Distilled Genius is taking to the road!
Susan is working on scheduling a book tour to celebrate her newest book, Distilled Genius. Please check back for dates, times, and links to sign up ~ something fun to put on your calendar!
Scroll down to see dates and times as they are confirmed:
Titcomb’s Bookshop, Cape Cod, MA
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Thursday July 28th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
An Unlikely Story, Plainville, MA
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Thursday, August 4th, 2022 @ 5:30pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
Bookends, Ridgewood, NJ
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Saturday, August 6th, 2022 @ 2:00pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
The Learned Owl, Hudson, OH
In-Person book-talk and signing
Monday, August 8th, 2022 @ 6pm
You can call 330-653-2252, or email [email protected] to register
Prairie Path Books, Wheaton, Il
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Wednesday, August 10th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
Rainy Day Books, Kansas City, MO
In Person book-talk event and signing
Saturday, August 13, 2022 @ 4pm
Register HERE to attend.
Tattered Cover, Littleton, CO
In person book talk and signing
Tuesday, August 16, 6pm
This is a FREE non-ticketed event, seating is limited
Details HERE
Kings English, Salt Lake City, Utah
In person booktalk and signing.
Friday, August 19, 4 pm
Register HERE to attend.
Rakestraw Books, Danville, CA
In person book talk and signing (at high school auditorium nearby)
Monday, August 22, 2022 at 4pm
For details and to Register, go HERE to attend
Vroman’s Books, Pasadena , CA.
Book talk and signing
Sunday, September 11, at 11 am
For details, Register HERE
RJ Julia, Madison, CT
In-Person book signing
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
Time to be Determined
Oh yes . . . We made reservations to sail to England on the Queen Mary 2 next year, on May 1, 2022, God willing and the variants don’t rise! And wouldn’t it be fun if this time you come along with us for real? Think about it! You wouldn’t have to be crushed into suitcases and smuggled aboard and dance in the dark this time! Because yesterday I called Cunard to see what I could do to make that happen.♥️ I spoke to Susan Gannon and she said if you’d like to sail with us next year, you can call her at 800-468-7752 ext. 41663 and she will personally help make your reservations. You will have to mention that you’re part of the Susan Branch Girlfriends group, give them this group number: TNM, and voyage #M211 so they can keep track of us as a group . . . If there’s enough of us they’ll have special
group pricing and other surprises. They had to cancel their entire spring and summer itinerary this year, which means that many of the people that didn’t get to go this year, will be going next year. So think fast! You would have to make a deposit, but you can cancel with complete refund if you do it by December 31, 2021, this year. It would give you extra time to decide for sure. Susan can answer any questions you have and you can call her anytime. This isn’t a tour like the kind you read about, where you have a “tour guide.” It’s more like one of our picnics, only on the ship!🚢
Lots of events as Susan celebrated her newest book, Home for Christmas! Scroll down to see dates and times: Virtual Zoom parties from bookstores all over America, and you’re all invited! “Sunday Afternoon Tea with Susan,” through the fall and holiday season all the way to December. Please check back for dates, times, and links to sign up ~ something you can put on your calendar!
NOTE: Each bookstore has its own policy, and handles tickets the way that works best for their business. I’m just a guest! If they require you to buy a book and you already have one, you can either purchase one for a gift, OR, look for another event where they allow guests without requiring a book purchase. They’re all different!♥️
NOVEMBER 8, 2020, 4pm EST. The Women’s Exchange of Winnetka, Illinois has hosted Susan several times with lovely tea parties in a beautiful large room filled with Girlfriends and flowers, tea cakes and sandwiches, and is now holding their first virtual Zoom event, November 8, 2020 at 4 pm EST. Tickets for our Christmas Tea are $20, and tax deductible, benefiting Women’s Exchange community for women. A slide show and special door prizes will be part of the event. Bring your cup of tea, cakes, and sandwiches and join us! Sign up HERE to receive your Zoom invitation.💖
We have TWO virtual Tea Party Events in October 2020 (also one in November and one in December, details to come) ~ BYO Cuppa! I’ll meet you at my kitchen table!
The first October event will be via Zoom on Sunday, October 18, at 4 pm EST for Bookends Bookstore in Ridgewood, NJ … you can sign up HERE. Yes, there will be signed books and door prizes!
The very next Sunday, October 25th, we’ll be hosted by the wonderful King’s English Bookshop in Salt Lake City, Utah, for a Crowdcast event …. you can register HERE.
Please Join us on September 20, for a Virtual Sunday Afternoon Christmas Tea Party
presented by the wonderful people at Titcombs Bookshop, just over the water on the Cape, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm
EST ~ BYO Tea because you’re all invited to my first book event, Zoom Webinar for my new Home for Christmas book! Here’s where you can sign up! If you don’t know how to do Zoom, you can Google “Youtube how to use Zoom” and they will show you. It’s just a matter of which buttons to push ~ it’s easy. When you sign up, they will send you an invitation to our zoom party … which will have a link for you to click on the day of the event. Put it on your calendar!❤️
This Mother’s Day 2020 Event (below) was canceled due to Covid … and changed to a Zoom Webinar for August 18 and 19, 2020. You can access it on YouTube … 💞
I hope you can join me for a
Mother’s Day Tea/Twine booksigning event in Duxbury, Massachussets! It’s going to be amazing. Picture a room filled with spring flowers, teapots and garden clippings, with grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters (Husbands, grandfathers, dads, and brothers are welcome too!), a room filled with friendship, community, connection, books, hats,
England, joy, kindred spirits, and a catered meal (they’re making recipes from my books!) that has both a Julia Child, AND a Prince Harry and Meghan connection ~ all in celebration of Mother’s Day!!! YES! YES! YES! We want everyone who would like to come, to join us … so we decided to do not one, but two events to make sure everyone gets a ticket.
The first event will be a catered “Light Supper with Wine” (Twine!) on Wednesday, May 6, from 4 to 7 pm. The next day, on Thursday,
May 7, from 1 to 3 pm, we’re having “An English Lunch with Tea.” For both events, I’ll be doing a presentation ~ I’m thrilled to be doing a show and tell with my favorite photos of the English Countryside, a little bit about history, maybe a dab of ancestry, and every wonderful thing I can think of about Beatrix Potter, including our Picnic at Castle Cottage. On top of that, each guest will receive
their very own copy of the first chapter of ENCHANTED, my new book-in-progress! Andrea, the person in charge of this event, has many other little surprises, but they’re a secret . . . she’s as excited as I am. So, what’s on your calendar for May??? Registration begins 8 am, March 24th … online at ~ they’ve put nothing on their website yet, it’s too early. Put “Tickets!” on your calendar for March 24th so you don’t forget! Bring your mom, your sister, your best friend, and come! New England is beautiful in May!

SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA: Saturday, October 13. Meet Susan and Joe for a book talk and signing at the Apple Farm.
Get your Special Event Name Tag by clicking HERE!
WEST FALMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS: Saturday, November 10 at 1:30pm. Join Susan for a book talk at the West Falmouth Library. Please contact the library for more details.
Get your Special Event Name Tag by clicking HERE!
Castle Cottage BYO Picnic-Basket Party!
Remember the BYO Picnic-Basket Party we had in Stourhead in England last September? We’re going to do it again! Mark your calendars for May 11, 2018, at noon o’clock. Because, once again,
you’re all invited! We’ll be meeting as many of our Girlfriends as possible, whoever can come, from everywhere! And because of serendipity and wild stretches of the imagination, this time we will be spreading our picnic blankets on the lawn across the meadow from Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top, in the garden of Castle Cottage, in Far Sawrey, in the Lake District, where Beatrix Potter lived for 30 years with her husband Willie Heelis! I’m not kidding!
We will walk where she walked and be where she was, and sit where she drank her tea, amongst the bluebells and frolicking lambs. And we want you all to join us. Joe will be there, and all your Fairy Tale Guys are invited too. And if you can’t come in person, then you will just have to join us virtually . . . I’ll take tons of photos, and post the whole thing on my Blog, and take you all along, on the ship, to England, to Ireland, and to the picnic too, tucked into our basket, but only if you promise not to eat all the stuffed eggs.
My girlfriends from the Beatrix Potter Society, American Betsy Bray, and English Mandy Marshall (who actually lives at Castle Cottage, and will be our hostess there) will be leading a luv-lee Lake District Tour next May that will culminate at the Picnic ~ it’s limited space and will be announced next month in Pottering About (the Beatrix Potter Society e-Newsletter), but you, my darlings, are the FIRST to know … leave your name on Betsy’s site for first-come-first-serve and learn more HERE . . .
Also, we’ve had several requests on my Blog to connect Girlfriends who want to come, but would like a kindred-spirit Traveling Partner ~ such a good idea! So, that’s exactly what we’re doing: Here’s how: 1.) Go to my Facebook Page (FOSB) and leave a comment that you are looking for a Traveling Partner for the BYO Picnic-Basket Party at Castle Cottage on May 11, 2018. 2.) Suggest that interested parties private-message you to connect. (Please don’t put your personal contact info on FOSB … your privacy is important.) 3.) Check your messages for contacts ~ and be sure to check your “other” messages, which are messages from people you are not Facebook friends with (yet). 4.) Watch for posts from other FOSB who are looking for a Traveling Companion. Don’t be shy, be brave, take a chance, be ready for adventure, make contact, private message them! Then get busy and make your reservations. Manchester airport is closest to the Lake District, but there are also trains from London. Okay, you are on your own from here! Hope to see you there. Us, from all over the world, converging on Castle Cottage, it’s BeaStock 2018! Here’s your name tag: Just print it out on card stock and bring it with you! Write your name Big!
🎵 By the time we get to BeaStock we’ll be half-a-jillion strong . . . 🎶 We are stardust, we are golden and we’ve got to get back to the garden . . . 🎵
CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA: Sunday, March 11, at 6 pm, Meet Susan and Joe for a book talk and signing at the Barnes and Noble, Westwood Plaza. Come and wish them Bon Voyage on their last evening in America before they cross the wild Atlantic on the MS Queen Victoria.
Here’s a link for a virtual tour of the Queen Victoria. Susan and Joe board the ship on March 9, stopping in Charleston for one night, and arriving in Southampton, England on March 23.
Susan wrote, “When I paint, I test brush & watercolor strength on paper, then cut them up for bookmarks. I’ll bring some for a giveaway to the Charleston book signing on March 11.”
Susan Branch Talk & Book Signing @ The Apple Farm
Saturday, March 18th from 2pm to 4pm. Limited tickets available HERE.
Bring your sister, mom, and best friends and join Susan Branch for a Springtime Book Talk and Signing, Q & A, and Meet and Greet! Come say Hello!
The Apple Farm
2015 Monterey Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Susan Branch – Author Talk, Questions and Answers,
Book and Calendar Signings
My twenty-three-city book tour this May and June of 2016 is in celebration of, and with gratitude to, the small Independent Bookstores, their dedicated owners and hard working staffs, who’ve managed to hold on through the changing times, supporting their local economies by providing jobs, assisting their local libraries, and giving us much needed charm wherever they are, windows filled with books, books that fly from ceilings, the smell of coffee and books, tables of books and paper and all the tangible real-life things we love. Without them, I, as an author would have never existed, because it’s those individual voices from bookstore employees who’ve said to their customers (who’s taste they make it their business to know), “Here, have you read this?” that have made all the difference. ♥ Please help me in supporting them with your business. Scroll down to check out the Coming Events for a store near you. I’ll be signing all three books in this finally-finished trilogy, The Fairy Tale Girl, Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams (the newest), and A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English Countryside. Hope to see you there! ♥
(I made name tags for us so we can recognize each other.
Click HERE to download your name tag!)
Zee Map: Look for us driving the Fine Romance van on a highway near you!
Plainville, MA
Saturday April 30, 2016 at 1:00 pm
An Unlikely Story
111 South St. Plainville, MA 02762 Tel: 508-699-0244
Benefit Luncheon Buffet for the Plainville Town Library.
Tickets available through the bookstore. (Please do not call the library.)
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing. TICKETS available HERE. SORRY, SOLD OUT!
Madison, CT
Sunday May 1, 2016 3:00 – 4:30 pm
R. J. Julia Booksellers
768 Boston Post Rd. Madison, CT 06443
Tel: 203-245-3959
New Hope, PA
Tuesday May 3, 2016 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
HollyHedge Estate
6987 Upper York Rd. New Hope, PA 18938
Benefit Afternoon Tea for The Free Library of New Hope & Solebury
Supported by HollyHedge and Farley’s Bookshop
44 South Main St. New Hope,PA 18938 Tel: 215-862-2452
Tickets available through the library.
Click HERE for tickets.(Sorry, Sold Out)
Info: [email protected]
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Hudson, OH
Thursday May 5, 2016 5:00 – 6:30 pm
The Learned Owl Book Shop
204 North Main St. Hudson, OH 44236
Tel: 330-653-2252
Cincinnati, OH
Saturday May 7, 2016 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
2692 Madison Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45208
Tel: 513-396-8960
Wilmette, IL
Tuesday May 10, 2016 at 3:00 pm
(Names are still being taken for a wait list, call Women’s Exchange or email Deb, at numbers below)
Westmoreland Country Club
2601 Old Glenview Rd. Wilmette, IL 60091
Benefit Tea for the Women’s Exchange
Supported by The Book Stall at Chestnut Court
811 Elm Street Winnetka, IL 60093
TICKETS available through Women’s Exchange
725 Pine St. Winnetka, IL 60093 Tel: 847-441-3406
Info: mailto:[email protected]
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Dress Code: Westmoreland Country Club has a requirement of no denim allowed.
Chicago, IL
Thursday, May 12, 2016 11 a.m.
BookExpo America at McCormick Place West Level 3
Baker & Taylor Booth # 901
This is a trade show requiring admission badges
which are only available to booksellers, publishers, librarians, and related professionals.
Cedar Rapids, IA
Friday May 13, 2016 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Barnes & Noble Bookstore
333 Collins Rd. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Tel: 319-393-4800
Free Benefit for the Marion Public Library.
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
St. Charles, MO
Sunday May 15, 2016 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Main Street Books
307 South Main St. St. Charles, MO 63301
Tel: 636-949-0105
Kansas City, MO
Wednesday May 18, 2016 7:00 pm
Girls Night Out!
Unity Temple on The Plaza, Sanctuary,
707 W 47th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64112
Sponsored by Rainy Day Books
2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas (KS) 66205
Tel: 913-384-3126
TICKETS available HERE through the bookstore.
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Denver, CO
Saturday May 21, 2016 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
The Tattered Cover Book Store
2526 East Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80202
Tel: 303-322-7727
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Salt Lake City, UT
Tuesday May 24, 2016 6:30 – 8:00 pm
The King’s English Bookstore
1511 South 1500 East Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Tel: 801-484-9100
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Danville, CA
Friday May 27, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Rakestraw Books
3 Railroad Ave. Danville CA 94526
Tel: 925-837-7337
Morro Bay, CA
Sunday May 29, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Benefit for The Women’s Shelter of San Luis Obispo
Morro Bay Community Center 1001 Kennedy Way Morro Bay CA 93442
Sponsored by Coalesce Bookstore
845 Main St. Morro Bay CA 93442 Tel: 805-772-2880
TICKETS available HERE through the bookstore.
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Montecito, CA
Saturday June 4, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Tecolote Book Shop
1470 East Valley Rd. Montecito, CA 93108
Tel: 805-969-4977
Pasadena, CA
Wednesday June 8, 2016 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Vroman’s Bookstore
695 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: 626.449.5320
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Prescott, AZ
Saturday June 11, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Afternoon Tea at Willow Tree Manor
A benefit for the Prescott Public Library
306 South Marina St. Prescott, AZ 86303 Tel: 602.803.4461
Sponsored by Willow Tree Manor and Peregrine Book Co.
219A N. Cortez St. Prescott, AZ 86301 Tel: 928-445-9000
TICKETS and info available at Willow Tree Manor
Contact Mary Heiland: [email protected]
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Austin, TX
Saturday June 18, 2016 at 2:00 pm
603 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78703
Tel: 512-472-5050
Memphis, TN
Wednesday June 22, 2016 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The Booksellers at Laurelwood
387 Perkins Extended Memphis TN 38117
Tel: 901683-9801
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Woodstock, GA
Saturday June 25, 2016 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
FoxTale Book Shoppe
Magnolia Hill Community Center-
108 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock GA 30188
Tel: 770-516-9989, ticketed event,
please visit bookstore’s website for more info.
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Asheville, NC
Monday June 27, 2016 at 7pm
Malaprop’s Bookstore
55 Haywood St. Asheville, NC 28801
Tel: 828-254-6734
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Ridgewood, NJ
Thursday June 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm
211 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood NJ 07450
Tel: 201-445-0726
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
(The bookstore requests that each person attending, purchase one or more books.)
East Sandwich, MA
Saturday July 2, 2016 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Titcomb’s Bookshop
432 Route 6A, E. Sandwich, MA 02537
Tel: 508-888-2331
Beatrix Potter Birthday Party, Reading & Book Signing
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Beatrix Potter was born 150 years ago on July 28, and on that day at 2 p.m., there will be a Birthday Party held in her honor, with tea and birthday cake, at the Brewster Ladies Library on Cape Cod. Susan will be reading from her book, A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English Countryside, the part where she went to Hill Top, Beatrix’s farm in the Lake District for the first time (she says she hopes she won’t cry!) ~ You’re invited, and it’s Free! Make reservations beginning 8 am, May 2, 2016 on the Library Website.
In order to accommodate more people, the Beatrix Potter Birthday Party is now being held at the Brewster Baptist Church (next door to the library) at 1948 Main Street in Brewster, MA. (Time and date remain the same: 2 pm, Thursday, July 28th, 2016.) The event is now SOLD OUT, but you may add your name to a waiting list by clicking HERE.
Join the Fun!
Hampstead Village in Santa Barbara, California
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Sunday, November 12, 2014
Titcombs Bookshop, East Sandwich, Cape Cod, MA
Susan Branch Question & Answer
To benefit the historic 150 year-old Library in the heart of Westfield.
Hosted by Westfield’s Tuesday Morning Club
Tueseday, October 14, 2014
Susan Branch Book Signing Hosted by Best of British
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Rhode Island PBS
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Susan is co-hosting an evening of British comedies to help the fundraising and membership drive of the Providence, RI TV station which serves southeastern New England, including Cape Cod and the Islands. Copies of A Fine Romance and Autumn from the Heart of the Home will be given as premiums and thank you gifts for your contributions.
Comcast Channel 9

West Falmouth Library on Cape Cod
Monday, July 14, 2014

It’s Here!
My New Book: A FINE ROMANCE- Falling In Love With The English Countryside
(Click here to purchase yours today!)
For more A FINE ROMANCE past events, click HERE.
Art and Content for is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.
Good morning. I’d like to surprise my wife with a one-on-one phone conversation with Susan for her birthday on August 28. I’d be willing to pay a nice fee for a 15 minute chat with my wife. We were signed up for two of the book tour dates but COVID bit us both. She signed up for the Plainfield and Wheaton events but we were unable to travel. She did receive her signed book from Prairie Path books, but is nonetheless sad she didn’t get to hear and meet Susan. I would be willing to pay $500 for a 15 minute phone chat if Susan would consider this for my wife. She owns every book Susan has written!
You can reach me at the email and phone number under my name.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
John Cheney
[email protected]
Will you be coming to Texas? Would love to surprise my wife.
Not this time. Have to be home soon. Might not come to Texas in summer . . . 🤣 might have to wait for spring!💝
Any 2023 texas or surrounding states dates?
No plans for that yet . . . maybe next book!
Loved you for years! Just finished reading all three books!! Fabulous!!Thanks for such fun & inspiration!💕💕
Thank you!!
Hi. I just found out about the event in Madison, CT. Any idea when a time might be posted for that? I’ll be flying from FL and want to get my ticket ASAP.
Just found out this morning it will be 7 pm on November 30th! I’ll put up on the website when I get home on Sept 15! Yay Tamara!
I’ve been wanting to meet you for sooooo long ❤️
Hi Susan.
My BFF Sheila and I have had some serious life happenings. We just can’t wait any longer to meet you and express our appreciation to you for a lifetime of lifting our spirits. I’ve always loved your artwork (the large blotter has hung in my kitchen year after year) but Sheila introduced me to your book. Then I gave her another one of your books. Then she gave me a recipe book. So on and so on ha ha. Our dream is to venture to Martha’s Vineyard to see you which brings me to my question. Do you have plans or dates for book signing etc…on Martha’s Vineyard in 2023? We thought we should meet here in earth first so we’ll know each other in Heaven 🙂
Sheri Miglio
For quite a while now I have been unable to access the “shopping” section. Will not load. I love your cards, stationery, notecards, etc.!! Thanks for your help!!
I sent your comment to Kellee . . . you might try refreshing the site on your computer … I haven’t heard that from others, so it may just be a little glitch. Fingers crossed!
Hi Susan! Happy New Year! My friend Anne and I LOVE all your cookbooks and especially your Wall Calendar! Every year for the past 25 years I get a calendar for each of us. We love knowing we are looking at the same calendar each day! I just went online (I know a little late) to order them and every website yours, Your publisher, Michaels, Target, Amazon are all sold out:o( Will you be making any more to be sold? May you please let me know? I really want to keep up our special tradition. Thank you!
Putting this in both places you left comments, pardon the duplication, just want to make sure you see it!
I’m so sorry … every once in a while things change a little bit and suddenly we run out! Normally we don’t do that, but this year was somehow different and they are all gone. Due to printing numbers requirements, somewhere in the 10s of 1000s, the manufacturer can’t reprint after the new year. Not to mention, due to supply chain, a new printing wouldn’t get here until almost 2024!!
UPDATE!!! WAS TOLD TO TRY MEIJERS, and at this moment, they have them!! 👏👏👏👏💖💖💖
I would love to pay and get on the list for your Queen Elizabeth mug. Could you make my dream happen? This is for the mugs you mentioned in 2022 for 2023. Please add me to your Willard newsletter list too.
Thanks in advance!
Cheryl Malmstead
I hope I can help … there is a link where I wrote about the cups on the post … you can tell it’s a link because the type is a different color. You can click on that and it will take you right to the cups, where you can read about them and see more photos. You can also go to the home page of my blog at and click on shopping.That will take you to the cups too! And in the right hand column under WILLARD it shows how to sign up to get Willard in your email! Let me know if you have trouble! ♥️
Hello Susan, I follow all your travels and happy places online in my Willard newsletter. Love them ! I forward Willard to my girlfriends, hoping it will cheer their day and enjoy the artwork as I do. I especially love the photos, artwork, and comments about your cat. I don’t trust people who don’t love animals. I’ve preordered my Queen Elizabeth tea cup as a birthday present to myself. Merry birthday to me !! Wishing you, Joe, and Jack many happy adventures. You and your artwork make this world a better, more creative place.
Susan, I love your Willards–I wait to read them when I have lots of time to enjoy! It would be hard to say which I loved more: your art, your writing or the pictures of your home and travels. It is so much fun following all your adventures.
Thank you Sharon ~ very kind words. My new post will be a challenge . . . it’s LONG. I have to learn when to stop, but one thing always seems to lead to another!!!
Susan, I have been a loyal follower since early 2000 when a friend gave me one of your books. Again this thanksgiving my daughter requested that I make your pumpkin cheese cake which has become a family tradition to serve at our family Thanksgiving dinner. I love your posts and have pasted them on to friends. Thank you for sharing your stories, pictures and your travels. I wish you a very Merry Christmas from Virginia and a Happy New Year.
Hi Susan
I would like an autographed baby book.
Is this possible?
[email protected]
Check and see if there are any in the Studio . . . they are not in print anymore, but sometimes we find one in good condition . . .
Just finished all three books!!Loved them all!💕💕 So much enjoyment & inspiration!!Thank you!!😊🌷💕🌸
Love hearing that Myra, thank you!