Well, sorry Girls, I have bad news: I just read that this wonderful little Kitchen Garden book is now going for $900.00 on Amazon ~ I think I have to keep it.
HAHAHAHA April Fools! (I’m not keeping it, but the $900 is, unfortunately, not a joke!) MUSICA . . .
Vanna, (our “almost real” “random number generator”) as many of you know, is Irish to the tips of her little green-polished toes (this is the “almost real part.”) She went out last night, didn’t get in until after dawn (faith and begorrah, Girlfriend!), so we will go forth without her and save our drawing for last. This way everyone stays a winner for another ten minutes! Yay!
For lots of us, Spring arrives on the inside our houses MUCH sooner than it does on the outside. Our sanity requires we look beyond reality to a better world, a future world. Intrepid pioneers of the seasons that we are, we forge on, strengthened by our three sweaters and two pairs of socks.
Despite the way it looks outside my kitchen door . . .
Inside, it looks like this.
You know I love to decorate the shelf on top of my stove, it’s my first go-to place to mess with when the seasons change.
I change it every season, never with an actual plan, just whatever is hanging around that says “spring” and “cheerfulness” to me, I grab it and put it on top of the stove
This was one of the perkier entries in my stovetop hall of fame.
This was last year . . . lambs R Us.
Here’s this year’s version, seem to be leaning a bit more “bunny.”
I don’t usually stop with the stove . . .
I made the fireplace mantle ready for a spring tea party
I decorated with lambs and bunnies and sheep . . .
More sheep more bunnies. . .
The tea party was small because it was a Baby Snuggle for one of my girlfriends (Margot) whose daughter Scarlett just had her first child . . . a darling three-week-old 8½ pound girl named Georgette . (I’m still waiting for permission to put a photo of Georgie on the blog, but not holding my breath, not everyone “believes” in blogs. I can only tell you this: Margot is magic: she gave birth to an elf, which would be Scarlett, and Scarlett, in turn, has given the world a gnome.) There were six of us,
we’d all known Scarlet since she was born, so we were the lucky ones to have our own private viewing and cooing party.♥ I can’t tell you how adorable this child was, head bouncing with big wide eyes looking right at you, a rosebud mouth with little pink tongue. Fingers that went in all directions.
I almost made a Lamb Cake. But I decided to save it for Easter. which is just around the corner . . . so, just in case, here’s the RECIPE for YOU.♥
Here’s our tea party. You can just make out the gnome legs in the very left of this photo, wrapped in red wool with white stripes. The rest of her was even cuter.
And we had milk-milk-milk Cake . . . bathed in more milk.
And here’s the RECIPE for that, just in case you’re a new kid on the block and haven’t had a chance to try this luscious old-fashioned thing.
For tea, the girls had a choice of this, or . . .
. . .this. Can you smell the bergamot, the lavender and rose petals . . . they took this.
I do hear Vanna stirring, have faith Girlfriends. She came in after I got up, so she needs her beauty sleep bad. In the meantime . . .
As you know, this $900 book 🙂 is illustrated by Tasha Tudor . . . (although I do have to say, the author is wonderful, Mary Mason Campbell fits Tasha Tudor’s work to a Tee).
Some of the drawings are in color. . .
But there are also lots of black and white line drawings . . .
Like this one . . . when I see something like this, I always think “wouldn’t that be fun to color in?”
Or this one . . .?
Or this . . . the little pots, the shirt, the hat, fun, right?
There are many wonderful line drawings in vintage books . . . Like this one in The Twin Lambs, illustrated by Marjorie Flack.
And this one, illustrated by Lois Lenski from Once on Christmas . . . (I’m thinking green dress, red hair, yellow book♥)
And this one, a print of one of the original children’s letters by Beatrix Potter from one of my favorites, The Tale of Beatrix Potter by Margaret Lane.
I play coloring book sometimes with line drawings like these ~ and whoever wins the Kitchen Gardens book, or for any of you who’ve maybe wanted to give it a try in one of your own vintage books ~ it’s a fun way to learn a little about watercoloring while being perfectly thrilled with the outcome of your first try.
See that ↑ Now see that . . .↓ ♥
I watercolored this one and got to feel a little bit Potterish while I did it. Speaking of that, I got my Beatrix Potter online Newsletter today; it’s called Pottering About, Here’s a link if you’d like to see it, or get it automatically sent to your email box.
Its hard to stop! The littlest palest color makes such a difference. (Course dried flowers help too.)
This is the one that got me started . . . many years ago I found these pages in an antique store. It used to be a book, but the cover and the binding were gone ~ what was left was a few pages, all line drawings, and all in black and white. Until they came home to my house.
I had a wonderful time painting these. If you ever enjoyed coloring books, I think you would like this!
The pages came from a book that was published in 1901 called The Story of Live Dolls. The author is Josephine Scribner Gates. On the title page it says:
The Story of the Live Dolls
Being an account of how, on a certain June morning, all of the Dolls in the Village of Cloverdale Came Alive.
It’s a charming fairytale about girls and their dolls.
The drawings were done by Mabel Rogers. I love her art, and was surprised to see nothing on Wikipedia about her, and really nothing for Google Images either. But we’re remembering her . . .
Over a hundred years later. ♥
I thought I would frame them and hang them all in a line around the top of the wainscoting in the guest bedroom. Which I never did. I still have them.
So you can see the before and after, this was the last page I painted, and I took photos while I did it:
You get to choose the colors . . .
And fill between the lines . . . and if you go outside? Just part of the charm.
And use your three-haired brush to exacting perfection.
OK Girls, I’ve held you prisoner long enough . . . Vanna has rallied, she came out just a few moments ago wearing a fish costume. (Don’t ask.) It’s covered with shiny green scalloped scales, she is wearing three inch yellow patent leather slip-on heels, and a shiny yellow bathing cap. She looks FABULOUS. She is almost ready to do her famous high dive into the vat with our almost 3,000 Girlfriend’s names. She will swim to the bottom as if she is a corkscrew, thereby mixing and twirling the little slips in a swirling mad vortex. She will then come streaming to the top, winning slip in hand, her work for today will be done.
Wish her luck. Good Luck Vanna!
A r e w e r e a d y ?
On your mark, get set: You go girl!
She’s down! The green toes were the last things I saw . . . There’s swirling, more swirling, bits of paper flying through the air, I’m waiting, we’re waiting, still waiting . . . she’s coming, she’s coming . . . I see her, I see her ~ ~ I think . . . yes, I think, BOOM, she’s UP, she’s GOT one!!!!
Please give it to me Vanna, take a bow, you may go back to bed with all our gratitude for a job well done. ♥
It wouldn’t be the same without you Vanna. Know that.
Sooooooo, let’s see, what does this say?
The winner of the Loovly little boook is
Every one of you . . .
Congratulations, Kathy! This was a big one and you made it! Look for an email in your box, please send me your address, I’ll sign your little book and it will go off to you asap.
And for everyone else . . . in a nutshell:
LOOK, what we have to look forward too!
Fun, Girlfriends, Thank you. ♥ We have to keep meeting like this! XOXOXO
Congratulations to Kathy Towers! And thank you for another lovely post, Susan.
The snow continues to melt here in New Hampshire. We have a long way to go, but I can actually see my neighbor’s mail box again. There is always hope. Happy Spring to everyone on Friday, March 20!
It’s the little things that count. I am mad at a chunk of snow that won’t melt in my yard, then I hear how in Maine there’s no lawn at all, and now here’s you, and you can barely see a mailbox, and I realize I need to count my blessings! 🙂
Hi Susan! Yay, Kathy!! We can all feel your excitement!! Springtime has blossomed inside Smallville already. I am totally smitten with your antique Flower Basket doorstop on the mantle. It’s just perfect for the season! Mine is not quite so old, but I really love it. What a lovely thought to watercolor vintage book illustrations! So grateful for all of the Springtime inspiration! It won’t be long now… ♡
Happy Almost Spring!
Hi Susan,
I really like the idea of coloring in those beautiful black and white illustrations but I would really have to summon the courage, because it goes against the “never write in a book!” way that I was brought up. I actually love it when I buy a used cookbook or any book where someone has made notes or comments, those are the ones I like best! Coloring looks like fun, I just never thought of it before!
Congratulations to Kathy, lucky girl, what a fabulous book! I just searched our library website and it’s available, so I’m going to borrow it and enjoy it. I’ll keep searching at used bookstores, you never know, I might find one that’s not $900!
I felt the same way, did it because I thought no one would ever know. Ha ha ha ha!
Well Done Kathy!
Yes, I just looked to see that price tag and here in the UK it says £999.00! There’s even a hardback copy for over £1,700.00 Wowser! Not much else you can say, just wait for everyone to pick themselves up off the floor!
Spring is most definitely springing now and with the equinox just days away, it is all downhill from here to summer ~~~ in the meantime, seems Vanna needs a talking to? lol
My daffies are starting to open, the muscari are spreading yearly, and it has been so lovely to get out and feel the earth between my fingers once again ~sigh~ In a few days I must bring Peter Rabbit and Flopsy Rabbit out of their boxes as they are my special springtime mugs.
I must try the Hot Milk Cake recipe, but every time Emily asks to help, we end up making Victoria sponge or Lemon Drizzle. Time I taught Emily to think outside her bowl! She is such a lovely shade of yellow, so perfect for Spring!
~~~Waving~~~from Across the Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo
Give us the recipe for your Victoria Sponge please! 🙂
I’ve just added my original recipe that I learned many decades ago in Domestic Science to my next blog, but this is the one I use these days. It is so good! bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/mary_berrys_perfect_34317
Well we all know Mary Berry around here now! Thank you Deb!
Thanks for the recipes! Domestic Science?! Here they call it Life Skills now. Whatever happened to Home Economics???
She’s in Wales, they probably have Domestic Science — I had cooking class!
Our Home Economics was in two parts: foods and nutrition, and sewing/clothing. I grew up in WI. My Aunt was a Home Ec. teacher. My mom taught me a lot, so I would come home and complain about the way the teacher wanted us to do things. I made the mistake of telling my Aunt one day. oops
Yes, Deb, we need the recipe!!! My daffodils opened just like you said they would. I had a lot of comments today while working in the yard.
Much to do!
Congratulations Kathy, lucky girl. But we’re all blessed to have a new and Eastery blog from Susan. Spring is in our hearts, if not in our yards. Beautiful illustrations beautifully watercoloured by Susan. What a good idea!
I am just beyond sad that I did not win the book….but glad someone is so over the moon happy!
I have just finished a really really wonderful book about WWll. It is called
“War Brides” by Helen Bryan. It is her first book…and it rocks. My daughter and her friends are reading it for book club. Guess who finished it first..MOM! I couldn’t put it down.
If it was a movie it would definitely have all the good ones….Myrna Loy, Barbara Stanwyck, Claudette Collbur (?) and James Stewart. What a cast…what a book!
Blessings, Lee
Thanks for the book suggestion Lee!
Yay, Spring is less than a week away! Your decorations are completely adorable. 🙂
Love the watercolor embellishments too.
Congratulations Kathy! I must confess that I own a copy of this book already. I’ll have to print out a bookmark to go in it. <3
Oh my, I ordered this great little book and it’s on its way. Nope not going to sell my copy, bought it from you last week. How fun!
Oh good for you Diana, you will love it.
Congratulations to Kathy! How generous of you to part with this very valuable book, Susan! And thanks for the watercoloring class! Your technique really brings the illustrations to life. They are just precious.
Yes, we are bringing spring to life inside our homes right now! I had traveled to SW VA last week and did see some tiny spring bulbs in bloom! So exciting–snowdrops, crocus and some tiny daffodils. Its like an Easter egg hunt at this time of year.
P.S. And on our drive back home, I saw some little lambs! They were jumping all over–it was so cute!!
Oh my, “The Story of the Live Dolls” was my favorite book in our one-room schoolhouse’s corner library (that’s the corner of the room, not the block). I even contemplated stealing it, I liked it so much. I would imagine what would happen if MY dolls came alive…then I switched to “The Box Car Children”, and “Two Little Savages and How They Grew” and left my dolls behind!
Not really though, I hear in your words you never really left the dolls behind.
Congratulations, Kathy – the “luck o’ the Irish” must be strong in you!
I must admit, I’m a little shocked by how much the book has jumped in price, though; when I put it on my wish list (just in case I wasn’t the winner, of course), used paperback copies were under twenty dollars. I guess I’ll have to wait to get my copy until I win that lottery after all!
I loved seeing what you did with the line drawings in your vintage books. I think I may have to dig out my watercolors and go play now! It’s funny, because while I have a bad habit of writing and drawing all sorts of things in my books, I never would have thought of coloring in the illustrations that they came with! Thank you for the idea!
Just ignore Amazon and keep looking, I’m sure you’ll find one for a lot less than that!
Yeah, since all this started with you Susan (!), I started combing for the book and re-reading everything about Tasha Tudor. I decided to plunk out the dough for the book in the secondhand marketplace on Amazon and only had it in my cart for a half day while I chewed on it and THAT QUICKLY it disappeared…and it was NOT cheap. Now, the prices have jumped more. See what you did?!!!! My library’s Friends are having a book sale soon and I think I’ll scout their shelves. The Goodwill store also seems to get a never-ceasing amount of books. There used to be a service at the library,’in the olden days,’ called “Bookfinders” and they’d search for a book for you, too.
Soon people will forget and the prices will go back to normal . . . I hope!
I was looking on bookfinder.com, a great site for finding books,and paperback copies were all going for over one hundred dollars. ONE was listed at $6.95, but when I went to look at the details,it also was selling for a much higher price. Weird bait and switch.
What a fun idea to watercolor old pen and ink illustrations! I LOVE to “color” and this gives good practice working with water color. My biggest problem is working with too wet a brush which makes the paper ripple. How do you get the color you want without too much “wet”? (I’m guessing you will say it comes with experience? but any hints would be lovely…) After a virtual “non-Winter” here in Minnesota, Spring is around the corner and I can’t wait to see the flowers blooming even if it seems like we are still waiting for Winter to come. Thanks for sharing the photos of the flowers… 🙂
Often depends on the thickness of the paper. The Dolls book is old thick paper. Also, try putting the water on as lightly as you can, and maybe dry the brush afterward on a paper towel, lay it back where you just painted and let it soak up some of the moisture. Hope this helps!
Congratulations Kathy Towers, you have won a real gem and signed by Susan makes it even more special. May you enjoy it very, very, much! 🙂
Congratulations Kathy!! 🙂
Susan, what fun reading of how you watercolor painted an old story book about dolls! What a great idea. I’m going to head over to my local vintage store and find one just like it and sit down to do the same! I love your creative mind – Beautiful, just beautiful 🙂
Thank you Constance, love having you here.
Congrats to Kathy! Lucky girl!!
I love the idea of watercoloring in books. So often I’ve wanted to. That milk cake looks divine! I love tres leche cake and it sounds similar.
I hadn’t heard Lois Lenski’s name in years. Your mention of her brought back memories of devouring her books when I was a schoolgirl, beginning with “Strawberry Girl”. Thanks for the reminder!
Congratulations Kathy! Susan, I think that could be the same book I sold on Ebay as it went to your west coast. I can’t remember the name only it went to CA. I think I sold it in the fall. I know when I saw the address and name it clicked in my head that it was your organization. If they have it on Amazon all the more to them getting $900. I know I didn’t get near that. I already have another and I wouldn’t even part with it for $900! The one I sold I didn’t even know I had an extra copy! I have a lot of books and a lot of Tasha Tudor. Love you stove and how you decorate it. Always enjoy your posts.
I can’t imagine anyone paying 900, I think it’s some sort of fishing thing or something. Thank you Diana!
Congratulations!! That is pretty beautiful!!! xoxo
Dear Sweet Susan,
Is it possible that I am the first commenter? So happy for Kathy and her good fortune. Enjoyed the blog especially the pictures from the books and the idea of painting the black and white line drawings . What a wonderful idea. Thank you for the recipes. You make everything so fun. Always look forward to what you have to share. Thank you. XOXOXO
Thank you back Luci!
A beautiful post. What fun. I loved reading and waiting. Congrats to Kathy.
Hi Susan: Another winner! Not just the $900 book, but your blog post! I loved the old illustrations and the ones you painted! When you mentioned Lois Lenski it rang a bell. I rushed to my bookcase and found an antique book I own, “Read to Me Storybook” containing dozens of stories and poems written by well-known children’s authors and British poets, and illustrated by . . .Lois Lenski!! I always loved these as a child and even more now! I will try to copy and send some of them to you. One is a sheep with a straw hat and feather talking with a goose in a bonnet and apron, across a back fence and gate! Utterly charming!! Thank you for helping me to remember this!! And all the wonderful memories of having those stories read to me as a child!
How great Jane!
Congratulations, Kathy! What fun! And I love the little porcelain kitchen cupboard/stove under the word “YUM”.
That was a good find!
Congratulations to you, Kathy Towers, what a treat you have to enjoy!
Thanks, Susan, for all the fun on your post today…we love being here. Wow about the $900 value on the book. Amazing!
Oh rats and mice! I just checked and I am not Kathy Towers, winner of the most precious books ever!!! Congratulations, and Susan thank you for popping in just as I poured tea. I am home with a miserable cough and cold looking out my new dining room windows wondering as the snow melts, if the lady that lived here the first 20 years planted Daffodils out there on the hillside. I hope so and if not they will be on my planting list next fall for sure! My tea party for one is me nibbling on the end of my loaf of soda bread and the last bit of strawberry jam from my sister in law. Thanks for joining in and sharing your touches of Spring. Look forward to the next time. Kindly, Lindy from Holland, MI
Here’s hoping you get the daffodils Lindy!
We had a spring teaser this past weekend! Gave us a chance to do a little yard clean up and get excited about this year’s plantings ☺️ The sun has been out here in Northern Kentucky but it got chilly again. I’ll take it as long as there is no more rain! Congratulations to Kathy!
Well Congratulations to Kathy Towers. I know with spring around the corner you will just love this informative book and bookmark. So happy for you. Hope you enjoy every minute of it. Gail Buss
Congratulations Miss Kathy!!!!
wow – glad I got mine last year on line for just $17.00
That’s the trick, keep looking until you find one at the price you need it to be. They’re there, sooner or later.
Congratulations, Kathy! And thank you, Susan, for the idea to try out watercolors on line drawings in vintage books. I feel like I won something too–it was just yesterday that I was hoping for a tutorial from you! Fun!
I noticed that and thought, oh boy!
Congratulations to Kathy. What a wonderful giveaway.
I think I might try painting some drawings. I always enjoyed colouring when I was younger.
The partial book you painted in is precious. Love it. You should frame them and hang them as you intended.
Congratulations to Kathy! What a wonderful surprise!
Susan, I can’t believe how much grass you have showing! Up here in Portland, Maine, the lawns are still covered in snow. Not to say that there aren’t little peek-a-boos of brown grass starting to show around the edges. But for the most part, it’s still a white landscape. I’m dying to see what may like to poke itself up from the earth and whisper, “Happy Spring”. I need to get my birdhouse out, because the birds have yet to get the message, that spring is coming a bit later. I’ll have to shovel a path out to the trellis to put it up. Small sacrifice to have “summer house guests”.
I love the idea of painting in old black and white book illustrations! I’m not much of a drawer, but I may be able to pull this off and it would be excellent practice. A few thoughtfully framed and hung among the photos sounds like just the ticket for my reading nook – my new project for this year.
Well, I’ve rambled on long enough, but I truly enjoyed your post today.
Blessings, Nancy
What is a Baby Snuggle? I have never heard that term. I love it! It sounds so cozy and warm just like your Tea Party was I’m sure. You have inspired me to try painting with water colors. I have some old Peter Rabbit coloring books from my days as an elementary teacher. I’m going to dig them out of storage and buy some water color paints. See, you have planted a seed of inspiration. Thanks. ☺️
I think we must have made that up. It’s for the grandmother to introduce her new grandchild to her best friends. Have fun Marge!
What a beautiful book!! Thank you so much for all you do to keep Joy alive for all of us. xx
Congrats! Lovely post Susan….always makes my heart smile:)
How fun was that! I read through to the winner, tho I was tempted to scroll down ahead. But I never want to rush though any of your messages, so I’m good, and wait till Vanna does her job. I NEED the Inspiration House hanging on my cubicle wall above my desk! Thank you!
Have I mentioned lately that I love you! xoxo
Every day in every way!!!
xoxo so nice.
Because inserts won’t show up here, you will have to imagine three sparkly pink hearts posted here xoxoxo
Congratulations to Kathy. I can’t wait to tell my Sister-in-Law Grace that her very own copy of that book is worth $900.!!!! WOW. I sooooo love the old illustrations you’ve collected of children’s books. Just charming. And I think I need to install a shelf above my typical boring apartment stove so I can decorate too. I’m inspired. Vanna in a fish suit 🙂 🙂 Somehow this makes me think of Bette Midler . . .
I loved colouring as a child, but I’m certainly no Susan Branch when it comes to watercolours. However, the next time I’m in the thrift store, I’ll be looking out for some lovely old children’s books with black and white drawings. What a delight to see those vintage pages with your beautiful “colouring”.
Hope spring arrives soon for you. And congratulations to the winner.
How wonderful to Kathy! And what a fabulous blog post to accompany such a joyous occasion! Thanks to you, Susan, for doing so many lovely things for us girlfriends – painting, teaching, writing, sharing, giving beautiful presents – and I absolutely LOVE the lamb cake! Aren’t new babies just the most very sweetest, especially when you watched their mom grow up ♥ Happy Almost Spring!!! ♥♥♥
Congratulations to Kathy!!!!
Hi Susan,
Loved reading your Spring blog today. I know what you mean about changing up your inside decor, before the weather outside has changed. At the end of February my snowman collection “melted” away until next January, and I got out every bunny, chick, egg, and pastel flower that I could find. I use lots of candles, and luminaries through my home. I also designed a new Spring wreath for my front door. I also got out my Hummel collection, and put them into a Spring theme on my white credenza. Thank you for sharing all your Spring things with us. My garden looks so tragic, but I do see many signs of Spring!!! I have lots of plans for my garden this year, can’t wait!!! Take care. Kisses to Jack, and Girl.
Congratulations to Kathy! How fun for her. And, Susan, I will go through the rest of my day singing ” Hey, there, Georgie girl” in my head and imagining the sweet little girl who has come to bless her family. Perhaps Scarlett will agree to ” just one picture, pretty please?”
I’m working on it!
Congratulations, Kathy! You’re a very lucky girl!
$900? Really?!
Thanks, Sue, for the pretty flowers…it’s been snowing and blowing off and on all day here. The sun’s out now…I think it has to stay out 24/7 to melt the snowbanks in my front yard! I may never see my tulips and daffodils this year! 🙁 Come ON Spring!!!!
PS: Love the Baby Snuggle tea party idea! Just might use that this spring if you don’t mind.
I don’t think anyone would really pay it, I don’t even know why they do that on Amazon. But it’s fun anyway. Help yourself to a Baby Snuggle, it’s a lovely way to party.
I hope I’m invited Debbie dear…
You’re at the top of the list! And Susan….you know how you’re always encouraging us to dream, dream, dream?…..I’m still dreaming that one day you will visit Nettie and me and share a cup of tea with us…we’ll bake for you and give you a tour of our gardens…. 🙂 It’s such a lovely dream….
You never know, that is the thing I have learned!
How does one enter to win such a book as this last cookbook? I am new to your blog, but not your work, art, books, etc. After reading A Fine Romance, I had to sign up. I have also been in love with Beatrix Potter for years, having decorated my now, 36 year old daughter’s baby room with her work. I am now obsessed with Vita Sackville-West…so thank you for that.
When we have a giveaway, all you need to do is leave a comment, just the way you left this one, and you will be entered. Nice to meet you Terrie.
Congratulations to Kathy! I’m sure she will treasure it! Loved seeing how you painted the line drawings; what fun. If you found something so perfect like that in a book that would be fun for your kids, grandkids, neighborkids, etc., is it “proper”, “legal”, to make xerox copies and invite them for a painting party. I LOVED coloring books as a kid; my parents couldn’t keep me in enough of them. And the game books where you drew from one number to the next…and when all finished…colored it in. I miss those days. P.S. I taken one or two of the wine and painting classes. Does that count? Anyone done that? Fun!!
It’s proper as long as you don’t sell them, for home use, it’s just fine.
Hi Linda,
I have taken a wine/painting class at a place in Lowell, Mass. called The Art of Wine. It was so much fun and the artist helping us along was very supportive and offered good advice. I loved the painting I did, but the best thing that happened was when I showed it to my grand kids and they said, “Wow! Grammy! You painted that? Awesome job!” Would like to do it again and add to my collection, but I may just try the watercoloring ideas that Susan gives us.
Oh, and Susan, I loved Lois Lenski when I was growing up and remember our old Childcraft encyclopedias with line drawings. I think I will give it a try…
Thanks for a wonderful post and also for the warm spring pictures.
Still freezing and white here in Wells, Maine, but the snow banks are definitely shrinking.
Happy Spring to all!
Nancye T., Wells, Maine
That’s great Nancy. It was so much fun; and I am a beginner/novice,etc. as a painter. AND I actually hung my completed African sunset in my living room…something I NEVER thought I would do. Sparked an interest…hope to continue.
Susan, I am wondering where the Reason to Keep On Living home came from. Did you pull that from a book or a calendar? I have almost all your books, so I am wondering if it came from a book that I have. Thanks for the giveaway. Maybe I will win next time.
The only time I’ve used it before was in a calendar, maybe two years ago? Or maybe last year.
Amazon always has those silly prices for things, no one ever pays that, not even a tenth of that.
I hope not. I wouldn’t!
You will love this book, Kathy ! I’m sure winning it will make your day ! 🙂
Congratulations, Kathy!
We love the excitement of it all! : ))
Hi Susan,
I love the little drawing that you ended this post with of the little house with all the inspiration. Do you sell this print in your on line shop? If not it would be a great one, I bet a lot of people including myself would love to have one.
By the way, I loved A Fine Romance!
Keep us the good work and all the inspiration!
Dawn R.
Good idea, I’ll see what I can do. And thank you Dawn!
Thank-you for the fun little tours around your kitchen and living room and the book illustrations. You always restore my faith in the power of little things to create delight and happiness.
We’re lucky that’s all it takes!
Congratulations to Kathy!!!! Lucky gal!!! Susan, I think you should do more bookmarks like that and sell them!! Love it!
Congratulations to Kathy T! What a great book to get you thinking about Spring. We had Spring for two glorious days but today it’s overcast and cold. Our daffodils in the woods bloomed out and looked so pretty in the stark surroundings but they got picked by a little someone cutting through that also thought they were too beautiful. Memo; plant MORE bulbs next year!! Love your lambs and bunnies. Think I go get my bunnies out, too.
It’s that time of year!
Kathy….congratulations on your book….what a wonderful spring gift!!! -r-
Enjoy the book Kathy! I wish they made old fashioned coloring books for today’s little ones. Trying to find one for my granddaughter that is not Disney princesses or Dora the Explorer is next to impossible!
That is too bad. I didn’t realize.
ANN: I saw some adorable coloring books for little ones (large line drawings) at Dollar General. They were in with the decorations for Easter. Full of lambs and flowers, and all springy. I thought they would make a wonderful addition to Easter Baskets for kids……
Or try Dover Publications.com They have tons of very nice coloring books.
Thank you all for the recommendations! I’ll check them out. This is why I love Susan Branch.
And this is why I love US.
I also saw some today in Barnes and Noble, in the Children’s section. They were called Color Me. Nice big pictures, too.
Congrats Kathy!
You are a Lucky Ducky! Enjoy the beautiful book! Congrats to you, Kathy!
Love the spring post. So much to look forward to. Thanks for reminding me of that delicious hot milk cake. I need to make that again!!!
Putting a smile in my being, again, while reading. You know, I gingerly scrolled so only reading one line at a time anticipating the drawing, hesitating, at the very last, with heart pounding, expecting, wanting, to see “Gladys Marie”! Well, God Bless Kathy, with this extraordinary & quite wonderful book. Moments of loving joy while reading your blog, Susan. Thanks so much.
The only thing I really don’t like about these drawings is that there is only one prize.
Oh, I have to disagree .. there may be only 1 giveaway, but there are many prizes … your tutorial on watercoloring in old books, the recipes, your words and thoughts ..
There are MANY prizes! I’m so glad that I found your blog!
You doll!
~Good Afternoon~
Congrats to the winner of that adorable book! ~ Back in the day my mom used to “color” black and white photos before color film~ Holy Cow do I sound old!! Someone else must surely remember when too? ~ I guess I will scour the estate sales in hopes of finding a copy ~
Thank you again for another great guve~a~ way!
Lynn, my Dad arranged a “dark room” in our N.J. basement. I remember him editing his film, and yes, indeed, I remember him coloring in the photos. Very loving & precious memories.
Mine are too~ She actually colorized her wedding pictures! Thanks Gladys!
Hi Lynn,
You can check the used bookstores too. Since Betty Crocker put this out, it should be easy to find up there. Betty is from MN as you know. LOL I know she is not a real person.
I found mine a few years ago in a college town used bookstore here on the East Coast. I wanted the herb cooking recipes and tips.
Margot OX
I meant herb gardening tips. I also like Tasha Tudor books.
Thanks! ~ I’m always on the ” lookout” for good old used books~ And I love estate sales ~ sometimes you never know what you need until you find it
Isn’t there music for those words out there somewhere? Like did we Pave Paradise?
I was so happy to read that someone else knows about The Story of the Live Dolls. It was my very favorite book as a child, and tattered, torn and well loved as it is, still remains on display in my living room. I had never thought of water coloring the illustrations. What a fabulous idea. Think I will do just that.
Love from my corgi and me in Waco, Texas
That book was magic! You’re lucky you got to know it as a child!
I knew nothing of these Live Doll books before now! I looked them up and there’s a whole series. Defaulting to Amazon, because that’s easy at the moment, you can pick up repros or later editions from the 1920s, 30s, 40s; natch, some/most are quite expensive. Sounds like any that aren’t repros are going to be much loved and therefore in a much worn/used condition over the many years. Don’t you know how much little girls would have loved such a series of books about dolls…this little girl would have!
Just when I had decided not to get my Easter/spring things out along comes your spring blog and I have to rethink my decision. Our family will all be away for Easter so I thought it didn’t matter to me that I decorate then you remind me that it is a ritual to welcome spring no matter who is with you. Thank you for that…
Congratulations to Kathy you are one lucky lady….
Even one bouquet of daffodils will do wonders and still be easy.
Susan, thanks for such a beautiful post. I love all your vignettes! (did I spell that right?) Thanks so much for inspiring me to find some black and white pages to watercolor… will you please respond telling us what your favorite brand(s) of watercolors is? I have an old set that needs updating and would love your input! Thanks again for the wonderful spring fling you just gave us…
And bravo to you Kathy!
I use all kinds, both paint sets and tubes . . . I like them all. I did get one set at Michaels that turned out not to be OK, because I draw my paintings first, then paint them, and then sometimes I erase the lines, and this set of paints smeared when I did that.
Congratulations, Kathy! Of course, when I was saw your name and not mine I said, “Drat the luck!”
Susan, I like your idea of using watercolors to paint the drawings. I use old books as journals – adding pockets, painting backgrounds and adding my personal poems and found ephemera. So much fun and therapeutic!
I’m happy for you, Kathy!
And thank you, Susan, for another fun and informative blog. Without fail, they really perk me up. XX
A three-hair brush, you say …
Yes, a number one. (I lied about the three hairs, there are at least five.)
You didn’t lie , merely understated …..
Susan, Thank you for your cheerful posts! Sometimes they are a lifeline. I just lost my dear Dad, only this past week, and to have this wonderful spring post to appear in my Inbox…. well, it means so much. Thank you!
Love the bunnies and the lambs! I have a collection from my Grandma that I display every spring.. for MY grandchildren. Life goes on….and spring comes again.
Oh Susan, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. Hugs all round you, daffodils to come. xoxo
Susan, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I wish you days and days and months and months of visions holding memories of happy times together – when you were a little girl and on through life. Always hold those memories close for they will help you through the tough times. Sending hugs your way…….Daddy’s are so special! OOOO
Susan, so sorry to hear of your loss. I’m sure you have lots of wonderful memories of him.
My condolences Susan. Tough going through the death of someone you loved so much. Be kind to yourself. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
Congratulations Kathy!!! And congratulations Susan, for another great post 🙂
I collect old children’s books with most of the pictures in black and white. You have given me a wonderful idea to copy the pictures and water color them. I don’t think I could water color the pages of the books. Still waiting for Spring here in Indiana. It’s looking lovely around your house.
Congrtulations Kathy! And thank you, Susan, for the lovely drawing.
FYI Girlfriends, I found a few of the books on ebay for much, much less so give that a try if you are interested in buying one. (Although they may be gone now considering they are valued at $900 on Amazon!) You could also try Etsy and other online selling sites. Thank you again Susan for the another chance at one of your lovely giveaways!
Congrats to Kathy. We do not see any of the law yet and more snow is on the way I hear. I have 20 people large and small coming for our annual Easter dinner and egg hunt. We have hunted in the snow before but not as nice as a beautiful warm day.
Have a great evening.
Fingers crossed, we still have some time!
I know you meant “lawn”, Cathy, but at first glance I thought the law was summoned to stop the snow! Hope your Easter party is green and sunny!
Congrats to the winner! It’s a lovely book. $999 …wow!! When you wrote about it last year? I searched for it on Amazon or eBay, did find a copy “with writing in it” for $15. It’s a paper back addition, perfect shape, the writing turns out to be the authors autograph! I love Tasha Tudor, have since I was a kid. I checked out her “A is for Annabell” just about every week of my elementary school years. When my first daughter was born, it was among the first books I bought for her,along with Eloise, to add to my Little Women,Pollyanna. I love books. I’m glad you write them! Hope you are staying warm, one nice day, back to winter again for us. Looks like we are going to get “plow-able” snow on Friday the first day of spring! Winter can stop anytime it wants…
What a wonderful surprise with the “writing!”
Many congrats to the lucky winner and thank you, Susan, for creating such a fun and fine giveaway. I love how you try to soften the blow for the rest of us (losers) by giving us a little gift of ‘inspiration’ at the end. Your coloring books remind me of my youth. (How sweet of you to save and enhance the few pages left of that beautiful book 100 years later!) We lived frugally but Mom would take me to the 5&Dime to get a big ‘ol coloring book and I actually mastered the art of coloring within the lines with my crayons. Can’t say the same for MY LIFE, though, as I strayed outside the lines more than a few, some of it bad but most of it good!
Oops, forgot to say thanks for the milk cake recipe. I’m from an area of Southern California, born and raised, which has a large Latino populace and the food/language/culture/art/music of Mexico is deeply embedded in my soul. I am no cook, believe me, but I love making homemade tamales at holiday time with my neighbors or stirring the big stovepot of Mexican hot chocolate which goes down like a healing, warm, thick milkshake on a cold night. I’m a huge fan of Tres Leches cake, which is of course…loosely translated…white cake made with three milks. I recently tried to find a makeover recipe so I could reduce cals/fats/carbs but, ya know, it just ain’t the same, so I’m going to attempt to make your version and just go easy on the portion! Oh, don’t you love the old recipes and cookbooks. I so treasure my grandmother’s cookbook from the earlier 20th century between the world wars. I have a neighbor who has a persimmon tree and I vowed that with her next yield, which she always shares with me, I’m gonna make the persimmon cookies from a recipe in this dear old book. She also has an old-timey fig tree and I love fig jam. Or Quince Jelly’s in the book, but where in the heck do I find a quince?
Quince grows here, it’s a bush with beautiful flowers.
Another reason why I need to move to the East Coast.
Add it to the list! 🙂
Hello Vicki,
Quince grows in central northern California, too. It’s one of several varieties of blooming branches I cut from bushes and/or trees and bring indoors to force.
It’s outside the lines where the action is! 🙂
In So. California you can buy quince for a short time in the fall in Oak Glen!
I appreciated the quince-finding tips!
Susan, I stumbled upon something. Did you know that next month, the actress Candice Bergen is coming out with a memoir entitled “A Fine Romance” ????
I did hear that! Funny!
I just read that Downton will be ending after the next series, “bowing out after six stellar years on the air.” Is this old news to the Downton fans? I don’t know how I can catch up with all the DVDs in time to watch the last season with you and the other readers, but I’m gonna try…
Congrats to Kathy! How wonderful for her. I’ve been searching for this cookbook for ages. I haven’t seen one yet and surely wouldn’t be paying $900 for it. With so many cookbooks on my shelves, I really don’t need another—but this one is just beautiful. I love how you water colored that precious children’s book. Such a great idea. I added some bunnies to our home today in anticipation of the visit of our daughter from NH. I think she will be enjoying seeing our grass, even if it’s not green yet! xoxo ♥
It’s not really a cookbook Martha, it’s a garden book. Just fyi, in case you find one and wonder where are the recipes!
If I might suggest, the place to search for used, rare and out of print books is http://www.bookfinder.com. It has all the dealers, including Amazon, and so many more copies of everything. Last week, there were many copies of ‘Kitchen Gardens’, a number at reasonable prices, but I was amazed to see most of them gone just now. But still a few deals to be had. You have a lot of fans, Susan! There is a copy signed by both Tasha Tudor and Mary Mason Campbell for about $250, in case anyone has that sum to spare.
I was given a used copy of ‘The Book of Live Dolls’ as a very little girl and read it more times than I can count. When I had my first granddaughter, I searched a long time for a copy I could afford and finally found one. Couldn’t bear to part with my own as I still read it now and then but what a thrill to read her own copy to her.
$250 and signed is much better than $900! Thank you for that information Virginia.
Congratulations Kathy! Oh those lambs and bunnies just scream SPRING! Our daffs are up down here in Georgia and the trees are popping out in the loveliest shade of green. We went for a hike today and things are just peeking out. I REALLY love the “Reasons to go on Living” art – wondering if it is available anywhere. A great reminder of all we have around us and inside us that is wonderful even on our dark days.
I’ll see what we can do about having it made into a print.
Oh, Susan, please consider it; it’s such an inspiration! I just printed it out to put on my frig door. It would also make a wonderful card for a boxed set … I have several dear friends who would love to get a handwritten note with one of your watercolors, and personally, I would frame it, and keep it in a place where I could see it daily and be reminded of every GOOD thing life has to offer. Keeping fingers crossed … !
I spoke to the girls at the Studio about it yesterday, we’re working on it. What do you think the size should be? Any thoughts on that? We do have some prints in my web store now . . .
Oooh .. I’m heading to your web store! As for the note cards, maybe a “greeting card” size? (4×6, or 5×7?). It would be such a special gift to give, or a lovely card for a personal note. Thank you for considering the idea, Susan!
Well, you are not going to believe this. “The Story of Live Dolls” was one of my favorites growing up, though I think it must have been a library book. I finally found a compilation copy (“The Story of Live Dolls, More About Live Dolls, The Secret of the Live Dolls”), but it’s a 1945 edition, with 1945 illustrations, not nearly as charming as yours. Here’s another book I think you would really enjoy (especially since you’re the heroine). It’s called “Big Susan”, by Elizabeth Orton Jones, and is about a little girl and her dollhouse. Loverly illustrations. I’ve had my very worn copy since 1947 when I was 5. Fortunately it’s back in print.
Congratulations Kathy! Happy gardening girlfriend. I was glad to read that I’m not the only one to color in books! I’ve never attempted watercolors, but have a lot of markers and colored pencils. My favorite things to color are birds, flowers…anything in nature. It’s soooo relaxing isn’t it? I notice that your lawn is peeking out in your yard ~ I’m still looking at feet of snow ~ sigh…someday soon!
xxox from SW Hbr.
Susan, it seems silly to me, but I have such a hankering to pick up a brush and some paints and try my hand at water colors. Silly because I’m 69, but better late than sorry, right. I’ve always loved coloring and line drawings are fascinating to me; they NEED to be colored in! And there is nothing more I would rather work with than children and animals. But there is one thing that has always stopped me and you will probably laugh, but I’m afraid to get the paper wet! You know that kind of cheesy paper that coloring books are made from? I can just see it going through to the back and ruining the picture. Any suggestions?
If the paper is really thin, it could be a problem … the paper in old books is usually thicker and kind of absorbent. Look for an old children’s book that’s just line drawings and try that first.
Welllllll…that Vanna has let me down again. Maybe she should have had an extra cup of tea today…But I am very happy for Kathy! (Yaaaaaaaaay!!) I am sure she is very excited too!! (Oh well..maybe next time for me!!)
I am so glad to see that Spring has at least come to the inside of your house now, Susan…I am sure it will help while the outside catches up!
We finally got our Christmas tree down yesterday! 😀 These last few years we have been leaving ALL of our Christmas decorations up because my sister and brother (who live in Florida) don’t usually get to come home (here in Ohio where we grew up and where I have returned to now to stay) for Christmas (their kids down there, etc)…They are able to get up here by mid-February, usually…We have been making a point of doing this these last few years because my sister (the third child of the four of us) passed away nearly 4 years ago now…We should have done this way BEFORE she passed, but now we really make the effort to spend time with each other as much as we can (now that we realize how valuable that time truly is)…Live and learn! So, there is a pretty great possibility that they always see a white “Christmas” when they are here (and which they LOVE!) and this has been true every year now, so far. I surprised them the first year by leaving up all of the Christmas stuff…and so now we have turned it into a full Christmas celebration with gifts on “Christmas morning” and dinner and the works. I am sure wherever my parents and sister are, they are very happy that we do this also.
So…indeed, now we are all READY for spring!!! I am sure you guys are too!!
There is an old saying here in Ohio that there are always 3 snows after the forsythia blooms (and I have observed this to be TRUE!)…and the forsythia is not even close at all yet…so I don’t know what will happen. (At least we don’t have hurricanes!!)
Take care, dear Susan..and thanks for sharing all of your “spring-ness” and
HOPE with us!
Much to look forward to!!
Your sister left you and your siblings a wonderful gift!
Definitely!…This gift and so many, many more I can’t even count them all. And she is still giving them. She passed away (from complications from diabetes) just 4 days before her first (and only, still) grandchild (grandson) was born..and so she lives on through him…and he is just a sweetie pie. He will be 4 years old this summer. My husband and I are now his “honorary grandparents”…and we did not have children, so that makes it even more special!!
It is tough to be without her…but I truly believe we will all be together again one day. 😉 We all miss her very much. Every single day.
You were SO lucky to have each other. So much love. xoxo
Truer words were never uttered, dear friend.
My whole family is extremely blessed to have each other. We honestly could not be more blessed. 🙂
Hope you have a nice weekend!!…
And thanks again (I know I tell you this all the time!) for your uncanny and loving way of reminding us of what we already have.
Never a day goes by without me saying to myself how lucky I am. xoxo Love hearing from you Judy.
The one thing that I related to in your blog was the fact that you put out your “pretties” in order to bring happiness to your room and your life. I do the same thing! It is really important to me – I must have certain dishes, glasses, cups/saucers, antiques right where I can absorb them into my being. Some of my friends question all of the priceless the things I collect – even my children. But I have never questioned it. My favorite place to visit is the local antique store that has a number of different people selling things. It is like going into a small department store – and I look for just the right item, be it small or medium or large – depending on my mood that day. It is the “hunt” and the “find” and the ability to walk out of her shop feeling lucky that I have taken possession of something that belonged to another household at some point in time. If my antiques could talk!!! I can never change this and I know that when I die my kids are not going to cherish anything I have the way I do. Sad but true and that is just the way it is. The Queen loves her “things” and always will!!! Just read that the water situation in California is going to be AWFUL and the state is getting ready to act on that fact. Yikes!! Enough… take care and stay warm – Spring will come soon…….XXXXOOOO
I’m glad they’re finally acting ~ I hope it won’t be too awful as I continue to pray for rain, or some sort of water transport. I’m looking at enough white stuff on the ground to deep water a big garden!
Congratulations to Kathy, no Irish luck for me! I wanted to tell all the Potter fans about a book I found at the wonderful Joseph-Beth bookstore in Lexington last Saturday. I may be the last to find it, but it is “Beatrix Potter’s Gardening Life” by Marta McDowell (Timber Press, 2013), with lots of photos of Miss Potter, as well as sketches I had never before seen. A biography with details of her love of gardening and the gardens she created at the houses she owned. A treasure for Potter fans, I’m giving this one to my sister, who lives at Hill Top (the one here in KY)! If she sees this, it’s okay; I’m giving it to her soon anyway. Hee-hee.
Spring comes TOMORROW! Hang in there, everyone!
Congratulations Kathy! What a special book for you to enjoy!
What a lovely post, yet again! Thank you for sharing your great idea on “enhancing” a vintage book! Love your lambs, sheep and bunnies mantle-scape! Thank you!
Congratulations Kathy (even though yesterday was my birthday, & I said no gifts, I would have made an exception had I won!!!) so happy for you! You’ve won a lovely prize! Tea at Branch Hall with milk cake, pretty flowers, best friends & a precious new gnome to snuggle – what a lovely party! Baby Snuggle, hopefully I can remember that, it’s a wonderful way to meet a new baby! Charming blog dear Sue, thank you!!!! xoxo
Happy Birthday dear Joan!
Congratulations to Kathy 🙂
I’ve been a long time fan of both Tasha Tudor & Beatrix Potter.
Read w/ delight The Secret Garden & The Little Princess as a child and all of Beatrix’s lovely little books …I’m lucky to have many of those books, now worn and tattered w/ missing or smudged dust jackets, but still well loved. Thanks mom for saving them !
Did you know that there is a little book called The Beatrix Potter Country Cookery Book ? It is illustrated throughout w/ her lovely watercolors w/ a few line drawn illustrations as well 😉 Wonderful recipes as well such as Spotted dick,Apple tansy & Hedgehog tipsy pudding to name a few.
Of course, you know, I had to have that book too. xoxo
“The Story of the Live Dolls” is my all-time favorite children’s story and I’ve never heard anyone ever, ever mention it. Thank you so much for the reminder. I’ll read it this afternoon with a cup of tea and a warm cat.
It’s a brilliant little story, I don’t know why we didn’t ALL grow up with it! Lucky to those who did.
KATHY TOWERS I am SO excited for you! If I couldn’t win it, how FUN is it that another KATHY did? Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Musings about the $900.00 book — Amazon is a successful Internet “for profit” sales
powerhouse —they didn’t get that way because they are run by dummies — there are many millionaires and billionaires , to who $900.00 is like .12 cents to us !
So trading on notoriety , both that of Tasha Tudor and the present international interest in
“the gardening book giveaway “, on the threshold of Spring , Amazon has their line in the water to hook a big one , or maybe a couple big ones ,,,,, far more ” profit” than ordinary customer sales would bring!
It’s creepy. But I get it.
Someone watching your every move is a creepy thing! Too bad you can’t charge them for looking (or reading).
The creepy part is charging $900!
I agree.
I have seen that they do that with many books, after the first few listings the price jumps. I thought it was a joke or a mistake. Maybe the books listed before the $900.00 dollar one sold.
♥ Good~Morning Sweet Sue! 🙂 1st….Congratz to a Very Lucky~Lass… Kathy!!!! You’ve Won a Real Treasure! Enjoy! 🙂 2nd….A Toast with Pink~Champagne 🙂 We Raise Our Glasses…..To Margot~a~Magical~Granny~Now! & To Beautiful Elf~Scarlett A New Mommy! 🙂 ♥ We Welcome “Our” Glorious New Baby~Girl~Gnome Georgette!!!! Yay! 🙂 ♥♥♥ My Wings are All~a~Flutter Sweet Sue Such a Wonderful Way To End The Winter & Begin The Springtime! Wow It Just Hit Me…We Have “OUR” Georgie ♥ 🙂 (One Of Our Girlfriends)…We Have Baby Prince George 🙂 ♥ & Now Brand New Baby Georgette ♥ 🙂 All “Kindred~Spirits” Delightful….. Tell Vanna that I Adore Her & That She is a “Wild~Child” 😉 Sweet Dreams Too…..Anyway….Whenever I See Things in Black & White I Always want to Color Them In….. & I’ve Always Loved Coloring….My Whole Life & When My Jonathan was a Boy We Always Loved Coloring & Now The Last 10 Years Taylor & I Love Coloring…..& When I’m Watching an Old Movie I always Think…I Need to Color It…(Not Kidding) 🙂 I Think I’m Rambling Now lol Okie Dokie Well This Morning I Woke to a Gray & Misty Day & Now The Fog Has Rolled In… it Looks like a New England Kind of a Day Here… I Love It! But I Need to Color it in! 😉 I’ve Put Out Bunnies & Chickies This Year… Oh So Cute! & This Weekend Herbster & I are Going To Plant All New Flowers in Our Garden Yay! Wishing Everybody a Glorious Colorful Springtime! Sending Warm Hugzzz & Always a Huge Thank~You to You Sweet Sue For Sharing All Your Magic With Us! 🙂 Kitty~Kisses To You & Joe & Girl & Jack Too! xoxo Poof! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Stream of pure consciousness Angie! And all of it happy!
🙂 Spring has Sprung Yay! Warm Hugzzz & Always Love Sweet Sue! xoxo Poof! ☆❀✿❁♡♬♫❀✰
I know it’s spring, but we’re waiting for a snowstorm, roasting leg of lamb, having company in front of the fire tonight, with a big bouquet of daffodils to see us through.
oh oh
we are so lucky
to have you in our
busy lives >X<
thank you !
PS— this could also stimulate a surge in sales of another best seller called , A Fine Romance …..we will see …..
Well, that’s the good part. 🙂
Congratulations to Kathy ! But we are all winners today with this beautiful spring post with spring decorations to delite our hearts from Susan!
What I would Like to Know is when I looked up the lamb cake recipe, my eyes gazed upon this gorgeous flour sifter with the red flowers & the green leaves! Where did you get such a work of art? That thing knocked my eyes out. It was beautiful! I know it was an antique. Also I loved Margot’s grandbaby’s name! My Grandmother’s, Mother’s name back in the 1800’s in the hills of north Georgia was “Georgie Carter London”! I loved that name so much, I named my little dog “Georgie” He was so cute! But the durn dog only liked me, and would bite everybody else, so I had to end up giving him away! Where was the “Dog Whisperer” when I needed him! Ha Ha.
Anyway, absolutely loved the spring post, Happy Spring Susan and Girfriends!
Judy Ann from Georgia
I get all the good stuff from antique stores, flea markets, and yard sales. They just don’t make them like they used to!
Hmmm— The boy holding the flower pot only has four toes …. Seems to be missing his index toe ….how disheartening ..
Artist’s license!
I like the idea of using an old line drawing book to color or paint. I think one of us girls did that in some of my mom’s old books years ago. Great idea! And you answered my question to Pat M.. (It pays to read the comments.)
My daffodils opened up just in time for St. Pat’s. If someone told me they would, I wouldn’t believe it!
I like bunnies and chickies. (Spell check doesn’t like chick-ease, especially the second time I typed it. Too bad spell check, take that! LOL)
I love Spring and all the new life! Welcome baby Georgie Girl!!!
Thank you, thank you for highlighting these wonderful artists-of-old like Tasha Tudor and Mabel Rogers. Their art, like yours, is a breath of fresh air to my soul. I so enjoy the beauty of the colors you use and the color that you even added to Mabel Rogers’ drawings. You are a blessing.
Congrats Kathy – enjoy your book! And Susan, I feel like I was a winner after seeing that sweet book about the Live Dolls! There is an entire series of them …
Congrats to Kathy on winning the precious book! You cannot put a price on love, and you must love us to part with the lovely things you give us. Your stove diorama is so cute. I decorate my mantle with banners depicting the seasons, holidays and special events. I am in process of making my spring banner….robins on a wire. Actually they will be on a braided old twine, but you get the idea. I saw them on the electric wires outside and was so thrilled at the sight, I decided to put them on my mantle. In Michigan, robins mean spring! It is a dreary but warmer day here, but you bring me the sunshine with your lovely watercolors. I, too, shall buy some watercolors and paint some old prints. Please frame and hang those in your guest room…they are precious!!
So is your friendship and you. Blessings!
Happy creating Lin!
Thank you for the lesson in creativity! Love the idea of coloring or painting the pictures!! Congratulations to Kathy!! I did look for the sweet little book on line and did find amazing prices so I passed it up! A glorious Spring day! Enjoy
So wonderful to find out that the “Kitchen Gardens” book can be scooped up for a mere $900! However, I already found one on an antiquing jaunt from a few years back. I may need to just keep it in case our Social Security ever goes south!
Yes, think of it that way!