What Ever Happened to HOLLY OAK???

Hello Darling People!  I’ve noticed in your comments that some of you think I am giving away the very first Beatrix Potter Person I ever bought.  Some are saying thank you, you are so generous. But it isn’t true. To let that stand would be doing a Giveaway under false presences. I could never do this . . . for more reasons than one. MUSICA?


Remember this?


The time I showed you Joe’s special brand of handiness when he was in process of healing Jemima’s broken neck?  See the chip on the left side of her bill?  No, I would never foist this girl off on some unsuspecting YOU. She’s mine, the first BP Person I ever got, and I will continue to paste her back together (or ask Joe to do it), as needed, for as long as I live.


I’ve never quite gotten over seeing how he did this ~ with one large rubber band and half a toothpick. I couldn’t do it in a thousand years. Joe is so talented. And it worked, her neck is back on and she’s “good as new!”

IMG_2495BUT a few years back, I acquired a brand new girl so now, until right now anyway, I have two . . . I’ll keep the old one, and you’ll get the “new” one (they were both actually born the same year, 1948, five years after Beatrix Potter died). There’s no glue-chain around your Jemima’s neck . . . Yours is perfect with bill totally intact. And the wonderful Walking with Beatrix Potter book is for you too. Signed by me, with your name, as soon as I find out who you are. I hope you’re ready, Because, It’s Time. Thank you for taking part in this Giveaway, I love your wonderful comments! Okay, here we go . . . .


🎵 Jaa-ack? Go get her! 🎶


While we’re waiting for Jack to bring Vanna down … I thought I’d tell you Jack’s new trick. I get his ponytail band ready for shooting (so he can fetch it back to me), I pull it back, Jack 2016 susan branch calendarstretching it and pointing it in Jack’s direction, his eyes are locked on me … I say, “Ready?”  And, every time I say, “Ready?” ~  he SAYS, “E-e-e-reusss,” and burrows down even more in alert cat-faced readiness. It sounds like “YES” to me. He doesn’t say anything unless I ask him if he’s ready. So, you know what that means . . . ? While we were away Jack learned English. Like in Love Actually, he wanted to be able to talk to us in our own language, “just in cases.” He has an accent (coming from another land originally), so it’s not perfect yet, but he can talk! Such a smart boy.


Handsome too.  And Now . . . Oh, my . . . Vanna has already made the LEAP. She’s IN the barrel, scissor-kicking to the bottom (still in her pink nightgown ~ she was half asleep, got IMG_2489in late last night from her Euro-trash-type carousing 😜 and not in the mood to get into her mermaid suit) . . . over 2,000 little slips of paper with your names on them are whirling and twirling in a veritable vortex ~  it’s quite a sight ~~~ her long arm is coming up through it all ~ and now, she’s UP!  And in her hand, between her long elegant fingers, each wearing a thin golden ring, her manicured nails painted with blue polish, there’s just one little slip of paper which she tossed in my lap, and headed off for the coffee pot. And SO, the winner of our darling Beatrix Potter Person AND wonderful book, which I will be personalizing IS . . .

C L Y D E N E    D U R A N

And so that’s it! Can’t be too many with that name! The hardest thing about Giveaways is picking a winner. It’s a love/hate thing for me. Hard to only have one winner. But the “reward” for all of you who aren’t named Clydene is this: I thought I would answer the MOST-asked question on my Book Tour. I took questions at the end of each talk, and every time, someone would say, What happened to that little house? Do you still own it? What happened to . . .


Remember Holly Oak?


My first little house on Martha’s Vineyard, the one I wrote about in Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams?


The one I accidentally bought when I ran away from home, from California to Martha’s Vineyard, where I took my broken heart to start life over again?bathing


The one that became like a dollhouse for me, like a toy, where I added a fireplace, and a bedroom, and put wallpaper in all the rooms?



Martha's Vineyard Isle of Dreams

And then got three kitties for it . . .


Girl, Bill, and Man Cat.

books 012

Home at Last

sbpixThe one with the little “guest shack” in the backyard? Where the cows from the farm next door came to have snacks? That Holly Oak?   Well, let me tell you. Here’s what happened:  There I was, minding my own business, living in this little house, working on making a life, pretty sure I was meant to be alone and probably done with men forever,  and then, out of the blue, when I wasn’t looking, what showed up but . . .afineromance


And believe it or not, I still managed to find two main things wrong with him: 1. He was a baby, too young, five years younger than me, and 2. Way too handsome, handsome being dangerous.  But he was also a tall man, with a beard, a 6’2″ Leo who could cook. Everything I’d mentioned in my diary that I thought might work for me. Everything the tea leaves had told me he would be.💖

sue and joe

And he was persistent. Look at those eyes. Plus, as it turned out, he loved Christmas, and riding the train, and sailing on ocean liners, and fires in the winter, and he could fix anything and cook lobsters, so, tell me, what choice did I have but to snap him up before he got away???? After a year or so, we began to notice that Holly Oak was too small for both of us!  Joe dwarfed everything and felt closed in, my art was taking over the house.  Very casually, we began to look for a new place to live. And one day he came home and said . . . Let’s go look at a house … let’s go look at this:

July 08 Vineyard 642words fairytale dreamEeek, I screamed. And to make a long story short, we fell madly in love with this dream house, and have lived here since 1989. We bought it in the days when Island houses were affordable.  Although we were turned down for two loan applications before anyone would trust that we could pay for it, the third time was the charm. Even we didn’t know for sure if we could make that payment, but I told Joe that even if we lived there for just one year, and then had to sell it, it would still be worth it.


And like all the people who’ve lived here since it was built in 1849, some part of our spirits will remain forever in this inspirational House of Creativity.IMG_7085

My house


And every season is wonderful here. If we ever sell this house, we’ve already decided to offer it to you guys first . . . it would be wonderful if a friend who appreciates it would be the one to live here after us . . . so put that on your calendar. 😽


This was the dining room when we first moved in, complete with pineapple wallpaper . . . There’s a snippet on the left of my old bedroom curtains from Holly Oak which I made from tablecloths all those years ago. I STILL have the last fragment of one as the curtain in our downstairs bathroom. I baby it, so it will last, but it’s not long for this world.


And after a while, we redid the dining room and it looked like this . . .

table setting dinner party

There have been many wonderful parties in this house . . .

november 2010 020

memoriesSomething tells me it was all Julia Child’s idea!


The house has an old-fashioned pantry . . . there’s another fridge in there, plus the washer and dryer, and baskets hang from the rafters in the peaked roof.

June 2010 065

And a great old kitchen . . . we bought the stove at a store called, of all the perfect things, “Stove Heaven,” and put in the wood floor, but almost everything else is original to the 1950s, when Dr. Bowditch, the previous owner, made the cabinets, the scalloped piece over the sink, and put “blue marble” linoleum down for the counters.



But in order to buy this house, I had to sell Holly Oak. So I sold it to my girlfriend Elizabeth!  She and her husband owned it for a few years, but then they had to sell it too, and now it has a very nice woman living in it . . . who I wish would win the lottery or have some other wonderful thing happen so she would move to Paris and let me have my house back!  I would have such fun with that house! I have all sorts of dreams about it.

holly oak

And it looks like this! We were invited in to see it and have tea in the backyard . . . she’s really taken perfect care of Holly Oak. It still has the little porch Carlton built for me.


The shack is still there! “The size of two king-sized beds, half bed and half floor.”


And there’s the deck my dad built.

IMG_8682There were lots of things I recognized, some bits of old wallpaper, the writing I did on the wall, and the cupboards Carl made with the hearts in them. I don’t tell anyone where the house is, the owner has added on, so it looks a little different, and I was careful in the book to give the wrong directions to get there . . . Just in cases. I want the very sweet woman that lives on that quiet road in the woods to continue liking me and not take my name in vain. So that’s what happened to Holly Oak! I should have remembered to put all this in the Epilogue in the book, but I forgot.  I’ll do it for the next printing.


And what have I been up to?  Nesting!!! Taking deep breaths. Filling my vases with flowers. Reveling in the magic of an ordinary day!


Dreaming about our upcoming trip on the Queen Mary 2 . . . Carlton stopped by the other day to give us a present . . . that ship model! So it’s my newest stove-top decor.


And, we’re in the throes of planning a big ol’ birthday party for Joe! Rachel and Paul and Siobhan are all coming from England . . . if you read A Fine Romance, I’m sure you’ll remember who they are, plus about 100 more of Joe’s nearest and dearest, including Diana, Elaine and Elizabeth, coming from California.  I’ll be sure to take pictures and show you!


Time to light the twinkle lights for dinner in the garden. I’m going to make something delicious, I just don’t know what it is yet!!!

cooking with kitty

Perhaps something like this . . .


Cicadas are singing like crazy this quiet afternoon, a sound that tells us it’s the beginning of the end of summer. It’s something we didn’t have in California, the cicadas high pitched noise, like a police whistle that never ends.  A bumper crop of blueberries are beginning to ripen out on the dirt road where we walk, and the very first leaves, just one or two, have turned orange.  Today’s my dad’s 93rd Birthday. I’ve been thinking a lot about him, remembering all the little things. Not to worry, I only feel blessed and lucky.Time ...


And in the meantime, I’m doing what I always do, staying on the sunny side of life.inthe gardenJust about to start writing us a new WILLARD!  If there is still anyone left who doesn’t know what that is, I would be shocked, but just in cases, click there, and you can read about my Newsletter that will just show up in your email (whenever I manage to get one done!). Sign up if you haven’t, and put your mom on too, and your BFF, because it’s free and this next one is going to be a dilly. All about our trip to England and Scotland.

Byee for now Girlfriends . . . Hope your August is wonderful! Start thinking about what you’re going to wear in Scotland, I think it’s going to be COLD up there! XOXOsealed with a kiss

August 2010 005

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628 Responses to What Ever Happened to HOLLY OAK???

  1. Kathie says:

    Lost again, but such a fun visit to Holly Oak to soften the blow. Thanks for the mention of the “Outlander” series in your fav books . I got the DVD’s of season one. So well done , and the bonus of a very hunky Jamie. Be still my heart. Can’t wait for your new Willard.

  2. Gail Golden says:

    Thank you for the update on Holly Oak, ’cause I was wondering about it, too. I just love the picks of Jack. He is so precious. Y’all enjoy the big party and be sure to tell us all about it. I’m looking forward to Willard.
    P.S. Congrats to Clydene…but I’m sooooo jealous.

  3. Mary grott says:

    Such a fun post! You are like my BFF! I love this!

  4. Such a lovely, newsy letter from you on such a special day, Susan!! It’s so nice to learn more about Holly Oak. It’s heartwarming to know that it is still being loved and cared for. What a huge celebration for Joe!! Birthday hugs from all of us, too! Cherish these times with your very special friends! Can’t wait to hear all about the party. We love you soooooo much, Susan!!
    Warmest hugs,
    Dawn (in Illinois)

  5. Lori says:

    and now a book on the beautiful home you are in now??? please. 🙂

    • Paula says:

      Yes, please!

    • Virginia says:

      Yes, yes! Think of how much you would enjoy a book by Beatrix Potter about either Hill-Top or the house she lived in with her husband. That’s how we would enjoy a book about your home. Just a thought for the future.

      • sbranch says:

        Ohhhh. Well, I see what you mean!!! Not quite the same, but of course I would love to see her house as it was when they lived there! So far I have seen exactly zero pictures of that, and I don’t even know if they had a servant or who did the cooking. Because Beatrix was raised with servants, so my assumption is that someone came in. What did they like to eat? Did they have dinner parties? What did the holidays look like there? Did they have tea? These have been my questions forever. I’ll have to put those kinds of things in our HOME book!

  6. Debbie Noyola says:

    I love your blog. It’s such a nice little escape for me. Not that I’m miserable, fir I’m definitely not. Just sometimes need a little time alone. So I just finished reading it stretched across my comfy bed with the sliding doors open & the midst delicious cool breeze coming in. Never had a delicious cool breeze in August in Nevada where I used to live. I love Washington. My son & I went to Woodinville today for lunch & on our way home we stopped at a Value Village thrift store. I headed straight for the cookbook section & told my son I probably won’t find a Susan Branch cookbook. No sooner were those words out of my mouth when I glanced at the top shelf & spotted your name. I grabbed it down & couldn’t believe my eyes. I was holding Vineyard Seasons, more from the heart of the home & it was in beautiful condition! Even the dust jacket was in good shape. So any book priced $7.95 or more was $2.99. I was hugging it to me, elated. It’s copyright 1988, 1st edition, 11th printing. I even got 20% off for senior discount. Are you really a senior at 58? I don’t feel like a senior. Anyway, can’t wait to read it & enjoy all your beautiful watercolor art & quotes. I’m looking at the For Mom page & it’s just precious. What a nice tribute to your lovely mother. I hope you read this. I know it’s long, but I really want you to know that I think you’re a lovely person too & you bring a lot of joy to a lot of people. I’m one of those lucky people. That’s all. Ta ta, take care Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      And Vineyard Seasons is one of the hard books to find! Good for you! Love the “senior” discounts . . . but the secret is, none of us ever feel senior! Not even my dad, not even to the last moment! It’s only what’s on the outside that does it! Yay for discounts, we have them all fooled! Thank you for the sweet words Debbie! I read everything! Just don’t have time to answer everyone, so HELLO TO ALL OF YOU LEAVING COMMENTS . . . I am honored and love every word!

    • Kari says:

      Now that is what I call “shopping.” Well done!

  7. Debbie Noyola says:

    Me again. I meant to say “for” I’m not & “most” delicious breeze. Oops.

  8. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi Susan!!! oh joy du Holly Oak…..that is a precious story about a special place….I think there is a little ” Holly Oak” in all of us…. that first place you find yourself really attempting to sort things out and find your life….comes in all shapes and sizes….apartments, lofts, parents basements, dorm rooms, bunkhouses, condos, and cute little dwellings that are blessed with an inspirational Agnes ……. Agnes means ” pure” “holy”… her sweet spirit in that house and your sweet spirit to care for her….. angels are everywhere…thank you for sharing the Holly Oak story…..I am a big believer in destiny and the ” things-happen-for-a-reason” theory….your landing there in Holly Oak was a blessing…..but you made it happen…you helped your destiny along…. and I know all of your Girlfriends are grateful….I am…..
    So it’s PAR-TAY…..time….. please tell Joe hi and happy birthday for me!!! what a guy…
    so fun that so many friends and family are able to be there…crossing so many miles… even oceans!!!!! celebrating with you all in spirit….🎈
    I remembered your dads birthday was today….keeping Blog Daddy close at heart today…
    Have so much fun planning and at the party… can’t wait for the pics!!!love to all!
    love, cindy

  9. Linda Cppeland says:

    Congratulations to the winner of the awesome SB give sway ! Thank you Joe for the love and hand work in saving Jemima P. She is a. Year younger than me !

  10. Roz says:

    Thanks for sharing before & after pictures of both Holly Oak & 1849 house. You have such a knack for charming & cozy. Seeing the wallpaper in your dining room makes me nostalgic for wallpaper & lace curtains! Also, I would love to see any photos you might have of Myron, Ellie, Peggy & Gwinnie. I became very attached to them in Isle of Dreams. Happy Birthday to Joe.!

    • sbranch says:

      I wish I would have known how much I would want photos in the future when I was living those years … I know it looks like I have a multitude of choices, but really, even with Diana and me, so few have survived despite my photo albums! I dug through everything, but couldn’t find one of any of them. Those were my only two of Carl, who practically lived at the house. SO lucky I took pics of the front of the house. There was only one of my dad on his deck, none of him building it, and none of us on our trip north. None of Carlton building on the bedroom. Film was expensive! And if a picture didn’t come out good, I usually just threw it away. Now you can take a hundred of the exact same thing!

  11. Lorrie says:

    I’m so happy to read about Holly Oak and how delightful that a woman is living there again.

  12. A satisfying post in many ways. I wondered what happened to Carlton. Nice to know he’s still around and doing nice things for you. Congrats to Clydene for winning, but mostly it was satisfying to find out what happened to Holly Oak. Altho I figured it had to be sold…but it’s nice to have all i’s dotted and Ts crossed. :). I’m thinking that it would be cool to have something to print out to add to our books like the calendar fix you did for our calendars missing a day that time, if you’re going to add it to the next printing anyways. Just a thought.
    It was a charming little house and but it will never really be gone..not with all your memories and wonderful photos and paintings and drawings you did. I was also wondering if you still have the little beach shack that was featured in Romantic Homes 2001 magazine? Its so different from holly oak yet still so you in decorations.

    • sbranch says:

      We do have lots of bookmarks for people to print out and add to their books . . . is that the kind of thing you mean Cris? We don’t have the beach house anymore either, but we are best friends with the people who live next door to it!

      • No I was talking about what you said about adding to the next printings of your book about what happened to Holly Oak. We could print it out for our books too, if you did, and tack it in the back. Just a thought..not sure how feasible that idea is though, but it popped into my head and out into print before I could stop myself…. lol

  13. Mary Cay Martin says:

    We don’t seem to have cicadas in Colorado either, and being from Iowa, I wondered what was missing this time of year. Now I know!

    • Mar Bailey says:

      I live in Longmont and they are chirping away like mad this afternoon. It was cool and overcast all morning…and so quiet. Then the sun came out and their sound is deafening.
      Where are you located? Always lovely to find another Colorado girlfriend.

  14. Siobhan in Santa Monica says:

    This is exactly what I needed to know before shutting off the light for tonight…how ever did you know? I have never lived in a house, been an apartment girl my whole life. It is the one dream left burning in my old heart. Maybe someday, some how, I’ll find my Holly Oak too. And so excited to read that Siobhan is coming for Joe’s birthday! She can be the ambassador for all us Siobhans who will be there in spirit! Xoxo Sweet Sue! Love you!

  15. Margaret says:

    Everyone should have a Holly Oak to heal the heart and become courageously creative! I’m so glad us girlfriends get to experience it with you. I had my own”Holly Oak” called The Happy Hill Street House. After 5years my husband and I moved out to a larger home but rented the house because we couldn’t part with it. Nearly 30 years later, my niece will live there after her wedding this Sept. I told her that if she’s just half as happy there as we were, her marriage will be truly blessed. Thanks for sharing and bringing to mind sweet dreams. Jack is so talented to have mastered multiple languages! Happy birthday to Joe and happy dreams of y’all’s upcoming adventures!

  16. Wende says:

    I just love the way you write. Thanks for sharing Holly Oaks story – what a journey that little cottage has taken. And you n’ Joe… I adore your “love story” ❤️ Birthday plans sound faaantastic! That’s gonna be a fabulous party and you know we’ll all be there with you – wishing Joe the happiest of birthdays! Have fun!

  17. Elske Olijnsma says:

    Thank you for your updates on Holly Oak! I love that house. And it’s really not that small I think, with the attic and the basement. And thanks for the link to “What to pack for trips to Scotland”, very handy for us as well! I have already bought a new bright red raincoat, with white dots on it. When are you leaving? Funny, your Joe is 5 years younger than you, my man is also 5 years younger than me 🙂 When we met, I was newly divorced, 31, had my own house, a steady job and a car. He lived with a friend and only had temp jobs and no car. Things have changed over the past 12 years… but we still live in the same house.

  18. Joan says:

    Congrats Clyden🎉 Loved your blog. Happy your are settled in at home. I have fond memories of Holly Hedge. My husband mentions how much he enjoyed talking to Joe. He hopes you enjoyed the cat poem book. We were to see you again July 28 but had to cancel. We are having fun at an antique fountain pen show. A little overwhelming! I predict a new home for you and Joe in the future. One that is more private for you. You are becoming so well known that you will need your privacy especially whe that movie or tv series comes out. Regarding the cottage I will keep that to myself and some day think to myself I thought so. So anxious to hear about Joe’s party and your upcoming trip. Always a treat to read your blog. As they say – keep those cards and letters coming!! ❤️ Do u still get up at 4:30 am? If I wake up early I think of you having tea and working deligently while I lazily rest. Take care Joan

    • sbranch says:

      Five this morning. Slept in. Sun is just coming up, I’ve got my tea, and the kitties are draped in their various places around my studio. I hope I never get THAT famous! But as the world turns, I think we will probably get a smaller house someday.

      • Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

        Dear Susan,

        Glad to see “the kitties are draped in their various places around my studio.” You hadn’t mentioned Girl Kitty, only Jack, in the last two blogs and I was worried. It would break our hearts if anything happened to that sweet girl.

        Congratulations to Clydene! I have a Jemima figurine, copyright 1948, but mine is stamped “Royal Doulton”. And I have a Jemima Christmas ornament that I purchased almost 40 years ago, and I love to see it when I unpack it every year.

        I recently bought “At Home with Beatrix Potter” by Susan Denyer, and it is a lovely book. I have the “Walks” book on my wishlist at Amazon, and hope to purchase it soon.

        Happy Birthday, Joe, and can’t wait to hear all about the party next weekend! We’ll all be there in spirit, and you won’t have to feed us!

        Haven’t heard the cicadas here yet, but the Katy-Dids have been making a racket since last week. I hate to see summer end, but I also love all the pleasures of Fall.


      • Vicki says:

        Do you think it will still be in Martha’s Vineyard?

  19. Care Kester says:

    Hello, Lovely Susan, Thank you for answering my question about Holly Oak! It is altogether lovely – the whole life story of you and Joe and your kitties and trips and everyday pleasures. You were so gracious to each and every one of us at the book signing and I am still in the “glo” of that wonderful moment. Also, enjoyed visiting with Joe, as well. You were a very smart lady to snatch him up with his persuasive, dreamy eyes! Ha! Tickled for the gal that won the Beatrix goodies. Have a safe and glorious trip! So looking forward to everything you tell us about it~ <3

  20. Care Kester says:

    OH! P.S.: I have to tell you what a glorious, lovely job you did on revising and “polishing up” Heart of the Home! You shook it up and gave us more wonderful (and daring) things to try in the kitchen. I am having a ball with it! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I love every change you made~ Really, really lovely!

  21. Heather L. says:

    That was exactly what I wanted to know about Holly Oak! Thank you!!!!! SO excited for your trip to Scotland!!! Can’t wait!

  22. Awwwwww! Congrats to Clydene! My dad’s name was Clyde, and he always threatened that he was going to change our names to Clydene, so this really touched my heart! Happy Birthday to JOE!!! YAY!! And thank you, Susan, for your wonderful blog. It’s like reading a mini version of one of your wonderful books each time!!! HUGS!

  23. Oh, I’m so glad that you have shared what happened to Holly Oak and how you came to your current beautiful home. It was the one thing that I was left wondering!

  24. Karen Holly says:

    Good morning, Susan!

    Thank you for another wonderful post. I am especially happy to learn what happened to Holly Oak as I share a name with that lovely home of dreams. Please wish Joe a happy, happy birthday from me and all the Girlfriends!!

  25. Elyse Harvey says:

    Oh Susan, if you ever sell your house, I will take the first plane out of Indianapolis and do my darndest to buy that beautiful home! My husband and I are visiting Martha’s Vineyard next month for the first time to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. I am beyond excited! Have a wonderful weekend! Xo

    • sbranch says:

      Perfect timing . . . you will love it in September . . . it’s a much gentler month on the Island than August! Happy anniversary Elyse!

    • Nancy Williamson says:

      Elyse, you will just love Martha’s Vineyard aka ” the Island”. Take your time and suck up all there is to see and do. And then. . . .start to plan your next trip. I love Indiana but the Island is a great get-away place to go.

  26. toni baumgard says:

    Thank you for sharing! How lovely that you have had the joy of your “Little House” and now live in your wonderful “Big House”. You deserve it. You spread joy and love always. I always wonder about the people who are lucky enough to win your special gifts. Can you share a little about Clyden. Forgive me, I have already forgotten how to spell it. Such a interesting name, Who is the person behind it? Just a tiny peek, please, if she is willing to share. toni b

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t heard back from Clydene yet, so I don’t know much ~ so far, the comment that Vanna drew is all I have, she wrote: “How wonderful that you were able to celebrate your father’s life with your family. And then to celebrate Beatrix. Our next trip to England must include some of her walks. Thank you for your most interesting blog and your wonderful books. Looking forward to your visit to Scotland.” Sometimes the winners pop in and say hello . . . watch the comment section for that.

  27. Sharon Byars of North Carolina says:

    My MOST favorite part of your blog are the “Home” photos. Whether Holly Oak or your present home, they are the best. Houses and gardens speak to my soul. Love your comments about the coming change of seasons. Feel a connection to you as all the season changes here are loved as I never had those in SLO county. Left so many friends there. Know you will enjoy the upcoming party time to see “old” friends.

    • sbranch says:

      I think I need to do a HOME book!

      • Kathleen from Philly says:

        YES! A home book, perhaps entitled Susan Branch Style!

      • mari1017 says:

        Oh, yes please!!! ♥♥♥

      • Elyse Harvey says:

        I would love this by the way!!

      • Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

        OK, but “Home” book after you do the “Tea” book and the “Pancakes” book. You’re a busy girl, Susan……Happy Birthday to Joe!

      • Beth Bruno says:

        Yes, PLEASE!!!! ♥♥♥

      • Julie P. says:

        Yes! A home book would be wonderful, too. All of your books are so wonderful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more comforting and happy place. Season changes, snow, kitties, birds splashing happily, antiques, cooking, and so many other wonderful things!

      • Lori says:

        Well, this certainly is my cue to pop in and say, “YES, you DO!!”
        The little homey drawings in all of your books — and I do own every single one — give all your friends and followers warm, cozy enjoyment as we absorb all the details. I have your greeting card of a white wicker chair with a black and white quilt sitting on it that I bought decades (yikes, but really) ago and I never tire seeing it on a studio bulletin board…. And a wonderfully seasonal inspiration comes over me each year tracing through your domestic Autumn book illustrations.
        A “style” book of photos and watercolors showing and telling about your love for nesting and feathering and puttering and planting and padding and pillowing your personal spaces would give all your girlfriends an album of examples of your house-charm we all so admire. (I think how you even set up little homey spaces when you travel, too🌻)
        Will you tell me that you will ponder this idea?? And then take the idea and run with it —– well, after Scotland, that is.

      • Charissa says:

        I’ll be first in line for any book that you ever write or any meditation cds or any other thing that you do;)

      • judy says:

        Oh, Please!! Can you include “before & after”, floor plans, furniture placements, etc.? Judy
        P. S. A “virtual tour” would be nice.

      • Annie in IL says:

        Absolutely, positively!!!

      • Jo says:

        Great idea! Might be a good idea to “recreate” before you begin another project. Don’t want you to use up all your creative juices while you are still so young.

      • Theresa says:

        Yes, please!!

      • Judy Jennings says:

        Yes! Yes! Yes!

      • Jennie Ambrosio says:

        I would so buy that!! 🙂 <3

      • Sharrie says:

        Absolutely! A home and decorating and entertainment book with lots of pictures!

  28. Paula says:

    So Happy to read this update about Holly Oak. I am in the process of finally finishing A Fine Romance. I know, I know. I bought it when it was first published, and bought a copy for each of the women I’ve ever been to England with; they all loved it. But for one reason or another, I never got to it until now. Which means I’ve read the trilogy in chronological order. However…you say they are the complete story, but by my calculations, there are at least 20 years not covered. Among the most wanted story was answered today: what happened to Holly Oak, and how did you get to Spring Street? I’ve very much enjoyed vicariously watching your story unfold; I just feel like the series got canceled before it was finished. So thank you for this epilogue to help tie up some of those lose ends!

    • sbranch says:

      Well, if I wrote a book about “after I met Joe” it would only have one page in it, and on the page it would say, happy happy happy happy, had dinner, happy, went to family reunion, spent the day at the beach, happy happy happy, first tomato ripened today, leaves turning, happy happy, working working working, happy. No strife. Doesn’t a book require a LITTLE strife to be interesting? My only strife was working, and even that wasn’t strife … like when the camera lens fell off the back of the car! Now that was strife! Or Cliff! Strife city!

  29. MARY MOSKWIAK says:

    Congratualations C L Y D E N E D U R A N!! Much joy to you. Thank you Susan for the update — I too wondered if you still owned Holly Oaks. So excited for Scotland. Happy day!

  30. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Thinking of you and your family with love and prayers, yesterday, your Dad’s very special birthday, a very special dear guy!
    Well, congratulations Clydene, my goodness it was your lucky day!
    Thank you for the lovely blog dear sweet Sue – wonderful words, great pictures & fun updates! Lots of nice words from all the girlfriends too! And, I’m so happy I won’t be the only one not packing “skinny jeans” for our next trip! Hugs & smiles & love!!!

  31. Nicoline Bostens says:

    Dear Susan,
    Oh the story of Holly Oak, its just so nice to know what happened, thank you!
    I was wondering, if you are thinking of writing another (cook) book in the future…You once mentioned a Breakfast book, or something with pancakes, I’m not sure… Would a vegetarian cookbook be something you’d consider?
    Not long now, before you cross the ocean, heading to good old Great Britain! I know you like to visit the gorgeous places owned by the National Trust, and I hope you’ll be able to go visit one in Hampshire.
    Its called Mottisfont, and its just 30 minutes from Southampton. The house is famous for their rose garden. The roses might be over when you arrive, but guess what, they have an exhibition of Beatrix Potter drawings! This is on their site;
    16 July – 18 September, 11am – 5pm: a very special exhibition – the only one in the south of England – marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter, featuring 30 original drawings and watercolours
    and here’s the link;


    Have a lovely rest of the weekend, and good luck with the preparations for Joe’s party!
    Best wishes from Nicoline

  32. Barb Murphy says:

    I received my copy of the 30th anniversary edition of Heart of the Home this week. I had also ordered your “Come, Sit, Stay” tea tin with your private blend tea inside. What wonderful items to enjoy during thunderstorms on an evening in Iowa. The tea is delicious. I highly recommend it. After the heartfelt love and craziness of a family reunion last weekend it’s so nice to be able to sit in a comfy chair, sip tea and relive the fun by looking at the pictures taken over those 3 days together. Family. Gotta love ’em!

  33. Kathy Pink says:

    Susan, you must have read our collective minds . . . I wondered many times as I read, and then re-read your three books, what had happened to Holly Oak, and now we know. I suspect that a fantasy for each one of us is to be able to live in that sweet little cottage that you made into a cozy home! I’m sure the good karma you left there will keep that lovely little sanctuary in the hands of residents who will love it as much as you did. Yes, please, do write a “Home” book, and thank you for the blogs and Willards!

  34. Linda T. from Maine. says:

    Hello Susan, I have watching and waiting for a new, news letter. Glad you got a little time for yourself for once. Love your Holy Oak home. I do hope some day you get to buy it back. It would be a perfect studio or gift shop for all your things., like what you have in California. Or maybe a sweet get-a-way for You and Joe. I saw that you talked about blueberries., We have picked so far 51 quarts and have them in the freezer now. My husband is out picking this morning at 6:30 am for more. I make the morning thunder drink every morning for my breakfast since I got your recipe. Love it. We still have 2015 berries left. Eatting the as fast as I can and never run out. We also have strawberries and blackberries. I saves us tons of money picking our own. Free is good!! Love making blueberry cake , ect. Have an old recipe that was for a catering bussiness years ago. It was a friends Grandmothers. The blueberries are all through the cake and they don’t sink to the bottom. Everybody love the recipe. Have a wonderful week end. Say Hi to Joe. Would love to see pics of your kitchen garden again and some summer pics from around the Island. Have an awesome day. ..Linda T. from Maine.

  35. Diane in New Hampshire says:

    Thank you for the update on your little cabin in the woods. I have been following you for years and I just love your books. Have reread them twice taking in all the photos, music and watercolor prints. The last one brought back a lot of memories for me as we are about the same age. Have been to Martha’s Vineyard several times over the years – such a beautiful place. What a wonderful place to live year round even with the snow. Looking forward to hearing about your next trip to England.

  36. Patty in Redlands says:

    Congratulations to the winner and thank you for another wonderful post, Susan! I loved revisiting Holly Oak and seeing more of your beautiful big house too. Happy birthday wishes to your Joe! Enjoy party planning and celebrating even while you pack for your/our next adventure.

  37. mari1017 says:

    I saved your blog post for this morning with a fresh hot cuppa. I love Ginger Lemon tea, and the sun came out after tons of rain last night, your music is perfect for the post, and life is good. You are so generous to share your heart and home(s) with us! So happy to read that Holly Oak is occupied by a wonderful new owner. So glad to see Jack chased Vanna down the stairs, and congrats to Clydene! AND sooooo glad actually that you are holding onto your very original Jemima PD ♥ I just began the BP bio by Linda Lear with James Rebanks’ foreword. Inspired to actually begin sketching and maybe a little painting again after years. Between you and BP I don’t stop smiling and looking up! Thanks and big hugs! Happy Birthday to Joe!!!

  38. Sandra says:

    You described yourself perfectly: “doing what I always do, staying on the sunny side of life.”
    This is one of the many reasons your readers love you. I wish you could bottle up some of your sunny attitude so that we could sprinkle onto ourselves!

  39. Christina says:

    Thank you for talking more about Holly Oak! I am so in love with that sweet place, I’m drawing out reading Isle of Dreams because I don’t want the sweetness to end! (Also I have to wait until my October birthday to receive your 30th Anniversary edition of Heart of the Home, so I have to make Isle of Dreams last!).

    Also I agree with Paula a few comments back! There are some years missing and I’d love to read about them 😉

  40. Kimberly says:

    Congrats to Clydene! A very lucky lady!

    Susan, Holly Oak looks absolutely magazine gorgeous! I’m so happy it’s so well loved after you spent so many happy hours there making it your own. I like to go back and look at houses we’ve lived in before. I’m always hopeful they will look happy and loved. Sometimes I look on Google maps to see if there is a newer picture of them if I can’t travel that far. It’s fun.

    Tomorrow, it will have been a year since my own dear dad died. Thinking about your loss, too, my dear. (((hugs)))

  41. Debbie P ~ Weedsport, NY says:

    Congratulations, Clydene! Lucky girl!
    And Susan, such a wonderful, reflective post! Isn’t it fun to look back at where we were and realize how each step brought us to where we are? I love the photos of your home…and the quote from Bev Adams…that’s me in a nutshell 🙂
    We just had a little Happy Hour in our backyard last night for my brother’s birthday….so much fun! Only about 20 people. Planning for 100….now that’s a horse of a different color! Have fun ~ know you will. Happy Birthday to your two favorite guys <3

  42. Glenda says:


    Always a pleasure to read your blog…so warm, comforting and fun! I am a “camp follower” of yours from day one and continue to love all the things you do, and you. Can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me that you are still the sweet sweet person, I met years ago. So sorry to hear you lost your Dad. It leaves a scar on your heart but such wonderful memories of him to treasure and a family to share those with. So glad you told “the rest of your story”, regarding your first home. Loved Holly Oak! What a great blessing though that the owner now trasures it too. Like you,we bought the house/place of our dreams and after 20+ years sold it…but oh the nemories! I would so want that lifesyle for every girlfriend/one at least once. You can really focus on life, cekebrate simple pleasures….Enjoy celebrating the life of Joe and keep on keep being Susan. You are a very special lady to us all! ❤️💕

  43. sondra fox says:

    Dear, dear Susan, You & I are so alike. We treasure the same things. I’m living alone, after fifty four years of one terrific, happy marriage. My husband passed away three years ago. After two years of getting over his passing, I’m finally adjusted & happy. I treasure each & every ordinary day. My life is very peaceful. I’m very content, with playing the piano, crocheting, reading, working jigsaw table puzzles, sewing quilts, playing with my dog, Max, & my cat, Sheba, going to dinner, or lunch with friends, & preparing dinner parties for my friends. Right now, I’m hearing a rooster crow. A lovely part of my morning. I’ve fed my Hummingbirds & other birds, & I’m about to go out on the patio & water my plants. No big deal to some, but things I love to do, all in my ordinary day. How I treasure my peace & quiet. I recently went on a weeks trip with my family…..two motorhomes, five tents, five dogs. It was really fun, especially sitting around the campfire in the evenings. BUT, I was so glad to get home to my peaceful life. There were ten of us, having fun together.
    My church life also takes up a good portion of my life. I’ve made many new friends at church.
    I LOVED your latest post. I’m so happy that you’ve found your mate, Joe. The two of you seem so right for one another.
    Happy end of summer. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

  44. Brooke says:

    Just like I am sure almost every comment prior to mine has pleaded….pleeeeease write a book about your current house!!!! Love that you got to visit Holly Oak.

  45. I got chills reading you were thinking of selling your dream home! You belong to it, and it to you. I do so hope you can get Holly Oak back some day. I’m too sentimental for homes, I suppose, but I do hope you always remain in your beautiful home! It has so much of your spirit there. Of course, I think it should be a national landmark, I wish we had National Trusts like England. Your home should be left to it for generations. Thank you for this update on Holly Oak!

  46. Vicki says:

    How could you NOT fall in love with a guy like Joe…cutest couple, you and him, then and now.

    I inherited a little house from 1923 which my husband and I lovingly renovated and lived in for 9 years but it became necessary to make a change and it was the absolute most-hard decision I’ve ever had to make in my life to sell. Like you, I fantasize of buying it back…funny, as I thought I was the only one who did things like that! It was a house…I learned it was a “Cotswold” cottage…mostly untouched from the ’20s although the kitchen had been ‘remodeled’/updated in the early 1930s. It had that EXACT scalloping over the kitchen sink and also over the built-in pantry in the little ‘back porch’/annex off the kitchen. When we renovated, we saved every last piece of that decorative scalloping and re-incorporated it. OMG, how I miss that house!

  47. JoAnne Daniels says:

    Susan — when you spoke to us at Bookends, you told us how you would like to buy that sweet house back…I don’t blame you, I’d love to live there! Your current home is beautiful and larger than mine, but what I covet, is the pantry! I wouldloveto havea butler’s pantry/laundry room/mud room!
    It seems like the ultimate of luxury and practicality — and I’d like for Jack to come with it!!
    I almost got a new kitty this weekend (I lost my Tinkerbelle of 17 years about a month ago).
    Unfortunately, the timing is wrong for a baby in the house. But my heart is still set on another kitty. Right now I have a black lab (Dandy) and a yellow lab (Ellie) — two loves to fill my heart. Looking forward to Willard. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Your blog is always a welcome break from whatever I’m doing — like a long newsy letter from a good friend!

  48. Stacy Allen says:

    That was my first thought as I finished reading your book.. What happened to her wonderful house? Thanks so much for the update. I’m glad the current owner is taking such good care of it for YOU!!!

  49. PaulaJ says:

    Haha! I love your reply to the other Paula about strife, with strife being Cliff! “Strife City!”

    Thank you for telling us “…the rest of the story,” as Paul Harvey used to say! It is very satisfying to hear about Holly Oak. I think we all fell in love with it. I loved the way you honored Agnes while there.

    My husband and I are planning a 50th anniversary trip to England this fall. We have booked passage on the Queen Mary 2. He wanted to fly (don’t shudder too badly) home. We did not book flights home; we will see how the time goes and not feel time pressured to return at a certain hour/day. Since I have missed seeing you in the States, I would love to be able to attend your “bring your own picnic basket” time in England. Here is hoping!

    You and Joe are such a good match! I enjoyed seeing your early years photos. 🙂

    Happy Birthday to your precious Daddy; he was born a few weeks after my mommy. She was born in July of 2013. She died in 2008. I am glad you are enjoying your memories and at peace, Susan.

    And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Joe.

    Lots of love and gratitude, Paula from Oregon

    P.S. Not to add to your load, but I love your idea about doing a HOME book!

  50. Helen (Gina) Bowles says:

    Such a great update! Love Holly Oak, also love the house you live in. My biggest dreams are a well loved house with a enough room to put all my art in and a yard to garden and have my chickens in. I think you are blessed! Oh and of course it has to have nooks and crannies for the cats to play in!

  51. Tisa says:

    What a timely blog post for me–I just finished rereading The Trilogy (sorry JRR, not yours) and, being a SLO CO raised girl, I love THAT book, but I also adore Holly Oak Tales and how it evolved to more reflect you than Agnes (thank goodness, while a dear, her decor style was more Bleak House it sounds). So love ♥ hearing ‘the rest of the story’ of H.O.H. (I love acronyms/initialisms) and her post-SSB inhabitants. Am glad to hear she’s not having to randomly entertain rabid Branchers turning up on her doorstep leaving heart shaped rocks or Potter figurines. Hey wait. What would be wrong with that?! Oh, yes, privacy invasion. Which pretty much is out the window for you since we’ve seen all the lovely photos of the outside AND inside of your house. Which I love, personally,as I like to envision the heroine in her surroundings as I read how her story progresses. Good thing you live on an island 😉 (and that you take such GOOD pictures–is that with your phone?! yeeks) Now what is next from Susan Stewart Branch book-wise—I’m hoping QE2II?

  52. judy (jep) says:

    Thank you Dear Susan for the update on Holly Oaks. I am sad that you do not still own it, but happy for you to own your beautiful present house. Your Joe is like my Dear Hubby…he can fix things! I still after over 45 years am amazed at what my DH can do with a rubber band and some glue to fix broken items. My wish is that you take some time before the next trip to breath and relax and enjoy life, because you have been on the go for a while now. Even though we all appreciate your long drive for the book tour, we want you to be ready for the next adventure to Scotland and places close by. You are such a generous soul to share your life with us. I read your trilogy and then reread it and still have a hard time thinking about it as your life…so many wonderful friends, meeting with famous folks and adventures…and disappointments you were willing to tell us about in Fairy Tale Girl and Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams. I am lifting my tea cup in your honor, cheers and best of luck on the next journey! love and prayers, jep

  53. Beth T. says:

    You have put a smile on my face, dear Sue. Sending happy birthday wishes to your Joe. It is a big birthday month in our family, and we’re awaiting another little lad, expected to arrive on Monday. No name yet, although when I first heard the news, the name “Oscar” popped into my head, so if that turns out to be his name I’ll know we are soul mates, the little bub and his Auntie Beth. 🙂

  54. Stephanie says:

    I just love reading your blog. It’s like the first sip of a perfect cup of tea. Thanks again.

  55. Starr miller says:

    Hello Susan ,
    I love reading about your Fairy Tale life. It makes my heart sing.
    Happy Birthday to Joe. A younger husband is a lot of fun. I’m 7 years older than my second husband. He keeps me laughing and bouncing along on the back of his motorcycle.
    Life is one happy surprise after another.
    Love all your photos of home and family.

  56. Susanne says:

    Love to read your long and lovely chatty posts and especially peeks inside the house, now or not-so-now. ‘Cause that pineapple wallpaper was just devine!

  57. Fancy says:

    So enjoy reading your blog! Think I will go to your website and do some shopping!

  58. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Loved the blog, Susan! I tried to comment last time but as soon as i hit send, my internet went bonkers. It has been the summer of multiple eye surgeries and commenting again was too daunting. Using my ipad, i can enlarge it to read but it is very taxing, nonetheless. I love Jemima Puddleduck and congrats to the winner! When one wins, we all win in the joy! I named my last canary, Puddleduck. Lol. So nice you can visit your old house! We’ve been able to visit the log home in Colorado my grandfather built where my mom was born. All of us cousins have talked about buying it if it ever went up for sale. Doubtful, but dreams…! Happy birthday to Joe! ❤️🎶🎈🎂. Excuse any typos! Thx for the blog, pics, art, and joy!

    • sbranch says:

      How are your eyes coming along Sarah … getting back to “normal?”

      • Sarah Maldonado says:

        We use that quote from Young Frankenstein about being Abby Normal. Lol. It’s a slow process but hoping for the best and as long as I’m vertical and not in the box or the bonfire yet, it’s a good day! Yes, getting better! Thank you!

  59. Laura K. Eveland-Swanson says:

    Hi Susan!

    I’m rereading A Fine Romance….again!!! I have two copies, one I keep nice and neat on my bookshelf & one that gets carried around in my tote, no dust cover just it’s plain sweet brown self. It goes with me everywhere, so if I’m sitting and waiting for one of the kids or my husband, I just pull it out & it’s like having a chat over the fence with my favorite neighbor who is telling me about her lovely trip abroad!!

    I can’t wait to here all about this year’s upcoming crossing and the adventures you & Joe will have. I sure hope there is another book that you will be sharing with all us girls who love living vicariously through you,

    Big hugs!!
    Laura in Illinois

    • sbranch says:

      I did that too, as we were driving across country. If I was sitting somewhere or just needing a pick me up, I would re-read those pages and be reminded of what a special place that was. Hugs back to you Laura!

  60. Kathryn says:


    I hope that someday Holly Oak will be yours again. And I think Agnes would be very pleased. There aren’t words enough to say how much I have enjoyed your three books. You write as well as you draw!


  61. Karen C says:

    Congratulations to Clydene!
    Thank you Susan for a wonderful blog for my Saturday afternoon ! I loved your photos of holly oak & your home! Hope you have wonderful garden party & wish Joe a very Happy Birthday from all of us in NC! Summer is still hanging on here, but I can imagine fall being just around the corner. I am with you in staying on the sunny side of life! Is Scotland really cold this time of year? I will ponder that as it is 91F outside here in Greensboro. Take care! Wishing you only the best! Karen C

    • sbranch says:

      Not now I don’t think . . . but in Late September, when we’re going, I’m just imagining it will be cold. Think I will Google it.

  62. This is exactly the post I’ve been waiting to read. I wanted to hear all about Holly Oak like all the other Sue fans. XO. You are the best.

  63. Susan from Colorado says:

    Susan I love this latest post with the wonderful music playing in the back ground. I smiled all the way thru as I remembered bits and pieces from “A Fine Romance”. So glad you found Joe. Since we share the same first name – it’s even more amusing that my hunny bun is named Joel!!! Your art work and stories sing to me. Thanks for sharing with all us “Susan Branch Luvers”!!

  64. Virginia says:

    Thanks for another lovely post, full of wonderful photos, quotes worth memorizing and your letter to all of us. I love them all! I also loved seeing Holly Oak but you did indeed tell us what happened to Holly Oak after you sold it, tho not in as much detail. It must have been in an earlier blog post when someone asked.

    I have been in my house for almost 40 years. It means the world to me and I can’t bear the thought of leaving. So many happy memories, so many family moments, all of our parents, aunts and uncles were here, now all passed on. Our children, now parents themselves, Christmas mornings, birthdays, graduations. Just can’t face it.

    I’m soon going to County Antrim in N. Ireland and the Scottish isles and Highlands myself–very excited–where I will continue to Not Think About Moving.

    • sbranch says:

      Those events, the spiritual DNA of your family, those joys, and sorrows of every day life will stay in your house forever and ever. I feel that from the people who lived in my house before me and raised their children here in other times, the house echoes with them. So I know it’s true. Every tree and bush you plant will have it, and your love for your home has and will make the world a better place, forever.

      • Virginia says:

        Thank you so much for those thoughts. They mean so much and I am printing them to save.

        I did draw a cross and our initials on an attic beam, on several walls under wallpaper and in cement under the granite front steps when they were built. So a bit of us will always be here. But your ‘spiritual DNA’ is deeply comforting. Have to focus on that.

  65. KarenP - Wisconsin says:

    Darling Susan! Thank you for sharing this story and the sweet pictures of Holly Oak! That was very thoughtful of you to protect the new owner’s privacy otherwise we’d all be making pilgrimages there! 🙄 One of my fave pics that you’ve painted is that cross-section view! I just love it! And your paintings of Jack look like we can reach out and pet him! Amazing, girly! Love you much of TONS! 💕☺

    • sbranch says:

      I would really hate to be the one responsible for making someone’s home somehow uncomfortable for them!!! Thank you Karen!!!

  66. Donna says:

    Susan, you are always so great to share giveaways with your girlfriends! Congratulations to Clydene! Thanks too for letting us know what happened to your lovely little Holly Oak home. It’s good to know that a special someone is living there and taking care of it. Have a wonderful time getting ready for all your special upcoming events. I love how you are willing to make us feel we are right there with you enjoying it all!
    Love from Texas,

  67. Debby says:

    Loved this post! Did you buy or make the corner hutches in your dining room? And what are your China patterns ? Love looking in your beautiful, old house! Debby

    • sbranch says:

      The one on the left is built in and came with the house, the one on the right is free standing and I found it at an antique store. I have maybe 6 sets of dishes, everything from Johnson Brothers to Copeland Spode. I find them irresistible when I see a set I fall in love with that’s also at a good price!

      • Debby says:

        Me too, I never met a dish I didn’t like! Do you have any blue willow or delft?

        • sbranch says:

          I seem to mostly lean to the pink side with a little brown thrown in for good measure . . . I don’t have much blue at all, but LOVE delft.

  68. Betty says:

    My friend also enjoyed my book about your ocean voyage. She and her husband had taken the same….she said it was exactly as you wrote.
    I love your books, your humor and we love both love home, family, pets and old things….God bless.

  69. Kari says:

    Dear Susan Bee,
    I did a little research after this fun blog. Wondered if Stove Heaven still existed and also curious about the yellow Gaffers and Sattler stove my daughter inherited in her “new” LA apartment. I found this! antiquestoveheaven.com/ What a fun site. Reminds me of the vintage boutique from which we bought her wedding dress, except with that one, when you pick a decade, you get vintage weddings gowns. Hard to decide if stoves or dresses are better. Your lovely O’Keefe & Merritt is on the site, too. “Where the good ones go!” Best tagline ever!!

    Happy birthday, Joe. So enjoyed conversing with you in the Asheville line.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, they do a wonderful job of refurbishing them and recycling something that really could last several lifetimes with a bit of care.

  70. Susie (Rocky Point, NY) says:

    Ooh as soon as you said to pack for cold weather on our trip to Scotland, I immediately got the goosebumps! I freeze under 80 degrees. I’ll pick up a nice toasty warm Scottish sweater while I am there…dream on. Congrats to the winner of the BP goodies. It is always such fun anticipating being a SB winner. Seeing Holly Oaks once more is so enchanting. So charming. Loved seeing Jack all over the place, especially by all your baked goods. Those little ears peeking out all over makes me giggle. Hugs to you!

    • sbranch says:

      My friend Diana agrees with you … freezes when it’s under 80 degrees! But I love the cold, because of all the cozy clothes and fires and things . . . hopefully it won’t downpour constantly, but whatever happens, we will be waterproofed and ready!

  71. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Loved the walk down memory lane to Holly Oak! I hope it does come back into your possession one day:) I, too, just received Season One of Outlander and I can’t wait to begin watching it! Congrats to Clydene – you are so lucky and the rest of us are happy for you! Happy birthday wishes to your best guy Joe! Sounds like quite a party in the making! It’s good to be home, isn’t it?

  72. Cindy Stierhoff says:

    Geeeez, that Joe was such a cutey pie to be found by you and he wore cowboy boots too! Your true love was calling you from across all those states that connect the east from the west.
    You just didn’t hear the call, yet……that teary plane trip to Martha’s Vineyard was a plan, I am just so sure.
    I truly hope you do get Holly Oak back some day when that lovely lady moves on, that might also be a plan in the making you don’t hear yet.
    Just wanted to tell you how I loved the story of Holly Oak, so many wonderful images in my mind as I read your story. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • sbranch says:

      I believe it too, like I was on some sort of track, heading for here, the house was waiting, and at the right time, after I had figured out my own course, Joe came on the scene. Thank you Cindy! I’ve always wanted to share that story!!! xoxo

  73. Mar Bailey says:

    As usual, my heart is full of love, inspiration, and joy after reading your latest post. It is almost too much for me to take in and I think I must digest it awhile! Thank you for being you and touching our hearts with your endearing ways.

  74. Charissa says:

    OHMYGOODNESS!!! A post about Joe and his handiness!!! I thought I had died and gone to heaven… more fodder to torment Tom. I started in on him last night before I saw your post as I called in our pizza order for him to pick up on his way home from work. I left the name as Mr Wonderful as I sometimes do both to embarrass him, but also to let him know I really think he is Mr Wonderful. Well… He happened to run into his new boss and wife at the bar There was a fuss about not finding the order under Tom and then the bartender came up and said very loud as I asked him to that he found it under MR WONDERFUL. Hilarity ensued and he came in the door with the story. People were high fiving him out of the restaurant. I think he was secretly proud;) BUT I had seen your post in the meantime. It was perfect dinner conversation when I showed him the picture only of Jemima rubberbanded up saying, isn’t this ingenious? Yes, he says. Later… Do you want to see a pic of the sweet little guy that thought that up? I say. And I show him the picture of you and Joe where he is in double tartan (My absolute favorite thing is tartan and I am always trying to convince Tom how cool it is) Well this, plus a bottle of our wedding wine, was enough for an entire fake meltdown. We were dying. I am sure if anyone was listening they would have thought someone was being attacked barring all the laughter. Thank you to you and Joe for a wonderful night.

    Congratulations Clydene!!!!!

    I will root for some positive thing to happen for you to get Holly Oak I’m glad u mentioned that you put the wrong directions I was worried about lookie loos (sp?) and that poor owner;) I Love your house so much and I love what you did with it. I love the history and that you know who planted things in your yard and who lived there previously. Tom said if it ever does come on the market we could try for it:) Yippee That is so sweet of you to offer it to the Girlfriends first. I, too, would be heartbroken if someone lived there that didn’t know you. Thank you again for this wonderful post and for all that you do to spread so much joy xoxo❤️❤️❤️❤️

    This is a Shout Out to CARLTON who has to be the most darling man and skilled carpenter ever. I LOVED everything he did for Holly Oak and to bring you that ship?!?!?!? What a dear❤️❤️❤️ Wishing he lived in Texas, as I would hire him for a million projects. It is so hard to find someone you trust. YOU ARE AWESOME CARLTON!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Loved “Mr. Wonderful!” Too cute! And yes, hard to sell something you love to a stranger. That’s why I always liked to know where my paintings went, so I knew they’d have good homes with good caretakers! And, I’ll tell Carl what you said!

  75. Sonja Willis says:

    Susan, I so enjoy reading about and seeing pictures of your beautiful home. It was so exciting to see and meet you and Joe in Cincinnati. On your trip to Scotland I have been wanting to mention one of my favorite authors, Rosamunde Pilcher, she is a wonderful Scottish writer.
    I saw a reference to Outlander in an earlier post, I enjoy it too. I want to mention a new PBS series that is wonderful and it is Poldark, you can see season 1 on Amazon. A new season is starting in Sept. They think this may be the replacement for Downton. Happy Birthday to Joe have a wonderdul party!

  76. Patricia Cash says:

    You are so blessed. Reading about your beautiful life, brings tears to my eyes. What a glorious time you are having. I pray more blessings over you and Joe, as you continue to share your special happenings with your readers and friends. Thank you so very much.

  77. Jane Poulton says:

    What a lovely place Holly Oak is. Just love the garden and the deck area. It would be a place I would happily live, quite different to here in Victoria (Australia). You could do lots of dreaming there.
    I really enjoy your work. Take care both of you and keep on enjoying life.

  78. Hillaire Gallagher says:

    Hi Susan
    Happy Birthday, Joe
    Glad you are home for a bit…
    Enjoyed this post about your homes. There is something about homes and houses, from Manderley to Tara,they have a spirit that shapes lives and makes the stories. You, Susan, have a talent for seeing the story and sharing. Thank you for that, I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and are not working too hard after such a long time away from home.
    Best regards

    • sbranch says:

      All the houses we visited in England, the big ones, but especially the small, told stores. All of our homes do. And even when we’re gone, the stories survive.

  79. Marge says:

    You made me laugh out loud with the news that Jack learned to speak English. That was too special!

  80. Laural Wood says:

    Here I sit reading your newletter with a big goofy grin on my face..thanks for being you. You always make my day bright. <3

  81. Ruth Winkler says:

    I feel exactly like the others who wrote to you. I needed to know more about Holly Oak and you and Joe and how you found your now house. Thank you for filling in that gap. I wish ou and Joe a safe and happy trip to Scotland. I want to read all about it!

  82. Maureen Abramson says:

    Your posts, pictures and paintings always leave me with a sense of peace and calm. Would love to go to Scotland. My parents are from N. Ireland just across the water. We can see Scotland from some locations there, much like seeing Catalina off the So. California coast.
    Thank you for your peace and calm.

  83. Jo says:

    As always a pleasant break in the day’s activities to hear from a dear friend who lives far away.
    Anxiously await more on “our” Scotland trip and, yes, it will probably be on the chilly side but beautiful nonetheless.

    • sbranch says:

      I look forward to chilly, to rain, to moodiness, to wildness, and aloneness and all the things I’m imagining!

      • Vicki says:

        Did you see a quirky movie from the ’80s called “Local Hero” with Burt Lancaster? One of my fave films; your posts/comments here got me to thinking about it again. Looked it up on wiki: “Local Hero was filmed in several locations around Scotland. Most of the Ferness village scenes were filmed in Pennan on the Aberdeenshire coast, and most of the beach scenes at Morar and Arisaig on the west coast.” It’s when I fell in love with those villages! The movie is scenic. And it’s a funny little story. Kinda sweet.

  84. Patti E. says:

    It never fails. When I’m reading your letters, I always have a smile on my face. (That’s what my husband says!) Thanks for the happiness. 🙂

  85. Kat Fry on Rose Creek Farm says:

    Such a gem~packed newsy ‘letter’! Felt like all of us were back Home where we belong! Getting ourselves ready for that Grand Adventure next month!
    Firstly! *whew*! I know we all breathed a sigh of relief & then laughed at ‘how silly could we be’! Over sweet Jemima Puddleduck. How we could think she could ever leave y’all & go live somewhere else! Especially after Joe coming to y’all’s rescue! Love the photo of the surgery! So, mystery solved.
    That Jack never ceases to amaze! I hope he knows the love & joy he brings to thousands of your Girlfriends! What a character! And those eyes! They speak volumes without him learning English or whatever language he’s speaking!
    You n’ Joe are indeed a Fairytale Come True…yea! that you both followed your hearts! And seriously! A man in Cowboy boots from way up yonder! How could you pass that up?! Cowboy boots & a beret. I’ll say it again…he needs to add a kilt to his wardrobe choices! Down here in Texas they have ‘construction’ kilts. Made of durable fabric for construction guys to wear. True fact! They say it’s quite liberating!
    Busy days ahead of y’all in these lazy, hazy days of the last of Summer. I know y’all are getting in some relax time as well. I had to laugh when you told ‘Paula’ what a book about “after I met Joe” would sound like…Girl you could write a label on succatash & it would be fascinating! You have that gift! Y’all’s everyday Life is such a Grand Adventure…an Expotition!
    Thank you for all the lovely updates…& the clarification on Jemima! Hope we hear from Clydene soon!

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t have to tell you to have a wonderful day Kat, there is no doubt in my mind that you will!

  86. Lorna S. says:

    Not only is the blog a real treat, but the comments and your replys are well worth the time. So my comment is like your one page book: “I would just like to say, ditto, ditto,ditto, happy, glad, oh good, ditto, ditto, ditto, glad, and she read happily ever after!” All the other girlfriends covered the basics – love you, your books, your homes, your taste, your Joe, but mostly we love your spirit.


  87. Mary Fasold says:

    Susan…Thank you for the quote from Gwendolyn Brooks….reminding me that some moments will never come again. My husband and I are taking our 9 year old granddaughter to see Niagara Falls this week . I’ve written out the quote and tucked it into my suitcase where I’ll encounter it daily. Hopefully…it will bring me to a greater awareness of how precious this opportunity is and that it will never come again ! Your books and all your writings constantly call us to a deeper appreciation of the sacredness and beauty of people, places and things in our lives. I sincerely thank you for that! Mary (guardian of Polly Esther…the 5-toed cat !!)

  88. Karen Saunders says:

    NOOOOO!!!!! No one is buying your house!!!!! No, no, NO!! It will be made into a musuem like BP and we can all visit and see where you worked….but not for loooong time of course!! Even if the girlfriends all chip in and buy it for that!! End of story!! (I mean aren’t I?)

  89. Jana says:

    It feels like something has ripened and been harvested in your life, Susan. The tone of the posts has changed ever so slightly. Perhaps it is in part the passing of your dear father; that tends to “grow us up” in subtle ways. And then there’s the beautiful success of your heart-filled books, and the lengthening of the days, also subtle, into autumnal bliss and the autumnal season of our lives. I remember wa-a-a-a-y back when I first discovered your books and then stickers and ever since it has felt like Home when I see anything of yours online or out in the wide world. What a blessing you are to so many. I appreciate the wonder of you and your sweet soul’s expressions!

  90. Debbie Kirby says:

    someday I’m gonna visit my brothers place on the vineyard maybe well meet

  91. Marilyn Case says:

    Do you still have that firescreen with the English Setter on it? Love that.

  92. DeLores Johnson says:

    I was so happy to see your blog was in my mailbox. I am new to your blog so I did not know about Holly Oak, before today. What a cute little house!! I need to send for your story books. I have your Christmas books and I use your stamps, etc. for my scrapbooking and card-making. They are so cute! We live in a big Victorian house and have been talking about down-sizing but it is not easy to even discuss it!!It makes both my husband and I sad to think about it.
    Tonight I shall order your books. I have looked for them in our area by could not find them so will order them from you.

    • sbranch says:

      When Joe and I discuss moving to a smaller place, we always get hung up on what we would take and what we would let go! I really believe I will totally enjoy making a new home!

  93. Sarah says:

    “Just in cases.” That scene in Love Actually where he proposes with the whole town watching is one of my favorite movie scenes EVER. Colin Firth doing anything really is my favorite. 🙂

    That deck your dad built is BEAUTIFUL. So precise looking. Things built right last a long time! (That’s why you had him so long too.) 🙂

  94. So enjoy seeing your sunny life…thanks for sharing…😀

  95. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    I just love your new blog posts. The pictures are always the best and you describe everything just perfectly. Happy Birthday to your Daddy Susan, I am so happy that you are only thinking of happy sweet memories and not being sad. Happy birthday to Joe too. Have fun nesting***

  96. Laurie Perry says:

    Love your Jack with his hair ties. My Peggy (pretty little 3-legged gray & white cat) steals my hair ties too! When we move the furniture around, we always find lots of them and she gets so excited. Cats are so funny! Really enjoy hearing your stories.

    • sbranch says:

      We moved the fridge to clean behind it, and there were probably 25 hair ties behind it! We know he hides them, but we can never figure out where. There must be 400 of them hidden in this house somewhere.

  97. Jane Alexander says:

    Whenever I read the blog I want all my friends to see it. I love the deck your daddy built for you. I love Hollow Oak…..and so happy someone who lives there loves it too. All of us are so thankful to be one of your best friends forever.And we are all thankful to know each other as well. Such incredible people in this tribe!

  98. Rose Utterback says:

    Happy Birthday, Joe! Was wonderful to meet you in Danville, CA. Now we understand why Susan has so much admiration for you. Love you both! Have a great trip to England.

  99. Jackie says:

    I trust you thank God every day for your blessings as you have much to be grateful for, dear one. Life is a celebration, and your fans/friends/family celebrate YOU! xxx

    • sbranch says:

      I say thank you every day! And every time I come to this blog to be with sweethearts like you.

  100. Julie Child says:

    Do I see the same green Volvo in the side driveway at current home as in front of Holly Oak so many years ago?? WOW – good ad for VOLVO! ha! Thanks for a wonderful post. Was wondering about Holly Oak.

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