Today I’m going to take you on a first-ever tour of the Blog. There are surprises when you scroll down, but first we need MUSICA. Because no matter WHAT it looks like out your window, the season are changing, it’s Spring! I bounce off the walls for this music. “. . . It’s a beehive of budding son and daughter life . . .”
I thought, before we pull the name of the lucky winner of our wonderful vintage book BEST OF STILLMEADOW, I might give you a little tour of how this blog works. I’ve never done that and although lots of you have your own blogs or have learned your way around, some of you are new. So I thought, well, here we go. Can’t hurt, might help. ♥
First off, I get questions about this all the time: so, when words are underlined and in color, that means it’s a link (just like the word MUSICA above). You click on it and a new window will open right on top of this one where you can find recipes, stories, information, photos, a bookmark to print out, and other things I hope will add interest to the subject of the post. Click on them and see what waits for you!
Next, in that row across the top of the blog there are those little bits of art with words around them, such as I LOVE ENGLAND, HOME COOKING (there are lots of new Spring recipes up, btw), and VISITING MARTHA’S VINEYARD. If you put your cursor on any of them, there will be a drop-down; you can click on any of the subjects there for more posts about everything from Old China Dishes, Cleaning Silver or Wishing on the Moon, to Jane Austen or My Favorite Movies. So if you are bored with a post, or I’ve left it up too long, I hope you’ll find something interesting up there.
♫ Skylarks are larking, see them all double parking . . ♪

What else? Oh … OK, Shopping. That’s one of the icons at the top. When you click on it now, you will find that Kellee has posted a brand new “Table of Contents” ~ in the column on the left. She did an amazing job . . . everything is so much easier to find. Our web store is filled with things I make myself (like calendars and books or my new blends of tea), or things I ask people to make for me (like Janie’s Banners or my glass charms for A Fine Romance or Girlfriends . . . p.s. btw, while I’m thinking about it, a new shipment of GIRLFRIENDS charms along with our brand new KITTY LOVE charm should be in any moment, maybe even today!). We also like to share things I love, like the very best candles in the world, or things I have for my own house that I think you might like too, such as my favorite books, Beatrix Potter figurines, cute dishtowels, or teapots with hearts of them. We try to keep it interesting, so we might try something for a while, then change it out for something new like our new striped dishtowels in this photo (I got yellow, but they come in four colors). We are
small, just the three of us (Kellee, Sheri and me) plus our right hand guy, Alfredo, so we never get very many of anything, which sometimes makes it hard, but at least it’s not boring.
“Shopping” got its start when I heard over and over again how hard it was for people to find my things in stores ~ and because I couldn’t force stores to carry my calendars and books and never knew for sure who did, I couldn’t tell anyone where to look. So I decided to make this a central location where you can come if all else fails. Plus, it’s much more fun now when I show you something in a photo, such as
my vintage elephant creamer for example, if while I’m out and about I find another one in an antique store, I can get it and offer it here (this allows me to wander mindlessly for hours through antique stores looking for great deals which I love to do anyway!). ALSO, at the very bottom of the new table of contents is FREE STUFF. Click on that and you can print out free stationery, a Tea Party Invitation, lots of bookmarks; all kinds of things show up there (from me to you with Love) . . . right now there are new Springtime “Wallpapers” for your computer. We try to change everything at least seasonally, so check in every so often.
One last thing: some of you come to this blog directly through www., and some of you have signed up so it’s mailed directly to your email box. The problem with the emailed version is that you may not be getting most of the stuff I just wrote about above. Plus, when I put up a video (like the one below), for some reason you just get a black box, it doesn’t show up. I don’t know why. The worst part is they don’t give you a place to leave a comment. In order to see the videos or leave a comment you must come to www. Then, to leave a comment, scroll to the bottom of any post you wish to comment on ~ there you will see the tiny word “comments” in light grey letters, click on that, and that’s where you leave your comment. That’s what you need to do in order to enter the drawings, because that’s where the “random number generator” (better and more fondly known as “Vanna”) chooses the winners.
← OK, I guess that pretty much sums it up. I hope this helps! It’s a lot to read, so sorry, but I thought I would get it over with in one giant fell swoop, with loverly MUSICA playing to keep you happy during study session!
Now, speaking of archives: In December 1986, a few months before my first date with Joe (which I wrote about in A Fine Romance) and only about one month after the publication of my first book HEART OF THE HOME (the surprise and shock of which I had not yet gotten over, putting a perpetual giggle behind every word of this interview), I was invited to a local Cape Cod television program called Books and the World to talk with Marion Vuilleumier. I recently dug out this tape, and had it put onto a disk so it could be uploaded to YOUTUBE. It’s a questionable choice for me to show you this, as I (perhaps slightly overly critical and then again, perhaps not) find it quite embarrassing. It’s my first time on television and I’m very nervous. It’s a thirty-minute interview, so get tea and watch when you feel like it. I’m sorry I sound like an idiot, but apparently that’s what I was. I like to think I’m better now, but probably not, TV has always been scary. Anyway, I’ve included liner notes under the video, to read as you go along: they are the who, what, where, why, and when of what is going on.
REASONS TO BE EMBARRASSED, in order of appearance:
1. weird stare
2. I know nothing about anything . . .
3. Vellum? It’s not vellum, it’s . . . uh, wait a minute I have to go look. Bristol Board! Why can’t I ever remember that? I love giving out false information on television so people watching can say to themselves, Vellum?
4. Which is so much better too . . . really?
5. “They help each other out there, they take an interest in other people.” Can someone please pass the sugar.
6. Oooooo. Big Buildings in New York. Kill me, kill me now.
7. The secret French liqueur turned out to be Grand Marnier. The rest of the story: I never expected to get that job, which is why I tried for it, just for the experience, plus the interview was in that scary big-building place, New York, which I liked (I’d only been there maybe twice before, in my pitiful defense) and they paid for me to go. But I did get it! Then I had a problem, because flying to twenty cities a year instead of walking island dirt roads out to the sea every morning was not really my cup of tea. So I said thank you but no.
8. “Imagination goes with childhood.” Love that!
9. Dreamer . . . Cozy inn? Need clone.
And now, me with the Baby lions:
I wrote a little about going to Mexico City with my wild-animal-trainer boyfriend in the GIRLFRIENDS book, but I had to show you the babies we had in the house with us for one night. How adorable are they! At this time in my life I had never painted a picture, I could only cook grilled cheese sandwiches and spaghetti, I had never planted a garden, I made a lot of my clothes and dishtowels for my mom, but I had never heard of Martha’s Vineyard, and almost every book I’d read was a fairy tale in one form or another. I was nineteen. Since I’m writing my new book, I spend lots of time in this sort of territory.
AND NOW, with no further adeiu, because this time Vanna is actually up and chomping at the bit to draw the name because she is OUT of here this morning, has a date or something. So, there she goes, arm swirling, names flipping and flying, more swirling, she does an amazing job of mixing things up! Here we go, she has one! And the lucky winner is:
Elaine, there’s an email waiting in your box. Write me back and tell me where to send your book! Congratulations! And thank ALL of you all for the WONDERFUL amazing fun lovely lucky comments! Have a wonderful day! Happy weekend! XOXO
Not one mention of Jackie Boy:( Thanks for the blog lesson Susan. Have a great first full day of spring. Debby
P.S. Do you hate to fly?
Oh yes, I was still flying at that time, but just barely!
Sue – something I’ve been wondering. Is there a way for you to take the train to NYC? I’m guessing the ferry takes you to Woods Hole. Or maybe Falmouth? Probably no train stations there, huh? Would you have to go as far as Boston to get the train? In that case, then it’s probably be faster to ferry over from the island in your own car and just set off from there to NYC?
Normally we would drive to New York, but if we wanted to take the train to New York (if we were going down south or something), we would drive to Providence, RI to catch it.
Oh, I forgot about Providence. Good you wouldn’t have to go all the way to Boston. :>)
Thank you, Susan for a great walk-thru of you web site. I really love your charms and hope the Kitty Love charm shows up soon!
well, yet another thank you, oh! thank you Susan!!! a wonderful, very-much-of-a-surprise visit, and we all surely LOVE you for it!!! hubby and I were happy witnesses to a bunch of wee calves doing some kind of cow-race up and down the fields of the farm next to our home!! wow!!! now that is surely a sign of spring?? it is a blessing to watch the cows, and, now, their off-spring…a very peaceful and soothing kind of “gift” in our days.
Definitely! Nothing like a baby cow race for springtime excitement!
baby cow race… how cute, but around here we have baby chick races or baby turkey races instead, maybe even baby duck races, just put a leaf of spinach down or some feed and watch the races!!!
You are!! Seeing these old photos and watching your video makes me all the more anxious for your new book. I can’t wait. Congratulations Elaine – you are a lucky girl!
Have a wonderful day Suzanne! xoxo
Susan… Enjoyed the blog tour and listening to the interview. And what a great photo of you and the lion cubs.
Many congratulation to you, Elaine, on winning Best of Stillmeadow!
Happy Spring……..
Elaine, congratulations! Susan, I’m not sure whose cuter, you or the lion cubs. I’d say it was a three way tie! Thanks for the orientation tour. I’ll watch the video later as just leaving to run some Friday errands. Have a good weekend, everyone.
Thank you for another delightful post! I hope you don’t get tired of hearing how much folks enjoy what you do! I could see you and Joe being innkeepers! Thank you so much for sharing! Have a blessed day! Happy Spring (I’m a day late, but I grew up thinking it was the 21st so that’s where it sticks in my mind!)
I did too! When did that change?
Me, too! Does it change each year….maybe with the lunar cycle…or is it more like Thanksgiving?
One of our Girlfriends came up with the answer a few comments back … Spring came yesterday but today is first full DAY of spring! Aha!
It WAS March 21st growing up … so I checked on for answers. Turns out a year (the length of time it takes the earth to orbit the sun) is 365.25 days. In 2016, spring will come on March 19th for the Pacific, Mountain and Central time zones, and in 2020 it will be March 19th for the rest of the U.S.! I’m hoping Blog Daddy Jack is going to pipe in here and give us even more of a science lesson 🙂
oh, my goodness! I should’ve watched the video before my comment…..what a WONDERFUL visit you had with the interviewer, and what a WONDERFUL time I had listening and watching!!!! not only a “tech-miracle”…..but, a “heart-miracle” as well. wow. and, the edgar guest quote at the end…made me cry. seems like you did also. it was just super-wonderful, and I can’t thank you enuf for sharing!!!!! love, love, love!!!!!
It did make me cry! I was glad it ended then, because I would have been blubbering! xoxo
Oh, man….I was laughing out loud over your list of reasons to be embarrassed! You actually did GREAT! What a fun memory! Thank you for sharing it. I really enjoyed watching all of it! I loved the interviewer’s accent, too, “The H-ahh-t of the Home.” Haha! You’ve made your dreams come true. So inspiring!
I know, Hahht! Cute!
Oh, dear, I get nothing at the right today. No favorite blogs or websites, no YOUTUBE Channel, etc. I have tested the link on Firefox, IE, and Google Chrome.
Hmmmmm. That’s quite odd. I wonder why? How about along the top, is everything there?
Hello Susan… I too cannot see one thing on your sidebar?… I know it’s not our computer… Jack does maintenance on it all the time… last time I looked at your blog everything was there????…. anyway, love this post, going back now to finish it… congrats to Elaine!… xoxo Julie Marie
Things are there at the top though…
I sent your message to my computer person. I can see the sidebar on mine, but that’s two of you reporting that you can’t see it. Wouldn’t you know, on the only day I give a “tour” half of it would be missing! 🙂 Isn’t that perfect! Try hitting refresh and see what happens.
Here’s another wrinkle – I’m on Safari and when I click on any of the pages along the top (except shopping) I get the sidebar with all the goodies. But if I click on the actual post of any of the blog entries I get a blank sidebar.
Oh dear. I sent your comment on to my computer wizard person, I’m sure you’ve tried to refresh? Hopefully if the problem originates with us, we can get it fixed soon. I don’t think it’s happening to everyone though. I’m on Safari too.
Hi Susan . . . just reporting that the right hand column is not showing up for me either. Top row of icons is there. I’ve rebooted, refreshed and everything else I can think of. Going to the top row and returning does not bring them up either. I’m on Safari. Arline in LA
OK, thank you Arline. Our guy is working on it. I don’t know what’s happening. so sorry!
The sidebar only shows when the actual blog is on the screen — it does not appear if only the comments are up…
OK, check it out today, has anything changed?
The right sidebar is blank only when I am in the “COMMENTS” mode. Going back into the BLOG mode (clicking icon on top left hand corner of page) or opening up any of the other pages such as SHOPPING, ABOUT ME, HOME COOKING and so forth – the sidebar is visible. The same applies when reading past blogs/comments.
Hope this was helpful. Maybe for those having trouble this is the case?
Yes, it is Erica, trying to get to the bottom of it!
It has been this way for awhile…I thought it was my IPad. It’s only when in comments that it all goes away.
I ‘ve looked at every iota on your blog—-full of great things !!! You are way too critical of yourself in the TV interview, you came off very sincere & endearing ! I think that ‘s why you became a big success!
I think seeing it from me now is part of the problem. The big buildings in New York almost did me in.
The Cook is always the dinner’s worst critic…Pretend you don’t know that person ….it’s a trick I learned when first I became popular …..
LOL. You are so tricky!
LOLOL I just love you Blog Daddy!
Oh my goodness it’s my lovely Pink Tutu lady –I’m gassing up the car and heading for Calif right now !
My dad loves you too Suzanne!
Oh, behave. Actually in my mind Blog Daddy, you are not only popular but quite famous!
Oh, Susan…Your nineteen-year-old self looks just like Mary Quant!
You definitely had that 1960’s “Chelsea Girl Look” going on!!! Vidal Sassoon Haircut and all! I hope your new book will share more images of those days!!! So MOD! (I bet you even had a Paper Dress back then….remember those???)
You are Adorable, then and NOW!
And Happy Reading, Elaine!!!
We all had a bit of Mary Quant in us in those days! 🙂
I wish — those of us with curly hair just couldn’t pull off the Mary Quant look!
Ohhh Miss Winnie….didn’t you IRON your hair???
We spent hours trying to achieve that Jean Shrimpton look with our trusty, steaming GE Iron sliding across towel-covered curls!!!!….UNTIL I scorched my sister’s locks!!! That was the end of THAT! Switched to Frosted Lipstick and Go-Go Boots to nail our British FashionStyle!
A LONG way from Toni Home Perms!!! hahaha!
Jean Shrimpton, Mary Quant, paper dresses (did have one, wore it once), what next – Yardley cosmetics? You girls are taking me back to my early teen years. I finally go to go to London in 1971, and see where all that fun had been going on.
Oh isn’t THAT the truth — college in the 60’s with very short, very curly hair while everyone else had long hair down to there and could use juice can rollers or iron the stuff! Hah — now — I’m making up for it — I’m way past the age for long hair according to some thinking BUT I have shoulder length slightly wavy and I can have a FLIP or a gorgeous Page Boy curl on my shoulders! And I am loving being 19 in my mind’s eye!
Yes we did, along with Yardley of London makeup modeled by Jean Shrimpton. Happy memories!
One can still find tubes of Yardley lipstick on eBay. I think a used tube sells for around 30.00. I was fun to come across it, because the memories come right back. The colors on the tubes, which one you may have had, etc. As soon as I saw one of the lipstick names, I remembered that I had that one. It was Goodnight Slicker.
I remember my favorite Yardley lipstick – Pink Gentian. It was a hot pink even back then!
I saw a little Sally Field there with the lions. And I had a paper dress, Beth! Oh, that makes me feel so old.
I love exploring your blog! Thanks for the guide to all the resources I have loved them all!!
Love this chatty post. Congratulations to Elaine on winning the Stillmeadow book.
You are charming in the interview. Loved watching it.
Thank you Lorrie!
You could be nominated for teacher of the year! How you manage to teach us about everything from blogs to world hunger … while hosting a contest for 1000+ … creating new and amazing art … keeping up with the best blog ever online … all while writing a book … is simply amazing. You once again remind me of the Goddess Lakshmi who has 4 hands (I know you want 8) and is known for beauty, calm, happiness and love of the home ♥
LOL, yes, eight would be better. Thank you Mary, you make it sound like it’s much more than it is! But that’s the joy of not having to do any of it alone anymore.
I think the confusion is that spring ARRIVED at 12:57pm yesterday the 20th, but today, the 21st is the first DAY of spring.
Loved your interview, I think you were perfect, sweet, funny and sincere. Who could ask for anything more!
Ah HA! First Day!
Oh Susan! Thank you for sharing the video with us… was sooooooo WONDERFUL!
All these years later and suddenly what was only seen by a handful of people on Cape Cod can be popped onto youtube. Miracles never cease.
Just thought I would tell you….I have been with you on your blog day one…. Love it. It is my first blog I check in before all others……but why don’t you add a “search” site….so we can easily look up your great receipes , comments on tea and places? I know I have to google your chicken lemon brick receipe… But maybe some of your new member or old would not know that…..anyway you are great and. I try every week to live my life from your experiences. We are even planning a trip to England ……using your wonderful book. Susan
The blog is a work in progress . . . finally got Archives! A search button would be wonderful! Sweet of you to tell me Susan, and so happy to have you here.
Susan, I think the interview was adorable! I think your “weird stare” (which was probably due to the fact you didn’t realize you were on camera yet) set the tone for how you were going to evaluate the rest of the interview all these years later. 🙂 As for “vellum”….perhaps the interviewer’s name was stuck in your head! Ha, ha, ha.
I think the rest of us are glad you did not go off island and build that Inn! In a way, you have your B&B Inn right here…your Books & Blog!
Two suggestions for your Blog Tour…..people who get the e-mail of your Blog can click on the title in the e-mail and be taken to your Blog that way. Also, perhaps an explanation of how you moderate our comments would help people who don’t understand that you read every comment FIRST and that they get moderated in a last/first sequence.
I also have some suggestions for your Blog administrator guy……there should be (I hope) some way to have your newer upcoming events listed at the top of that page. As it is now we have to scroll to a point midway to find anything new added.
And concerning your Archives…..since it probably would be monstrous to have it listed by categories, perhaps letting people know they can Google your name plus the topic they’re searching for and find it that way. That’s how I found your sweet potato recipe the other day.
I appreciate that you shared your interview, especially since you felt embarrassed by it. Remember, we’re usually our own worst critics! And by showing it you remind us that it’s OK to be real. 🙂
Books and Blog! Perfect! I did get that B&B afterall! Thank you so much Cathy, what great suggestions! I should redo the EVENTS page, it has sort of gotten mixed up. You are so helpful! I appreciate it.
I was only going to take a quick peak at your video interview. . . .places to go and things to do! Now I’m late but I LOVED watching the entire show. Susan, you were darling!! Your enthusiasm in telling of the Heart of the Home process was delightful. Instead of focusing on long-gone glitches of yours, you should marvel at the improvement in camera work and non-tinted glasses for interviewers! I loved hearing about Little Brown and how they helped you along. They were an important angel in your life to get you to where you are today. . . in OUR world! I could just see your ideas whirling above your head, visiting new places, opening your lodge, writing, painting, taking the world by its tail and making your mark. It all melted my heart. I feel like your mom, I’m so so proud of you! Thanks for sharing so much! ALWAYS!
Thank you Patty xoxoxo
That was a wonderful interview, Susan! Nothing to be embarrassed about at all, in fact, you should be quite proud. Thank you for sharing it with us.
good morning susan, girlfriends… happy spring everyone. congratulations on winning the book Elaine, I hope you have many happy hours reading it and enjoying it. thanks for the site tour susan, since its peep season here and our busiest time of the year i’ll only be here a short while, just popping in to say hello and happy spring to everyone and now off to the barn and get busy. have a great day today and a great weekend. hugs….. 🙂
You met the Beatles AND held lion cubs!? You are so cool, SB, so cool! Enjoy spring with Joe and Jack and Girl Kitty. Post lots of pics of Jack at the window and Girl Kitty sitting in sun puddles. It’s spring, girlfriends! It’s spring!
I think I have a bit of Forest Gump blood in me! Happy spring Nora!
Thanks for the orientation–it was a good way to show us the changes, too, that you’ve made in the blog. I loved the video–it was great! Your comment about the buildings in New York was cute but, unfortunately, is what I would be saying yet today! LOL! Isn’t it amazing how technology has changed since 1986! That is what is so interesting…
Everything is different except for writing the books by hand!
Hi Susan! While we’re on the subject of your blog and its technicalities, would it be too much trouble to explain how to make the music continue to play after clicking on musica, going to Youtube, and then returning to your blog. I love your selections but haven’t figured out how to get it to play while I enjoy reading your messages. You are just SWELL, my dear! I love it when you post a new blog — a huge treat for any given day.
No trouble ~ You have to be able to have two screens open at once . . . click on the Musica then go back to the blog to continue reading. But I’ve heard that with an iPad that’s not possible. I don’t have an iPad, so I’m not sure, maybe one of the other Girlfriends knows?
Right, Susan. I have to be on the computer to be able to do both at once. It won’t work for me when I’m just in my Kindle Fire. Wish it did; I’m not a big fan of just sitting in front of the ‘ outer.
Meant to say, ‘ puter, not whatever came up there.
I liked everything you had to say today, Susan. It’s good when we can revisit our younger selves, but only when we promise not to be to critical. After all, those babes-in-the-woods became US!
Well, late to the party! But congrats to the winner of the drawing! Sooo exciting. Thanks as always Susan for revealing your most endearing self. We all look back and wonder sometimes who that person was so many years ago. I know I am doing a lot of that myself! Keep on keeping on and thank you for all the wonderful posts! Happy Spring all!
Congratulations to Elaine, one lucky lady. I’m going to settle down to watch the video now.
Loved the interview! The interviewer was a hoot!! You did a terrific job, and it all came off wonderful. I kept thinking about the French liqueur offer as I watched the interview and read on…. Aren’t we all so fortunate that you turned it down?!? Fun to look in the rearview mirror and see how life has/is unfolding! Blessings to you — have a wonderful spring!
Makes you wonder about the path not-explored… but I’m PERFECTLY happy right here!
Susan, You and everything about you is wonderful. The instructions are helpful reminders. Sad note, Drinda’s husband Michael passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday. Thought you would like to know, since they have fallen in love with A Fine Romance and you.
Much love and bunny hugs,
So sorry to hear that sad news Shirley. Please give her a hug for me.
I will, thank you.
Susan those pictures of you are adorable. I had that same haircut. Loved it. Thank you for all the information. And a congrats to Elaine. Yea!!! Spring is here.
And you were charming in the interview. Have a blessed week.
Oh, you are way too hard on yourself…you were wonderful! I loved hearing and seeing you back in the day when you were just getting started. I loved your tenacity and work ethic…you are a true treasure, Susan! XO
Susan, You are a true beacon for those of us who have dreams & want to follow through with them. You’ve shared that you get nervous before an interview, or some other adventure, but what is really important is that you work through your fears, finding success. Your adventures help others to know that they too could work through their fears. Absolutely loved the video! (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
Susan, I see that you have always liked cats. I love your blog, love to visit. I adore your pets. Wishing you, Joe and the cats , a wonderful Spring.xoxoxo,Susie
Just had to say it… You look like Sally Fields in that picture!!! Too cute!
I think your interview is wonderful!! And you, in the photo with the baby cubs, are so beautiful!!! What is hilarious are your comments about the interview: “I’m sorry I sound like an idiot, but apparently that’s what I was.” – ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!
Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA
You think you’re all cool and probably come across as half-way intelligent and then something like that pops up and you go, Nevermind.
How very entertaining! I love to come visit your blog. I haven’t watched your TV interview yet, but I will soon. Loved the Musica; I remember that song from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, one of my favorites.
I truly enjoyed the video from”way back when..” Thanks for sharing it! Also, I am using Chrome and there is nothing on the sides of your blog post -I knew something was different! It sometimes takes me awhile to notice these things 😉
My computer genius person doesn’t have it either. He’s trying to figure out what has changed.
Nothing ! The original Blog Program included all your across the top and Sidebar details …. These details were not programmed to be included in the programming provided for listing “comments”
Personally I don’t see anything wrong with that format …. If I want to get into sidebar I simply bring up your blog again….easy peasy !
Yes, Jack is right. If you have clicked on “Comments”, the sidebars aren’t there. You just go back to the blog, out of comments to get the sidebars. Nothing has changed…
OK Pat, excellent. Did you get your puppy yet? xoxo
The video was great! I have been “with you” since that first cookbook so it was a real treat for me. Do you ever think about that Inn? It sounded wonderful.
I’ve thought about it!
I really enjoyed watching the interview! I have your first book, and was flipping through the pages mentioned and had forgot all about the recipe for your grandma’s turkey stuffing. Did you ever open an Inn? Oh, dreams!
I came close! But then I realized all I really wanted to do was decorate the rooms and cook. Bookkeeping and room cleaning was going to be a problem!
I love your hair in the photo with the baby lions. So cute, fun and pretty.
Thank you for sharing your interview. I am off to watch it with a cup of lemon tea. 🙂
xx oo
Loved the walk through of the blog and remember your first post and could not wait for it to happen. I told everyone about it, as I had already found your little California shop with so many wonderful items. Needless to say, I have been endeared to you and yours ever since.
Just wondering, when we make a comment and sometimes you answer us with your own sweet comment, I think all of us would love to be able to look back but I can never find my comment to check back because of the enomous amount of commenters you have generated. Any chance the comments could be numbered? Just asking – as I know some things are harder to do than we think. I believe I am about number 46 when I started this post, so maybe I can find me to see if you answered. Hugs and Spring to you. Judy C in NC
I forget how, Judy, but there is a way and other of the Girlfriends have spoken about it . . . maybe one of them will let us know.
Judy, use your “Find” feature on your computer. If you don’t know where that is, look under “Edit” at the top of your screen in your Browser. It’ll pop up in the upper right corner of your browser screen and you just type in “Judy C”.
Perfect Cathy, such a big help, thank you!
Also the other girlfriends note the time and date of their blog comments .. So if they need to go back they simply use those clues to find stuff…..
Thank you Cathy – another trick I never knew about. Isn’t it fun learning new tricks after all these years?
I’ll be darn – something new I learned today. Thank you, thank you – and I hope everyone has a “be awesome day.” Judy C
Is the new book going to be about your younger self – earlier life experiences? I thought it was going to be about your first home on MV, your little Half Cape cottage? I guess the cottage would be part of your earlier life…….
As for the Mary Quant look (adorable on you BTW), that haircut is popular again, but when I mention Mary Quant or Vidal Sassoon to the girls wearing it, I get a blank look………..sigh.
There were things that happened to me after I got that little house that really started before I got there, so I’m putting them in too.
See what they missed? 🙂
Congratulations, Elaine! I’m so happy for you! If you’ve never read the Stillmeadow writings before ( and maybe you have !), don’t be surprised if you get hooked on them and want all of the Stillmeadow books. Then you have the Cape Cod, Amber, and fiction books…all a delight! Susan, great tour!
Oh, Susan…..I just watched the video of your interview. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it. You may have felt embarrassed by some of it, but to me, having “known” you for so many years, it was just YOU….charming and “real”. Thank you for sharing that with us. And, , don’t tell anyone, I watched the whole video at work, immediately after most everyone had left for the day. It was the highlight of my week…..honestly!
Ohhh Ruth, you are so sweet! Happy weekend to you!
Well that was sure a fun video! You were so young and brave, and what a dear Marion was — I had to look her up, and was so happy to read of her long, interesting and vital life. You bring us all so many unexpected treasures, Susan … For that matter, you ARE an unexpected treasure yourself!
Are you still contemplating a novel one day?? Hopehopehope …! (What might it/would it be about?)
Happy Spring!
I’m sort of writing this book now in novel style. We’ll know for sure when I get it done!
Loverly … Can’t wait!! :o)
Just curious … does “novel style” mean you are typing this one? I know the handwriting must be the really time consuming part and as long as there are continuous inserts of your art and handwriting with recipes, quotes, etc. I’m sure the girlfriends wouldn’t mind … especially since there are so many books to follow this one! Good thing you live in the moment 🙂 Enjoy writing this book anyway you wish ♥
So far it’s still going to be written in handwriting. But it’s a funny thing because I think the book will tell me what it wants and either way is good for me as long as it’s what the book needs. I’m definitely enjoying it. No question about it!
Love that the book talks to you … and lets you know it’s wants & needs 🙂
“We are small, just the three of us (Kellee, Sheri and me) plus our right hand guy, Alfredo…” So… who’s Peg??? thanks, Bobbie.
Peg used to be the person who managed and took care of FOSB, our Facebook Page, and she still pokes her head in every so often to say hello.
And it’s so nice that she does still pop in because Peg is very sweet! I was SO glad to see her sitting there beside you in Vroman’s at the signing, Susan. My books are on the top of a stack on the lowboy in my bedroom where I can pick one up and have a little nip now and then when the mood hits!
Eventually one copy will live on the shelves in the guest room!
I watched the video and loved every minute! You have no reason to be embarrassed about any part of it. You did a great job! Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Susan, I’ve been waiting for this! I loved every second of that interview. Thank goodness you got it on video or it would likely be lost forever. Please post any other videos you come across. It’s like coming across TV footage of a dear old friend.
I have several of them, but they’re all those huge tapes right now. I’ll have to go through the box one of these days soon. I did a half hour pilot show for WGBH (PBS of Boston) … it’s very clunky because there was no script! They just pointed the camera at me and I started talking. Good grief! But it’s here at the house and we go out to the garden, so that’s fun. I make breakfast for Joe.
I would have watched that show! Maybe Food Network needs a nudge from a certain bunch of girlfriends…
Oh, that would be so wonderful seeing you on the Food Network Susan! (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
A show like Ina in the Hamptons or Martha at Turkey Hill…
Susan on Martha’s Vineyard… painting and decorating, visiting with friends, cooking meals and taking walks with Joe. Special shows where they travel on the train to fun places. A California special. Another trip to England…
Why hasn’t Food Network thought of this???
They must not be kindred spirits! 🙂
How did I ever miss that!!!
Thank you for the blog tour–very helpful! I loved seeing your first television interview and I don’t think it was embarrassing at all! You were delightful and YOUNG! I remember buying your first book for myself–it caught my eye in a book store and I was hooked. Over the years, my husband has bought me each of your books as they came out and I love them all!
Thank you Sharon!
Hi Susan , I’m new to your website & blog . I love your artwork style ; very unique , warm & cozy . I love the retro , mid-century styles too . Looking forward to watching the video . Also just have to mention, that you looked a lot like Sally Field , when you were a teenager ! They say we all have a twin ! Happy Spring to you too . 🙂
“Mid century styles,” you have no idea how cute that sounds! xoxo
Hi Susan! I’m part way thru watching the video–very cute! I had that exact same hair, only in blonde, and I love it! I enjoyed the blog tour, tho I did know it all (not to be snotty!) but it is still fun to get the personal guided tour version. I saw our elk herd today! they roam wherever they please around here, and I’m always watching for them and today they were in a field next to where I usually walk. Such an amazing blessing! 🙂
I’ve only seen wild elk from the window of a train and I always think it’s magic. Lucky you!
~ Good Aftenoon ~ I really I enjoyed your video from the early years! ~ Thanks for sharing that and everything you do with us girlfriends! ~ Happy Friday and congrats to Elaine! ~
OK First of all you are way too critical of the interview. You were adorable and if I had seen it that day would have rushed out to buy the book (which I have) because you were so much like a “girlfriend”. Thanks for posting it. I have been a blog follower since day one and I learned something new about you from watching the interview. Loved hearing about the process of getting that first book down on Bristol board. You were very charming. Ah youth – if only we knew then what we know now!!
So true. But then, the ride has been quite a lot of fun!
I agree Beth, and meant to tell you Susan, that that interview is really fine. You are very open, honest and refreshing. I love that you just went for it, wrote/drew a book fearlessly, before knowing all the ins and outs. You go girl!
Oh, Susan, what a fun, fun video:) You were adorbs as usual and I loved that you wanted to open a bed & breakfast…..could you still do it but make it an assisted living one:))))
I also have nothing on the right side of your blog showing up??? Ah, a love/hate relationship with technology. Mostly love and amazement.
Congrats to your winner…now I will have to drown my sorrows in some spiced pecans I just found in my freezer, YummO, your recipe, and I took a little stash and put in the freezer when i made them a couple of months ago, still delish….what a treasure! Have to get my last load of sheets off the line….one thing i love about FL …you can hang your sheets/rugs/etc. out year round. Thanks sweetie for a sweet peek at yesteryear! nose XXX’s to the kittys 🙂 judi
That was smart of you, wish I’d hidden myself a little pecan treasure! 🙂
The wonderful thing about getting old is that there are so few embarrassing moments any longer. Besides there was no need, you did a wonderful job with that interview.
Loved the picture of you with the cubs.
Just enjoying a cup of your new Spring tea that arrived yesterday. It is delicious!
I do love the other one also. Thank you the wonderful blends.
Oh Susan! First, thank you for the blog tour. Very informative! One of the best blogs I’ve ever seen. So much to explore and such beauty at every turn.
Now, that video interview! Is this the first time ever making it public?! It is absolutely the most precious thing EVER! First of all, you haven’t changed a bit! Still so darling….still so sweet…you look the same and sound the same! You spoke from your heart with your optimistic attitude that we all love! It was such fun to hear about your book process and I loved the part at the end where the interviewer said “attempting things not tried before and succeeding mightily well” (or something like that!). Thank you for your books and sharing your gift with us! We all LOVE your process and the things you do. Thank you for following your heart and doing what had not been tried before with your books. And you’re too, too funny pointing out your “Reasons to be Embarrassed!” So, when can we expect to stay at your Inn? 🙂 xo
At this point I’m afraid not holding your breath is really important! 🙂
Loved your interview Susan!!! You are too hard on yourself. You did a great job! Loved seeing that it was 1986 when it was filmed. It’s wonderful that you have dreams, and that all of your girlfriends are included in them!!! Thank you for being you!!!
Oh, Susan — you were adorable in the interview. We are all so glad you took up painting! The world is a more beautiful place as a result of your talents.
You are a dear for telling me that, I feel very blessed. xoxo
I just have to tell you how much I absolutely loved your interview!! Thanks so much for sharing…..I had no idea how much is involved in doing a book like yours! Of course, why would I? I neither paint nor write; I do cook and I do so love to read and your books are a pleasure to read!! I’m looking forward to your next one and it’s difficult to be patient. But, that’s how we learn to be patient, isn’t it…by having to wait!
It’s hard to get your books now. I didn’t know about you until last year when I saw ” A Fine Romance” advertised in a magazine……maybe Victoria or Tea Time. Anyway, as soon as I saw the advert, I knew that I would love it; so I ordered right away. And I did love it…I do love it. Thanks ever so much.
Take good care~~ Sherrill
We’re going to reprint AUTUMN this year. And then maybe we’ll do HEART of the HOME with this new book I’m writing. Thank you, Sherrill!
Very smart to reprint AUTUMN. Have you ever thought of reprinting Heart of the Home in a smaller format like Autumn? Or could you print a “double” HOTH and Vineyard Seasons? I actually have one of those double bound books from a long time ago and it’s pretty cool. Just thinking that a new format would get the girlfriends to buy it all over again as so many of us have the original. Food for thought … xo♥xo
I had thought about that, but I was afraid it might “fool” people into thinking it’s a different book and that probably would not go over very big. But hardly anyone got the double book, so few of them were printed.
That’s wonderful news! I ordered “Sweets To the Sweet” yesterday… comes the waiting, but I must say, your girls get things out quickly, so it shouldn’t be too long before it arrives. I am so looking forward to it. I think that my next one will be the Blessings book to write in. I’ve been getting the Dairy Diary from England, but I think it’s time for a change.
Thank you again for the tour and interview. I’m just recovering from a sore throat and cold/cough, so it was nice to be able to visit with you that way.
Take good care…and, keep well.
Glad to hear you’re better, Sherrill!
That’s great news Susan! I love that these reprints will give all our Girlfriends a chance to add them to their growing Susan Branch library (and have us retailers new books to sell – yippee!!).
Loved, loved, loved the interview! I can’t believe how much we still learn about you. There was nothing to be embarassed about. Now it’s time to do another interview displaying all the books and things you told us about in the blog. And thank you for the blog lesson. Loved that too! Have a great springy weekend.
Oh Susan, you are so adorable during your first interview! It’s so neat to see such a talented heart felt writer, such as yourself, so completely raw and excited for your new adventure back then. So cool! 🙂 Have a great day, Juleianna
I think I know what happened to the Inn. One day she walked into this restaurant to meet a friend and met her too young for her little brother friend., Blog Daddy, has she always been exceptional and wonderfull?
That could have been it!
I think unique and gifted with imagination that she turns into reality….when younger, as a teen she kept most of her thoughts and feelings private — remember she had four critical brothers, plus a Controlling father … Still she managed to have many exploits that she hasn’t even mentioned yet….. one thing that has always stood out is her care about the World and its People. She also has several very successful siblings. Examples: one sister is a graduate Major Projects Engineer. Her brother has a plumbing business and has recently developed a Laundry Detergent that does not contain harmful chemicals like Benzene that most detergents do … He’s also producing an “effective” Mold Killer, that really works… So it goes with these kids ~ they are quite a bunch!
Jack, congratulations to you for raising such a fine bunch! But I do love Susan the best 🙂 xox
Spoken like a proud, loving father! Isn’t it the hope of parents ~ that their children grow to become caring adults, using their lives to better the world (even in spite of the mistakes we make along the way, raising them)?
I can relate to keeping my thoughts and feelings private growing up the oldest of 7. I think I had to protect my dreams and hold them to reveal at the right time. It can crush you to share a dream only to have the listener “talk some common sense” into you. The older I get, the more I realize how precious and important dreams are…
Can’t wait to hear other stories about your family Jack. Such a loving family, full of fun. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
Sounds like it. She is truly unique and beautiful. Scuse us Suzie while we talk about you. What amazes me is the flow of creativity that never seem to ebb.
I need that mold killer product! It would sell well in the boating industry. It seems where ever one is surrounded by water mold abounds.
It’s called Mold Menace and it works great! He’s got a new laundry soap which I’m loving called Rain … it has no chemicals in it… have you read about that terrible Benzene that is in so many kinds of laundry soap? YIKES!!! Really quite shocking. You can Google either of those things, he sells them on Amazon too.
I just heard that recently, about the benzene. When I was a toddler, I told my mom not to put any “gasoline on my hinney”, when she was getting out the VASOLINE. LOL Vasoline does irritate my skin and lips now. Maybe I knew something then.
Okay, here it is. I’m one of those people without a filter, just coming out with it the way I see it. The first 6 seconds (yes, only 6 seconds, I went back and counted) I thought it was a still picture and not a video because as you said – there was the stare, but after that, you were MAHVELOUS DAHLINK (as Zsa Zsa would say)! Nothing to be embarrassed by at all. I enjoyed every minute of it. Sorry the Inn dream didn’t work out, but then you probably wouldn’t have had time for all the other wonderful dreams you’ve made come true. We seriously looked into doing a B&B several years back, but as we delved into it more, we realized we were really in love with the romance of it, but the nitty gritty probably would have done us in. I’d love to see more videos!
Yes, I just wanted to decorate those rooms! And I was really tired of living alone!
See how perfectly things work out? You have thousands of us there with you on every trip, walk and rubber band fling. You are hardly alone! The best part is we can sit chit-chatting together with our tea and there is never as much a cup to wash or a bed to make. Love it! xoxo
Oh Susan, you are way too critical of that interview!! You did so well! You seemed so relaxed, natural, warm, and so happy to be there. Also, you sounded confident and spoke so well. I know… you are just fishing for compliments…LOL…just teasing! Well I really enjoyed watching your interview while drinking my tea. Now I have to read the rest of your blog! Thanks for sharing the video and have a wonderful Friday and a wonderful weekend!
Hello Sweet Sue I watched Then Watched Again Your Video from 1986! OMG You are So Cute! & Oh So Funny! 🙂 & Before Anything That Photo of You & The Baby Lions at Age 19…You Look like a Movie Star 🙂 (Not Kidding!) I Just Showed it To Herbster & He Said “WOW” 🙂 & You & Those Twin Cubs & The “Animal~Trainer” OMG! 🙂 I Love This Blog (Of Course! 🙂 ) Thank You for Teaching Us All Bout Your Blog I Adore Flitting & Flying Around Every Nook & Cranny! Oh As Far as The Dream of Your Bed & Breakfast…I Know That Herbster & I Would Have Been Working There! 🙂 Dreams Do Come True We All Know That & It’s Never Too Late! 😉 I’ve got TCM on As I’m Typing & The Glass Slipper is On with Leslie Caron One Of My Most Favorite of The Cinderella Movies! 🙂 Well Wishing You a Glorious Spring! I Spent 6 Hours “Spring~Cleaning” Today! Put All Things Winter Away & Decorated with Lots of Glittery Bunnies & Cute Spring Things! Nice & Clean & Shiny! 🙂 Hugzzz & Kitty~Kisses To You & Joe & Girl & Jack! I Love You Sweetest Sue! 🙂 P.S. Our Kids & Teachers Begin Their “Spring~Break” Today 9 Wonderful Days Off! Fun! (My Jonathan is a Teacher & Our Taylor is a Student) 🙂 Oh Also Congratz to Elaine! a Very Lucky “Girlfriend” 🙂 Vanna Must Have Had a “Hot” Date! 😉 Spring~Fever Early! Nite~Nite To All & Happy Weekend! Go Out & Play! xoxo Poof! ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*
Thanks for taking the time to post your vintage interview. I thought it was professional and endearing, you shouldn’t be embarrassed by any of it. What made me chuckle, was the Mass accent, particularly when your interviewer prounounces “heart” in the book title, lol. I spent my early childhood years in Ma, my parents are from there, and my daughter asked me “why does grandmum say “bawth” instead of bath?” Love that pic of you with the baby lions!
Susan, I LOVED your first interview! I thought you did a great job. Thanks so much for “being you”!!! Donna (Idaho)
Hi Susan,
You were wonderful, but that interviewer was really silly! Loved the lions!
First..congratulations Elaine…what a wonderful gift! And thanks Susan…for the info on your blog! I know this info has to really help those who aren’t familar with blogs… You were (and are) soooo cute! Love your photos! Sure fun to go through old photos isn’t it? Thanks and blessings…
That interview video was delightful…although you looked truly terrified at the beginning, by the end you were a pro! I fell in love with your work with that very first cookbook. It was such fun to see how it all came about. – Fawn
Oh Susan, you were absolutely adorable in that interview! You have no reason to be embarrassed! It’s so much fun to look at those kinds of old tapes and see how far we have come in the media world. That show looked like it had a really high budget! LOL I loved the host (The Haht a the Home). I’m so looking forward to your new book and to learn more about your life. Do you still create your books entirely by hand? What happened to the B & B? Did it have anything to do with a young man with a beard who showed up a couple of months later?? Thank you for continuimg to be an inspiration to me!
Yes, still all by hand. The B&B was only in dream stage then, but then they asked me to do another book, and after that, another … so that’s what I did!
Hi Susan,
I am relatively new to your blog (I receive it as emails) and I love-love-love it. Also LOVED your book, “A Fine Romance.” Thanks for today’s MUSICA, and I just wanted to make sure you knew that the song “Spring, Spring, Spring,” comes from the amazing musical “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” Run, don’t walk, to your library or Netflix or someplace to get a copy and watch it! There are more FABULOUS songs, and it’s just a forgotten gem of a film. Enjoy enjoy enjoy.
I like that movie too.
I loved seeing you in younger years, and I think you have grown up beautifully! Congrats to Elaine!!!!
First day of Spring is wonderful and I love celebrating with you and with all of the girls! Happy First Day of Spring!!!! 🙂
Susan … such a fabulous interview! When you shared that you refused to leave your original ‘book’ with the publisher, I immediately pictured the similar scene in the movie, Miss Potter. No way would Beatrix have left without her ‘baby,’ either 🙂 As for Mary Quant, I’ve never heard of her although you and I are the same age; must google! Also, I have the Girlfriends book, but now I’ll have to re-read it, as I do not remember the wild-animal-trainer boyfriend/Mexico City story. Your blog has been my favorite since BEFORE it became a blog, and you and your team just keep making it better.
Sharon in Alabama
Thank you Sharon, I couldn’t do it without them. There’s another photo of me with the baby lions on the bottom of pg. 16 in Girlfriends …
Susan you are adorable– no matter if you had a “weird stare” or not!
Your open-ness and willingness to share you’re life with us on your blog is refreshing and fun. I look forward to reading whatever else you have to write.
I thought your interview was really nice and showed what a genuine person you are. I loved the lion cubs! Thanks for sharing the interview.
I loved the video. Thanks for sharing it. Isn’t it weird when we see ourselves on film? You sounded very intelligent and interesting to me – no weird stare in sight. You did great. 🙂
Your reasons to be embarrassed made me laugh, but you were darling! How young we were once upon a time! BTW, I didn’t manage to leave a comment on your post about Joe and the dangling teabag, but that made me laugh too 🙂 xoxo
Thank you for sharing this video! You were adorable and still are. Now I’m going to page through my copy of the book and enjoy it all over again!!
I thought the interview was wonderful! What I like the most about you, Susan, is that you are just so normal and genuine and not a snob! Most people with just a smidgen of your talent would have a swelled head, but yours is, thankfully, on straight and full of wonderful ideas that you eventually share with all us girlfriends.
Thanks, Susan, for the wonderful tour of your blog but most of all for just being you and sharing your life with us.
I was recently looking through old photo albums… Love that you shared this with us. Going back takes us to the original source of our inspirations and dreams. Our embarrassing naive state is both grounding and inspiring .
The dream thing is what stands out to me. I had very little money, the book had only been out for one month, I lived alone in my tiny house in the woods, but there I was, plotting an Inn. I never imagined that I would do another book. I thought that was a one-time thing. Yes, the naive state is both grounding and inspiring.
Thank you for bravely sharing that video – I enjoyed it! Not as “slick” as things are these days which is one reason I liked it. Boy, little did you know where that first book would lead you!!
I love your video!! You sound so different than I had projected your voice to sound!! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing this, what a darling look into your world. I so enjoyed it, I know everyone has. I think you sound so professional! Nothing to be embarrassed about!! You nailed it! So looking forward to your beautiful Spring pics too. Thank you again for sharing this part of you.
…and the rest as they say…is history !…your tv interview was too sweet and too adorable…oh..why are we women so hard on ourselves? Please delete your critique of your most precious interview…you were so poised and sweet and charming and humble. If I hadn’t bonded with you before…I did all over again witnessing that special moment of yours a n d regarding…REFRI”D”GERATOR…I too misspelled it for ages for the same reason we always said..fridge !. I’m so happy to say…I have and cherish that very first book of yours l !…Just loved the segment…..oh and congratulations to Elaine as well !
I spelled it like that five times in Heart of the Home! I always thought I was a good speller, that definitely took me down a few pegs!
Do I detect a little Bostonian accent?? And second, I thought your interview was fabulous. It really was wonderful and I thought you were very natural. If it was me there would have been things like ‘drool’….a ‘blank-void’ stare, so I thought you were absolutely wonderful for your first time. It was really interesting to hear too, I loved it. Things for putting it on.
I was always sad no one could see my cute skirt! 🙂 At least I tried!
Very funny –“drool” and “blank spaces” … My only comment would be for the interviewer …she needs to learn where the TV Camera is located and to segue smoother from subject matter….to commentary !
Her presentation was the awkward part .
It was like having an interview in a bedroom. Just a desk and a camera, but I never knew if it was looking at her or looking at me. I’m sure I would have answered her questions a lot differently today.
I have to agree with your Dad…she kinda reminded me of the skit on SNL…. with the quiet voices..”good times..” it’s so funny.
Susan, I loved that interview. You r so cute and your fun, sweet personality comes shining through. Thanks so much for sharing. I always love reading your blog, especially your quotes and art. You are amazing especially because you bring so much joy to us all. Thank-you. Connie
Positively charming!! ♡ Susan, your 1986 interview was just wonderful! So many times, it transported me right back to your book signing talks at Anderson’s and at the tea party in Wilmette. I truly love hearing about all of your experiences and your writing process! Do you think we will have a chance to see your most recent tv interview, too? Heartfelt thanks for all that you share with all of us!
Happy Writing, Susan! Enjoy the first weekend of Spring!
I’m waiting for them to put that up on Youtube so I can share it. It’s actually the same program as the 1986 interview, Books and the World. But sadly, no Marion.
Love the video!
And always look forward to your latest blog entry.
Congratulations to Elaine.
Congratulations Elaine! Such a wonderful gift to receive. Your interview was great Susan. I only wish I could have done half as good a job as you at that age. You were so brave and you did so well. I remember back to years ago when I first found your stickers in the craft stores…I thought you were the best thing since sliced bread. Your work stood out to me above anything else in the store. I somehow knew there was something very special about Susan Branch, and now look! Lucky us! Loved the photo of you with the baby lions. Too cute. That is something that I’d love to add to my bucket list…but I know the claws would be a problem. And you were gorgeous…actress/model material…took me right back to those glory days.
I have had such a grand time tonight listening to your very interesting interview and the fun ride through all those other mini-videos. You were articulate, seemed relaxed and having a good time during the interview. You were quite an advocate for your book and art which tells me you truly believed in yourself and loved what you did. I so enjoyed all the little videos too. A most lovely ride through some memories. A Susan Branch-Joe Hall Inn? Would have been heaven for guests. Happy Spring to all!
So happy for the lady who won Stillmeadow. Last weekend I was outbid in the last 5 seconds on eBay…..on a collection of 31 of Gladys’ books!!! Have to admit I stopped and wondered if it was you! Not that many people know of her, and her books are so wonderful!
Thirty-one! I wish! Five seconds, how irritating!
how silly am I??? when I was reading comments of those who did not see sidebar, and they said they were on Safari, I thought they were in Africa on a safari~~~~lolol….love your blogs, Susan, and I am not on a safari, I am in chilly upstate New York waiting for Spring!!!
Lots of people on Safari! 🙂 too cute … must have been the lions.
I’m just so proud of you!
Loved the TV interview video! Adorable!
I loved watching the interview, you did not look nervous and sounded very much like you knew what you were talking about. It was so interesting to hear about the way you create the book, is it that much different from how you do your books now? Love the old photos especially the one with the lion cubs. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be young but with the wisdom we have now? Thank you so much for sharing that with us!
Happy Spring!
I pretty much do it the same way now as I did then. The only difference is that when I misspell a word I don’t have to use whiteout. I just rewrite the word and when we scan the pages, we take out the bad one and replace it with the new one.
The interview was delightful!! The start of it you were very scared but luck was on your side as the interviewer was a warm, caring lady who put you quickly at your ease!!! The stare was hilarious!! You were indeed lucky to have the help from the publishers –probably unheard of these days…………did they do anything for your current book—I had the sense that you did all your own publicity from your requests to all of us friends to write Amazon etc. and spread the word on bookshops to visit. Do you have a publisher now for the new book in progress? Your video kept me up way past my bedtime but knew I would have trouble sleeping if I didn’t watch it NOW!! Loved it! I wish you had something like this from your book tour so we could see how you look and sound now. Maybe someone could do one on the next book tour!! Thank you Susan from Linda in Idaho where the weather is still very cold–29 at night and low 50’s days………but warmer weather is coming!
The publishing world is so different than it was back then, before there were blogs, or Amazon or ebooks … while there were still hundreds of bookstores and gift shops. Many of the biggest Publishing houses have gone out of business and Little Brown was sold four times while I was with them, each time resulting in a different world view. They rarely take “risks” anymore, and A Fine Romance, because it wasn’t a cookbook like my others, was considered risky. So like my heroines of the past, Beatrix Potter and Jane Austen, I had to step over that little bump in the road to get my book published, and take on that “risk” myself. Every day is a new opportunity for learning! Sometimes I say to Joe, can we please stop learning now!
If Little Brown thought A Fine Romance was “risky,” then I don’t think they were looking at things with the right set of eyes. I knew in my heart this book was going to fly right off the shelves, and it did. I already see your next book flying off the shelves too. Thank you for taking that risk for us Susan. So many times now all you can get is the “kindle” edition of a book. And it just feels so good to be able to pick up any of your books, hold them in my hands, in my heart, and enjoy…which I do almost daily. It does something for me that kindle just can’t do. Such a blessing!
I feel the same about books, especially those written by my heroes. I work in my studio surrounded by friends.
What a nice thought, Susan, that you work in your studio surrounded by friends. I know what you mean. I grew up preferring the company of the Bobbsey Twins, and my sister and brother’s books, Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, over almost anyone else except my Dad.
I remember my Aunt Glennis, who also was my fifth-grade teacher, saying, “You’ll never be alone if you have a good book to read.” She was a wise woman, who, every time I visited her, would send me home with a book to read just because she knew I loved to read! I loved that about her.
Lucky to have your Aunt for your teacher!
Hi Susan,
Love that song: spring spring spring! Happy music!! Here outside I can see the birds make their nests, its beautiful.
Wow Baby Lions, would your kitty’s not be jealous? Nice video of you Susan, don’t have that book yet, but I’ll keep looking, perhaps there is somewhere a used one.
Elaine wishing you much fun reading your Gladys Taber book!
Lots of love from the Netherlands
xoxo Willemien
I LOVE your name, Willemien!
What a wonderful post! Thank you, Susan! And congrats to Elaine!
Wow…….Wow………..Wow…….that is about all I can say ! I watched your interview and one thing for certain is “You were a lady way ahead of your time!”
All this time of reading your blogs and taking in your wonderful insight into life I figured it was one that evolved with time; Wrong………not so ! It is right there in your interview…….Amazing. You are one amazing lady Susan. ….My one last unanswered question is at what point in life did flying become a fear from experience? You never discussed that and perhaps don’t wish to either! This was a fascinating blog post for sure! Loved the interview film !
I’m writing about flying too, in the new book. It evolved and then one day, the evolving was over!