Memories are Made of This

For years I’ve kept a “Dinner Party Diary” where I write about special parties ~ for the memories ~ it’s part diary, part scrapbook.  And this  MUSICA is for you, also for the memories . . . we can only imagine how many kisses there’ve been with this music playing in the background! (Just click on it and come right back, it will play while you read.)

♥     ♥     ♥

I started keeping track of parties in this book in 1993, but not every party I’ve ever given is here . . . it’s a tiny book and probably has only twenty parties. I only do them when I remember, or I’m in the mood, or the party is so good that I have to do it!  Our Sunday Breakfast Party went right into the book: I remembered, I was in the mood, and it was good!

♥                ♥

Our 9th Anniversary is in this book too . . . that one was an afternoon tea party and we hired a piano player to play The Glory of Love, and all the other old songs we love.  I always write down the names of guests, the menu, the dishes, and the weather. (And sometimes what we wore, and sometimes poems people say at the table.)

And here we are, getting ready for our 25th Anniversary Party.  Starting with putting a clean tablecloth on the dining table; Girl Kitty had grown fond of the old one and wasn’t letting go of it so easily.

And then the flowers . . . it was supposed to be a combination Valentine’s & Anniversary party, but with the gorgeous weather, it turned out to be an impromptu celebration of Spring!  We even had the door open!  Birds were singing.  It was gorgeous.

You can’t celebrate spring around here without daffodils!  They are the cheeriest things!

A little pink for the coffee table.

Happy singing bird vases, a heart teapot, a matelassé bedspread for the tablecloth ~ and what breakfast party is complete without chocolate kisses?

Love?  Romance?  Hearts and flowers?  Old music, best dearest friends . . . and delicious food.  And everything pretty in pink!

I made the place cards; luckily Joe has a cork fetish and never throws them away, so I thought, what says celebration and happy memories more than a popped champagne cork . . . ?

I tucked the cards into the wires on the back.

We needed a centerpiece.  Joe and I took the QEII on what we called “our test run,” to see if we liked it, in 1997 from New York to Bermuda.  Sailing on the QEII was something we talked about the first time we met — not necessarily doing it together (it was too soon for that at the time) but something we both wanted individually!  So, of course we saved this little bottle of port we found waiting, when we finally did go, in our stateroom, and now it’s part of the glory of, the story of, love. 

Almost there, need napkins!  Need food!

Jack helps by bouncing off the walls and aerating the chair backs with claw holes.  Thank you Jack!

Yes, actual food will be served.  I do adore setting the table, but I know that our guests are going to expect food, not just dishes and flowers!  Here, Joe’s making crepes the day before, for the Cheese Blintzes we’re serving.

There they are, the blintzes; the lemon, basil, and ricotta-cheese filling is all rolled inside…. we covered the pan and put it in the fridge; the next morning we browned them in the frying pan before serving with delicious jams, applesauce and sour cream.  The recipes for all of this will be in my new Breakfast Book!

Did the MUSICA go away?  Noooo.  Say it ain’t so.  Can’t have that. 

Is there anything better than plain, old-fashioned, ice-cold, juicy-pink grapefruit on a spring morning?  No, and I do what my mom taught me; I cut around each segment for easy eating.

Mmmmm, crisp-edged, crunchy Blueberry Corn Cakes and hot maple syrup!  Gotta have it!

Homemade Applesauce made with Granny Smith’s, so fresh and appley!  Yummy with Corn Cakes, delicious with pork sausages, perfect with Cheese Blintzes.

My Applesauce is full of apple bits with a little tooth to them, not the smoothed out stuff you get in the market . . . we served it cold.  I put some roasted cranberries (left over from the cranberry marmalade I made for the blintzes) in the middle as decoration.

We had bacon, sausage, sliced steak and buttermilk biscuits too . . . the platters warmed on top of the stove.  The southern style breakfast at Tara, with Scarlet O’Hara’s family, I read about in Gone with the Wind, was my inspiration for this . . . believe it or not we didn’t touch the decadence they managed to come up with!  But we tried!

Margot and Tom weren’t able to make it 🙁 , they’re on their way to New Orleans 🙂 , but before they left, they stopped by with Margot’s gorgeous bouquet of Valentine roses ~ which were still beautiful; she thought we might like to have them at the party.

She was so right!  I recut them and put them in a shorter vase and here they are, a little more Valentine love DNA, gracing the granola-yogurt-and fresh-fruit buffet we set up on the sideboard.  Thank you Margot! (BTW, that sideboard was here when we bought the house; Mrs Bowditch (a previous owner) told me it was here when she bought the house in 1949; maybe it’s been here since the beginning, 1859, when the house was built and the Smith family moved in!  I would like it to talk!)

Man Food.

And there it is in all its glory; we turned on the music and toasted to love and each other with icy tangerine juice and bloody Mary’s; we had tea, coffee, and everything you see on these plates!  We talked about local island news while the birds sang outside the window; what’s been in our papers, what the ferry boat is up to these days, the weather (of course), how far up the daffodils have come, the blooming snowdrops, our gardens, Facebook, Twitter, movies, spring vacations; and we ate, and ate.  I didn’t do a dessert (although I was tempted to make baked stuffed apples in a cream bath!) — but did we actually need anything more?  No.  We did not.  Then everyone kissed good bye and went home; we washed the dishes, read the paper, and took a nap, then we went to the movies and saw the new silent movie called The Artist.  And THAT was Sunday, pretty good huh?  Love morning parties!

And for your patience for reading through this, not to mention WILLARD, who has spring fever just like me, and is going out to play all day today and tomorrow; you have a reward . . . I have something I’m really excited about . . . a giveaway I think you will love.  Ready?  OK, it’s these ~

Two Johnson Brothers, Rose Chintz Teacups!  Yes!  With saucers!  “Sing Ho for the Life of a Bear!” My own set actually has twenty cups-and-saucers, many more than I will ever need!  So I am giving away two of them!  They come with invisible magic as they were right there on Sunday, at the party of love.  (But, of course, just like the sideboard, they won’t talk!)  All you have to do to be entered is to leave a comment; “Vanna” will draw a name in about three days . . . want to make sure you all get a chance to enter to get a little springtime pink in your life. 


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2,030 Responses to Memories are Made of This

  1. Erin says:

    Oh, wow… 25 years… and an absolutely beautiful and delicious-looking breakfast party to stand as testament to it! Congratulations to you and Joe, and may you have another 25 wonderful years of love 🙂 ♥

  2. Erica H says:

    Happy Anniversary!! I love your blog and your books:) The post was delicious on all levels…from the very attractive decor to the images of all the yummy food. Life’s moments are well recognized when shared with good friends & family….thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

  3. Tammy Heller says:

    Susan, I always enjoy your blog and Willard! Today I enjoyed listening to Spring, Spring, Spring….while reading! Looking forward to the Breakfast book and trying the blintzes recipe…I don’t think I’ve ever had a blintze!…I’ve had crepes…but not a blintze!…I am crossing my fingers…on the hopes of the pretty Rose Chintz tea cups!…You have made Blog land so fun…good reading, music, recipes, and fun drawings courtesy Vanna! Hope you have a awesome springtime like day!!

  4. Barbara from SoCal says:

    I have so much fun reading how much fun “you” have in your every day life. Thank you so much for sharing because I know you put a smile on everyone’s face including mine 😉 Please, please, please don’t ever get tired of writing in your blog.

  5. Janet says:

    The weather here in Ohio has been just wonderful all winter. Just a slight bit of snow. I do miss having snow days with my children though. I too saw some snowdrops Sunday at Teahouse where I work. They are wonderful to see poking up out of the snow. It is time too to watch for the crocus. The earliest I have ever seen them is March 7th which is just around the corner. Your party looked so beautiful. I enjoyed it vicariously.

  6. SueT. says:

    Your decor is soooo pretty!

    and I LOVE Jack !


  7. rj chiodini says:

    happy anniversry!! loved the cork idea for place cards..and your brunch looked yummy!!! happy spring! 🙂

  8. Chris B says:

    Love the cups……and you!

  9. Beth Corinn says:

    This blog is so homey! Your gift of art, music and homemaking makes one want to visit your world over and over. You have the gift of hospitality and remind me of Mrs. Beaver in the C.S. Lewis book “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”. Your heart truly is in your home, yet still large enough for all of us! Thank you.

  10. Carolyn (SoCA) says:

    Truly enjoyed the breakfast gathering! I use my Johnson Bros Indies (blue/white) dishes as everyday ware. Their dish patterns are gentle and lovely. A few years ago you posted the recipe for the corn meal and blueberry pancakes. I began to fix them for my parents and they just loved them. It made me happy to prepare food for them that brought such delight. Thank you, again, for the years of inspiration.

  11. Tonya Vaughan says:

    You have such an amazing talent! You have certainly inspired me to clean my linens and awaken my china! Spring is already here in Florida and boy are we covered in yellow pollen! Still working on my Alice in Wonderland tea party. The invitations are going out this weekend. I am so excited! What a super idea to keep a party journal! From now on, I will do just that! Spring, Spring, Spring is here! Happy Spring to YOU!!!

  12. Where to begin?….The kitty…..what a love…the dishes, the linens, the sideboard, the food….everything…oh, my my! How very, very wonderful….so inspirational! Thank you for sharing, @dearsusanbranch!

  13. Merry says:

    Lovely photos, Susan! So pretty! I bet everything tasted wonderfully!


  14. Heather H. says:

    Oh what fun! These would be delightful to drink tea in with my momsie!

  15. Lynne says:

    If I were to win these two lovelies, I would invite a my friend Ruth over for a cup of birthday tea… her 62nd and my BIG 5-0!

  16. Shannon L Kerley says:

    I just love reading your blogs! Your Sunday LOVE Brunch sounded absolutely fabulous! I can only hope for those times with friends and/or family in the future! Right now, we have no space. I would LOVE to have the tea cups and saucers, to go with the collection I have that was my Grandmother’s, and they were passed to me after she passed away…

  17. Just Cats says:

    Oh Susan, I’ll be reading this post over and over. It is so delightful, full of love and beautiful things to look at (especially Kitty rolled in the table-cloth…how sweet) I love those dishes and would be ever so thankful if you would throw my name into the hat. Thank you for the opportunity to have one of those beauties in your hand. I must go and read this post again. I am so excited about looking over your china and table-scape. Yes, Jo is a very lucky man. Hugs, Deb

  18. Marie (from Virginia) says:

    Susan dear~you’re a DAYMAKER!

    Marie xo

  19. Nancy Narma says:

    I’m not sure which I enjoyed more..the details and pictures of the Brunch..(how my tummy has rumbled looking at all of the delectible goodies!!) or my long-awaited, very much welcomed Willard!! Once again..with catnip dreams and Spring fever in mind..”Gizmo and Lucy” send kitty kisses to “Rascal Jack” and “Girl Kitty”. <3<3

  20. Catherine says:

    I so, so enjoyed Willards words about Spring and am purchasing 2, not 1 but 2 CD’s of music to cheer me up. I love the teacups and would enjoy having a little pink in my life, or kitchen. Thanks for the happy thoughts.

  21. Valerie says:

    Susan, I discovered you years ago when I worked in a Hallmark store. We received some of your first cookbooks to sell and I was absolutely enchanted from that day forward. I buy your calendars every year and can’t wait for your next book!

    I can’t believe you’re giving away Rose Chintz. When my daughter got married 7 years ago, we had a “shabby chic” reception and I collected all kinds of pink dishes with roses. That’s when I discovered Johnson Brother’s Rose Chintz pattern. I was lucky enough to find an incomplete set at an antique store, and have been looking for pieces to complete the set ever since! I love that her “good dishes” are indeed antiques and have a story connected to them.

  22. Estie says:

    Beautiful setting and wonderful brunch. I love the rose chintz teacups. Thanks for sharing your special day.

  23. Barbara K. says:

    I was just telling my husband that we should have some friends over for breakfast. You have really inspired me to do just that. Your table was so beautiful, I love all the dishes and flowers you had surrounding your guests.
    The teacups are beautiful, just my style.:)

  24. dee says:

    A breakfast fit for Hobbits! Yummy! I would love to have the teacups :o) Dee

  25. Chris C. says:

    I live in california where we tend to live a busy pace, so reading your blog, is very peaceful and brings many smiles to my face. It is an online sisterhood sharing so much of your sweet kindness and talents with us. It motivates me to
    embrace my new home in spite of this life change that I didn’t want, and surround myself with all the items that have special memories and make me happy. I love the Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz teacups and if I am fortunate in winning them….I know exactly where their new home will be.
    Bless you Susan for all that you share….

  26. Lisa says:

    Congratualtions on your 25th anniversary. My husband and I will be celebrating our 26th a month from today. We have known eachother since we were 9 years old and I moved into the neighborhood. When we got married we did a slideshow for everyone while they were waiting showing us starting at agr 9 and I was inches taller than Dan. Those are wonderful pictures to look back on. When our son was 9 I remember looking at him and seeing his dad and just couldn’t believe so many years have passed. Your cat, Jack, looks so cute in the new Willard. My son and I love his little mustache. My son thought his name should be Chaplin for Charlie Chaplin.

  27. Trish says:

    Willard arrived on my birthday! A perfect gift! Thank you. 🙂

  28. Susan,
    Happy, Happy 25th anniversary!! Your blog post was so wonderful… I feel like I was at the party! 🙂 So much thought went into every detail–your guests must have felt so special. Just reading about it and seeing the photos of the beautiful table, the centerpiece and the incredible foods… you are such an inspiration!! Thank you for sharing and best wishes to you and Joe for many more happy years together in love.

  29. Janet Seabridge says:

    Hi Susan!
    It’s such a thrill for me to imagine you might actually read this! I am truly one of your biggest fans. I wrote to you once about how I first discovered you – I saw your 1993 Wall Calendar in a little gift shop in Burlington, VT. As soon as I saw it, I was hooked!!

    I live outside of Rochester, NY with my husband and two children, and I love to live vicariously through YOU. Whenever I read Willard (which I miss getting in paper) or visit your website, I find myself daydreaming about what it would be like to live in New England and throw fancy dinner parties with tea and flowers and home-baked goodies made in an old cast-iron stove. I was only 26 years old when I first became a fan; now I’m almost 45 and I’m still just as big a fan as ever. 🙂

    I’m fortunate enough to have had a grandmother who passed on a love of antiques and fancy things to me. Like you, I enjoy setting a fancy table even more than cooking the meal itself 😉 Your blog is something I’ve only recently discovered and I look forward to reading it regularly now that the kiddos are a bit older and I have some free time.

    Well, I have to run….Winnie, our kitty, is calling my name for her dinner. Thanks for listening to my ramblings and I look forward to reading more from you soon!
    ~Janet Seabridge
    Rochester, NY

  30. Cathy Hooks says:

    Love the new Willard!! I am really excited for Spring, thank you for all of your inspiration! I enjoy reading your blog and Willard so very much and really feel you are a kindred spirit!!

  31. Cindy L-H says:

    Love reading Willard and your blog…just like opening a letter from an old friend! Your food looked so good I was getting hungry just looking at the pictures and the table was beautiful…Such simple ideas but what a wonderful way to celebrate a Sunday. Thank you for making the ordinary extraordinary! The cups are beautiful and I am sure the receipient will feel blessed winning them! ;p

  32. julie says:

    Happy Anniversary! what a beautiful breakfast party! and oh my mercy what beautiful cups and saucers!

  33. Susan says:

    Congratulations on 25 wonderful years of a wonderful marriage. May you be blessed to celebrate many more happy years together. Thank you for the pictures – they are just beautiful.

  34. Becky says:

    I can’t wait for the breakfast book to come out!!!! The teacups are perfect for my very good friend Sue that invites us to a tea party every year!

  35. viv says:

    Adding my anniversary wishes, but I’m writing to say thank you for the Willard; I really needed that lift today.

  36. Karen V says:

    Dear Susan,

    Your breakfast party looks fabulous and delicious, so glad you had a wonderful day for your anniversary celebration. I was so excited to read that your next book is going to be about breakfast, it’s my favorite meal and I love making big breakfasts when everyone is home, can’t wait to get those recipes!
    I have a question for you: How do you find all of the great music? Do you have certain favorite artists, or do you just search through youtube? I love all the music from the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s especially and would love to have a “go to” source, I always enjoy the “background musica” that you choose for us as we read your words, it’s so fitting.
    Thanks for sharing your day with us and for offering those pretty cups to one lucky person!

    • sbranch says:

      My mom always sang around the house, so these songs still flitter through my head and out of my mouth, especially in the shower! While I’m writing a post or a Willard, sooner or later, a song will get in my head, and that’s what I use. Glad you like it!

  37. caroline De la O says:

    Oh how wonderful the food and table looks along with the kitty over seeing all. I t looked like fun and delicious too!!! I love the colors so bright. We need a little magic in our home and always room for roses.

    Thank you again mrs. susan

  38. Judy Bartholow says:

    Spring has gotten to you before SD, but winning your two cups and saucers would definitely put a spring in my step.

  39. Jamie V. says:

    Hi again Susan-
    So sorry that I was remiss in not congratulating you and Joe on your anniversary! I love your story on how you met and fell in love. I really like the thought that there are real people out there that really do love and care for each other….So again, congratulations…. and well done!

  40. Elizabeth says:

    That is the way my mom taught me to cut a grapefruit too…and she always puts a maraschino cherry in the center! And she taught me to make applesauce the way you also do…I love it cold. I was in a six-car accident yesterday and am full of bumps and bruises, but I’m very grateful to be alive…my car is totaled…but now i have time to read all the comments and visit the websites you’ve listed.

  41. Glo says:

    I’ve been enjoying your blog for a year or so now. I’m kind of a “no comment” type of person, so this is the first time I’ve written a response to your blog. Your blog is like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. I find myself coming back to it day after day for a quick smile and a new appreciation of the “ordinary.”
    Thank you!

  42. Linda says:

    Just looking at your teacups makes me happy…it’s the little things in life that makes us all the happiest. As I read your blog on your 25th Anniversary celebration, I imagine I was sitting at your table enjoying the food and company too. I have followed you for many, many years and fine everything you write, draw or have published to be such a delight and even in sad times have lifted me up, and I thank you for that. So in ending I would love to see those teacups on my table when entertaining.

  43. Marla Hill says:

    I so enjoy your blog with a cup of tea or coffee – a great way to start the day! What a beautiful table you set for your brunch and a grand celebration – Congratulations and wishing you many more happy years!

  44. Karla says:

    How is it that Girl Kitty & Jack don’t “help” with your flower arranging??

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t know, Girl is too grown up and has never really gotten into them; Jack on the other hand is an accident waiting to happen.

  45. Deonn says:

    Oh, my goodness, my mouth is watering… it’s like a movie set, a charmed life, such loveliness… It’s like a visit to another time, another sphere. Bless you!

  46. Linda Imgrund says:

    Happy George Washington’s Birthday! We are having a spring-like day today here in southeastern PA. Susan, I am always so overwhelmed with your generosity as you send such sweet blog messages and then (as if that wasn’t enough) you have beautiful teacups to give away. Thank you so much!

  47. Charlene says:

    I love everything, including the teacups. What a wonderful Sunday morning!

  48. Nanc says:

    I know just the person I would share these teacups with, she loves pink roses, and we’d think of you while drinking white pear tea!!!

  49. Cindy Richards says:

    What a beautiful posting! The table decor was absolutely beautiful. The food –delicious looking. Happy 25th and how wonderful of you to share the your happy celebration with your dear friends! I must admit Girl Kitty clinging to the table cloth is my favorite pic 🙂 Second Jack providing “ventilation” on your gorgeous chairs. Thank you for the smiles! The tea cups are lovely, thank you for putting them up to win.

  50. Carol says:

    I wish I could have been at your lovely breakfast! But the next best thing would be to drink from your Rose Chintz Teacups! Loverly! Happy Anniversary. My hubby and I celebrated our 50th anniversary this past July. I hope you and Joe have 25 more happy years. Still would like to hear how you and Joe met……

  51. Rita says:

    Once again you have out done yourself. I wanted to crawl right into the computer and join you! Looks like a wonderful celebration.

  52. Kristen May Lopez says:

    A friend of mine introduced your site to me. It is absolutely wonderful. I do quite a few teas and it was nice to get some creative ideas. I am eager for your breakfast cookbook to become available. Absolutely loved listening to the spring time while reading your blog. I hope to be considered for your drawing for your tea cups. They are beautiful and delicate.

  53. Cyndi says:

    I love reading your blog and about your parties. What a wonderful idea to keep a detailed journal about your parties. Love those tea cups. I’m enjoying my constant comment now but not in spring cup. I need to get them out. Thanks I’ll be back to read more.

  54. Cathy says:

    Lovely! I “pinned” your tablescape and your parties scrapbook just now. I am addicted to Pinterest, it is so much fun to collect inspiration from all over the web world and keep them neatly tucked into your own personal boards! As always, it looks like you had a wonderful time and your attention to detail is beyond amazing. We all wish we could live in your beautiful world!

    your fan and buddy,
    Cathy Arnold

    PS: Weather here in the Dallas area is also very springlike today….I am even picking the ‘weeds’ that are blooming just so I can have a bouquet on my windowsill.

  55. Sally says:

    Happy Anniversary. What a beautiful celebration – and now you are giving us a give away. What could be better? The Rose Chintz teacups are beautiful and I always admire them on your open shelves when you give us a glimpse into your kitchen. Please enter me in the drawing.
    Just finished Willard and as always thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m still sitting here with my cup of tea. Temps here today are in the high 70s. I have a bouquet of sweet peas on the table. This year is a wonderful year for the sweet peas. I had them for Christmas. Now the are really blooming like crazy. The more you pick the more they bloom. My favorite flower. Bouquets to you…

    • sbranch says:

      My sweet peas in California used to last all spring and straight through to the end of August . . . I wondered if you were getting them all year this year — they LOVE it there. Here, we get hot too fast, and there’s humidity. BUT, we have old fashioned lilacs on the island, so, that’s good. Right now, Jack is behind my computer, kicking it, which of course I love.

      • Sally says:

        I had read an article about a new way to plant sweet peas. Thought I would try it this year. Was almost ready to start the process when I noticed that volunteers from last year were showing up in great abundance. By the time it was actually time (late August) to plant seeds I already had lovely little plants almost reaching the wire trellis. I just couldn’t start over even though I wasn’t sure how well they would do. I picked the first flower in OCTOBER with bouquets for Christmas. They produce well here with faithful watering and almost daily picking until the real heat of summer arrives. These are called “winter blooming” which means they can thrive with shorter days and cooler (for Southern CA) temps. We have very few lilacs here. Whenever I see a bush I try to get close enough to breath their fragrance. I well remember them in my grandmother’s garden in PA. Probably TMI.

    • sbranch says:

      My sweet peas in California used to last all spring and straight through to the end of August . . . I wondered if you were getting them all year this year — they LOVE it there. Here, we get hot too fast, and there’s humidity. BUT, we have old fashioned lilacs on the island, so, that’s good. Right now, Jack is behind my computer, kicking it, which of course I love.

    • sbranch says:

      My sweet peas in California used to last all spring and straight through to the end of August . . . I wondered if you were getting them all year this year — they LOVE it there. Here, we get hot too fast, and there’s humidity. BUT, we have old fashioned lilacs on the island, so, that’s good. Right now, Jack is behind my computer, kicking it, which of course I love.

  56. Val in Cal says:

    Happy Anniversary!! Your breakfast inspires me as you do in most everything!

  57. patti says:

    i’m hoping this time my name will be chosen 🙂
    thanks! patti

  58. Jean Mark says:

    I love the way I feel that I am right there with you! Thank you for all those great ideas………… I cherish your blogs!!

  59. Cindy Tuning says:

    I think you love your giveaways as much as we do!!!

  60. Jena says:

    As always, your beautiful heart and home have cheered and inspired me! Is it any wonder the two of you have been together for 25 years? You are so full of love, joy, and appreciation. Many happy returns 😉


  61. BFarb says:

    You are truely inspriational! Home is where my heart is – San Luis Obispo!

  62. Suzanne Ellis says:

    Oh, I love,love,love this gorgeous pattern. It looks so beautiful on your table.

  63. Jamie Jasinski says:

    Totally love the song you chose…Jimmy!!!!
    And the teacups would have such a special place in my life…one for me and one for my best friend, sister Robyn!

  64. Gail Hatch says:

    Spring is ablaze here in Cali, but we, too, feel we have not had our winter as the rains seem to have forgotten us this year. Looking forward to the recipe for those blintzes on that cozy celebration table! I wanted you to know that I spotted some of those wonderful floral EMMA cups in England over December while visiting our daughter, her husband and our newborn grandson and big brother Ben. The little shop, Present Days, in Warwick, carries them. It is just up the road from Stratford in that magical little medieval town with a castle gracing the river that runs through it. The shop is as magical as the town and I highly recommend it! Who would not love those teacups–may the right table receive them!

  65. Connie Martin says:

    Congratulations Susan on your 25th! That Joe is a keeper 🙂 I was hungry before I read this post and now I am absolutely starving. I love the dishes and would love to win the cups. I am heading out next week to start the year’s antique shopping. I am looking for some little pink and/or green glass dishes this time. Have a Wonderful Spring. Connie XO

  66. Melanie says:

    What a lovely party with a beautiful tablescape! And the food looks delicious!
    I noticed the grapefruit with cut around sections is on a Johhson Brothers “Winchester” plate. That is my grandmother Pankie’s pattern-love it! I have a few place settings and am always searching for more. I would love to win the Rose Chintz pink teacups and saucers as I mix patterns together. Various prints of pink dishes together are so pretty! The flowers are so pretty -love the daffodils! Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. Connie says:

    I love your blog and “willard” AND the Rose Chintz tea cups!!

  68. Kathy D'Amelio says:

    I love your blog and your pictures lift my heart. I always come to peer into the window of your life knowing that I will be refreshed and excited about all the lovely things that we can enjoy right in front of us. I love your china, it reminds me of my mom, who said that tea could never taste the way that it should unless it is served in a china cup! Happy Spring, only one month away!

  69. Jenny says:

    Thanks for the music!

    One of my favorites:
    “Isn’t this a lovely day?” Louis and Ella. Perfection Personified!

  70. Brooke says:

    Happy Anniversary! It looks like you had a wonderful time – good food, good friends, and a beautiful table. Sigh!! I want to come to breakfast at your house!

  71. Susan Disher says:

    Beautiful pattern for spring!

  72. Karrie says:

    I love seeing the pictures of Girl Kitty and Jack, but they make me homesick for a kitty of my own. Not possible at this time… so I very much enjoy your fuzzy faces 🙂

  73. Sandy Thornton says:

    A very happy anniversary to you both!!! What a beautiful get together with close friends and good conversation! I just read my Willard and then came on over to visit some more! I’m sitting here at my kitchen table with bright yellow tulips beside me! Just picked them up while I was at the store today. I, too, was getting that spring feeling! Ah, but alas, it is beginning a bit of snowing and so we shall have to wait a bit longer to sweep the porches, mow the lawn, and plant flowers. So for now I will enjoy my “boughten” spring and your posts. Thank you for sharing so many beautiful things with us.

  74. Sherry Moran says:

    Every time I read your blog I am encouraged to try and use some of your ideas. They add so much to my surroundings! I have a cup and saucer collection from which I drink my tea every day. Hope I’m not too late for the contest!

  75. Drucye says:

    Just when I think you cannot inspire me any more than you already have, you exceeded everything in this post. I hope the younger generation is reading your blog and learning from you too.

  76. Dee Jones says:

    Happy Anniversary! Not only was your post inspirational but your enduring love for each other is as well. Sharing your happiness for 25 years is truly worth celebrating! Congratulations!!

  77. Linda Pranckus says:

    WOW! I am speechless with awe at the beautiful table and wonderful food. Wishing you and Joe a very happy anniversary, and many more blissful years. Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us; I look forward to reading your blog everyday, you make my day!

  78. Karen from Weymouth, MA. says:

    Happy Anniversary to You and your love ! Your tablescape was so lovely and the food looked mouth watering ~

  79. Stacey says:

    What a delicious and lovely meal and setting. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us. Please, please, please RNG….choose me. I would give those two beautiful teacups such a loving home and have a new tin of Fortnum & Mason’s Earl Grey waiting. 🙂

  80. Yanira Lopez Rivera says:

    !Feliz Aniversario! Congratulations on your 25th anniversary! I absolutely love love love this idea. Will have to keep it in mind for my husband and I or close friends/family. 🙂

    God Blessing You 🙂

  81. What a wonderful post! Happy Anniversary! May God continue blessing your marriage! Breakfast was just wonderful! I really enjoy seeing your pretty dishes and decor and I appreciate your thoughts on life and marriage. Thank you for sharing so much love with us!

  82. Years ago I commented that I wanted to just live in your world (Celia R). After reading Willard (with my lemon zinger tea and honey) and this blog post, I have to wonder why I didn’t gradually enter the “Susan Branch Zone”? It seems I’ve had enough time to change over and over with the adamant demand that it become more Branch-friendly… And just recently I discovered that I could create that “world” on Pinterest. Perhaps in retirement …. Thank you for reminding me that a lovely brunch with friends can include MEAT and crepes on the same plate! 😀

  83. Deborah Sunset says:

    Love your pink table!! And all the man food!! A perfect 25 th Party! Thanks for sharing!

  84. Toni says:

    Thank you again for such lovely music, photos and words. Such a treat! I promise to love and enjoy these adorable tea cups if they happen to waft their way to my home.

  85. Carol Wingo says:

    What a great idea for a party. You never fail to inspire me with ideas.

  86. Carol C says:

    Well, I wasn’t going to start the Spring decorating until March but the Peter Rabbit and Laura Ashley tea sets are coming out. The blue willow will be back in the corner cupboard, lighter colored quilts on the beds, it’ll be fresh and bright after warm and cozy. Do wish we’d have at least one good snow, though. We’ve got a lot of firewood left! Loved the picture of Girl Kitty on the table! The old girl still has it, doesn’t she! Adorable!

  87. OH, I was drooling over all that yummy food 🙂 🙂 I think the idea of a “dinner journal” is really interesting…and I love how you made it look so pretty with the extra embellishments 🙂 🙂

    I really like your rose chintz china, too. I see that pattern quite a bit when I’m in antique shops and thrift stores 🙂 🙂 It’s a lovely pattern.

    I just read the new Willard and it’s fabulous. All of those easy tips are just lovely 🙂
    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of CAlifornia, Heather 🙂

  88. Nancy Ciminello says:

    That is the most gorgeous table – ever!

  89. Jane says:

    These are so lovely. Years ago when I was in Pittsburgh, one of the stores was closing & had a sale table filled with these Rose Chintz dishes and extra pieces. I really couldn’t afford them at the time & wondered how I would get them home anyway. Every time I see this pattern now, I wish I had charged them & had them shipped home. I’ve never quite gotten over it. Another lesson learned.

  90. Nancy says:

    Thank you for sharing your lovely anniversary/valentine breakfast with us. I think decorating and setting the table is great fun too. And nothing is better than an afternoon nap after a satisfying morning.

  91. Amy Sova says:

    I love these teacups so much!!!!!

  92. Becky Thornton says:

    What any amazing table! How could the morning have been any better? I love your blog. It’s sweet and dreamy.

  93. Sherri Luttrell says:

    I have loved your artistry, books and recipe books for many years and now your blog! You “speak-a my language”. Thank you for all the delightful ideas you have shared and inspired in me. I love tea parties and have had many for graduations and bridal luncheons as well as tea for two. I have 2 preschool classes I teach out of my home. We celebrate each child’s birthday during the year with a Royal Tea. The birthday child plans the menu. The children help prepare the foods and set the table. The child’s parents (and sometimes grandparents & siblings) join us as honored guests. I would love to have your beautiful teacups and saucers to use at these sweet events. What a fun thing to share! May you and your husband have many more years together lived beautifully!

  94. Diane says:

    I fell in love with your anniversary love post!! My granddaughter and I love cooking, serving and decorating for special breakfasts. In fact, I called her at college [where she was busy studying for a big Pharmacy test – but I couldn’t help it – bad grandma] because I wanted her to see your post and so we could drool together over all the yummy food and the beautiful table. We are thrilled beyond belief that your new book will be Breakfast!! We have all your cookbooks and I can’t wait to add the new one to my collection. [I even have the new Grandma, Tell Me Your Story already]. I would love to win your beautiful rose chintz teacups and saucers. I’ll share them with my granddaughter and we can have tea together over Spring Break when she comes home.

    • sbranch says:

      I think I heard from your granddaughter earlier . . . she’s 22 and studying to be a pharmacist? How sweet that you are both here and commenting — love it! It’s a family affair!

      • Diane Loyd says:

        Wow! Are you ever alert! Yes, that was my sweet granddaughter, Jacqueline, you heard from! You are definitely a family affair in our house. We have all your cookbooks arranged in our dining room [2 copies of some of them so we don’t have to fight over them when she graduates and gets her own place], and we’ve had a Beatrix Potter/Peter Rabbit Room since she was a little girl. Have you seen the Beatrix Potter movie with Renee Zellwiger [sp?]?

  95. LindaMaxwell says:

    My husband and I will celebrate our 50th anniversary this summer at our favorite getaway…Pismo Beach, CA…with our family. Congrats to you on your 25th! Love your blog…who wouldn’t want to live just like you!!

  96. GildaGirl says:

    This has to be the prettiest table I’ve ever seen!!!
    I have enjoyed your books & talents for years ~ You are so creative!
    …. and have become even more of a devoted fan through your Blog!
    It is wonderful ~ you are wonderful ….
    SO HaPpY to be one of your girlfriends! You bring me so much joy!!

  97. Teri (GiGi) says:

    What a fun idea…a breakfast party! We love breakfast at our house! It looked fabulous! I couldnt make it look that good…but I would have a good time trying! It wouldnt taste as good as yours looks…but again…I can make an attempt! I have a fun idea for those cups…wouldnt it be great to give them to a mom and a mom-in-law that both love China Tea Cups…Great Mothers day gift filled up with something yummy or pretty! Thanks for sharing and inspiring…as always!!

  98. Lorraine says:

    Your breakfast spread is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your celebration.

  99. Amy Kitner says:

    I love your pics and videos of your kitties. I take way too many photos of my little boy kitty. The tea cups are beautiful. Thank you for your wonderful blog that makes me happy at just the right times. Happy Anniversay!

  100. Janet Hundley says:

    Amazing…thank you for sharing this beautiful story and pictures.

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