Memories are Made of This

For years I’ve kept a “Dinner Party Diary” where I write about special parties ~ for the memories ~ it’s part diary, part scrapbook.  And this  MUSICA is for you, also for the memories . . . we can only imagine how many kisses there’ve been with this music playing in the background! (Just click on it and come right back, it will play while you read.)

♥     ♥     ♥

I started keeping track of parties in this book in 1993, but not every party I’ve ever given is here . . . it’s a tiny book and probably has only twenty parties. I only do them when I remember, or I’m in the mood, or the party is so good that I have to do it!  Our Sunday Breakfast Party went right into the book: I remembered, I was in the mood, and it was good!

♥                ♥

Our 9th Anniversary is in this book too . . . that one was an afternoon tea party and we hired a piano player to play The Glory of Love, and all the other old songs we love.  I always write down the names of guests, the menu, the dishes, and the weather. (And sometimes what we wore, and sometimes poems people say at the table.)

And here we are, getting ready for our 25th Anniversary Party.  Starting with putting a clean tablecloth on the dining table; Girl Kitty had grown fond of the old one and wasn’t letting go of it so easily.

And then the flowers . . . it was supposed to be a combination Valentine’s & Anniversary party, but with the gorgeous weather, it turned out to be an impromptu celebration of Spring!  We even had the door open!  Birds were singing.  It was gorgeous.

You can’t celebrate spring around here without daffodils!  They are the cheeriest things!

A little pink for the coffee table.

Happy singing bird vases, a heart teapot, a matelassé bedspread for the tablecloth ~ and what breakfast party is complete without chocolate kisses?

Love?  Romance?  Hearts and flowers?  Old music, best dearest friends . . . and delicious food.  And everything pretty in pink!

I made the place cards; luckily Joe has a cork fetish and never throws them away, so I thought, what says celebration and happy memories more than a popped champagne cork . . . ?

I tucked the cards into the wires on the back.

We needed a centerpiece.  Joe and I took the QEII on what we called “our test run,” to see if we liked it, in 1997 from New York to Bermuda.  Sailing on the QEII was something we talked about the first time we met — not necessarily doing it together (it was too soon for that at the time) but something we both wanted individually!  So, of course we saved this little bottle of port we found waiting, when we finally did go, in our stateroom, and now it’s part of the glory of, the story of, love. 

Almost there, need napkins!  Need food!

Jack helps by bouncing off the walls and aerating the chair backs with claw holes.  Thank you Jack!

Yes, actual food will be served.  I do adore setting the table, but I know that our guests are going to expect food, not just dishes and flowers!  Here, Joe’s making crepes the day before, for the Cheese Blintzes we’re serving.

There they are, the blintzes; the lemon, basil, and ricotta-cheese filling is all rolled inside…. we covered the pan and put it in the fridge; the next morning we browned them in the frying pan before serving with delicious jams, applesauce and sour cream.  The recipes for all of this will be in my new Breakfast Book!

Did the MUSICA go away?  Noooo.  Say it ain’t so.  Can’t have that. 

Is there anything better than plain, old-fashioned, ice-cold, juicy-pink grapefruit on a spring morning?  No, and I do what my mom taught me; I cut around each segment for easy eating.

Mmmmm, crisp-edged, crunchy Blueberry Corn Cakes and hot maple syrup!  Gotta have it!

Homemade Applesauce made with Granny Smith’s, so fresh and appley!  Yummy with Corn Cakes, delicious with pork sausages, perfect with Cheese Blintzes.

My Applesauce is full of apple bits with a little tooth to them, not the smoothed out stuff you get in the market . . . we served it cold.  I put some roasted cranberries (left over from the cranberry marmalade I made for the blintzes) in the middle as decoration.

We had bacon, sausage, sliced steak and buttermilk biscuits too . . . the platters warmed on top of the stove.  The southern style breakfast at Tara, with Scarlet O’Hara’s family, I read about in Gone with the Wind, was my inspiration for this . . . believe it or not we didn’t touch the decadence they managed to come up with!  But we tried!

Margot and Tom weren’t able to make it 🙁 , they’re on their way to New Orleans 🙂 , but before they left, they stopped by with Margot’s gorgeous bouquet of Valentine roses ~ which were still beautiful; she thought we might like to have them at the party.

She was so right!  I recut them and put them in a shorter vase and here they are, a little more Valentine love DNA, gracing the granola-yogurt-and fresh-fruit buffet we set up on the sideboard.  Thank you Margot! (BTW, that sideboard was here when we bought the house; Mrs Bowditch (a previous owner) told me it was here when she bought the house in 1949; maybe it’s been here since the beginning, 1859, when the house was built and the Smith family moved in!  I would like it to talk!)

Man Food.

And there it is in all its glory; we turned on the music and toasted to love and each other with icy tangerine juice and bloody Mary’s; we had tea, coffee, and everything you see on these plates!  We talked about local island news while the birds sang outside the window; what’s been in our papers, what the ferry boat is up to these days, the weather (of course), how far up the daffodils have come, the blooming snowdrops, our gardens, Facebook, Twitter, movies, spring vacations; and we ate, and ate.  I didn’t do a dessert (although I was tempted to make baked stuffed apples in a cream bath!) — but did we actually need anything more?  No.  We did not.  Then everyone kissed good bye and went home; we washed the dishes, read the paper, and took a nap, then we went to the movies and saw the new silent movie called The Artist.  And THAT was Sunday, pretty good huh?  Love morning parties!

And for your patience for reading through this, not to mention WILLARD, who has spring fever just like me, and is going out to play all day today and tomorrow; you have a reward . . . I have something I’m really excited about . . . a giveaway I think you will love.  Ready?  OK, it’s these ~

Two Johnson Brothers, Rose Chintz Teacups!  Yes!  With saucers!  “Sing Ho for the Life of a Bear!” My own set actually has twenty cups-and-saucers, many more than I will ever need!  So I am giving away two of them!  They come with invisible magic as they were right there on Sunday, at the party of love.  (But, of course, just like the sideboard, they won’t talk!)  All you have to do to be entered is to leave a comment; “Vanna” will draw a name in about three days . . . want to make sure you all get a chance to enter to get a little springtime pink in your life. 


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2,030 Responses to Memories are Made of This

  1. Samantha says:

    I have been reading your blog incognito for many months now and fondly looking at the pages of your calendars… you have entered my modest “home” Susan Branch, and I fully appreciate what you add to my life. (: Happy Springtime!

  2. Joanie B says:

    More blissful moments in Suehaven, a place that encourages me in my own creative homemaking! You are spreading JOY. JOY in friends, family and yummy food. What else is better really? Found a gorgeous yellow tablecloth today at my favorite thrift store! The tablecloth called my name, said “Spring is coming!” and was even 50% off. OH MY, it was a good day!

  3. JoAnn Petersen says:

    I love all things pink, I have a collection of red transfer ware included is several pieces of Rose Chintz. One of my favorites. On Sunday Feb 26 I am having a tea party and using all of my transfer ware or at least most of it. Four of my friend and I have spent the last year doing a red work round robin embroidery and quilting wall hanging and this is the unveiling . Can’t wait to see every body wonderful work we each did a center block and then it moved on the the next person for the next round. Enjoy your blog and Willard so much.Thanks for making my day JoAnn

  4. Pamela Jo says:

    Happy 25th Anniversary!

  5. Barbara Thomas says:

    Beautiful table, love the covering. Happy Anniversary! What a lovely day!

  6. Lorraine says:

    Sweet! If I never drank tea before (*gasp*) I would start just to use those tea cups! And what a wonderful idea – breakfast for ten instead of dinner! How so much more… sane!

  7. Marita Clark says:

    Wishing you and Joe and very happy 25th Anniversary! I can’t wait to order your Grandmother book! Your breakfast menu, tablescape and flowers were total eye candy – such F-U-N, fun!

  8. Dawne says:

    I love the idea of the Party Book being part scrapbook. I too have kept a similar book with notes from the teacher parties I have. I am the Special Education teacher at the elementary school in town and I love to throw get togethers for the teachers so we can relax and talk about something other than kids and lesson plans! I always have a theme for food and decorations and a signature drink. I list everyone who came over and a few quotes or funny things that happened! When I get tired and frustrated I take out the journal and relive the parties and realize how lucky I am to work with such wonderful people!!!!

  9. kathy says:

    I love reading your blog. I look forward to checking in every morning. I have absolutely fallen in love with your kitten-Jack. I find his antics so entertaining. I am a kitty person too. We have two kitties named Cowboy and Tim. They are brothers. We have dogs too. In fact we have a black Lab who’s name is Jack. He’s quite a character too.

  10. Susan says:

    A wonderful trip, followed by a wonderful party. I’m glad you celebrated the big anniversary in such a special way. . . and shared it w/ us!

    I get such a kick out of the kitties. They both make me smile whenever I see them. Even Girl Kitty got in the action today. Some of Jack’s mischievousness is rubbing off on her.

    It’s very generous to offer up 2 teacups from you personal collection. I also collect tea paraphernalia of all kinds. The cups are lovely and I hope the ultimate winner enjoys them in good health and happiness.

  11. Susan says:

    What a wonderful brunch to do for friends. And thank you so much for inviting us in through your beautiful photos. How nice to know we aren’t the only ones with a “tablecloth kitty!” We also have a “clean sheet/bed making kitty” which makes changing the sheets very interesting. Does Jack or Girl Kitty do that?
    Happy Anniverary.

  12. barbara jean miller says:

    tea for two! the tea cups are perfect for a tete a tete with my husband, for a deep talk with my best friend, or a tea party with my granddaughter ruthie!
    do you remember the song “please let it be me”? that’s how i feel.

  13. Tiina says:

    I loved the post, so awesome the breakfast made me so hungry! Your blog always puts a smile on my face! Pick me for the cup winner.
    Have a great day!

  14. Kathy says:

    How beautiful! I kept thinking “I wonder if that is Johnson Brothers china? I have to have some, it’s so beautiful. I must send Susan a note to ask her” and then at the end you are giving 2 away. Wow! What an inspirational blog, just the thing to get out of the Pacific Northwest drear. happy Anniversary!!!

  15. Tracey says:

    Thank you for sharing your talents and life with us. I just came from
    Willard and now have spring fever. I so enjoy seeing what Jack and
    Girl Kitty are up to. Thank you, Susan, for being you. The Rose Chintz
    is beautiful.

  16. Jacqueline Loyd says:

    I am soooo excited for your new book! I love breakfast and “brinner!” Your anniversary was so neat! I love, love, love your party diary! You used your stickers, I see! I wonder if you have a giant stash of them or re-order all the time (I have a small stash that I only use for special people!) haha! This is my first comment to you, and I feel like I should be gushing to you about how much of kindred spirits we are, and how much you inspire me and brighten my days (full of all the stress a 22-year-old pharmacy student can handle)! But I’ll just leave it at a thank you. Thank you for all of your inspiring books, Willards, blog posts and extras (stickers, calendars, scrapbook paper, etc)!

  17. Marion Rose says:

    Your Love table and breakfast food looked lovely. Makes me want to do a
    breakfast for my friends.
    It would be so nice to have a cup of tea with a special friend using a Rose
    Chintz Teacup. Pink my favorite color.
    My Valentine Party was a wonderful evening. This year we added two new
    couples to our guest list,they are now looking forward to next year.
    Wist I had been keeping a Memory journal of all my Valentine parties, with
    pictures, guest list and menu. I guess it is never to late to start a book.
    Love your emails! Marion Rose

  18. Diane says:

    Oh wow what a lovely breakfast!
    You’re table setting is so delightful.
    I think I need to run out in the garden and look for snowdrops
    and skip back in for tea! How fun to win cute cups to celebrate spring.

  19. Theda Johnston says:

    On our trip to London many years ago I came across a small shop that was having a going out of business sale and was so pleased I was able to buy a Sadler Chintz Teapot..It was a delightful fine and because of my husbands sister(Sharon) and her husband (Robert) who were gifting us (we who had limited income) with this trip to London. I was so happy to buy one also for my sister-in-law as a surprise gift on our return to the states. To think both of those charming teapots made the trip with not a scratch or chip ! Sharon’s genuine surprise has been one of my favorite memories of our trip. Your generous sharing and gifting of your chintz teacups will make lovely memories for a lucky lady.

  20. Mary says:

    I was so tired and having a bad day until I checked my email and found your email. I read the whole thing and then the blog entry about your 25th celebration, (Congratulations!) and your lovely, lovely breakfast. I love the dishes, flowers, food and sweet Willard. Thank you for sharing. Your blog is like a breath of fresh Spring air. I wish my life could be like that but at least you help me dream and dreams do sometimes come true. Thank you very much.

    • sbranch says:

      I have to say I’m proof of that! Not that there isn’t “real life” around here, there definitely is!

  21. ellen says:

    Lovely teacups. I loved having tea with my girlfriends while I was still working in California (Arcadia) and now I’ve moved to be closer to be with siblings and we have tea once a month with sisters, nieces, granddaughters of sisters and nieces. It’s a beautiful gathering and each teacup, each teapot is different as with all the ladies present.

  22. Buzz'n Bea says:

    What a beautiful table you set, not to mention the food.

    Funny how we all have our likes. I prefer my grapefruit/oranges etc. to be room tempature. I think you can taste the flavor better.

    Our spring is arriving a little too, or is it “to” early. If we get a cold snap, which we really have not had this year, everything will get nipped in the bud.

  23. Marnie says:

    We are expecting a snowy blizzard here , so your touch of spring is very welcome. I love your stuff!!!

  24. Naomi Huddleston says:

    Susan, After a hectic day I sat and read your blog and felt the stress just melt away! Your kitties are so sweet, Jack always makes me giggle . . . he looks so full of mischeif! Your breakfast looked absolutely delicious, you table setting so sweet, and you can just feel there is so much love between you and Joe. Happy Anniversary to you both. What a sweet couple you are!

  25. Tammy in Colorado says:

    Oh boy, something new and wonderful to win! You are so sweet to give away so many wonderful goodies! Since I didn’t win the Emma giveaway, I just ordered 2 of the breakfast mugs and the iron heart shaped pan from your store, along with many other wonderful goodies! Can’t wait to sip tea from my pretty mugs and maybe even from these pretty ones that you are giving away!

    Love all the pictures you share! You are such a joy! Sing HO! =)

  26. Becca Layne says:

    Just thought I’d let you know that your website is my happy escape everyday. Thank you so much for always posting just purely joyful and positive slices of life. (They’re really helping me get through law school!) Congrats on 25 years! May you and Joe have another 25 that are just as wonderful!

  27. Cathy R says:

    Awesomely delightful sweet blog girlfriend! Thanks for sharing your life with us and your treasures! Heavenly blessings, Cathy in Idaho

  28. oh oh oh I love your beautiful blog

    marylin from FRANCE

  29. Danielle says:

    Hi Susan,

    Happy Anniversary to you and Joe! It looks like you have a lovely breakfast celebration! I love seeing your parties. I am inspired to have one of my own : )

    I would love to enter your give-a-way. Those cups are darling and are calling my name! (I have a slight tea cup obsession…help me 🙂

    Thanks so much ~


  30. Lisa also known as Jessie's Mom says:

    Happy 25th and here is to 25 more wonderful years! Thank you for sharing all your ideas, I am having a” girl friends post valentine party” this Saturday, and you have inspired me! I have invited a great assortment of dear girl friends, some I have known for many many years and some just a few, but I think I have the mix just right. I thought we could all use a little post valentine magic! You inspire me Susan! Thanks a bunch!!!! And Spring in MV, already? Really? California has it too, but MA… I feel like we got jipped out of a real winter this year. Thanks again, wish I would have those adorable cups for the party…

    • sbranch says:

      It’s been really nice . . . I kept waiting for that wild and crazy snowstorm that never really materialized, but we did get one good snow. So I have decided to feel grateful about such an easy winter …. if it happens again next year, I will start to worry!

  31. Dorothy Ann says:

    Good Morning Susan! It is almost midnight here and 3 am there!
    Once again, from my little corner of the world to yours, Happy Anniversary to you and Joe! And…what a delightful Sunday Breakfast Party you both had to celebrate your loving 25th Anniversary with your friends.

    “Pretty in Pink” is what it was…and so much more. With you and Joe as perfect hosts, the flower arrangements, the charming table setting, romantic centerpiece, musica, cork place cards, and the food…oh the food…glorious food…no wonder it was a party to remember! A celebration of your love…always!

    Thank you for sharing it all with us! Do you know, I mean, really know how special you and your creative talents are to all of us girlfriends? You are one of the most beautiful, giving and gentle persons I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

    Yes, Susan, do please add my name to your wonderful list of girlfriends, for the chance to win those two darling Rose Chintz Teacups and Saucers.

    Thank you from “Sleepless in Seattle” Dorothy Ann, (well, actually we live in the Bellevue Highlands, on Cougar Mountain, but we are right over the rainbow and across the bridge from the big City of Seattle).

  32. Satu says:

    Greetings from a very snowy Finland! I love your Rose Chintz dishes, I have the collection in blue 🙂 Thnak you for your blog, it’s such a treat!

  33. Carol S. says:

    Lovely tea cups, I hope that “Vanna” picks my name….Happy Anniversary to you and Joe. Wishing you many more years of wedded bliss.

  34. Helen White says:

    Your Willards and Blogs are such a wonderful respite for me. The daffodils you spoke of, were the first lovely sight in the Spring of 1964, after surviving the worst winter England had endured in 99 years. They since have had another one to match the 1964 winter.
    I would loved to have my name selected for the tea cups, since I have grown to love tea after living in England! And one can never have too many tea cups.
    Many more anniversaries to you and Joe and the fur babies. Hugs to them, as I have one black and white feline, named Fiona.

    • sbranch says:

      When we were looking at gardens in England that terrible winter was still being referred to! The loss of trees was the big thing. Hugging cats for you!

  35. Lois says:

    What a delightful time I had reading about your party. So happy & love-filled. I was given your Christmas book for my 40th birthday (that was 18 years ago!!) and have been a devoted fan since my first page turn. I love pink. It’s the color that draws love – when ever I feel like I need to feel loved, I wear pink! It always seems to work. Wishing you & Joe many many many more years to celebrate. And hoping I’m the lucky winner of the tea cups. The very first use of them- I would invite my dear sister-in-law (who gave me that Christmas Book) to tea!

  36. Mary Ann says:

    Just found your blog and fell in love! And was so surprised to see “my” dishes on your table! I have the remains of the set my Mom and Dad had while we were growing up and used for special occasions. Since I was one of 7 the dishes were well used, and seeing them on your blog brought back so many memories of sitting around the huge table in the kitchen. Thanks!

  37. Terry Lynn Goodman says:

    Your breakfast table setting was just beautiful, so romantic! And the food looks delicious…. (my mouth was watering)! 🙂
    I can’t wait till your new Breakfast book comes out!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  38. mary lou prendergast says:

    What a wonderful surprise!! That was an unexpected and lovely end to your breakfast story….Thanks.

  39. Karen Byrd says:

    Hi Susan!
    Wonderful breakfast party pictures. Love the daffodils. Perfect contrast to all the pink! I love daffodils. I love spring and the two just go together!!!
    Willard was wonderful also!
    Have a sunshiny day.

  40. Mary Pritt says:

    Susan, I just recived my first “Willard” and I love it. I could spend the entire day enjoying your blog. Thank you for sharing your home, food, “walks,” the beautiful artwork, and most of all, Jack. He’s the icing on the cake! Your valentine apron inspired me to make an apron for my granddaughter for her birthday. Your blog is absolutely my favorite website!

  41. Christine from Lafayette, CO says:

    Good Morning Dear Susan!
    We are under a blanket of snow – needed some Susan-shine so I re-read your blog. Of course, between the blog and WILLARD my spirits lifted. Now I have a question for you ( speak to me like I’m a 7 year old!) It looks like a lot of your dishes are made ahead of time and several made the day of… so how does everything get to the table HOT?? Seems like this is always a challenge (my middle name) when we have a large group at the table! I have a microwave and oven, toaster oven, several crockpots, and 2 griddles…am I in the game?! xox Thanks!!

    • sbranch says:

      We cooked the bacon and sausage the day before, and the blueberry corncakes too, and put those in the oven to keep warm a half hour before we wanted to eat… we made and filled the crepes the day before too, and cooked them after our friends started arriving…it was really much easier than it looks!

  42. Wow! Am I starving! I couldn’t sleep and am up very, very early for me. So, what do I do? Stumble into an incredible breakfast party with Susan Branch and friends! The food looks amazing, and I really love how you’ve created a beautiful and meaningful table.

    And… I have those Shakespeare books, too! They were given to my uncle by a woman who bought them NEW… Every time she’d see one of the plays, she’d make a little notation in the corresponding books, which included visits to the productions in Vienna, Berlin and London in the early part of the last century. I love those little links with the past, it makes the mind fly with thoughts of what it all must have been like.

    Have a wonderful day!


  43. Barb says:

    I tried posting the other day but don’t think I did it right, so here goes. The party looks like it was so much fun and such good, delicious food. Loved the table arrangements and flowers. Where did you put the daffodils, they are my favorite flower and I can’t wait till they come up in the spring. The tea cups and saucers are so pretty and would look great on my table! Whoever gets them will be so lucky. Thanks for sharing you wonderful breakfast party with us!

  44. Heather Keidel Irwin says:

    Happy Anniversary! The Willard, coupled with this blog post was almost too much! I’m in spring mode now, the weather in CT is spring-like, and I have big plans for cleaning and decorating for spring this weekend! Thanks for all of the inspiration – it’s such a treat!

  45. Amy says:

    Happy Anniversary!! 🙂 What an amazing breakfast!!!
    I just love your blog. The teacups are lovely! Have a beautiful day!

  46. Rose Sombar says:

    The flowers pictures were breathtaking and the table and food were glorious.
    Many thanks for sharing.
    Rose Sombar

  47. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Just had to see your L♥ve Fest/Feast again – so delightful! And, of course, read the new charming comments! I’m being quiet as a mouse waiting, waiting, waiting for my husband of 48 years (today!) to wake up! We were married, on a beautiful day, in Carmel in the teensy little chapel (now gone, so sad) at the Highlands Inn. I’ve always loved that we were married in the love month, good plan for you two also! Just popped in from Willard’s visit, it was wonderful! Thanks for all the beauty and sweetness! xoxo!!!

  48. veronica says:

    The Musicians
    I wonder at the sound of music
    nature’s given me;
    In song ,its virtuosos,
    are sweet sweet melodies.

    Early fresh spring mornings,
    summer breezes blow,
    rustled leaves of autumn,
    soft and gentle snow.

    Sweet voices of our feathered friends
    echoing in flight;
    Twinkling stars and moon beams
    dancing in the night…..

    My gift to you ‘Sweet Susan’!
    Willard was absolutely divine as always.
    We all drink from those cups,as we share and connect and Be!
    To be a blessing,is to be blessed.
    We are touched and intertwined,more than we know.
    ‘Happy Spring’ ladies…

  49. Lynda says:

    Reading your blog with my morning coffee sure beats reading the paper, much more fun and gets me inspired for the day ; getting through my “to do ” list and making certain I have something fun and domestic on the list. LOVE the Johnson Brothers pink set , WOWSER ! Kind of goes with my current Downton Abbey obsession ! : )

  50. That is one brunch I would have LOVED to attend. I do enjoy pictures of your house and the way it is decorated… so pretty!

  51. Ellen Wise says:

    Love your blog and I have spring fever too! It’s true that home is always where the heart is. Thank you for all the inspiration.

  52. Jeannine Holmes says:

    Oh, I could be late for this one, but I’ll try anyway. Was too busy the last few days to do much bloggin’. Loved this one . . . wish I was there!

  53. Jill says:

    Oh, how I have grown so fond of your blog I cannot let anther moment go by without letting you know! The balance of artist, chef & lover of all things fancy is an act I have been playing for some time now, too. I love to feel a connection with someone else no matter how far away & know that I am not the only one in the thick of a romantic life blooming with pleasure! A toast for today and the adventures it shall bring!

  54. Cathye says:

    I never get a Willard without reading it from start to finish.
    The smile on your face as you’re writing is on my face as I scroll thru it.
    Thanks for all– especially the inserts of music selections from YouTube to accompany your posts.

  55. Gail says:

    What a beautiful breakfast party! I am so hungry looking at all that delicious food.

  56. Barbara says:

    Oh Susan, another lovely Willard, and now this wonderful BLog Post on your lovely party!! I must have a party – a girlfriend’s party 😉
    And Willard totally has put me in the Spring Fever mode. I think I could actually smell the scent of fresh aire and lilacs coming from my computer!! Snow just fell in my area, so there is a shallow covering of white across the grounds, but I feel it – SPRING – just around the corner…..
    I love your table settings. It is so much fun to make a table SO inviting.
    Ummm..the food is a great added addition!!

  57. Jan says:

    How perfect ~~ I am thinking of starting a collection of tea cups for my 5 grand daughters. Special cups, used only by them when we have our tea parties. Cups that give them special memories of me in the years to come.

  58. Marilyn the nurse says:

    How beautiful and so romantic, would have loved to be sitting at your table also. I love your blogs, you were introduced to me by my wonderful daughter in law when she was dating one of my sons. She bought me 3 of your books back in the late 90’s and I cherish them. She to this day keeps me up to date on Susan books. I love them!!!!! and her and you also.Happy Anniversary!

  59. Natalie says:

    What lovely teacups! What a lovely giveaway! Teacups are near the top of my favorite things. Your party looked divine and so nice of Jack to help with the cushions!

  60. Bev Eckert says:

    Reading your blog is just so inspiring to me! I love your house, your dishes, your kitties!!! I’d love to win the teacups! I’ve been thinking of collecting a new/old set of dishes. I have 2 sets of dishes, both in the green family, so I need a new color!! The food you & Joe prepared looked amazing! My daffodils are popping up around my house. We’ve only lived here for just over 2 years. I live in southeast Missouri. Hubby retired, so we bought this old house and are enjoying everyday!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  61. Bev Eckert says:

    Sorry, forgot an “i” in my email on my previous post.

  62. Sally says:

    The teacups are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win. (I don’t THINK I commented previously. If so – sorry for the duplicate. =/ )

  63. Lola says:

    Congratulations on 25 years!! And your party looked wonderful…but how could it be anything but with such delightful hosts! And the teacups are gorgeous!

  64. Susan Stout says:

    Good morning! It’s snowing here in Colorado Springs! Colorado is like that, just when you think Spring has sprung it snows! What a wonderful idea to document everything about parties that you give! Several years ago when my daughter was still in high school we had a Valentine’s Party for her friends before the big dance. She still tells me what a wonderful party that was. You’ve inspired me to write down all a can remember about that party! What fun! Thank-you! Have a wonderful day!

  65. Teresa Jensen, CA says:

    Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!!!

  66. Minette says:

    Happy Anniversary! I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your vivid description and beautiful photographs of your Anniversary brunch. What an inspiration! I have greatly enjoyed your website, Willard newsletters and books for many years, but just was absolutely enchanted with such a lovely setting and the caring effort that you and Joe made in making it so memorable for your guests and for each other. Just really so inspiring!

  67. Jessica H. says:

    Happy anniversary Ms. Branch! I read way too many cookbooks, and yours are my favorite because they go way beyond “cookbook”. And your watercolors are so beautiful. I live in Los Angeles, CA and it’s mid-70s most afternoons lately; you’re right– no basements or attics here. It’s been years since I last saw snow (in Mammoth, CA) so I loved all your snow photos. And your garden photos, because I love to garden but now I live in a microscopic apartment with no patio or balcony so all the gardening I do now is strictly imaginary. Anyway, keep up the amazing work and the frequent posts.

  68. Sarah Krauss says:

    those cups are gorgeous! you are so generous Susan!!

  69. PauliJ says:

    You know, Susan, words cannot fully express the joy that your blog of beauty, grace, and fun bring to my life. In reading others’ comments, I know I am not alone in experiencing this warm, welcoming feeling you radiate.
    Your photos are amazing and your comments are so conversational that we all feel as if you are speaking to us alone!
    I love the history of the elegant buffet and am so thankful it was left in your home so many people can enjoy its beauty, and it can enjoy good care and lovely surroundings! 🙂
    Thank you for having these give-away drawings, though the odds are huge, I would love to add those two cups to my one in the same pattern!
    Thank you for your inspiration.
    God bless you and Joe with many more years together.
    Lovingly and gratefully,

    Paula from Central Oregon

  70. Love-Love-Love! your blog and all your fabulous pictures and whimsical drawing!–and your music selections are right up my alley–(I have a daughter in musical theater and they remind me of what she loves).
    Springtime has sprung in California. Our “new home” (1926 cottage with 2011 addition) now has the beginnings of a garden under our giant oaks!!! Of course, it’s not the country cottage garden I want yet–that will take years–but I have my hydrangeas, impatiens,fushias, and roses—-brightly colored primroses, and the first yummy camillia blooms! Ahh, life is good here in Pacific Grove!

  71. Nancy Van Fleet says:

    I love those teacups! I am not much of a tea drinker, but lately I’ve been drinking green tea at least once a day. Don’t you think it would be lovely in those pink teacups?

  72. Heidi Gore says:

    Oh that looked like a lovely gathering and the giveaway of these cups and saucers are just over the top!! I’d love to win.

  73. Naomi B. says:

    Love that Susan Branch touch!!! 🙂

  74. Barbara B says:

    I love your table and I can almost smell your beautiful flowers. Of course, your tea cups are just sooo pretty. I can imagine having tea with them – what fun. I’m visiting my grandbaby in Ohio (I’m from Michigan) and it was fun to visit with you while she is taking her nap. Her parents work during the day so I get her all to myself.

  75. Michelle in Ohio says:

    Great job with the roses. They look beautiful!

  76. pamelajane says:

    Roses and Valentine’s day and anniversaries are naturally compatible, but having roses (images as well as the real thing) around all year makes daily life like a holiday, don’t you think?

  77. Susanne says:

    Hi Susan — I love that pattern! Thank you for the chance to win….I will use them often if they, in fact, find their way to my house. I just poured a cup of tea….

  78. What a beautiful party! And the gorgeous teacups! I’d be honored to win them!

  79. WendyO says:

    Happy 25th! Happy Spring! You inspire me every time I read…….thank you!

  80. Paula Yantorno says:

    Thank you for another beautiful party, Susan! And once again, congratulations on your anniversary.

  81. DeeDee Clark says:

    A grandmother book, oh, my. I love my S.B, calenders every year! I enjoy waking to you each day to check my schedule. I have pined for Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz for years, but so far have not felt I could afford it. Maybe with 2 tea cup and saucer sets, I would buy some dessert plates to enjoy with a friend.

  82. Cindy Stokes says:

    Hi Mary,
    What a great note from Willard! I enjoyed evey word AND love all the photos. We have bulbs coming up here in Cincinnati too! I do so love spring and all that it brings : ) We moved into our home a year ago and this will be the first time our bulbs come up. The anticipation is killing me! LOL
    Your tea cup collection is so sweet and wonderful! My mom had a great tea cup collection. One of my dear sisters is enjoying it now that she has passed on. She is probably enjoying an “angelic cup” every now and again with her mom! I would just be tickled pink if Vanna pulls my post! Happy Anniversary…love is in the air!!

  83. Bonnie from Pennsylvania says:

    Hi Susan, thank you so much for the diary idea. It got me to thinking and I am going to start a diary of our family’s Easter and Thanksgiving dinners. My husband and I host the dinners at our house and it would be fun to keep a record of the dinners and maybe have a picture or two of the family around the table. What a keepsake for the grandchildren, not that I have any yet 🙁 BUT, my daughter and sons assure me that someday I will.

    In the meantime, I will start the diary.

  84. Annie Dohrman says:

    I have fallen in love with the Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz pattern! Now I want a whole set to brighten each and every day!

  85. jan says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  86. Terry says:

    Happy Anniversary and best wishes for the coming year. I love your party ideas and recipes. It is so much fun to read your blog and connect with others and your drawings and stories always make me smile! Take care.

  87. Sandi Zier says:

    I can’t imagine filling your shoes, You put on such a lovely blog and seem to be always taking pictures to share with us. Thank you for making my day always.
    We have had a very mild winter here in Wisconsin and my flowers are starting to bloom, imagine that. Your parties are always done first class, I try to do the same thing. Your cat also does exactly what my cat does with the table cloth, I keep a quilt on my dining table now that is reversible, so when it gets too much hair, I just flip it over, and it is my little secret. Thanks for sharing.

  88. Mischelle says:


    Your party sounds lovely! I can feel all of the warmth of love and friendship through your words! LOVE your dishes and would love the chance to own the set a beautiful teacups! Love reading your blog – it makes my day!


  89. Patricia Cash says:

    I can’t wait for your Breakfast Book with the recipe for your blintzes.
    They look divine!!!!
    If only your house was a Bread & Breakfast, I could come see all your beatuiful dishes.
    Thanks for sharing your home and garden. The flowers were just lovely.

  90. Jane from Florida says:

    Thank you for such a happy feel good blog. I have been enjoying your calendars for years. You always make my day!

  91. Sharan says:

    Happy Anniversary Susan and Joe. Thank you for sharing your romantic party with us. I’m inspired to have a party soon! Thanks also for the musica. I’m adding “The Glory of Love” to my playlist 🙂

  92. Patricia Swarm says:

    Oh Susan! You and yours make me smile! Inspirational and joyful living while using beautiful items that are repurposed, saved, remembered. If only they could talk!
    It is a blustery, sunny day here in Fair Oaks, California. Happy Anniversary! And may you have many more!
    Oh, just picked up three of your cookbooks at the Bookery in Placerville. How could anyone part with them? Gift them, maybe, but never trade them in for something else! So I gifted them to myself for my 62nd birthday! LOL

  93. Debbie from Tacoma says:

    My girlfriend Kim and I have loved all things Susan for many years now. Happy Anniversary! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and passion for life with us. It inspires me to provide a magical experience for my family…peaceful, serene, and simple. If I were to win the cups, I will soon be sharing a cup of tea with Kim, and reading a Willard to boot! ;o)
    Cheerio – pip pip! Hooray for Spring!

  94. Karen Braithwaite says:

    Susan, what a great idea..breakfast for friends. Thank you for sharing your inspiration with us!
    …Camino, Ca

  95. Gail says:

    I so enjoy your blog, as you know we don’t have significant seasonal changes here in Southern California so I live vicariously through you and Joe .The little videos are charming and so are you. Thanks for being so generous with the times of your life.

  96. crystal says:

    Those Johnson Bro dishes have to be the VERY BEST!! They are gorgeous!!! They match my house perfectly!!!


  97. Kathy T. says:

    Sooooo Lovely! I would love my Saturday morning coffee in one of those beautiful cups! 🙂

  98. Vela Tomba says:

    Love the menu! So delicious looking!

  99. Robin in SC says:

    I love the party book and the tea cups. I even think coffee would be good in them! Thanks for sharing.

  100. Sue Miller says:

    Happy Anniversary! You have inspired me so many tim,e thru your books for party ideas. I love your Party of Love. I have a party journal but not as artistic or complete as yours. Again, you show me how to be more of who i want to be. If your beautiful cups and saucers were to come and live at my house, I would have tea with my best friend, Sally. We have solved so many of life’s mysteries over a cup of tea at each others tables…for more than 35 years!
    Sue, Tonawanda, NY

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