those two would understand one another.

  37. Patty in Michigan says:

    Love that you and Joe are home! I was laughing and had a tear while reading it. The simplicity of your day was wonderful to read about. So simple, yet so rich and purposeful. I love that about you. I have tried very intentionally to live everyday like that. The little things that bring us JOY! Every morning lighting a candle at my kitchen table…..making yummy food for my family…..having a cozy home…..if I could have crisp, clean sheets on the bed EVERY night that would just about be perfect! 🙂 Loved reading your interview. So happy you both are home. I have missed reading posts from your cozy home. Enjoy the Christmas season…

    • sbranch says:

      Purposeful is the magic word, because then you get another magic word, awareness, then you find you have all the reasons in the world to count your blessings.

  38. Ricki says:

    Did you notice in the last Gladys Taber newsletter they are expecting quite a group of girlfriends….esp some from California. The editor gave a list of airports. I couldn ‘t help but smile and giggle a little. Will the house hold all of you? What fun. I love Gladys Taber and I love you.

    • sbranch says:

      I think they will take us through in batches. xoxo Thank you Ricki! It’s going to be so fun! Spring in Connecticut!

  39. Deborah Heater (Indiana - Feb. 01) says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS SUSAN/GIRLFRIENDS****I have enjoyed reading all the comments about parties, bubble baths, spitting Sopranos….ha I have been sitting up out in the living room since Wednesday (the kitties thought I had abandoned them so I had to muster up all the energy I could to do that, and Jim told me no going out to lunch until I could situp longer than 10 mins.) :O So, today I went out to lunch for the first time in 3 weeks and I made it and am reading the comments sitting with an ice pack on my back!!! Hows that for progress? phew I feel better and the severe pain is now tolerable or else I have just learned to live with it!! Enjoy your party I’m sure you will look darling and Joe (dashing). I won’t be going to holiday parties this year because I cannot ride in the car for 2 hrs. and I will miss all our friends; but, I’m looking for the payoff for being a good patient in the New Year just feeling well. Just wanted to say hello and I’m taking each day as it comes and if I relapse at least I know things appear to be on the mend. OK, I just want to set the record straight on the episode you mentioned about “someone” falling into the river while in England…..not that there weren’t several of US; but, I truly believe on the trip you were talking about Dawn (MN) and I were lagging behind when I tripped and fell in the river and she was helping me out when you sent Pat M. (MN) back to “collect us” and bring us back to the front with the “good girls”!!! I’m sure there were other girls that had similar experiences afterall we relished our “free” time when allowed to be out and about! We all had a blast and made new “true” friendships from that trip and we all have you dear Susan for allowing us to experience that wonderful excursion to THANK!! XOXO Oh, if you notice the date after my name above…I thought maybe the girlfriends could put their “Birthdate” after their names with the New Year coming and then we can begin January 2014 seeing whose birthday it is? Blessings

    • sbranch says:

      Out to lunch, never prettier words, yay for you Deborah! That is progress! Pretty soon you’ll be swimming the rivers again!

    • Carol Maurer~~~~ Kennewick, Wa (Feb. 24) says:

      OK…. I’m totally out of the loop for as far as what is going on with you Deb? I’m so happy that you are progressing nicely though. Take care over the holidays and don’t over do it.

      I like your idea of putting our birthdate after our name.

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        Birthdates along with our names – BRILLIANT as they say in Merry Olde! And locations too please. I love knowing where everyone is while I’m reading the comments…

      • Deborah Heater (Indiana - Feb. 01) says:

        Hello Carol, I’m having back issues which also involves sciatica nerve pain and it’s been over 1 month and I’m just now starting to feel some relief and finally out of the bed!! That is the short version and I’m going to have the back pain for the rest of my life so I am trying to remain positive. Thank you for your concern and do not worry I have strict orders from my Dr. and my “at home” caregiver my hubby Jim (who has gone beyond what any spouse should ever have to do) and is my Guardian Angel. I sure miss not being able to do all the seasonal things and for this year I have resigned myself that I’m shooting for a good year not a wonderful day (Christmas); so, I am being a very good patient. I hope your Holiday Season is filled with Love and Happiness. Blessings

  40. Hi Susan! I am so happy that my blog friend gave me your book and I found you and your beautiful blog! I’m the Finnish woman reading your book in Greece – My friend met you in your book signing! I have read only half of your unbelievalbe adorable book, because I need to save it … if I finish it, then what? I think I may enjoy the rest of it during the Christmas! Your book is not only a book, it’s art work and it is a treasure on my night table.
    I send you sunny wishes and thank you for giving us happy moments with your sweet writing, beautiful drawing and lovely photos! x Teje

    • sbranch says:

      You are so sweet Teje, thank you! I can’t believe our book is in Greece being read by a Finnish woman and she likes it! The miracle of this world. Amazing xoxo

  41. Peggy Cooper says:

    Just wonderful and inspiring as usual. Thank you Susan!

  42. Martha says:

    So glad you’re back home settling in for the winter. It’s so nice to be safe and cozy in your own home. I’m listening to Christmas music and getting ready for tomorrow’s snowstorm.
    Martha from CT

  43. Pam says:

    Hooray, it’s so good to have you back home and making us feel as though we are visiting you on Martha’s Vineyard. I hope you enjoyed the film and also the dance. Sounds great fun. We are off to the theatre to see Chicago tomorrow and then on Friday evening people from the ‘village’ gather round a large tree, covered in Christmas lights, and sing carols. We then all pack into the pub where there is hardly room to breathe. I love Christmas and its traditions. 🙂

  44. Charly Fowler says:

    Seeing a new post from you always makes me happy, too, just like it does for so many of us! I, too, especially enjoy setting a pretty table. My husband always said I was “playing dishes” when I’d start getting ready to have friends over. I love the idea that we even have some of the same dishes! (I inherited the Spode Gainsborough floral pattern from my mother-in-law and I see some of that pattern in your photographs. I use mine every day!) Makes me feel that we might indeed be kindred spirits! Thanks for being able to share so much of yourself with us. It is a great gift that I cherish reading!

  45. CATHERINE says:


    • sbranch says:

      I’m really not sure, only because maybe it’s the longer baking that dries them out so cleanly on the inside. You could make the dough and cook three of them first, at 350 and shorten the time. Why not try it?

      • CATHERINE says:

        DEAR SUSAN,

  46. Maria in Long Beach, CA says:

    Hi, Susan…your posts are beautiful because you and your life are so beautiful 🙂 Thanks for sharing it with us…and the ride through the Yorkshire Dales.
    I’ve been sick all week, but I’ve enjoyed two bubble baths everyday for the past four days…one to wake me up in the morning, and one to relax me before bed. Funny how the same activity can affect you in different ways.
    I also was able to read my Yankee magazine(why didn’t they even include a blurb on the cover? I didn’t realize I had the right issue). “Your” article was wonderful…and my favorite picture? You holding Jack. He’s a ham in cat’s clothing 🙂

  47. Laura says:

    Oooh lala!! A Christmas dance at the yacht club?? Sounds very Fred and Gingerish!!! Or, like that scene in ‘Christmas in Conneticut’ when they go to the Christmas dance and take a romantic sleigh ride!!! Your outfit sounds just perfect… hope you and your earbobs have a special evening!!! XO

  48. Jackie P says:

    Well, the girlfriends have already said it all — from the gift of imagination to BBB — reading this was a perfect way to end the day. She’s back! Yeah!

  49. amy says:

    So very very glad you guys are home. I can feel your joy emanating right out of my computer…..and that makes me happy too…..I hope your dinner party was as loverly as I am sure you looked in your finery. Ever since I read James Herriot many years ago….I have had a terrible crush on the man 😉 and have pined for the Dales….I think if I ever make it there I will not be able to bear leaving….For me sometimes the imagination is the safest haven to tend to such holy desires….Merry Christmas to you and Joe~Ms. Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      Even if you get there, the pining doesn’t go away. I pined while standing there! There’s just something about it.

    • Carrie says:

      Oh Amy, your sentence is perfection: “For me sometimes the imagination is the safest haven to tend to such holy desires.” You’ve just captured it spot on! Thank you!!

  50. Lisa Jorgensen says:

    It is so good to hear how happy and cozy you are in your beautiful home. It looks like a winter wonderland! Enjoy all of it and your well deserved rest.

  51. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    Good morning sweet Susan! Hope you had a magical time last night dancing cheek to cheek with your Joe! In the picture showing your books, there is a lovely cup on top, is that ” your” cup? As in might we be able to buy a cup like that sometime?

  52. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Well, this was fun & thank you! Reading & rereading early in the morning, starts my day! Enjoying sitting here in the dark, neighbor’s Christmas lights shining through our lace curtains, & the gorgeous golden moon hangin’ over the top of their house.! Counting blessings & thanks to you dear Susan for the reminder!! Charmin’ blog, interview is GOOD, & “too much of a good thing is wonderful”! And, how was the party? Gold earbobs & fur collar, velvet & swirly taffeta, you were dressed to the nines (never quite sure what that meant, but I think it means perfection!)! Happy Saturday all! xoxoxo

  53. Angie(Tink!) says:

    ❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄ Merry Saturday Sweet Sue…Ahhhhhhh All is Right with The World….You Really Are HOME…… 🙂 All Cozy & Warm Safe & Sound….The Kitties Are Jolly…. Mama & Papa Are Back Where They Belong This Blog is Pure Heaven… Wow A Christmas Dance at The Yacht Club…Divine! Your Outfit Sounds Gorgeous….Black Taffeta Ballet Length Full~Skirt….Vintage & Fabulous! May I Borrow it? 😉 I Know You & Joe Had The Best Time! & Your View from Your Kitchen Window… Oh My Goodness! :-)Your Island is All Decked For The Holidays Sweet Sue & Has Welcomed You Home With All It’s Magic! I’m Sipping A Cup of Hot Chocolate Looking At Our Cute Christmas~Tree Listening To Christmas Carols on The Radio….Silver~Bells Silver~Bells It’s Christmas Time in The City….Ring A Ling Hear Them Ring Soon it will Be Christmas Day….❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄ Sending Warm Hugzzz Always Love & Kitty~Kisses To You & Joe & The Kitties & The Girlfriends….& Of Course Lots of Christmas Pixie~Dust Sweet Sue! xoxo Poof!❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄ Merry~Christmas! & God Bless Us Everyone! 🙂

  54. Marie says:

    Oh so enjoyed today’s blog post! I think I’ll go enjoy my home all the more today just remembering your words! I’m going to find a candle to light.Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful time at your dance-you will be beautiful no matter what you wear because your heart is so full of imagination and love.

  55. Karen says:

    My best friend, who originally came from England, passed away last year. (His sister is coming to Canada for a visit and I’ll see her next week – I digress.) Your video of driving through the English countryside reminded me of our trip: the narrow bridges, the stunning views, the 17th century farmhouse with the wonky door and severely sloping floor that made us laugh.

    Besides all of that, I love the attributes of a red letter day. I’d say I had one yesterday; a girlfriend came for a lunch of freshly-made potato/leek/carrot soup, a spinach salad, homemade buttery crescent rolls and assorted baked goodies, including rugelach. You’d approve of the table, with very old beautiful china.

    I’ve been rather long-winded, being quite swept up in your wonderful post. Thank you, Susan, for a lovely morning treat.


  56. Kim says:

    I am sitting here in my jammies next to the Christmas tree waiting for the first nor’easter of the season and your post only added to the coziness! Wonderful, wonderful!

    And I have a book recommendation for you. Cotswolds Memoir by Diz White. I’ve been thinking of you as I read it. I won’t tell you anything about it, but you can get it from Amazon.

    Enjoy your day, and I hope you liked the movie.

  57. Rereading through the comments about earbobs reminded me of a conversation from a long time ago.

    Bill and I were new Bernina sewing machine dealers and were fortunate enough to be invited as guests to Switzerland. One evening at a cocktail party I was complementing an elegantly dressed older southern dealer on her jewelry. She told me something I have never forgotten (and try to follow). She said, “Dear, you work hard and may never be fully compensated for your long hours. You need to reward yourself with small gifts along the way”. Well, her “small gifts” included a Rolex which was totally out of the question for me, but not long after that I started gifting myself with small treasures that I would look back on and remember the point in time I “earned” that. Having read that you and Joe recently shopped local jewelry stores made me remember this conversation so I’m passing it on to you. My friend, you have certainly earned something extravagant and wonderful! I hope you will treat yourself, if you haven’t already, to something wild and memorable. Something that reminds you of the joy you have given to us all through your writings, paintings and long months away from the home you love. A gift from your girlfriends who all love and admire you so. Merry Christmas sweet Sue!

    • sbranch says:

      Suzanne, you are a girl after my own heart. That was excellent advice from that sophisticated woman ~ and the thing I love the most? When someone you respect gives you a license to go play and bring more joy into your life. Quite a gift that woman gave you! Because we do earn these things, and we need to make our dreams come true. Otherwise what the heck are we here for? (P.S. consider it done. xoxo)

      • Jack says:

        Susanne – in fact consider it WELL done — Sue can now light up a room from the reflected light of just a birthday candle!

        • sbranch says:

          LOL Dad! Yes I can! xoxo

          • Julia says:

            Goody, Goody, Goody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Share, share! I gifted myself for
            Christmas this year. After cleaning
            out my house of 30 years and moving
            basically by myself, I knew I deserved
            it. One of my mother’s friends told me
            that after her husband died she would
            always ask him if she should buy some-
            thing and Ernie always said “yes.”

          • sbranch says:

            Love it. Have you ever wrapped something for yourself and put it under the tree? It’s so nice to unwrap something you really want and be surprised. That dang Santa is at it AGAIN!

      • “We need to make our dreams come true. Otherwise what the heck are we here for?” This needs to be one of your “sayings” in one of your books!

        • sbranch says:

          🙂 Cathy!

          • Rhonda D. says:

            I did that this year! Merry Christmas to me! I bought a 6″ metal black cat with glasses laying on her back reading a book with the tip of her tail for my daughter. She has an all black cat I adore…personality plus and definitely a ham in cats’ clothing. So I bought one for me too and put it under the tree just to remind me how much I love that silly cat.

  58. Peggy Cooper says:

    Was looking at your Christmas Book again last night, and came across the comment to rent a movie and a VCR. Boy, we’ve come a long way haven’t we? Some things about modern technology I do not like, such as people ignoring who they’re with to text or chat to people not there. But I do love the internet and blogs such as yours. And access to friends and family in a most convenient way.

    • sbranch says:

      A long way! And something tells me we’ll be going further before we’re done! Love the connection blogs have given us! A lot can be accomplished when we’re all on the same page, or at least can read the same page!

  59. Nance says:

    Hi Susan:
    This is my first time ever responding on a blog, so I’m glad it’s on yours. I have been a follower of your books, travels and especially your life on Martha’s Vineyard since the early 1990’s!! My husband and I were very blessed to be able to honeymoon in Edgartown, and have loved “the vineyard” ever since. We buy lottery tickets with the hope of winning money and buying a home there!! I really enjoy your cooking tips (I make your Annie Hall’s butter cookie recipe every Christmas for cut-outs!) and your ideas on how to make a house more of a cozy, welcoming home. My husband is a huge fan also. He says it’s not the New Year until we get Susan’s calendar! I especially enjoy when you write about your kitties. I have 3 and refer to them as my “puds”. If I could suggest, your new Christmas book could somehow involve your “kitties”. Your illustrations of them would be precious!! I, too, am an Anglophile!!! I adore anything England (Downton Abbey in 3 weeks and 1 day, but who’s counting!!!) Thanks for taking us along for the adventure. Anhyway, I guess this was my long winded way of saying thank you for showing us ladies (at least this lady) how to see the beauty in our homes, lives and especially our loved ones and for caring enough to include us in your life and adventures.

    Have a Very, Merry Christmas!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      So nice to meet you Nance, thank you for leaving your wonderful comment! I hope you and your husband win the lottery!!

      • Nance says:

        If we ever do, I’m buying the old captain’s house that was the B&B where we honeymooned and become real “Islanders”!

        • sbranch says:

          Fine little dream, how fun. Before you go to sleep you can decorate every room!

          • Julia says:

            Instead of counting sheep, I think about every
            house I ever lived in. I envision the floor plan
            of each one and sometimes the furniture! Isn’t
            that crazy? But it works. Also, grandparents

          • sbranch says:

            I do that too sometimes. Especially with my first house here on the island. Very tiny house, doesn’t take long.

  60. cecelia says:

    Susan! Happy to hear you made it home safe.
    Looking forward to reading your blog and Willard. Loved meeting you in ohio.
    Now that you are back home we are hoping for more beautiful creative things from you. 🙂
    I forgot to mention that I love the train too when I met you. I’m sure you would remember me haha.
    Can you write a B-) blog or Willard on your first train experiences?
    Take care and have a wonderful Christmas

  61. cecelia says:

    Forgot to say I purchased your tea. Deliciousness! Cecelia

  62. Terri says:

    Great interview, though – Oh you’re making me hungry! My Nannie’s (grandma)’s banana cream pies had a sprinkle of toasted coconut on top of meringue that she ever so slightly browned. I keep thinking I should make this for my granddaughters – I haven’t yet — but I think you’re inspiring me to…
    I’m a little late to the party here and haven’t yet read the comments, so I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie yet (About Time), but just wanted to tell you we Loved it. Won’t say anymore, just in case…

  63. Anna Steinle (Kentucky) says:

    Well, you did it again! Curiosity got the best of me hahahahaha. I HAD to google Greta Garbo and THE DRESS!! And yes, it’s beautiful! Here’s a link to the pic in color! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZaxcYIG1PDI/UZz9gRK3lrI/AAAAAAAABmI/PrIiLbQgsw8/s1600/ninotchka_by_booboogbs-d65uty0.jpg

    • sbranch says:

      I kept looking for her standing tall in it, but never could find it, but this one shows the detail. So gorgeous, thank you Anna! Leave it to a Kentucky girl to go find that dress.

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        Ooohh – that dress looks so much better in color than in the “original” B+W of the movie! I’m still trying to decide on my pick for prettiest dress in the movies, but that one would certainly be in the top 10. :>)

  64. Asha says:

    Dear Susan! What a wonderful, beautiful post! I am so excited you and Joe are home for Christmas. Probably not as excited as you two are! 🙂 Must make that pie! We are getting quite a few inches of snow here in central MA today. It’s magical. We are finishing decorating the house for Christmas and enjoying the snow! I do have a question: where can I find the recipe for your doggie treats? I want to make them for my “grand dogs” for Christmas. I believe I saw it in a blog but can’t seem to find THE one. Thank you so much! We blog girlfriends are truly blessed that you are our friend! Love: Asha

    • sbranch says:

      We have doggie cookie cutters in our web store and they come with the recipe … but also I found it printed on line here. Dog tested and wildly approved!

      • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, MN says:

        Just thought I’d mention that the vets at the U of MN, when we had our very sick mini-schnauzer there recently, specifically asked if we could have given her any onion or garlic. They said in any form it is dangerous for dogs–especially the smaller ones as it takes less quantity to do damage…I knew about onion but thought garlic was okay as I have seen many recipes calling for garlic in dog treats. They said it is not okay as it is in the same family as onions. Also, grapes (and raisins) have been associated with kidney failure in canines. There are several universitys whose veterinarian colleges are doing research as they don’t know why–whether it is something in the chemistry of the grapes, themselves, or the soil, a fungus, herbicide or fertilizer, etc. Again, the smaller the dog, the less quantity it takes to do damage… Unfortunately they are thinking our Fanny has cancer…so it is no “merry” Christmas at our house this year…

        • sbranch says:

          Oh Pat, I’m so sorry.

          • Rhonda D. says:

            So sorry to hear that Pat. It’s hard on the heart when our fur babies get sick. We lost our beautiful pomeranian Lucie in her 17th year a few months ago. I still get a huge lump in my throat when I think of her or see a picture of her. Our Christmas won’t be the same here either.

  65. Barbara from Wolverine Lake MI says:

    Christmas gifts! I made a whopping batch of your Christmas jam, Susan! I took 2 bags of fresh cranberries and baked up the sauce per your super simple directions, added 3 jars of marmalade and it was just perfect to make up 12 mini jelly jars full of Christmas jam 🙂 – what made it more perfect was this – I needed exactly 12 and it made enough for 13 – one for ME!! THEN I made up some of your nut bread. Cut up some of those little doilies fashioned from pretty Christmas fabric and decorated the tops of the jars. I think my oven was sending out vibes because…..as I was pulling the nut bread from the oven a girlfriend, who had been out shopping, happened to drop in. I put the kettle on and we sampled the Christmas jam with the nut bread and tea. What a wonderful evening….snowing like crazy outside. I might have to make up another batch of the jam. Girlfriends it’s super simple and delightful. I encourage all to try it.

  66. Asha says:

    Thank you for the doggie treats recipe, Susan! Love ya!

  67. Jack says:

    Like Jack, but with half the French mustache–and the derivative for “Bill” is “Guy” in French, and what we have here is “What a GUY,” definitely a ball retriever :~}

  68. Debs OBrien says:

    Did I miss this? I did, didn’t I? How did this happen? Well, I’m here now~~~

    Tis a dreary day in Wales today, and yesterday was a Battoned Hatch day again. Christmas decking of halls commences~~thank goodness this is here for a welcome break!

    Lovely Jane {who baked your special cake} has pointed me in the direction of your Cranberry Jam and other goodies, and I am pointing her, very shortly, in the direction of my Cranberry mincemeat. Oh, we will be well stuffed this Christmas~~when does the dieting start? Did I say that out loud? hehehe. I think sharing food and sharing recipes is definitely one of life’s little goodies that needs no excusing.

    Itchin’ and a twitchin’ to bake your version of banana cream pie now! mine is a no bake and has a biscuit crumb base, a thick layer of slice bananas topped with thickly whipped cream, a patterened top of pink and white marshmallows and grilled until the mallows are starting to melt and bubbly brown. Oh, so hungry now~~~so hungry 😉

    Waving from Across The Pond in wild, wet, woolly, wutheringly windy, wonderful west Wales xoxo

  69. patti says:

    So glad you made it home safely !! I have been in bed literally since December 1st first w/the flu then it turned into bacterial pneumonia. It has been a humbling experience. No Christmas tree up yet and no shopping, ughhh. I did a bit on your website but that was it. Yes this year I think I am going to find out if there is a Santa Claus, Virginia 🙂 You have kept our spirits up and I thank you for that. My granddaughter, Gabriella has been sick in bed w/me too. Just wanted to say Hi, Susan and glad you made it home. <3

  70. Carol Maurer~~~~ Kennewick, Wa says:

    Good morning to you Susan and to all girlfriends everywhere~~~
    What a busy weekend so far. I can relax later on today after coming home from church. Oh, family is wonderful to be close by. It’s hard to believe that the last 16 years have been without them except once per year. My granddaughter came to visit with us for a couple days. We went to a baby shower yesterday. What fun we had. It was her first baby shower and she had such fun.

    Well, it’s warming up now. So happy for that as tomorrow we head for the VA hospital in Portland, Or. so that Frank can get his arthritis checked out. He is in such pain all over. I pray that he can get some relief after seeing the doctor.

    Merry Christmas to all!!!

    Carol M

  71. Sally G says:

    I have just finished “A Fine Romance”. I know I was one of the first to order it. I have paced myself (it was hard) so that it would last. I loved it. I have given it to my sisters for Christmas. I hope that they will love it too.
    As a long time admirer of your talent, I hope you continue to paint. Your blog and books inspire to paint also. Your talent was given by God. May He continued to bless you and Joe with health and happiness.
    Merry Christmas ( California girl)

    • sbranch says:

      You are dear to take the time to tell me. Thank you so much Sally, for liking the book and for the wonderful blessing. xoxo

  72. Julia says:

    Susan, I just finished watching “The Bishop’s Wife.” What a
    wonderful movie. I had not seen it in a long time. It was made
    the year we were born.

    • sbranch says:

      Heaven movie. I remember the first time I saw it. I couldn’t imagine how such a wonderful movie had slipped by me for so many years!

      • Mary S. says:

        “The Bishop’s Wife” is one of our favorites!! Altho’ mostly different, in a way the short British series, “Mulberry” reminds me of it!! We loved it, and I recommend it!

        Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

        • sbranch says:

          Oh yes Mary, the loveliest crocheted dish cloths ever in the world as we know it today. Thank you SO much!! Such gorgeous colors.

  73. Gloria L. Nugent says:

    I’ve decided it should be official that under the word coziness…..it should read ALL THINGS SUSAN BRANCH!!!!!

  74. CATHERINE says:


    • sbranch says:

      My suggestion is that you try it. Just cook 3 cookies at 350 for a shorter time and see if it works. I’ve never tried it and my thinking is that it does better at lower heat and for longer … but I would really try it if I were you. Hope this helps Catherine!

  75. joan s says:

    Susan thanks for posting your fur collar photo on twitter – now
    I get how cool it can look with a v-neck sweater!

  76. Shelly says:

    Your perfect day sounds amazing! Also, your painting of the bubble bath make me long for spring and opening my windows. Although, I’m happy to snuggle with my doggies and husband on these cold snowy nights. Count your blessings indeed! Glad you’re home safe and sound! Thank you for your thoughtful writing.

  77. Laura Anne says:

    Thank you for the cozy update! Your house makes me want to snuggle up in a blanket and lay on the sofa reading a book with the fire going..

    I have one important question for you! Are you absolutely, positively sold out of this year’s ornament?

    • sbranch says:

      Probably. We sell out every year by this time. Since we have to order them in large amounts, we try to time it right; each year we order more, but they always seem to disappear.

  78. Mary Giambruno says:

    Your blogs always make me smile. Glad you made it home safely. I just got back from London on Friday, I thought of you frequently and all the fun you had in England. I had a blast too Christmas shopping and eating mince pies and of course drinking lots of tea, my sister and husband and I also went to the Christmas markets in Germany. It was such a treat.
    BTW….. did you ever receive an embroidery kit with the sweet saying from your book. That was from me, I hope somehow it did make it to you.

    • sbranch says:

      What a trip! Sounds just wonderful. It did Mary, thank you so much! I should write thank you notes, but it would truly be a full time job these days. I am blessed with so many thoughtful creative girlfriends! Thank you!

  79. Debbie '51 says:

    Oh, Susan.
    I love our time together so much.
    You make me teary-eyed, just for the nostalgia of it, the joy of it.
    So glad you’re home. I’ve missed you. The “at home comfortable every-day you”.

  80. Did you notice this in the Beatrix Potter Society e-mail newsletter:

    Sunday January 12, 2014
    Snow Date April 13, 2014
    Vineyard Haven Library, Massachusetts
    Beatrix Potter: A Woman Ahead of Her Times
    Betsy Bray on Beatrix Potter

    • sbranch says:

      I’m going. Oh yes. Jan. 12 I will be there.

      • Carrie says:

        Have they already reviewed your book? If so, was it in the e-newsletter or in some publication that only members receive? I’ve been watching for it in the e-newsletters.

        Which brings me to ask, do you know, definitively, whether the decision makes at the National Trust have actually received a copy of AFR? I know Chawton has it in their store but just wonder if the powers that be at the Nat’l Trust have it?

        • sbranch says:

          It was in the October Journal Newsletter that only members receive. Nice things in the E-newsletter too, but the review was in the publication they send out. I think Joe sent a copy to the National Trust, but we’ve never heard anything from them. I think it would be perfect for them, I didn’t realize, but really, I mentioned them on almost every page!

  81. pat addison ( cave junction, OR) says:

    good afternoon Susan, good afternoon girlfriends. what a weekend, finished up addressing and writing my Christmas cards, they are now all in the mail and on their way… finally!!! I think I overdosed a bit on White Christmas all weekend long while work on the cards, which was fine with me, I’d rather hear White Christmas while doing cards than anything else. been hopping around all day, taking buckets of hot water out to thaw out the water tubs and trying to get the hose to thaw out so I can use it. plus doing laundry and some extra baking as I do give the mail carrier and the paper delivery person a cake for the holidays ( my grandma’s apple spice and pumpkin spice bundt cakes) to wish them happy holidays and to thank them for the good service they give me. that’s been a tradition in our family for years to leave cookies or pound cake for the mail carrier and the paperboy or girl. well back to baking and laundry, you all have a great day, stay warm and comfy everyone and Merry Christmas!!!!! hugs…… 🙂

  82. Chrissy says:

    Dear Ms. Susan, I recently watched your youtube video of you making cinnamon toast. I love cinnamon toast. I noticed you had cinnamon and sugar in a shaker. You have got to try my mother’s way of making it. You butter a piece of bread, sprinkle sugar over it and THEN sprinkle the cinnamon. You then toast it in the oven (or in my case toaster oven). The sugar melts into the butter and it gets a nice crispy layer along with the cinnamon. It’s heavenly! You just have to try it. Thank you for your posts. I look forward to them so much. I have asked Santa for A Fine Romance. I can’t wait to read it! Merry Christmas.

  83. Mary S. says:

    Susan, how many Christmas books do you have? I see two in your photo here of your books called CHRISTMAS and one called CHRISTMAS MEMORIES. The only one here on your website is CHRISTMAS JOY and it’s sold out. I called a bookstore to see if they could order CHRISTMAS and they can’t find any called that except one for $150! lol
    I wasn’t sure whether to ask about this here, or send an email 🙁

    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

    • sbranch says:

      I have three Christmas books … Christmas Joy is a small one with lots of Christmas celebrations and cookie recipes; Christmas from the Heart of the Home is the big one with all Christmas recipes (dinners too) and celebrations; and there’s also a large spiral-bound book — Christmas Memories, which is a guided scrapbook with place for recording five years of Christmas Memories with words and photos. All are now out of print, hence the crazy $150. But you can find them for waaaaay less if you are vigilant.

      • Barbara (WA) says:

        I don’t know if you’ll see this, Mary, but you can find the discontinued Christmas Books at reasonable prices on eBay. I just browsed and there are several available. Good luck!

      • Mary S. says:

        Thank you!! <3 <3 <3

      • Rhonda D. says:

        Susan, I found 3 of your Christmas Memories in a book store a couple of years ago, and I didn’t buy them. I went back last year and the same 3 books were still there and I bought them all for $9.99 each. Don’t ask me what I was thinking the first time. Sometimes Lady Luck opens the door and rolls out the red carpet. Keep your eyes open Mary as you’re out and about, I’ve seen some of these books show up from time to time.

  84. Sara McKeefer says:

    Well, for Heaven’s sake, Susan, I’m pretty much speechless after savoring your blog for the past hour! What really shows through is how happy you are to be home after all that wandering, for which so many of us are truly grateful!

    The leek reminded me of that old joke, “You’ve got a big leak in the bathroom,” which I’m pretty sure my kids have never heard. Soooo, I bought a leek and have it in the fridge to take to my daughter’s Christmas Day to place on the commode in the guest bathroom, in hopes I can add some more excitement to our day! (I just refuse to grow up!)

    A Happy Christmas to you and Joe and Jack and Girl Kitty (and Peg too)! You all make our lives so much brighter!


  85. judi says:

    Woohoo, Susan, new webcam from Morgan Hill (just north of your CA stamping grounds). Find it from the NY harbor webcam. 52 degrees out there this morn and cold here, yippee! Actually have slippers on – not bare feet:) Have a magical day! judi

  86. Just watched “Good Ol Freda”, the documentary about the Beatles’ secretary. I highly recommend it!

  87. Merry Christmas Susan and blog sisters!
    Don’t forget to catch the long nights moon tonight!
    Maybe instead of wishing upon a star we can wish upon the moon? 🙂

  88. Barbara (WA) says:

    Dear Susan, I had to pop over here again and re-read this warm and cozy post. I love the interview preview! I’ve been feeling a bit blue, for no good reason, so I came to fill up on joy and peace. Going to browse the girlfriend’s comments next but wanted to say thank you for all you do to make this world a better place. Wish I could express it better but hope you can feel my hug!

  89. Donna says:

    Reading your blog, taking a side trip through Old China Dishes, with the Nutcracker Suite playing in the background on the local classical radio channel. A delightful morning … thank you, Susan!

  90. Mary S. says:

    Ijust found a copy of CHRISTMAS JOY on ABEbooks.com for $3.48 – and that included shipping and handling!! Yay!!!

  91. Donna E. says:

    I am not sure if this will help or has already been addressed/corrected in previous posts, but I have something you might try for those who cannot listen to the MUSICA while reading your blog. Adding the actual video to the blog, instead of having readers click MUSICA should allow readers to click the “play” arrow on the video and scroll/read the blog while the music and video play. I do this one my blog and it works quite nicely. Hope this helps.
    ~ Donna E.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m never sure what is copyrighted. So I just play it safe and let those who are interested click and go directly to Youtube. So far the only Youtubes I take are the ones I put up … is there a way to know what’s OK to use?

      • Donna E. says:

        I believe that it would be okay to post them on a blog, just not sell or copy them for profit. There is a “Share” button under each video/song that I have seen, along with several other “Share” buttons (e.g. FB, Blogger, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.). So, I would think it would be alright. ~ Donna

      • Donna E. says:

        I believe that it is okay to post/share videos from Youtube, as they have a “share” button and several icons (e.g. FB, Pinterest, Twitter, Blogger, etc.) under each one. As long as you don’t copy or sell for personal gain/money, should be fine. ~ Donna E.

        • sbranch says:

          This WEBSITE was very helpful to me. (Although I’m sure there are ten different answers for every question!) I just worry that music, in particular, is copyrighted and no matter who has put it on Youtube, it’s owned by someone. So I’m probably overly careful. With the huge popularity of Youtube, I’m sure they can’t sue everyone!

  92. Jody says:

    What a truly lovely post. Delicious! Thank you for the treat.

  93. Donna E. says:

    OOps!! Didn’t think the first one went through. =/

  94. Mary Peterson says:

    I love your posts all year long, but they are “extra special” at Christmastime. I love your “mini-Jack” as well. Have done some needle felting myself, but this is a reminder that I must get better at it — he’s a treasure!

  95. Janet in Rochester says:

    FYI & Heads-Up for Girlfriends with Macs – “The Tale of Benjamin Bunny” by Beatrix Potter is FREE on iTunes! Read it on iBooks. Hope this is helpful.

  96. Lisa Nelson-Jones East Tn says:

    So glad you and Joe are home for the holidays. Missed your “home posts”. Wanted to just say I was devastated to not get to see you on your book tour, but we are kindred spirits, I know, so maybe one day I’ll get to meet my hero 🙂 btw, if you really loved the Yorkshire Dales, you would love it here in east Tn- very similar. So enjoyed this post.

  97. mary spring says:

    ..good (early ) morning !.. did you see that moon (even with all that snow you got)?!? I love moonlight on snow !.. the moon is still shining brightly now and the stars are as glittery as ever !.. thank you for this post !… such a good interview, you gave such thoughtful answers.. and, oh, two of my favorite foods you talked about: sweet potatoes and bananas !!!!… what a dear heart you are!..have a great day and stay warm !.. with love, as always…

  98. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Good Morning Girlfriends ~
    I think my son has figured out how to play musica ~And~ read the blog at the same time!

    1. Click on “Musica”
    2. When the Utube video pops up hit “play” and start video
    3. Go back to the page (tab) you want to read ~ the blog post page is located on the left top of the screen
    4. Double tap “home” button (indented button to the left~ located on the black or white part of the iPad)
    5. Slide the menu bar (located on bottom of screen) to the right and hit the “play” button located in the center and enjoy the music!
    ~ I hope this works for you ~It’s working great for me!

  99. Karen Feldman says:

    As the snow swirls I cuddle up for a little visit with Susan and everything seems sweeter! Thank you and Merry Christmas!!

  100. KJ says:

    Susan, thank-you for giving me a sweet reason to pause from my hectic day while i read your post! You inspire me.

Comments are closed.