Good Morning Everyone! Just a quickie from me and Casper (the very friendly ghost)👻, waving from our upstairs bedroom window…this is a very short update, but I still have a song for you! A very sweet one, my Grandma’s favorite, and mine too, the video is as nice as the MUSICA!🎵 I’ve posted this song before, but since I can’t get enough, I don’t mind doing it again…👏I will be back next week along with Vanna to pull the winning names for our giveaway for the handmade quilt and the vintage storybook (see the next post if you missed it). You can still sign up, just leave a comment on either of these two posts and you’ll be entered! I know you’re waiting but I’m working on a slide show for my two ZOOM Events this Sunday and next, and I’m not done yet! I’ll be coming to you from my kitchen table! (I never know if there will be an appearance from a special guest star! They are both so UNpredictable!) I hope you’re able to join us, but if not . . . there will be MORE! Click on the link above for details on how to join the party ♥️. I know they’re asking that everyone buy a book, which is NOT my idea, although I totally understand why they have to do it, this world being what it is … but if you need a Christmas gift, you might think about it because the slide show is going to be all about this old house and some of our holiday traditions and I know it’s your cup of tea.💞 Unfortunately, this won’t work for our girlfriends from other countries, shipping costs being what they are. I’m so sorry, I’m only a guest of the bookstores, I have to do things the way they want to! I have never set up a Zoom talk of my own, one of these days I will need to learn how!!! What do you think? Good winter project!!Okay, must get back to it! Thank you for your patience . . . See you soon. Oh and PS, Kellee and I have been working on another little surprise. So nice to have things to look forward to! Always good news around here! Until then, thank you for all your luv-lee comments! Enjoy your days and do this ⬇️!🎃

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1,031 Responses to JUST a QUICKIE . . .

  1. Susan Morse says:

    Oh Goodie ! My Zoom Webinar ID arrived this afternoon. Now I have to figure out which of three Susan Branch China cups I will use to sip the “Private Blend Tea” on Sunday. Right or wrong, I add the milk last.
    Thank you for lifting my spirits during this unprecedented seemingly never ending corona-coaster ride. It is the friends and family, beloved pets and plants, the hearth and home and my memories of trips three trips to England, in the past six years, that keep me going.
    See you on Sunday, from Vista, CA

  2. Barb says:

    Jack staring at the spider. Joe holding Jack. Too cute, they both are. Thank you.

  3. Teresa Ann Harral says:

    Love the ghost in the window and the all your beautiful seasonal photos!

  4. Sandy says:

    Thank you!!! I needed to hear that again…we are in this together❤️❤️❤️
    BYW…Jack has the most extraordinarily beautiful eyes❤️❤️❤️

  5. Stephanie Hull says:

    Thanks for your post. Always makes my day seem a little brighter!

  6. Liz Lavallee says:

    Thank you for this bright spot!! Your blog and page always feels so warm and homey and I LOVE it!! I always look forward to your Willards

  7. Andrea H. says:

    Haven’t heard “Lida Rose” since I saw “The Music Man” as a child. Thank you for sharing such a sweet rendition of that song.

  8. Brenda Chambers says:

    I love reading your posts. They bring happiness to my part of America in the uncertain times we are in. Hope I win the quilt or book. Take care and be safe.

  9. Mary Jo M says:

    I was so happy to see your name in my inbox today ! Your letters always make me smile.

  10. Nancy Poole says:

    I absolutely love that you share yourself, Joe, and Jack with us. Your posts are so lovely and make me want to be where you are. Happy Fall.

  11. Vivian Garcia says:

    Love Casper – the friendly ghost!

  12. Lucy McInerney says:

    Always look forward to your emails, brightens my spirits and brings positive feelings in these tough times! We are all in and on our small islands being cooped up but its a good time to find and use our talents to be creative like you. Love the fall season and enjoy cooking comforting meals, thank you for your cookbooks and wonderful illustrations.

  13. Judy says:

    I loved your Christmas book. It reminded me so much of my experience of Christmas as a child. There was just something so special about the magic and anticipation of it all.

  14. Gayle Hall says:

    I am going to try and send this once again…….for some reason I have not been able to figure out why my mail here is not going to you. But I am trying. Guess my savvy has left me. I used to send you comments but they do not leave here anymore. I will have to just write accolades by SNAILMAIL I guess. Love Gayle Hall

  15. Deb Schwabe says:

    As so many have said, all that you give us in beauty and inspiration is such a needed diversion to our crazy scary world of today.❤️ Thank you ❤️

  16. Amy Weber says:

    Thank you, and a hiya, from across the pond!
    ! I’m greatly missing your books and cookbooks of mine… sadly in storage back your way. Cheers! xx

  17. Marilyn Sherling says:

    I always look forward to your blogs! I would love to visit Martha’s Vineyard. Who knows… it’s a long ways from where I live In Washington state. Thank you for sharing your lives with us!

  18. Carol Ybarrondo says:

    I love the Christmas book, I haven’t seen Blue Chip Stamps in ages, lol! And of course love the calendars & cups! Thanks for all you do, love your art. Also, thanks to the girlfriends on your Blog, I have learned the value of reading your books over and over again. It seems I always think to myself, “I don’t remember that, when I read it last time.”

  19. Cathy says:

    SO Looking forward to your sweet ZoOm event !!

  20. Linda DeFazio says:

    How frightfully delightful! I would love to be picked. Love the posts!

  21. Sally says:

    Andy Williams and the Osmonds! That was just what the doctor ordered – thank you so much for that. Lovely!

  22. Julianna says:

    Always look forward to seeing your emails arrive! Also, I am so enjoying your autumnal cookbook just gifted to me by a dear friend!

  23. Bee camou says:

    Oh your little quickies are entertaining too,

  24. Sharon says:

    You always have the cutest decorations and they make your home look so welcoming!

  25. Jean says:

    Thank you for posting a pic of Casper. I look forward to
    sering him eave from your lovely home each Halloween !

  26. So excited to see your post, what a bright light in my day. Thank you for entering me in your drawing!

  27. Judith says:

    Thanks for your short but sweet blog. I enjoy reading your blog no matter how long or short.

  28. Cindy Maulin says:

    Hi Susan
    My favorite ghost has made his/her appearance!
    Look forward to this every year…
    Hope all your days leading up to Halloween are not too scary and that Halloween brings lots of trick or treaters…( however it’s being done in this most frightful year).
    Here’s wishing you Boo-tiful times ahead!!
    Love and witches,

  29. Vicky says:

    Today was one of the first cool mornings (yay!) so we opened as many windows as possible in the house. My visiting niece excitedly reported that a bird flew in the kitchen window and landed on the pot rack. I have no doubt it was drawn in to get a closer look at your beautiful bluebird cup hanging front and center! 😊 After a quick visit it left the way it came to enjoy the rest of the day.

  30. Mary Lou Unangst says:

    Just a quickie response. Hope to see you again on zoom.

  31. Janie from TN near Cumberland Gap says:

    How festive your sweet house looks! It is so exciting that you are having a fun fun drawing with the amazingly talented and beautiful Vanna. Looking forward to your next post!

  32. A bright spot in dark times!

  33. Sandi B. says:

    I bought two of your china cups to add to my growing collection last week at a gift shop in Texas. The Santa for my daughter and Bluebird for me. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Vanna pulls my name out. Love everything Susan Branch

  34. Jody says:

    Casper has always been my favorite ghost. Love the picture of Joe and the Masked Bandit.

  35. I would love to be chosen!

  36. Lisa Marie Garbato says:

    Vanna you could be my Cindy Lou’s sis!!! XO ❤️

  37. Connie T. says:

    Thank you for another fun post! Always a day brightener!

  38. Barbara Kinney says:

    I always get excited when I see there is a post from you. I get a cup of tea, the dog is sitting at my feet and I start reading. But I finished reading before I finished my tea! That’s OK I know you are busy and it was enough to make me smile. Happy Fall from Minnesota!

  39. Kathleen DeBlois says:

    Love when that ghost makes his yearly appearance! Hope I’m picked

  40. Debbie H says:

    Can never go wrong with a Andy Williams tune 🙂 I love Jack checking out the decor….my Pip does the same and acts like we decorate just for her!

  41. Yvonne E says:

    Love the picture of Jack and the spider. Adorable🎃

  42. carmen mays says:

    I love that Casper looking out the window.

  43. Yvonne Ester says:

    Adorable picture of Jack and the spooky black spider!

  44. Jo Derouin says:

    I would love for my name to be picked

  45. Yvonne Ester says:

    Adorable picture of Jack🎃

  46. Jean Giuggio says:

    I stop everything to read your posts when they come in—so welcomed!

  47. Anne Lovell says:

    Thanks for the nice surprise blog. It is starting my morning out perfectly. I hope I can figure out how to attend one the zooms! They sound like such fun!

  48. Rhondi says:

    I’m always excited when I see there’s a new post from you! Also excited for another zoom call with you! Can’t wait and maybe I’ll win the quilt!! Luvlee ❤️

  49. donna says:

    I’m going to try the wishing upon a leaf since they are starting to come down now! It can’t hurt!! Love your Casper!

  50. Janis McLaughlin says:

    Good morning to you from Deep East TX! I just know it will be a glorious day!
    (Too early to tell yet, no sun awake this early!) Rec’d my cups I ordered. Sorry I missed the Christmas one — maybe one will come up sometime and I can grab it! Love your posts —always makes me look forward to something extra and exciting. Have a blessed weekend!

  51. Chris Ditzler says:

    Just finished the Christmas book. It brought back so many wonderful childhood memories. Thanks and Happy Halloween!! Chris

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  53. Audrey Serrecchia says:

    Susan, you have captured Halloween and the Spirit of the Season all in one. I remember collecting fall leaves with my kids and the kiddos in school (I worked in the library) I had a blank journal book and found many different fall leaves in my yard, I identified each one and had a book of trees beside it. The kids used to look at them all the time, they loved it. Some students lived in apartments and didn’t even have a yard or didn’t even play outside except for the school yard. They found a lot of leaves in the school yard and started their own books it was so cute. 🍁

  54. Joan Kovach says:

    I woke this morning with an unusally heavy heart….I bury so much in my heart…but when I saw and listened and read your Email-Blog……a lightness fell over me. Can I explain it ? Nooooo….. just the simplicity of knowing others feel the same as me (both the ups and the downs)– May all our lives be trusted in Gods hands. Thank you so much for always being there for all of us…. xoxo

  55. Really love that Casper! I have finished with my Fall/Halloween decor. Really loving burning my Fall scented candles!

  56. Suzie Wullschlager says:

    Love that you check-in with us, especially at this time of such isolation. Casper is great!

  57. Evie Tong says:

    Love to always find a surprise from you …
    Alo-Ha-Ha from San Diego, Evie

  58. Kay says:

    I don’t always listen to the music you attach to your newsletters because I can’t read them and listen at the same time and I’m always too anxious to read! 😉 However, today I watched the whole video and am so glad I did. Andy Williams with the Osmonds was so sweet!

  59. Kedra Sugg says:

    Just clicking e-mail and seeing Susan Branch Blog is enough to bring happy thoughts – – even before I read it. Thank you!

  60. JoLynn Holmwood says:

    I did just “catch a leaf in mid air, made a wish, kissed it & tossed it in the wind” on a morning walk the other day! Thought of you the whole time : ) Love this season! Enjoy every minute of it!

  61. Laura Benthien says:

    The history of your house and other old houses is so interesting. Love to learn about them!
    And since I am a quilter and collect vintage quilts this is right up my alley!

  62. Lisa Mahan says:

    You never fail to inspire! Thank you.

  63. Karen B. says:

    Love hearing from you, even if it’s a quickie!

  64. Brownie says:

    Your book makes me quite excited for Christmas season! In difficult times like these, thank you for offering the escape to another world . . . .

  65. Velma J says:

    I so love and admire your writings, Susan! Thanks for brightening our days!

  66. Sandy says:

    Thank you for the fun give-aways! I already feel so lucky to receive your blog posts! Love reading and looking at them…words and art all mixed with love!

  67. Christine Cheripka says:

    In this crazy world we need to dwell in the lovey world in the pages of your books and emails….thank you for always being so consistent in an ever changing time…

  68. Donna Huckabee says:

    I loved the quick update. It is a lovely bit of cheer in these times. I bought the Home for Christmas and it is so sweet. I had a tear of nostalgia about those times. AHHH, skating–youth really is wasted on the young, I would love to have that gliding, breeze filled ride. Enjoy your fall!

  69. Kathy says:

    Casper is such a cute ghost!
    Good luck with your Zoom event!

  70. Sandi Mueller says:

    Oh my goodness! As usual, your blog brings so much joy! Thank you for brightening my days in these pandemic times. ❤️❤️

  71. Mary Ellen Granville says:

    I would love to be picked!💖😊

  72. Kelly B. from Pittsburgh says:

    Dear Susan,

    I always love hearing about your old house and Christmas traditions!

  73. Your posts are always charming and uplifting. Thank you!

  74. Barbara Woolf says:

    Love how you celebrate life! Happy Happy Joy Joy!

  75. Cat V says:

    Oh I LOVE the new Christmas book! I bought two already! One for me and one for my darling daughter who lives too far away… Happy weekend Susan!

  76. Cathy Hoff says:

    Ooooo, another Zoom? So excited! The last one was wonderful – even if we can’t see you in person, with Zoom we can see you no matter where we are in the country. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. Hope you and Joe have a wonderful fall weekend.

  77. Monica Wilson says:

    Always such a treat to get your posts in my inbox! Last spring, when I had to start doing Zoom meetings with the homeschool students whose work I oversee, I was fretting about learning that. But it is super easy to set up a Zoom meeting and it is like second nature now. I not only use it for work, but also my book club, happy hours with friends, and get togethers with family members! I know you will learn it too! I loved being on your first Zoom from your kitchen. Hope to do another one day! Happy Halloween to you dear Susan!

  78. Juliene Bramer says:

    Falling leaves…..

  79. Carolyn M. T. says:

    Hi Susan,

    Wonderful to find a quick mail from you. Your words are always a welcome sight. They do help keep ones spirits up. Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
    Hoping to be picked for the Christmas book. My son is deployed at the moment and half way around the world. He loves Christmas. We are not sure if he will be back home by December 25th. but we are hoping. I would love to be able to send him the Vintage and your Christmas book as a gift.
    So grateful for your wonderful messages. Your words help in many ways.

  80. Judith says:

    Dear Susan, Love my desk blotter calendar, my autumn cookbook, ,but most of all your blog posts that are so uplifting . Thank you for being you-a special friend. And Casper, pick me!

  81. Martine Talbot says:

    Thanks for all you do to keep us sane during these times. You have a very special way of keeping us grounded. Happy Fall. Martine

  82. Julie Wallace says:

    Nice to know in this unpredictable world, one can always count onSusan Branch!

  83. Ann Draper says:

    What a sweet video! I’d never heard this song before. Thanks so much for sharing! It’s a beautiful fall day here in East Tennessee. Hope it is where you are. 🍁🧡

  84. Christine Noble says:

    Looking forward to checking out your Christmas book at Books on First, in Amboy, IL….Nothing better than enjoying your books while snuggled under an afghan, after a long, chilly day.

  85. Susan says:

    Love the photo of Jack and the spider! Thanks for the cheerful post, Susan!

  86. Michelle Arrington says:

    What a nice treat on a Saturday morning. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  87. Linda Driver says:

    Love the Osmonds…and Jack and the ghost! Getting ready for my DIL’s birthday on Halloween! Thanks for your uplifting posts…

  88. Julie Thomas says:

    I adore vintage quilts and your artwork!

  89. Dawn Hoffman says:

    Loved hearing and seeing your chat at Titcomb’s tea last month…going to be part of Bookends as well….can’t wait to hear about some of your traditions….we all need your inspiration this year for the holidays and your reminder to focus on what’s important….thank you for being you!! 🌺

  90. Karen says:

    I heard Casper likes popcorn! Thanks, enjoyed blog & MUSICA….wow Osmonds so young, and Andy Williams what a beautiful voice.

  91. Patty WALKER says:

    Oh Susan,

    What a ray of Sunshine you are. This may have been short a sweet …but also a lift to all our Spirits! What a blessing you are…. You are on my list of many to be Thankful for…..Let’s always look for the Love, Peace and Joy in each of our days!

    Patty Walker

  92. Care Woodard says:

    Dear Susan, Every time I receive your blog, I call my Mom and share them with her. She keeps asking me to ask you:) if you could include January of the following year in one of your wall calendars; this is her litmus test of a “good” calendar. She is so cute and thinks you and I are close friends. I haven’t wanted to ask you because that seems like a lot of work, as each month is a work of art. I have signed up for Sunday’s talk!!! I am so excited:) Your christmas book is wonderful, so I happily bought another to give as a Christmas gift:) Blessings to you!!!

  93. Kathleen Wagner says:

    I get so excited when I see a new blog from you. You always lift me up and give me new inspiration. Thank you.

  94. Lisa Buick says:

    Hi, Susan, a cutie quickie of Casper. Do you get a lot of trick or treaters? We don’t get any at our house. But why do we still buy all that candy? LOL.

    Thank you for brightening my day, even with your quickies. Happy Autumn. I almost forgot. On my vintage stove (not workable), I have a recipe stand and I change the display with each season. Your Autumn Book is the featured display during this most wonderful time of the year.

  95. Lori W Hamilton says:

    Thanks for the video. Something lovely and light. Just what was needed.
    I sure hope I win a drawing one day! Have a red-letter Saturday, dear Susan!

  96. Anna says:

    This brief blog was like a small sugar cookie – thank you! Jack looks as if the spider is his personal play toy. And he and Joe do resemble one another … chuckle. Happy haunting!

  97. Kim Fahrni says:

    It’s always a pleasure to read you blog, I always seem to chuckle. Oh, and I’d love to Win the quilt! Many thanks!

  98. Jane says:

    The Osmands and musica❣️I honestly remember seeing them on the Andy Williams show when I was very young❣️ Sweet memories. Thank you.

  99. Cathy Westerhold says:

    Cozy feelings with Fall in the air after reading your blog Susan! And sipping tea from your Pumpkinhead mug! Thank goodness for your positive thoughts to keep us going!

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