I used to lie on my bed as a child and ponder the world . . . I wished I had a very long crayon so I could draw on the ceiling, add eyes and a fluffy tail to the crack up there, and make it into a REAL rabbit. Now I wake up pondering and start making lists in my head! November is a huge list month, and I couldn’t get through a day without one. What with Thanksgiving and the looming Christmas season, I have LOTS of things to remember. 🤔 (And P.S. They don’t make MUSICA like they used to ~ love this clarinet!)
The moon woke me up last night . . . knocked on the window and came through the curtains and directly through my extremely thin eyelids (at least they seem that way to me, since I was little, one speck of light wakes me up!).
So up I got to write you ~ and here’s the moon-view from a downstairs window. The aptly named, “Frost” moon ~ I went outside to take pictures and got my first real feel of winter! Brrr! And tonight we turn our clocks back! It’s that time of year….Days get shorter, but mornings are longer!
We had a wonderful Halloween.🎃 Simple, old-fashioned and shared with the people we love.
Jack enjoyed watching Joe bring out the decorations . . . 👻
Joe loves it as much as I do . . . we always decorate the front hall . . .
Because that’s where the kids come . . . the door to the street is right behind me . . . We don’t want to scare them, we want to delight them. 🎃
And after the trick-or-treating is over, our friends pop by for a drink or cup of hot spiced cider and a fall dinner . . . so I have fun cooking and decorating . . .
Our street is wildness on Halloween, windy and leaf blowy. 🍂🎃🍂 We think we had over a thousand kids this year . . .
Too jostled out there to keep the camera focused!
I always escape to take pictures. . . we have friends who live out in the country who come to our house just to give candy to the children! We share the wealth! With so many kids, it takes a village! Where’s Jack? While the front door was open, he was upstairs in his bed (our bed), quiet and cozy and safe, but after everyone left, he joined the party! 😻
By 7:30 it was all over . . . we go in and get cozy in front of the fire and munch on the corns . . . candy corn, popcorn and kettle corn.
Table is set, the candles are lit . . .
I layered while Joe sliced for Scalloped Potatoes with Sausages ~ we made three pans of these ~ it was dinner for 30, tummy warmingest, most creamy (but made with milk and no cheese), wonderful scalloped potatoes, my mom’s recipe, simply perfect, probably came from the way back machine, she’s made them for as long as I can remember. If you’d like to try them, they’re on page 97 of Vineyard Seasons. Everyone loved them.
We had a big salad to go with it . . . spinach, spiced pecans, red onion, chopped apples and my favorite holiday saladPomegranate seeds! Put them on your list! They’re better than croutons!
I also made this scary layered Pumpkin-Chocolate Trifle . . . well, like a trifle, but no alcohol, no preserves, no custard … it’s broken up chocolate cake, crushed Oreo cookies, whipped cream, and pumpkin mousse ~ it was DELICIOUS! I saw a photo of it on Twitter, thought it was so cute with the hershey’s syrup spider web (the plastic spider goes on top) ~ the perfect thing for a party, I went looking for the recipe ~ in case you want to try it next year . . . go HERE . . .
I also made my grandma’s Molasses Cookies . . . I think I put that recipe in our last WILLARD (there’s a link for it at the bottom of this page.) 🍂
And there they are, frosted and ready to go. I borrowed one of my new Home Cooking tea plates from the WINNER of our newest drawing and filled it with cookies for our guests. Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, it’s all washed and clean and back with the others, waiting for Vanna to hand me the winning name. 😘 Shall we? You’ve been so patient and she’s right here . . . . . . already kicking off her trademark pink-satin slippers with polka-dot bows! There she goes, she’s UP, her French-manicured polished toes are curled over the edge of my art table (wearing a sleek gold lame body suit and a pink bathing cap with rubber flowers). With the unique and quirky but delightful Vanna around, you can
And now, her very deep, very graceful dive into the vat of almost 3,000 names! 🤗 Down she goes . . . Vanna’s a swirling-whirling dervish of a girl, scissor-kicking her way to the bottom, side-stroking round and round at top speed, circling the vat, not unlike a very large goldfish, mixing the names ~ my studio has teeny slips of paper with names flying around like confetti …. but I only need one! Out pops a long golden arm, one slip of paper in a hand with a thin jeweled ring on every finger . . . I take what she gives me. A big smile comes over my face . . . Vanna waves goodbye . . .
In tiny letters, I see the name of the winner … so here we go … I hope it’s you! The winner is …. N A N C Y E L L I O T and her daughter A B B Y! Congratulations you two! This entire set of dishes now belongs to YOU! ❤️It’s the little things that mean the most. And the reason I smiled? Vanna didn’t give me one name, she gave me THREE . . . so I thought, maybe we should add on two more giveaways!
. . . Because it’s November ~ and in honor of Winston Churchill who said,
Let’s “make a life” and give this now out-of-stock, impossible-to-get Santa Mug to the second name ~ which turns out to be a Girlfriend from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 ~ IRENE PIETERS! Yay! Sinterklaas! You’ll have him before December 5th!
And for our last name? A little gift package that includes my new 2018 wall calendar AND . . .
. . . the 10th Anniversary edition of Autumn from the Heart of the Home! 💋Both the book and the calendar will be signed and sent to . . . CONNIE HOWARD! And KAREN and JULIA too . . . (because Connie’s household includes a Nana, a Daughter, and a Granddaughter ❤️) ~ perfect! Happy Fall Y’all! 🍂 I’ll write all three of our winners an email and let them know they won and get their addresses so we can send everything asap, 💞 all tied up with heartstrings!
And for the rest of us . . . still many lovely things, plenty of reasons to go on . . . and a little reminder …
Ahhhh, November . . . Mas MUSICA?
Let’s have a little bit of nature to sooth our ravaged souls . . . This is the dirt road in the woods we walk everyday, and to us, it’s a little bit of heaven. 🍁 It won’t be long now and all those leaves will be on the ground. Below is a photo of where we were this time last year . . . taking photos in a field next to the “car park” (that’s British for “parking lot”) for Hidcote Manor Garden in England, a stunning place if you are ever in the neighborhood!
And here’s Joe, happy out at the water at the end of our walk where it smells so good, and the colors are more subtle …
So you can see we have everything we need around here to be inspired . . .
The sun shines through the leaves and makes them glow . . .
It was freezing outside this morning at daybreak . . . I hurried!
I found this on the Internet . . . if you think we’re Fall-Crazy, this display is in Slindon, England . . . where they make an art of it! Isn’t it creative? They had others … so perfectly English!
And this is where I go to get my inspiration for home this time of year 🍂. . . because when I wrote this Autumn book, I put in every single detail I could think of about fall, so now, very conveniently, it’s all written down … my biggest list ever . . . and all in one place! All I have to do when the season comes is pull it out and I’m reminded of how I decorate the guest rooms, what fun things I love to do in “sweater weather,” how to make autumn cocktails, all about cozy lighting and hygge collections, how to give a good party, and all my best recipes for everything.🍂 Very handy!
I’ve already been cooking up a storm . . .
YUM! Right? It makes your house warm and smell so good. The meat is pure tenderness . . . What else is in it? Good flavorful things, it’s not your run of the mill stew ~ there are parsnips and sweet potatoes, orange zest and orange juice, nutmeg and raisins and cayenne too ~ a bottle of red wine makes a wonderful gravy, and the whole thing is served over wide egg noodles. Or by itself, with a slice of soft buttered bread. It’s on page 111 of my new 30th Anniversary edition of Heart of the Home, and it makes Joe very happy!
And I’ve already made this oldie but goodie ~ it’s that time of year . . . requested by Joe, from my Christmas book!
It’s Bread Pudding with apples and fresh cranberries and egg custard . . . and tons of cinnamon and nutmeg . . . filled with texture, both smooth and pudding-like, but crisp and crunchy on the edges, then served with the coup de gras . . .
Yes, Love is the best ingredient of all, but also, this has the most delicious Whiskey Sauce to go with it. The recipe’s on page 98 of my Christmas book, or you can click HERE and print it out.
Me neither, Julia. Just like you, I love to cook! Joe went to get the paper, stopped on the way home and surprised me with a bag of cider donuts . . . I put them in the microwave for about 25 seconds and heated up some left-over spiced cider . . .
And then out to the yard we went . . . we want the house to be festive next spring when everyone needs flowers and color so much . . . so out in the windy, sunny, chilly day we planted new parrot tulips to go with what’s already in the ground . . . 🌷Every year we add a few new ones . . .
Okay Girlfriends, off I go! Thank you so much for all your WONDERFUL comments . . . you truly are the very BEST!! And just in cases someone didn’t get their WILLARD, here’s a LINK to it. If you’d like to sign yourself or your friends or your mom up for the next one, go HERE.
And don’t forget Poppy Day 🌺, and the quiet moment of silent remembrance and gratitude for our Vets, at 11 am, the 11th day, the 11th month . . . Pray, Love, Remember. Enjoy the little things of the season for yourself and the ones you love, slow down, don’t move too fast, ya got to make the moment last . . . 🌺 Don’t forget your list! Later tater, XOXO
Hi Susan! Love this post. Almost makes me wish it was Autumn here, but winter has been long and now it’s ‘Spring’! I have your original Autumn book and love all of the cosy ideas and recipes. Is your Summer book still available?
Happy days, from the land Down Under.
Always so fun to imagine you on the opposite track from us . . . I almost want to split the blog and do autumn on one side and spring on the other … except I would have to fake the spring part! My Summer Book is out of print . . . we sometimes have copies in the “Vintage” section of our web store … or look on eBay or Etsy or one of the online bookstores. Happy Spring, Betty!
Thanks Susan. I will give those ideas a try.
Lucky winners !!!! 🙂
I think we shared that same moon , it was amazing !! there is a song about the Harvest Moon , I love it ! I bet your fall party was wonderful , and Im glad to see we enjoy the same corn … candy corn, kettle corn, hehe. Thank you for sharing all your yummy meals, I will be putting your cookbooks on my Christmas list !!!
Thank you for sharing your days with us girls , I know it brings me a lot of joy reading about them !! compare to you I am living a boring life hehe work gets in the way of having time with girlfriends !!bummer
Happy November , tomorrow my hubby and I celebrate our 34th Anniversary!!
Until next time , hugs xoxo
Happy Anniversary Paula! And (here I go, bossy oldest of eight children, can’t help it) I know you put your dentist appointments on your calendar, be sure to put FUN on your calendar too. 😘
awww Thank you SuSan !!! you are so very right we must enjoy life !! and you can boss me , I miss my oldest sister doing that !! (she passed away in 2016 ,she was 60 )
Hugs xoxo
Too young! Terrible loss … I’m sorry, Paula. I’ll boss you every so often just to keep you in good form. 💞
In the southwest and Southeast, the newspapers were calling the beautiful moon
a harvest moon or a beaver moon. Either way, it was a beautiful moon to light our
path as we traveled the country side on our way home from the purple mountains
to the beautiful emerald coast. Thanks for sharing your stories and photos of the moon in New England!
Also thanks for sharing photos and stories about your adorable cat. I can’t wait to read the latest issue and see his face. Love that cat!
The moon names are all Native American names . . . and each moon actually has more than one name, sort of depending on the area or the tribe . . . they are all correct … and talk about poetry! xoxo
This blog was especially yummy! Seasons would not be the same without your exquisite and poetic narrations! I loved learning about the poppies for remembrance and all things English that you share with us. Hugs!
I can smell the stew cooking on the stove, the cookies in the oven and feel the red and amber leaves crunching below my feet.. Your writing evokes wonderful times with friends and family, comforting delicious foods and heartwarming traditions. While we don’t have that colorful, brisk, fall season like New England to enjoy here in San Diego, the unbridled joy on the little trick-or-treaters faces warms our autumn hearts, even if it is 75 degrees outside. I get a big smile on my face when I see your email arrive. It’s such a welcome respite.. Thank you Susan..
I lived in California for many years and always managed to experience the seasons in my own way! Here we get a little slapped around by them, but in a good way! Thank you, Beverlee! xoxo
Cozy, you make our lives cozy and sweet with your thoughts and ideas!
Dear Susan, How do you do all that you do? You must not need much sleep. Supper for 30, dessert, cookies and decorating!! You’re amazing~Take gentle care. Your friend Julia in Cincy
I spread it out a bit . . . blog posts make it look like I do it all in one afternoon! And I have Joe … so I’m not in it alone. xoxo
Happy Autumn! I L O V E it! The colors are intensifying🍁🍂. Our woods are golden with red and orange popping through. Out here in the country, we had a record number of Trick or Treaters: 10! Mostly family. Now that it is Nov, I take down the Halloween decor and keep the rest, adding a few collected turkeys, until Thanksgiving. I try to thoroughly enjoy each holiday. We are very blessed to be able to do so. All the best to you and Joe in this beautiful season💛🌻
Congratulations to all the lucky winners! I saved the Pumpkin Chocolate Trifle to my Pinterest…I am going to make it for Thanksgiving, just not put the “spider swirl twirl” to it : )
I took half the Molasses Cookies and froze them … I’m going to make another trifle and use the cookies instead of Chocolate cake … and perhaps ginger snaps instead of Oreos, layered with the pumpkin mousse and whipped cream for Thanksgiving! Almost thinking I might include some cooked cranberries in there too . . .
Hi Susan! I was reading the replys when I saw this recipe addition. Sounds yummy! I’m writing it down to try it, too. Thanks for another good cooking idea!
You’re welcome Barbara … Happy November to you! xoxo
Even more great ideas, thanks!
I think I found my Thanksgiving dessert….. yummy!!! 😀
Yum, sounds delicious! Let us know, you can experiment for us….! xo
What a fun blog! Congrats to all the lucky winners! Vanna picked a well deserved group! Love seeing the English countryside through your eyes Susan, don’t you just love there roofs? I would love to have a roof like that! So many little treaters you get! 🙁 we don’t get any!! We are on a country back road about 10 miles from Asheville. We don’t even get our grandchildren anymore! Son and family moved to Wilmington NC in August (he is enrolled at UNC Wilmington), so proud of him! They lived just down the drive-way from us, so we miss them terribly!! Can’t wait to try these recipes!
Happy fall Susan, Joe, and of course Jack!
Chirp chirp!!!
I love November especially your post. My mouth watered reading the recipes. Great post.
I am a kindergarten teacher in CA and love colorful leaves. Every year about this time I have a huge basket in my classroom and the children bring in colorful leaves to add to our Leaf Collection. I absolutely love to share my joy of nature with the children.
Do you know the kind of tree that you took a picture of where you mention that it was freezing outside and you can see the house in the background? The leaves are beautiful!
Your blog gives me the sense of getting a letter and pictures from an old friend that you haven’t seen in years. I always grab a cup of tea and sit back to enjoy your postings. Thank you so much for the joy that you bring to so many!
It was our dogwood tree, the last few leaves were shining at me from the window so I went out to photograph them. I love that you teach your children to see the beauty in nature. It’s a true gift in life. xoxo
Hello, and happy autumn Susan. I must tell you I loved all the content, but must tell you Jack and the spider topped the list. It is the time of the year when we reminisce and take time to think back to all the wonderful sentimental times of our childhood. Hope yours brings you joy. Mine always does along with some sentimental tears too. Bless you dear Susan, for the joy you bring with every arrival. With love and warm wishes Gayle Hall
Dear Susan,
Thank you for all your Autumn ideas and recipes. I love fall for it’s just a cozy time for flannels, a fire in the fireplace and a cup of hot tea with a few spicy cookies. It the most relaxing time, before the hustle, bustle at Christmas time.
Thanks for the reminder about turning the clock back tonight, it had slipped my mind. Looks like you had a wonderful Halloween and I am sure I could smell the spiced cider and fresh donuts. I have been a little under the weather so I am hoping the bulbs I bought to put in will hold over for a month or so. Congratulations to all the lucky winners, I would love to see Vanna dive into the vat of names. Looking forward to your next post.
Feel better soon Amy!
I can’t believe there are not a million comments already!!! Thanks for brightening our days….I often share your blog with others around the country, trying to build your audience. I’m not a cook….but LOVE your recipes…it almost makes me want to get in the kitchen…even tho it might be a catastrophe~ I enjoy the scenery around your little nest….since we don’t have many Fall colored trees here in West Texas!
To simplify the whole idea of cooking, I love to quote something the mother of one of our Girlfriends (Carolyn Wolski) told her, “If you can read you can cook!” So perfect! You may be surprised Barb! xoxo
Happy November! Frost Moon tonight. I noticed it last night, gorgeous with just a few wisps of clouds floating in its aura. Our daughter was in an area craft show today, she paints on slices of wood. The food was provided by the church Rosary Alter Society, I had a piece of Oatmeal Pie with my lunch….it was the as the youngsters these days say “da bomb dot com”! I am going to track down a recipe.
Congrats to all the winners of the wonderful give-away.
I have Daffodil bulbs to plant but it has too wet here lately, we already had a hard frost. I have a lovely Passion Flower Vine that is still blooming the flowers are surreal and smell so heavenly. After seeing one at an abbey in England several years ago I found a plant at a local garden center. It over-winters in our basement, I have had it for 3 years, every Spring I keep my fingers crossed that it will survive for another season, I have re-potted it once.
Thank you for all of your November inspiration! It gives me warm fuzzies!!
I agree with Jersey Girl Barbara! She said it just right. I can’t help but think of our girls’ trip to Martha’s Vineyard last month. Seeing your house and the location, etc. makes it all come to life. Last night I read the Morning Glory Farm book with their family story along with some recipes. They seem like a wonderful family who started with nothing but built up the family farm to feed an island! Must be something in the air or soil there to have such great people on the island! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe.
It’s an old-fashioned lifestyle, no large employers here, so everyone has to make a life for themselves. Of course no one who lives here year-round is very wealthy and we have no pensions, but many built their lives as a house, first with foundation, and slowly brick by brick, adding on rooms. I think that’s a wonderful way to do it, long and slow. And we are all in it together, it would be hard to fall through the cracks. We’ve been going to Morning Glory since it was a tiny one-room building … they’ve done amazing things there. Happy Thanksgiving Paige!
Sweet Susan,
Your blog is such a warm cozy spot in my life, and in many others I’m sure. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. What a blessing you are – all around the WORLD!
So fun to see your Halloween goings on — I used to make molasses cookies and give them out. We’re in a different place right now– spending a lot of time at the nursing home. I hope you know how much we appreciate your way of looking at things, your energy and cheer. It reminds us that we must create our own lovely garden in the midst of all the circumstances of life. And we can create happiness for others– by giving them hope– by reminding people of the beauty we can make in this world– like you do. Thanks.
Thank you back Connie … a little cheer goes a very long way. xoxo
I just love that John Muir! Intelligent quotes.
I had to laugh about Joe and the donuts, because my dad would go get the Sunday paper when my parents were older and bring home donuts and bananas. My mom would get so angry, because he could never remember the one thing she needed, and she would say “who is going to eat all those bananas!” Lol.
Making comfort food here now. I just love the warm apple desserts.
P.S. Have you seen this, airing on Thanksgiving Day! (I hope the link works)
I’ve seen the old one . . . but this one is new. Costumes look adorable! Thank you Candice!
Congratulations to all the winners, lovely surprises going in the post.
I see on the BBC tv that the British Legion has spelt the Rememberance Poem in poppies this year…..shared the lines all over the country, must be wonderful to see.
Thank you for this heartwarming post.
Thanks so much Susan for inspiring all of us once again with your warm and wonderful fall blog. Just a quick question…You mentioned the stew cooks for 7 hours but in the photo, I think it says bake for “2 hours”. I have the original Heart of the Home book but not the anniversary edition yet. Would you mind clarifying? Although I’m sure the longer it cooks, the more delicious it becomes!!! Again, thank you for all the warmth and generosity you share. Your blog never fails to brighten my day. By the way, I’ll be making your Cranberry Apple Crisp to take to a dinner party tomorrow. YUM! 🙂
Oh, you are so right. I was thinking of my short ribs recipe when I wrote seven hours ~ it’s two! I’ll go fix it! Thank you Peggy!
Oh, how I love when I see you’ve written a new blog post! Your home is so beautiful and cozy…all that delicious food, and I love how Joe helps you with the cooking and how you two do the yard work together and decorate your home for Halloween for the children. And then having friends over for a wonderful dinner…all so charming and perfect. I’m definitely going to be making that bread pudding for a Christmas dessert. I already have your 2018 calendar! The 2017 has been a delight every month when I turn to a new page. One question for you: why do you call your music links “musica”? There must be a story behind the name. 🙂
One day you might read my book Fairy Tale Girl, and you’ll find the story of MUSICA there. Yes, I have to say, Joe and I have a little high five at the end of a successful day. I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to do it without him. My only mistake with the bread pudding is one time I put in a bit too much bread . . . 12 cups is plenty, go scant if you are wondering. xoxo
Thank you for your blog full of Autumn Delights and congratulations to all of the winners! When you mentioned the Way Back Machine, it reminded me of the time my 7 year old granddaughter asked her big brother (all of 9 years old) what history was. He said, “Hannah, you and me, we aren’t history, but grandma – now that’s history!” How lovely to have been around so many years and to have enjoyed so many beautiful fall days. Your books, blogs, Willards, artwork, and more have certainly brought much joy to my life. I hope you and Joe have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
It is nice to have a clearer picture of everything, isn’t it Marilyn! Can’t help but feel quite a lot of satisfaction in that! We made it! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Loved this one…so lucky Joe likes to decorate…my hubby is a disabled Vet so I never forget Veteran’s Day…PLUS Nov. 11 th is my Cancer survivor anniversary…four years this year…yay!
Congratulations Anne … I always think of November as the “grateful month!”
Loved this post and all the yummy looking food, although I must admit I had to stop and collect myself (off the virtual floor) when you said you had over 1,000 trick or treaters. 0_0 WOW! We have lived in the same house (on a VERY busy street) for 14 years, and in all that time (despite buying candy and turning lights on EVERY year) we have only had 3 trick or treaters in all that time. I think due to the busy nature of the street, we just don’t have any small children on our street. Loved seeing your decorations and the sausages with potatoes. How fun that you invite friends in to help with the festivities! The bread pudding looks amazing! I am also jotting down your cider recipe… that will come in handy, as we frequently have church members in on Wednesday nights. These particular few days have definitely carried the whole memory of summer (thanks, Gladys) at least as far as the temps are concerned. I am ready for some “sure enough” cooler weather. There is nothing cozier (hyggeier?) than fuzzy socks and pajamas, a fuzzy blanket, and a cup of hot cider… but not at 80 degrees. 😉
Merry thanksgiving season!
They finally closed our streets to cars because of all the kids. There aren’t very many “neighborhoods” on the Island where it’s easy to get from house to house, so basically, all the children are brought in to where they can enjoy themselves easily. Makes for a wild and happy Halloween. Yes! We need our cooler days and nights ~ it’s what makes spring so extra special! xoxo
I wish I was your neighbor.
Congrats to the winners! 1000 children at your door! Wow!
This is such a wonderful post! I will have to reread it many times! But I am sad because somehow, I did not get my Wilbur. It’s not in trash or spam or my inbox…And I cannot figure out how to resubscribe to it! Help!
Write [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ … perhaps she can help.
Oh, I am an idiot! I did not get my Willard. Not sure how that senior moment came to pass that made me type Wilbur.
Ha ha, I kind of like it! Makes me think of the Famous Mr. Ed! Wilburrrr!
Fall is the BEST time of year, and this post is so delicious with it, but for the second year in a row here in the Atlanta area we are having HOT weather. Last night I slept in shorts and tee with the fan blowing on me with no covers! It will be 79-81 the next few days and then finally give us some 60s.
It sounds like such a fun time at your place on Halloween! I can’t believe you had more than 1000 children! We’re a quarter mile off the road so we don’t get any. But you know, we have to buy candy “just in case!”
Jan, it is in the 90’s here in West Texas! It is just SO wrong! The leaves are beginning to turn and drift to the ground, so at least they know Fall is here! But like you I had to turn the air conditioner back on, I thought I was done listening to that! I would much rather listen to the hum of the furnace!
Hope Fall finally gets to Atlanta for you!
It was 92 here in North Texas this weekend. Looks like Fall, feels like Summer. It’s weird, but I’m not complaining!
Hi Chris. Yes the heat is not correct for November…have my AC running now. Hope you are doing well.
Guess what? Supposed to be 70 here today! Wrong on every level, clarion call from the garden!
My son had tornado warnings Sunday in NE Ohio! He said there is nothing like Bing Crosby singing White Christmas while tornado sirens go off !
Ha ha, well, I would imagine that to be true!
Hi Deborah!!❤️
cookies look yummy!
Oh, how nice it is, to wake up and find your newsletter in my inbox… And to my utter delight .. There’s my name! i’ve won the lovely Xmascup! Thank you sooo much, Susan. Such a lovely way to start a nice, cosy sunday. 😍
Hooray Irene! Congratulations! Your cup will soon be winging its way to you! Thank you for being here! xoxo
Love the recipes you include!
I have only a few words to say “what a delicious post”… Thank you!
I loved your description of Vanna diving for the winning name! The beef stew sounds yummmmmmy.
Enjoyed listening to the music from Benny Goodman and reading your newsletter on this rainy Sunday morning here in Holland with a cuppa Wiener Melange.
Suddenly youtube is playing “I’ve got a Gal in Kalamazoo” love those old songs.
Thank you for sharing the lovely photo’s and quotes.
I had to look that up! “Similar to cappuccino” … Yum! Happy morning to you Carla!
I always enjoy the times I set aside to read your blog with a cup of coffee in hand. Since I forgot to set my clocks back last night, my day started a little early. Ha. Thank you for joining me this morning! Your drawings with water color are just my style. How did you know? Have a wonderful November cooking scrumptious fall food, playing with Jack and enjoying nature on your walks with Joe. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
Love this November blog. Congrats to the girlfriend winners! We still have leaves here in coastal VA, but the reds and yellows are slowly creeping in. Happy November, Susan!
Yay Fall! I have a stove question, Susan. I also have a 1958 O’Keefe and Merritt stove which I adore. And she gets a daily workout. But I cannot figure out how to clean around the burners. Everything I try seems to scratch the finish. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
It’s nickel, and the only way to clean it is with hot water (and maybe some dish soap if you want). Everything else will scratch. I know, irritating, right? But it’s worth it to keep it shiny!
Well I actually meant the white porcelain that’s part of the stove under the burner grate. But yes, love the shiny nickel elsewhere.Thanks for your insights!
Oh, mine is nickel there too … I would still stick to hot water … but anything with absolutely NO abrasion is probably okay.
Good morning, Susan……I am spending our first extra early daylight hour reading your blog which I happily just found when I turned on my laptop! I am an early morning person also. There is so much that the hour gives back: bird chirps, first light over our ocean, and the silence of the waiting day. All out there waiting to be enjoyed. I can feel your chilly toes as you photograph your early mornings!
Thank you for all the recipes you included today, esp. the one for the bread pudding. Enjoy your Sunday with your sweet Joe,
The peace! There for the taking. No phone, can’t go anywhere, perfect! Happy Sunday!
Yes, yes it is time for lists! Thanksgiving Christmas!! Menus, shopping, decorating….cleaning, making it all sparkle! Regardless of what the weather is doing here it is all coming!
Fall just doesn’t want to come…..and I am so ready for it! 90’s today and tomorrow and THEN maybe …..rain and temps in the 50’s. 👏👏👏👏.
So I am spending the day putting away plants in the barn for their long winters nap, and Mom and I decided to grill out and make her famous shishkabobs.
Congrats to ALL the winners, what a wonderful surprise with all the extra giveaways.
And wasn’t the Frost Moon grand?!
Oh Susan….you are a true friend to us all and a kindred spirit!
Thank you so much for ‘sharing’ with us’…your lovely and beautiful quotes, the little but ever so important parts of your days & nights….like the leaves and the moon…and for being so generous in your give a aways!
I had the good fortune to meet you …possibly 15+ years ago…at the Hobby & Craft Show in CA. You gave me a copy of your treasured book: Christmas Memories. Silly me…for years I would look at it with awe but never filled the pages. I just looked at it again and holy cow….realized that I’ve been waiting all these years to start filling now… it this year ….with Christmas memories of our precious granddaughters…ages 1 & 3. I used to make an album for Christmas every year and stopped a few years ago……so now thanks to you I will start again using your ‘loverly’ Christmas Memories Book. What a treat! What a treasure!
I finally checked another item off of my bucket list this fall..I took a water color class. What fun! Susan..I have always admired your talent , your life story, and your works of art. And now I do even more after my class.
So…from me to you…thank you with all my heart!
Happy November to you, Joe & Jack..
With those little ones, once that book is filled, you are going to have the treasure of a life time Claudette! Nice to hear from you!
I’m holding onto autumn for as long as possible with all of the glory of the season. Lists starting here as well – Thanksgiving preparations – and on to Christmas. I’m waiting for your first December/Christmas post to inspire me. I’m a bit intimidated by the Father’s Bread Pudding recipe, but I have to try it!
Thanksgiving blessings to you, Joe and Jack, of course.
Printed the recipe for your Gram’s iced Molasses cookies! Yum. Can’t wait to make them this week. Love your blogs and Willard too…..always so inspirational! Noticed your ball fringe curtains in one of your photos. Love them…have them as well. In case you are not aware, Country Curtains is closing their doors after so many years in business. Wonder if another company will pick up where they leave off. Looks like you had a fun Halloween with 1000 trick or treaters! Yikes! So fun for them and for you too! Thanks again for a fun read!
Thank-you for another magical post. How exciting to plan another trip. Are
you familiar with the artist Jackie Morris-she is also quiet magical. What a
gift you both have for transporting us into a happy peaceful place.
Yes, reminds me a bit of Jan Brett . . . beautiful work. Thank you Allison!
Thank you, my friend. Hope you’re not changing too much in your new editions of your season books . Tho for some reason, I don’t own Vineyard Seasons I do own the original Summer, Autumn, Christmas books(as well as many of your smaller ones.) I have a lovely cookbook stand and as the seasons change, I change the cookbook – it makes me happy.
My “Joe” takes me for wonderful drives thru our amazing Ozark mountains – last week the colors were just beginning – I had this thought, “Despite(or perhaps because of?) our country’s situation, the Lord continues to shower HIS blessings on those who need and believe HIM.”
Thank you Susan for another wonderful, inspiring blog post. You’ve just got to love a man who surprises you with a bag of cider doughnuts! well done Joe.
With love and blessings to you both from Ann in Chester xx
Hi Sue! Jack is getting BIG! I love it when beloved cats grow even after their first year of kittenhood is over. He’s so sweet!
That sausage and potato dish looks delish! So does the trifle!
Oh the dishes are so lovely and congrats to the winner! Beautiful!
I love your Autumn book so much and I thank you for writing it.
I’ve been moving my sewing to our basement and I decorated the walls with old Susan Branch calendar pages! It’s so cute!
Sending love love love your way this November, good Susan!
Thank you for the lovely post. I am so happy to find a new one when I log in. You always lift my spirits, you and Joe and Jack. I find myself smiling just thinking about you three and your wonderful home and adventures.
I saw a film on TCM this morning….and thought of you and wondered if you have seen it? “Dodsworth” 1936, Mary Astor, Walter Huston, Ruth Chatterton….European trips on the Queen Mary, a love of England, and interesting relationships – this little film has it all – you may enjoy it….
Yes! Dodsworth ~ a good one! Terrible wife!
Thanks so much Susan for sharing the pictures of the Frost Moon!!! Beautiful. It was too cloudy here in Tennessee for us to see it so what a treat to have your pictures.
Happy Autumn!!!!
Hi Susan!! I channeled you in Fairytale Girl last night and made my first ever roast chicken. It was so easy, and smelled so delicious. White wine buttery sauce dripping all over… I was so proud of myself!! I wish I could post a picture here of my little dinner table…candles lit, mashed potatoes heaped high, twinkle lights twinkling…you would have been proud. Enjoy your Sunday! <3
I AM proud, right now. I love that little memory you just made. 😘 xoxo
Happy November, Susan! I always enjoy your blog and this one was no exception. I especially smiled at the pictures of Jack and the large spider. We had one years ago when our grandkids were small that looks exactly like yours. You would clap your hands and it would come down its string – clap and it would go back up. We all had so much fun with it. Does yours do that as well? Thank you so much for the wonderful recipes. I love your ideas for changing up the triffle for Thanksgiving. I may have to try that as well.
November blessings to you, Joe and Jack (as someone else said “love that kitty”)
Hi Susan! So wonderful to see the 10th Anniversary of “Autumn”. My copy (that you graciously signed on your trip to Walnut Creek CA a few years ago) remains front and center on my coffee table from Labor Day until the day after Thanksgiving. I curl up on the sofa with my mug of tea and favorite blanket and my dog nearby and flip through the inspirational pages most evenings, planning upcoming meals, finding ideas to use seasonal produce to further enjoy my favorite time of year.
Love your photos and comments!
What a joy to see your blog this morning after Mass and breakfast. Here I sit with a hot cup of ginger tea on this gloomy Fall morning enjoying your message. First day of change of clocks. Your blog has cheered me and I feel the love of Fall and all the yummy dishes you have cooked. Makes me want to get into the kitchen and cook up something delicious. Thanks for being you and sharing Joe and kitties! Sweet.
Huggins, Marie Fluck
I love that you have put a picture of Slindon, its near where I live and its an autumn ritual as the first outing once Autumn arrives. There’s a gorgeous cute pottery shop made of old stone near it and they sell little ceramic pumpkins and ghost brooches. This is truly a season of beauty here in England a swell as in the states.
Lucky you to live nearby … you can see it in person! Must be so amazing! Happy fall Cheryl!
Hi Susan
Just sending you a hyggelig hello from Denmark – oh yes november is certainly a month where you need lots of in-door hygge to balance the dark and windy out-door
Lots of love from Sussi
Love back to you Sussi for a cozy season …
Thanks, Susan, for the picture of scalloped potatoes with sausages. I’ve been searching for new dishes for dinner, and you reminded me that I had your recipe in right in my bookcase.
Perfect, Linda!
I noticed the full “Frost Moon” on my SB calendar. My daughter is 19 months old, and she’s very into the moon right now – she’s constantly pointing at it and asking to go outside to see it. Last night we decided to take her for a special moon walk. We live in San Diego so it definitely isn’t frosty here, but it has been a little chilly at night recently, so we bundled up a bit and snuggled her in her stroller with a cup of milk. She LOVED it – nonstop pointing and talking about the moon. (“Big! Big! Moon moon moon! Pretty! Moon! Big!”) It was a lovely walk, and I think we’re going to make a special “moon walk” into a monthly tradition. Thank you for the inspiration!
As always, I love this post. Thank you for sharing your lovely view of the world!
What a great idea for a tradition … mysterious wonderful bella luna… Have you heard this amazing song? All about the moon … xoxo
Susan I’ve lived in New England all my life and still can never get over the beauty of Autumn! I love the smells and beauty of the color changing leaves. I’m a baker so after a long hot summer I can’t wait to pull out my baking essentials and cozy up in the kitchen making lovely treats for friends and family.My black lab Blazeloves when I make him his dog (cookies) I always take time to settle down with a cup of to read your blogs and Willard’s. Never fails to put me in a homey mood Thank you
You’re lucky to have lived your whole life here…so many wonderful traditions!
When I went to school, we always stood up for a minute of silence , and …faced the East on the 11th day of the 11th month at 11 O’clock. I wonder why that is no longer done?
Maybe it is in some schools, I hope so!
Your bread pudding recipe made me think of this song.
Thanks for sharing!
Hugs all around on a cold and wet Fall PA evening.
So happy to have a few moments for tea and SB Blog.
Love Country Western musica, thank you Jena!
Congratulations to all the winners!… you are so kind and giving dear Susan… and it sounds corny but that’s me sometimes… YOU are the best gift of all!… and I mean that sincerely… your posts make me smile and know that yes, there is still goodness in this world of ours… but we must look for it and create it ourselves as well… Jack and I (my Jack!) take a daily nature walk too… and spend our days in much the same way as you and Joe… a simple life… that’s what it’s all about… loving this month of November here in Utah too… sipping my hot chocolate in my Autumn mug and going over my “lists” in your Autumn book… xoxo
So happy to have a link to Willard now. Even after signing up three times over the years, my computer doesn’t cooperate. Another beautiful blog post. Thank you, Susan. xoxo
I was watching Miss Potter (LOVE!) again yesterday and it got me thinking. When/if your stories are put on the big screen, I hope you’ll make a cameo appearance in it (them!) like Stephen King does, and Alfred Hitchcock did. I think that’d be such a cute thing to do, and it should automatically be written into any contracts. Happy November! So far in the Seattle area we’ve had some snow and rain, mainly rain. Hygge weather, for sure!
Good idea! I thought I might try to use my voice in the background of it! Cameo is a cute idea. If you’re dreaming, why not?
I love that you quoted Gladys Taber first thing! I am recuperating from a double mastectomy and am getting a little forced down time so am rereading all of GT’s Stillmeadow books. Looking out out back windows into the beautiful maples with the sun shining through the leaves I feel just the way she does (and all the girlfriends do) about my hearth and home. She describes it much better than I, though. But it’s in my mind that way!!! Tomorrow I plan to make the molasses cookies. People are coming to me since I can’t get out and they will be great with tea or cider. It’s a little warm for a fire right now but am hoping for that by the end of the week.
Congratulations to the 4 year cancer survivor that posted earlier!!!!!! Yea You!!!!!!
And Yea You, Carol!!! You’re on the other side of such a scary thing, and already looking nowhere but UP. You show everyone how it’s done. Sending LOVE … xoxoxo
What a lovely quote shared by Ann Y. “Gladdening the hearts . . .” Made me want to share my little bit of gladdening. Recently sent for a DVD — Kukla, Fran, and Ollie — collections of that fun old TV show. My son came to help me with computer stuff yesterday after a long week and Sat overtime at work. He was tired I could tell. I fed him and put on that DVD. He immediately relaxed and started to smile and chuckle, remembering seeing it as a child. THAT MADE ME HAPPY!. Anyone else remember what innocent, sweet fun that little show was? Great antidote to current overload of unpleasantness coming from the tube. You can order up some gladdening – or maybe the library has those DVD’s as well. I plan on having it on in the background all through the holidays which can sometimes be stressful. BIG NEWS. WE HAD SNOW in SEATTLE already 🙂 Very GLAD.
Yay, to the winners! I had a big smile on my face as if I was actually in the room watching you draw the winning names for the giveaway! Vanna is adorably dramatic! You offer such sweet inspiration in all of your posts and the kind words you write are echoes throughout the week, Susan. Thank you for sharing your many gifts! Love, Kari
Oh Susan, I wish I could crawl inside the pictures you paint, both literal and artistically, in your posts. They warm my heart and soul and make me feel that anything is possible. I think here in Decorah, Iowa, mother nature has decided to skip Fall entirely. Many rainy, bleak days and cold temps. Fall is my FAVORITE season and I thought that after moving here from California I would be able to immerse myself in it but alas, that was not to be. Climate change seems to be playing a cruel trick on many of us. I am not a fan of the time change because I love me my sunshine and light. I wish that I was an early morning girl but I read until sometimes 2:00 in the morning so end up spending more of my “Fall back” days in the dark. Two choices here, either get up early or learn to embrace the dark – we’ll see which one wins. I have a fantastic idea, why don’t you travel the country and make delicious meals for all of your loving girlfriends. I grew up with a father who did all of the cooking. He spoiled us. When I moved out on my own, I cooked some but not that much. That still holds true. I love the IDEA of cooking wonderful meals, but the DOING not so much, although I must say your recipes are starting to make me question my stance. Lately after reading your blogs and Willard/Wilbur I have been feeling the growing need to be in more control of my life instead of letting life control me. There really is no reason that I can’t create the joy in my life as you do in yours even if I don’t have a wonderful Joe in mine (as he indeed has you in his) or a sweet Jack who loves to chase elastic ponytail holders. I have my sweet, though curmudgeonly, 17 year old chihuahua Sam, and the possibility to be more than I am right now. Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us and showing us the possibilities that life has to offer. I know that it wasn’t all just dropped in your lap, that you worked hard for all of it, but thank you so much for sharing it. Unfortunately I forgot about the Harvest Moon but I still have the gorgeous song by Neil Young to listen to. Sorry for always writing such looooooooooooooooong posts but it’s what I do. Anyway, thank you,thank you, muchas gracias, merci, tussen tak and thank you again for the beauty that you share with us. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joe and Jack!!!!
When I left California to run away from home all was sad and dark for me ~ but I got into my little house, and realized that in there, I had all the power. I could make it any way I liked, no one to put in their two cents, I had complete control of the remote, in more ways than one. It was a wonderful moment of self-discovery. I think Joe liked that about me when we met, that I had made a little world of my own. We all do have the power if we set our minds to it. Happy Thanksgiving Patricia! 💞
Oh boy ~ a new November Blog edition! Take all the wonderful comments everyone else said and add “ditto” for me! I’m on my third read 🙂 !!! I listen to Pandora’s Artie Shaw station all day…it’s SOO 1940’s which is the perfect accompliment to your Blog. Your truffle idea gave me a great idea for Christmas as well…I’m going to try pistachio pudding since it’s ‘green’. Whatda think? Bad combo with chocolate? Red cherries on top? Green icing leaves with the cherries? Too much? Somebody stop me ~ ha,ha! LOVE the mug saucers, by the way!! If you ever change up the designs on the little dishes…could you paint one of your beautiful pottery mixing bowls with a wooden spoon or two on the Queen Victoria piece? Speaking of Queen Victoria…just saw the new movie with Judy Dench…very well done. Thanksgiving blessings to you, Joe and sweetie pie Jack.
You think up recipes the same way I do . . . putting all kinds of thoughts together … really easy and fun to do with a trifle!
truffle…ha,ha! Geeeez!
Food glorious food! Yum, now I’m hungry😀 Loving the fall season and getting excited for Christmas! Family will be here and my grandaughter Hannah will be seeing our home decorated for Christmas for the first time! She is a sweet elf and I want to make her swoon! 1000 kids, really!? That is crazy amounts of candy to hand out. I’m sure the potato and sausages was worth the wait, I will be making that soon! Congrats to the winners of all the beautiful gifts! Enjoy. Love.
Thank goodness our friends come over to help, it’s a huge job with all those kids … doesn’t sound like it but it really is. HERE’S an article about it written in our local paper. And you’re making magic for Hannah. Who will love it more? Her? Or you? 😘
I think it will be a happt tie! Lol
Wonderful post full of fall. I can almost feel the early morning frosty windows Jack Frost paints. Wonderful photos and hope I win next give away. Always fun trying. Your Joe is as cute as when you met him.
Bye Happy November
Susan, Thank you for your beautiful fall photo’s. It is my favorite time of the year too. Just wanted to tell you I ordered a couple of your new dishes, (congrat. to the winners) I also wanted to tell you I just discovered Dr. Martin !!! OMG, I have been laughing so hard it makes me almost cry. I think I have been watching season 4. From the candy thermometer and the dish washing gloves to the guy with the apple in his pants!!! I know you have to of seen the show. I also like keeping up appearances and my favorite is As time goes By with Judy Dench. I’m hooked on these british shows. Love the scenery!! Have a great Thanksgiving and stay warm. XOXO
Isn’t it fun when you discover something new that’s something old … you never have to wait for episodes, you have years to choose from!
I am Happy for the winners but you give us all gifts every blog! This weekend, I took my first ever Amtrak trip from Hartford to Philadelphia. It was wonderful! The train stopped in Bridgeport and picked up our youngest daughter! (snow flake girl) who is a freshman at Sacred Heart. I kept thinking of you. Oh! I thought there’s a red coat! What a wonderful, relaxing way to travel. You open up doors to new and beautiful worlds:) Blessings! Caroline
How perfect Caroline! Thank you!
Thank you again. Love the post. It looked delish!!. So much to be grateful for…..even during the sad things that happen. PPL need to work on their heart I tell you. Congrats to the winners. How generous you are. They are gonna love their prizes. I know I love my mugs. November is my fav. month. Family get togethers. I appeared many moons ago for my parents and the hubs and I will start on our 47 th yr. together. The time has flown….my children are getting a lot older too.
A lifetime of memories. All yours. xoxo
What type of red wine for the hearty stew? It looks wonderful.
Not sweet … a cabernet or a pinot noir would be good. Something you would drink with meat.
You are so right about this being the list-making time of the year. I don’t know what I would do without making lists (they are especially important the older I get). Just think, in a short time they will all be complete with everything crossed off, everything done, and the the season will be over and we can take a deep breath. Until then… let’s all be merry and bright!
Yes, and take two things off your list per day as “not necessary!” And put two “sit around” type things on your list to take their place. 😘
I was sad to miss my name on all the give aways I loved this latest blog. You always bring a smile to me. Happy November!! I will still have to let you decorate my house for me because I still don’t have my balance from my stroke. I am so thankful for you. Someday I am sure one of your give aways will be mine. 😊
I figure we’ll get to everyone sooner or later! Keep getting better Kathie! xoxo
Congratulations to you lucky winners!
Wonderful post all about autumn, I was just beginning to enjoy it’s delights, when I jumped on a plane and flew to visit my daughter in Brisbane Australia. We are experiencing summer, very warm, and not at all autumnal!! Hey ho seeing a happy smiling face at the airport makes up for everything!! Super post susan, love from Gill UK now Oz!!
Have fun Gill! I’m sure your daughter is thrilled to have you near!
For the joy of Autumn, warm and tasty, thanks.
Susan: can you please tell me the name of the painter…and the title, too…of the painting that you included near the end of this post. I swear I have seen it before but I cannot place it.
Another Susan (we met yet again at Titcomb’s this past Spring!)
Jane Franks left a comment that mentioned his name … good thing, because I didn’t know … it was George Henry Boughton. Nice to hear from you Susan!
Good morning Susan!!!
You are so fun. I just adore you. I have been on the same page as well. My family LOVED the molasses cookies! I made them with stew before seeing this post. Great minds 🙂 Perfect for a blustery Halloween night. The moon coupled with the time change has me up at 3:00!!! I fake sleep, tossing and turning, petting my dog so that maybe she”ll make me have to get up with her, check the clock every 10 minutes until its finally 4:00 and Im up!! I love the long mornings but find myself in bed by 8:00, happily. Love this time of year and loving Vermont. Enjoy your week. I think its going to be our last warm one, saw low temps and snow in the forecast next week! Moving my bird feeders today closer to the house so I can get to them easier and have the entertainment right outside my kitchen window. The bears haven’t been around so I think its safe now, fingers crossed! Give a pet to Jack for me and I will remember Poppy day thanks to you.
P.S. Just ordered my calendar. Is it possible that this is my 20th annual treat for myself? I think it is………..
Straight through from 1998 … except for one little blip around 2005 when I didn’t have a publisher!
After a difficult weekend, I was delighted opening the email with your lovely blog post. Lots of comfort in it, and I will try the potatoes from Vineyard Seasons. That might be a great meal to serve Thanksgiving weekend when we’re tired of turkey!
I’ve made it for Christmas Eve Dinner many times … as homey and down to earth as it is, it’s the perfect juxtaposition to Christmas dinner, and tastes just like HOME should taste.
Ah , your November post leaves me warmer and hungrier – I must try those recipes! Must tell you this . . . .I just finished” A Fine Romance”, and I have to tell you what a joy it was to read this just a few weeks after I had returned from a September trip to the English countryside myself. Mine was a short trip compared to yours, but your story was like a beautiful personal remembrance, putting the magic of England into just the perfect language as only you can do . I want to buy the book and gift it to all my friends!!!! Gratitude!!!!!
Thank you so much Jan! We are going again, and I can’t even tell you how excited I am…the anticipation is wonderful! xoxo
Good Day Susan,
I printed out your little bookmark all about the “Moon” and told my husband November 4th was the “Frost Moon”, no he said it’s a “Hunters Moon”. Well I had to search this out and this year there was confusion because of when the full moons fell. At the beginning of September it was the Harvest Moon a little early this year as was the Hunters Moon. Regardless we enjoyed looking at their beauty. I think I will adapt your book of “celebrations” to remind oneself what they cooked and how they decorated. Starting to get out the Christmas things. We’ve already had Thanksgiving and Halloween. So on with Christmas. You give me energy – thanks. And of course there’s nothing like music to hear while cooking and baking.
I love finding your new blogs!
Thanks for all the recipes in this one. I made your molasses cookies a couple of weeks ago and they were a winner…..will make them again. We’re going to spend Thanksgiving with our son, DIL and granddaughter at Fort Riley, Kansas and I think I’m going to make them the bread pudding with whiskey sauce.
One question: what size paper do you do your paintings on? Thanks!
What beautiful pictures! I love fall the best….Halloween on Martha’s Vineyard sounds and looks so much fun!
Been cooking a bit from your AUTUMN cookbook..made the Orange Spiced Autumn Stew, the Red Pear, Black Grape and Pecan Salad, AND the Apple Cranberry Crisp…. not all at the same meal, mind you! My husband LOVES that salad…and it’s so beautiful to look at. You are right about pomegranites…they are so healthy, beautiful and tasty..and they freeze well (I have a tree full of them) Will move on to the Indiana Ham and Sweet Potato Soup next..and then the Spiced Pecans….
As you say, “it’s the season!” and we are blessed with abundance!
Happy November,
Robin C
You are making me hungry! xoxo
Hello Dearests,
Lovely post- thanks so much!
Rick and I are recovering from colds so all the comforting food of your post sounds so good. I always miss my Gran even more when I have a cold, she used to make mustard plasters and hot toddies for us- so basically you got better in fear of the plaster and were made warm all the way through from the honey, lemon and whiskey. Purely for medicinal purposes of course! 🙂
I love Autumn- it’s my favorite season and my favorite of your books. I pull it out to use all year long.
Halloween looked lovely! Lucky kiddoes!
Stay warmed and hygged- the Danish in me loves the concept and comforting homeliness is one of my prime directives!
I just love the change of seasons and this post was so inspiring. The turkeys, the pilgrims and the cornucopia are nicely displayed and the Halloween deco is tucked away until next year. I have my cute November pad of paper out for all my lists. I will miss the sunny skies of summer but with this new season I look forward to all the lovely activities of the holidays.
Thank you Susan; it is such a treat to get your posts.
Since I don’t have Vinyard Seasons, could you share Scalloped potatoes with Sausages recipe?
I was hoping I’d posted the recipe sometime or other, I looked everywhere, but I guess I haven’t. I’m sorry…
Thank you….a wonderful read. Happy Wonderful Fall! 🙂
Wonderful blog! I so wish we had trick o treaters, but maybe not 1000! Your party looked like so much fun that I shall have to copy you next year! I ran right to the shelf and got my SB books out to check out those yummy recipes. Can wait to see what you’re cookin’ up for Christmas. Thanks for sharing your fun times! Sandi from the Cape
Hi Susan. Your description of Halloween reminds me of where I live. We live in Sandwich Village and all the trick and treat kids come to the Village to get treats. I was unable to decorate this year and I missed it. I will remember it next year and get out our witch hats and other decorations! We buy Caution Tape most years (like crime scene tape) and string it up alone the path to our door. We also have lighted pumpkins. Kids and adults love it! Diane
dearest Susan…..thank you….again…..for all of it….all of you!!!! I just checked your “twitter” comments….absolutely perfect!!!!! I don’t even know how to twitter, but, here I am to thank you and to re-inforce all you said about the God-awful, horrid gun-lobbyists. NOT JUST nra…there are, apparently lots more. I LOVE Max Boot…..see him lots on msnbc….he is part of a group I feel sad for…the heartbroken, real, authentic repubs who are feeling quite let-down by all that is happening. as for “our congress”….well, with VERY FEW exceptions….very weasel-like, self-interested, self-serving, greedy folk who will never give “we, THE PEOPLE” a 2nd thought. soooooo sad. soooooo bad!!!! if we didn’t have you……don’t know what we’d all do. praying for va & nj tomorrow….hope the vote goes in OUR favor!!!!! take care. keep strong. all love!!!!! xoxo
😘 Chris
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your blog posts always make me happy. 🙂
Hello Susan and Girlfriends, BRRRR its November and its already cold and chilly outside. we have more good soaking rains and good news the fires are now out or contained thanks to the rains. our flock of turkeys have come around to visit and munch on acorns under the trees, and lounge in the yard. they feel safe here so they stick around all day and lounge in the yard. I think a couple of them are asleep…. but I love having them here and watching them. they even hang out by the chicken pen and visit with the hens, ducks, our turkeys and geese. we have the domestic white turkeys and they get along with the flock, I guess for them it is someone to talk to other than hens, ducks and geese. it has been cold here, our snow levels dropped over the weekend to 3,000 ft. no snow but oh boy was it cold!! we still have colorful leaves to look at but they blow down and away with the winds that come around. soon it will be Thanksgiving day, and I am already scanning the ads for the best price on turkeys ( don’t worry the turkeys didn’t hear that) and getting the ingredients stocked up for the feast. I love making the cranberry relish but some of our guests prefer the “canned” stuff ( yuk) so I have that stocked. and tonight I am cooking up your potato and sausage supper, hubby will be a bit late coming home this week so a hot dinner in the oven makes him happy and warms him up. any idea where I can find some parsnips to roast along with the turkey ??? our local grocery stores don’t have any. I guess maybe I can try the farmer’s market before they close for the season. well off to get the laundry going and then off to blow leaves off the roof again and out of the gutters, and get out the turkey decorations. Happy November everyone, and congrats to the lucky winners. I love that our lucky winner for the Netherlands will be getting her Santa mug on St. Nicholas Day. a very fun holiday celebration in the Netherlands with St. Nicholas and Black Peter. Happy Fall everyone, have a wonderful day, stay warm and cozy and enjoy this beautiful season. Hugs….. 😀