Thanksgiving Love


Thanksgiving table

Blessing blessings

We’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving tonight on board the Queen Mary 2, out here in the wild North Sea, feeling very grateful! It’s been really hard to get anything up here on the blog, but for some reason, Twitter seems to be okay! I’m sure you’re too busy today to care . . . but I wanted to send Thanksgiving blessings to one and all.  SO excited, we arrive in New York …

 New York Harbor

On Saturday . . . then it’s home sweet home.  Wishing you all a wonderful Turkey Day!  Thank you for being you. 💖

girlfriend love recipe wordXOXOXO

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1,001 Responses to Thanksgiving Love

  1. Ann says:

    Is there any more wonderful feeling than coming home after a trip? Especially a long trip? That fluttery feeling as you see beloved landmarks and, finally, home!?

    Welcome home, you two and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

    • sbranch says:

      So fluttery today… we land in NY at 6:30 am tomorrow. Then customs, then get car, then load car (biggest job of all) then drive across Connecticut, Rhode Island, MA, then get on ferry, 45 min. across the water, to the Island, drive off boat, through sparkly main street, around a few bends, into driveway, to shock of seeing house for the first time in months, and having Jack look at me, like HEY, where ya been! EEEEEEK!

  2. Lorna says:

    My blessings you to and Joe as you make your way towards Lady Liberty and home. I hope the sea voyage was smoother than anticipated! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. WendyD says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe! You are so loved.

  4. Sandy Artman says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan! When I count my blessings today, you are on my list! Safe travels home, dear one.

  5. Suzanne Conover says:

    Have a blessed homecoming and find Jack with open paws and loud purrs for you both.

  6. Becky says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Rachel Anna says:

    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe journey back home, Susan! Thank you for all the loveliness you share in your books, on Twitter, and here on your blog…I love following your adventures abroad as well as the peeks into your life here at home…I am so inspired by you!

  8. Joyce says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I’ve just recently discovered your blog and am in love! Thank you for saying what is in your heart politically. I feel all that you shared with us, too!

    Blessings to you!

  9. Karen Williams says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joe and all the Girlfriends!
    We have just got back from a Thanksgiving
    Evening at a local restaurant as we celebrate 32 years of marriage!
    Great American food with an English twist!
    Wishing you a continued safe journey home, dear Susan and Joe and what a pleasure to have met you both.
    Hoping you have wonderful memories to keep in your hearts 💕
    Karen xoxoxoxo

  10. Cynthia says:

    A very happy Thanksgiving to you both as you sail across the sea! We are thankful for you and your thoughtful recent blog posts. In spite of everything, we have much to be grateful for.

  11. Patti G says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! We are celebrating with my 93 year old dad today!
    Had the traditional turkey dinner earlier. Later we will have our turkey chowder (made with sautéed chopped onions and celery and many of the leftovers thrown together -turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, broth, and the sinful half-and-half). And “snipples” of apple and pumpkin pies.

    We are thankful for so much. And we are thankful for the joy you bring into our lives through your words, photos, and watercolors. Safe journey home, Susan and Joe!
    Hugs from Columbus, Ohio

  12. Linda Smith says:

    For so very much we are grateful – family, pets, friends,home, food, warmth,beauty and hope. Happy Thanksgiving Susan to you and Joe and your kitty at home who is waiting for you.

  13. Terry Jansen says:

    “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home” Susan and Joe..enjoy Thanksgiving and the anticipation of home!

  14. Betty says:

    Wishing you both a very happy Thanksgiving and homecoming!

  15. Lissa Rogers says:

    I’ve missed you! Can’t wait to hear all about the trip. Hope you find all well at home. I appreciate the and inspiration you have brought o to my life.❤Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Mary mccumber says:

    Happy Thanksgiving dear friend! AND, Happy Homecoming very soon!!!

  17. Delcia R. says:

    I’m spending Thanksgiving with my “Joe”–Joel that is, in Port Angeles, WA, on the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Calm waters here–hoping your day is as tranquil as it can be out on the Atlantic. A blessed Thanksgiving to you!

  18. Erin Gosma says:

    I stayed up late last night reading Isle of Dreams….one more thing to be thankful for on this very rainy Pacific Northwest Thanksgiving. Safe travels!

  19. A very Happy Thanksgiving Day to you Susan and Joe! So glad you are on your way home and that you had a fantastic trip. I have been missing your blogs so much and can’t wait to hear/read all about your adventures in England. Safe travels home!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m looking forward to being back in touch, going to write a Willard and catch up a bit the minute I get home! Thank you Freya!

  20. Muito obrigada ! Aqui no meu país, não temos o costume de comemorar o dia de ação de graças… mas, é sempre bom agradecer, né? Beijos!

  21. Linda H (from northern IN) says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Susan and Joe!

    How appropriate to be celebrating this holiday at the end of your wonderful trip. I’m sure you are counting your blessings for all you’ve seen and done.

    I’m grateful for you, your blog and books!


  22. Bonnie L says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan and Joe

  23. Della Bone says:

    Counting my many blessings in Kentucky today! Thankful for you & all of your inspiration!
    Happy Thanksgiving Susan💚😽

  24. Jo Ann Pollick says:

    Sweet Homecoming Wishes. Have enjoyed your posts.Thankful for our many blessings this day and always.

  25. English Rose says:

    Safe and smooth travels to you both.
    A good feeling to be ‘homeward bound’ no doubt?
    All will be well and just think….furry feline cuddles await- how wonderful!!

  26. Laura says:

    I am very thankful for you., dear Susan.
    Have a marvelous evening !
    Have safe travels!

  27. Susann Shinkle says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. Glad to hear that you’re not sea sick.

  28. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Never to busy to read you !
    Welcome home safe travels
    Darlene North

  29. deezie says:

    Have the best Thanksgiving EVER Susan and Joe*** I bet you can’t wait to get home to your sweet kitties.

  30. Susann Shinkle says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. Glad that you are not sea sick this time.

  31. Sheryl says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, looking forward to your new book about this trip. (Hint Hint)

  32. Kathleen McLaughlin says:

    Happy, happy Thanksgiving to both of you.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about the current situation in this country. I found myself laying in a hospital bed on the day you posted. It brought me to tears because you expressed so beautifully exactly what I was thinking. My nurses and doctors were of every stripe and color to be found and from many different nations but they all shared the same empathy and warmth of people dedicated to helping others. It is a wonderful world and we must all work even harder to keep it this way.

    Love and thank you,

    Kathy in Oregon on a wild, windy and rainy Thanksgiving day

  33. Kay Kay says:

    Never too busy to say “Thank you” and to be grateful for hearing from you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe! And welcome home on Saturday.

  34. Marita Clark says:

    This Iowa girl sends you & yours a veeery Happy Thanksgiving from Atlanta this evening! Will have dinner at Vivian Howard’s tomorrow night.
    Safe travels to your doorstep! 😉

  35. Martha N. says:

    Wishing you the happiest of Thanksgivings! I am so thankful for ALL you share with us. You are the bright spot in my inbox and such a positive example for me. Love and safe journey home to you and Joe.

  36. Bev Becker says:

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU AND JOE; Soon to be home and kitties to welcome you home. Hope you take some time to just rest and relax and let your mind just be quiet for a short time, cause we all know you will so filled with all you have seen and enjoyed, that you will thinking of what to do next. Hope you have a great homecoming.

  37. Grace From Barnstable says:

    The Cape has been lovely; a little cloudy but crisp air. Watching smoke curl from chimney tops along Route 6A and drove to Woods Hole. Saw the Martha’s Vineyard ferry boat making it’s crossing and thought of you. So glad you’ll be returning home soon. Enjoy the Queen Mary luxury while you can before the Christmas chaos is upon you. Happy Thanksgiving Susan & Joe. You are among the people I’m thankful to have come across in my life.

  38. Darlen says:

    Happy Thanksgiving and God bless all those who are doing positive things to advance the world. Amen I agree with your earlier post about the election. I am glad you are a thinking, doing, strong woman! All head full! : )

  39. Kate says:

    Welcome Home! Can’t wait to hear all the stories. Happy Thanksgiving.

  40. Jeanette in IL says:

    Happiest Thanksgiving to you both! Hope your evening is magical as you glide your way home…you’re almost here!!!
    May every abundant blessing be yours today and always.

  41. Kathy V. says:

    Wishing you a safe journey and calm seas. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I enjoy reading all about your travels and sea voyage.

  42. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    Blessings to you and Joe!!!
    Stuffed here, and too lazy to do dishes. Snow tires tomorrow!


  43. Marie Fell says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe from the North coast of our wonderful country in Avon Lake, Ohio! The winds have finally died down and life is good. Planning a Gilmore Girls binge watch with my grown-up daughters tomorrow for some feel good holiday fun! Safe travels across the Atlantic and looking forward to future posts to brighten those wintry days!

  44. Bev L. says:

    Happy Turkey day and hope you have safe travels. yes it’s so nice to be away but it sure makes coming home all that more sweet.

  45. Kelli L says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  46. Dixie Johnson says:

    Know you will be glad to be home & see the kitties and that you are thankful today for smooth seas! God bless you & Joe! Dixie from Tennessee

  47. Good to hear you’re almost home. Giving thanks for people like you! Love your books & your blog.

  48. Clair says:

    Having a great Thanksgiving in Texas. So far, the Dallas Cowboys are leading the Washington Redskins, 17-6, and it is nearing end of 3rd quarter. Very thankful for that. Lol.
    Glad you are making it back home safely!!

  49. kathy Goblirsch says:

    Your post is a reminder to love who we are with and for us in California…to love the weather!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  50. Jan Lane says:

    Hope that your Thanksgiving aboard ship was lovely. Just think, you have no dishes to do!! Bless you and smooth sailing!
    We did not have traditional turkey. Instead, we had roast beef and gravy, Yorkshire Pudding, mashed potatoes, steamed carrots and broccoli, acorn squash, and for an appetizer we had gaspacho with lemon and avocado, and little celery boats with cream cheese and chives, walnuts and cranberries. Later on it will be assorted cheesecake and coffee. So full. Should get a walk in the brisk mountain air before sunset. This weekend they said it will snow.

  51. Brenda Brady says:

    Happy Thanksgiving and calm seas! Enjoy the remainder of your journey.

    Lewes, DE

  52. Carol Lichwala says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe. I am sure you are enjoying a feast. So glad you are on your way home. I would love to see the look on Jacks face when you walk in the door….he is going to be the happiest cat in the world.
    You must be very anxious to get home.

  53. Julie V from Springfield, MO says:

    Happy Thanksgiving – feel thankful that God gave us such a wonderful creative person in you! Safe travels home to you and Joe.

  54. chris consentino says:

    oh, Susan!! I had a feeling when I clicked on…and, YES….HERE YOU ARE!!!!! soooo, again…..repetitively, perhaps…..thank you!! oh!! thank you!!!!….for being you!! just got home from our wonderful Thanksgiving…..our 6 yr old grandson got up from his meal, and came to me….and to his grandpa…and to his papa(our son) and to his mama …and, even, to his little sister….and, ever so beautifully & heart-touchingly whispered in each of our ear’s….”i’m very thankful for YOU!!”. added a hug for each of us, then sat back down and “gobbled up”. he had greeted us at his door, earlier, with a joke….(he LOVES jokes….) “what does a turkey say when he’s “looking something up”?? google-google…..pretty great day, yeah?? our hearts…like yours….are just, plain SOARING!!!!! take care. keeeeep cozy….and travel safely. all love to you & your dear, dear sweet Joe.xo

  55. Barb Murphy says:

    Happy, happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to you and Joe.

  56. heidi says:

    The dishes look like my mom’s dishes from Windsor Ware that she purchased in 1957. Beautiful.

  57. Doris Doody says:

    Susan, may our Lord bless you mightily for sharing your heart re. the election and all things meaningful to us all…I feel as you did, filled with deep concerns for our country, not just ’cause we might not have gotten our ‘way’ but for the bad feelings of fear and distress for the values we’ve always held dear for our country. You showed a great deal of courage and honesty to vent. You made it possible for our hearts and souls to be refilled with love and hope. It worked for me,… I am now ‘renewed’ about our country, and the heavy despondency that innundated our hearts has been relieved. That’s what the courage of ‘one’ person can do for us. God keep you close and fill you with the joy your sharing gave to us, I pray it right back to you.

    • sbranch says:

      It worked that way for me too…writing about something always does, thank you for understanding Doris! xoxoxo

  58. DeLores Johnson says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan and Joe. Thank you for the greeting! We had a great Thanksgiving with family.

  59. Elaine Loughlin says:

    Hope you have had a great Thanksgiving on board the Queen Mary 2.
    I was blessed to spend the day with my 93 year old mother and my two sisters & brother-in-laws

  60. Dionne Street says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Susan and Joe! So much to be thankful for on this blessed day! Stay safe on your way home! X0X0

  61. Mary Jo says:

    We are headed home, from a day with my brother and his wife, feeling stuffed with love. Babies pulled onto laps . Games played. A brisk walk on dry ground. Dishes all nestled back in their cupboards, and the visiting that comes of doing tasks together, jk just like when we lived together under one roof. Sigh. So good. I can hardly bear it!

  62. Nancy says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Susan & Joe!🦃

  63. Suzanne Alexander says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe! Safe journey home!

  64. Linda Forbes says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Susan! Safe travels the rest of your way home. I love your books and look forward to every blog! Take good care!

  65. Deborah A Cuddy says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan! Wishing you smooth sailing all the way home!

  66. Delaney Ann Prins says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, love the China dishes!! Beautiful.

  67. Jackie P. says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! It won’t be long now before you are back home!

  68. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan. Thanks for taking us along on the trip but it will good to get home. Look forward to seeing and hearing more–will you do another travel book for us armchair travelers?

  69. Heartsdesire says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Susan and Joe, I’m sure it will be one you remember for quite some time. What a lovely place to be on the Queen Mary 2, riding the waves. Lucky it’s calm and you can enjoy your meal. Will be watching on Saturday as you glide into New York harbour. I can just imagine how Jack will fell when you finally open the door and are home.

    • sbranch says:

      You know how wildly excited you get to go home when you’ve been away? It’s almost ridiculous, but that’s exactly how I feel. Like 7 years old at Christmas, and on top of everything, JACK! xoxo

  70. Eleanor K Hunzinger says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Praying you have a safe trip home.

  71. LindaR says:

    Wishing you and Joe a blessed Thanksgiving. Arriving home just in time for the start of the most wonderful season of the year, Christmas. Continue to have a safe journey home. Can’t wait to hear all about your magical trip.

  72. Patti Fitzgerald, Skippack, PA says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan and Joe! I’m so grateful for discovering your lovely books and your delightful paintings – – – thank you for bringing such joy and a breath of fresh air into my life!

  73. Karen D says:

    Have a safe trip home. ❤️U girlfriend

  74. Nadine Hogrefe says:

    Welcome Home …..soon!

  75. Patti Lyon says:

    Thank you for being you and for sharing your life with us. Happy Thanksgiving, safe travels and see you soon.

  76. Cathy Aquilina says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Susan and Joe!! Hope for smooth sailing for the rest of your journey home!!

  77. Lucy de Leeuw says:

    Your Thanksgiving Table is lovely. Enjoy, as Thanksgiving is all about sharing and caring. Wishing you a safe journey home. The view is lovely I smell the ocean!

  78. Patricia Wehner says:

    Thank you Susan! You’ll have to tell us all about Thanksgiving on the QM2 😊 I know you are getting excited about seeing your furbaby! Take pictures of your homecoming so we can see that happy baby boy! Christmas decorations go up tomorrow and I can’t wait! My heart is happy just knowing that the boxes are ready to come down out of the attic! Happy Coming Home!

  79. Deb Huch says:

    I am thankful for you. Cheers! ~tink 🍷

  80. Lu Ann Hungerford says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to both of you. I’m glad you’re almost home! What an adventure it was to read all about your trip!

  81. Gloria says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to the two of you, Susan ! Hoping you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know we did.

  82. Kathiellen says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to You and Joe! xo I hope that your meal was delicious and your memories of this Thanksgiving on The Queen Mary will be treasured ones. I bet that you cannot wait to get back to Home Sweet Home and that darling kitty boy Jack, and your own bed and pillows!!! Heaven on Earth! Safe traveling dear ones!

  83. Janet O'Connor says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan! There is so much to be thankful for in our lives. Gratitude has a way of coming back as many blessings appearing every day in many ways.
    I hope you and Joe enjoy every moment of your voyage home and arrive safely at your beautiful home.
    Janet XOXO

  84. Kay Bennett says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Susan and Joe! I’m sure even though you’ve had a wonderful visit to glorious England, there’s no place like home. We all thank you for taking us along to enjoy the beautiful days of England and Scotland. I for one am putting the contentious elections days behind and starting these holidays, freash, with renewed energy and great expectations. Following your blog will brighten my days again and give me hope we will all come together for the greater good of everyone. Enjoy all the kitty love you’ll be receiving soon when you get home.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s going to be a wonderful holiday season! I feel it in my bones! xoxo Oh, Kay, did I tell you we finally went to Highclere? Not sure I got to blog about it yet, so much was going on, but we did!

  85. JudyCinNC says:

    So thankful for those who care about us and for those who love us. Safe travels with a grateful heart for the friends you have made, the friends you have yet to meet and the friends who welcome you back. You are a part of our lives – always have been and always will be, no matter what. We need you in our lives. Judy C

  86. Candice says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Susan and Joe! You are over half way home! We are all counting our blessings on this day and praying for those less fortunate!

  87. BEcky says:

    There’s no place like home with my five grandchildren circling all around for Thanksgiving!
    Welcome home to you dear Susan. God Bless you and God Bless America. Becky on OK

  88. Mary Ann from TN says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe. My friends are on the ship, too, enjoying Thanksgiving. Safe journey home.

  89. Margaret Harke says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe out there on the wild sea! Have a wonderful safe trip home.

  90. Priscilla from Brooklyn NY says:

    Thanksgiving blessings to you and Joe also!

  91. Penny says:

    A day to count our blessings & express our gratitude to those that make our life richer . It is with a grateful heart I thank you Susan for your beautiful cook books 📚 that fill my bookshelves…..and now I share with my grandchildren. They love your books ….I’m thrilled to share many recipes that are among my favorite ❤️. We poured over AUTUMN 🍂 and the grandchildren remember making the colorful Turkey 🦃 apples 🍎 for our table .
    I know your happy to be back home 🏡.
    Love to you –Penny

  92. Dorothy H. Jones says:

    Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you and Joe. Your books and website has given me much joy. Thank you, Dorothy Jones. Scottsboro, Alabama

  93. Barbara A Case IN says:

    So much to be thankful for. We have a granddaughter who seems to be strongly on the path of remission. So happy to hear the ‘crossing’ is going well. Stay snug… chocolate before bed. Kitties on Saturday….Yay! luv to you both !

  94. Georgie says:

    Susan each day I count you among my many blessings. Friendship across the miles yet close 🙂 Busy… yes! Too busy to care? Um… no!

    Thanksgiving at sea with sunshine. How wonderful. We had clouds but lots of smiles. Sending love for your remaining miles.

    Thanks for taking time to write to of all of the girlfriends.
    Georgie from NJ

  95. Karen says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Susan. It was in October, here north of the border, but is never hurts to be thankful!

  96. Belinda from Tampa says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Sue and Joe! So glad for your safe travels. May they continue until you arrive home safe and sound. I know one happy cat on Saturday. I am sure Jack is so excited!! Thank you for bringing us along☺

  97. Karen from Milton says:

    Thanksgiving blessings and safe passage home!

  98. Donna H says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe ! Thank you for your beautiful blog . I know you will be happy to be home again after your travels .

  99. Diane M. Ely says:

    Dear Susan and Joe:
    Hoping your Thanksgiving Day at sea was filled with good food, friendly faces and many blessings! We had a wonderful day, three grandsons, new friends to share the day, a son we hadn’t seen in two years, and laughter and fun albeit the stuffing wasn’t my best. Next time it is your grandmother’s. Best wishes for the rest of your journey and the holiday season, from a greatful heart,

    • sbranch says:

      It was absolutely delicious, in the Princess Grill, and afterwards, dancing with my darling Joe to Big Band musica in the Queen’s Room, but best of all is getting up this morning and reading all these loving Thanksgiving wishes … Thanks to you Diane, and to all!

  100. Nellie says:

    Oh, Susan!! Daughter brought Bourbon Sweet Potatoes, recipe on the calendar page for November 2016! Delicious!! We all send you special wishes for this Thanksgiving Day!!

    xo Nellie

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