Hi everyone! Let’s see, where were we? Well, let’s not go to where we were, let’s move ahead to where we are! Lots going on in the Heart of the Home these red-letter days, almost too much. I’ll catch you up with some of it now, and save the rest for the April 19th Willard!  Have I told you lately that I love you? Well, I do . . . MUSICAflowerborderIMG_6803

Dawn breaks in my kitchen, and the outline of the rabbit ears just makes my Good Friday morning.  Run, go get the camera. Love the sunrise as it filters through the trees in our garden, into the windows, landing on my Beatrix Potter People and those bunny ears saying, spring, spring, spring.musicIMG_6795

It’s doing the same thing outside. A stormy sky is background to the white steeple across the street when the sun peeks through the cloud cover and splashes it with light through the trees. Isn’t that a perfect Easter scene? So New England, so full of

IslandCharmBlueBirdIt’s spring again, and the robins are bobbin’ along . . . we are so lucky.


And that isn’t all. A big brown UPS truck pulled up out front yesterday ~ I could see him through my studio window, I jumped out of my chair, and Steve, the driver, and I walked together, him, outside, carrying a box up my driveway, me inside, seeing him through the windows as I walked through the living room, then the wood room, meeting him at the kitchen door . . . me thinking, could it be? It seems early! Steve, seeing my eager face, teasing me, holding the box back for a second and making me laugh.


It was from the printer who sends us stuff all the time, but I got the camera, because it looked like it, it felt like it, and just in case, I wanted to do a “You are there” moment, for my Girlfriends who’ve stood by me through this entire long process of book making!


And it was! The first two copies, hot off the press . . . There is something SO scary/exciting about a new book, keeping a diarymakes my hands shake and stomach quiver . . . I will never get used to it. And coming from my diaries, this one is especially scary. Suddenly the poor little thing is on its own, off to see the wizard with protective mommy getting further behind, singing Que Sera Sera and hoping for the


I took my time and looked her over carefully. Did she have all her fingers? Toes? What color were her eyes? (Blue.) I’m counting time by heart throbs. Ba-bump,

something about the light

I opened it . . . and thought Oh, my, welcome to 1982 and my first little house on Martha’s Vineyard. From this photo above? I still put that rabbit head over the wood container with flowers on the wall next to our door every year, and the garden sign at the bottom is now in my picket fence garden, waiting for the tulips to bloom around it. The pumpkin bit the dirt a long time ago, but I’m still madly in love with dappled things.

photo 1-13

And this. I can’t wait to take you there . . . you are going to love it!


I opened the book, and began to turn the pages . . . and there they all were, just like I painted them, just like they were supposed to be! Oh yes, a ribbon marker too. Her eyes are blue, and her ribbon is sea green. 368 pages of pretty paper, good deep color, recipes and zillions of photos . . . 



I always felt bad about leaving that cliff hanger in The Fairy Tale Girl ~ it was cruel and inhuman of me . . . I am so glad that is almost over! Here we go! . . . The Fairy Tale Girl was the Appetizer, A Fine Romance was dessert (which we ate first, because that’s who we are) and now, for the Main Course, Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams. I hope it’s been long enough so that you are very hungry!



I could not leave out one of my very favorite quotes. This new book is full of quotes, definitely more than any of my other books, and mostly ones you’ve never heard from me before . . . because I wrote about the inspiration that made me put them in my first book way back then . . .

pink flowers


And the inspiration for my love of train travel is there too, and the reason I got started with it, and my interesting run-in with John Madden, the famous football coach, on that first trip, which you don’t know about so far, but you will . . .flowersIMG_6856

And my dad . . . we received two books, one for me to show you, and the other one went off to Blogdaddy yesterday (along with a bag of wisteria seeds that have been popping off our climbers all week). I am SO excited for him to get the book (and the seeds)! I know you know! As far as I can tell we are still on schedule for delivery of YOUR books . . . I think you should have them in hand by the second week in April, yes, and they will all be signed, I’ve been signing book plates for every book. And for those waiting to get the books in stores, I think they’ll arrive maybe 2 weeks later ~ we ship to our Girlfriends who’ve ordered first, then the stores (and then I imagine they have some processing to do when they get there), so for sure by the first week in May, we have a Mother’s Day pub date .flowers


I’m almost done with all the projects I’ve been working on for so long. I decided to make my 30th year a banner year the best way I knew how. BTW, note the space I have to work in? I’m lucky I get that. If you don’t think there are kitty hairs worked into each and every watercolor, then you don’t know from kitty hairs. What are you watercoloring, some might ask . . . and I would answer, for this I actually got to relive the writing of my first book . . . and feel again all the hopes and dreams that went into it. flowersIMG_6834

Never in my wildest dreams did I think, when I was sitting at the dining room table in my first little house on the Island, recovering from a broken heart and heartofthehometrying to write a book, not knowing how, and not knowing whether I would ever find a publisher, that 30 years later, I would be celebrating its birthday like this!  This is a mockup for the new cover (which will take the place of the ← old one). I promise, it won’t look so glued together when you see it in person. And I already changed it a little. I didn’t like “revised and enlarged,” at the bottom because it sounded like I made the pages larger, or the print larger or something . . . so I changed it to this . . .


The finished book will still have the gold banner but it will say,”revised and expanded,” since that is what it really is. Words. Gotta love ’em. And I loved every second of the expanding! I wrote a angelartlong forward for it, added lots of new recipes and art, new quotes too, and a much more complete Index. You know this was my first child, I love her very much and I hope she will meet a whole new generation of newlyweds, best friends, sisters, nieces and all the other lucky people who know that cooking is an art, but that it’s mostly a giving thing. This is my Christmas present to everyone. It will be in stores around September first, but in our own webstore for our Girlfriends in June. . . I’ll let you know when it goes up for presale, just trying to let Kellee get her breath from all she has to do about the one that came in the box yesterday!flowers

IMG_5450AND, in the meantime . . . Joe and I are walking every day, getting wisps of spring breezes, smelling the warming earth (smells like chilled leaf compost), seeing the trees beginning to bud, going to the shore and listening to the birds cry as they swoop and dive into the waves . . . It’s happening again, just when you think it might not. It’s GORGEOUS out there this morning and we are heading out as soon as I say good bye to you. 

IMG_5506It’s the perfect place to say our Easter prayers . . . we have so much to be grateful for. Our health and family and home and love, warm beds and applesauce and cottage cheese, and tea and kitties, not just today, but every day. With current events as they are, its up to us to hug each other tight and never let go.


We’re having a pork roast for Easter dinner, and, as usual, I’m making this delicious fruit compote to go with it . . . it’s on page 59 of Heart of the Home, if you have it, but if not, here it is . . . it’s also an old-fashioned perfect “Grandma dinner” with lamb or ham! For the people you love. spring bunny

Easter cake

I know most of you have seen this recipe many times, but we have new Girlfriends coming to the blog all the time, and this Bunny Cake is so easy and so fun and so festive and so kid-like, it’s always worth a little reminder. No matter our age, we all have a bit of kid lurking inside ~ which it’s good to nurture! For the Joy, because . . .fun is good

Bunny Cake somebunnyAnd now, last but not least, I have a secret (I actually have two) but the one I’m telling you about now has to do with fabric. And that’s all I’m saying. One cliff hanger down and one to take its place. Anyone have a favorite fabric of mine that they wish had not gone away? Love to hear about it! Love to hear about anything you want to talk about! Love YOU! Happy weekend! Make kindness your middle name. Bird and heart ... With love from Susan Branch

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870 Responses to RED LETTER DAY

  1. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    hello and good morning Susan and girlfriends, I know I haven’t been around much.. peep season is in full swing here 21 peeps so far and they are happy, healthy and full of fun. we have 5 Plymouth Barred Rocks and 16 Rhode Island Reds, and we may be getting some more before long. unfortunately we lost our turkeys, they got into a fight and really injured themselves so we lost them a short while ago. from now on no more turkeys, now he wants 2 white ducks and 2 more white geese as yard guards. and those white ducks are mean… they nip hard on toes and legs, I remember watching a neighbor’s birds and going over the fence to get away from them when I was a kid… darn ducks. but they were good yard guards, so are the geese, they chase people out of our yard that do not belong there, even chased my MIL out… hehehehe LOL!!!! now that was funny. anyway I just dropped in to wish everyone a Happy Spring, and best Easter wishes, hope the bunny visits you and is good to you, our bunny this year will somewhat soggy, rain all day for Easter Sunday. Happy Easter everyone, and Happy Spring. off to go check on the babies in the nursery….. hugs…. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Pet a Peep for me Pat . . . 🐣 😘

    • judi says:

      Happy Easter to you too!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        thank you Judi and I gave the peeps a cuddle for both of you. been busy with the hens and the ducks, it is that time of year.. time for eggsitterin’ and babysitterin’ in the barnyard. so extra feeding and water is needed and extra attention. been also enjoying some porch sitting, we have had a spell of warm weather (in the 70’s) and it is perfect for sitting out on the porch in the afternoon and reading or watching the tractor parade go by, the farmers are getting ready to plow their fields if we don’t get rain this weekend, but right now the ground is too muddy. the ducks like that makes it all the more fun for them to chase the hens around and fly into the pools and splash them until they are soaking wet, darn ducks just full of mischief these days. I was wondering if anyone ever made lemonade with honey instead of sugar and how it tasted, anyone ever try that??? let me know as I am thinking seriously of trying that idea and seeing how the lemonade comes out, be so refreshing come summer time. have a great weekend everyone, and have a great day today….. hugs….. 🙂

  2. Sue Miller says:

    What an exciting Blog! Anxiously awaiting the arrival of the book at my door too! Wishing you and Joe and the furry kids a very Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Sue. Jack ate rose leaves and threw up this morning, so he started his day just right, feisty boy that he is! I offered him more rose leaves, and said, no thank you, I think not.

  3. Mary Ann says:

    Such a fun addition for your holiday Susan! Waiting for this book impatiently. I have scraps of teacup fabric, the wall hanging was gifted years ago. And a charm pack of Baby Love I am hoarding until just the right time. Excited to hear more!

  4. Sally Roth says:

    Kindness and Fun, that’s you Susan! How I love your excitement about your new “baby” and the “expanded” first one… You just gave me a great idea for a wedding present. Thanks for evoking the fragrance of springtime in New England which I miss, and the promise of your visit to my England later in the year.
    Thank you, thank you for your brightness and reminders to hug tightly in scary times. Best wishes to you and Joe as ever,

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Sally, so much to look forward too . . . and yes, what is that brave British saying, stay calm and carry on? That’s us, carrying on. xoxo

  5. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    YAY!! I read so fast that I have to go back and read again! So exciting! The books are coming in. Spring is here. Gratitude fills our hearts and I will see you in Danville, CA. soon! Thank you for spreading your happy gene so liberally on all of us. The thought of a new SB book in my hand very soon is almost too much to stand, so thanks for giving this 52 year old the feelings of a 5 year old at Christmas! And asking what my favorite fabric of yours is is like asking what my favorite cookie is. They’re all my favorites! Happy Easter to you and Joe! XXO

  6. Sarah says:

    Oh darn. I was hoping “enlarged” DID mean larger print or something. Because like your book, I am 30 years older than when I got the first copy, and well, getting blinder by the day. 🙂

    I make that bunny cake every Easter, and everyone loves it. Can’t wait to get the new book. I pre-ordered! 🙂

  7. Chris says:

    OMG! I’m so excited…. I can not wait for the new book! Susan I just Love Love all of your books! But most Especially Fine Romance, and Fairy Tale Girl! Wishing you a very Happy Easter!!

  8. Ginny Petitt says:

    I am always excited to see you have a new blog post and it never disappoints! I am so thrilled to read that the new book will be here soon! I can’t wait. I didn’t want the Fairy Tale Girl to end! So know that all of your Girlfriends are anxiously awaiting the new book and another blog post! I am also excited about the Heart of the Home book coming out later this year! Hope you and Joe have a Happy Easter!

  9. Teri V says:

    I got goosebumps as soon as you made the announcement that the UPS truck was there! Can’t hardly wait for the mail man to show up here!!! Your life has been amazing and I’ve so enjoyed reading about it. I read Fairy Tale Girl while on vacation in the SLO area and it was so fun picking out some of the book’ s landmarks. Alas, traveling to Martha’ s Vineyard will likely not happen, but I can’t hardly wait to read all about it! Sure sounds beautiful! Have a wonderful Easter!! Teri

  10. Joann says:

    OH HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My Easter table is set and I painted wooden eggs tied with ribbons to hang in the front window. I’ll pick up some fresh flowers yesterday as we just had a BLIZZARD……..a fresh off the farm real down-home blizzard, complete with 50 MPH winds, 14 inches of snow, and broken branches. Rod and I went out and shook branches, reaching as high as we could. Yes, I could hardly get out of bed this morning. I blame it on yoga.

    But it was the shoveling and reaching high overhead and swinging at trees to keep them from breaking. We did well. One HUGE tree completely toppled down the street. They were sawing it all up last night. 🙁

    We will have turkey and salads and I don’t know what else yet. I have to be inspired more. I’m like that. 🙂

    Well, enjoy the blessings of receiving your first copies. Enjoy the roasted pork and the fruit compote and the joys of Spring not too far off.

    Joann Happy Easter dear Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      Sounds delightful Joann. I think I love flowers inside when it’s snowing outside better than any other time! Happy Easter to you and the entire lovely adorable family!

  11. Linda Lindquist says:

    I am so looking forward to holding your new book – er – baby! And if you are going to “re-do” some fabric, I would be thrilled if you could re-do the Martha’s Vineyard Watercolor line, especially the one with all the little squares of illustrations and quotes. They make wonderful centers for little log cabin quilt blocks, well, centers of lots of different kinds of quilt blocks. I may have to sneak home a copy of the new Heart of the Home, my husband will ask me if I don’t already have that one. It’s well known in our family both for the yummy recipes and the beautiful illustrations. Gotta go get my Easter bunny teapot out now and dream up some new quilts! Thanks, Susan, for your uplifting newsletters, I appreciate all the effort you put into them!

    • sbranch says:

      Love the sound of your day! xoxo Thank you Linda, good idea about the little illustrations fabric!

  12. peg says:

    Oh, Sue! I got goosebumps watching you open your box! Oo0ooOo0oo! I’m wild with delight that it is finally in your hands…brand new with the rest of your story! And, a sea green ribbon! Perfect! Your ‘hint’ at the end of your post about fabric sent a chill down my back! I had said to myself this week, “Self, I wish Sue would design some new fabric…and, maybe reprint the watercolor striped ones she had years ago!” Charlie says you and I are kindred spirits…’cut from the same cloth’ so to speak. He is always noticing similarities about us…and, then, he says, “Joe and I need to talk one day!” Lol! I don’t know how I do it, but I often times ‘pick up’ on your thoughts at the most unexpected times and 3000+ miles away. I will be watching for the pre-order of the expanded Heart of the Home book. Its so fun to have something to look forward to! I’m thinking Christmas gifts, too! Well, enough chit-chat for now…you have many girlfriends who are leaving you messages that you need to read. Have a wonderful Easter! xoxoxoxo peg

    • sbranch says:

      I’m with Charlie, we have a 6th sense! Have a wonderful Easter and give him a big kiss for me! XOXO

  13. Christi Bunn says:

    Happy dancing for you! It is beautiful, and I cannot wait to get a copy! I have loved my 2016 calendar and have thoroughly enjoyed A Fine Romance. I am such a visual person, and each page is so inviting. From the little peeks we’ve gotten from you, I know it will be the same with the new book. I don’t know that much about Martha’s Vineyard either, so I am looking forward to learning. Hope your Easter weekend is filled with good things.


    • sbranch says:

      I tried to give a tour of the Island with this book, since I was just discovering it at that time, I thought I might take everyone with me so they could discover it too! Thank you Christi, Happy Easter!

  14. Gayle says:

    I don’t always take the time to say thanks for every blog post, but I love each and every one. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Easter blessings to you and Joe (and kitties)

  15. Oh can’t wait!! Looks just wonderful.

  16. Tina Marie says:

    Excited about the book, but did I hear fabric? Let’s see favorites…anything you did with Christmas and hydrangeas, oh how I loved the hydrangea fabrics. Please, Please say you are doing more fabrics. PLEASE…….and thank you.
    I had a cute little stash for special projects, sadly I lost it in a little house fire. There are fabric pirates out there that have it, but the blighters want a kings ransom for it so I wait and find pieces here and there. Sweet treasure.

  17. Beautiful post today Susan!! We had a mixed up winter this year in New England but spring is here and it never gets old!! When you mentioned fabric my heart actually leapt for a second…I have used your past collection in quilts and have collected more for Kate my granddaughter, (our GFF), to add to her collection which is Susab Branch fabrics, Downton Abbey fabrics and Tula Pink! I saved every scrap of your line as we used it and just recently my 4 granddaughters made bracelets to send to Partners With Ethiopia for a group of children and they were sprinkled with your fabrics! I’ll forward a picture for you on your FB page. SO that said, I am really looking forward to this news about FABRIC!! Have a wonderful Easter weekend! xoE and Kate

    • sbranch says:

      That makes me happy to hear . . . there was joy DNA in those fabrics in more ways than one, the bracelets! Hopefully the children internalized it. Yes, love to see it on Facebook!

  18. Cheri says:

    Oh, oh, oh, oh THIS!

  19. Bobbie says:

    Hi Susan! I do not very often comment on your things – even though I check daily for your blogs, and I love all of your books and items! Today’s blog just seemed extra special to me for some reason – maybe spring fever? Can hardly wait to receive my copy of your new book – what a great series of books! I hope your next trip will result in another book. I have to say that I always look for the sunlight and the shadows that it makes in my own home too – you have taught us readers well. And I absolutely love the picture of the church steeple – beautiful Easter picture! Better get back to the kitchen – cooking Easter dinner on Saturday night this year – husband, kids and grandkids – always a fun time! Thanks for all that you do – sure do appreciate your hard work, and the happiness you share with everyone. Happy Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Easter dear Bobbie, thank you for saying Hello!

      • Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

        Susan, may I please second Bobbie’s request and ask (plead?) you to do a book about your trip to England and Scotland this fall. We have all so much enjoyed “A Fine Romance” and would love a sequel! I won’t mind if you repeat visits to people and places that were in “Romance”, and would love reading about new places you will visit on this trip.

        Yes, I know you will be blogging as the trip enfolds and we will all love traveling along with you and Joe. But it would be so wonderful to have another little book on the shelf, to open and enjoy whenever we wish.

        We do ask a lot of you, don’t we? I don’t mean to nag or be demanding, and I hope it doesn’t come across as that. We simply love everything you do — can’t get enough! You have often said you love what you do, and we love it all !!


        • sbranch says:

          I’m keeping a diary while I’m there, that’s a definite! Whether it is interesting enough to turn into a book? We shall see. Not nagging or demanding at all, I love that you tell me what you like. Thank you Barb!

  20. Lee says:

    It is a cold, gray, but cozy day here on the river in Ohio and reading your blog and then all the wonderful reponses had made it that much cozier. What a contrast to the dismal news are these remarks from beautiful, loving and generous hearted women. The positive energy is palpable. Thank you so much for sharing your life; I hope you feel the joy we send back to you every day!

    • sbranch says:

      Generous-hearted, so true and so clearly visible in their words. I am always touched, oh yes, I feel it! 🙂

  21. Jo says:

    How do I get a copy of your new book? Is it available at Barnes & Noble?

    • sbranch says:

      Not yet. In about a month. If you want it sooner, you can get it from our web store, and it will also be signed. Those should go out by about the second week in April.

  22. Sherrill says:

    John and I always look forward to your posts…a lovely “flower” in our day.
    How exciting to finally get to see your “baby” in print and ready to send out to all your girlfriends and fans-to-be.
    The Fruit Compote recipe looks so good…it will definitely be on a near future menu!
    We hope you, Joe and your family have a blessed Easter. May God continue to bless our beloved country.

  23. Connie Haltermann says:

    I can’t wait for the new, expanded version of your Heart of the Home cookbook!!! Mine is so faded and loved, I wouldn’t part with it for anything….but still, the new one is going to rock! It will join it’s great-great-great (etc.) grandma on my Susan Branch bookshelf, and I will love it to death, too. (I’m especially happy that it will include new things to savor!)

  24. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Hi, Susan! Anxious to receive my book as well as order the new Heart of the Home! And there’s that bunny cake. I so love it. I used to make it for my students every year. I often made one for them AND one for our family gathering. It’s just too cute to not have and so delicious.
    Thanks for all your hard work and your excitement to share it with us. We all are truly blessed. By the way, I saw a pair of bluebirds checking out my birdhouse this morning. Spring is really here! Happy Easter one and all!

  25. Kathy Cronberg says:

    FABRIC?? Did you say fabric??!!! Be still, my heart! I have loved all your fabric lines, but I think my very favorite is still the original line from Springs Industries so many years ago. I made a napkin from almost every one of the fabrics in that line, and I think my favorite is… hmmm… can’t pick just one… I loved the pansies, and the tossed hats, the yellow background floral, the floral with hydrangeas and petunias. I love to take out those napkins for a tea party, every guest gets to pick their favorite. I have a Trip Around the World tablecloth size quilt I made several years ago, also from that line, I think I sent you a photo back then. Just sitting and looking at my SB fabric collection makes me happy!

    • sbranch says:

      That entire Spring Industries line was made before we all had home computers!!! So, although I have a few yards of it left, none of it is on the computer where I could just pop it into the mail to the fabric manufacturers. Have to see what we can do to remake those designs. From one fabric lover to another, happy weekend Kathy!

  26. Patsy in Nixa, MO says:

    Canceling my trip to the Gulf. I want to be here when my book arrives so that I can be your first review on Amazon again. I pre-ordered early, so my book should be in the first shipment.

    Don’t worry. I won’t cheat. I’ll not review until I finish the book, but as you know, we all want to finish your books in one sitting. We just don’t want to put them down.

    Can’t wait – I’m so excited.

    • sbranch says:

      Yesssssssss. Except for the part of canceling your trip!!! LOL. Can’t wait to hear what you think Patsy!

  27. Cindy A. says:

    Love all the good news!!! Did you think about maybe putting “Revised and Enhanced” on the cover of your anniversary book? I’m sure the updated issue will indeed have been enhanced with all the new additions. I tend to save the word “expanded” to describe what my body has done, all on its own of course, throughout the years. Sounds so much nicer than admitting that I’ve just gotten fat(ter).

    • sbranch says:

      LOL! Well, in a way, your use of Expanded is just what has happened to Heart of the Home! I think we should give Expanded to my book, and keep Enhanced, for you. 💛😊

  28. Susan Martin says:

    I couldn’t even finish reading the blog! I am so excited about the main course! Thank you, thank you, thank you, and Happy Easter!

  29. Candy Abel says:

    Dearest Susan, yes, I do feel that close to you even though we have never met…so please pardon me for calling you dearest. I too discovered you thru your art back in the 90’s. Have followed you and your career ever since. Have all of your books, some rubber stamps, a lot of your scrapbooks and stickers, etc.
    Have sewn since a child but, only in 2013 started quilting…AND, found some of your quilt cotton print fabrics in a very small quilt shop in Wisconsin. Bought what I could and was so HAPPY to find them. I would love to attach a picture of a table runner and matching set of coasters I made from your red geranium print as a gift for a friend. But, how to do this?
    I hope your news means that you will be having some of your fabric (new or old) for sale again. Will it be digitally printed now? Don’t tease us and make us wait more!
    Did I mention that I still have your original newsletters that you mailed out…and, I am not talking about emailed out but, paper US Mailed! God bless and Happy Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, yes, back in the good old snail mail days ~ when was that? Seems like about an hour and a half ago! You can always show your things on my Facebook Page, Friends of Susan Branch . . . love to see it! I won’t tease, the moment I know for sure, I will let everyone know. I’m pretty sure, but 100% is what it needs to be. Almost there! Happy Easter old (in the dearest sense of the word) friend! xoxo

    • Candy Abel says:

      My comment is still awaiting moderation. How long do I have to wait?

      • sbranch says:

        It’s me . . . sometimes the comments come in too fast for me to keep up. I “moderate” 4 and 7 come in, so I’m sorry, and here I am, I’ll get through them now.

  30. Marjory Cush says:

    Happy Good Friday to you also, Susan & Joe!!! I’m SOOOOOOOOO excited that my pre-ordered book may arrive in just a few more weeks!! The ending cliff hanger in “Fairytale Girl” WAS tough to take!! I’m not a very patient waiter, but good things come to those who wait, and I think this will be your very “bestest” yet! Looking forward to seeing the book and preparing for some Marathon reading! Wishing you and your family a very blessed Easter!

    Margie from the Central Coast

    • sbranch says:

      I did feel bad about that, but it just seemed like the right place to break before I did the other almost-400 pages! I have no patience either, so I understand! In my heart of hearts, I agree, that this *should* be, my bestest, because it carries the most hope that it might help others who are in, or who’ve been in, or who will be in, my same boat. The not knowing, the waiting to grow up, the heartbreak, the dreaming, maybe even the running away from home . . . and all the bits in-between. *Should* ~ if it all works out! We shall see, soon. Thank you and Happy Easter to you too Margie!

      • Marjory says:

        Hi Susan — your books bring to mind the saying: “Sometimes it’s necessary to go a long distance out of the way, in order to come back a short distance correctly.” I truly think your books epitomize this saying, and I think that it will give comfort and hope to those in the midst of the “long distance” part of their lives. THANK YOU for having the courage to write down your own private journey for everyone. It gives new and clearer meaning to the term “20/20 hindsight!” Looking forward to seeing you in Morro Bay during your book tour!

  31. Ginnie says:

    So looking forward to the book! And a very happy Easter to you, Joe, and everyone you love.

  32. Paula says:

    Congratulations Susan! I bet you are over the top! I think I would be jumping up and down! (In the privacy of home) Its wonderful and you deserve this happiness and excitement. You are such a joy and comfort to all of us. I have a question, if you have time, the Wisteria seed, I had no idea they did that, I have one, I think planted in too much shade, but the foliage is beautiful. How/where do you find the seeds? Thank you and I can hardly wait to get my hands on the book!! A blessed Easter to you, Joe and the Kitty Cats.

    • sbranch says:

      Our wisteria is big and very old, was here when we bought the house in 1989. You might notice long bean-like pods on your wisteria … that’s how ours looks right now, leafless and brown, with these hard-shell pods hanging off like beans. As the weather starts to warm, the pods burst, and seeds fly out everywhere under the plant . . . all over our driveway, sometimes we even hear them hitting the window glass. Quite a wonderful harbinger of spring. The seeds are dark brown, flat-ish, oval and big as the tip of your thumb. Hope you can find some, they really do make a nice little gift in a tiny envelope with a sticker on it. Yes, I am jumping up and down here! 🙂

      • Chris Wells From Knickerbocker, W. TX says:

        Maybe you should gather your seeds, make sweet little envelopes for them and sell them in the web store. You know we would buy them!! Then all the girlfriends would have a wisteria from The Mother Plant from the House of Susan Branch! Just saying….

      • Paula says:

        Just remembered to check and see if you commented on the Wisteria….and YOU DID. I really do appreciate it, I know you have so many comments! That is wonderful news, I have not seen any seed pods yet but my vine is only about 20 years old. I did have a neat discovery on the slope in my yard I have a Cecil Brunner rose (miniature pink blossoms, great scent, a climber) and when yanking out a trimming what I had let get out of hand, what a surprise, a new rose plant!! I’m pretty sure not a sucker as it is covered in blooms, so exciting, did not know they did that. Great rose to have if you have not had one. I love to make bouquets in middle of a round doily and give to new Moms or Grand Moms, or little girls on their birthday. Thank you again!

  33. Diane P. in Northern California says:

    Ohmygosh, this post brought joyful tears!
    Isle of Dreams looks wonderful!
    SO excited it’s (almost) on its way.
    I’ve been hoping to know this story almost since I first found your lovely art and recipes in Country Living and started reading your books (not long after your first one was published).
    When I receive my copy of Isle of Dreams (squee!) I will be good for nothing-but-reading until I’ve finished!
    Thank you for taking us along on your adventures, Sue.
    You are the BEST!

  34. CarolK (NJ) says:

    Pardon me while I digress. I’m still thinking about that cranberry tea cake and how my mouth waters just looking at the picture on your last blog. Today I used your lamb cake recipe and, since I have a bunny cake mold, I made a bunny cake. Its cooling right now and later I will frost it with the boiled icing and cover it in shredded coconut. I’m definitely taking a picture of that before its served up Easter Sunday. Wishing you and your family a Blessed Easter.

  35. shirley burt says:

    Susan, Congratulations this spring day. So deliriously happy for you. I was holding my breath, as I imagine you did as you opened up that box flap. Now, a question, I think I ordered the new book for Drinda-I always buy her one, she doesn’t know computer ordering so I get to surprise her with the most delightful treats from you- The question is, how do I check.? We do not want to be left out of all the fun.
    Now, fabric, oh my most favorite fabric is the Nantucket line with the white background and the most glorious coconut layer cake and all the necessaries for a picnic. I have yards, but want more yards for a backing.
    Much love and bunny hugs to you and yours,
    Shirley from Aledo
    Happiest Easter Blessings to all of you

    • sbranch says:

      Martha’s Vineyard and I know just which one that is! xoxo

      • shirley burt says:

        I know that, shame on me for watching Ina Garten and writing you at the same time. Of course, it is Martha’s Vineyard.
        Now, please, how do I check that I have ordered two books? I do not know and do not want to miss out.
        Love and bunny hugs,

        • sbranch says:

          You can write to customerservice@ ~ the girls are crazy busy these days, but I know they will get back to you asap. They’re good about that. xoxo

          • shirley burt says:

            Just found your message. Thank you bunny bunches. I have sent them a message. YOU all are always so kind. I told them I knew they were so busy.
            Happy Spring Sweet Susan.
            Bunny hugs to all of you.

  36. Truly exciting…congratulations on the new birth and leaving us in a cliff hanger…once again! Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy, Happy, Everything!

  37. Sandra Fox says:

    Happy Easter and Happy New Books!!!! Have them both pre-ordered!!! YEA!!!!
    Anyway, did you say fabric?…….I would LOVE to have more of the “Hat” fabric! I think it was your first line ??? That is when I first met you at the International Quilt Show in Houston, a long time ago! I was with a friend who owned a quilt store and she came to buy fabric! I can still remember that you wore… a beautiful yellow suit! Anyway, can’t wait to see the fabric! I still have a small stash of yours in my quilt room! I didn’t want to make anything with it, as there was no more! Maybe it was fabric that you had the hat quilt make from?? Sorry, it’s been awhile. I will have to look! Again, Happy Easter from Wichita KS. to you, Joe, and the kitties! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Oh I do remember that show, it was my first, and they had made a little bedroom showroom from my fabrics. I was so proud! I was probably the only non-teastained fabric in the room back then. Yes, I’m pretty sure that would be the hat quilt fabric.

  38. shirley burt says:

    Oops. I must not watch The Barefoot Contessa while writing about your beautiful fabric. Of course, I meant Martha’s Vineyard, Please, please forgive me for this slip of the keys and brain.
    Much love and bunny hugs, filled with apologies,

  39. Cyndi in NC says:

    My Darling Dad died on March 12th. So I’ve been in MI since with my Mom for the immediate future. We are doing good, not crying all the time. It was quick and unexpected. I miss him. But your blog has cheered me immensely. A glimmer of a kitty, bunnies in the window in the sunshine made me smile. The book looks super! I know Blog Daddy will love it. Hopefully I’ll be home when the book gets there or at least my husband will be. All this has brought home the fact that you never what tomorrow will bring. Tell your loved ones what they mean to you everyday. Sorry to cast a shadow on this great blog but I feel like we are all family too. Hugs to all of you and Happy Easter and wonderful spring!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so sorry Cyndi. Your advice could not be more right . . . our blog is like a little town, where people die and people are born and people graduate or make bunny cakes and do all sorts of things. Thank you for sharing with us. Hugs and blessings to you and your family. Hug your mom for me. xoxoxo

    • Chris Wells From Knickerbocker, W. TX says:

      Dear Cyndi, you are not casting a shadow on the blog. This is where we share our lives. We are sisters here and care for each other. I am sorry for your loss and pray for comfort for you and your mom. 💕

    • Charissa says:

      Absolutely no apologies. We WANT to be here for you and we are faimily. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your dad, There are really no words that are right, but I am sending warm thoughts and hugs xoxo

      • Rhonda D. says:

        Cyndi, so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I lost my dad a short time ago, and my heart goes out to you. Sending hugs and praying for peace and comfort for you and your mom. xo

  40. diana from ancaster says:

    Heart of the Home has been a favourite of mine since it first came out….aptly titled…..
    Can’t wait for the ‘sea-green ribboned’ book to arrive……….. it will take it’s place along side the others…….

    Easter Blessings to you and Joe.

  41. Pam says:

    Hi Susan!
    I can’t wait to get the new book! So exciting! Happy Easter to you, enjoy this glorious weekend. xo

  42. Rosemarie Lamb says:

    Can’t wait to meet you in person!

  43. Lee Wainwright says:

    Can hardly wait to get your new book in my hot little hands!! Counting the days from this end! And loved your blog – thank you for reminding us to be grateful for all that we have. Need that reminder when the news can be so gloomy. Wishing you and yours and Happy Easter and happy spring!!

  44. Pam says:

    oh and meant to tell you..I ordered the new book!! YAY!

  45. Mary in Phoenix says:

    LOVE the picture of your dad and the thought of him holding your baby (actually grand-baby as your baby is now 30!) in his big, PROUD daddy hands 🙂 Hope he is doing WELL and enjoying the beautiful AZ sunshine! Can HARDLY WAIT to see you and this book in Arizona on June 11th! “What a pleasure it will be … chatting so delightfully … Nanny bakes, Fairy Cakes” … in historic Prescott 🙂 Imagine gloves & croquet & white bunting hanging from the trees in this 1902 HOME on the historic register! No better place for a 30th anniversary celebration of ♥ HEART ♥ of the HOME ♥ Tea with Susan Branch and her tea recipes … Doesn’t get any better than that … And might even be an inspiration for a tea book 🙂 Tickets still available … but filling up fast! Hippy, Hoppy Easter to ALL … xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to this very insanely special tea party! You’ve written to me about them for many years, and I’ve always wanted to go, and now I get to! SO excited!

  46. Doreen Higgins says:

    Hi Susan, Joe, Girl Kitty, Jack and all Girlfriends,
    Lovely blog today❤. Glad you are finished for awhile at least Susan!
    I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!! Have fun!

  47. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    I can’t wait to get your new book*** It looks amazing. I have your original Heart of the Home book and just love it. I am going to get your new one for my daughter who still lives with us but will be moving out in a few years and will just (need) to have her own. We are having Pork Roast also for Easter, isnt’ it just yummy. Enjoy this gorgeous day and weekend Susan

    • sbranch says:

      You too Deezie, Poak for dinner, yum. (Joe and I say Poak, over and over again, which is one reason we like to cook it, so we can say that word!)

  48. Kathy Phenix says:

    Florida is having more of a “ducky Easter” than a “bunny Easter”—rain last night, rain today and rain all the way through Easter Sunday. Lots of storm damage so that’s not so “ducky” but no one injured. Thankfully.
    Have a wonderful Easter and I’m so looking forward to receiving the next book in a fabulous series. Thank you so for sharing your life with us.
    Kisses to Girl and Jack.

  49. Jolene says:

    I look so forward to all your emails and have all your cookbooks and some of your other books as well. I love your calendars and have boxes of your greeting cards also. I will be doing the Easter Bunny cake for my precious grandchildren. You are such a
    inspiration to those of us that don’t get to travel. I am ever so excited about your fabric, I have been looking for it everywhere from mail order fabric stores and going to the fabric stores. I even looked on Amazon. I loved it all, but I really liked the chicks and lambs. Also the fat quarters were awesome and gave a wonderful sampling of your beautiful designs.
    Looking very forward to enjoying the main course.
    Thanks again and blessings to you during this beautiful spring season.

  50. Candy in Monrovia, CA says:

    I am so excited for you, dear Susan! Your books are such a labor of love, and you and Joe must just be ecstatic to see the birth of this new one. I am excited to read it, as Martha’s Vineyard has been on my “Trip Bucket List” for ages and ages….. and now about the fabric. I cannot recall your specific patterns, but I look forward to any that you bring back, to be sure. As a quilter and sewer (that doesn’t look right; it looks like a pipe that drains from the house instead of one that sews) I will certainly find some applications for your prints. I’ve tried to limit my fabric stash, but will make an exception in this case!!! Blessings to you and Joe for a joyous Easter weekend. I love your blog and send you my love and hugs.

    • sbranch says:

      Sewer! I have to laugh, because I always think the same thing when I write that word! It just can’t be right! Excited about the fabric Candy! I hope it all works out, but I think it will.

  51. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Lovely Spring post, Susan, and so excited that “Isle of Dreams” will be arriving at my door soon! I have a favorite fabric that I think is one of your designs: It’s a gardening design with a white base and teeny,tiny blue flowers all over and garden motifs of pink gardening gloves, an old fashioned wheelbarrow full of flowers, bees, roses with clippers, ladybugs, straw hats, butterflies, seed packets, baskets of apples, garden chairs and more. I made a “sack” dress out of it about 22 years ago and found rosebud buttons in the same shade of pink as on the fabric to button up the bodice. I STILL have and wear that dress because I love the fabric so much! I took it with me to your book signing at the 2013 (2014?) Remnants of the Past in SLO to ask if it was your fabric design but I was so excited meeting you that I totally forgot to show it to you and ask! Maybe I’ll take it to Vroman’s for “Isle of Dreams” and keep my wits about me long enough to ask this time. Happy Spring, Happy Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, bring it! I will love to see it. . . if it’s not mine, it sounds like it should be! 🙂

  52. Bonnie says:

    I’m so excited for you (and all of us who are waiting for the main course)! What an accomplishment and how dear you have become to so many for sharing so much of yourself with us.
    I have read both the appetizer and dessert, both borrowed from the library. I gave A fine Romance to my sister-in-law for Christmas, and have been wishing I had all in the trilogy for myself! So (yea!) I just ordered all three from your site. .Can’t wait to receive them! Your books are just ones that you want to go back and reread again and again. Thank you for your happy, grateful nature which exudes from your books, blogs and Willard! In this time, we can use all things upbeat.
    Hugging all my close ones tighter! And hugs to you as well. Happy Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      I know how you feel because I keep books I love around even if I’m not reading them, just because they become book friends and I like to know they’re nearby! I’m honored to think my books fit into your life that way. It’s such a compliment when people read my books in the library, and then go buy them! Amazing! Thank you Bonnie!

  53. Kelli says:

    Oh so HAPPY!!! to see our books will soon be on the way!! I think I will reread A Fairytale Girl just so I can continue on with the whole fairy tale!! I know exactly how you feel about limited space…..My Maine Coon kitty likes to lay on my cutting table while I sew. I warn him every time that he better move before he gets his tail cut off (not intentionally). He has to be everywhere I am. I wouldn’t know what to do if he wasn’t underfoot.
    Have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Easter!!

  54. Ann Woleben says:

    Susan, I made a batch of Bart’s Cocktail Cheese Biscuits (from The Summer Book) today. These are a favorite of my family and friends, along with a glass of wine, while everyone awaits the final preparations for the main meal. They are so easy and delicious! I LOVE Easter for the resurrection and the message of HOPE, for spring flowers, for a family gathering, and the annual egg hunt for my nieces. It’s all good!

    Easter blessings to you, Joe and the kitties~

    • sbranch says:

      Bart was a grandmother of friends of Joe’s when he came to the Island as a child. I met her toward the end of her life, and watched her hustling around her kitchen making those Cheese Biscuits. And you mentioning her name, just brought her back to life for me. That was great. Thank you Ann!

  55. Anne says:

    I happen to love cliffhangers and can’t wait to read all about what happens to our “heroine” (hehehe 😊)! So exciting and congratulations on your new baby. It’s funny I was just thinking about you the other day while I was watching “The Valley of the Dolls”, (campy, corny but one of my fave chick flicks!) All the terrible things that happen to loving, sensible Ann in bad Hollywood and at the end of the story she goes back home to New England (by train!) for her happiness! 😊

    Can’t wait Susan!! Happy Easter to you, Joe and the kitties! xoxoxo

  56. Caroline says:

    I am beyond thrilled that I will be receiving the new book soon! You have been such a special part of my life ever since I received your first book from my grandmother. Many years have passed and your books have inspired me as I created my first little “home” alone in my apartment and now in my own house filled with my precious husband and our two children. Our home is far from perfect by magazine standards but is perfect for us – filled with warmth, history, and plenty of love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me all that is blessed. I went through some dark years in my twenties but found hope in your sweet books and the promise of brighter days to come. I look forward to meeting you in Atlanta very soon – I am actually as thrilled about that as I am the new book…to meet you in person! It makes me weepy…All my love.

    • sbranch says:

      So sweet Caroline. I think our 20s are by far the most difficult time . . . in fact, truly, Isle of Dreams is for people in their 20s, who think they are supposed to know where they are going and are mad at themselves for not knowing, like I was. I love what you say about your house, every word is true, your family is lucky because you know what matters. Makes for wonderful memories. See you in Atlanta! xoxoxo

  57. sylvia in seattle says:

    Hooray for the book. Just the kind of perk-me-up I need. Can’t wait to get it. I can only imagine what a fun relationship you have with your UPS guy. I love mine for sure. You are teasing us with the remark about our favorite fabric of yours – RIGHT? The one that comes to mind is red largish petaled flower design. Tried to buy some when I first discovered your blog but it was not available anymore 🙁 Is it possible part of your 30th anniversary could include a reissue of some of your fabrics!??? Yikes. I’ve almost given up sewing, but that would inspire me to continue. Love the picture of you and Jack working and love the 1258 vintage quote. There is a fluffy daffodil blooming and some tulips starting to show color in my window box, kind of miraculous since its been blustery and very cool and WET here. Okay, I’m now inspired to get back to purging and reorganizing my sewing room. Thanks for the shot in the arm of inspiration. Thank you for all your hard work – it benefits many I believe.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you back Sylvia! And yes, I do believe it might. I’m trying to think what that largish petaled flower design was. I’ll have to look through my book of designs!

      • sylvia in seattle says:

        The flowers were about an inch across, but big petals. There may have been a kind of plaid background. I did get a small photo album from your store that I think was the same design.

      • sylvia in seattle says:

        I found something on the shopping menu, Stationary, Note Cards, Girlfriends. Top left hand card border is similar to the fabric I’m remembering.

  58. Stephanie C. says:

    Yippee!!! The book is coming! I can’t waaaaaait. And The Heart of the home too. And what? fabric? Oh Susan, sooo much to look forward to. It makes me so happy. You see, fabric is what I spend $ on. I am a quilter and love to sew up some fun, cute projects. I have some of your fabric. I can spot it the minute I step into a quilt shop, but it is slim pickens anymore. Oh I hope you and Joe and kitties have a blessed Easter and a wonderful weekend, you deserve it so. I am making the bunny face cake tomorrow. My 19 month old granddaughter will love it. Love and hugs from Northwest Indiana and a longtime fan of yours. 😉

    • sbranch says:

      I’m thinking we really need some Christmas fabric! Happy Easter with that baby Stephanie! xoxo

  59. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Forgot to mention … my very FAVORITE fabrics were your tea party fabric (of course 🙂 ), your Martha’s Vineyard fabric, your Friends fabric, and your baby lines ♥ And did you ever consider making a 30th Anniversary Tea Blend? I think you need one 🙂 xoxo

  60. Diane welsh says:

    😄😆😅😂may 13th and cedar rapids iowa will be blessed with a visit from you and Joe. I can hardly wait. And only a few weeks until my book is on the front porch. Thank you so much Susan! Happy spring!

  61. Carol Hesch says:

    Susan—- the best thing is has happened! My daughters (20 & 11) have fallen in love with your books too! I just love that! I can’t wait to get the new book and share it with them. I feel a strange comfort knowing that long after I’m gone, they will be able to remember me/have memories of our time together, through your beautiful books/art. Hope that makes sense?! Happy Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      It makes wonderful sense Carol, I love the things I shared with my mom too, it’s that lovely connecting thing we get through recipes and traditions handed down through the generations. The family glue. Give them a hug for me!

  62. Kathy Madigan (California) says:

    I am so looking forward to the new “Heart of the Home” to purchase for my
    granddaughter, who is an excellent cook. I have all of your cookbooks and love
    them all.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so excited to be doing it again. I really didn’t know I would feel like this about it!

  63. Easter is about new life! Here’s to another 30 years (Perhaps of vacations, not work!) What a birthday you will have next month!!! So much accomplished!
    I do have a favorite fabric that you no longer have, but right now I can’t remember what it was. Maybe hearts. I do have one with a matching print of little houses. Love to sew, and I can hardly wait until I get my sewing room organized.
    Joyous Easter!!!

  64. Nancy B says:

    Happy Easter, Susan! This post is just what I needed. I’m excited to think Isle of Dreams might arrive on my birthday, the 14th. And when it does, I want to get lost in it and “dream”! Now I think I’ll read Fairy Tale Girl again quickly to refresh my memory. BTW, your “cliff” hanger choice of words was really “punny”. I want to tell you of a surprise package I received a few days ago from Amazon addressed to my husband. I thought it might be something my DIL sent since they often send pkgs here that they want to keep secret. To my surprise it was your 2016 wall calendar! I remembered seeing my DIL looking at my 2013 calendar that I was still enjoying and immediately thought of Mindy! Wasn’t that sweet of her? I play a little game and don’t turn the page until the next month so I can be surprised! 😊 Well, enough of that….just wanted to share.

    As always, thank you for all you do to brighten our lives,
    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

  65. Jules says:

    Susan, I just love your books. They’re so beautiful! Thank you for all of your “blood, sweat and tears” that you put into them. I feel like you’ve given me an heirloom. Love you too!

  66. sheila collier-george says:

    Perfect timing..I’m so making the bunny cake…every year I’m on a diet or someone else is “doing” dessert…I mean, normally a good thing…but I’m 51 this year and I think I’m overdue by long shot 🙂

  67. Kathy B says:

    All these years – and I still get happy when I see a book, card, recipe, dresses I made my Granddaughter from your fabric – all with your signature touches – – and blog post – – I watch constantly for new post – – all these years and I love your work and art as much as ever, and also the world of having all these girlfriends to share that joy with. So happy the book arrived! I went online recently to order the quilt pattern “Under every cute Hat” – – did not see it, called and one of the sweet ladies in CA was kind enough to look and found it for me – – I bought it and she promptly shipped it out – – so yes, I am interested in some of the fabric you used in that quilt years ago. I used up all my stash and will be waiting to hear your news about fabric. Enjoy your spring – I looked down on our pond this morning and our seasonal resident Canadian geese (George and Gabby) are sitting a nest on the dock – – tis spring for sure in the Blue Ridge.

    • sbranch says:

      Lovely Kathy! I love hearing from our Girlfriends how spring is springing in their neighborhoods. Glad you got that pattern! xoxo

  68. Maureen Townsend says:

    Your newsletters always give me such a lift. No matter what life throws me, you have a way of putting joy back into life.

    Maureen 🙂

  69. Peggy says:

    Happy Easter Sue, Joe, Jack and Girl kitty

    Congrats on all you’ve done and 30th etc!!!

    I have to say I’ve looked all over for your fabric “small boats stay near shore”
    a real original!! If you have any -or if any girlfriends have any let me know!!!
    My brother lives on a small sailboat in the Virgin Islands and I need that to make him some special gifts. My email address is below. If you had that printed again I would be first in line. It’s not like all the other flowery things out there.

    Have a wonderful Easter and a special book signing tour. Cheers from Peggy and girl dog Sparky in Madison Wi. ps. Just thanks trillions for being our bright star in the night.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you back Peggy. I wrote down Small Boats, I’ll try for that! Lovely words, thank you xoxoxoxo

  70. judi says:

    Huge hugs on opening the home “door” from your long journey. What a thrill to finally hold the finished book in your hand. Time for … Playmate come out and play with me👍😎❣❣xoxo. judi

  71. Anne in Maine says:

    Hi Susan! Can’t wait to receive my Isle of Dreams book. How exciting for you and for all of us! Loved the picture of you and Jack. Replace you and Jack with me and my kitty Bodie, and you have the scene at my house when I make my hand made cards. But we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we? Kitty love! Also excited about the new Heart of the Home book. I had told you in one of your blogs that I had gotten my copy on E-bay and pages were missing and how disappointrd I was. You mentioned then that you might do something for your 30th anniversary and here it is! Can’t wait to be able to order my copy. Easter blessings to you and yours.

    • sbranch says:

      We would not have it any other way! So right! Thank you Anne with and “e” in Maine. Happy Easter!

      • Anne in Maine says:

        Susan, would LOVE to have you come to Maine!!! There are some independent bookstores in the quaint seaside town of Belfast. What fun that would be for us Maine girlfriends!!

  72. Barb in MI says:

    How exciting that the books have arrived!! I want to pre-order one so much – but I’m going to be away the first couple weeks of April. Are they sent by US Mail or UPS? If it is US Mail, they will hold it with my other mail. If it is UPS it is a problem as I don’t want it sitting outside getting ruined! I hope to meet you at one of your signings. I live in Michigan and will have to decide which road trip to take!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, it’s US Mail. Hope to see you Barb!

      • Barb in MI says:

        Thanks, Susan! We have just booked a trip to Asheville, NC so I plan to see you at Malaprop’s Bookstore there! Biltmore Estate is having an exhibit of wedding dresses from movies like Sense and Sensibility and we are going to that, too. Hopefully, you will have time to go see it, as well. The exhibit is called “Fashionable Romance”. Can’t wait to read your book and see you!

  73. B. Franklin says:

    I baked your Orange Lavender Polenta cake today going with the half recipe. OHHHH my. I want to eat every bit of it and not share with anyone..but of course that would not be polite ;-). Wonderful, moist, full of flavor as you described. No culinary lavender available sadly (next time) so subbed one and a half teaspoon of Orange Blossom Flower water. Should have made the full recipe but this one was ‘the test’. Cannot wait to make this again. Thank you. So very very much.

    • sbranch says:

      SO happy you love it, really you can always make the big cake, even if you are cooking for one, because it would never go to waste! You can also make it with lemon. Now you are making me want to make one for us! Sounds pretty Easter-like to me! xoxo

  74. Janet Karst says:

    What an inspiring post! Love how you can turn an ordinary day into one that is so full of life. Now, about the fabric. My sister and I owned a quilt shop in 2007 – 08 and the first fabric we bought was yours! We couldn’t wait to make the free quilt with all the pretty fabric. We had a class on making that quilt and everyone loved how it turned out. I can’t wait to see what is in store with your hint of maybe a new fabric line!!!! Keep up the wonderful job. Happy Easter.

  75. Wendy in South FL says:

    Congrats on the book arrival! Can’t wait to get my copy soon!! And for Heart of the Home to come out! (one of the few ‘older’ books I do not have) Just booked a work trip to CA so I can attend your Pasadena book signing! Looking forward to June 8th! Happy SPRING! Happy Easter! 😉

  76. Candice says:

    I noticed that darn misspelling while I was dawdling before work. I even googled descent to be sure and then contemplated telling you. I decided I didn’t want to be the one to burst your happy bubble. Then I had a dickens of a time getting my book order to go through using PayPal. I cannot wait to receive my book! 😉👏🏼

    • sbranch says:

      I looked it up, it’s perfect in the original typed manuscript, but when I was putting it in pen, I left out the darn S. So mad at myself. All that editing and then there I am. Well, have to go to fall-back position that nothing is perfect, and human is good. erk.

      • Virginia says:

        I noticed it but thought it adds to the hand-made touch of the book. Not one bit computer-generated and generic. Personal and real. Please do not spend another second thinking about it!!

  77. Can’t wait for the new book! I’ve been reading passages from Fairy Tale Girl to get me ready!

  78. carmel says:

    Help, help! I can’t find my copy of your orange, chocolate chip scones that’s made in the cast iron heart shaped bakeware. Which blog is the recipe located? Thank you in advance for responding to my “Oh my goodness, where is it?!”

  79. Tara says:

    Really? Squeal! Your book is coming my way that soon? It’s time to reread Fairy Tale Girl… again! PS… “cliff hanger” (get it?) You really did leave us with a Cliff hanger!

  80. Happy Easter Susan,
    I am so excited for you and for us.
    Thank you for sharing the Bunny Cake, it always makes me smile.
    xx oo

  81. Karen Lotito says:

    Happy Easter to you, Joe and the kitties! And Happy Spring! I bought two pots of tightly-budded tulips with no idea what color they were. They’re just blooming and they’re rose pink and yellow striped! A lovely surprise! And our friend brought us traditional Polish holiday foods, a tribute to my dad I heaven. This stuff is so delicious! I have my lighted bunny in the window and white silk tulips on the dining room table and Easter towels are out. The air smells good as I look out back and see he forsythia beginning to bloom. Enjoy your holiday and regards to Blogdaddy.

    • sbranch says:

      All the little most wonderful of things. Thank you Karen, happy Easter from me and Blogdaddy!

  82. Trisha says:

    Dear Susan, A happy spring to you and what an exciting time to be you! You are an amazing person!! I am so looking forward to reading the newest book and also to share the new and revised Heart of the Home in time for perfect Christmas presents to friends and family. You must be so excited to start off for the book tour……like waiting for that first trip to Disneyworld as a child……seems like it will never come! And now it is almost here and I am hoping to meet you at Unlikely Story in Plainville if I am lucky enough to get a ticket to the luncheon or signing as they go on sale tomorrow. Am keeping my fingers crossed!! My very best to you and Joe as you celebrate Easter and enjoy the good weather on the Vineyard! A definite magical place! We are having our family on Sunday and starting off with an Easter Egg hunt with our grandchildren and our newest grandson arrived last week. It gets a bit crazy at times but we wouldn’t have it any other way! We are grateful for them all and appreciate all the joy that they bring in to our lives. A great big thanks to you for all the wonderful thoughts and gifts that you give every day to all of your fans and friends. Take care and hope that we meet soon!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh my goodness, An Unlikely Story is my first stop, how great that you might be there Trisha! I love Easter Egg hunts, I’ve never grown out of them, like never growing out of wishing to be a Flower Girl in a wedding! You are making some lovely memories for your family. Happy Easter! xoxoxo

  83. Robyn says:

    Have been following your works since the early 80’s; I was a young gal back then! Loved your work, paintings, books [even have the little mini books from wayyy back when] and decorated all my early scrapbooks with your stickers, books, and papers…my favorites for sure.

    Thank you for your writings….gives me hope that someday my fairy tale romance will also begin…still waiting….maybe the Island is what I need?

  84. KellyV says:

    How timely. I am making a small kitchen quilt from the Farm Girl Vintage book and using many of your fabrics. I hope your hint points towards more fabric in my quilting future. I always smile when I go through my stash and happen upon a Susan Branch fat quarter!

    • sbranch says:

      Makes me so happy to hear that . . . I’m such a fabric person, I’ve hated not having any out there lately! xoxo

  85. Happy Easter Susan, and girlfriends. I’m so excited that our book is almost here! I can’t wait to read it. I think I’m going to start with The Fairy Tale Girl, and read through all three of them. Just the thing to keep me away from the television and all the frightening things that I don’t even want to think about.

    Fabric?? Fabric!! Now you’re singing my song… I hope we are going to get fabric.

  86. Anastasia Smith says:

    Awww, your baby looks beautiful and I can’t wait to get my hands on her!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way🐰 I LOVED the pic of the BP bunnies with first light shadows. XO Stacy

  87. Cathy Mozley says:

    Hello Susan!
    I don’t think my message of last week went through. I just discovered your book, A Fine Romance, at my local library 3 weeks ago and have now shared it with several friends. What a serendipity for me because I am flying to Boston next month and will be staying on Cape Cod most of the week. I plan to take the ferry over to Martha’s Vineyard, and I WILL look up your house and take a picture!! And I am also planning a driving tour around the perimeter of England this year. Your book was so inspiring and filled with so many hints. It got me so excited that I can hardly wait to go and some friends are trying to tag along because they saw your book! I ordered three more of your books last night and will see you at the book signing in Woodstock, GA, on June 25th. Happy Easter to you both.

    • sbranch says:

      How nice I’m going to meet you Cathy! You have some wonderful travel plans! Thank you so much! And see you soon!

  88. Jeanners says:

    Happy Easter Susan! (Easter Bunny Icon here). Thank you for being you. (Heart Icon here)

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you — and for the icons too. My little Emoji won’t work for me . . . but I like the way you handle that!

  89. Jayne says:

    Oh, please, please, please tell me you are reprinting your pansy and morning glory fabric and the others to go with them. I would love to make my best friend a quilt out of them.

  90. Debbie P ~ Weedsport, NY says:

    Oh, Sue ~
    The new book is just gorgeous! I love the colors…so like the ocean and sea glass! The details like the quality of paper and the vivid colors of the artwork…just stunning! Not sure if your books are works of art with a great story or great stories with incredible artwork but that’s what makes them so wonderful!

    I have to tell you I welled up when I saw the photo of your dad. I know how close you are to your father. I, too, am the oldest of seven children and my parents also divorced and my dad remarried. I lost my dad just one month ago. Little by little, tiny pockets of my sad heart are opening up and filling with happy memories and gratitude for all Dad and I shared <3 Dad always told me how proud he was of the family and the home that George and I created. He appreciated my love of the simple, beautiful, everyday joys of life. Lately, I realize more than ever, that I certainly can't change the world but like you, I can make kindness my middle name. And that's a wonderful way to honor my Dad, too <3
    Forgive me for going on and on. Just know how much you have always inspired me…in matters of the heart, especially. I hope I can catch up to you again during your book tour and give you a big hug in person! Maybe this summer on the cape….

    • sbranch says:

      That would be wonderful Debbie. I loved how you wrote about your dad and the way you are honoring him. Just beautiful. xoxoxo

    • Charissa says:

      Debbie, I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. I can’t imagine the pain, but I am so glad those tiny pockets open. Susan is always a boon when you need cheering. Thinking of you and sending hugs

      • Rhonda D. says:

        So sorry to hear about your dad Debbie. It’s a very brave thing to do to open up your sad heart. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Debbie P ~ Weedsport, NY says:

      Thank you so much, girlfriends, for your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate your thoughtfulness so much!

  91. Vicki C says:

    Your books are so lovely, interesting and USEFUL, with all those little tidbits of help and advice on so many subjects – all the subjects a girlfriend loves- and all girlfriends love to look in your kitchen cabinets to see your dishes, your rooms to see your stacks of quilts, and how you have decorated your home… We just love ALL of you, and can’t wait to see your new book to learn what else you may have shared. So much fun! I especially love everything you share in your travels- it is like sharing a photo album after you have been on a trip! Look forward to all of your posts and Willards. Have a blessed Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s so funny you say that, because useful is my favorite thing! Thank you so much Vicki! Happy Easter to you and yours! xoxoxo

  92. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Happy Easter!!! 🙂

  93. Amy Lee from Salem says:

    Hi Susan,
    What a nice surprise to get this email tonight. I am so excited to know your book is nearly on its way to my postbox. I can picture myself opening the cover even now. Then you pop another surprise on us, FABRIC! This is just so much fun. I do have a favorite piece from a past collection of yours, Susan Branch quilt labels. I use what I have remaining on special projects. Cheers!

  94. Donna Rothe says:

    Every time I get a new blog notice from you I get excited. You have a way with your words, pictures and whimsical drawings that just draws (I made a pun!) me in.

    I too am excited about your new book. Talking about your books one of my favorite was ‘A Fine Romance’. As we used to live in England this was a great read.

    On another note, my husband and I are RV’ers here in Gulf Shores, AL. Every winter season I do an Author Day. I talk about the author and their books. My first two were author friends Debbie Macomber & Mary Alice Monroe. This season I talked about the Gee’s Bend Quilters and author Irene Latham. I’m looking for Author #4 and if this would be something that would interest you please e-mail and I’ll give you the details. RV’ers love to read and they are always looking for new authors to add to their list.

    Happy Easter!

  95. Maria Shiyou says:

    Susan, my kitty, Shadow, does the same thing when I’m working in my craft room making cards. He leaves me no space to work! He is about 14 pounds and very tall and long. He takes up a lot of space. And he loves to lay in the drawers and boxes of card stock and scrapbook papers.

    • sbranch says:

      I guess they love that space because we love that space! It’s okay with me, as long as Jack doesn’t drape his foot actually on the paper I’m painting!

  96. Catherine Barr says:

    I absolutely can’t WAIT!! My sister gave me Fairy Tale Girl for Christmas and I could barely put it down. My whole family knows I am a Susan Branch-a-holic (yes!) and so I am anxious to get the new book. Can you still pre-order and get a signed book plate? I did send a note to the store in Pasadena to request them to stock your book (and ask to have you come sign them). But I will order if I must since I want my hands on a copy!
    Thank you for inspiring me all these years – I have been following you a l-o-n-g time.
    Happy Easter to you and yours!

    • sbranch says:

      I’ll be signing books at Vroman’s in Pasadena at the end of May, but yes, you can still order from us and get a signed bookplate with it. Happy Easter!

  97. Lori Metschan says:

    I can’t wait to get the new book! It looks glorious!! Will you make a printable bookmark for it? Love you and all you do!! Happy Easter!! Xoxo!!

  98. Stacey says:

    Oooooh…a fabric cliffhanger…one of the best kind! I love(d) your fabrics, particularly the one with the Afrernoon Tea print on it, which I once upon a time made into coasters. I’ve also made little “tea bag” fabric bookmarks with your sweet fabrics. The new book is looking lovely, am so excited to read it and meet you at the tea and signing in Wilmette, IL!

    Happy Spring and Easter to you!

  99. Daralyn says:

    Another happy making post… thank you!
    I have had a rather overwhelming day. I spoke at church for the first time in front of the congregation for Good Friday worship. Scary to share yourself with so many. It puts into perspective for me how very brave you are to share your life with us. Thank you. Thank you for sharing, for inspiring and for caring enough to show up to brighten our days.

    I would love to see any of your fabric available again. The baby stuff is beautiful but not as useful for me. I would love to be able to make a quilt (have my sister make it for me) of your fabrics, they just make me smile.

    I would really love to see you make scrapbooking paper again. I have recently gotten back into scrapbooking and so miss your beautiful selection of papers and stickers.

    Happy Easter <3

    • sbranch says:

      And how brave YOU are. It’s so scary standing up in front of people. I never think of it when I’m in the audience, but being up front, that’s something else. Good for you! It always makes me feel proud when it’s over that I made it through! I hope one day we can figure out the scrapbooking things too!

  100. Joan says:

    Dear Susan. Thanks for wonderful blog. Anxious to receive your new book and meet u in New Hope. We travel there every Thanksgiving and few other times but have never come across Holly Hedge. Fortunate to stay there overnight for book signing with my Joe. It is so uplifting to read about your daily activities and how appreciative u are of your life. I love that I am not the only one who moves little displays around the house and likes to stand back and admire that it’s just right! Because of u I have acquired a nice collection of BP figurines. Love moving them around. See u in May. Joan

    • sbranch says:

      I got to give my figurines, my “people” a long needed bubble bath the other day, and now they are shining in the morning sun and I couldn’t love them more. There’s just something magical about those little guys. See you in New Hope Joan!

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